Halloween Horror Nights 2024 - OPENING NIGHT | Universal Studios Orlando

[Music] hey y'all I'm Samuel I'm Tanner and this is House of Mouse we're here at Universal Studios for the opening night of Halloween fortnite are you guys ready to get scared cuz I'm already terrified I'm a little terrified too I've heard about Insidious and quiet place we watched some Vlogs about it from last night's Premiere event looks pretty good we're excited and there's going to be some awesome food options tonight that we're going to try as well so you guys ready let's go [Music] woo starting right here at 6:00 is when the party starts it is 4:43 now Sinister and surreal should be up there greeting everybody coming in so since we have day passes for an annual pass we were able to come in now and just go straight to the minions Cafe so that way we can get checked in for the event tonight the C for the S screen this one is for New York we don't know which haunted house it is though suris s scream lines are so long right now and it's so hot we're just going to go to the bar instead for a minute contemplate Our Life Choices if we want to make a decision to go for the express pass or not over at this bar they've got some drinks here I think I showed these the other day but you guys can see here are the drinks if you guys want take that or you can SC that QR code all right what did you get so I got The Surreal soda soda yeah and it was Tios Fanta and blue Rasberry blue raspberry something look how cute this is the souvenir cup it was $20 so you can take it back and you get a discount on the alcoholic page you could also do mocktails in this too they said yeah and then I got the dead Meridian this is with tequila orange soda and I forgot the rest I'll put it in the captions here though but I like the glow Cube or like the glow light on the cup all right first step somebody just dropped their phone I heard that oh ouch it's a little weird like what are the flavors well obviously there pineapple in it yeah but it tastes like almost like medicine try it you mix it tastes very [Music] medicinal all right I'm try it's going to be a chugger yeah keep up you hav't to do anything it's very fun to eat do you want a Fanta do you want a f um it's good it's not too sweet which is fine cuz I don't like sweet things so I feel like you can't really go wrong with tequila with vodka vodka tequila is going to be weird yeah had that distinct flavor so yeah I would I don't enjoy that one I do enjoy this one want to tast this one oh yeah yours is better sh well Tanner and I did it we got the express passes and you got to go big or go home right so not only did we just get the express pass we did the express pass unlimited so we can do every house as many times as we want rather than just with the UN with the standard you can only do it use it once per house and then the same with there's four rides open so we can ride the rides um with the express pass M today two so we're right now just kind of hanging out it's nice and Breezy and shaded over here so we're cooling down enjoying the rest of our Hills while I'm trying to Che this um and then I think we're going to go go to the shop get tanner a lanyard so he doesn't have to keep pulling this out and then probably get in line for some of the houses and then definitely get some food right I'm hungry it's 5:55 our friend Carrie that's at the gate said that they've already started to let people in so we're going to walk around and try to maybe get a snack first ew look at that though the blood eagle this is the torture scare Zone yeah that looks terrifying my God he's got like hooks faying open his back so that one is the blood eagle and then we have aim aame A and M oh my gosh so there's arrows oh that's disturbing this one is the Brazen Bowl I assume someone's in there e why does it smell kind of like barbecue a little bit okay the scare actors are out so it's time oh my gosh oh my God let's go help me please oh my [Music] gosh oh oh wow [Music] [Applause] oh my God they have someone in there yuck well T and I tried the what were those called potato swirl yeah the potato Barrel those swirly potato things that stick we tried those it was so salty they were coated and like Lowry seasoning salt basically um so that was not good but now we're going to go get in line for insidious and we're here with Gary hi um do yall see this going right now it better start going down a lot faster that was at F 45 then it went up to 55 then it shot up now it's going down down down keep going down going so they put it at delay now I don't know what delay means and it was delayed because of a medical emergency so they're holding everyone in the house right now yeah but they're still letting people go in so we were able to go through and now we're going to head towards the back so we got in line we are in the express line here still a little long um and then I think that one over there is for triplets of Terror okay we're moving we're getting close I don't think we're going to be able to film in here cuz we're not part of the media event that can't okay we just finished Insidious y I need a second my heart is like pounding out my sweating I'm sweating more than I was sweating just in the sun fear that was amazing that was so long it was so long so long but it was so good I like want to do that one again that one was like I that okay I'm my the scariest part I had I can't even talk right now the scariest part I had was all those mannequins and you didn't know who was real which one oh I hated that part oh it was good but I hated it theil oh she oh my go yeah we we might have to do that one again I think I'll do that one again found you I know I was just saying I'm like I'm meeting up with some friends I told about where you were so we're headed to do a quiet place now yeah I'm excited for this one too yeah me too it's been highly anticipated to talk about so far yeah and then there's a lot of nods to the movie we'll see see you on the other side so this is why we got Express bu the line for quiet place is just wrapped around where they do all the concerts here 80 plus minutes says it's 80 minutes but I feel like it's probably longer than that so we're just literally walking right up I mean we'll probably wait 15 minutes maybe if you guys are questioning the value of Express Pass 100% worth it finished a quiet place not so quiet yeah it was um the theming was amazing like there was a lot of detail to that one a lot of nods to the movie um I caught myself more looking at the details on this one um I didn't find personally this one as scary but I did enjoy the theming more of yeah I like the theming more of this one it wasn't scary I mean it was like I scream all the time but it wasn't as scary as um Insidious yeah Insidious definitely that was a like we're going to have to do that one again yeah we made it over to the hhn bar if you guys remember from the other vlog this was where they've got that whole bar over here right across from Mel Diane and look there it is Mel's Dian I took out the r and the V so it's matching our shirts tonight we're going to have to get a gpy or a selfie there an Essie and all right hhn Mar oh I think I saw they had like a margarita or something Mita so here is the menu for the hhn bar you can see that here we got specialty beverages ghou juice murita quick to die Margarita and then they have your premium cocktails that you can mix with different alcohol beverages down there also have Coke products and water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so just FYI if you don't want to get one of their pre-made cocktails you can just do like any liquor or choice or premium liquor of your choice get it with any mixer so I did a Jin and tonic you guys me thank you wa someone's behind us thank you [Music] oh my there's that one [Applause] there oh wow oh my gosh look at this airboat [Music] okay I [Music] lost oh my God what does he have oh what is that oh and this one's got an appendage what does he have [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] oh oh and this one's looking hungry oh my oh my God he's moving oh my God he got got by the [Music] gator check out this Chucky popcorn buckets oh my god do I need one of those and the Chucky popcorn bucket is $44.99 over here at car's din they have the slaughter house Slaughter Cinema 2 they have a summer camp dog a roopa VH walking taco a vegan Walkin taco and a rocks from hell we got tonight over by DreamWorks is the vegan pizza fries how amazing do these look it's hot too so it's got vegan pepperoni vegan cheese and then there's I think some veg vegan sausage crumbles on this and then of course french fries and this was $1.99 and you can use your annual passle to Discount with this it brought it down to like $119 and then over at Cherry Drive-In in the cinnamon Slaughter housee 2 they have the walking taco with Fritos how amazing does that look this is $13.99 so it's got Fritos scoops and then all of the taco toppings so we've got pico cheese lettuce vegan sour cream and vegan cheese on there they do have a non-vegan one as well this one looks amazing and it's hot on the Bottom's going to take first bite to the walking taco everything you want how's the sour cream that makes me happy sour cream is good it's got that um what's the word I'm looking for is it Tangy Tangy it's a lot of beans they really chunks of tomato oh there's beans in there too yeah and tomato o um W lettuce but yeah it's really good all together how is the ratio of the taco to the chip a lot of chips but there's a lot of vegan cheese makes it taste good too I like it what do you think har oh I love it good it was my favorite thing last year and it's probably going to be my favorite thing this year anything you would change um no no no is the cheese like melty the cheese is not melted okay and it's enough for CH okay yes it's terrible it's terrible there's a lot of chips in here scale of 1 to five 4.5 4.5 okay five five awesome try the vegan pizza fries again this was $11.99 and it has vegan pepperoni and then there's some vegan sausage crumbles some vegan cheese I'm not a huge big cheese person and I see it's not melted all the way through but we're going to try it and then of course there's the crinkle price so I've got a little bit of everything I think on here good it reminds me of the tot the vegan tot that um greenegg and ham it's basically almost the same thing french fries yep it's good I will give this 4.5 out of 5 I just wish there's a little bit more sauce and I wish the cheese was a little bit melted we just got in line for Museum of exhibits said it was a 15-minute week but hope play with the express B is going to be like a fraction of that so what did we think of the pizza fries and the walking taco overall walking taco needed for me a little more of like the chili it was very I had lots of Fritos I had lots of Fritos too I love a Frito yeah love a Frito um I the walking taco I I'm not hard to please when it comes to that I'm just so grateful for that naughty delicious option definitely too many chips um for the pizza fries I thought they were comparable to the tots at green eggs and ham I thought they were comparable I liked them just as much about to go in I can't film inside but this is what the entrance looks like oh true that's true first N9 IP of our exhibit this exhibit the just finished what was it called again uh the museum museum of something exer what did you think it was faer than in cious either yeah I agree in cidus I loved the theming but it wasn't as like there wasn't the jump scares as much as this one oh wait quiet place yeah sorry quiet place quiet place was number one was the best quiet place wasn't as scary as this one this one was really pretty scary yeah quiet place again that the them on that one if you watch the movies there's a lot of nods to them to both of those movies but it was just not as scary like the the I was expecting them to jump out more they W startle Factor but the detail was good the detail was really good there's a couple spots spots in that that were pretty scary but this one the exhibits one k even mentioned this is the one that it's not it's not an IP one which it's kind of fun to see what they came up with on their own I thought it was pretty creative yeah all right we made it through most the switchbacks here of this queue we are in line for nightmare fuel so this is a live show and I think the nightmare Queen is here the one that was at um Epcot for the acrobat show y'all this looks like it's going to be a pack show got all this we're going to be packed in like sardines here you guys went up higher or lower what do you want higher or [Music] [Applause] lower yeah let's go in here just finished nightmare fuel that show was so good the py Technics is amazing on that and the performers are outstanding they're so talented and one of them the nightmare Queen she was from um the Epcot show that there was over in um world celebration this summer and I think that's coming back to Epcot as well but I think next we're going to head over into Dion alley and try to catch the and time for Dion alley [Music] oh my gosh look at it's all Smokey and spooky [Music] woo it looks amazing in here [Music] [Music] that one right there okay let's see if we can find some more Death Eaters oh gosh there they [Applause] [Music] are I'll fix it I know I know I know I know I did I go back in the trash can I oh oh I don't have one I'm sorry me too oh no do you have one show your show your tattoo where's your tattoo it you don't have it so left oh oh you got it uh-oh [Applause] she still finds you [Music] worthy she's like see you [Applause] yes sir [Music] [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] well we just were at D alley to see the Death Eaters oh my God that was so cool that was amazing yeah um they came up to me and did some weird FDO stuff they asked they wanted to see our tattoos to make sure that we were Death Eaters none of us were they except you got made into it oh my God we're in a scare Zone though we are now in house oh we're in a we're going to be in a big yeah it's the [Music] purge oh my gosh look at this guy [Music] [Music] oh my gosh [Laughter] oh check out here we've got mayor sweets there's a poison apple what else is on the menu they do have a plant-based option here this is the African lentil and potato sambusa coffin with African spiced lentil potatoes in tumed in a vegan pie dough that's $88.99 look at this one look at her oh my Atlanta oh my woo [Music] and over here it says happy death day and it said the black phone up here earlier and I hear the phone ringing so that means it must be around the corner here somewhere [Music] oh oh my God there's [Music] again we found the black phone answer is there's Meg [Applause] [Applause] oh my gosh w we just made it through the scare Zone at bloomhouse and now we're going to head over to uh major sweets Candy Factory okay into major sweets we go and this is where fast Lu Furious is or was oh [Music] wow going to all right we're Back In Bloom house we exited out so now we're got to go through the scare Zone again oh was just the end of it that wasn't too bad what did you guys think of major sweets I thought major sweets was good it smelled amazing it was so sweet like candy was delicious know was like oh a little snack there there was one guy in there the oh yeah oh he made several appearances you'll know him if you see him he was rough to um that one had like I was more surprised with some of the jump like the scar yeah the jump scares yeah that one I liked a lot but next we're going to go through excuse me should we go towards mels yeah let's go towards mels maybe get a picture there and then we'll go do another another haunted house can you all see it Mel's dying we just finished our pictures over at Mel Dian so now they're going to go through the scar okay time to go through the scare zone now uh oh I think I lost Tanner and carry oh god oh lord they're all over in here oh my the evil that exists within their own minds W what you are [Music] Yik oh my God I can see who your oh my gosh hello oh my flip back around I don't want and we're going to go do Ghostbusters now hey guys how you all right in we go feels good in here in we go look like we're going this way [Music] that was um I thought it was esthetically pleasing you liked it I liked it I thought it was really pretty we just finished Ghostbusters that one yeah there's so many nuts to the movie especially like that that scene when we first walked in where everything was frozen oh my God looked exactly like the movie and the hand around the that was frozen off going around the um that record player yeah that was cool um something must have happen we got stuck for a like almost a minute but overall I like the theming on that one a lot it's so we are heading back over towards men and black and Springfield area because slaughterhouse 2 Cinema or slaughterhouse Cinema 2 and goblins Feast are over there and those are the last two I think we're going to do for the night back through Bloom house we go oh the smoke is making me give me a little tickle on the throat oh hello yikes this lighting is a little weird but this is the pumpkin guts this is butternut squash and zucchini noodles with pumpkin seeds and vegan butter inside an acorn squash let me see if I can show you guys better in the light over here you can see the acorn squash that it's nestled in this looks really good all right let's give her a taste all right first bite we got some noodles here let's try these this good they're buttery they're nutty very light Tanner's trying to bite pretty mild you want to try it car you said not bad oh I like that it is like you said it's light oh it's in a squash did you get any of that I haven't got the squash yet I was just trying the n the nudes oh I like it it's light um sometimes We crave something a little bit more fresh during a festival or a you know when we're eating a lot of Festival squash is good too I actually think I like the squash better than the noodles it's good I to give this maybe like a 3.5 by a four four out of out of five I think if I really wanted to right now I'm not going to eat a whole lot of this but I'd probably add some hot sauce or something to this of course nice though next we are headed to goblins Feast I see the portal coming up oh yeah I think so oh and it looks like Goblin's past is a 60-minute weight to the right is eternal bloodlines or Monsters Eternal Bloodlines and then left where we're going is goblins Feast outside of this one this one's so cool we were just saying this one was basically a walk- on right guys yeah walked right up I know it does look really cool okay what do we think of Goblin's Feast well that was one of their new the newest ones right yeah and it smelled new in there I loved it so much it smelled so good and they pumped in a couple of scents it was very earthy maybe a little oak or Moss little fresh cut wood from building yeah that was love it I love it it was quick yeah it was very short I wanted more I wanted to hang out with them I feel like that one had a lot more actors like SC actors in it like I just felt like everywhere we turned there was at least two every would come on each one would get you here and one we get you here yeah but it was short that I wish that was a little bit more at Ghostbusters I felt like there was a lot of of was yeah just walking yeah but that one was good I I feel I do wish it was like twice the length but that was good all right now we're headed over to slaughter Cinema 2 to check out and see how that how long that one is not sure where it's at though is it over by the um place we got the food it might be okay may by ET or something like that yeah so we're headed that direction now just next to men and black we have Slaughter Cinema 2 but this one's got quite a little bit of a cubes hey we'll deal with the wiers later humanity is no longer on the top of the F and here we have the Carrie drive-in movie theater no daughter of mine shall ever be with a filthy elf One Life torn apart by War what did we think of Slaughter House it good you calling it slaughter house Slaughter Cinema Slaughter C it was good I feel like there was more of a story to it I feel like if we were on like the rip tour or if we had listened to the podcast we probably would have picked up on a lot more definitely were some good scares there were some good scares I I screamed a few times they got me a lot of lag time in there I was expecting that one to be a little bit scarier than what it was I know it sounded like it was scary like I thought it was going to be like a slasher type where be jumping out but but what they did you went through different rooms and they would just overhead announce what that theme was and then there would be movie posters so I like the amount of variety that we got yeah it was different and we're back in torture again [Music] oh God I don't want to be a [Music] [Applause] render go W oh gosh [Music] oh my [Music] gosh all right well what' you think I had a blast to say um I think it was completely different than what we wereing since we decided to get the exess pth last minute they we at that yeah it it was I would J do that over and over again um we did seven houses out of 10 right yeah it's under what 5 6 hours yeah which was amazing especially on opening night just awesome and we weren't rushing so yeah we took our time we got some food watch the show I mean that upk of times too was waiting in line in that nightmare fuel so what was your favorite house me least favorite that we saw probably I think the excuse me the museum one yeah it's just forgettable I remember I don't even remember what it was either food was goodday I definitely want to come back for that walking vegan taco and the beiz of bre again we'll be back uh in a few weeks uh with our friends from Texas so we'll get to do the houses we didn't get to do and then try some more food yeah but we had a great day today and if you like this video please like And subscribe till next time stay magical bye and it looks like as we leave we're going to see Sinister and surreal we didn't get to see them when we walked in earlier did you enjoy Bren an admirer of the Sinister and the all rain is far from over all rain of horor has sickly got [Applause] we I see all of you adoring f [Music] oh [Music]

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