Dallas Cowboys acquiring Trey Lance was just good business | Brother From Another

Trey Lance holds a special place near and dear to the heart of this here show I want to say Michael back in 2021 he was one of our first draft prospect interviews I want to say it was and I don't think we're easily impressed I don't think we're easily impressed because we've been both doing this for a long time but we were both blown away by this young man and I'm sure the Niners were as well which had a lot to do with them trading up um to get him in the 2021 draft he was so impressive we took to him we're rooting for him I think a lot of people are rooting for him because he can't seem to catch a break uh having said that as everybody knows by now a couple days ago the Niners uh sent him packing to the Cowboys Jerry Jones and Dak Prescott you just heard from a moment ago so let's unpack this started with let's just get this out the way right now I'm gonna say this for the people in the back Trey Lance ain't got to do with Dak Prescott okay like like the idea that the Cowboys acquired trade Lance with Dak Prescott's contract situation in mind suggests and presumes that treylands can actually play the only tree Lance has two things going for him he's 23 years old and one team thought enough of him to give up four picks for a fourth round pick because that's the math now quick sidebar thank you you know how it irks me it irks me how people say oh they traded three picks for the number three overall pick no they traded two they swapped 12-3 so they traded for the right to move up from 12-3 so they traded two first round picks and a third round pick but now that said third overall pick has now gone to a second team for the cowboy for the Cowboys for a fourth round pick that now means that they traded four picks for a fourth round pick that's the math okay I was told there would be no math having said all that Trey Lance is the third Stringer for the Dallas Cowboys until further notice he ain't better than Cooper Rush okay we've seen Cooper Rush Play and play well enough to win we have not seen what the hell we don't know what the hell Trey Lance is or isn't yet what this is is a draft pick per the Dallas Cowboys he's 23 years old they're giving up a fourth round pick there is absolutely no downside to this no downside because if you miss well you ain't the one that traded four picks to get him okay you took a fire on a guy with physical tools and with talent to see what it turns out to be you and I both know that Ron wolf and I'm sure there are many others but it's it's a it's a wisdom and an approach attributed oftentimes to Ron wolf in Green Bay right it's great business to draft and develop quarterbacks it's just good business you draft and develop young quarterbacks even if you got one but this is not Green Bay drafting Jordan love in the first round and not telling Aaron Rodgers you ain't got to say nothing to Dak Prescott because we've all seen trade Lance play and we don't know if he's any good so please explain to me how acquiring Trey lands is somehow supposed to be an affront to Dak Prescott or about preparing yourself for Dak Prescott in his contract you haven't seen Trey Lance play and unless Dak Prescott and Cooper Rush get hurt Michael you ain't gonna see him play this year so what are we talking about see and I'm glad you brought up I'm glad you brought up Rob wolf and how he used to stockpile those quarterbacks and it's not it's not Aaron Rodgers Brett Favre it's not right Jordan from Aaron Rodgers I'll tell you what I tell you what it is it's it's all those guys it's all those guys that he had in Green Bay but never really played in Green Bay Mark Brunell Aaron Brooks Kurt Warner there's another one yeah Matt Hassel Matt hassle all those guys who had to go somewhere else so look yes applause applause to the Dallas Cowboys for bringing another quarterback on staff um yeah but before I get to them I just want to say there's something what's that old phrase you can get more it's a cliche I can't remember it though uh you catch more with honey with sugar then catch more flies yeah yeah there it is thank you thank you San Francisco 49ers have lived by that model and Rewritten the model well wait okay don't go wait wait wait no no no no no no no no yeah okay cause you're gonna say something that we're gonna have to unpack stay with Knuckles first but Dallas first Dallas first Dallas first go ahead yeah from a Dallas perspective I'm coming back to San Francisco because oh yeah I'm sorry I saw it I saw it I'm gonna say something I'm gonna say something I'm ready for it I'm gonna say something yeah but I would think for for Dallas it's a good move for Dallas I feel I feel for Trey Lance as you said we had them on the show very impressive young man has it all together said all the right things uh clearly a good hat on his shoulders you said he can't catch a break he catches too many breaks as a matter of fact literally broken finger broken finger broken ankle but I wish he had gone somewhere else where he could just play it's not about being in a good system it's not about having a mentor all those things he's had that he was in a good organization he was in a good system he had a quarterback Whisperer so to speak and Kyle Shanahan and now he's in another good organization with another good quarterback uh and and a guy who has coached good quarterbacks to Mike Sherman uh in uh Mike McCarthy Mike Homer Mike McCarthy Mike McCarthy I think he he needs to he needs to go somewhere and just play I mean I I wish he could go to Arizona as Kyler Murray is out I think he'd just play in Arizona and just get in and see if he can stay healthy and see what he can do I don't really think this is helping him so you're right this has nothing to do with Dak Prescott it doesn't it does have something to do with Trey Lance and it's not great for his Development Tennessee another thing go go replace Ryan Tannehill get him move him off the job replace Ryan Tannehill skip over Malik Willis and take over okay stop right there stop right there I know I know I know what am I going to say I know I know no no no no no no not that he's not better at it you have nothing to lose by acquiring Trey Lance but if a team that lets him play is probably not going to win many games at least based on what we've seen and that's okay do you know how bad innocent he's a good kid but do you know how bad he must be behind the scenes I'm assuming this here okay for one a team that will have will now have on their resumes John and Kyle Shanahan will not have on their resumes that they have the biggest draft blunder in NFL history do Play Day games for them and like I said they gave up four picks to get a fourth round pick in return that's that's the that's the calculus here you know how bad he had to be for them to give up on him but Sam Darnell to come in they signed Sam darnold for him to be the backup in case Purdy weren't healthy so that's number one number two that fourth round I picked that the Cowboys gave up blew everybody else out the water nobody came close friends so what's his reputation not just in San Francisco I don't know but around the league oh does that does that lead us right to where you want to go is that the Niners media manipulation machine okay exactly like oh we're supposed to get it oh well you you go we're supposed to be excited are we supposed to be excited for you hey you know yeah we couldn't believe it we couldn't believe we actually got a fourth a fourth you went from 12. you went from twelve to three you gave up two additional first round picks and you go celebrate that you got a fourth because oh but we are our our information our analytics told us that you know maybe we'd only get a six or we only get a fifth and we got a fourth and aren't we smart no I mean no it's not good I mean that's better than not good since College okay he played barely played we barely played at North Dakota State he's he hasn't played the NFL I mean okay thank you for the fourth because otherwise we probably would have to cut him I mean it'd be tonight is right it's better than nothing but it's about nothing okay take the g off it's almost nothing okay but Nathan Nathaniel especially right especially after what you wanted after you after what you wanted Trey Lance to become and you're right the Niners they don't want to go around and say we did all these things we wanted treylands to become our franchise quarterback and less than a year after he was our starter in 2022 starting quarterback 2022 for the San Francisco 49ers who knows now he goes from he goes from our one two or three this is organizational blame give trade Lance his share of it nobody wants to everybody's like oh it's not his fault okay just give him some of it some of it might not be good okay that's okay I know he's some give him some of it but also give the Niners some of it like the young hey I just want to ask Kyle Shanahan if they're a quarterback who do you like who do you like I know I know I know you grew up you grew up watching John Elway you've been waiting to do this for two years no understand fight the dude can't stay committed to a quarterback and I understand you grew up watching greatness or someone say they can't evaluate them someone say you can't evaluate them some would say or that might be it too yeah it's like imagine imagine like Prince Prince is is one of your favorite artists it's not your favorite artist okay you grow up number one in a household you go up in a household listening to Prince and watching Prince perform and then you go everywhere any other musician everybody like man everybody that ain't nothing oh there ain't nothing yeah you were watching Prince okay Kyle Shanahan you watch John Elway okay I understand the bar was set very high nobody's gonna match that but he you know like RG3 first and then it was Kirk cousin Kirk Cousins then it was Jimmy Garoppolo oh no not Jimmy no no Trey Lance no it's Jimmy no Jimmy Garoppolo then Trey Lance he really fell for train Lancer somebody did if not Kyle it was John Lynch Brock Purdy was found money but I could answer your question for you yeah so first my party do you remember you said they should have traded do you remember who you said station we argue oh he's the guy he's the guy remember when we argued okay after they traded up to number three I'm like of course it's for a quarterback and forget about whether it was Mac Jones or Trey Lance remember the player that you thought they should have drafted I thought they're gonna get us didn't I think they were gonna get Kyle Pitts well you thought they should have drafted Kyle Pitts it just been Unstoppable on offense you know with him and George Craig but I just want to uh yeah I was going to test you man you know which in her sight hey probably would have worked out better right because they ended up getting you know Brock Purdy and Mr Irrelevant last year here's here's the kind of quarterback Kyle Shannon likes and it speaks to what the Niners are doing you know this as well as I do which ones he like the next one that's his favorite quarterback you know what you know what because I can't actually actually can't say anything better than that was Tom Brady's open receiver you know who's on Tom Brady's favorite receiver the open guy who's Kyle said his favorite quarterback the next one well said um I'll try I'll try to recover and see what I was gonna say call Shannon and and his thing it's the same reason why Mike McCarthy traded for Trey Lance you know as well as I do all these coaches think they're the smartest one in the room they all think they're smarter than that or if we just get him into our system oh he just needs a fresh start he just needs our coaching Kyle Shanahan likes the quarterback that runs his system and the reason why Brock Purdy is going to be the quarterback for a long time because again that's a stigma attached to oh he was the last pick of the draft so what that doesn't matter anymore than Trey lance being the third pick of the draft okay everybody missed he's the guy yes because when his back foot hit when he plants that back foot he's letting that sucker go he is hitting that deep end route that has a staple of Kyle Shanahan's offense he runs this system Kyle Shanahan believes in his system that's why he was infatuated with Kirk Cousins that's why he he Garoppolo worked in his offense and that's why Brock Purdy is going to be there as long as he stays healthy Because he believes no no in his system and if you could run his system the right way you're his quarterback whether you're this one you almost got it as long as he runs his system no he's going to be the quarterback as long as he stays obedient as long as he stays dependent well remember we were talking about this before we were talking a few weeks back I don't know if you remember uh you have um you know been around that much but um a few weeks ago we were talking about this we're talking about mentors and mentees and what happens when your mentee you're the man I was on the show that day yeah I haven't been around that much it was a conversation with me no wait wait wait wait wait what I can't bring it I can't bring it I can't bring up oh yeah oh you're going inside baseball um about 10 minutes before the show started I got a text saying hey what you doing Wednesday because Holly can't hey you ain't get no chance you didn't text me but you texted you text the middle person okay text Natalie yeah so you you got a respect to text me exactly but it came to me though okay so so after after I do Wednesday for because you do whatever you got to do I don't want to hear else about it I ain't here all the time oh okay I won't hear that no more I don't know what I'm gonna say okay I got one more thing so if you're if you're the mentee some Mentor it's just kind of they're not doing they're not in in it for altruism some mentors are in it for to feed their own egos hey that person is under me I discovered that person I gave them a break but what happened happens when you discover somebody and then they figure it out you've helped them so much that maybe you know what maybe they can exist without you holding their hand and I think some quarterbacks he's fallen out of Kyle Shannon I'm talking about has fallen out of love fallen out of love with some quarterbacks who kind of want to do their own thing hey you know what I didn't know anything coming out of college I mean I've got three four years experience underneath me okay I can figure I don't need you in my ear all the time I don't need to plant the back foot and throw on demand just like you say it I see something else out there because I'm actually on the field when Brock Purdy starts to do his own thing or when he gets exposed when he starts doing his own thing this guy then then Kyle Shanahan let's go move on to somebody else all right we'll say the Brock party for later okay the last thing I want to get to is Jerry Jones real quick real quick yep one of my favorite phrases is failure is an orphan but success has many parents right perhaps my favorite part of this entire story is Jerry Jones being like yeah we were going to do this a couple of years ago about two three years ago we were going to draft the quarterback in Philadelphia stop it dude you don't get to take Philadelphia's success and adopt it as your own as if everybody knew jalenhurst is going to be this guy okay right you had an opportunity to draft him and make no apologies in the first round they drafted uh City lamb in the second round and drafted Trayvon Diggs two picks before the Eagles took jail hurts at 53. okay or if he'd have been there so you're gonna draft him at 82. you're gonna drive them in the third round it's like you know what stop it because if he hadn't worked out you would not be trying to claim jail and hurts at all okay you full of it you know I don't believe you you need more people about the fact that you were gonna draft some of you were gonna draft jail and hurts okay and if you're the drafting jail in hertz who's to say they need to ever had the opportunity to be who he is now from Philadelphia secondly secondly if Carson wins hadn't imploded who's to say that Jalen hurts what it would be what he is right now right with and for Philadelphia so Jerry it's cool dude we get you want to develop quarterbacks but you didn't draft Jalen hurts so keep the Eagles quarterback name out your mouth that's all I wanted to say because I want to hear what you what you were thinking about doing and what kind of grades you had on him in hindsight because nobody tells you the grade to handle these prospects when they when they blow up or when they bust yeah oh we were going to draft it we were gonna draft him you know okay but what do you have been exactly who knows maybe it ruined him before we know anyway that's all I had to say about that that was that was hilarious yeah you're right Jerry Jerry quarterback I ain't gonna say no names but we're gonna take him because you knew right because you knew okay yeah nobody's saying all all these draft busts all these draft busts they don't say other general managers don't say hey I understand because if they if they hadn't taken them we're gonna take them right after that we would have however anybody say oh I had a top five grade on treylands I've heard we had a second round grade on Trey Lance we had a top five grade on trade Lance because ain't nobody owning that you know hey thank you for watching brother from another if you haven't hit that subscribe button go ahead and do that now don't forget you can catch us three to four weekdays on peacocktv.com and on Sirius XM channel 85.

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