Snapped NEW💥Crystal Mangam💥Cynthia Coates💥Season 2024 Full Episodes #snapped

Prime Time Crimes presents this true crime education video with two crime stories to highlight that you are more likely to meet your Demise by someone you know we suggest watching this video as if you are the victim in each story while watching identify the warning signs that led up to the incident and think about what you would do to prevent this from happening to you or to someone in your family if we can learn from these videos we will be educated instead of just entertained April 3rd 2011 2:30 a.m. it's a peaceful night on the south side of Durham North Carolina but events are unfolding that will bring a notorious case from the city's not so distant past roaring back to life it starts when 40-year-old Carlos Wilson gets an unexpected knock on his apartment door I immediately ran to the door to see who it was cuz I don't get that kind of disturbance that time of night as I looked through the people I saw that it was my uncle Regin so I immediately open the door 46-year-old Reginal day lives just a few Doors Down but he hasn't dropped by for a late night chat he's come for help he's bleeding from his sides up under his arm between his real blades he's been stabbed he's bleeding and the nephew is trying to figure out what's going on Regin was bleeding a whole lot it wasn't like it was pouring out but it was too much at the time for him to be losing I tried to keep him as conscious as I could and I talk to him try to come down Carlos wants to call 911 Reggie says I'm not that bad I don't need to go he didn't think it was that serious but I had to inform my uncle that this is deep and it's between your ribs you don't know if a long is punctured or anything you need to go get help Carlos calls 911 and waits for help to arrive 911 where's your emergency I need a amance my uncle just got stabed his heart rate to exceed so much where it would pump all the blood you know he was bleeding seriously you awake oh we're getting help on the way someone else is dispatching the dur Police Department shows up and then you First Responders which would be the fire department they wasted no time doing what they needed to do loading them up and taking them to the hospital while Reggie is transported to the hospital questions remain for police who could have done this and will Reggie live to tell his story born in 1964 Reginald day grew up in a small town just outside of Durham he's a country boy he liked outoors he liked to fish occasionally he like him a but Wier Reggie never went to college instead he supported himself with his passion painting houses he liked to paint he was just so thrilled about painting you know just beginning from the prepping of the wall to the finished product and he always told me that you can never go wrong with learning a trade no matter what the trade may be he was somebody that enjoyed helping other people he was kind had a pretty simple life and he just wanted someone to share it with he wanted a long-term relationship he didn't want that fly by night he was tired of that he wanted to settle that's what he was looking for Reggie's chance would come in January of 2011 when a friend hired him to do some work around her house which is how he first met his friend's niece 32-year-old Crystal Mangum re day definitely had a soft spot for pretty ladies 14 years younger than Reggie Crystal was a city girl but there was nothing fancy about her upbringing she did grow up in Durham her dad was a truck driver her mom was a homemaker she was one of three children her family didn't have a lot they weren't rich and they didn't have money to afford her you know all of the things in life she had a family that did love her growing up poor made Crystal long for a better life but it also meant that she couldn't afford college she left and went into the Navy she served in the Navy for 3 and a half years I think she enjoyed the Navy I think that was her way of improving herself while in the service Crystal met the man she believed she could spend the rest of her life with she got involved with a gentleman in the Navy and as a result she had a son and a daughter by while the relationship produced two children It ultimately didn't last namely because the father of Crystal's children had been hiding a big secret he was married at the time so you know that's not looked upon favorable when you're in the Navy and that's prior into her actually being what it was once out of the Navy Crystal returned to Durham she moves back to Durham to be near her family to be closer to her father mother you know so she could have a support system cuz she did have two small children with her parents support Crystal not only made a home for her children she even managed to earn a college degree she went to North Carolina Central and got her undergrad degree in Psychology and then was working on her Masters while pursuing her Masters Crystal met another man she thought might be the one she ended up having this second man in her life though it did produce another child Crystal's third this relationship was also shortlived she now had three children she was trying to go to school and she was struggling in an effort to keep her head above water crystal moved in with her aunt in May of 2010 that's when Crystal met Reginald day Reginald was at her aunt's house where she was staying doing some painting or some maintenance work some handyman work she started talking to him and he was nice to her and she started opening up to him about her situation Crystal had enjoyed staying with her hand but she felt it was a burden on her there was quite a few people in the house so it was a little congested and a little crowded and I think Crystal had got a little anxious Reggie told Crystal not to worry she and the kids could stay at his place at the time he was having some problems with his rent where he was living at it seems like the perfect situation he's looking for a roommate to help share the rent she's looking for someone to help her and her three children Crystal leapt at the offer and within days of meeting Reggie she and her children moved into Reggie's apartment not only does he open his apartment to her but he gives her and her daughter's a bedroom gives the son a bedroom he's sleeping on the couch it seems like he's bending over backwards to accommodate her however Reggie didn't sleep on the couch for long once she was there things started to happen there was more than a roommate situation it very quickly turned into a romantic relationship up Reggie day fell very hard quickly for Crystal mango Crystal was just as taken with Reggie he was not bad on eyes and he was a good guy he worked hard and he was good with Crystal's kids too ready love kids period he bonded with him he did that what he could to make him feel welcome it seemed after years of looking for love in all the wrong places Crystal Mangum had finally found her Mr Right she thought they had a good Rel relationship and she was satisfied being in that relationship he wanted a family he wanted love he wanted to just be at peace enjy life barely a month after Crystal moved in her and Reggie's life together seems to be in Mortal danger original day was admitted to Duke University Hospital emergency room he was there with a stab wound and being taken to the hospital emergency surgery after years of heartbreak struggle and longing to find Mr Wright single mom Crystal Mangum seemed to find the man of her dreams in the form of her new roommate 46-year-old Reggie day the arrangement initially was was a platonic relationship but it quickly morphed into an intimate [Music] one however on the morning of April 3rd 2011 Reggie's life hangs in the balance after being stabbed at apartment complex he had a pretty substantial uh wound that needed to be addressed the big one was it hit the colon the spleen I think the kidney but just several of those organs it kind of nicked them all while Reggie is rushed into surgery his nephew Carlos leads police across the apartment complex to Reggie's residence the moment they walk in it's clear that they've entered a crime scene of tremendous violence I'm like the test minion devil just went through here the TV the tables the furniture the crystal glasses shot glasses everything in the living room was destroyed there was blood on a couch there was a knife stabbed into one of the arms of the couch you can see there was you know some blood drops um down the hall there was a door to the bathroom had been violently removed from the hinges and as if it had been kicked and forced inside you could see like hair that was pulled out and was laying on the floor they came in that apartment and saw that apartment in disarray like that and the see hair over here and doors kicked in that should have been a clue right then that there had been some harm comeing to somebody other than Reggie could there be a second victim Reggie's nephew tells police that just before paramedics arrived Reggie told him that there were only two people involved in the altercation Reggie himself and his girlfriend Crystal he said it was crystal last name that's when Carlos drops a bombshell it was the crystal mang here in dur North Carolina everybody knows who Crystal mum is the events that transformed Crystal magum into one of Durham's most notorious public figures date back to 2006 long before she met Reggie day while she was in school you know you have financial aid and everything but that doesn't take care of everything still have to pay your bills to make ends meet Crystal started working as an exotic dancer for private parties that's something that she chose to do because she can make $3 $400 for an hour's worth of work at first things went smoothly and the job afforded Crystal the financial breathing room she'd so desperately sought and on the night of March 13th 2006 the gig Crystal had booked was supposed to be a party like any other mother she gets a call would she like to go do this job and she just knew to show up in an address the location turned out to be a house not far from Duke University the lacrosse team was having an off-campus party and they hired Crystal Mangum as an exotic dancer to come to that party and entertain what happened next would forever alter the course of Crystal's life and that of the Duke lacrosse team crystal said that she was raped or assaulted by three m members of the lacrosse team of course that in and of itself is a pretty explosive story Crystal's claim prompted an immediate police investigation they found out all of the people who were at the party and they took pictures of only those people and they gave those pictures to her and told her that all those people were at the party which ones are the ones that raped you Crystal Mangum picks out three men and says that these three men assaulted her within days all three men were arrested on rape charges the district attorney in Durham County at the time took on this case with Vigor so did the national media who descended on Durham in droves this case was The Perfect Storm the perception of Duke for many people is that it is an elitist University for privileged young people so you have that on one hand then on the other hand you have a low-income African-American woman down on her luck having a difficult life and she accuses these three young men from the University of a horrible crime the way it was portrayed at that time is that they were all drunk and were abusive who would come to the aid and the rescue of a young woman when they say that they've been violated in such a hind way Crystal really was kind of the focus of a national fight those kinds of things caught up in the the controversy the university acted swiftly severely disciplining the entire team the authorities at Duke cancel the season ended up firing the coach a lot of people saw Duke's reaction as over the toop it completely polarized this community I mean we had people who strongly supported the lacrosse firers and we had people who strongly supported Crystal mango it split America right down the middle but even as Crystal's accusation divided Durham and dominated the national news the case against the lacrosse players started to unravel the DNA test came back and showed that none of the players that she had accused had any DNA connection to her allegations of sexual assault the Attorney General decides that Not only was this a case of a false accusation but that these men were totally innocent the stunning decision left Durham's district attorney disgraced he was disbarred and removed from being the district attorney but Crystal faced an even tougher Road after 2006 she was pretty much a pariah or a Persona NADA in this community her name is son so no job no way to make ends me when they found out that she was crystal mangle the young lady involved with the dup La Cross she was let go several times Crystal Lum after this incident found it difficult if not impossible to rent an apartment she couldn't go fill out an application and put her name down and say Crystal M nobody was going to rent to her shunned by the community Crystal desperately needed a refuge one that she'd found with Reggie day my uncle Reggie told me that um you know everyone needs a second chance they seem to be uh very happy as they survey the scene detectives are curious what sort of anger has Crystal carried in her heart in the years since the Duke lacrosse scandal and would Reggie's willingness to give her a second chance ultimately cost him his life years since 46-year-old Reggie day was brutally stabbed in his Durham North Carolina home the attack appears to stem from a domestic dispute between Reggie and his girlfriend 32-year-old Crystal Mangum a woman whose name is synonymous with Scandal throughout the city everybody knows Crystal mango she's captured the attention of the whole state and the country when she was involved in one of the most notorious cases that we'd ever seen the Duke L case that was news regardless of where you were at in the world you've heard about that case so now while surgeons at Duke University Hospital fight to save save Reggie's life Durham Police are on the hunt for Crystal our uniform Patrol officers and our investigators were actively trying to locate this mangle she was gone from the house she left he didn't know what direction she went to but she had left we wanted to make sure not only to get her side of the story as far as what have occurred but also address if she had any particular physical injuries that had resulted from this act of but the search for Crystal has barely begun before another urgent call comes in from the apartment complex where the stabbing occurred they get this mysterious 911 call from a child you're 911 where's your emergency yes this D was trying to beat my mom my mom okay tell me exactly what happened my mom was trying to defend and she she accidentally St the son basically told 911 that his mother had been in a fight and she had to leave and so that was why the police knew where she was and what is your name please please just hurry up and get here really a lot of trou need to like seriously with one team of officers processing the crime scene at Reggie's apartment another responds to the 911 call at a neighbor's apartment they come to the apartment and they ask for Crystal mangle she was lying on the floor she was obviously distraught and upset our clothing appeared torn I recall there being a lip that was swollen there was a small cut on the back side of one of her hands her hair was a mess she looked like she was an exhausted mess and officers had a time trying to just get her off the floor and composed enough to transport her to the police department for further investigation once at the station detectives Usher Crystal into an interview room for questioning as I walk in the interview room I can see there again she is very exhausted she appeared to have been sleeping you she wakes up she's conscious and alert I explained to her that I need to take some photographs of her her overall appearance as well as her injuries you you stand up on this wall T me the photos convince at least one detective that Crystal's son I observe on this mango in my opinion would appeared that she had been on theing end of an assault but when it comes to explaining how she received those injuries Crystal remains silent Crystal had been through the before so she knew that it was best to just ask for an attorney rather than try to talk your way out of it she knew that it was better not to talk to the police until after you've had a consult with an attorney so she never spoke with Crystal unwilling to talk detectives treat her injuries then take her into custody ultimately they arrest her for assault with a deadly weapon inflicting Serious injury which was the stabbing however if Reggie day doesn't survive the assault charges could escalate to murder charges I think Krista knew that if if he did not live that the charges that she was charged with would definitely be increasing after booking Crystal into the Durham County Jail detectives contact the hospital for an update on Reggie's status the medical staff at Duke University had advised our investigators that they were able to uh get him from critical condition into a condition uh post surgery and that it appeared he was going to make it full recovery although without medical intervention Reggie could have easily died the Stab Wound was 7 and 1 12 in deep I mean it was a steak Knife buried to the hillt it hit the colon the spleen I think the kidney but they repair all of the damage once out of surgery and in recovery Reggie is eager to speak to detectives Reggie day was actually able to talk to the police after his surgery he was able to give them a statement and tell them his version of what happened that night Reggie states that April 2nd 2011 was supposed to have been a big day for him and Crystal the relationship had kind of gotten to a new level Reggie had actually taken her to a family picnic to meet his family this was the first time that you know he had kind of said this is my girlfriend here's my family but Reggie says that their special day soon turned sour when they come home from the party there is a police officer who is in the parking lot of the apartment complex dealing with a car that's being towed Crystal knows him and Crystal goes up and speaks to him she started to talking to him and regie got upset Reggie got jealous saying you know I just introduced you to my whole family you know what are you doing why are you flirting he had heard or observed her flirting with some unknown male or unknown individual and he was not happy about this and they got an A heated argument the officer said are you okay she was like no we're fine and he said well y'all can't be out here yelling go inside Reggie tells detectives that he and Crystal did as ordered but he admits that once inside the apartment the argument escalated he had been drinking and he just got insanely jealous I mean this was not what he had expected this was not what the rage and that's what instigated was Rampage he Adit hitting her he admits jumping on her he admits all of that Reggie also admits that Crystal had tried her best to get away he stated that Miss Mangum had fled into the bathroom and locked the door behind her and that he pursued her by forcing the door in to get to go after her Reggie said that he kicked the door in that he actually had pulled her out he admits pulling her hair and pulling her back into the room Mr day told investigators that at the time that he grabbed her here miss Mangum stated to let me loose Reggie claims at that point he realized his rage had got the best of him and he released Crystal but the fight was far from over his position was he let her go turned to leave she ran into the kitchen and grabbed some knives and came back at him and stabbed him once in the side Reggie's version of events adds a new wrinkle to what detectives already know about the case there were two people that were actively engaged in the violent confrontation and that end of itself can make it a complex thing to try to determine you know at what point and where we each party involved in the confrontation and to what degree it's been less than 48 hours since Crystal Mangum stabbed her boyfriend Reggie day though his life hung in the balance doctors were able to save reie now he's given Durham Police a statement about the incident one that suggests Crystal may have acted in self-defense he admits they were fighting he admits he got mad um he admits he kicked in the door and Drug her out by her hair it's hard to to say who was the aggressor who was not the aggressor the case gets even more complicated on the evening of April 6th when Reggie's condition takes an unexpected turn for the worse my mom called me and told me that he wasn't doing good and I'm like huh he was talking the bleeding had stopped so I'm assuming that he was going to walk out the hospital in a few days he started experiencing agitation and some issues they were wondering whether or not it was detox will kick in and that's one of the worst drugs you can ever detox from cuz it affects all the organs in the body the whole body as a whole he starts running the fever and at some point goes into cardiac arrest in which obviously Duke activate their medical procedures and start doing everything they can to provide life-saving measures for Mr day the doctors scramble to restart Reggie's heart but it's too late the damage is permanent he was in a coma for a period of time and and if he was able to survive the coma would probably be living with substantial brain damage after they realized he wasn't going to recover that's when they went ahead and pulled the plug it was the family's decision to pull life support on April 13th 2011 10 days after the stabbing Reggie day is pronounced dead it was very shocking it was very disappointing it was hurting it was angry it was so many emot at one time because I I'm assuming that I would see my uncle again standing upright walking and talking being his happy normal self and I never got that chance to see him standing up right again I had to watch him land in a coffin and I never thought that was going to happen I just knew after he left in the amals a couple of days later he would be coming home and I didn't go see him while he was in the hospital cuz I knew he was going to walk out that door news of Reggie's death is just just as disappointing for Crystal's friends and family Crystal's still in jail at the time and I'm still going to see her and you know we still keeping hope that you know he's going to be all right crystal you know and then you know I let her know that that passed away and she was upset she did feel bad about it because she continued she even said to that point he was a good man she continued to stick with that that he was a good man from a legal standpoint Reggie's death has dire repercussions for Crystal ultimately for Miss Mangum the charges that went along with this had now changed it's gone from being an assault on Mr day to now the charges have been upgraded to murder the technical cause of death is complications from a stabl now facing a first-degree murder charge and the possibility of life in prison Crystal decides it's time to talk given Crystal's reputation in Durham her attorney decides it's best to present her story directly to the district attorney Crystal's version of events starts out just like Reggie's they went to a cookout a family cookout his family not hers however according to Crystal by the time they arrived at the party Reggie was already drunk she said he started drinking at morning at the apartment so by the time he got to the cookout he was being little in it loud at 1:00 a.m. they returned home from the party that's when she made the mistake of stopping to say hello to a police officer she knew the officer called her name cuz he knew who she was and she responded you know just having a conversation and I think that made Reggie angrier than he already was by the time they got into the apartment by the time she left the officer who had told them both to take it on the inside and get it out the parking lot she said when she walked into the apartment and the door closed he just hit her he hit her many times with his fist in the head and gouged hit her face with his fingernails she went and ran and tried to lock herself in the bathroom and he kicked the bathroom door in similar to Reggie's statement Crystal claims that at this point relented but crystal says it was Reggie not her who'd gone to the kitchen and grabbed the knives crystal says that Reginal Dave went in there grabbed him and started throwing them at her as though she were Target she's trying to hide and Dodge them eventually they end up in the floor she claims he tried to choke her and that she picked up one of those knives stabbed him inside and then ran out of the apartment Crystal seems to be telling the truth but authorities also know that her prior accusations against the Duke lacrosse team proved to be a fabrication it's complicated because they have this chaotic scene and they have only two people there no Witnesses so they have to take both of their stories and try to figure out what happened she was charged with a second degree murder the next morning Crystal Mangum is once again headline news in Durham that immediately puts back in the news this case probably would not have been more than a brief mention had she not been Crystal Mangum despite all the negative press Crystal's attorneys are confident she will ultimately be Vindicated I think we did have a good chance to beat the murder charge um I mean I think it's you had a good argument for self-defense but can the most infamous woman in Durham actually get a fair trial here anytime you have any case in which a person is in the med Spotlight under scrutiny whether it's good or bad in that Community I think you have to ask yourself can that person get a fair and impartial jury of their peers I think it would be hard for Crystal mum to get people people that didn't know who she was and could be impartial in Durham but it also might be hard to find 12 people who didn't know who Crystal Mangum was anywhere in North Carolina so that's the challenge of the justice system is how do you try somebody fairly when you have a person who is so high-profile all of her notoriety it was kind of a double-edged sword and when the trial finally gets underway a key witness from Crystal's past could seal her F the star witness in this trial was her ex-boyfriend we kept hope the whole time and a half years after Reggie day's death 35-year-old Crystal Mangum is headed to trial for his murder the question Crystal's attorneys now face is can she get a fair trial in Durham the same town where the Duke lacrosse scandal made her a household name what we concluded is for all of her notoriety it was kind of a double-edged sword she still had her supporters in Durham she probably has more supporters in Durham than she does in other counties and so we didn't actually make a request to move but we did decide to keep it in dur November 14th 2013 cistal's trial begins at the Durham County Courthouse a throng of her supporters packs the courtroom we kept hope we kept hope the whole time that she would be found not guilty in his opening statement Crystal's attorney makes the case for self-defense by his own admission she had locked herself into a bathroom and he kicked in the door and Drug her out by her hair at which point he was stabbed that was an altercation where somebody was fighting for their life there's no way you couldn't have seen it any other way she had every reason to be terrified of him had every reason to think he was going to harm her however the prosecution paints Crystal as a dangerous unstable woman with a long history of volatile Behavior prosecution portrayed her as a woman who had a lack of self-control and a woman who was on the edge and a woman who you know frankly was going to snap at anytime it's a depiction of Crystal designed to play into every preconceived notion jurors might have about her the Duke lacrosse thing was like the elephant in the middle of the room however due to the controversial nature of the lacrosse case the judge has declared any specific references to it strictly off limits was so clear that that was underlying a lot of the questions but they didn't talk about it because the judge said no however there is another less well-known skeleton from Crystal's Closet that prosecutors are about to drag out into the open an incident the judge explains they're more than free to discuss on November 15th 2013 the state calls their star witness to the stand it's one of Crystal's ex-boyfriends a man named named Milton Walker Milton absolutely did not want to testify was going to answer the questions that he was asked prosecutors Begin by asking Milton about his relationship with Crystal for a while she was living with Milton and that ultimately fell apart but it's why their relationship fell apart that has prosecutors so eager for Milton to take the stand he testified that 14 months prior to the situation with Reggie day he had been in a fight with her and that she had threatened him with a knife but according to Milton Walker the knife attack was only half the story there was an argument that had occurred she had allegedly taken some belongings of the boyfriend to the bathroom and had set them on fire Milton had called the police and when he was talking with her and the officers she actually went into the kitchen and got a knife and came after him the police intervened before Crystal could actually harm Milton she wasn't charged for the attempted assault but they did arrest Crystal for arson she spent I think 90 days in jail as part of the arson charges then she went and was back living with her aunt and then at some point that's when she then met Reginal day for the prosecutors the similarities between Milton's testimony and Reggie's death are no coincidence prosecutors say that this case showed a pattern of her abusing the men in her life not the other way around Milton's test was bad for us because it set the pattern of when she gets mad at somebody she will actually go into the kitchen and grab a weapon and come back and the state's position was had the police not been there she'd have stabbed Milton too but will Milton's testimony be enough to secure a murder conviction or will the jury buy Crystal's claim of self-defense on November 22nd 2013 they reach a verdict crystal is found guilty of second degree murder once that was announced we were all I mean I was blown way because I didn't think it was going to go that way and I don't think Crystal did either I think the jury just found that story as more credible and said no matter what Reggie had done when he let her go she had a choice to make either leave or go get a knife and stab him and she chose to get the knife and stab him and I think that's what the jury believed the day in a court room when Miss mangle was found guilty people were celebrating but I think they were celebrating for the wrong reasons I felt sad for Miss mangel cuz I truly think they SED her from the Duke lacrosse case they punished her after the jury finds Crystal guilty the judge sentences her to 14 to 18 years in prison the Duke lacrosse case changed the way people see the justice system not only here in North Carolina but across the country and so when Crystal Mangum was convicted in the Reggie Day murder the reaction in the community by and large was F what she did in 2006 that she told mistruths a lot of people felt like she should have been prosecuted then so in a way this was Vindication for a lot of people who believed all along that Crystal Mangum was in fact guilty of something that includes Reggie's family all reggin wanted was to be loved to have a family of his own something that he tried to do with Miss Crystal mangle to love her and care for her and her kids and it was the death of him Reggie's support ERS were very happy that Crystal Mangum was convicted they felt like this was the right ending for this trial and that Justice was served for the person they loved however where some see Vindication Crystal supporters see a travesty of Justice it was almost like the OJ Simpson you know we didn't get you for the first thing the Duke lacrosse but we gonna get you now people looked at Crystal Mangum as a single mother working to support her kids to pay her way through school I think that what has happened throughout Crystal's life has been like the perfect storm where one thing happens she doesn't recover and then she continues to get involved in situations where she obviously can't handle what she's dealing [Music] with October 25th 2014 it's just just before 5:00 p.m. in cook Indiana when a frantic call comes into the Howard County call Center Dispatch received a 911 call that a man discovered his caretaker fa down inside the master bedroom Tommy hammock was the homeowner Tommy was a paraplegic utilized a wheelchair Tommy identifies the victim as one of his employees 45-year-old Cory story Tommy tells the n 111 operator that Cory is lying unresponsive on his bedroom floor Patrol officers and paramedics are immediately dispatched to the scene when the officers arrived he was laying face down on the floor they noticed blood on his back they discovered that he had suffered two gunshot wounds he was not alive it was determined that he was shot once in the back and once in the back of the head the officers obviously spoke with Tommy and length to find out his story how did he find him what time did he get home the basic investigative information that you get when you arrive on scene according to Tommy he had just returned home from a birthday off she helped him with his wheelchair and get him into the house then upon getting him into the house she left she pulls away and that's when he discovers Cory's body who could have committed such a violent act at the the very beginning everyone's a suspect for 54-year-old Cynthia coats cooko Indiana had always been home a born extrovert Cynthia was known to everyone in town she doesn't know a stranger she loves to talk personality is out of this world as a teenager Cynthia met and fell in love with a man more than twice her age factory worker Lewis coats like Cynthia Lewis was extremely outgoing he was a character he was LE was a character I I loved leis You know despite their age difference Lewis and Cynthia shared the same outlook on life they were always out going they were always going to the the boat the casino although they chose not to tie the knot in 1977 Cynthia gave birth to the couple's first first daughter Stephanie 3 years later she and lwis welcomed another daughter Angel Cindy loves her daughters both dearly they were close as any mother and daughter can be over the next two decades Lewis and Cynthia worked hard to provide for their family Lewis put in long hours at a chemical plant while Cynthia worked at a local nursing home even with two jobs and two children Lewis and Cynthia still loved to cut loose every now and then her and him enjoyed the casinos they went together one lost and the other one tried to help win the money back by 1999 Lewis and Cynthia's daughters were grown and living on their own which allowed the couple to spend even more time together that same year the couple got the news that they would be grandparents 18-year-old Angel was pregnant she just wanted the baby taken care of however that good news turned tragic just a month after the baby was born the baby I believe died from [ __ ] death s that just broke Cynthia's heart in the painful aftermath of her granddaughter's death Cynthia was determined to be there for Angel together they often visited baby Sandra's grave Cindy was very sad about it she cared for the baby so much as Cynthia did her best to press on she often found support in a family friend who' suffered a tragedy of his own Tommy hammock was he had suffered they just were family friends and they had known each other for several years life dealt Cynthia another blow in 2009 when leis is faced with a similar situation to Tommy's Louis he had multiple Strokes that paralyzed him for weeks Lewis fought for his life Cynthia never left his bedside as Lewis began to recover he and Cynthia decided to do something they once swore they'd never do that's when they made the decision they got married in the hospital though the couple had finally said I do once Lewis was released from the hospital since though the couple had finally said I do once Lewis was released from the hospital Cynthia realized married life would be no honeymoon Lewis he was paraplegic and he had to have 24-hour care he had the hard time one staying awake and two keeping his thoughts together he was really hard to understand with how he talked and kind of go around in circles when he would talk despite Lewis's struggles Cynthia never waited in her support for him Cindy was there 125% she was not going to let him go on a nursing home she would mow her own yard do laundry she did it all kept the house spotless was that woman took care of that man while Cynthia's dedication was admirable caring for her husband full-time took a toll both emotionally and physically she was not very big and he was a 6' tall man that you had to do everything for so she bed him lifted him rolled him it was a job by 2011 Cynthia was on the brink of [Music] exhaustion as if by Fate 42y old Cory story entered the picture and became Cynthia's Saving Grace he used to go by with his lawn mower down the road he would mow yards for people I guess he must have stopped one day to see if she needed yard modow and that's how cendy met Cory Cory grew up in cooko he was super great guy always a smile on his face honest outgoing recognizing some of herself in the charismatic young man Cynthia hired Corey on the spot he started out mowing yards and then as she needed things he would take care of that Corey was a natural caregiver that's what he pursued he wanted to be a nurse he wanted to be able to make a difference in somebody's life having Corey around also made Cynthia realize just how isolated she'd become she was lonely looking for some type of companionship Cory was a funny person Cindy was a funny person they both were compatible went outgoing in 2012 Cynthia asked cor Cynthia's friends could instantly tell that a weight had been lifted from her shoulders you know we sitting down at the table having a glass iced tea and I said oh how's that going she said he's a big help cuz you know he's a big guy she said it takes a lot of pressure off of her with Cory around to help Lewis Cynthia was able to carve out some much needed me time she loved to go to the casinos absolutely loved it that was what her and Lewis used to do and after Lewis becoming incapacitated not being able to go it was something she then had to do on her own or with you know a girlfriend or somebody that could go with her so she went quite a bit with Cory's help Cynthia had regained some semblance of a personal life and Corey was such a natural fit as a caregiver that he began helping out with Cynthia's 65-year-old friend Tommy hammock Cindy had known Tommy from over the years he was rehabbing and he had to have 24-hour care almost every day at 4:00 Corey would help Tommy hammock for a few hours Cory assisted Tommy with day-to-day activities and [Music] chores but all that changed on the afternoon of October 25th 2014 when Tommy hammock called 911 to report finding Corey face down in a pool of blood at the crime scene we found two shell casings one was towards the uh back of the room the second gun shell had been located right next to his body all options were open when I first saw the crime scene because it was just it was so odd by the fall of 2014 54-year-old cooko Indiana native Cynthia coats had endured her fair share of personal tragedies from the sudden death of her grandchild to her husband Lewis's debilitating stroke now Lewis's Livin caregiver Corey story has been found shot to death inside the home of one of his patients Cynthia's close friend Tommy hammock the victim was lying on the floor with his head towards the door there was not a lot of blood he was not in disarray it was very clean other than Mr story's body lying there everything else appeared to be normal with the exception of two spent shell casings that we located on the bedroom floor nothing really seemed to be disturbed nothing was burglarized there were no items missing from the house uh it didn't appear to be a Breakin they're usually going to take the items they want rans sack the house and be gone they want to get in get what they want to get and get out before the homeowners there the evidence just didn't support a robbery yet the evidence does raise another question had Cory been the target of a planned attack there was really nothing to show the there might have been a struggle it appeared to me initially that somebody had been in the residence waiting on him to arrive for work that day whoever killed Cory knew how to get into the house and I think also knew what room they needed to go to to wait for Cory they waited for Cory to show up the way the scene was processed he was shot in the back first and then he was shot in the head judging about the crime scene the first shot came from a distance it wasn't enough to kill him right away and so then appear though the suspect then went up to him and then shot him in the head Cory's wallet is located on his body however there are two things that police can't locate they did know a couple of missing items from Cory's person he was missing his cell phone Cory's car was parked in the driveway we knew for sure we were missing his car keys as investigators continue to search the home for Cory's keys and cell phone they make what could be an important Discovery the weapon used to kill Cory was a 38 semi-automatic we know that just because the shell casings were on the floor Tommy hammock had two 380 caliber guns having discovered the two 380s detectives turned their attention to the homeowner Tommy hammock I made arrangements for him to be transport to the Copo police station for interviews he was looked at as a suspect in this case in an interview at the cooko police department Tommy explains his whereabouts in the hours prior to the shooting his demeanor was very very calm Tommy tells detectives that one of his other caregivers Tiffany Perry had been with him until roughly 1:00 that afternoon that's when his friend Cynthia picked him up he had been picked up by Cynthia coat earlier that day after getting him in her vehicle she drove him to her and Lewis's residence which is on the North End of Koko for a birthday party for her husband according to Tommy the party ended around 400 p.m. at which point he and Cynthia left Cynthia coats took Mr hammock home after the party Mr story's car was sitting in the driveway he said that Cindy help him get out of the vehicle get says Cory's shift was scheduled to start at 400 p.m. that day so he wasn't surprised to see Cory's car in the driveway but he was surprised to see the garage door open garage door's up and Tommy immediately thinks that's odd because he had just had his garage code changed Cory did not even have the code to the garage door Mr hanock wheeled himself into the resid that's when he found Mr storyline Dead Tommy adds there was a reason Cory didn't have the code to the garage earlier in the day he had changed the garage code he was planning on firing the victim Cory story and not having work for him as a caregiver anymore we learned that Tommy had been told that Cory had stole from him while working and Tommy was concerned enough about that that he had had the co changed earlier that day according to Tommy he had learned of the alleged theft from his primary caregiver Tiffany Tiffany had spoken with Mr hammock and telling him that she believed that Cory had been stealing jewelry and money from Mr hammock investigators asked Tommy Point Blank had this alleged theft prompted him to confront Cory at gunpoint Point according to Tommy the answer is no after interviewing him he had provided us with an account of what he had done that day and we began talking to other people and cooperated all of what he said if Tommy hammock hadn't pulled the trigger then who did Tommy tells police that when his caretaker Tiffany accused Corey of stealing from him Cory immediately fired back with a similar accusation Cory was telling Mr hammock that Tiffany was stealing problem when she accuses Cory of stealing he accuses her they both were just trying to point the finger at each other it was a tip fortat situation is it possible the rift prompted Tiffany to grab one of the guns in the house to shoot Corey Tiffany did come on the radar because we had a lot of accusations between Tommy Corey and Tiffany everybody wanted to blame somebody else when Cory's autopsy report comes back the results seem to confirm that Tommy is not the shooter they appeared as though the shot into his back was pretty much straight on due to the angle of shot with Mr hammock being wheelchair bound it did not appear as though he would be able to fire that shot from sitting in a wheelchair from the corner and then get past the victim and get into the living room and then call the police that initially gives police reason to believe that Tiffany may have used one of Tommy's 380s to kill Cory but an examination of the two weapons soon puts that theory on Ice we knew that Tommy owned two handguns they were both 38 caliber we though police have ruled out Tommy's handguns as potential murder weapons Tiffany is still at the top of the suspect list we knew Tiffany handed Tommy off to Cynthia to take him to the birthday party and we knew that Cory was to come on duty at 4:00 coming up the detectives uncover a relationship gone sideways she started with the text messages threatening tearing his clothes up just being craist she comes screeching around the corner gets out of the car wearing no [Music] [Applause] shoes October 25th 2014 local caregiver Corey story has been found shot to death inside the home of his client Tommy hammock according to Tommy Corey and his other caregiver Tiffany had accused each other of stealing we don't know what their history is with each other but we know they both pointed the finger at each other when accusations were being made that they were both stealing from Tommy the garage door was left open which was weird we and out of place it was not left open whenever they left according to Mr hammock Tiffany was only one of three total people that knew the new garage code investigators immediately shift their focus to Tiffany in a case like this you look at everybody that is involved in that house with the homeowner we knew Tiffany had been with him all morning and cared for him according to Tiffany around 1:00 p.m. on the Afternoon Of The Murder She help help Tommy's longtime friend 54-year-old Cynthia coats load Tommy into Cynthia's car she shut the garage door and they pulled away at the same time Cynthia pulled away with Tommy and Tiffany pulled away Tiffany claims she never came back to Tommy's house and never crossed paths with Corey Tiffany went home said she left her cell phone in the house she went out and started mowing her lawn and had no idea anything that happened until she came in later and saw on her telephone that somebody was calling saying something's going on at Tommy's house as for the dueling theft allegations Tiffany admits she believed Corey had been stealing from Tommy nonetheless she insists the accusation was legitimate and in no way personal in fact Tiffany tells detectives she'd never even met Corey face to face I think they had spoken over the phone maybe uh but the to my knowledge they had never really met because of the shifts that they worked as why they never really ran into each other Tiffany also said says she has several neighbors who can vouch that she was mowing her yard at the time the murderers did not show any suspicious activity during the time that the CME had occurred she had an alibi we determined that she was not involved in the crime with Tiffany cleared of any wrongdoing investigators reach out to Cory's loved ones starting with Corey's lifelong friend candas Scott Moore candas tells police that Cory was adored by nearly everyone who knew him I met Cory as a child we became friends and Corey was the nicest person in the world Cory was a protector I've always thought as Corey as my guardian in fact candas tell the police that there was only one person with whom Cory wasn't on good terms and it wasn't Tiffany Perry it was Cynthia Co the detective asked me what the relationship was between Corey and cynth and I told him how volatile it was and that Cory was scared of her candas explains that it hadn't always been that way when Cory first moved in as Lewis's caregiver things went smoothly so smoothly that months after moving in he and Cynthia began having an affair Cynthia and Cory had gotten together they were intimate in a romantic relationship for several years you know obviously she was lonely and she had feelings Cory liked her because she paid him attention she kind of catered to him however according to candas as time went on the relationship became a source of angst for Cory Cory struggled with the fact that she was married he didn't like it Cory wasn't a super religious person but he did have beliefs and he did have things that his family had taught him growing up that that was something that he wasn't supposed to do that wasn't right kandia says two weeks before he was killed Cory decided to break things off with Cynthia Cory just wasn't feeling it he just thought it was a level of disrespect that he shouldn't be Crossing Cory moved out he felt as though he needed to get out of that situation the best he could and it was then that moved into his friend's house said they went crazy when Cory told her he didn't want to be with her anymore she started with the text messages threatening tearing his clothes up just being crazy according to candas over the next few days Cory continued caring for Lewis and truly believed Cynthia would eventually calm down instead her rage only got worse in fact Cynthia was so filled with jealousy she even accused Corey and Kus of sleeping with each other she assumed that the relationship that Corey and I had was more than just a friendship she couldn't believe after everything that she claimed that she had done for Cory that he was going to leave her candas tells detectives that over the next several days Cynthia continued sending Corey threatening text messages he said that so many times she threatened his life more times than I can even count at first I don't think he was scared and then as it continued and the level of craziness went to the highest level he was scared of her he told me was scared according to Candy Cory said that if anything happened to him that Cynthia would definitely be the suspect that she's crazy enough to kill in spite of kand dias's allegations investigators are skeptical that Cynthia is in fact Cory's killer after all at the time of the Murder She was hosting a birthday party for her husband Lewis we know she planned a birthday party she went to pick Tommy up at his residence she brought Tommy back to her house where they celebrated Louis's birthday party she had an alibi even so investigators believe Cynthia's allegedly threatening behavior warrants further investigation at 6:45 p.m. they asked her to come down to the station we had a phone call with her and she told us that she was at the casino which is about an hour away she said that she would return it's a long way she stay would take her around 55 minutes while investigators wait for Cynthia to return they phon some of the guests who attended her husband's birthday party what they have to say pokes a potential hole in Cynthia's otherwise airtight Alibi we learned that Cynthia had left the party at one point it's debatable as to how long she was gone but we had been told maybe up to an hour or two she had been gone from the birthday party Cynthia told the people at her husband's birthday party that she was going to go and get her car washed whenever she returns people at the party noted that the car had not been washed it did raise red flags we felt it was odd that she would leave her husband's birthday party to go wash her vehicle that in itself did not make a lot of sense to us after speaking to the partygoers investigators head to Cynthia's house to await her return from the casino there that they ran into Cynthia as she was pulling into the driveway she comes screeching around the corner she was very nervous she gets out of the car wearing no shoes Cynthia got out of the vehicle and she was only wearing socks she wasn't wearing shoes and we thought that was kind of odd said she just decided on the way to casino that she didn't like the shoes anymore they had done their job she threw them out the window investigators asked a shoeless Cynthia to come down to the station for a formal interview once there Cynthia admits to the affair with Cory but she also makes another stunning admission according to Cynthia her husband was aware of the situation that she was romantically involved else Lis was fine with her having an intimate relationship with someone else because he was unable to as for the alleged threats against Corey Cynthia claims the two former lovers ended things amicably and that she was the one who had encouraged Cory to move out as for Cory's murder Cynthia says that she's heartbroken over it she said she knew nothing of the murder she was surprised that he had been shot and killed she was upset about it but what about Cynthia's noticeable absence during her her husband's birthday party Cynthia admits she did leave the party but not for nearly as long as some of the guests suggested she said that she was going to go get her vehicle washed and after leaving the house and making in a few blocks from the house she decided that she was not going to get a washed and returned back to the party the discrepancy between Cynthia's story and that of the partygoers is a red flag for detectives as is her lack of Footwear was not wearing shoes I believe that she may have possibly had blood on her shoes yet for all their suspicions investigators have no concrete proof that Cynthia killed Cory we have enough evidence at that time to to uh detain her for the murder at the end of the interview she was allowed to leave between a bitter breakup and a sketchy Alibi Cynthia coats has become the prime suspect in the murder of her former lover Cory story everything that we did kept referring back to Cynthia as being the main suspect in this case despite their suspicions police are unable to charge Cynthia with any crime it was hard because there was no no Witnesses and and no real solid physical evidence then on October 28th just days into their investigation detectives get a phone call that changes everything there was a phone call from a person who worked with Angel Benson the daughter of Mrs coat stating that uh she had information relating to this case we had received an anonymous tip that Cynthia's daughter who worked at a factory in cooko she Miss Benson took a phone call came back distraught made a comment to the effect of I think my mom shot someone this person also had details about the shooting that he'd been shot once in the back and once in the head the call furthers IMM detective suspicions about Cynthia though what the caller says next truly catches them off guard the same phone call revealed that there might be evidence that police could use buried in the grave of Cynthia's grandchild upon learning this information we were able to determine that in fact Angel did have a daughter that passed away it had been several years ago and she was buried in um the cemetery in cooko we went to the cemetery spoke to cemetery worker gave them the numbers that we had the plot numbers and we were able to determine the exact location at least by the Numbers where the baby was buried Mr stories keys with a keyop and cell phone were missing so we were searching for those obviously searching for a murder weapon just to the north of The Headstone was a small area where the dirt had been obviously turned over and then replaced back into the hole what we located were Cory story's car keys which we knew were missing from his vehicle or from his person at the scene we located parts of a cell phone and we located rubber gloves at that point we were confident that these items have been taken from him during or after the murder it's a critical Discovery albeit an unsettling one miss Vincent's daughter I believe was approximately one month old and her headstone indicates that and to go take this evidence involving a murder and bury that that spot causes me great concern is disturbing with this new evidence in hand investigators bring Cynthia's daughter 34-year-old Angel Benson in for an interview at first Angel is reluctant to talk Angel was very distraught over this as she learned the information that we were learning she knew things didn't add up she knew things were pointing to her mother and it was hard for her she had a hard time when we told her heard that we actually found them at her child's grave she was very distraught that really seemed to bother her at that time she did admit that her mom told her that she had shot and killed Cory Angel tells detectives that like her wheelchair bound father she and her sister Stephanie long ago accepted the fact that her mother and Corey were sleeping together that is until Cynthia came to them with some disturbing allegations Cynthia began making the allegations that Cory was abusing her from time to time and then the family began getting upset with Cory there's two different pictures painted his friend's family talked about how kind he was and abusive Angel believes it was the abuse that drove her mother to murder Corey whether or not that is in fact the case Angel's statement provides detectives with the necessary probable cause to make their next move we filed charges on October the 28th 2014 a warrant was issued ised for M coat's arrest for the charge of murder and she was arrested that day that's when it hit me and it was like she snapped she really did this I was shocked that Cindy had done something like that shocked but not surprised my sister called me and told me that she had been locked up I was happy there was hope in my mind that his death would be Vindicated that this woman would go to jail for the rest of her life coming up the case against Cynthia hits an unexpected roadblock there were compy hearings conducted as related to her competency to stand trial in this case and jail housee recording suggest there may be more to the crime then meets the eye she kept saying how Angel and her husband did the crime and that she was only covering for them [Applause] [Music] on October 28th 2014 54-year-old cooko Indiana resident Cynthia coats has been arrested for the murder of her former lover Corey story who was also the Livin caregiver to Cynthia's paralyzed husband Lewis now that Cynthia is in custody investigators hope she will come clean about the crime we tried to interview her again and every interview that we did with her continued to become more and more bizarre as to the things she was saying had occurred she had tried to implicate people as suspects and then would say she didn't name them as suspects and then say that they weren't involved every time that we talked to her we just kind of went around in circles we ultimately stopped trying to interview her at a certain point and just continued on with the investigation but when they record the phone calls Cynthia makes from jail investigators discover another possible motivation Cynthia's cryptic behavior when she's in the jail she called her daughter Stephanie she kept saying how Angel and her husband did did the crime and that she was only covering for them could there be any truth to Cynthia's allegations or was this just a smoke screen almost 2 years later in September of 2016 as Cynthia's case inches closer to trial investigators work to uncover the truth angel had an alibi we knew Angel was at work as far as when she was at work we spoke to a supervision as well as we watched a video and everything else I didn't think that angel had anything to do with it that you're willing to throw your own daughter who's been through so much has lost a child has always been supportive of you you throw your own daughter under the bus for a murder that you did that to me is the ultimate narcissistic personality after piecing together phone records physical evidence and the statements from cyn's friends and family investigators believe they have a clear picture of precisely how the crime went down Cory was supposed to arrive for work at 400 p.m. that day I believe Cynthia knew that Cynthia left the birthday party and I believe parked her vehicle somewhere where Cory wouldn't see it and I think she either had a key or knew the new code to the garage door and it went inside and was waiting for him when he arrived for work I believe she laid and wait in the bedroom this coat was hiding maybe in a closet and he walked in it would appear maybe he turned and was shot in the back then he was shot in the head which resulted in his death as far as motive investigators don't put much weight in Cynthia's claims that Corey had been abusing her Cynthia did claim to her children that Cory had been abusive to her however there were no police reports there was nothing ever filed no no contact orders there was nothing ever in the system to show that she had been a victim of any beatings from Cory I think it was jealousy that finally drove her to kill Cory she didn't want that relationship to end she didn't want him seeing anyone else as the case against Cynthia makes its way towards trial investigators and prosecutors know it's going to be anything but smooth sailing we did not locate the weapon uh and not have a murder weapon does have an impact on the state's case you kind of have to ask yourself like if this went to a jury trial what would that have looked like how would a prosecutor account for a missing murder weapon we didn't have a confession from her even with all this evidence that we had as far as the case it wasn't a just a slam D prosecutors expect Cynthia's attorneys to use the missing murder weapon to sew seeds of doubt in the minds of jurors what they they don't expect is for Cynthia's attorneys to claim their client is mentally incapable of standing trial at all which is precisely what they do there were comy hearings conducted as it related to her ability to stand trial in this case she was examined by doctors to determine whether she had that capability I was reasonably sure that she would be deemed incompetent in the early parts of this case the a mental illness but that mental illness did not rise to a level that would have her deemed incompetent under the laws of state of Indiana Cindy was crazy but she kind of hid her crazy very well and she was basically functional even with Cynthia cleared to stand trial prosecutors aren't sure a guilty verdict is a done deal juries are unpredictable and the worst possible outcome in this case was for Mrs coats to go free to walk out and we took that risk off the table by entering into the plea agreement s took a plea deal just a couple of days before the jury trial was scheduled she admitted that she knowingly or intentionally honor about October the 25th 2014 killed Corey story on Quail Drive here in kooko Indiana while acting under the sudden heat which is voluntary manslaughter the judge sentenced her to 20 years in prison followed by 10 years on supervised probation The Plea offers Bittersweet closure to Cory's family and friends I don't think she got enough time she needs to spend the rest of her life being miserable she took someone's life she took someone's friend she took someone's son Cy's never coming back she never wanted to accept the responsibility of her actions she tried to play it off as being crazy temporary insanity she was CAU up in all of her emotions no you knew exactly what she were doing I think she evil I think it's all about her she doesn't care what anybody thinks she's going to do what she wants to do and she snapped

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