Steam Update for Families | Weekly News Roundup

Intro welcome back to the Weekly News Roundup these recorded LIVE Fridays 8:00 pm. Eastern Standard Time if you want to catch the show live go ahead and join us there and uh today we have uh fairly normal we only have one privacy article I had another one but it was actually an article from a long time ago with an update last month not going to do that and we have some uh we have some new uh new takes on some old security scams and then of course we had some data leaks AI news because you know the overlords are coming and then we got some business and some uh we got some business and we got some sillyville of course we're going to go ahead and start in on this one uh there is a new company wants to treat and track ADHD symptoms of course this ADHD Tracking is in privacy because of that whole tracking feature so the idea here is that um this particular researcher who was diagnosed with ADHD uh it has a big passion for its treatment but it's concerned about the medications because of the various side effects and effectively you take the medication it's not targeted anyway and so what this person did is created this device you can see these two people wearing this really trendy headband well this is the uh Neo headband uh which is right now in uh they're in uh selective testing which is one of the phases before an FDA approval so it's not an FDA approved device device but what they claim is that you wear this headband for 20 minutes a day and it's going to do two different things the first is it's going to basically give you electroshock therapy and uh shock in targeted areas which is allegedly going to help and then it's also going to do a uh low-level um infrared scan of your brain and keep track of allegedly how your add is improving and what they allege is by by using it and firing it in certain ways they will restore some plasticity to some areas which would in theory change this and that's really what their their goal is here the thing that got my mind going is that not only do you is it you know this device but for interest of our channel is the tracking so you can see your brain in real time your brain in in Real Time come on guys get an editor on your website um so especially like it's one thing if you have like a a typo down here but when you have a typo up here in the like header that's kind of problematic but here you effectively this is the uh the image of what the scan is so you basically put the thing on and then of course what I find hilarious is in order to use this thing you got to use the thing with the whole cell phone and curiously uh as other researchers have found any use of a cell phone tends to increase the add Tendencies so they have a thing where you have to use a thing that creates add Tendencies to treat your add Tendencies go figure but you have to put the Bandon and then you control everything with your phone and then of course it's going to give you tracking data on your app now of course this app must go up and sync with their individual servers so you know especially it's the beta they're testing it they want to see the results now is does this results actually show us that things are actually improving I don't know um it may it may not who knows what it's doing you can do all sorts of fun stuff with Statistics if you know how statistics works so the problem that I have with this of course is now we're tying this thing into a smartphone app and of course the smartphone app is utilizing some form of cloud system and that is going to enable you to store all this data now on the one hand you can easily share things with your doctor or your researcher if you're doing that of course you have access to that information but on the downside is there's too much emphasis on this and we're doing it with things that don't need that kind of stuff if you're curious about it of course all of our links are always in the description of the video just click the link to the website and that'll take you to the page you can go down here if you're interested and watch the video it's a nice 5minute video and she explains in here quite a bit about how it works and uh people are saying it works great but just kind of curious and I just have serious concerns about any of these medical technology devices which are syncing your data into somebody else's server so um I'm just not a huge fan of that personally now let's head on over to some security Fake Applecare Support news first up uh this is a new take on another combination of malvertising fake website of course we looked at the one that was utilizing the uh the uh Microsoft Community website uh a couple weeks ago this one is actually utilizing GitHub repos so of course if you have a GitHub repo you can create a website on that GitHub repo so these guys are creating fake Apple care support plans on GitHub repos and then taking out malvertising advertising to in order to get to it but of course since it's on GitHub of course it's good so you know GitHub is taken over by Microsoft and now Microsoft uh is hosting the world's leading source of malware um so if you start searching for things this is the malvertising here and you'll see though it's going to GitHub and so since it's going to such a reputable site as GitHub people might think it's actually okay especially from App cares 247 don't go there this is a malvertising that's taking you to a GitHub page which looks very much stylistically like Apple Apple Care Plus call now here's the number now this number here is fake don't dial that number uh and if you click the call now button this is the number it's clicking you to that's all fake as well uh I'm not sure if this is the real one or not I'm not going to say if it is or not I haven't a clue but they're now using the GitHub repos you come on in here of course here's uh when this is updated an hour ago and here's the commit so you can see that they're easily able to use git to cycle their phone numbers easily so as soon as one phone number gets compromised they just throw up another one and so you got to be careful know what you're getting into and uh just be aware of that uh now curiously uh if you remember the old sextortion scam that New Extortion Scheme was going around you've seen this in fact is we were uh one of these articles came up last week when we were doing the news and while we were doing that one of the people on the on our after stream hangout was actually checking email and got that scheme and you've probably all seen it I've seen it like you know 15 different things you know uh of course all from computers that you know don't even have any cameras or microphones capable of detecting such material if I were to engage in such a thing anyway uh but of course the article it starts out it's like hey I you pervert I know what you been doing I installed this malware now the update that we we didn't include in the news it was either last week or the week before the update we didn't includ it in the news is that now they're getting bold and they're posting pictures of your house because of all these data leaks and the fact that these companies and businesses have an incessant uh desire to collect every bit of information and no laws about what they can do with it and effectively no security it's all leaked out online anyway so they do some basic names Searchers figure out who you are and then they'll go on to like Google Earth take a picture of your house and the updated version is they're sending you pictures of your house to quote unquote prove that they know it's you and so you get an email with a picture of your house saying I know what you've done pervert pay us some Bitcoin or I'm going to release this to your entire contact list they've bracked in quite a bit of a profit but enough people are getting wise to this that's been going around for like five years now so now they are slightly tweaking this now they're talking about cheating spouses because which person out there doesn't have that little tinge of get an email hey I'm a private investigator I've been following your wife around or your husband around your spouse around you know whatever else and um I have I have proof here of the cheating they're doing against you pay me some money and I'll give you the proof that's the new update to the scam so if you happen to get an email suggesting that your spouse is cheating on you um most likely it's not if it's coming from three bigs or sa Sav car uh just go ahead and be like here's actually a copy of the email spouse's name is cheating on you here's proof as a company engaged in cyber security we've found information to spouse's name that interest that uh interest you I love that grammar there we made a full backup of his disc we have all his address books social media history viewing sites dating apps all files phone numbers and address of all his contacts and are willing to give you full access to this data for more details visit our website there you go so um if you get that email yeah that's a scammer don't fall for that nonsense and uh with that we'll jump on over into our data leaks next the first up a payment provider leaked information More CC Numbers Leak on 1.7 million customers credit card information and this had a effectively everything you needed to do to steal somebody's credit card so this is slim CD it's just one of the small payment uh processors that will process credit cards among other means and they didn't clarify exactly what all of the other means they were but uh this company that you may not even know you're doing business with hackers were in there for 10 months but they said they only got credit card information for two days that was June 14th and June 15th include full names physical address credit card numbers including the expiration dates so that is uh what this uh this data breach is doing so 1.7 million customers I have never heard of slim CD as a credit card processor so I'm not sure how big this is how frequently it's used who knows it's probably one of those cloud backup ones that's you know used on everything under the sun and I've just never heard of it because I'm too small of an Enterprise to have heard of it you never know could be one of those and onto to our next one this one 14,000 Doctors affects the medical professionals there's a data breach of 14,000 doctors which includes effectively everything you need including medical license numbers Social Security numbers uh all forms of information and so this is a Florida based recruitment company called m& Healthcare so if you've ever done business with m& Healthcare in Florida they are a recruitment Agency for the medical industry you would give them a lot of information basically create a profile and they're going to help you allegedly find a job and so with that um what they did is uh they were able to get in there breach the information now they do have the social security numbers are encrypted but it's just using mcrypt so that's fairly trivial at this point in time to get uh decrypted at this point it's you may as well do like md5 like WordPress does right um so you do the uh let's see here they had details leaked from a recruitment company including info from 11,000 hospitals 14,000 doctor's accounts 37,000 potential leads and 11,000 job applications data leak causes further concerns regarding the company's infrastructure and security as the database backup for the platform was improperly stored as well as configuration file containing the key likely used uh to decrypt these Social Security numbers so it's not clear how how the information was exposed but the breach could leave victims vulnerable to fishing attacks or scams so uh if you are a doctor or uh somebody in the medical industry if ever you've done business with that particular company then uh be aware that just happened if you want to help support the channel we do use Affiliates today we are highlighting A2 hosting if you want to get a good website and uh you need some servers for that you can use A2 hosting our affiliate code is tlm .2h that's going to uh get you a good discount for web hosting and it will help support the channel in the process you can do very small shared hosting as little as $2 a month and they go all the way up to much better bigger and better hostings for a little bit more so if you want to help support the Channel tm. lia2 with that let's move on over to AI news next first up in AI news if you Amazon AI Ads remember Amazon has a new AI personal shopper well let's decided it's going to start showing you ads with its advice so the idea of getting this rofus is to go ahead and look at all the things and be like hey we think that uh this might be something you're looking for and now they're going to start throwing ads into that so it begs that interesting question now if the AI itself is basically just utilizing your data and and showing what it thinks you want to buy that's already uh already useful but now somebody else is paying money to get their result thrown in that mix as well so we can't get away from it so app or Amazon is just going absolutely crazy with the kind of stuff cramming ads absolutely everywhere of course they uh they're putting ads now in the Amazon Prime which it never had it before you can pay a little bit more money to the gestapo and they'll they'll think about taking the ads out for a little bit uh and then we got um they got the extra device you paid more money for it you pay a subscription service it's supposed to show your pictures but now that shows you ads now too now they're giving us ads inside of their own AI embedded nonsense so um yeah I'm not interested in rofus at all certainly not interested in seeing ads and so no there you go um so if you are using that though just be aware that you might be uh you might not be getting quite the curated results you think that the AI the AI is like hey uh this guy over here is paying me money to feed you this result what is this a lobbying effort I thought the AI was supposed to give you results based on what it wanted you to see not what somebody else wanted you to see here's a little bit of money make sure he sees that good know well this is interesting um NV AI Unemployment Google's AI this is Gemini will help decide whether unemployed workers get benefits yikes okay this is getting down the terrifying so this this is in Nevada so if there's anybody from n oh oh we got I know we got one guy from Nevada you can out yourself if you want any other Nevada guys watching here so they're now utilizing AI to determine who gets unemployed uh unemployment benefits now this is frightening on a number of levels the first level is that there is warnings and notices that AI is not ultimately good and responsible while it can push out a report really fast significantly fast than the person that report is so full of Errors it takes more careful review than writing it to begin with and so this leads a problem uh so they've actually worn down here near the bottom privacy and accuracy one factor is if they're feeding all this data into Google's AI they're effectively feeding that data into Google to train their AI further uh furthermore though the fake information the hallucinations as it were comes up and feeds wrong information so they're talking about utilizing the rag models that were tal augmented generation models they retrieve information from specific databases case one contain Nevada unemployment law in previous appeals cases in order to provide a more tailored and accurate results than the foundational model would usually generate but the problem is the hallucination starts coming in and you also have some biases come in and so what ends up happening is the AI starts making mistakes that it shouldn't be making and so you'll end up with circumstances where the AI provides really bad advice now this in and of itself is bad enough but there's one more angle I want to throw into the atmosphere that was not mentioned in the article and that is there was some discussion when you know there's a lot of discussion right now about about Single Payer T um Health Care Systems of course Canada is doing a lot of experimenting with their Maids program right now and of course in Canada where they have that Single Payer system uh you know it's often times cheaper to just what word can I use without being super censored here um um join the Blue Sky uh than it is to take care of people and so they're literally pushing this program for people with simple like minor mental disorders and in some cases people who just have poverty like oh your life sucks huh well just take this little pill and you won't ever have to think about it again ever you'll be up there and down there at the same time you know uh and so as we start moving towards a world that's becoming more considerate of those things there has been some concern about people utilizing governments particularly utilizing AI to make the healthc care triage decisions and when you do that you're effectively letting a computer make the decisions about whose life is worth saving and whose is not it carries with it some of the elements from iroot the movie uh with Will Smith where his big beef with the robots is that the robots don't have human compassion and as such robots not having human compassion they cannot make true human decisions we can't make true human decisions without having the humanity in us which AI can never have and so the big problem with that particular movie that he has is he thinks that uh and he feels that that his life is not as valuable as a little child but the robot determined that the chance of saving him was a fraction of a percentage better than the chance of saving the little girl so the robot saved the the man instead of the little girl instead and for this he recognizes the serious danger of handing all these decisions over to a robot well if a robot is making these decisions especially one is full of error as AI has been we have a circumstance where people are going to be hurt we have a circumstance where people who need the health care are going to be pushed off to the side because saving this other person is going to be quote unquote better for the collective whole of society so you're basically making decisions outside of the humanity of man and that is the big problem with this study that curiously was not mentioned or brought up in any of the articles on that I read onto our last one however AI Fact Checking this is moving on into the terrifying as Google's new tool lets large language models fact check their responses so of course we know that uh Google is the total purveyor of truth of course we have the uh we know that Zuckerberg has come out with uh just a ton of information on uh how the government kind of forced them to to act and uh told what to suppress and what not to suppress and we know that the same happened at Twitter we can presume the same happened at Z tubies as well and of course we know that if you talk about certain subjects you're going to be quote unquote fact checked by the tubies themselves they're going to give you some Banner under your video to supply context and we also know that um uh I was the one that was in the right regarding all the kofy stuff I think that the data is officially in we can make that declaration yet I had my own videos pulled down by their content moderation team as quote unquote misinformation and so when we get a world where the AI can now start making these decisions better uh faster we should say and the problem is is that they are going to take down everything that does not align with the narrative and we know who's going to be feeding their narrative so of course this is another one from MIT tech review I don't know why but every article we pull off of MIT Tech review is outright terrifying I mean last week it was the mark of the beast and now it's the information police the thought police are coming for us so as long as chat Bots have been around there have been such things as hallucinations inherent part big problem for companies uh betting big on AI like Google is because they make responses it generates unreliable Google's releasing a tool to address the issue called Data Gemma it uses two models to help large language models fact check their responses against reliable data and site their sources more transparently so the first of the two methods is the uh the rig retrieval inter uh interleaved generation which acts as part of a fact Checker if user prompts the model with a question like has the use of renewable energy sources increased in the world the model will come up with a first draft answer then rig identifies what portion of the draft answer could be checked against dle Google's data Commons um and uh a massive repository of data statistics from reliable sources like the United Nations or Centers for Disease Control and protection next run the checks and replaces incorrect original guesses with the original ones and so we're going to be utilizing truthful sources like United Nations and centers of Disease Control of course it's Google so they're going to be looking at the World Health Organization and we know that those guys are the total Beacon of absolute truth and total objectivity so you must do everything they say and so now the AI that you're using using is going to be supplying your data from these resources uh the second method gets back to that rag retrieval augmented generation considers a prompt like uh what progress has Pakistan made against Global health goals and response the model examines the data and the data Commons could help answer the question such information about the access to Safe Drinking Water Hepatitis B immunizations life expectancies those figures in hand the model then Builds an answer on top of that in sites its sources uh but of course it's got to fact check all that as well so now we have now we have ai factchecking itself against the official experts who steered everything in the wrong way it's quite terrifying folks that is quite terrifying indeed but we want to consider business news next so mint reform next combines open- Source Hardware and usable Open Source Computer performance so this is a completely open- Source computer so every part every component is op- sourced now the problem is is that it was not a particularly good computer last time this newer one is a little bit better speed so let's see if I can see the pictures here now of course you look at it it looks like a computer from the 1990s and in fact I have one that was about this thick it's a very thick computer you can see the buttons are are not aesthetic they're pretty ugly uh you can see here the how thick it is I think they have this port off there just so you can see but you have a USB port SD card USBC that looks like HDMI uh headphone jack so you have all that so that's kind of cool that you you have those options there it is a little bit thicker and you can see it has the battery pack over here we have this is um trackpad in uh stuff here here and uh then some of the CPU shells here and I think some of it going to be under the keyboard as well now this newer model has a lot more power this is the cortex a76 CPU which is the same one used as raspberry pi5 which I can say using the raspberry pi 5 for several months now it is a very good machine you can use this to replace a lot of your work unless you're doing heavy Graphics or video production stuff any of the other B basic stuff you can replace with this processor it is good uh YouTube's Hit or Miss um I it just depends on the resolution you're watching but I mean I I'll I'll watch the occasional video over there I need for some job I'm doing uh without a problem which is pretty cool uh so they have 16 or 32 gabt of ram so that's actually pretty good so they have let's see what else we got um defaults the trackpad instead of a track cack ball starting the rock chip RK 3588 instead of the uh old one from the original model so this is actually uh a really good now every one of these components is also fully open source modular and replaceable so you can fix repair replace and upgrade this computer as much as you can get parts now what I liked about it um being a geek who's actually producing this in a van uh my batteries right now are running off this technology the life po batteries so the batteries are user replaceable life po batteries but there's also switches on the motherboard if you want to use lithium ion batteries instead so lithium ion batteries have a much shorter lifespan about on10th the lifespan of Life Poe they are lighter batteries um and uh I'm not sure if they're as recyclable or or whatever else but uh the lithium ion batteries are a little bit lighter they don't last as long they're not quite as good LIF PO is one of the best consumer battery technologies we have have this is what I'm running in my van here so you know I haven't plugged into the Grid in I don't know how long uh and I've got I mean I started the stream here with full battery power I'm still even with this computer on my system is reporting 13.2 volts which means I'm over 80% of battery capacity right now these life pose are amazing so that's what this computer has uh by default which is good so the new one has HDMI USBC retains mechanical keyboard like from the original it changes over USBC also features four PCI Lanes uh and internal connection for an M2 storage so this is actually a pretty nice uh little fully open source Beast it be fun to play around with one of those see how it is um uh good feelings gone um of course Android Blocking Sideloading Android is now regressing so Apple remind you was the one in fact Google just got involved in fact in the Monopoly in the antitrust cases which I had offended them repeatedly because Google has always had a way to sideo apps good feelings gone uh Google is now going backwards now that has been sued for being an illegal Monopoly now it proceeds to make itself an illegal Monopoly kind of backwards timeline are we in geez may as well go be eating a kitty cat I'm sorry Kitty no no I'll leave you alone Kitty all right the the the kitties over there the kitties over there like no no please please save me please save me somebody anyway back on track back on track so now they are running out a program that select Partners who upload their apps in the Play Store can block unofficial installations of their apps so if you choose to get their app from an alternative Source they can block you from installing it and give you a nice little button to get it from the Google Play Store instead and from what the article says there is not a way to circum invent this this is not a I understand the warning this is not a I still prefer this one this is a no you are not installing the app unless it comes from the Google Play store which means if I want to use an alternative Play Store like aora or fdroid or anything else and I go to install the app it's going to be like nope you got to get it from Google Play Store instead so they are literally creating the Monopoly after they have been sued for being a monopoly and antit trust and they started doing that after their lawsuits but you know Google has friends in very high places called the doj so I just don't think that anybody's gonna like stop anything I mean Google has access to those f-15s that uh um that uh dementia patient and chief uh was talking about so here's the automatic protection over here they're talking about it you cannot install apps in this program from a source other than the Google Play Store so unknown distribution channels are blocked now it's not every app um but it is certain people so I don't know so yeah that's kind of problematic um come on guys we got to get that Linux phone going the end is n of course I don't really install any apps it would be on that list anyway so whatever that's worth Unbreakable SD Cards and down to our next one we have the world's first stainless steel SD card is here to save you from broken photographic dreams man I could have used one of these I actually did have a case where um where I have my Nas in the van it sits on a uh I have them on on like a vibration board which will cut vibrations down but still vibrates a little bit and I had plugged in the drive to do a backup and it pushed the drive out a little bit closer against the wall and just the M old amount of vibration it got against the wall the pie ended up touching the wall and vibrating on the wall and that snagged and broke the SD card which uh runs the nas now of course I keep a mirror image of that card so I was like well crap that sucks I had to go in pull out the old card verify it worked and then uh and then I just recloned it again so I still have another backup copy well this will solve that particular problem and the other problem of accidentally breaking a a card especially if you get a case where some card is harder to get out of something and you accidentally crack it or snap it uh because it's kind of curious these things are still made from plastic right well these ones are made from stainless steel now the problem is they don't have the speed quite right you can see this is only a 280 205 uh that's the gold they have this the silver uh I don't remember what the uh read speed was was but the right is 160 now the best cards are 1,700 and 1,000 so that's uh definitely uh it's got some speed to desire but if you're looking at backup or higher sense of things stuff that uh and you know know you don't need the speed for it you're not streaming 4K video off of this thing you're just taking some pictures these will work for that so nice new stainless steel cards they didn't have any information about their their alleged price or anything but uh they are certainly uh certainly cool you'll be able to buy both armor SD cards in 128 256 512 or 1 terabyte pricing has not yet been announced uh but we have asked Lexar for an update and we'll update the story when we hear back so there you have it that's uh that's pretty cool uh Lexar indestructible SD cards they're not really indestructible but they're going to be a last a lot longer than other ones and on to our last story is a steam Steam Family Updates update so if you are involved in a family you have a household and you like Steam and everybody likes steam the steam family update is out of beta and now available to everybody so uh if you're not a family uh person this is not necessarily applicable and there's also some question does this deal explicitly with households or is just just any six accounts or so so the idea is is that you can link six different accounts together as a family account and the family account you can assign the children who have no administrator privileges and the um uh I think it's children and adults I think uh and the adults have administrative privileges they can decide who can play what games and allow different channels they can allow you to talk to people or not uh so you have all that the the cool thing this does is this gives you the ability that those six people all effectively share the game pool so if you have bought a game but somebody else in the family would like to play it they no longer have to sign in under your login they just sign in under their login and as long as they're linked to the family then they can play your game now you can only play the number uh you can only have the one gameplay instance per game in there so uh the example they have here is that if if two people in the family have Call of Duty Black Ops 6 then two people can play the game simultaneously and play it together and so you have that as uh as an option uh but if there's only one of them in there then only one person can play at a time but you're not limited to which account is that game in so you have that you have improved parenting controls so the have the adult and the child the adult can manage the member invite Supply account restrictions oh the other cool thing this does is that the child can instead of you giving your credit card number to the kid or buying it or something like that uh or having to get gift card whatever else you're already doing now what happens is the kid just puts the game into the basket and any adult in the account can just enter their credit card through their account and purchase the game into the kids account and that way the kids never have access to any payment methods so that's actually a really cool thing so for the people that are gamer families this is a really really sweet deal the only question we didn't see a lot of clarity as to is this relate specifically to household or can this just be any six people and how do you handle the kids going off to college question and things like that so those are uh those are some of the features there so that's actually a pretty cool uh update for for those people there they clarify you um the old family sharing feature will eventually be retired but they don't have a timeline for that uh they doesn't directly say this is where it gets down to the the household type stuff steam doesn't directly say that steam families will be limited to one ISP the terminology like this in quote this information is available from wherever you access steam including your mobile device when you are away from your home end quote lends us to believe like Netflix it will be limited to one household I don't know we need to see what that is so um that is uh that is actually pretty cool in some of those respects so let me know what you think about that and with that we are going to jump on over to your favorite place in mine let's go to sillyville First up a Navy Starlink Scheme Navy Chief uh a couple Navy Chiefs conspired to get themselves IL legal warship Wi-Fi and got court marshal for it I don't know what ranking E7 is you can let me know in the comments uh but um these guys were like they had a serious internet addiction just don't ask uh what they were doing on it especially don't ask that scammer that says they caught what you were doing on it uh but they're like we can't go out to see and not have the internet We Are Young Millennial children who uh definitely need always access to our internet at all times come on you can't take our internet so uh one of the um one of the um Navy Chiefs here got together and uh got together with some of the other Chiefs and said I'll make you a deal um and it was a lady so she uh she says you know well what if we what if we uh pull some money together and we will pick ourselves up a starlink and we'll get it configured and being configured we're going to make sure that only we have access to it and so there were you know there were some rules they put on it so they pulled together their money and they created a proxy account and they shipped a starlink dish into into a port where they were going to be at they picked the thing up and now they have like $1,000 a month Netflix bill because it's you know it's out in the sea and roaming around a lot of different places and things and so now they're all pulling in their money giving it to this one person who's dumping it into a proxy account to pay the monthly starlink bill they can the the Chiefs like only use it in your room so other people don't find out and so they're you know they're they're they have their own little internet and and apparently nobody really noticed this little starlink dish was down here on this warship now the fundamental problem with this thing okay they fix it to a wood pallet and use wire tie downs to secure it to the W weather deck all right so the big problem here is that you can't be having internet on the warship because it completely uh triggers in on your location and so it is very easy to intercept that signal and figure out where you are not to mention all of the connections to uh to the internet being made uh and all of those things there now this is a pretty big deal because this was an an active duty ship and so you can't be having internet out at Sea on an active duty warship really big problem and so uh effectively I think what happened is they were caught because some of the lower level basic crew members kind of knew this was going on and wanted in and wouldn't be let in and so they kind of snitched a little bit that's that's what I believe has happened uh but Morano was relieved in late 2023 after repeatedly misleading and lying to her ship's command about the Wi-Fi network she was convicted at a court Marshal this spring in connection to the scheme she was sentenced to a reduction in rank to E7 after the trial and did not respond to requests for comment for this report oh really um so what is uh what is an E7 that is uh my my big fundamental question from our military stuff e is enlisted rank seven is three chevrons two rockers in the Army so I'm guessing that's probably not a good thing uh has yet to release the entirety of the investigation all of the other people they didn't get Court Marshal but all had like summary judgments and things like that and so um any any new member of CPO mess which then paid in service joined the conspiracy following operational status they said uh everybody else there um everybody else and they're uh you know gotten some trouble uh installation and usage of starlink without approval of higher headquarters um approval of of higher headquarters poses a serious rest to the mission operational security and information security and uh then Commander senior command uh Chief um gel marara was Court Marshal convicted and reduced to rank E7 yep um yep yep there you have it guys there you have it well this researcher is uh being sued Sued for Mayoral Disapproval by demonstrating to the mayor of a city that uh yes um all of your citizens private data was stolen and is easily accessible the like no it's not it's only accessible if you're a computer hacker and he's like no pretty much anybody can do this so the city of Columbus Ohio has filed a lawsuit against security researcher David Lee uh Leroy Ross AKA Connor goodw uh goodwolf accusing him of illegally downloading in disseminating data stolen from the city's it Network and leaked by the ransomware gang Columbus uh the capital of the popular city suffered a ransomware attack which caused various service outages and unavailability of email and it connectivity between public agencies at the end of July the administration announced that no systems had been encrypted but they were looking at the possibility that sensitive data may have been stolen the attack on the same day that the ransomware claimed responsibility for the attack alleging they stole 6.5 terabytes of databases including employee credentials server dumps city of video camera feeds and other sens of information on August 8th after failing to extort the city and the threat actors published 45% of the data consisting of 26,000 files exposing much of what they had previously claimed to be holding so according to the complaint the exposed data set includes two backup databases of large amounts of data gathered by local prosecutors and police force dating back to 2015 containing among other things personal information of undercover police officers on the day of the data leak uh the extortion portal on the on the web uh Columbus mayor Andrew gner stated to local media that the disclosed information was neither valuable nor usable and the attack had been successfully thorted few hours later goodwolf disputed the mayor's claims that no sense of data or valuable data was exposed um by sharing information with the media about what was leaked in the data set in response to this the mayor claims the exposed data was encrypted and corrupted and the leak was unusable all right so we're going to stop reading there I just wanted to read it again to verify myself one more time so the city has a major data breach which leaked effectively everything in the city they say the mayor and you know he's lying because his lips are moving and he's a politician the mayor says there was no useful data there goodwolf says that's not correct he's a security research he says that's not correct he goes onto the dark web now this stuff was shared for free he just goes on dark web and downloads it and demonstrates to the media that yes there is serious serious stuff in here we're talking criminal complaints results of Investigations undercover police reports citizens data all sorts of stuff the mayor now says that this guy must have hacked it and is Distributing the information he says no it's publicly available no they now they go on and say that um they go on and say that that it's not publicly available not everybody can do this in fact nobody can really do this you have to have special hacking tools to do what he did he's like no you download the Tour Browser Bundle okay that was it and so the city though is suing him and alleging that he's actually the one doing it because the mayor is an incompetent buffoon and nobody over there knows anything about computer security and uh that happens to be the growing trend which is why we need to pass laws yesterday about the seriousness of collecting and storing anybody's data because it there's no reason there's no reason to have 10-year-old police cases on an active server connected to the internet no reason to do that that's it and on to our last one uh of course Abelist Writers uh the end of the year is coming and in November there's always a novelist competition that will uh the the the competition is to write a novel in one month start it and finish it in one month and then there's like worldwide submissions and you can submit this in and you know depending on which group and competition you're doing you might be selected to be published or whatever other fun things are doing well the writer group decided they wanted to have ai have an active role so please spare a thought for artificial intelligence it may not have feelings but if it did it would feel devastated by all the nasty things people are saying about it it's all trying all it's trying to do is take our jobs and potentially destroy the world but the people can't stop being mean exhibit one okay the recent controversy with the organization runs the national writers month uh a yearly challenge to produce a manuscript in one month in a recent statement uh nanoro wrote that it doesn't explicitly support or condemn any approach to writing including the use of AI further the categorical cond nation of artificial intelligence has classist and ablest undertones questions around the use of AI tied to the questions around privilege so now they're actually trying to scream privilege ableism and classism for people that say maybe we shouldn't be using AI it's only mostly destroyed every industry it has touched really or what yeah AI is is working class now apparently so um uh oh did did someone in the managerial class fire up chat GPT and prompted it to weaponize social justice language of defensive technology H there you go uh the technology has been accused of stealing from artists and writers by training itself using their work without compensating them and now is making the rich richer okay the weird statement sparked a lot of anger four members of the writers board stepped down in protest uh once she quit best-selling Morin author Morin Johnson urged other writers to beware your work on the platform is almost certainly going to be used to Trend the AI so they're saying you can write AI now the problem is they're going to get about a hundred times more submissions they've gotten previous years most of it's going to be AI written nonsense and they're going to utilize AI to uh to grade all and an analyze all these things effectively thus further feeding the AI so this is where it gets really good they attempted damage control and issued a statement saying that the original wording was unclear which as the guardian notes Here is not ideal when you're a writing organization when your written messages are unclear okay it doesn't uh believe those with concerns about AI to be a classist or labelist but lots of writers seemed wary of both or the organization and AI all right so there you have it guys uh even in the writing world we are getting completely caught up in all of this nonsense uh can't we just have a competition where all of us say let's AB banish AI let's sit down and let's write but no Pandora's Box has been opened and there is no closing of the box so that's that's that I don't know let me know what you think if you want to help support the channel we do have a locals page uh switch linux. you can jump on over there help support the channel we will be bringing back our short stories um that are not written with AI this month so uh keep an eye out for that it'll be a little bit later than usual probably about the I think I'm going to try and Target the 20th now for the short stories I don't know we'll we'll see what happens when I I have the other book produced and I have you know a little bit more time on my hands for writing with that though thank you for watching and we'll see you next time

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