Category: Entertainment
और सुनो कुछ बड़ा प्लान कर रहे हैं हमें उन्हें हमारे विलुप्त होने से पहले रोकना होगा हमने डायनासोरों को फिर से जिंदा किया मानते हुए कि वे हमारे दुनिया का हिस्सा बन सकते हैं लेकिन कुछ लोग इसे अपने फायदे के लिए इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हैं उन्होने हमारे सपने को एक बुरे सपने में बदल दिया अब हमारे अस्तित्व को ही खतरे में डाल रहे अस्व के बारे में नहीं वि [संगीत] स्थि समाधान नहीं ढूंढ पाते हैं य दुनिया जरा सिकर की र लट [संगीत] रही i Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Since more than 5 years ago the dinosaurs have returned to live among us but now it is no longer a question of mutual coexistence it is about a kingdom and rebirth there was a time where we thought we were superior until we brought the dinosaurs back and we thought they could become part of our world... Read more
Category: Comedy
Precious cargo the cinematic equivalent of a microwave dinner hastily assembled lacking flavor and ultimately forgettable allow me to distill this gem into a succinct mockery that even bruce willis might smirk at picture this a worldclass thief named jack played by mark paul gasar struts around with... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to our channel it is so crazy scarlet johansson reveals how eagerly she had been trying to get involved in jurassic franchise for a decade the next jurassic park film by gareth edwards starring scarlet johansson marala ali and jonathan bailey is set to hit theaters in july 2025 for decades the... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Did you know one of the most chilling scenes in a clockwork orange wasn't even in the script kubric felt the scene needed something more so he asked malcolm mcdow to improvise under pressure mcdow chose singing in the rain the only song he could remember this cheerful melody transformed into a haunting... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This is mr marquez he is here to teach you all about non-binary a non-binary person is somebody who does not identify as male or female oh like a her mafa day no yes not at all and that word is not in use anymore is it i i don't know i cat there you go an s with grades like this i'm going to have to... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
De my lado and madison theog go a baby de lado family news celebrity baby announcement dma lato sister pregnancy madison de logos a ryan mitchell celebrity engagement dma lado fiance viral celebrity news hollywood baby news dima lado love life cb pregnancy 2024 celebrity relationships desperate housewives... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] hey y'all i'm samuel i'm tanner and this is house of mouse we're here at universal studios for the opening night of halloween fortnite are you guys ready to get scared cuz i'm already terrified i'm a little terrified too i've heard about insidious and quiet place we watched some vlogs about... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] यह आदमी एक पेशेवर चोर है सबसे पहले वह एक न्यूज़पेपर चोरी करता है फिर रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा मिलता है जिससे वह बस हाय बोलकर निकल जाता है फिर यह चोर एक शॉपिंग मॉल के अंदर जाता है मॉल में घुसते ही वह बड़े मजे से अलग-अलग चीजों को छुपाकर दूसरे कस्टमर्स के बैग में डालने लगता है जैसे ही कस्टमर्स बाहर निकलते हैं मॉल का अलार्म बचने लगता है सिक्योरिटी गार्ड्स हर कस्टमर को रोकने लगते हैं और हर बार लगता है कि मॉल का अलार्म खराब है... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Jurassic world rebirth first look reveals scarlet johansson jonathan bailey searching for massive dinosaurs universal unveiled new plot details and character descriptions for the upcoming sequel also starring mahara ali and rupert friend the future of the jurassic park franchise is rooted in a massive... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] hey y'all i'm samuel and this is house of mountain i'm at universal studios today because today is the release of the new halloween horror nights merchandise so we're going to go check that out today and then also i want to check out some of the booths and see if any of the menus have been posted... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's something that's definitely on the docket you know at some point joe manganello opens up about his plans for kids following his split with sophia vergara the true blood alum reveals his excitement to have children in the future during an appearance on the pod crush podcast he tells host pen badgley... Read more