PWHL Puck Drop | Names and Logos INSTANT REACTION!

welcome on in to this very special very special name Logo day edition of the P HL puck drop podcast maybe we'll play the jingle just for our special guest Lindsay here it is it's time for the pwl dropcast cuz nobody likes my jingle but Lindsay said she misses it and look who it is it's our friend Lindsay come on in talk about the logos and you know what's going to be really cool Lindsay is you just you said you only just saw these like 20 minutes ago so this is like instant instant reaction so this is gonna be so good I will admit I I haven't had a lot of time to study them either but I I spent the morning you know with all of the the buzz going around and around and the tweets that went out so I I definitely got a feel for the vibe of the community but this is going to be interesting and uh I guess what we'll do first of all Lindsay how are you people have missed you people in the comments have asked me where you are and look she she's alive yes um I'm good I'm good the WNBA is kind of like dramatic compared to the pwhl so I'm I'm like I'm looking forward to the non drama of the pwh okay where it's like people aren't fighting all the time well we'll see we've got some you know there was some smack talk after the playoffs and some stuff that went down so we'll see it's going to get like we both were just saying before we went live here that we can't wait like it's taking too long this logo name tease is now like hurting our hearts because we're like but now we got to wait like almost two months or roughly that so but let's get into it we don't want to be here all day we want to just hit all six we're going to look at some tweets I mean first of all I'll just say oh my general impression is positive like I'm so glad they didn't use those previous previously right I mean were you a fan of those in any way are you no right no I feel like I liked I kind of liked the wicked like I got it I kind of liked it but I saw other people did not like it at all it was it was problematic in so many ways um I'm glad that I mean I could have maybe lived with one or two but I'm I think all of these are way better so well done there pdub great job by the marketing staff and we know they're operating Fast and Furious like a smaller budget like let's give them a break for doing a really good job but with that we're also going to tear them apart or at least critique them right yeah okay so um and we'll try not to be biased even though we have our favorite teams which affects a little bit how we feel but we'll see so we're gon to start just with you know the and I also think it's so cool have you been on the website because it's totally redone too I was on the shop I was looking at all the merch but I don't I don't really go on the website too much yeah the website itself so like they had a lot going on they've got all the branding here in place for each team um you know the the colors we haven't seen the jerseys yet so that'll be coming up apparently we'll probably say early November sounded like I mean look they've even renamed their newsletters like they I think they've done a really good job of covering all the bases and and getting this together but we're going to look just in the order that they are here on the home page and I promise I will let Lindsay talk just waiting just she's being so polite um so they've got the six logos splashed here on the home screen and they look I mean we're going to see less purple G to miss the good old purple but uh so we we'll go in the order that they are here okay so we've got the Boston Fleet your thoughts I actually like the Boston one quite a bit I I get it it's the Whalers basically that's it's like the Whalers thing sideways um but it's like it's an actual logo so I like it um I think the more you kind of look at it the more it's like the details are kind of cool I do kind of like the name too like it's it's Unique like you don't want a name that just everybody uses which is hard because there's so many teams obviously but so I kind of like it when they teased um you know the shot of the the water um I had a fleeting thought wow did you hear that when they did the te's uh I thought what if they Nam them the Haba the Boston H like you know which I thought would have been actually and okay I know you're you always pick me apart for my looking at colors but you know they went from this yellowish green to a more let's say minsh green but it's still so muted I wish they just like I like the green I don't know why you don't I like I mean I like this green I I just even in the logo like it's a little muted so I think they could have just made it pop but that's that's very minor so do you want to do you want to you know separate how you feel about the name and the logo or just all in one yeah I feel like it would have been weird like different if we just got the names first no logo yeah I don't I don't know I like I kind of like the name I think people like the name too yeah I think this one has and then they uh I mean the league they did a great job they came out with the logos they came out with the word marks and then they came out with like an explanation and a closer look with the waves waves of resilience oh I haven't seen that yeah there's all you know a lot of information here on on how this all came together and I'll also be posting part of the press conference where the players spoke and and Hillary Knight really liked the anchor she thought that was really cool and the waves she seemed really pumped about the logo um which was cool to see so I went ahead and like when I first learned the names I thought the fleet is solid like eight out of 10 it's it's good name it works it's it's good it's fine when I add in the logo I just felt a little bit less than the name I like the waves I think just the the letter Mark could have just been pumped up a little more it looks a little odd I don't know it I think it could have done the anchor thing just in a little bit Bolder but it's pretty solid pretty solid overall this is a good one to start with because it's sort of like some are better some are worse right yep and it's going to look good when the fans you know got to think about like fans chanting it and you know things that the fans are going to do with it like what they Nam their newsletter and their mascots and there's a whole bunch of stuff with it Lindsay have you ordered any merch yet no but I was looking at it I have I have money from selling all my NHL stuff so I have money to spend you might want to hurry because some things are selling out this um this t-shirt all teams have like a version of this t-shirt which I think I ordered uh I had I just had to so I broke down so this is a good spot to mention look in the description for my page where you can donate to help keep all this running you know keep just keep my zoom account up and running keep you know keep my batteries running in my mouse and the electricity on but so okay let's let's give this one kind of like good you know good solid good good start and let's move now have to pace myself to the Minnesota Frost go ahead I I don't know if I get the name like it's cold there but like I don't know if it's very catchy like may it it might grow on me I'm not sure like I like I'm very newly reacting to these um so I don't know about the name I feel like there were like names that were floating around like the fans chose that I thought were better this is the one I mean we can say it the people kind of were hoping maybe the Purple Rain or the rain oh yeah yeah that's what I wanted I wanted so much and then they kind of leaked something about cold so it was like blizzard storm ice White Caps some people speculated uh this this one's so generic I I thought the logo looked kind of like maybe it doesn't I don't know like the the Montreal Force like from the phf that's what I thought that was at first and I'm like wait what you just took their logo I don't know no I'm not wanted to talk because my logo is a g and so I I know I'm aware that like it's kind of the easy way out but there's no to me this is the weakest one overall like combined like the name I was like I was like it was equal to Fleet it was like okay Gatorade Frost someone posted that too I know people immediately started looking around for like what is this reminding me of and again like they're okay the shirt like that purple shirt is making me think like that's a Gatorade shirt exactly yeah with be a g instead of an F that's all I'm seeing now you can't unsee it right um let's let's see what their explanation here icicles in motion okay and cold Precision the icy nature I just think this one is so generic that it it borders on like mediocrity it's I don't like this one and then and I think it's also the weakest of the word marks because whatever they've done with their pointy edges is just doesn't work for me and here again they kind of DED down the purple to like that lavender this is the worst one for me I'm just going to say it oh no no I'm not going that far oh right oh I forgot logo wise I forgot yeah I gave the name like the name is name might midling but it's one of the worst logos it's tied for the worst logo I wonder if people are already guessing I think it's been pretty widespread which one people were hating on but the word the word marks are interesting to see because they work a little differently I'm looking at Gatorade Frost like all the logos and it's fine you could do that with any sport um you know like I'm not going to hate just for that that's minor I just think it's weak overall but yes some of the associations there there are some even funnier ones coming up folks do not leave this podcast because way till you see what the uh Twitter verse discovered about a couple of these logos okay so we're going back to the homepage so we've given Boston average we've given Minnesota like mediocre the Montreal vict Montreal Montreal vict I posted yes you have indeed won and for the listener uh Gom Who challenged me to say it wanted me to send a sound file as an anglophone feeling that we wouldn't be able to say victoire guess what we can some people might struggle and drop you know Victa or Victor it certainly might happen but I just I don't see that as a reason not to use this Splendid name I think it's beautiful I love that they've you know added the blue I imagine that the gray is probably going away but uh what do you think this one Linds that's my favorite I think I feel like that's a consensus too is like that's an actual logo it's not just a letter there's a real logo yeah no it's nice it's like a Crest it's a shield yeah I mean design like some of them missed the Mark here with like not making a logo which which is hard it's harder than like I tried to come up with some logos and stuff because I like to draw but it is hard I I'll say that especially since so many are taken like you're at a point where there's so many different teams um we got p anrock in the shirt yeah she was on the call and uh someone in French asked her about only using you know a French version but I think the consensus even among you know the English reporters was like it's okay we want to honor it um you know the league staff said the same thing we we picked this on purpose we love it we love that it has that quality to it it it's not something they're not trying to represent and you know English speakers can get on board too um yeah I gave this my top Mark if I were to add up the name I was kind of like I had a pause just I want people to say it correctly so but with the logo this is definitely the top of the top Yeah I think that's the and I believe it is vict theal yeah I love it and you know they they used the accent on the E no problem even when they were p p WHL Montreal um I like the font I mean it's sharp it's clean it's my favorite for sure I'm I I'm gonna like when I saw the merch for that I was like I want everything like I love those colors I like the logo yeah I kind I want a lot of Montreal merch it looks the Flor in here and then little quiet not that quiet but the M you know this was oh noticed that good I like when there's those little details yeah it's important and someone said it has like almost like a a bird wing you know it's not in your face there's nothing about it that's that doesn't settle and I think the colors are gorgeous I might have to switch favorite teams Lindsay surprised they're not your favorite team since they have poo really I mean I love them I uh I mean I love Pooh so much and I just spoke to you know Jen Gardner and Kayla Barnes who are beautiful people so I'm definitely cheering for Montreal in most of their games it just looks good let's just say it they won the day they won the and now we'll move on to the New York Sirens look at her expression changed dramatically well it it's not a logo again it's just words like what's the like I want to be able to have it where it's like you don't need the letters and you can see what the logo is you know what I mean like this is a word you and I were were commenting that the WNBA logos are really well done I think WSL we won't get too like off topic but like the WNBA logos is Rock like I love those um I feel like it's almost like a test is like if I want to draw it it's cool and I want to draw the WNBA logos they did such a good job with theirs like Minnesota's the links and that looks really cool um the Liberty looks really cool and they have that same like teal like all the New York women's teams have that teal I really like that like that they're all kind of connected yeah but I don't this one doesn't work for me I will say this was my favorite name so when I like got the names cuz I was able to get the names a little ahead so I didn't realize it was all going to come together and this I was getting ready to write that this is my favorite name I just think it's it has different meaning meanings and it it works and it's a plural word which is nice you know we didn't want to go with the sound but when I saw the logo it now got downgraded to just sort of like like I like the echo thing that's cool I do like it but like the the background part is really weird apparently uh you know this is supposed to be like taxi cab so I think the gold they added gold to what three teams they keep adding yellow to it why is that needed in everyone like the word Mark is okay um but I think it's that that the New York in the background and there's something that just says baseball to me like it I don't know it's because it's a diamond um I get that I see that like I don't I don't like it's not it's not the worst but it works but yet I think it just could have been better the LI that's the Liberty one and it looks really cool like they've got a torch like the design like I just think that looks really cool yes it's sick like they just they got everything in there it looks really good yeah and then the liberty like that makes sense and the teal you know that's obviously Lady Liberty is kind of that color the statue so it's it's cool but yeah if they could have done something with a little more shape to it along the lines of the Liberty I and they like they incorporate the basketball too where it's like do any of these have like anything hockey in them I'm trying to like they don't have sticks or like you know like I love the the the PB logo like the W with the stick yeah I freaking love that logo yeah that one works um yeah so you know we're not trying to we're trying to point out there are definitely a lot of positives that you can do a lot once you like get it on a jersey once you get it on your merch and stuff it it'll take on a whole new Vibe so we're not you know but yeah I don't want to be like I hate it because I don't it's just like what the I think the good the the greatest thing he brought up was like the WNBA logos those look like they tried really hard like what what can we do to like Infuse the logo they Infuse I think like most of them have a basketball in them and that's really cool and then they have their colors they have their unique colors so I wish I guess I want like a little bit more of a logo a little bit less just like words or letters right yeah yeah you're right there's not much graphically happening in some of these um Boston has the anchor and I mean Montreal does have and that's probably why it works it just has something else that whole design which is cool right I like these videos I'll be sure to you know put these in here if you're watching the podcast on video you know the team videos they came out with a lot of it is really nice they it's a nice touch and the players genuinely seemed pretty positive with it so there is that and we'll make it work we're definitely going to make these work but we gota got to keep it real here on the on the puug drop um unfortunately Lindsay we have to get to your favorite team um so disappointed because I want to get an Emily Clark Jersey and I don't like this logo at all the jerseys maybe the jerseys will redeem this business are you showing the the photo oh yeah this is the tweet that um a lot of people just killed me congratulations to the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Calgary Flames on their new child in case you're not watching the video please go I'll put this on on my Twitter why is it a c it's an O they didn't close the O thus making it even more Calgary Flames like I like the name I gave the name like an eight out of 10 I was like it's kind of cool I could see it's see chanting that really easily yeah charge I mean it it has there's that's my that's like my high school we were the Chargers so be like charge yeah it has it has potential it does I don't know if it's connected to the city I'll have to check that right now what they're saying but um like this thing here with I don't like the font unfortunately they've gone ahead and joined the two T's which is just um kerning 101 someone must have liked that I'm sorry whoever you are but the like the the way it's typed and the font is just blah and the the mark itself um I I'm not sure what else to say about it um advance on a all charge electrifying Force I get that I I don't mind it but why did they add the gold is gold electricity is gold something to do with charging I don't like the gold there see like that's just red I like that better like red and red black and white was was working for me I think that could help but it's still take away the yellow I don't I don't want it it it makes it look like the Flames let's just sit here and look at this for a minute in total silence no I'm joking the monogram o reflects a spinning object charged with electricity intensity in the power I get that the faceted okay the faceted cut in the O subtly introduces the letter c tying the oh I didn't even that's a C is for charge that's why it looks like a c but that's also why it looks like Calgary I see what they tried to do I gave this my lowest score i i y um I it's just kind of odd it's not even done that strongly in the sort of jagged bolts or whatever that is it's the one last and you're like I just got to get this done do that sense imagine I wonder if that's how it went down I just yeah I gotta go home let's just do a sea with some Flames coming out of it yeah there we go k d That's What just under the wire I'm I'm sorry AWA folks I love your team but you know love the fan base maybe was just loving every maybe everything was going too well I don't know I don't know was too good they had to do something they'll be they'll be fine they will survive this will all be good but we we got to call it like we see it here and this definitely is in in last place for both of us right let's just let's just move on let's just move on all right now we have another interesting one this is my favorite team and I I liked the name when when the teas came out with like um the Royal queen crown monarchs etc etc and I liked I liked the name I think the name had a lot of potential to you know for fan like a hockey stick is your scepter and for the fans to bring scepter and it it's sort of an unusual word that you haven't heard a lot so I was like you know I gave this right up there with the Sirens I I thought this will this will be good and then we see the logo so I will wait and see what you thought of it if you've even seen it enough here let's take a look at their uh explanation a symbol of strength and power and courts it'll be wielded on the ice by Toronto's hockey royalty like there's so many like word games you can play with it I think it does make it pretty cool but again they've added the yellow I don't they don't need the yellow we're not sure blue they're blue yeah I think the blue and white was strong and then okay so here's a look at the the T and S and I don't know why but when I first saw it all I could think was like Spooner like the S was Spooner for some reason I don't know why yeah that's I mean she was on the show this morning wearing the shirt she said I'm proud to be a Toronto scepter like just her saying it that way I was like oh it's kind of cool um I have a friend who just said no this is just a no but but I I like that it has a little bit of depth like the there it's darker lighter to give it a beveled appearance which which helps that sometimes that all it takes is like give me a little 3D feeling not just like a letter just sit floating there in outer space um so that there's the shirt spoon herself who by the way is skating this week yes I saw her recovery video and I was pumped yeah she's working she's working her butt off to get Mama yeah so um yeah I gave this to me this is a little above the like the the fleet and the uh Frost like it's not the vikto nobody is up to the level of the vikto but it I think it's it's it it's good it's very very strong what do you think I like I like the name because it's Unique like I I like I kind of like the name like the Royals but it's like how many teams are called the Royals right so I do like that it's uh again like it's it's Unique to them that's their team you're not thinking of like anybody else really I think when you when you hear it right um so I do like the name maybe not at first but I think it'll grow on me a little bit like again like it's not a common word so it might I think it'll grow on me a little bit more and the logo I did like the logo but then you ruined it for me I'm about to spoil it you another thing another thing that's interesting is the Canadian spelling that might trip some people up um probably you know your auto correct is going to do something in the USA and and change this one so but I kind of like that it has that Canadian spelling kind of like it's stubbornly Canadian and I rather like that okay yeah so I sent this to lindsy um somebody didn't really have to look too hard only like like the most famous person what on the globe her like famous a video wearing what looks and I just don't know what to say to this at first I thought you like made up the image like because like it's TS like Taylor Swift and then then I looked up and I was like oh I wish oh this is a real thing like she's wearing that and then you ruined it for me cuz I kind of liked it um and and uh it was also pointed out to me that uh St Thomas University has a very similar not in color not not nearly as close but and this you know to me this is a little bit of a problem you know the league doesn't need to create this kind of an issue for itself so I'm going to try to just ignore it but like it you know it'll take a while for people to stop laughing about it like you're just like uh I mean I didn't think of it like before that till someone pointed it out because I'd never seen that before but yeah I like I I don't know the video well enough but as soon as I saw the picture I was like oh yeah oh geez and yeah is is Taylor Swift gonna sue them I feel like she could so if you had to if you had had to let's just pick I like I think two or three of them are just mid and then so we already agreed on the winner the lto and I'll say that to you Gom and hope I've redeemed myself is is the winner it has a lot of great qualities and then what's your worst I think it's Ottawa like the name or the or the logo the whole as as a combo like overall is one of the names worse for you frost I don't really like the frost it just it yeah I can't get Gatorade out of my head now plus I'm obsessed with like grape Gatorade and that's purple so that's like that's all I'm seeing now so yeah jeez it's a tie for last I think Ottawa was the worst logo yeah Frost is the worst name combo I agree I don't think I don't think go name is as bad as the logo and again I'm sorry to the people that worked on this like you know like we're just having fun with it this is what you for a few days we're just giving like opinions like we could just sit here and say oh they're really great but like then it wouldn't be a discussion so you got to look at them and and like think about it but what we want to see it on some more merch and like on the jerseys of course I want to see look that's kind of because like that's what they're wearing right like that's the main thing so I really want to see how that looks and I hope the Ottawa don't like I hope it's not yellow that's what I I don't want it to be yellow no I like I think they're keeping their primary color primary but yeah there's there's some bright yellow in there same with Toronto I hope they don't since the logo has the yellow I would think the rest of Toronto has to be pretty blue to kind of make it you know kind of stay blue um a what a dollar sign that's true now that you say that well like it's yellow and then it's got the line through it I don't know like where did the blue go why is the blue not in the logo at all well because the blue is the background the blue is the background so like you know it works when you kind of but again it's Buffalo Sabers color it's just there's some weirdness it's all fine I wish we could sort of like maybe I'll put a crawl on the screen like everything's fine and we love all these logos because you know but if if we just said what we love love about it it would get kind of and I love that they're backwards here if they took these pictures and um because of the cell phone look they're right out of the package they got the creases in them we got to love it we know they're at the team Canada Camp Miss watching them yeah I mean the players have been great all the draft picks have been really great and available and I think the league is in really really good shape I think you know this is a day we all waited for and we're happy to celebrate along with the teams that it's here I mean I'm still G I'm glad I have the originals cuz you can say you know we were there for all the early all the early days but uh it's it's going to be a whole new era now it's different uh we're gonna have to get used to this just okay okay I'm just realizing this too those are the colors of my high school too oh man you should love it then that's all I'm seeing is like my High School logo and I'm like this is the PEB like they shouldn't have my high school color is a color it's not their fault but um I'll hold out hope I'll hold out hope that they can come through um so we found the secret to where the logos all truly came from the Frozen one the Toronto is the yellow TTC Frozen it's making us really crack up like what ah what I did like is how much the fans are supporting it like I saw a lot of fans being like I don't love this still going to buy all the merch so when you know I hear from I've got a few people that that you know message me from other fan bases and what I love is the Boston person sends me like well Boston's the best logo I really like like they just sort of owned it right away and the New York person was like sirens you can't get more New York than that and like so and even me like I'm leaning I'm defending the Toronto logo for all these reasons and so you know fans really are are in it for the long hul and are taking ownership and fighting that their logos are the best but Montreal wins sorry so we'll just end on that uh um what does this word mean wait let me try this de that's their newsletter infol so newsletter uh and you know I'm going to work on my French I'm going to be in Canada logo so we we love this we'll end on like just all good happiness and congratulations though pwl well done we'll just leave it at that like it it's a lot of work and we appreciate it and we're just going to enjoy it and try to you know stay on the positive side and go buy all the merch definitely I'm I'm so happy they have all these different options all the hoodies all the different series of of design Collections and they have and they have the sizes too like they actually put the 3x and stuff so I'm happy about that so if you haven't gotten to the shop yet better get there and grab that and then uh it'll be at the games of course so we will see you there with all of your merch on it's going to be exciting just to see all that new stuff in the air and and the new chance I know what are we going to do for two months I guess we're just going to have to we'll find a way to keep talking hockey but let's wrap this up Lindsay um you'll have to maybe if you have any say it's okay we we've now become a very pet friendly podcast we've had multiple appearances um so all good we love it we're happy to see it uh we'll have uh you know the news conference and some other things for you to talk about hopefully you can join the discussion please do that folks and you know just keep on supporting us we really really appreciate this Lindsay will be back in the season two we'll have a lot more guests and and a lot more to catch up on I have a lot of content that I need to hurry up and push out there so let me know what you think what's your favorite what's your least favorite and why don't you go ahead and send us on out Lindsay I almost forgot my my out what is it it's peed up peace out see you next you're welcome see you next time drop podast [Music]

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