Joker 2 Movie Sparks Controversy Among Critics – Here’s Why Fans Can Still Be Excited

[Music] oh boy Joker 2 F has Premier at the Venice film festival and for the very first time critics have been able to watch this long awaited movie in its entirety and everyone favorite website Rotten Tomatoes who doesn't love them they have started Gathering the reviews they haven't posted a score yet that will happen before release on October the 4th but we can already see some of the reviews on their site for Ado it strings together a series of underwhelming musical numbers that are either two on the nose or too vaguely related to the characters to express anything at all said this Indie wire reviewer yikes looks like Joker F do she'll be retitled Joker fos but don't worry there is where more where I came from and I'm going to go over to some other reviews with you and if you are a joker fan not to worry stay till the end because there are three Silver Linings here that will keep your hopes alive so without further Ado Vos so as of the recording of this video there are some fresh reviews already on the site but don't worry even if we don't have a score from Rotten Tomatoes I've done the count and there are currently 20 reviews and 10 of them are rotten so the movie is dividing everyone so seems like we are repeating the story from the first film but right now for the purpose of this video I'm going to skip on the fresh reviews and I'm going to go over the rotten because we want to see what people are not liking about this movie and then we can talk about whether we agree or not but let's start so the first one comes from Cinema Bland overindulgent Musical that lackes the punch of its predecessor all right so he liked the first one better where the original Joker remains a stunning exception that rare Blockbuster with emotional shading grownup themes and a genuine sense of grandeur this sequel fails to stay on the beat all right so they like the first one better as well I guess that movie it was just so good that people think that they're going to be living under that Shadow so this one from ion Cinema Scott Silver's ify bits of dialogue are enabl to be massed by the strength of the cast this time around o especially with a returning lead who when he is in Cutter whing through endless musical numbers appears to have slipped into Eternal suance all right so they think the dialogue is not good the writing is not good and that uh Haim Phoenix was just not into it that much so let's see this one from deider this new found stylistic Vigor helps extend the shelf life of hin Fenix Joker but by the time of the end comes this Incarnation feels exhausted all right so looks like they don't have anything much to say so are we going to see a repeat of the first movie this is kind of vague all right this one from collider okay Phillips is just incapable of delivering the genres requisite rasle Dazzle that will surely compl ment Joker's Persona all right so he was expecting more of a show and we didn't get that that's weird given that this is a musical Vanity Fair is a startingly dull a pointless procedural that seems to disdain its audience holy you can accept everything from a movie but the movie can't be boring or pointless so I don't know this guy from bny fair I hope he has good taste but that makes me worri this one from Total film parkour room movie part Behind Bars romance just like the trailer fadu is an unconventional musical sequel that fails to hit the high notes all right so he was going for that that oneliner okay this one from Indie Wier we already we already read now this one from B black community I guess depending on how you look at it this the mythologizing exercise is either daring or it's irritatingly irritatingly smug oh man this guy loves the big words but it's definitely not much fun there he goes again with the boring and the last one from variety Joker fol do may be ambitious and superficially outrageous but in a basic way it's an overly cautious sequel all right so two caches they ambitious but superficial all right so just Gathering all these reviews I can already tell that people enjoy the first one way better they're not they're not enthusiastic about the musical numbers it seems like uh they didn't knock it out of the park so we'll see but remember there are already some fresh reviews in here so right now the movie is dividing critics but remember that I told you that there were three Silver Linings I'm going toe I'm going to go ahead and explain them to you and then you can make your own decision I know we're all going to watch this movie but I still want to give it to you there's something to be hopeful about okay so Silver Lining number one the critics from the Venice F festival or The Creeks that are sent to the Venice Film Festival are usually very snobbish and don't like popular films doesn't matter if they go from Canada the United States people that attend that Festival go with a high nose so take their word with a bit of caution the second Silver Lining the first Joker has a 69 on Rotten Tomatoes and an 80 9 audience score and got hen Phoenix an Oscar for best actor and then went on to make more than a billion dollars worldwide the movie was a success with audiences was a success uh at least with the with the Hollywood Academy and this movie already seems like it's on the 50% so it's going to be low low on the critic side but if we continue that Trend you may love this movie just like the first one so I guess we'll see on October the 4th but that is definitely a good Silver Lining then lastly the third silver lining the movie did receive a 12-minute standing ovation at the premiere on the Venice film festival and well if we can like want to make sense of what this means uh usually an average length of a stand inovation at venfield Festival is 7 minutes so this is above average with 12 minutes that means that the people that were there applauding the ones that haven't written anything about the movie yet and the audience that attended really love the movie I mean they were clapping their ass off for 12 minutes I mean I bet those hands were read by the end and just to give you a bit of contrast Brad Pit and George Clooney also premiered their movie wolves on the Venice film festival and they only got a 4minute Ovation that's less than the average it's basically they're they've been Green Tomato to death so that didn't happen to Joker so there is there is something to be excited about still so then yourself be uh bugged down by these bad reviews if you love Joker give it a chance we're all going to watch this movie we want it to be successful and I'm very hyped and very excited now to see if I agree with these critics or not what about you so that's all I got as always my name is ector Navaro and I'll see you on the next one [Music]

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