INTOUCHABLES | Film Complet en Français | Action, Thriller

Published: Feb 28, 2022 Duration: 01:36:06 Category: Film & Animation

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- Time! - Daddy! - Hey! Whoo! So how'd I do? - You did good. See? - I did great. - I did great. Hello! - Hello! - Marianne! - Do you think mom will let me come back next weekend? - I don't know. Certainly couldn't hurt to ask. Definitely ask. Definitely ask. Yeah. Look, look, look. See that hawk? - Mm-hmm. - Wow. Isn't that neat? That's beautiful. - Do you think you and mom will ever get back together? - You know something, baby? Mommy and daddy love each other very, very much. And we love you very, very much. We just have some things to work out. That's all. Okay? Wow. A ladybug. A ladybug. You know something? I think we will. In fact, I know we will. We'll be a family again real soon. You'll see. Okay? Now, we better get you to school, huh? Okay, come on. Now, your mom's gonna be picking you up from school, now, your mom's gonna be picking you up from school, right? - Yeah. Okay. - Go to the d.I. On my knees. - Sergeant north, don't hurt me, please. - Sergeant north, don't hurt me, please. - Teach me to fight and stay alive. - Teach me to fight and stay alive. - I'm still a baby, too young to die. - I'm still a baby, too young to die. - Left, left. All right, maggots, my name's master sergeant John north. And not only do you have the pleasure of having me as your drill sergeant, I will also double as your hand-to-hand combat instructor as well. Isn't that peachy? Right! Hoo! Let me explain something about hand-to-hand combat, gentlemen. Gentlemen. It's not about size. It's not about strength. It's not about egos. It's about timing. It's about distance. - Full time march! - It's about position. See how my hand is controlling his neck? So that I place him where I want him. I bring him down. I lock him. Self-infliction. Left, left, right, left! I'm gonna tell you right now, it's not about size and strength in hand-to-hand combat. It's about you and me. We block, parry, and enter. Come back in. We slice his neck. Hip position. Hip position. Grab your opponent. Jugular. Back of the skull. You just crank until you hear a snap. It's all about torque and balance. War is not a game. It's meant to be played by men, and that's what I'm gonna make you. We take our opponent's right hand, take him, take him down, roll, finish our opponent. I'm gonna throw you, and I'm gonna teach you how to throw me. Not bad. - Hiya, pumpkin. - Hi. Are we going home? - We have to run a couple of errands. Why don't you say hi to Hank? - Okay. - Okay. - It's me. Yeah? Are we there? Middle of bumf%ck. Bumf%ck nowhere. - Are you with him? - Yeah. Yeah, we're standing with the man right now. - Can we hurry this up? Sam's waiting for me already. - Quick time, halt! - Platoon, halt! Order! Halt! Fall out. - How do you do it, sarge? - Got the ammo? - Yeah, we set to go. - Yeah, we set to go. - Pay him. - We cool. - Good. I'm getting Dexter's rifles tonight. Get your a%s back to L.A. - Right. Got an audience. - Well, then, take care of it. - Yeah. - Hi, Hank. - Hey, Darlene. - Hey, Darlene. - $10 unleaded. - Sure. How you doing today? - Mom? - Great. There you are. What's wrong, marianne? - No. - Mommy. - Come on, g, let's get out of here. - Watch the door. - Holy sh%t. Marcus! - All units, code 12, 11547, cancel. - Oh, man, that's all I need. - Do you think you got him? - Go look. - f%ck you. - We be just fine. - Officer down, code 11. - Roger, backup units rolling. - Move sooner, move sooner. Rock homer, rock homer, rock homer. Okay, you-- - should have known better than to come in here with some howdy-doody white motherf%cker, talk like he run-d.M.C. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Keep it up, motherf%cker. - What? - Keep it up. - What? Drop my a%s then, man. - One victim may be in cardiac arrest. Respond to that. - Marianne. - I got at least three gunmen inside. One confirmed dead. One dead or wounded. They got a little girl hostage. They say they're gonna shoot her. - North! No, John, no! John! John! - You want me to drop your a%s, you little mother-- - yeah, you ain't got the nerve. Drop me, man. Drop me. - Hey, hey, hey! Check it out. - All units, all units in vicinity of willow and cherry, code 30. Proceed code 3. - Get him out of there. - John, no! Damn it! - What the f%ck? - Hold your fire. Hold your fire! - Daddy! - You must have a death wish, boy. - You must have a death wish, boy. - Just take--take it easy. The police sent me in exchange for the girl. You don't want to hurt a little girl. - What the f%ck you know about me? You want to know something about me, motherf%cker? Watch this. - Daddy! - Daddy. - Yeah! Yeah! - Yeah, what ride you want to take? - White horse. - Enjoy. Courtesy of uncle Sam. What the--f%cker. - Uh-oh. Tsk, tsk. Army's looking for you boys. They seem to think you stole some high-tech military ordnance and then went awol. And then went awol. Today's army, I tell you. - Hey, keep it down in there! - Now, we are here for those rare guns. - Buddy, this is f%cked up. We got a heavy hitter coming to pay down for that sh%t tonight, and when they hear what you done, your a%s is gonna be grass. - That's very good. You follow muhammad ali, don't you? You follow muhammad ali, don't you? You just don't dance as good. Now, let me explain the situation. I have spent the last 36 hours snorting whiskey, drinking smack, and shooting coca%ne, and visa is breathing down my neck because my sh%tty day job just isn't paying the bucks. Now, what I want to know from you is, where are the guns? Where are the guns? - Man, look, we've got no ammunition for this sh%t. They're no f%cking good to you. - Love ya. Mean it. Look into your heart, soldier boy. The only way you get to live longer is if you don't tell me where the guns are. Confused? Well, you see, then I get to torture you. Well, you see, then I get to torture you. No? Citibank doesn't wait. Nor do I. - I thought you were gonna torture him. - I don't have time for that sh%t. Hold this, fella. Tsk, tsk. Voila. - Nobody f%cking move! - Keep it the f%ck down, man. I'm trying to sleep! Oh, that's sweet. Give me some of that. Oh, man, that smells good. Is it my imagination, or does the army spray this sh%t with perfume before they ship it? - Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing? - I'm stealing this sh%t. What does it look like? - Well, coincidentally, that's what it looks like. - Well, coincidentally, that's what it looks like. The problem is that I'm stealing it. We were here first. - Ooh. Oh, yeah, well, we called dibs on it. - Look, you take the drugs, and we'll take the guns. Does that sound fair? - Well, I hate to oversimplify, but I got the gun, motherf%cker. - That's my point exactly. You see, you got the gun, but I got the guns. - Well, he's one resilient son of a b%tch. I'll give him that. I'll give him that. - Am I in a hospital? - Trauma ward, sergeant. You've been a coma for the last eight weeks. - What happened to me? - You need to rest. - Doctor, according to you, I've been resting for eight weeks. - What's the last thing you recall? - What's the last thing you recall? - I'm driving home. - Nurse. - Darlene. - Nurse, nurse! Nurse! Nurse! Quick. - Dr. Brock, your patient is ready in radiology. - Can't keep a good man down, huh, sergeant? - It's good to see you. - It's good to see you. Allen, these people won't tell me anything. They won't even let me see my little girl. They won't even let me see my little girl. - John. - Allen. Please, god, Allen. She's alive, right? - Technically. - Which are you, a lawyer or a cop? - Kid, I am the cop. - Kid, I am the cop. Federal agent Karl savak. - Think you could have taken any longer getting me out of there? - f%ck you. You know the song and dance I had to do for the U.S. attorney? Piece of sh%t like you. I had to pull smoke and mirrors right out of my a%s just to get them to believe we needed you to take down Dexter Kane. - Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't thanked you properly. Thank you for getting me out, and f%ck you while I'm at it. I wouldn't have been in there in the first place if I wouldn't have been in there in the first place if I hadn't been looking for ammunition for guns you couldn't even f%cking get. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Well, why do you think you're out? - To find out who ripped you off? I don't think so. You promised Dexter Kane guns you couldn't deliver. That's your problem. I ain't in your dog and pony show no more. - I'm just trying to get me a little money together and slide on down to Mexico. - Keep the change. You're gonna be in my dog and pony show until the pony dies, pony. What do you think this is monopoly? And you have a get out of jail free card? You killed a little girl. Now you'll do what I say, or you're gonna be blowing your chunks in the gas chamber. It's a beautiful day. Enjoy it. - When a child is taken from us in this useless way, we cannot understand it. Our faith is tested. But we must stand strong, for there is method in madness. And though we may long for recourse, we are taught it is holier in his eyes to turn the other cheek, that we shall not kill, and that vengeance is his. And that vengeance is his. - Miss Adams? Hi. John north. We spoke on the phone. - Oh, yes, have a seat, Mr. north. - Thank you. Now, when we last spoke, miss Adams, I had told you that the federal marshals had transported the prisoner that killed my family transported the prisoner that killed my family down here to L.A. If you remember, you were gonna find out what was happening with the case. - Yes. It turns out the FBI took immediate custody of the prisoner, and all information on the case is sealed. - Sealed? What exactly does that mean? - Right. You'll have to talk to this man, agent Karl savak. He's running control on the case now. - Psst, mom. - Yeah, come on. Mikey, that's bad. - It's true. - Yeah, well, you will be home for dinner, right? - Yeah, mom. - Mm-hmm. Whoa, whoa, whoa, boy, when you see your mother talking to someone, you don't ignore them as if they're not there. Now, this is sergeant north. Say hello. - What kind of sergeant are you? - I'm in the army, son. - You ever kill anybody? - Michael. - Okay, mom, I'm gone. - Okay, mom, I'm gone. - No, you better give me a kiss before you walk out that door. Thank you. Sorry. - No, it's no problem. Must be tough raising a kid around here. - I'll be honest with you, Mr. north. It's a daily battle. These streets hold a magnetism for a boy Mikey's age. He's 12 years old, and he knows those streets as well as any gang banger. - Well, what about his father? - His father. Please. Frankly, he's a part of the problem. Frankly, he's a part of the problem. - That's too bad. - Anyway, Mr. north, what agent savak's interest is in the man that you're looking for, you'll have to ask him. - Fine. How do I get a hold of Karl savak? - Sergeant. Agent Carl savak. Agent tam, agent klark. So how can I help you? - My family was murdered eight weeks ago in a convenience store, and the man who did it is currently in a convenience store, and the man who did it is currently being held here under FBI custody. I was also instructed to contact agent Karl savak, and he would be able to give me some information about that. - I can't comment. I'm sorry. - Whoa. Wait a minute. You don't understand something. See, this is son of a b%tch murdered my wife and my baby girl. - I am not uncompassionate. - I am not uncompassionate. This man is currently under federal protection. I cannot divulge any information about him at this time. - He's being held under federal protection. - Our job is law enforcement. Sometimes we have to turn a blind eye to smaller crimes in order to solve the big ones. - Did I just hear you call the murder of my wife - did I just hear you call the murder of my wife and child a small crime? - Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out. This case is already very complicated. But when a man such as Dexter Kane, an extremely organized venice drug lord, starts trying to buy military ordnance, that's a larger consideration for us. - This son of a b%tch is on the streets, isn't he? - This son of a b%tch is on the streets, isn't he? - That's all for today, sergeant. - No, it's not. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - You're gonna give me the name of the man who killed my family. - I'd let him go. Now! - You do not want to f%ck with me. - Yeah. I do. - Blow is dead. Smack coming back in a big way, Mr. Kane. Now I know your war with the cops got you shut down on the streets. I am the alchemist, Mr. Kane. You got some blow you can't unload, I can turn it around into smack like that. I can turn it around into smack like that. Normally I wouldn't come and off end you in this way, but I got to do some traveling, and I need to make some fast cash. - So where you been the past couple of months? - I was back east, family matter. - A family man. I wouldn't have pegged you for that. Blood is everything. - I couldn't agree with you more, Mr. Kane. But if I could just get one key-- - motherf%cker was down at the park. - Shh. Shh. I'm sorry. What was that? - If I could just get one trial key, Mr. Kane, I could turn it around at 2k of heroine in 72 hours. I wouldn't lie about that. Thank you. - Yo, homey. - Yo, homey. What size shoe you wear? - None of your business, that's what. - All right. f%ck you too. - Man, ain't that Ricky? - Nah. That ain't him. - Yeah-huh, that's him. Damn. - All right. I'm gonna give you a shot. - Put it away, man. - Put it away, man. Now, where you taking that, little man? - Compton. - What bus you taking? - 19. - What you trading up for? - Smack. Two key. - My main little man. - Take after his daddy. - You like that? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You ever see a dude capped? - Yeah. - You f%ck this up, you gonna get capped. don't be stopping, talking to your homies. Just get your a%s down to Compton. - Well, I need my money now, all right? - You'll get your money when you get back with the smack. - Man, I said I need it. - Well, why do you need it? - Now, I need it now. - Now, I need it now. - In that case, let me set you up. don't f%ck this up. - Yeah. - How about that? - That's it. Can you put that on a man's neck? Can you put that on a man's neck? - Yeah, I put that on a guy's neck before. - Whose? - What do you want him for? - I'm gonna give him the community service award, all right? Just tell me who he is. - Well, Marcus is a friend of ours. So I figure any message you want to give to him, you can just give to us, man. - I really don't think you want the message I'm gonna give to Marcus. - I think we do. - All right. Did you get the message? - I got it. - Where can I find this Marcus? - Okay, okay! - Where can I find-- - I don't-- I don't know, man. - I don't-- I don't know, man. He--he come in here, a needle and some teardrops, and he was asking about some f%cking guns and stuff. That's all I know. I swear. - What kind of guns? - They were, like, I don't know, man. Like, rifles, military stuff. I don't know. - What does a teardrop signify? - You get another one added every time you kill somebody. - Bang. Pow. - Left, left, left, right, left. Left, left, left, right, left. - Hi, John. It's me. - Hi, John. It's me. I haven't had any luck with this Marcus character. - Yeah? - Well, agent savak's a much more interesting story, because even though he's one of the most decorated officers they have, he's under internal affairs investigation. - Yeah, that's no surprise, but what does all that mean, Allen? - Well, to me, it looks like he's dirty. - All right, listen, this is what I got. Marcus is trafficking some sort of military ordnance down here. If savak's dirty, I got to think he's tied in with Marcus on that. I don't know, is there any way you can find an address on savak? - I'll see what I can do. - I'll see what I can do. - Thanks, Allen. - Yeah. - I understand you're in the market for some guns. - Well, you heard wrong. Who is this? - Well, that's not really important, is it? What is, though, is what I got and what you're looking for. - Well, like I said, you--you've got bad information. - Well, like I said, you--you've got bad information. Just out of curiosity, who gave you this bad information? And who gave you my number? - Marcus. - I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, but I don't want to be impolite either, so please continue. - Yeah, I thought so. Tell you what, I'm gonna be at Hollywood and vine tell you what, I'm gonna be at Hollywood and vine in 15 minutes. You be there if you're interested. - You can count on me being there because I will need to arrest you. - Hey, savak, I'm gonna want to see some cash now. I'm talking thick. - Well, how will I know what you--damn. Seeing is as close as you're gonna get. - Your car, Mr. savak. - You packing heat? - Uh-uh. - Then what good are you? Let's go see Dexter. - This guy's living pretty high for a cop. - This guy's living pretty high for a cop. Slob. Pallet 21, mpa-3 rifles stolen, fort Scott. Pallet 21, mpa-3 rifles stolen, fort Scott. Got you. - Look, two months ago, you came to me and told me about some guns that got jacked off a military base and they had hit the streets and the price was a hundred gs. I gave you 50 g's down. Where the f%ck my guns? - Deal went south. Cops. - Look, I want my money or my guns. Or you can just relax and let it go. Or you can just relax and let it go. - The police got the money too. Look, I may be a cop, but I'm not stupid. I said I'd deliver the guns. And I will. I just need to talk to my sources. - Look around you. don't you realize the only way you ever gonna talk again is through one of them straight-up psychic b%tches? Again is through one of them straight-up psychic b%tches? - Then I guess I'll be telling you all how your fat black mama was s%cking my d%ck in hell. Look, let's not play with each other. I said I would deliver your guns. And I can. It's just gonna be a little difficult to do, dead. - Sergeant Williams? Sergeant north. I phoned earlier about pallet 21. - Oh, yeah. Pallet 21's a shipment of mpa-3 high-velocity rifles. Experimental. Very nasty piece of ordnance. - You said the weapons. What about the ammo? - Affirmative. Munitions weren't on base. Typical dispatch f%ckup. - Well, if they're a prototype, the ammo's impossible to find. The ammo's impossible to find. Weapon's useless without it. - Maybe that's why a case of it was stolen up in your neck of the woods about ten weeks ago. It was recovered when a couple of civilians tried to shoot their way out of a convenience store up there. Killed two military dependents. - What's so special about these weapons? - Sergeant, go ahead. Fire at will. - That kid Mikey ain't got here yet. - What you mean he ain't there yet? He was supposed to come on the 19. He's supposed to be there by now. - Well, he ain't, and I ain't gonna sit on these--much longer. These--much longer. And that base better not be cut with no goddamn rat poison this time. - Yeah, all right, all right, all right. Look, just--just--just--he's probably on the next bus right now. Just chill and call me when he gets there. - Dexter's pissed. - Yeah. - Man, you ain't carrying no base for no Dexter. - Man, you ain't carrying no base for no Dexter. - Yeah, what's that? - Damn. Here let me touch it. - Yo, man, that's some dope base, man. - That's a pound man. - Yeah, well, check this. - Solid. - Cool. - Hey, man, what the f%ck you looking at? - Chill, chill, he's a cop. He's a cop. - Look, I don't care if he's spider-man. I am gonna f%ck him up. - Yeah, well, just chill. - Well, I got to jam to practice, man. Later. - Yeah, we'll see you later. - Yeah, later. - Yeah, then he says it's none of my business. You believe that? - Right. - None too cool. Who's cool? So this fool, he tried to f%cking b.A. Me and sh%t. Blasted him off his f%cking surfboard. The dude was pissing in his pants. What the f%ck you looking at? I said what the f%ck are you looking at? - You chump! - You chump! - Yo, yo, man, yo. - Get lost. - You're dead, little man. - Take it easy now. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just want to ask you a couple of questions now-- - then give it back. - Look, I said take it easy. - Man, I'll f%ck you up. That's my school bag. - Is that right? Well, let's check that out. That's one hell of a class load, kid. What's this for, chemistry? - Son of a b%tch! - Well, look who's back. - Anyway, you said you'd give me my bag back. - Yeah, sure. Here you go. - It ain't got everything that was in it. - I know. How well do you know the streets, Mikey? - I know 'em hard. So what? - You think you could spread a rumor? Fast? - Yeah. So? - So you want your bag back? - So you want your bag back? - You Mikey? - Maybe. - Maybe. - Let's go. We got to talk. - I can talk fine right here. - Word is you're down with some army dude who's got some bullets we're looking for. - Well, well. Maybe I'll help you, and maybe I won't. Or maybe this dude got something I want too. Man, you're lucky. - That's funny. I don't feel lucky. - My bag. It's in the trunk of your car, ain't it? - Could be. - Yeah. Well, anyway, you know how you, um, well, anyway, you know how you, um, told me to spread the word about those bullets, right? - Yeah. - So some guys came down to the beach last night. So do you really have them bullets? - Nope. - Then why are you making me say that you did? - To get to the guns. The guy I'm looking for is after them. The guy I'm looking for is after them. I get there first, he comes to me. You sure this is the place? - Yeah, this is the place. - Wait here. - don't be a stranger. Come on in. - Damn. - What you got in the bag? - What do you boys plan on doing with these guns? - Oh, we're gonna take the town over, brah. You writing a book? - No, I'm closing one. - What the f%ck? This isn't ammunition. - Do something about this. - One sec. 911? 911? I'm at 203 rose street. I'm gonna need five ambulances right away. - Damn. a%shole. So where you learn all that? - Around, different places. - Hey, you think you could teach someone like me? - Yeah, probably. What would you do with it? - Kick someone's a%s. - Then probably not. - Then probably not. So you just use it on that kid like yesterday, Mikey. - Nah, I don't need it for him. I'm gonna kill him. - Listen to you, Mikey. You're 12 years old. Aren't you worried about jail? - Why should I be worried about jail? I ain't old enough. - You got a answer for everything, don't you? What's killing him gonna do? Is it gonna bring your friend back, Mikey? Is it gonna bring your friend back, Mikey? - It's gonna make me feel good. That's what it's going to accomplish. - Then forget it. No. - Well, why not? You do it. - No, Mikey. No. It's different. You think that's what I'm doing, just kicking a%s just to kick a%s? - I don't know what you're doing, so why don't you tell me? What are you doing here? - Looking for somebody. - Yeah. Well, what you gonna do when you find him? Well, what you gonna do when you find him? - That's my business. - All right. Yeah. Anyway, I need my 25 back. - Nice try. - Look, I ain't gonna kill nobody, all right? - Then what do you need the gun for? - To protect myself. - Mikey, I'm watching out for you. I'll protect you. - Man, you ain't protecting or watching out for sh%t. - Man, you ain't protecting or watching out for sh%t. I ain't got a gun on the street, that kid who dropped Ricky, he gonna drop me too. And there ain't nothing you can do to change that, bro. - Look, Mikey, I'm not your father. I am not here to run your life or to judge you. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Mikey! - All right, all right, come on! - Go, go, go. - Go, go, go. - So who's playing? - D.A. And FBI. - Welcome back to the winning team, pony. - Man, you're totally f%cking nuts. You know this is a motherf%cking cop convention. - It's playoff week. D.A.' S got a good team. Good eye! So tell me, when am I meeting that redhead prick who stole my guns? - You ain't. Red's got Jack. - Are you trying to f%ck me again, pony? - No. Just saying Dexter Kane jacked him up for the guns. - Horse sh%t! If Dexter Kane had jacked him up for the guns, he wouldn't be saying sh%t, because first and foremost, they'd be dead. - That's what they're saying. - Remember me, a%shole? You jacked my guns in a crack house a few months ago? Now, who's got my guns? Now, who's got my guns? - s%ck me! - Really? - Some army cat, man. I don't know. - What do you mean some army cat? What, like, one person? That's impossible, surely. - I'm telling you, it was some kid. Mikey something. - Really? Now, guess how Webster defines inferno. Now, guess how Webster defines inferno. - Oh! No! - All right, man. Stop sweating me. Come on! - We best take this inside. - don't you fight me. don't you dare fight me. don't you dare fight me. - Now, you are gonna set up a powwow with your army buddy and pronto, you got it? - What the f%ck you looking at? - What the f%ck you looking at? - What's up? - How you doing? - Good. - Mr. north. What are you doing sitting on my steps? You all right? - Yeah. Sure. No. - I understand, Mr. north. - I understand, Mr. north. I understand what it's like to live with pain every day. - Do you? - Mm-hmm. My boy acts tough, but he's not. Last night he came home, and I knew right away something had happened. And I'll never know exactly what. Well, the truth of the matter is, one night, he's not gonna come home. He's not gonna come home. And I'll never know exactly what happened then either. That's what I live with every day. - Come on, now. Come on. Come here. Come in. Come on. Come on. - You all right? Everything okay? I guess not. Look, Mikey, I owe you an apology. For getting you involved in all this stuff. For getting you involved in all this stuff. I wasn't thinking about you, my friend. I wasn't thinking about anybody. Except myself. What I wanted. - I know where that dude is. - What dude? - The dude with the bat on his neck. Marcus. - I'm looking for a white man names Marcus. - What's the last thing you recall? - You must have a death wish, boy. - As long as you're my little girl, I can lift the whole wide world. - This man is currently under federal protection. - Savak's got to be tied into this somehow. - Pallet 21's a shipment of mpa-3 high-velocity rifles. - I'm looking for somebody. He's got a tattoo of a bat on his neck. - Well, what you gonna do when you find him? - What does a teardrop signify? - You get another one added every time you kill somebody. - Daddy! - Daddy! - John, no! - Daddy. - This must be your boy. All right. He's in the building. - Places. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. - I'm gonna count to three. Anyone who wants to can leave. Anyone who doesn't is gonna get hurt. Anyone who doesn't is gonna get hurt. - What the--who is this f%ck? Where's the guns? - One. - It was you. You ripped off that redheaded prick. - Two. - What? You want him? You want to kill him? Let's give them some space. - Say what? - You don't even remember, do you? You killed my wife. You murdered my child. - Say hi to your wife and kids for me! I'm warning you, motherf%cker, those are cops out there! - Psst. - Psst. Fire escape. Fire escape. - f%ck you. No. Come on. don't. don't. No. Come on. don't. don't. - Mikey, get out of here, now. Mikey, I said get out of here. Go. - Well, what you gonna do when you find him? - Jesus, north. That's pathetic. Now I got to shoot him myself at some point. What a pain in the a%s. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. This is one stone I'm gonna use to kill a lot of birds. Hey, kid, thanks for the help. I'll see you get put up for a citizenship award. And now, sergeant, it's time for your pavlovian response class. What are you doing? - I'm wasting him. - Wasting him? What are you, trigger-happy nuts? What has he done to deserve that? - What the hell you talking about? - You're a menace, you know that? Yes, you. It's people like you scare me. It's people like you scare me. - So what the f%ck we gonna do with him? - Just put him in the car. - Well, I've had some complications, but I'll have Mr. Kane's sh%t. I will have it back. I will have it back. Stop it. Please, man. My man's gonna have it back tomorrow. Just another 24 hours. I swear to god, man. If I don't have it by then, you can waste me. Stop it, please, man. - Tomorrow come mighty fast, motherf%cker. - See some identification. Luther Kane. Any relation to Dexter Kane? - Yeah, he's my brother. But I'm not in that business, officer. I'm an accountant. I'm an accountant. - I'm aware of that, sir. - Then why did you pull me over? - Well, you see, here's the thing. It's illegal to drive dead, sir. - What the f%ck? - Dexter Kane got Marcus. - Well, I'm sorry, Mikey. - It's my fault. But I'm gonna take that base back and give it to Dexter Kane. - You came here to ask for my help, didn't you? They shot my wife. He murdered my little girl. - Yeah. - Yeah. Well, they're gonna kill me next. I won't last the week if I don't deliver the drugs to Kane. But now I can see why you can't help me. So just forget it, man. - Mikey, wait a minute. Come here. They can't hold me here longer than 24 hours. If you wait for me, I'll help you. - 1:00, pacific and Washington. - Okay. - His brother killed last night, cops. - I am truly sorry. - He's not in the best of moods. - Dexter's rifles with my condolences. Ammunition with my compliments. I do believe you owe me some money. - Now ain't the time, cuz. - Hey, I'm human. - Hey, I'm human. And I do sympathize. But when it comes to money, I do not relax, and I do not let it go. 50 g's. - I guess you want your 50 g's, right? - I hear today's the last day in the world series. You still pitching for the feds at the big game this afternoon? - I didn't know you followed baseball. - I don't. - Savak. Savak. - They bought it. - They bought it. Let's go play some ball. - This better f%cking work. How do you know Dexter's gonna take the bait? - Dexter thinks the police killed his brother last night. He'll take it. - Let's go, baby. Uncle Sam wants you. Uncle Sam wants you. - Huh? Wait a minute. I was supposed to be released today. - Your short-term memory s%cks, sergeant. We found heavyweight illegal arms in your trunk yesterday. You broke the law. The d.A. Thinks that with fingerprint evidence and our impeccable testimony that they can make a case not only for possession but for the intent to distribute. Isn't that great? - You don't understand something. I got somebody waiting for me. I got somebody waiting for me. - That's okay. As long as they don't mind waiting 20 years. - 15 with time off for good behavior. Come on. - Told you tomorrow came mighty quick. Not so hot to see Mr. Kane now, are you, you motherf%cker? - Look, my man's gonna show up with the sh%t. He's just running a little late. He's gonna get here, man. Come on. - Look, you said 2:30. If your man ain't show up by then, you can tell it to god through a plastic bag. You can tell it to god through a plastic bag. Let's go. - Oh, man, I feel a real need to relieve. Come on, there's a bathroom right there. - What? - What? - I got no hands here. - What, are you nuts? - Come on, man, there ain't no one around. - No, no. No way. - Come on, you don't got to hold it. You just got to pull it out. Use your tie if you don't want to touch it. I trust you. Sometimes it snakes down the right side, sometimes it snakes down the right side, so just follow it to the end, roll it out. - Man, f%ck this sh%t. - Yeah, on second thought, it is a two-hand job. That was not a bluff, my man. What's up? How you doing, officer? - Hey. Whoa! What are you doing? Get back here! Get that guy! God damn it! - I'm sorry about your brother, Mr. Kane. - Cops killed Dexter's brother. Let's kill some cops. - All right, play ball! - Drop your weapons. You're under arrest. - What the-- - blanks. Move, you die. - Come on, man. Mr. Kane--you can't--you can't kill me for a lousy key of base, man. Break something. I could understand that. - Answer it. Saved by the bell. Maybe. - Damn. 34. 34. 34. - Roger, 34. Go ahead. - Yeah, I need an address on a Dexter Kane. - Why would you care whether this buster lives or dies? Rat poison. - Oh, my god, Mr. Kane, you got to believe I would never-- changed my mind. You're dead, motherf%cker. - Not until the fat lady sings, pony. And I'm the fat lady. Drop it. You're under arrest for the purchase of illegal firearms with intent of first-degree murder of law enforcement officers. That was for resisting arrest. That was for resisting arrest. You know what they say. Dead ponies tell no tales. - Come on, man, savak. - Or is it dead ponies have no tails? Anyway-- I'm not really a kid killer, kid. I used to have Marcus do that sort of thing. But unfortunately, he's just not gonna be very reliable from here on out, so don't take this personally. - It's funny how things work out, isn't it, savak? You're the one. You're the one who's responsible for my family's death. Marcus was just the gun in your hand. - Well, soldier, that's a whole another philosophical debate, because you see, what we have here is a Mexican standoff. You shoot me. I shoot the kid. - I don't think so, because once I separate your head from your body, you won't be shooting anybody else again, savak. Do it. Go ahead. Smart soldier. You see, even Smith and Wesson doesn't have that kind of guarantee. Touchdown, motherf%cker. I can smell revenge, John. It is John, isn't it? You like counting, don't you? Yeah. Well, now I'm counting, John. I'm gonna give you three. And if I don't see you, I'm gonna blow this kid's head clean off, and you know I'll do it. So come on out and join me, John. One. Two! don't push me. Two and a half! It's on your head, north! Three! - Mikey, come here. Give me your hand. Now I want you to get out of here. - Why aren't you coming, man? - I said get out of here. - You just couldn't switch off the life support again, could you? Could you? - Son of a b%tch! - Point game. - When I get 6'6", you ain't even gonna see no point game. All right? Give me the ball. Let's check. - All right, I'll be around for that. - You missing me again? Or do I even need to be 6'6"? Come on, man. Come on. Come on. - I'm gonna teach you everything. - I'm gonna teach you everything. - Oh! But is it gonna go in? Oh, it's good. It's good. All right. Well, losers out, 'cause it's my ball. You got that? You got that? - Come on. - Right here. - There's a lot more games to be played, brother. Lot more games to be played.

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