Category: Sports
3라운드 맞친 소감 화 말씀 부탁드릴게요 어 우선 바람 예보가 강 있어 가지고 좀 일찍이 플레이를 할 수 있는 거에 대해서 좀 더 기회가 있겠다 생각을 했는데 어 오늘 초반부터 좋은 플레이가 잘 이어져 가지고 마지막까지 어 좋은 플레이가 이어져서 많은 팬분들 앞에 좋은 모습 보여드리 보여드릴 수 있어서 너무 좋았어요 그리고 이제 보기 없이 라운드를 끝나셨어요 어 일단 되게 코스가 좀 난이도가 있고 어떻게 보면은 어 긴 코스보다는 이렇게 굉장히 잘 분리해서 공략을 해야 되는 코스여서 연습 나온때 생각을 했는데 어 오늘 아무래도 바람이... Read more
Category: Sports
Approval. >> that's the burmese mountain down and the burn. >> look at you. you're doing marketing now. >> tee shot's coming next. t-shirt's coming next. be careful here. >> uh-oh, this could with right in the water. >> that hit the rock? >> what? >> it hit the rock. >> it did. they call it castle... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey you know what else has been hot uh the conversation's coming out of south florida you know i'm talking about uh all week long we've been hearing about the tua comments there were the florz responses let's get a listen so we could get everybody who's may have not heard what tua had to say and what... Read more
Category: Sports
Get in what a start from fio kim and suddenly one hold down she's within four of the lead Read more
Category: Sports
Good evening ladies and gentlemen i am very delighted to introduce our aig women's open champion lydia co lydia incredible effort how are you feeling um uh it's been a crazy past few weeks um you know something that was too good to be true happened and then i honestly didn't think it could be any better... Read more
Category: Sports
It going this at the fifth his third yeah uphill lie here so he gets it up in the air nicely lands softly thomas dietry a rough start here two over brings him to the fourth and a wide miss at the path three oh that'll help okay that's the same stick that sewo hit that it rejected him it accepts thomas... Read more
Category: Sports
But an nfl team who happens to reside in cleveland made an interesting roster announcement that they leaked out this comes amid nfl teams whittling down their rosters to the 53 man number from from 90 we we had some interesting developments out of northern ohio so if you've not been following why would... Read more
Category: Sports
Sam burns is back at the third putting for birdie this hole played really tough yesterday it was into the wind back left hole location oh this isn't going to go in too is it they're going in from everywhere kurt wow someone might go low today might be sam with that start without that wind from yesterday... Read more
Category: Sports
We'll talk pat mcafee peacock and go at it as hard as we can. with christopher mad dog russo as our guest host. and i'm back the marchand and ourand sports media podcast i'm andrew marchand, sports media columnist for the new york post. john ourand is off to cover hockey. uh, good buddy there, john.... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey you and paig spanic should play some golf together and then i said uh sure if she has the patience for me why not which is like she was she was not smart to respond to this because i'm the worst person to possibly even consider golfing with paige spirac and haley ostram are going head-to-head this... Read more
Category: Sports
One final day here in charlotte little look at what's possible at the opener short time ago max h par for 511 this from 213 did land softly enough the motor in the eagle from the left r two time champ off the way terrific start zack wedge time after time after time so they don't have to wonder if it's... Read more
Category: Sports
[음악] 오늘 제가 10번홀 티업을 했거든요 근데네 보기 보기로 스타트가 조금 안 좋았어요 근데 이게 그럼에도 불구하고 4번 에서가 원도 하고 그니까 백으로 시작해서 4번 리니까 12번홀에서 원도 하고 그리고 더 지나서 파에서 원도 하고 이랬는데 버디를 못 하고 8로 넘어갔어요 그래서 그 이후부터 좀 더 생각을 바꿨던 거 같아요 너무 조심스러운 부분이 있는 거 같아서 좀 더 과감한 플레이를 하기로 마음을 먹고 난 다음부터는 좀 버디가 나오더라고요 커터도 그렇고 오늘은 오히려 어제보다 또 드라이버를 한 두 번 더 잡았어요 그래서 그런... Read more