Category: Science & Technology
Hello everyone this is veritistic 2 in this video we have the tcl k24 this phone available for extremely low price so if you've been shoving around looking for something on budget maybe you need to consider this device but before you do this make sure to watch the video in full because we're going to... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] congratulations today we've seen a lot of players or at least some players kind of talk about the grind of the summer schedule and and the struggles that they've had but you especially with the olympics but you haven't really seemed to have that issue um why do you think that is and and what's... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Iphone11 आज लच हो गया है ऑफिश iphone11 pro1 pro1 आपको मिलेगा ओनली $799 में और iphone11 199 में और [संगीत] इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स पे आपको मिल जाएगा 20 सितंबर से iphone11 फोन पहले दिन गिफ्ट करेंगे स सारे भाई कमेंट काने इस वीडियो में भी बाद में नहीं कहना मेरा कमेंट मिस हो गया है जिसका गिफ्ट अनाउंस करेंगे उसको दे देंगे iphone11 Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] did the music like crank up to like a 100 or something could have swore that sound louder than normal and by the way i don't want to say anything is that like is that kind of a spoiler cuz you hear of course they' have a magic cy too and of course they have a super of the costume too... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] you know it's it's crazy to um have come into this tournament a week and a half almost two weeks ago and um you know i was kind of joking a little bit with my team but a little bit serious as well that um you know i was looking to win one match at the us open and now to be leaving um having... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] rare super [music] rare rare i [music] bring epic Read more
Category: Sports
[music] since you could play jen next i wanted to ask if you could explain what you said after the match in paris and what you meant by that yeah um i don't want to go super into the weeds with it but um i think during that match and um you know on the practice cord and uh the last few times i've played... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
This one was making waves today bmw to start selling heated seat subscriptions this even got a reaction from vin what did he say he said ugg [laughter] he was a massive reaction from him yes he did not like this he doesn't even have a bmw though no no no bmw um no skin in the game but just forecasting... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Iphone 15 pro max 11 pro max 5x 5x okay take photo the same time this is zoom in you can't read [music] anything here you can read everything clearly let's compare [music] what Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Iphone11 iphone11 pro1 pro-e है मैं जल्दी से बताता हूं तो iphone11 प में नए कलर्स आए हैं उसमें आपको 48 मेगापिक्सल का मेन मिलने वाला है 12 मेगापिक्सल का अल्ट्रा वाइड एक्शन बटन भी आ चुका है कैमरा कंट्रोल का नया बटन इसमें ऐड किया हुआ है बहुत ही यूज़फुल होने वाला है और इसमें आपको a बायोक चिपसेट मिलने वाली है जो बहुत ही पावरफुल है तो येही कुछ दोनों रहने वाले 16 और 16 प्लस और जो इसकी प्राइस रहने वाली है 16 की वो रहने वाली... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro i'm hi matt we went out with pocket now and if you're looking for a very good back-to-school tablet that can also replace your laptop it's time to have a second look at the microsoft surface three sponsored by at&t we don't blame overview you if you still confuse the name surface with the first... Read more
Category: Education
Intro ja girokaden kreditkarten debitkarten prepaid karten was gibt es nicht alles für karten ja der normale mensch blickt da kaum noch durch und in der letzten zeit da gab es auch etwas ja unruhe diskussionen mit der girocard mit der sogenannten ec-karte da war teilweise zu lesen ja die könnte vielleicht... Read more