Category: Film & Animation
Hollywood just can’t get away from legacy sequels, and they’re not planning to anytime soon. so, now we have “beetlejuice beetlejuice”. are they going to make a third one and call it “beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice”? probably because the projected box office numbers are looking pretty good for... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ex just 100% original and it's kind of i've always described it as a as a kind of piece of art you could almost just like grab the movie and if you could just hang it you know somewhere it's that's why for a long time he and i thought don't touch it but it's also kind of timeless and it must touch things... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Quand ça fait des années que tu n'as pas sorti de film et que tu reviens avec une énorme annelle de prou à un âge avancé je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser que tim burton revient d'outre tombe pour préparer sa retraite salut à tous c'est vin sur plot on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour parler du nouveau... Read more
Category: Gaming
What's going on everybody welcome to movie talks for movie news movie reviews and more episode 107 lawson's lost the tab so he's a little bit flustered we're filming on a saturday night a little bit little bit different so we are cooking we've got b juice ble juice beetle juice or just beetle juice... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Beetlejuice beetlejuice co-screenwriter miles miller explains why michael keaton's beetlejuice only appears for a limited time in tim burton's original 1988 movie the titula character has only 17 minutes of screen time during which he wears his iconic striped suit for just 2 minutes that approach of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
NĂłs sabemos que se dissermos o nome dele trĂŞs vezes ele aparece em instal o caos se dissermos uma vez toda a gente se diverte com um clássico que tem tudo que o tim burton tem de bom e se dissermos duas vezes bem vamos falar sobre isso mas antes divirtam-se a gostar deste vĂdeo subscrever o canal e... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
When beetlejuice explains his qualifications to human hunt he says he's traveled extensively attended jard graduated from harvard school of business survived the black plague and watched the exorcist 167 times and at first i thought the black plague reference was definitely our timestamp for his life... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The legacy sequel is a dirty phrase in 2024 it doesn't mean a tag team reunion of cody rh and ted debiasi jr it means your favorite films from the past are dug up and propped up on screen legacy sequels try to revive or continue long dormant franchises and they often feel like hollow attempts to cash... Read more
Category: Entertainment
J'ai une petite annonce à vous faire on a retrouvé le bébé de braind dead salut les cinéphiles de l'extrême et bienvenue pour cette nouvelle critique à l'arche où nous allons parler de beatle juice beatle juice c'est-à -dire la suite de ou là là j'ai failli le dire une troisième fois la suite qui pour... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We just got out of beetle juice beetle juice and now it's time to talk about this movie this movie what was it it was a sequel a lot of people have been saying things i've been seeing online like this movie 30 years too late what you doing beetlejuice beetle juice but i would say i don't know kind of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Let's talk beetlejuice beetle juu congratulations uh you worked with tim burton on wednesday i think he's a a genius i don't know him but i'm a big fan of him did he know that you would be perfect like that he was that he was doing beetlejuice this beetle juice beetle juice and you were going to be... Read more
Category: Gaming
Michael keaton hi michael hello i'm jord lovely to meet you 36 years it's longer than i've been alive we been waiting such a long time finally you're sharing it tonight how does it feel to be sharing it here at the uk premier oh great always great i love being here but uh you know i love this movie... Read more