ASMR Ammons Family Haunting I Demon House I The Deliverance I Hell House of Gary Indiana

Published: Jul 25, 2024 Duration: 00:50:56 Category: Entertainment

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hello what's going on tonight we're GNA be talking about a crazy crazy story of demonic Obsession and haunting it's one of the crazi stories that I've heard in a long time and it did not take place that long ago the story is so nuts that it not only got the attention of the local news media but it went Nationwide and possibly even world wide it also got the attention of producers that are now putting out a movie pretty soon actually about and based on this very story it's also got the attention of Zach Bilbo backin of Ghost Adventures and he has a documentary that came out years ago about it what is the story that we're talking about here if you don't know already cuz I feel like you might have an idea but we are talking about the Ammon family haunting AKA The Haunting in car Indiana and possession of a mother in her three children AKA The Demon House aka the Deliverance so grab your biggest cup of your hottest tea and let's get into it so the story all begins in November of 2011 I told you it didn't happen that long ago I mean it did but like in terms of demonic possession stories not that long ago I feel like most of that like happened so long ago it's like are these people even alive anymore yes 2011 let's go back Latoya Ammons and her three children who we will not name for the purposes of keeping their Amity ammity and identity and her mother Rose Campbell they moved into this home in GE Indiana this is a one-story home and you walked into the living room of this home you walk straight into the living room as you do with most houses and as you're in the living room there are a few doorways on the right hand side that lead you to three different bedrooms straight across you'll see the doorway that goes into the bathroom and next to that you'll see the doorway that goes into the small kitchen and in the kitchen there is another door that goes down to the basement in the basement it's a basement concrete floors and there's an additional walled off room in the back so the family moves in everything's great until one day they notice large flies like all over their screen red porch and yeah okay flies on your porch not a big deal right but here's the problem it was the middle of winter the middle of winter sorry you're shaking all over the place yeah it was the middle of freaking winter when have you ever seen a fly flying around in the middle of winter like I don't think I've even seen one outside and the thing that's been freaking me out honestly is we've never really had a fly fly problem in our house and I've noticed just more flies than normal in our house since I started researching this coincidence I'm sure but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little unsettled by it that's how it started just this infestation of giant flies and their screened in porch in the dead of winter and then the sound usually somewhere after 12 a.m cample that's Rosa Campell grandma and an Latoya Ammons so if I go back and forth you know who it is but grandma Rosa and latoia would start to hear the sound of footsteps coming from the basement stairs like someone was climbing them and then then you could hear the door from the basement to the kitchen start to open [Music] um safe to say this really unsettled to them so what did they do well they decided that they were going to start locking the door do you think that that stopped the noises they would still hear the footsteps come up at the basement stairs and the door would still be heard opening and be found a jar if that wasn't the first side to get out I don't know what was I know that that would definitely creep me out enough to be like uh maybe it's time to go then grandma Rosa at one point awakes in her bedroom one night and she just feels unsettled like she can't put her finger on it but for some reason something's not right she begins to scan the room and then she sees something the door to Rose's room was open from her room she could see into the living room and what she saw was the shadow figure that looked like it may have been a man pacing in the living room Rosa was scared but Rosa was not about to let something come in and take over her house and also was not about to let some random person be in her house so my from the way the story is told she probably thought it was a person she went running into the living room to investigate and there was no one there but she did see wet bootprints on the floor unexplainable so these things started slow this happened over the course of December January February so at a good 3 months go by these things start to kind of amp up now dates are going to be important so I'll be letting you know the dates as we go through this but here we are March 10th 2012 around 2: in the morning the whole family was up the house was a buzz um the reason for this unfortunately is a loved one of the families had passed away so they were all at the Home in Guana with their family members just finishing the night celebrating their family member who they had lost all of a sudden Rosa is called by Latoya but she doesn't sound good she's calling her mom mom while Rosa walks into the room and this is her granddaughter's room where Latoya was calling her from she gets into the room and to her shock and horror she sees her granddaughter 12 years old levitating above her bed in a catatonic State she couldn't she couldn't believe her eyes like what it what the f is going on in this house so grandma Rosa really was a f like Fast think on her feet and I really as we go through these stories I really admire her because some of these situations are so gnarly but you know what grandma Rosa never backed down so grandar Rosa was quick on her feet and she began to pray and everyone else joined hands and began to pray and as they prayed harder and harder her granddaughter began to levitate down back onto the bed and when she came to she had no recollection of what happened now at this point grandar Rosa had had enough she was like look Latoya something is really wrong here it's one thing to hear just a ghost in your house but like now it's messing with our family we need to seek help from people like Beyond us we need to get help from the church like what we're dealing with is so beyond explanation and Beyond what we know how to deal with so they started to reach out to several churches and they either didn't get responses back or the churches said that they couldn't help them and finally one of the churches agreed to listen to them and the church's response to them was the house that you have that you're living in has Spirits in it here's what you can do to get rid of the spirits you're going to clean your house with bleach and ammonia you're going to use olive oil and you're going to draw crosses on every door in every window you also need to get olive oil we want you to put that on your children's hands and their feet and make the sign of the cross on their foreheads in this blessing of the house should hopefully subdue what's going on and hopefully get rid of it lato and Rosa also reached out to two clairvoyants the response that they got from the clear was needless to say very disturbing the Clairvoyance told them that the house is inhabited by over 2000 demons so imagine if you were told that your house had a demon inhabiting it and how terrifying that would be like that would freak me out enough but they were just told that it's inhabited by over 200 the clear points then told them like look this is not something you can fight you need to move you need to just get out of there you're not going to win this but they couldn't afford to move like the finances it just it was not going to happen so the Clairvoyance suggested look okay here's what you can do make an altar in the basement because that's where the stuff seems to be coming from you need to burn sage and silver through the house and draw a cross with the smoke so Latoya set up a little table in the basement with a white sheet over it she put a white candle as she was instructed and a statue of Mary Joseph and Jesus and she opened a Bible to Psalm 91 as she went through cleansing the house burning the sage and the sulfur she also did everything that the church told her to do she began to read Psalm 91 and here is what it says you will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilus that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday after all of these blessings were done they had about three solid pieces peaceful days before things started to get worse they really thought that they were like in the clear but they were not unfortunately Latoya says at this point she and her three children became fully possessed by demons Latoya said that her kids when they would get possessed their eyes began to bulge and they had these evil smiles and their voices deepened her youngest boy who was seven began talking to a boy that no one could see and he would do this in his closet in the dark and when his mom asked him what they were talking about her son said that the boy was telling him what it felt like to be killed daughter who was 12 also suffered some terrible things a headboard at some point somehow hits her head so hard that she needs stitches and she also said that sometimes it would feel like she was being choked and held down at night and one time she heard a voice say that you will never see your family again you won't live another 20 minutes ask for Latoya Latoya felt weak when this would happen she felt lightheaded her body got warm and then it would start to shake uncontrollably now there's not just four people in this house what about grar Rosa well as I said grar Rosa is a bad [ __ ] grandma Rosa said that she believed she was not a affected because of her strong faith and I'm pretty sure that that's why she was so headstrong when it came to facing this she really was the hero in the story because if it was not for grar Rosa I don't know that Latoya would have been able to get and go through and have the strength to get the help that she need like grandar Rosa was the push the constant push against these evil forces at this point they go to their family position Dr Joffrey onu I hope I pronounce that right and this was on April 19th of 2012 well when they told him about what was happening he was very skeptical he thought that Latoya was delusional and he told her that she needed to have a psychiatric clearance and in a separate video I actually came across the reports about this hospital visit and the notes are extremely Eerie so we'll get into that in one of our next videos at this point both of Latoya's Sons began cursing The Physician they were doing this in like low demonic voices they were just raging at him according to the medical staff at the physician's office and this is listed in the TCS report but the youngest son age seven was lifted up and thrown into a wall by something that they could not see and at this point he passed out the medical staff were like what the f is going on so they ran they dialed 911 and both of the boys were taken to the Methodist Hospital in Gary Indiana when they started to come to the old son who was nine seemed okay but the youngest son woke up straight back into this screaming thrashing fit it said that it took five men to hold him down a little boy just a little seven-year-old boy nine men to hold him down DCS was called they were asked to investigate Latoya the claim was that Latoya was mentally ill and that she was basically encouraging the kids to continue this kind of behavior for what reason they couldn't quite figure it out but they thought that she basically was just a sick woman and her kids were doing this because that's what they were taught by her in comes our DCS family case manager Valerie Washington Valerie's quotes are listed in the DCS report and she has been interviewed and as of late she does not like to comment on the story story but she did early on according to the police report the hospital examined Latoya and her children and the hospital said that they were healthy and free of marks or bruises that they weren't being physically abused a psychiatrist at the hospital evaluated Latoya and the psychiatrist was like yep she's of sound mine and I quote like was of sound mind at this point the police went to interview the family at the hospital and when they were speaking with LaToya the youngest son starts growling and his eyes started rolling to the back of his head then he turned his attention to his brother who was standing next to him he began to choke him and like not just kids choking each other he was putting so much pressure on this boy's neck that several people had to intervene to pry him off of his brother why why would a little boy try to like you know there's sibling fights but then there's why would he try to actually kill his brother what was coming over him and why would the mom encourage Behavior like this that's what I like I don't think that Latoya would be encouraging this Behavior but I think they just couldn't explain it and that was the best thing that they could do later that same day DCS case worker Washington and a registered nurse uh Willie Lee Walker brought both of the boys along with grandar Rosa into a little exam room and the younger boy starts in again he starts growling and in a very low voice that was not his own he said it's time to die I will kill you his older brother turns towards his grandma and he starts headbutting her in the stomach like and look I've seen videos like Grandma Rosa she's a tough woman but she's also a little woman and like a 9-year-old I would imagine probably wasn't too far from her height like but this kid starts headbutting her in the stomach so grandma Rosa grabs his hand and she begins to pray she doesn't scold him she grabs his hand and she begins to pray and as she begins to pray one of the craziest parts of this entire story happens according to the actual DCS report that was also signed off by the RN who was there the older brother began to walk backwards up the wall to the ceiling and at the DCS report it says he walked up the wall as if he was walking across the floor not like running head star like just walked up the wall backwards and then he flipped over his grandma and landed on his feet and this whole entire time he was still holding her hand so think about that okay you grab someone's hand and they're walking backwards like I don't know if he was like like this at the end of it or what I hope it didn't hurt grandar Rosa I guess if you're holding it and he went backwards yeah but and landed on his feet Washington's quote said he glided backward on the floor wall and ceiling like I said no running start and it scared Washington so bad at that point that she ran out of the room along with the RN she was like uhuh no I'm out bye and left grandma in there with the two possessed kids so Washington and the RN told one of the doctors what just happened and they were probably hysterical and the doctor obviously was like okay sure that happened like now you guys are sounding as crazy as everyone else involved in this so the doctor goes in he's like all right and at this point the oldest son is calm just kind of catatonic like just kind of out of it but he's calm and the doctor's like can you do that again can you show me how he did that and the boy did not know what he was talking about he was thoroughly confused Washington the DCS worker was quoted saying that yeah well there could be an evil influence affecting the family the next day was the youngest son's birthday he was turning eight and things seemed to calm down a bit so the family showed up to the hospital and they weren't going to let all of this demonic crap you know ruin a good birthday cuz you only turn eight once so they celebrated the hospital with some cake they were all there grandar Rosa Latoya her sons her daughter well that's when the DCS worker Washington comes in she pulled amons aside and 's like what like what could this be about well that's when Washington told her that your kids aren't going to be going home with you today we took the emergency step of taking custody of them I don't know Latoya knew this at the time but they did this without a court order I guess she probably did know but yeah they just said like we're taking your kids you're not going home with them and this hurt Latoya so much it hurt the kids it hurt grandar Rosa like this was devastating to say the least just devastating they were very close clearly like they all lived Under One Roof they had been through so much already in the height of this craziness you're going to pull them apart what the [ __ ] what no but there was nothing that they could do about it on April 20th 2012 a reverend Michael magino who was a priest at St step martyy Parish in Merillville receives a call this call is from the hospital chaplain the hospital chaplain told him what was going on and was like can you perform an exorcism on this 9-year-old boy like he walked backwards up a wall like this isn't normal everyone else is like trying to explain it but I know I know this isn't normal and I know that this is something beyond what we can explain mashino said um of course I'm going to look into this let me interview the family and two days later father mashino goes to visit Latoya and Grand Rosa at the house they gave him the whole story top to bottom and while they were telling the story several things started to happen at one point so they're sitting in the living room and father mashel noticed that the bathroom there was a light flickering as they began to tell the story and then he also noticed he must have been sitting right near the front door cuz you can still see into the kitchen one the blinds in the kitchen began swinging at one point and then he noticed wet Footprints throughout the living room that were not there when he got there Latoya started to get a headache and father mashino said do you mind I let me if I pray over you and she was like oh no please do so father mashow began to pray over her and he put the crucifix on her head and when the crucifix touched her head she conf [Applause] B yeah that's when father mashino knew like the family was being tortured by demons and this house was inhabited by both ghosts and demons like this is um this is a legit case he asked like can I bless the house before I go this is going to take some time but this is what I can do today now so he blessed the house and he told Latoya and grandar Rosa like you can't stay here you need to leave because this house that you're in this is not a safe environment when the priest is telling you it's not safe to stay at your home you go about a week later DCS schedules a meeting with grandma Rosa and Latoya at the house because they're going to going to do a check on the house just to see how it's going to make sure that there are things being put in place so that the kids at some point can be rehomed the DCS case worker valer Washington asked a local police officer to accompany her because she knew at this point something was not right and she didn't really know what and she probably didn't want to believe it because even if she believed it when she saw it she had now had a whole week to be home to think about it and be like oh that can't be what I saw there's no way that's what I saw and um yeah that's what she saw so she asked one of the local police to come with her three police ended up coming from three different jurisdictions three police that's crazy and I don't know if they were all probably I mean they were probably all just curious to be like what the f is going on over here when they all meet up outside the house Latoya is like I'm not going back into that house grandma Rosa stepped up and she said that's fine honey stay out here I'll go in with them while they investigate because they also wanted the DCS worker to see what they were talking about like to feel the energy and there like they're not crazy and they needed the DCS worker to see this so that any of these claims that they're psychologically crazy like could be just like not taken seriously anymore cuz they're not crazy the home inspection was videotaped I'm not sure if it was body cam footage or if it was the DCS worker with a camera I can't quite remember but this footage is found on Zach Bacon's documentary demon house which we will get into one of our next videos so while they were investigating the police were looking around the house and they made their way into the basement and they found something weird Under the Stairs you know I said it was concrete under the stairs it was dirt the concrete was broken up around it as if someone had dug it up it was like Jagged they're like this is odd why would just under the stairwell be dirt while they were down there they saw Latoya's altar with it ring of salt around it so that clearly set the mood for a very creepy feeling grandma Rosa told them while they were down there when they were talking about this dirt she said oh yeah the demons seem to emanate from under the stairs where that dirt's at at this point one of the officer's audio recordings malfunctions the batteries on the recorder flashed low even though these batteries were new and they were put in right before this investigation another one of the police officers audio you hear this voice come out of nowhere and Whisper hey not like a hey it's like hey but you can tell that it's not from anyone in the room sounds like this Ambient echoey sound and in a photo taken by one of the other police officers of the basement stairs this cloudy white Mist appeared in the upper corner and it almost looked like it had a face in it there was another green anomaly and another photo that almost took the shape of a female Chief Austin was one of those officers there that day and chief Austin is local police chief his story comes in quite a bit here he also did interviews with Zach for his documentary but she Austin was taking photos with his iPhone and he said that a lot of them had these weird Silhouettes in them and when Chief Austin left that day His Radio started to malfunction and when he got home his garage door that worked all the time no problem now all of a sudden would not open electronic phenomena in April of 2012 DCs was granted temporary wship of the children so remember when they took the kids it was without a court order well the court did give them temporary warship of the kids the Court's reasoning for giving them temporary wship was that Latoya was neglecting to send her kids to school regularly this was something that had been claimed in past reports about her from I don't know if it was DC yes police reports but in 2009 there was another claim that she was not sending her kids to school regularly now we don't know what the reason was in 2009 but for this in 2012 3 years later Latoya was like yeah but it's because like the spirits would make the kids sick or they would keep them up all night like terrorizing them they wouldn't get any sleep I can't send them to school like that like zombies like there's no way this was the point that they split the kids up the daughter and the oldest son were sent to a home in East Chicago the youngest son was sent to Christian Haven in Wheatfield for psychiatric evaluation a clinical psychologist evaluated the youngest son she did say he was coherent and logical but when he was talking about demons obviously sounded like a nutcase she noticed that like he would start to do this though when he was challenged or ask questions that he didn't want to answer he would start to act possessed like it was his form of deflection could you imagine it's actually a good way to get people to leave you alone DCS sets goals for the family the goals that they set for them look like the kids should not be discussing demons or possession they need to take responsibility for their actions they can't be like the demon made me do it you know you can't just blame everything on oh well I'm sorry I'm sorry it was so weird last night I was possessed like you can't just do that DCS also said Latoya needed to get a job and appropriate housing because obviously they could not go back into this house it was just even if these things were gotten out of the house like it's just not a good environment to return back to and another thing that they set in their goals for the family they said look Latoya you can't use religion as a form of discipline so clearly the Court's View and the tcs's view of this was that Latoya was basically controlling her kids by saying like what I imagine they probably thought was like oh yeah don't do that or you're going to get possessed don't do that or you're going to get possessed oh you got demons in you now it's the vibe that I'm getting from it and like what parent would do that her mom is very religious she was religious like why would she do that that's bad juu like no May 10th 2012 we have another visit at the house grandar Rosa Latoya Chief Austin and two more police officers with a dog mashel and a new family case manager Washington was like I'm not going back there and that should tell you something shouldn't it the new family case manager that attended this home visit was Samantha ilck the police were really curious about this dirt under the stairs they're like maybe there's a body under there I or maybe there's some treasure I don't know like they really were hellbent on going through the dirt in this basement Under the Stairs what did they find uh Peak Press On fingernail white underwear some sort of a pen for some political party the lid for a small cooking pan some socks with the bottoms cut off candy wrappers and this like little heavy metal object that looked like a weight for a try cord that's all they found but Zach Bacons will have you believe that it was all stuff that was put in there to curse them the police found this stuff and they weren't impressed it's stuff that I could see falling out of your pockets as you're walking up the basement stairs or you're taking your laundry basket down the basement stairs and Things fall off like now I don't know why those socks the bottoms were cut off the socks but like I could see all those things just kind of dropping down there or maybe someone maybe they just dropped in the basement at some point and someone went to sweep the basement up and they just got pushed into the dirt Pile in the corner like not too farfetched so the police just put it back in there and they covered it up now while they were in the basement the new case worker El was looking around the basement she found this weird clear sticky liquid and she touched it why did you touch the weird liquid I don't know later when they moved upstairs she said that her pinky finger was like starting to hurt it like started as a tingle and then it started to hurt and then it it felt broken and it turned white like there was no blood in it and she started to freak out she was having like borderline panic attacks so she had to get out of the house so she's outside she can't go back in and she's still freaking out the officers continued to look around and make their you know reports they noticed an oil like substance that was dripping from the blinds in one of the bedrooms now the oil substance was not dripping from the ceiling it was dripping from the middle of the blinds so they couldn't figure out the source you know if it was dripping from way up high maybe you could figure out like where it was coming from but no it it appeared in the middle of the blinds and it dripped down they were not not sure what it was not sure where it was coming from so they cleaned it up and they shut the door to the room for about 30 40 minutes they went back and about 30 minutes later okay and it was there again father mashau at this point was like yeah that oil tells you that right there is the physical manifestation of a demonic or paranormal presence in this house that day father mashau performed a minor exorcism on Latoya took 2 hours two police stayed back for this and ilc also stayed back when they left after this exercism they claimed that they were believers they came in Skeptics that day and they left like whoa something is up ilck had a string of very unfortunate medical issues after she left the home and all of this happened with about 30 days she got Burns third degree burns from a motorcycle she broke three of her ribs while jet skiing she broke her hand hitting a table and she broke an ankle and walking around in flip-flops all that in 30 days that's not just a string of bad luck that's very odd and this seems to happen to a lot of people after leaving this house just strings a bad and odd luck I'm not sure if it was during this exorcism that father mashau got the names of the Demons or if he told Ammons to look up the names of demons so and that she would just know them when she found them because the whole thing is when you know the names of something you can then exercise them out like to know their names gives them gives you power I think that he told her to just start looking up names and he's like you'll know when you see them because you know this entity more than any of us it's been in you like that way you can better understand and that way we can find them off so when Latoya went to go and look this up she said that she started to feel sick and the computer that she was using kept shutting down but she found the names she found several names not all 200 but she found several names she learned that one was the Lord of the Flies I'm not going to say the name because I'm superstitious and I don't want to say that stuff out loud but you could figure it out and she said that many of the other names that matched were demons that were known to torture children which made sense she also learned when she was doing her research that high ranking demons were assigned to her basically like the equivalent of lieutenants and sergeants that's I like gooseb all the while father mashal had been trying so hard to receive permission to fully exercise amance from the bishop and he was denied several times finally finally he gets permission to do a full exorcism honor three exorcisms were performed in total two in English and one in Latin and in these exorcisms he said I cast you out unclean Spirit along with every satanic power of the enemy every Spector from hell and all your fell companions in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Latoya she prayed with Father mashau until it was too physically painful for her to pray with him it was like something was like desperately holding on to its place inside of her and didn't want out so the more they prayed the more painful as if this thing was like you're you know you're trying to shake a bug out of something and it's but this this bug has claws and it was clawing and digging its heels in it was like no I don't want to leave I'm going to make this Hur so [ __ ] bad you're going to wish that I never got out I'm going to make this really hard and Latoya said it hurt just as much as childbirth now I've not had any kids but I imagine that's pretty freaking bad they continued until LaToy fell asleep this all happened between the first and second exorcism so between the second and the third exorcism father Mao had to go to a retreat it was scheduled ahead of time he had kind of this like exorcism assistant if you will and his assistant was on standby while he was gone his assistant was given an envelope with a long Demon's name a demon's name written down on it it was a very long name a long demons this envelope had salt around it and father mashau said if anything goes wrong you need to burn that envelope it was a pretty good trip while he was gone but he did receive a call from Latoya at one point and she said she was having these terrible terrible nightmares so father mashau called his exorcism assistant was like burn it and his assistant was like you got it boss and so the envelope was burned and the ashes were saved to finish burning in a church I kind of love how ritualistic this is like have you ever thought like the Catholic church is like so ritualistic and it's like not far from like when you think about like Witchcraft and stuff if you ever notice that interesting Latoya says her nightmares stopped at the end of June of 2012 was the final exorcism and this was the one in Latin father mashel worked so hard during this exorcism he said that Latoya convulsed whenever he was condemning the demons but she wasn't compulsing during prayer which this was big because before she couldn't take like the lord's name like she couldn't take prayer even couldn't take the cross on the forehead without like convulsing so this was a good sign and that was his first sign like oh my gosh we're getting somewhere after this Latoya returned home and she said that things start to go back to normal she got a new apartment her grandar Roa the home on Carolina Street was rented back out by the landlord Charles Reed according to him he says there were no problems before or after the family lived there but I don't know and when Charles was told about like that she actually had exorcisms performed and like was told about the police reports and stuff he did have a moment where he was like you could see that his skepticism wavered a little like it held a little more weight with him I'm sure as a landlord you hear all kinds of stuff so he probably just didn't want to believe them in November of 2012 around 6 months after this whole thing had started and the kids have been taken away Latoya regains custody of the children such a good wonderful moment they just were ready to leave everything behind them and just start this new life I mean they did right because they didn't talk about it really Zach Bacons in his documentary even tries to interview them and they refuse so this whole backstory is going to be very helpful when we get to the Demon House documentary video this gives you a lot of context officially the DCS had their request for dismissal of wship go through on January 24th of 2013 officially DCS was out so they probably put the kids back home in November a whole year a whole year since they first moved into this house since everything started before they knew it was starting and in their dismissal for wship statement it said the family is no longer fixated solely on religion to explain our cope with the children's behavior issues so clearly because they could not say that they believed it even if those case workers left believers they couldn't say that because the DCS is supposed to be sound mind did and if they recognized evil spirits fantasmas like ghosts Goblin ghes demons things like then they would be considered crazy right because it's not considered like smart or not smart but like it's not considered sane to believe in this stuff if you're in a high level like or you're at organization it's like religion they can't like claim anyway that was their like dismissal which probably annoyed the F out of Latoya but you know what she had her family back and that's all that mattered Latoya's closing statement was it wasn't the psychologist that solved Latoya's problems it was God she said when you hear something like this don't assume that it's not real because I lived it and I know that it's real and you can't argue that there's no way you could argue that she knows what she lived through who is it for anyone else to be like bull crap and that's the story that's the story of the anon's family haunting and it actually has a good ending which we love but yeah what do you think have you heard about this case before what are your thoughts on it I'm curious to know please comment below let me know and if you just liked it let me know respond with um respond let me know that you watched this all the way through by responding Purple Octopus cuz it's happy today and so are we and yeah so this was installment one I don't know how many there will be but join me for the next video we're going to be going through Zach B bigin Zack big and Zack big and stepen house and we're also going to be going through the actual report that was released and I think it's like the court report or the police report but it has the actual quotes that were said and reported after some of these crazy things happened B from that whole Hospital experience that led to L Toy losing custody of the kids that was a lot but anyhow Namaste and good night and don't let the creepies of Gary Indiana's house fight and let's just say a little like look let's just say a little like I hope that everyone is is just filled with good things and white light in anything that is not good anything that is not from what you believe is your god your higher power those things must be gone cast out from this home this body this place in the name of your God your higher power and we pray this holy holy wholeheartedly amen and thank you than you for coming tonight and we'll see you next time see you [Music]

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Category: Entertainment

November 7th 88th and 9th the supernatural life is coming to eid holland for our supernatural life conference 2024 if you know anything about the last conferences that we put on they were life changing for thousands of people and we are coming to europe this year as a center point so that the whole... Read more

The Ammons House Haunting | A Lil' Spooky Podcast thumbnail
The Ammons House Haunting | A Lil' Spooky Podcast

Category: Entertainment

[music] [music] [applause] w [applause] [music] hello and welcome to another episode of a little spooky this is the show where we talk about things that scare us just a little bit like cryptids ufos conspiracy theories urban legends or that feeling when you settle down in a library chair to read a good... Read more

Netflix's The Deliverance FAILS to Deliver (Review) thumbnail
Netflix's The Deliverance FAILS to Deliver (Review)

Category: Film & Animation

I thought the deliverance had a chance to become one of the best netflix original horror movies and i was completely wrong this film has an all-star cast of andre day glenn close aanu ellis taylor mo'nique and caleb mlin but just completely fails to deliver sure they give fine performances but the script... Read more

The Ammons Family Haunting The Deliverance Case - Indiana (Audio only) thumbnail
The Ammons Family Haunting The Deliverance Case - Indiana (Audio only)

Category: Entertainment

When we think of demonic possession often times it involves images of hollywood films but according to psychiatrist richard gallagher very few cases are actually the real deal and of those rare few some of them are so over the toop with what takes place who sees the supernatural manifestations and truly... Read more

Top Streaming Expert Reveals Dark Secrets Behind 'The Deliverance' thumbnail
Top Streaming Expert Reveals Dark Secrets Behind 'The Deliverance'

Category: People & Blogs

Why do 90% of horror fans love movies based on true events it's a question that has intrigued both filmmakers and audiences for years there's something about the idea that what you're watching on screen could have actually happened that adds an extra layer of fear and excitement netflix's latest thriller... Read more

True Story of Latoya Ammons | The Deliverance #netflix #story thumbnail
True Story of Latoya Ammons | The Deliverance #netflix #story

Category: Entertainment

Did you know that the netflix movie the deliverance is based on a terrifying real life story in 2011 latoya ammons and her three children moved into a small rental home in gary indiana but soon after they claimed their new house was haunted by something evil latoya and her children experienced strange... Read more

The Deliverance: POOR GLENN CLOSE.....NOT SMELLING THE COOTIE CAT!!! thumbnail

Category: Film & Animation

Introduction so, i am just hopping in with some really, really brief thoughts on the deliverance, directed by lee daniels. if you are familiar with  that name, then you know that no matter what he does, even  with the best of intentions, i guess..... there will always be some element  of tomfoolery... Read more

The Real Story Behind Netflix's 'The Deliverance'! #netflix thumbnail
The Real Story Behind Netflix's 'The Deliverance'! #netflix

Category: People & Blogs

If you love movies but hate spoilers this one's for you let's uncover the real story behind netflix's the deliverance the deliverance has taken netflix by storm but did you know it's based on a true story this film dives into the mysterious events of 1980s mississippi it's centered around a group of... Read more

THE DELIVERANCE Ending Explained & Real Haunting! thumbnail
THE DELIVERANCE Ending Explained & Real Haunting!

Category: Film & Animation

Hellish demons my mom getting a little too frisky at family parties and that time i saw my grandma without makeup netflix is the deliverance will have you yelling at your tv saying that the power of christ compels you in this video we'll be taking a look at the latest exorcist horror in the real life... Read more

The Deliverance Full Movie 2024 Review | Andra Day, Glenn Close, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor thumbnail
The Deliverance Full Movie 2024 Review | Andra Day, Glenn Close, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor

Category: Film & Animation

Uh today i tell about this movie the daily of the daily movie today i tell about this movie and this movie release is 2024 2024 is the release year and crea is also our so our gred and run time is on our uh 52 minute run time is also available so run time is 1 hour 52 minute run time is also available... Read more

Lee Daniels' Dog Passes Away; Mo'Nique Hospitalized on The Deliverance Set Despite Prayer Circles thumbnail
Lee Daniels' Dog Passes Away; Mo'Nique Hospitalized on The Deliverance Set Despite Prayer Circles

Category: Entertainment

Good evening i'm mike norris and you're watching tune in news tv tonight we have a report concerning to significant developments in the world of entertainment that have impacted notable figures in the industry first we address the unfortunate passing of lee daniel's beloved dog followed by a concerning... Read more