Robert Telles - The Verdict (and penalty)

good morning True Crime friends how y'all doing we have a verdict you know how much I love a verdict oh my God in the state of Nevada versus Robert Talis we finally finally have a verdict I could not be happier look we need to break it down but first you know what you need to do please like this video And subscribe to the channel it helps other people like us it helps other people find us but also wait many many thanks to my girl Brandy Churchwell who shouted out this channel yesterday and got us a whole bunch of new subscribers we we now have over 9,000 subscribers to this madness that I call a YouTube channel child that is unhinged anyway look Mr Tellis yesterday now now I might have been harsh when I judged the Tellis jury because I was like what is wrong with these idiots child we had to light a candle and everything look I called on our favorite deities The Golden Girls to solve this crime to help not solve the crime the crime was already solved to help this jury get their whole Act Right fully installed and come to a verdict and jury I would like to apologize because my internet boyfriend Peter tros told me that it's not that there was like one hold out who was an idiot on the jury although I suspect that might have been a little bit of the case but um that maybe the jury was thoughtful and had many many questions and they wanted to go through all the evidence little by little and I was like okay I will accept that explanation and so I will not have Sophia hit you over the H with hot purse that's filled with um all in brochures from Shady Pine cuz y'all m- y'all took way too long you took way way way too long but you did get it right and so I mostly apologize so look this is what happened after 500,000 hours of the jury deliberating they were like we have a verdict and I was like I thought this dream was going to hang oh my goodness child was clutching all my pearls and so I went over over there on uh Brandy Church well you know 13y old child love me S Miss Brandy and I was like y'all is there a verdict in chat and they were like it's no verdict yet next thing you know Brandy was like got a verdict and I was like yes also maybe I'm a little bit psychic so anyway the jury came back in and I was perched I was ready I wanted to see every little thing but here's the thing verdicts sometimes it's like they got a verdict and then they make you wait for a while I mean I know they got to gather up all the people and everything but I want to know right now right right right right now right now so I was like okay and so picture it Clark County the little courtroom and so everybody starts to file in and I was like okay and then a whole row of ladies in and I was like who are the ladies in red it turns out the ladies in red was the Old Guard from the office look if you're not up on this case please I'm going to need you to just get down in the description of this video and follow the whole Robert Tellis playlist honey because I have followed this trial breathlessly day by day so all the old Guard from the office showed up and they wore matching red outfits and I was like okay ladies we are ready to go they sat there and then um the lawyers come in and um then Mr tulis in his big bulb's head he came in and he was like in my mind right I know he walks mostly like a normal person also they took them little lifts out of his shoes some little kitten heels so he could probably walk like a normal person now instead of having to tiptoe around on his little kitten heels and so he came in and um he was looking nervous I was like he don't have to remind himself not to be angry Elmer fud today he was full Tweety eyes so big eyes took up his whole face his whole forehead disappeared it was just eyes and it was like blink blink I was like mhm you're not feeling all powerful now little man so he sat there and his head was all down he had a bright yellow Tweety tie and I was like okay I see you shouting out your daddy's side no problem with that I ain't got no problem with that so he sits down and then the judge comes in and the judge is like hey how y'all doing did you enjoy your oh the judge was having such a lovely day and she was like okay let me see the verdict look this is the only time I want to be a judge because I want to know the verdict first and so then the judge hands it off to the clerk and they were like um hey little man stand up oh you're already standing up we couldn't tell anyway and so the lady the clerk or whatever read the verdict now look here's the thing some states they just look at the paper and they're like he did that guilty and then that's it but then in other states they say in the state of blah blah blah and they read all the charging documents or whatever so in Nevada they read all the stuff they were like we in the great state of Nevada county of Clark on this day whatever the date is land of prostitution and free drinks at the casino fine Mr um tal guilty and I was like yes I was so excited oh my God I was so excited and so he was just like but here's the thing did you notice I noticed it when I watched it when they said um how do you find on the charge of unfortunately uning that man and blah blah blah blah blah immediately Mr tell started shaking his NE head now I was like boo boo it's a yes you should say yes because you absolutely did that he started shaking his head now and they were like guilty and it was like another charge guilty guilty guilty he was guilty on all charges I'm not sure what all the charges were but you know you're not here for fact child you here for gossip so anyway they found him guilty on all charges and he was then very very sad very the Little Tweety eyes dim to like half mass and he had his head down and he was feeling very sad and I was like sir were you feeling this sad when you took a knife and unfortunately unived that man and P him with in an inch of his life may Mr Jeff Gman rest in peace here's the thing that's crazy investigative reporter Jeff Gman down there in Las Vegas reported on the mob and crooked politicians and all of these other kind of people he was out here writing all kinds of wrongs and the mob didn't get him the kitten Hill killer got him sah you want it to be remembered you want it to be a name that everybody know knew but now everybody knows your name and we see your big old stupid head too take your bulb's head to a prison anyway and he was looking real sad now look according to the lawyer you know this jury was very contemplative and um they took a while and they had many questions and they wanted to work through all the details okay I still think they could have come back in like 10 minutes instead of five but anyway they got the answer right and so um then Mr tell sat down we really couldn't tell the difference cuz he's so sure honest to goodness I never would have even thought about his height it did not notice it it did not enter my mind until he made it an issue like I'm just trying to feel pretty I just wanted to be half an inch taller that's why I wear lifts in my shoes also that's why that lady over there on the gossip room R in your window that big mouth lady from New Jersey that's why she calls me the kitten Hill killer cuz I'll be wearing lips in my shoes while I'm out here unfortunately un alive in people so then he sat down he was like okay I'm standing up I'm sitting down I'm standing up I'm sitting down we couldn't tell no difference anyway but when he was standing up I was looking at him next to everybody else it's like here's his shoulder here's everybody else's shoulder I was like oh you real short you might you said you was 5 five and a half I think he might be 5'2 nothing wrong with being 52 child I'm part of that 5'2 life myself quiet as his cap I'm actually 51 and a half but I don't wear lifts I just lie and say I'm 52 it's easier to just lie okay so anyway although you're not supposed to lie but then the judge was like thank you so much jury for your um wait wait wait when the lady when the court clerk was reading the verdict she read all the guilties and I was like that's all we need to know and she was keeps reading she was like you need me to read the rest of this cuz I don't you know we already know he did this all the judge was like now I need to talk to the lawyers so the lawyers came up and then they agreed to go to the Penalty phase and I was like wait they're going to do the penalty phase right now right right now right now Okay cool so the judge was like we're going to take a little break we're going to stretch our little arms or whatever and then we're going to get off to the Penalty face and then all the ladies in red got up and filed out except that there was one lone woman y'all it was very dramatic when they make the movie of this it's going to be somebody sitting in the back with her head down dramatically weeping and then she slow slowly lifts her head and lifts her hands and you realize it's Rita Reed now Rita Reed is the lady who beat him in the election Rita Reed is the lady who called Jeff Gman to start investigating this crooked politician Rita Reed is the reason that this whole thing jumped off well I mean truly Robert Tellis his attitude and his actions are the reason that all this jumped off but you know Miss Rita re got to be feeling some kind of way because she's like human resources wouldn't help me so I had to call the local newspaper and the local newspaper man got all the video and everything PS reader read and all them girls in red they are ad hoc detective agency if you recall from this case they was like the human resources people are not helping us y'all um we not allowed to talk in the office no more so they pulled a full wink them blink them in ey they was like that mean meet me in the in the ladies room upstairs at two o'clock they everybody left in a different time through a different door they regrouped in the bathroom and they was like okay we going to follow this mama Luka we GNA find out what's going on that's how they got the videotape of him um they was recorded on their cell phone stingy cars dressed all in black they wern't wearing red when they were stalking his behind hunch down in cars in parking lots getting video footage on their phones of him getting out the back seat um of the car with Miss Roberta down from the office back seat birdie girl we see you and we have not forgotten about you I was like now after that relationship came to light I was like I'm surprised your wife didn't leave you on the spot because first of all you seem like a terrible human being um also you cheating on her oh okay okay nah n nah nah nah n she let you live okay well good for her she a better woman than me so anyway they go on to the Penalty phase of um the trial and Jeff German's family all the victim's family gets up and they talk about we miss Jeff we love Jeff he was a wonderful person he was beautiful whatever and I was like oh that is so sad Tito get me a tissue any anyway um you old if you get that reference anyway so um then they had Mr German's wife get up there how how how did he get such a gorgeous wife what the what what does this man have going he's so Teensy he must have a lot of Personality a lot and so she was like we were a blended family he had a daughter I had a son and then we had a baby together and he never referred to halves or steps we were all just family ma'am that's how how that's supposed to go you're not supposed to delineate oh this is my step this is my they're just your kids I have a child that I did not give birth to you know what I call him my son anyway although I did give birth to Three Sons child we got a lot of sons so anyway he was like he was a good father he made chicken fried rice for his daughter with a recipe who needs a I knew when he started talking about making chicken fried rice with a recipe I was like he a lime sack of sugar don't nobody need a recipe to make chicken fried rice anyway so um she was like he was a good father and I'm really beautiful and um I just I tolerated his Madness because he seemed like a nice person and he was good with the kids and whatever else oh I hope she was having her little piece on the side cuz I can't imagine just having to live with that man it makes my heart hurt for her that she had to live with him so anyway she had this gorgeous purple hair oh stunning anyway and she had two kids she has the figure of life oh child what are you take you got that o zipic or something like that cuz she was gorgeous anyway not that it's about looks not but I'm shallow and Petty in vain so anyway she gets off the stand and I was like okay okay his ex-wife still likes him wonder how long till she divorces him but she was just like please I accept your verdict also this means he getting out of my house and I'm really really thrilled about that part of it um so please let him walk his daughter down the aisle at some point if it ever comes to that but if you don't it's fine I'm cool with it and I was like girl I got you I got you know you try to put on a good show be like a good mother cuz your kids going to see this someday but between me and you you know you happy to have him at the house come on now anyway so then another lady gets up and I was like oh who was this nice lady his ex-wife his ex-wife had nice things to say about him and it made me think there might be a little bit of humanity in this big uh bulbus head man ow if your ex-wife says nice things about you he was a good father we have established he was a good father we have also established that he is a ruthless unal lior so I guess those two things go together but here's why I think maybe they don't go together because if you're a good father you don't throw away your whole future over a petty grievance so now your child has to live without a parent in the house to like love her and nurture her and whatever sir I'm going to need you to think ahead and think longer than just you and yourself and whatever you done messed up your whole family Mr German's whole family but you're still a good father K I have doubts and then this other lady got up and it looked just like his wife and I was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that must be his mother-in-law cuz that lady looks exactly like his wife and she was like I am um bulb's head's mama and I was like for real wow okay his mother was really beautiful what happened to him what his daddy look like clearly it's a little Looney Tune on the daddy side cuz the mama looked fine she looked perfectly normal she's like I had these two boys you see that other light bulb in the back of the room no that's not cousin Fester that's his brother and I was like oh well let me see his brother well his brother look like does his brother look crazy like him anyway so she was like I worked hard and we picked peppers and we were we did like field labor in Texas and then we moved here to Las Vegas and he made a better life and he did all these things he sounds like a good nice decent human being when he's not out here holding grudges creating weird conspiracy theories and unfortunately unive at people aside from that little personality Quirk I'm sure he is quite delightful but really really M he need to go to jail for a long long long long long time and finally the jury went and they thought about it and I was like listen these suckers they might be out for three days trying to figure out are they GNA lwop him give him life without the possibility of parole or is he going to get some possibility of parole but when his wife got off the St he was like I love you I love you sir put your heart fingers down break his little heart fingers how you putting up a heart I love you and crying and all the sharp face and stuff you w doing all that when you was over there prating Mr um garment over and over again put your fingers down um smack his little face wait did you notice his hand he did this weird thing with his hand look go back and watch the videos when people was talking he had his hand like this well normally he does full glamour shot like this cuz you know when you do the Glamour Shots you got to have your hand like this because that's how they did it Circa 1984 but he had his hand folded like this is he double jointed in his wrist his this part of his head was fully folded down like flat like you see how there's a space here he had no space face he can make his hand go totally flat is that a sign that he's unal liver I'm just is he double jointed in his wrist is that like how you know somebody is pure evil so listen Single Ladies If you out here on a DAT she be like hey how you doing can you fold your hand like this and if their hand goes all the way flat you could be like say to yourself killer okay thank you it was so nice to meet you and then gone with the rest of your life but anyway I've gotten off topic child as I am want to do so anyway finally the jury comes back and they recommended a sentence of 20 years to life so now listen 20 years German is 48 and so um that means he would be 68 70 when he gets out of prison maybe a little time off of good behavior but here's the thing most people do not make parole on the first try also you have to take personal responsibility and show that you've grown and you've changed honestly for the betterment of society I hope he does all those things I hope he because he has to sit still with himself for minimum of 15 years and just think about this and watch everybody life go on after this is over I won't remember this man's name because I barely remember my name Lord knows nobody will remember your name nobody will remember your crime you will still be sitting over there with your big stupid head rotten in prison where you belong and so I hope he stays in prison for 20 or more years he might never get out all that bad food or whatever is bad for your health it's not like you getting top-notch Healthcare down there in the Clark County or the Nevada state prison system or wherever you going sir you have earned that nobody did this to you Compass realy didn't do this to you the district attorney didn't do this to you sir you did this to yourself and it is well deserved well deserved now look the question is what case are we going to do next you know that Corey richens she had herself some uh preliminary hearings covered over there by EDB Emily dbaker oh you know I'll be up there on Miss EDB oh I love me some Emily dbaker now listen I'm not going to lie Brandy Churchwell is my absolute favorite but I do um enjoy some miss Emily D Baker so um next up we are covering uh Corey Richard's preliminary hearings because child it is a whole mess a whole mess in the meantime y'all have a great day and you stay safe out there bye

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