Sean “Diddy” Combs Maybe Bankrupt After inmate Wins $100 Million Lawsuit

good morning welcome back to another episode here on crime Vlog weekly if this is your first time you are welcome thank you very much don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the like button help us to grow on the YouTube Network okay my name is Harley all the way from London UK yes that's where I am Central London and another another story here for you this one is um P didy accused the gain of uh sa everything that you're looking at they're all tied in together every part as crazy as it seems as outrageous as it seems it all ties in another episode right here on crime Vlog weekly this one is uh between Derek Lee cardello Smith and P Diddy better known as Shan kums so things happening to him these days a huge win for a Michigan inmate in his legal battle against disgraced hip-hop producer and rapper sha Diddy coms sha Diddy Kum has denied any wrongdoing he denies all accusations as they say you are innocent until proven guilty is it going to happen is he ever going to get there there seems to be lots Brewing up special investigations going on by the FBI we'll see if it will catch up with him sooner or later Justice is slow very very slow especially here in the US but once it comes together very difficult to get out of it Derek Lee cardello Smith an inmate at Ernest C Brooks Correctional Facility who is serving multiple life sentences accused the disgrace Mogul of drugging and raping him at a party in 1997 cardello Smith in ' 97 he was a bartender at a Detroit area restaurant when he met Diddy and was invited to a gathering at the Holiday Inn where Combs would be partying he alleges that he participated in group sex with several women and Diddy but when Diddy showed interest in him he got up and sat on the couch according to the complaint when cardello Smith went to get another drink combms handed him a drink thought to be a glass of Jim Bean but when he sat down in the other room and drank more he began to get drowsy and started to pass out com's allegedly said to him I added a little something to it for you and then cardello Smith passed out my man I heard about it I I even I even watched the whole interview that they had um DK Lee claims that in 1997 didy R him I know he R the grown ass man yeah yeah he was a bartender he said uh and and I don't want people to think that I think that's funny but this is funny he said he said it's sad he said that he was invited to a party and it was girls there it was guys there things got freaky you understand uh he's a bartender he said that uh he was drinking gim Bean and uh Diddy brought him a drink over and then uh didy told him I put a little something extra in there and he said uh I'm sorry man he said he woke up no he no he say that bro but he said he woke up and didd he told him he had him he said he went he said he he went he filed a report but they threw it up under the the the cops swept it up under the rug and everything like that so um he was suing Diddy and everything like that so he said that uh Diddy came to the uh jail and said that hey I'll give you $2.3 million or something like that or 23 I don't know if it's 2 .3 or $23 million to make this go away we'll leave this alone the whole n y just like I just said he's going to pay he's trying to pay people off to make things go away for them to drop their suits and everything like that you know I mean and if he does that they they civil suit drop them make them go away what would it takes so this particular dude said that Diddy was trying to sell properties and sell things and stop him from uh getting his money and I didn't understand that but the judge found some validity in what he was saying and say yo I'mma give you a 90day restraining order against him from selling anything until all you get all your paperwork in correct because Diddy was served in the whole nine yard and as it was said that Diddy and his representative did come to the jail so the if the GU didn't have no no lawsuit the guy wasn't if if the if if his stuff wasn't truthful why would they entertain it the judge entertain it did he La them entertain and did he entertain so so it may be some truth to it but this dude is raping grown men that's crazy Derek Lee cardillo Smith an inmate a inmate over there in Michigan he's actually serving a life life sentence I should say definitely serving our multiple life sentences I'm not too sure how the um 100 million is going to help him in jail but I presume he's going to have a luxurious life in jail he's been um sentenced and convicted on sa as you know um YouTube don't like certain words as the s e x directly and I definitely don't want to be stried by YouTube so I'm not going to say those words but we can say Derek cardellos Smith has been sentenced given live sentence I should say for SA so I was saying regarding money that he has been awarded how is he going to use that money I presume he use the state thousands and thousands of pounds um as they normally uh put some sort of uh penalty on you when you're sent to jail so I presumed they might take some of that money back but not might not just end there he might not get even any money because I'm sure sha diddum is going to um appeal against this decision by the judge so far he's claim he doesn't even know this man cardello Smith Cardell Smith reckons that um Shan Diddy kums actually came to the jail in Michigan and offer him 2.3 million to keep quiet obviously he refused that then I think the lawyer of uh sha diddums he tried offered around the same or a little bit more it was also um refused by Cardel Smith he continued with his um Court lawsuit and as I said now he has won he has been awarded 100 million and this money is to be paid uh paid by installments sometime in October 2024 I think it's 10 million per month further to that Shan didy kums is also blocked from selling I think any of his properties hes allegedly said to him I added a little something to it for you and then cardello Smith passed out he claims when he woke up Colmes told him he had penetrated him while he was unconscious cardello Smith says he ran into the bathroom and checked himself noticing he was bleeding and in pain and left the hotel and never went back cardello Smith claims he filed a police report then he shut down and knew he was never going to be able to tell anyone about what happened in his complaint cardello Smith alleges Colmes paid off Detroit and Monroe police officers to keep the police report hidden for many decades in August of 2024 cardello Smith made a stunning claim that didd he came to the Michigan prison iners to offer him more than $2 million essentially to keep him quiet and dismiss the lawsuit on August 7th while appearing virtually in front of a judge and while representing himself in the matter the Michigan Inmate filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against the disgraced producer this is in the matter of Derek Lee cardello Smith um MDOC number 2679 versus Shan Colmes Shan Puff Daddy Coles also known as Shan Pete Diddy also known as Diddy Bad Boy Records label owner comma founder also known as Puff P daddy comma bad boy Diddy run the city comma Sean Colmes also known as Sean Puffy CLS and this is file number 24- 7362 gra paperwork here real quick out of this other paperwork we do have Mr Cardel Smith appearing from the Michigan Department Corrections so I do see that we do have a proof of service um on um Mr Colmes but for purposes of this hearing you filed a motion for a temporary restraining order and or a preliminary injunction to stop all sales of the property and assets attached to her involved with said property based on the interest of plff and plain's connections to defendant sexual assault of plan of Derek Lee cardello Smith requiring a preliminary injunction and or a temporary restraining order we did set that for hearing today and luckily the Brooks Correctional Facility was able to make you available actually they had to drive someone up today on another case so sir um I have received your motion and a proposed order do you wish to argue the motion today sir yes yes your all right you may proceed then okay the the purpose of it is based on two actions taken by Mr Colmes himself directly with me here we did a uh live one-on-one visit in our prison visiting room uh there's two meetings within the past two weeks with Mr Colmes on one meeting and then a financial advisor on the other meeting on Mr col's behalf and he stated that he would make me an offer to end the case and what happened to me because of other things that he stated he has going on in his life that require his money right now and he wants to sell sell everything off and he made me a Financial offer of $2.3 million to allow what happened to me to go away and he stated that he's going to be selling his property and under the Cal under the 2005 California civil code 2881 D 2885 the creation of Lans which allows out of state justices and orders to cause a a stop of any title transfer Property Transfers in Los Angeles or any other place that he has property he stated that he wouldn't be able to proceed with that sale and he did it the day after I served him the uh suit and he also said that he won't be filing an answer to the uh complaint he said you can find me in default or whatever he has a better chance with default than would with having a restraining order stop and I said so you want to hide what your you want to hide your money and stop from being being quite possibly paid to me if I'm given the benefit of a judgment in my favor for what you've done to me and he pretty much said yeah he say you know how we get down and I said okay well I disagree with how you get down your sales shouldn't go through so I'm hold on cardello Smith okay so you went in a different direction than I thought you were going in too I thought we were just G to focus no no no um you kind of um went off on a different direction than what your actual motion was yeah so um what I just want to say is um settlement negotiations umor in this case they're probably better not yeah they're not for to be placed on the record today okay um no no no it's okay you're not an attorney I understand that so if we can just um backtrack and focus just on your motion okay thank you the motion Sims from comes listing his Los Angeles Mansion the same home raid by the feds in March according to cardello Smith he wanted to prevent the sale of the Mansion because it would deprive him of any monetary judgment if the Civil matter went to a jury trial if he's allowed to sell his property that he has in LA and the properties that are in his name being used and held by other people in Michigan then it will cause me harm because I can be tied directly to those properties through loans and through other areas of investment that I did when I was out there and while in prison through money that I've sent and if he's allowed to go through with any of the sales I won't be able to recoup any of my monies or anything from him as a result of any possible judgment in this action if he's allowed to proceed with it and a an injunction or restraining order would help ensure that he's not manipulating and selling the property to avoid this his responsibility in these matters here that's what a temporary restraining order would do it would prevent that from happening because a you uh it's a very serious matter it involves a lot of money a lot of money and and and him selling this is would help him avoid his liability for these actions done upon [Music] me and I was just hoping that I'd be able to get the restraining order to prevent that there won't be any harm to him any any of the parties there won't be any harm to him in any way and if it's deemed that it's not justified then he can go ahead and go through with the sale at the end of the of the case but one has to be put in place to stop this from happening the judge then stepped off the bench for a few moments to review cardello Smith's documents when she returned she granted the temporary restraining order so thank you sir is there anything else you wish to add um there there uh I was just first off just thank you for giving me the hearing and thank you for setting a pre-trial on this matter thank you your honor there were some other filings there were some other filing in that you should have gotten I didn't know if that's one of the filings you could have been referring to so I received your complaint and all the attachments to it and then I received this motion um and I just wanted to review take a moment to review back through the US District civil docket and your complaint so I did do that um that's all and um okay okay anything else all of everything that you're looking at they're all tied in together every part as crazy as this seems as outrageous as it seems it all ties in every bit of it every facet okay all right well I have um a proof of service showing that Mr Colmes was served on july6 um of 200 let me see is that 24 yes looks like it 2024 return receip requested was provided so there is proper service Mr Colmes has neither appeared nor responded to this um request so I'm going to Grant your motion for a preliminary injunction temporary restraining order and order that the defendant and their agents are hereby and joined temporarily for a period of 90 days on the sale transfer or exchange trade or transaction of title or deed to the property listed as the address and placed on the market by defendants for the amount of $70 million and this property and estate belonging to or connected to defendant Sean col shall cease and desist any and all trades transactions or otherwise stop the process of any further actions on this property being continued and this shall have an immediate effect I'm going to date this August 7th of 2024 and I am going to sign this and um we are set for a pre-trial date on Monday September 9th of 2024 at 2:30 PM is there anything else yes sir yes thank you so much your honor um first off thank you very much ma'am uh the second thing is um under the summons rules and the rules of service Mr Colmes the defendant had 28 days after he was served by mail 21 if it's regular process service his 28th day was the August 3 and there was no answer on the default and I understand that I have to motion verbally or in writing whichever one you prefer at your however you prefer to have default judgment entered and today is the literally the 2893 31 32nd day I believe and I'd like to to either preserve the issue of default judgment or judgment in my favor based on failure to answer okay whichever you're on would like right thank you um typically we require that um Miss mcgrain MC oh no hold on I'm I'm talking to my judicial attorney typically we require the um motion for the affidavit and motion for default be filed so I just miss Adams is Miss mcgrain in her office she is not I'm going to go find her right now judge okay I know I read that rule I read the rule the honor uh MCR 2.63 governs that and it said the party can do it in front of the trial court judge or by mail whatever you want so sir um the Court rule that you're referring to it's not a trial date so I I think I'm right so you're going to have to file the appavate and request for default okay okay yes your honor and um obviously you'll be able to file that before pre-trial date anyway okay yes' yes your honor okay so the order was granted the order your your expart motion was granted or your motion for a temporary restraining order was granted I've signed it and so we'll get that processed and back to you and then you'll have to obviously ser that on the parties yes ma'am thank you can your order say any y can you add on your order any any Michigan representatives of him acting on his behalf for Michigan properties as well as part of that order or does that does your order cover everything you provided the order so I'm going off yes I did yes I did yeah so I'm going off the order you provided to me and I've signed that order already that's what I needed thank you all right thank you your honor thank you Mr cardello Smith and we'll make sure the rit's done and we'll see you back in September thank you then in another stunning turn of events on September 9th the same judge awarded cardello Smith a $100 million default judgment against Colmes the Judgment was awarded to cardello Smith because Colmes failed to formerly respond to the summons or failed to appear in court the judge reportedly set a payment schedule of $10 million per month beginning on October 1st I want to bring on now a great guest to discuss this case and that's attorney Safa Robinson Safa thank you so much for joining me today this judgment is very surprising to say the least $100 million the judge ordering the payments to begin on October 1st $10 million a month what's your reaction to this judgment and are you surprised it was even granted you know the judgment is pretty surprising I will say that this was as a result of what we call a default judgment essentially saying that Diddy and his team did not respond to the allegations and judgment was granted to the plaintiff in this particular case I do find it interesting that they had not responded and I don't know if it's a strategical decision because there is a criminal component to it or if there was just some sort of lapse in response time or whatever that may have been um so that is a little surprising on that end with respect to the actual amount $100 million while that is a large amount of considering the nature of the allegations that have been put forward against Mr comes you know and the egregious nature of these allegations I think that while the amount is large and it is surprising to some extent it's not all that surprising considering that you know there's a a punitive damage aspect to this and through an attorney Diddy denied even meeting cardello Smith but according to cardello Smith the two met in the Michigan prison he says he even has visitor records to prove it do you think it's possible Diddy and his legal team just didn't take this seriously given he's an inmate and given that he's also representing himself in the matter that that is certainly a possibility but I think you know for attorneys most of us we will act in the abundance of caution the lawsuit was filed and so it would have been appropriate to respond or it should not have been a surprise and it should have been taken seriously and I'm sure that they do take it serious to the extent that they can you know I know there there are a lot of lawsuits that are popping up across the country with respect to Mr combes and it's a little hard to differentiate what may actually be truthful and factual versus what could be you know just deployed to gain f for some sort of financial gain which I know in this case there is a question you know the plaintiff in this case has been extremely litigious previously and this is not the first time that they've sued while incarcerated um so there could be some question with regard to that but there appeared to be records that are jail records that would have reflected Mr com's visit to the facility if in fact that did occur and from my understanding he's serving a life sentence in prison so it's given that is it one possible that he still could see that money and two is it possible the Judgment could just get dismissed altogether you know in terms of whether or not he'll actually see that money there's going to be a question there like I said that there are mechanisms that can be set in place so that he can receive that financial compensation just because an individual is carcerated doesn't mean that they're banned from filing lawsuits or receiving judgments or financial payouts and things of that nature um how that will take place I can't really say for certain um I think you indicated that he is doing a a life sentence so you know what that would mean if he has any other judgments that are against him or creditors that may want to take his financial gain based off of this will also be a question and according to reports Diddy listed his Beverly Hills mansion that same one at the center of this suit and the same one that was rid by Homeland Security um back in March and then the home was apparently listed this week he's been trying to list that home since the summer and He's listed the home for a reported $70 million which is millions above how much he paid for the home when he had purchased it initially do you think that money will be used to go toward the Judgment or do you think it'll go toward lawyers what are your thoughts on just the fact that Diddy is selling the home kind of at the center of this um restraining order as well too well that's the interesting part here and so what the plaintiff in this case did was filed for what we call a temporary restraining order which would have prevented Diddy or would prevent him from selling that Los Angeles home and so we know or at least we believe that that trro was granted to enjoin or stop him from selling that home and so ultimately if that were the case then there's going to be an issue with the actual sale of the home um you know those proceeds from the home essentially would be a part of the proceeds that need to be paid for the plaintiff in this case um but that's really what the issue is here is you know whether or not he can actually go forward and sell the home if he's been enjoined and the the reason for the temporary restraining order in this case is to prevent him from selling off assets that would compensate the plaintiff you know and many of us know that Diddy faces several other lawsuits stemming from similar allegations just like cardello Smith's Alle ations drugging at a party and sexual assault or rape well at this time no criminal charges have been filed against Diddy and he has not been arrested what does that signal to you as far as a pattern goes well one of the things that's going to happen and I do believe that there has been a grandury investigation that has been employed in this case I think there may be a federal investigation going on and there may be a state side one but I'm not totally sure but one of the things that the prosecution in any case is going to try to do is show that there is a pattern of behavior here now as a defense attorney we don't want that information coming in and we can't we don't want that to be the theory of the prosecutor's case that just because he may have done it on one occasion means that he had done it on a second occasion and so those are the things that we argue against but certainly the prosecution is going to want to show that there is a pattern of behavior here and with respect to Oro prosecution what the government is essentially going to be trying to do is take individuals who have been allegedly impacted by Mr com's behavior and those patterns of that behavior putting them into Grand Jury to bring about an indictment and Diddy has denied denied denied any type of wrongdoing in terms of the many civil suits he faces for sexual misconduct but we all saw the Cassie Hotel surveillance video and the subsequent apology video that followed do you think even though cardello Smith who doesn't have the cleanest record in the slightest that his claims might hold weight against um Diddy that is certainly a possibility you know I think that Mr cadelo he C his credibility is certainly going to be vetted you know we know that he is very litigious we know that he himself is incarcerated for sexual related offenses and so is this just a matter of him actually being a victim of this crime or is this something that he has respectfully concocted because it seems to be that you know anybody can make an allegation against Mr comes and it's taken as factual by the public um so that's going to be the thing here that we're going to need to be careful of and pay attention to and it's been pretty quiet as far as any word about the details of the reported in um federal investigation or any potential indictment but do you think it's possible Diddy won't be charged criminally or do you think that an indictment still looms for him an indictment absolutely still looms for Mr Colmes I think that there has been such a large um response to the allegations in Miss Ventura's case and now in all of these other subsequent cases that you can't unsee you can't unsee it so once it's out there it's there it is the government's responsibility to investigate these claims or these alleged claims and I think that there has been so much attention that's been placed on this that to let this go quietly in the night is it would be nearly impossible for the government to allow that to happen unless they are statutorily bound or there is some other you know some other reason that they can't go or proceed forward in terms of the alleged victims in this case what do you think this message sends to them as far as you know Diddy hasn't been charged criminally he hasn't been indicted but given all the allegations the mounting lawsuits but didy seems to be doing just fine in terms of you know previously we've seen him white waterer rafting previously he's riding his bike out in South Beach Miami I I've read reports that he's been visiting up um Harlem here in New York City um what are your thoughts about Diddy's demeanor given all the lawsuits he's faced he's fallen from Grace definitely but what do you think that message sends to the alleged victims in this case as far as them wanting to seek Justice against their alleged per perpetrator it can certainly be frustrating for alleged victims in this case because they want some sort of Justice they want some sort of resolve and we also know that there isn't one allegation by one individual but there are multiple allegations by multiple individuals and So eventually you know the plaintiffs they're going to want to see some level of justice and retribution in this case and to see Mr combms going about his Daily Business you know as business as usual you know can be certainly frustrating for alleged victims however one of the things I always tell people is the criminal justice system is the slowest Moving System probably known to man at this point and so while that may be the case now that he is out of custody there haven't been charges filed or anything of that nature you know that does not mean that you know there won't be some sort of Justice in the long run doesn't mean that he won't be found guilty or responsible for something later down the line it just honestly takes time do you think he should get this money 100 million he's been accused of uh sa himself let me know which way you're thinking drop it in the comments below do you think he should be getting this money the awarded money I should say from the courts 100 million and he's actually in jail for life for similar similar charges as um or should I say accusations of similar charges same as um PDD Shan kums let me know which way you think thinking should he get that money cardello Smith alleges that he met P Didi at an Afterparty at a Detroit Hotel back in June 1997 court documents uh reported that um Smith drank with py and female guests he later joined the mul um and two women in a private hotel room according to uh Cardel Smith he claimed he had sex with a woman when he felt Diddy's touch let's repeat that one again according to cardello Smith he claimed he had sex with a woman I'm not sure if I should use that word he claimed he had seex with a woman when he felt did he touch his butt shall I read that again no moments later the rapper and producer offered Cardella Cardella Smith a drink which he alleged was spiked and he had passed out the man claimed that he awakened hours later and saw Diddy having seex with a woman it's all mounting up for PDD okay guys if you do have any comments regarding this particular video please drop it below and don't forget to subscribe well that's it of this particular episode of um Derek Lee cardellos Smith against PDD inmate awarded 100 million for the first time ever Behind Bars and he's a multi-millionaire although we think um PDD will fight against it but um that's how it stands at the moment PDD ordered to pay 10 million per month until the 100 million is cleared up what an award okay well that's it from me heartley all the way here in London UK miles away from um thousands of miles away from Michigan Michigan and California once again if you do have any comments please drop it below subscribe like this video and share this video with your friends and family help us to expand right across the YouTube Network well until the next video thank you very much be good stay safe don't get yourself in trouble especially these uh type of troubles that um PDD and others are in speak to you guys soon bye-bye [Music]

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