Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Power Lines & Trees Down ⛈️⚡️🌳

say National Weather Service  severe thunderstorm warning in   effect for this area until 6:45 p.m.  he our tornado sirens are currently   going off as oh man look holy cow so  there are power lines laying in the [Music] row good morning everybody so uh today  it's about oh actually I should say good afternoon   it is about 11:45 and we're looking right around  4:00 to having some pretty severe storms on the   map there's like a mass of red and purple orange  and yellow which is like severe storms headed   right to us so it is very hot and humid we are  under a heated advisory till 8:00 tonight um I   think we're supposed to be reaching up into up  into like high 90s with 100 degree heat indexes   I don't know exactly what it's supposed to be yet  I'll take a peek at it and keep you guys updated   I am currently just getting some housework done  um we had the cousins here for about 4 days and   so now yesterday was Sunday so we didn't really do  much they had gone home Saturday later in the day   we had um our other nephew and his girlfriend  and their kids come over so um we just kind of   hung out and then Sunday we just took it easy took  our day of rest so today I am playing ketchup and   trying to get all the dishes we used paper plates  and stuff but there're still a ton of dishes from   the last few days I was like putting loads in and  it just couldn't keep up with it so that's what   I'm doing today is playing ketchup I have some  laundry to fold over here um yeah and we'll just   kind of keep an eye on what the weather's like  today and go from there look down here you guys so   see that pile dug up by my hydrangeas mhm there's  a little chipmunk digging in there I don't know if   he's looking for worms or what it is he's looking  for but I'm going to have to go out and fix it and   I was looking it up and they say like there's all  kinds of things that you can buy online but none   of them really actually work that well to repel  Chipmunks so we'll see I thought about getting a   couple of like fake snakes and wondering if that  would kind of help deter him we do have a holy   family fake snakes I'm going to walk outside and  have a heart attack were you standing behind me   listening anyway we uh put a window air in in our  fireplace room because it's not air conditioned   out there and that's where uh our nephew and his  family were staying so we now have a window air   in but yeah so I don't know I don't know if I can  keep that little chipmunk out have you guys had   that problem and is there any way that you solved  it wow you guys are super loud super loud yeah   you guys have babies in there don't you yeah hi  Bermuda Rio's in the nesting box sitting on her eggs hello hello and they're right next  to all their friends in the other cage   that way they're they're not they're  not lonely they have each other but   their flocks over here hello you guys  were so talkative yeah you guys were so talkative Guyana and Brazil are out  here by Aspen hanging out with him   hi buddy hi kyana hi Brazil uh you can  let him out and Mr Monk Is going to hang   out with zaye Zayn's doing school in my  room so he always hangs out with Mr Monk   when he's in here he lets him on top of his  cage yeah are you excited you're excited look   at him he's like yeah I'm coming out I'm  coming out she probably doesn't know what   the camera is come on budy come on M come on  come on come on come on come on come on your M oh oh oh he accidentally flipped himself  upside down hey buddy there you   go is that better there you go hi  Mr Monk hi Mr Monk you want hello [Music] yeah it's been 4 weeks since you called  and I've been waiting here for you all along   I've been waiting here for you all [Applause] alone where you been where did you go I  wonder if you found what you're looking for wonder   if you found what you're looking [Music] for I  hope it's not too late I want you back here with   me we never should have said it's better this way  I'd rather be with you than someone I don't know   now it's like we're living in two separate worlds  come on back to me say that you won't go I can't   cope without you and I want to hold you close say  that you won't go say that you won't go [Music]   it's been so cold without you  here we barely Sick by before you disappear it's been so cold without without year okay I just finished folding my load of  laundry I'm going to go ahead and put this   away and then and I don't know what I'm going  to do next I think what needs the most work is   my kitchen it is a disaster I have a ton of  dishes to do Ireland was sweet and unloaded   the dishwasher so that was a big help in  the house she is currently trying to get what anyway she is uh currently  trying to get some of the end   of her English class finished up and her math  so she's almost done she's finished all of her   classes from her freshman year except for those  two things that she has to get done and I think   Zayn is at the tail end of what he needs to get  done for his credit so they're close very close [Music]   I feel like I've been here before familiar with  the view this ain't nothing new and every time   that you walk through the door I'm hit by the  shame or TI Blinded By the Light and I'm going   through changes but it's easy with you I'm  going through changes and so are you I find   the moments when you're around me I know you've  got Secrets but I can keep on and we're fing in   and out together the fs wide open Stuck in the  Moment [Music] you the F wide open stuck in   the [Music] morning the F wide open all right so  I got the dishes started in the dishwasher there's   not much left a couple of things I'm going to  clean this side out and then start rinsing dishes   put them over here and then hand wash a few things  try to get a strainer full this counters pretty   much cleared off just needs wiped couple of pans  that need done few things over here and then the   table part of the mess on the table though is Matt  just got a new monitor for his work office or from   work for his office and so he's got like all  the packaging supplies out here so I'm going to   get rid of a few of these after I figure out what  he needs to send his other monitor back but yeah   usually what I try to do is if I'm overloaded on  dishes especially like if we had a lot of company   um is I will try to get all the smallest things  loaded into the dishwasher first because a lot   of times it's the amount it's like the volume more  than the mass that takes up the space so I loaded   most of the small stuff now I'll try to hand wash  some of the big stuff and that'll clear things out   of the way so probably have one more dishwasher  load yet and quite a few things I need the hand   wash so I'll probably just hand wash some strainer  fulls throughout the day today so I'm currently   making Ireland and iced coffee and I usually use  a mason jar to do this I just started making these   actually hey re did you want the thing for the  hamburger guess not anyway she's bringing up some   burger for me I'm going to toss it in the crock  pot tonight and we're going to have crockpot tacos   so anyway I'm going to make her some iced  coffee because she went to the coffee shop   one of the coffee shops and she paid $6 for an  iced coffee and she brought it home and I took   a drink and I was like o it was not very  good so I was like you know I could save   you some money and make you an iced coffee  so what I do is I just pour some ice some   crushed ice out of our refrigerator into the  cup sometimes I'll fill it up a little Fuller   but I usually do about this much about  2 tablespoons of some caramel and then some french vanilla coffee creamer and then a  little bit of coffee to top it off so that's   how I make my iced coffee and I told I know it's  cold that's why I told you to take these down here   here toss them in there goof ball careful thank  youe don't break the thing all right thanks for helping yeah so I'll show you how I make my iced  coffee I want to watch you want to watch okay they   all like my iced coffee you got to shake it down  a little the ice no it's fine it's fine hey do   you want to get me a straw though no I so yeah I  use two tablespoons of this thank you you hit the camera and maybe a little more that  wasn't quite i t you love my iced coffee yes little bit of that is there one in here maybe yeah well T's not okay so then I use a little bit  of that and then probably a little bit more ice [Music] I'm going to pour the coffee in hello guys   this is hot coffee don't which is why  I added more ice then I just take a straw mix it up nice coffee and you can make it  stronger if you want or lighter a little just   depending on how how much coffee flavor you  like in yours but that's how I make mine okay   so you got your brother a present didn't you yes  going to on him it says ADHD highway to Hay look   a squirrel for Skyler Skyler's going to love that  so I got the hand washing done I have quite a bit   of the kitchen completed I have a little bit more  cleaning to do on the uh counters and then [Music] I want to get this stand cleaned up a little  bit and I have this area here in the dining   room to take care of when I get the table lay  the table here in a little bit I've got my   ground beef thawing out it's starting to thaw um  so I can put it in my crack pot so doesn't take   as long to crack poot Burger I may just end up  frying it up on the stove we'll see um but yeah   that's where I'm at so far it's nice and sunny  outside but like I said it looks like about 4:00   I should recheck and see so I was just looking  at the map um and we are it looks like let me   back it up a little bit so it looks like we're  going to start getting it backed up a little   bit was originally like 4:00 now it looks like  we're going to start getting rain right about 5   :00 but then we're going to be in a huge mass  of severe [Music] weather right about a/4 to   6 so and it's a big storm cell so we'll [Music]  see all right well we'll just keep an eye on it   I'm going to keep cleaning on this stormy day  so anyway I'm going to keep cleaning and then   we'll just just keep watching the weather  and see what happens show you Ireland's   cute outfit today doesn't she look adorable  I'm slay she just bought herself that Kirby   shirt and look she did the little buns space  buns to look like Kirby and she said these   match his feet yeah I got Kirby's feet on  my ears you look really really cute all I'm slaying I'm going to let the sunshine in the day I'm trying to make this Darkness go away I'll paint with colors and I'll sing until my  lungs give out I'm going to let the sunshine in to   day and I will leave my windows open so that I can  hear the sound of people talking the wind blowing   in the trees [Music] oh I will open up my eyes so  I can see the light oh and I'll try to spread my   wings so I can fly oh and the Darkness starts  to fade feels like things are going to go my   way I'm going to let the sunshine in the [Music]  day I'm going to let the the past be filled with smoke and I will try to fix what has been broken  and take this weight off my shoulders cuz I know   yesterday and coming back I'm going to let the  past stay in the cold I sign to the ocean let   it's on side words be spoken and I'll let my mind  be carried by the waves oh I will open up my eyes   so I can see the light oh and I'll try to spread  my wings so I can fly oh and the Darkness starts   to fade feels like things are going to go my way  okay so dining room tables reset I was chasing a   mosquito around I don't know if I even got him I  got one but we have been getting bit up really bad   and I did see a thing that in like the Minnesota  Iowa area and so since we're so close to Iowa   Illinois as well um I did see that there is um a  different like strain of mosquitoes or something   and they're much more aggressive um and coming out  in the daytime which that little guy was so we we   have found we've been getting bit up while in the  house quite a bit so I don't know where they're   getting I think they're just coming in through  the front door like they see the light and they   come in so um I did find a thing of like a potted  plant I had outside that had some water sitting   in there and I think it had mosquito larvae so  I dumped everything out and hopefully hopefully   that took care of the issue so but yeah he was  pretty big and I don't need any more mosquito   bites I have been my legs are so bit up so how  is it in your area do you guys get mosquitoes   really bad or if you are in an area where you  have like a high mosquito population are you   noticing that it's worse right now I think with  all the river flooding and stuff that has a lot   to do with why the mosquitoes are so bad right now  and we actually live really close to the river I   can I can see it for my neighbor's backyard so  yeah anyway so that's what I was doing when I   was working on the room in there I was chasing  a mosquito around cuz I'm like not today you   are not fighting me anyway all right well lots of  work done in here I'm going to check on my burger   see if it's ready to go in the crock pot I think  I'm actually going to do nachos tonight instead   because I realized we have a bunch of tortilla  chips that need used up so I think maybe I'll   get the stuff to do like an ooey gooey nacho  I'm actually going to look up the recipe right   now cuz I made it several times and everybody  really likes it I told you my ice coffee is   super good mom going to make me some yeah she's  making make me make her some and really cool I   started my own Homeschool Group today so I'm kind  of excited about it we actually have some members   so that's cool excited yeah and we're going to  do our first event this week so the birds are   going mon loud yeah all right I am going to make  her some throw away my pizza box I had leftover   pizza for lunch and then I have to update my  calendar because we have a bunch of new events   for this upcoming next couple of weeks that I need  to put on so fun and exciting stuff though lots of   swimming lots of cool things so I will bring you  guys Along on whatever I can that we're doing in   the upcoming next couple of weeks I think it'll  be fun to add to our summer Adventure list I was   actually filling out her summer yeah her summer  Adventure book so I even have a summer Adventure   book that I filled out or am filling out I need  to fill mine out I'm behind on mine but yeah got   one huh I got on mine yeah so we this is where  we're at so far I don't know if you guys can   see all the gold boxes the ones that are filled  in but we filled out quite a few or uh checked   off quite a few of our summer Adventure list so  it's been really fun doing okay so I just got an   alert on my phone and I'm going to show you guys  it's on the phone with my mom but anyway it says   National Weather Service severe thunderstorm  warning in effect for this area until 6:45 p.m.   uh for destructive 80 mph winds take shelter  in a sturdy building away from Windows flying   debris may be deadly to those caught without  shelter from the window so I'm going to Quick   go up hold on mom I'll be right there talking to  my mom on the phone I'm going to go outside and   I have a couple of things I need to move out  of the way okay before I get caught in these winds but I want to get stuff kind  of backed up out of the way here so   it's not flying everywhere oh  my gosh okay I could hear ah oh okay all right yeah I've got a ladder  outside cuz I was taking lights down me   P this up like tornado weather yeah no  yeah no dco weather okay so currently   we are getting a little bit of rain look  I have all our chairs piled up over there   turned the table upside down we took  Mary in the house I moved Matt's Grill   I'm hoping that's enough for his griddle but  that is what our sky is looking like right now the sirens were going off where our parents   are and Skyler is braxon is  right now cuz he's working [Music]   listen to that Thunder I'm a little  stressed right now because Skyler   could not make it to the shelter so he is  riding it out in his house but he does not   have a basement he does have a shelter  area near him but he couldn't get to it so and braaton is at work so I'm pretty sure  he's getting off soon well right now he just   has to stay where he's at sweetheart yeah  I know anyway we've had some pretty good   strikes of lightning you can hear the  thunder they didn't turn it on okay it   doesn't work so save the batteries throw that  away oh no I have to throw the batteries away   with it okay just throw them away throw them  away then throw them away it's okay anyway   it is so humid right now it's like I've had my  camera put away in the camera bag so that way it   wouldn't fog up when I brought it out here from  the difference of the air conditioning to the   outside but it is so humid it's like wet when you  go outside from the rain and now it's not raining   anymore okay you guys so I pulled up my phone  we're now at 78% humidity and the temperature   I think the temperature has dropped a little bit  the temperature is 83 degrees but it feels like   feels like 82 so it says the wind is making it  feel cooler but the humidity is higher so weird   so I just have to show you what's going on it  is literally it looks like nighttime out right   now my lights have come on that's how dark it is  look at that they're coming on it's only like 6:30   and I was just out here a couple of minutes  ago and it was so much brighter you guys look it yeah that wind is picking up and it is  so dark like over here you can see how much   lighter it is look how dark it is now look  at those clouds rolling oh my cow holy cow the wind picked off and it just started yeah  I'm definitely not taking you outside to see   what's going on I just wanted you to  see that little bit there that is oh   no it's not oh it just got black wow  the birds are freaking out right now   nobody's upstairs are they I don't think  so okay it's a Tre were to come down no he School make sure he's not plugged in  what is Guyana do he's scared look at the clouds Matt's calling and checking on braat  and here you guys want to [Music] see come   call me back we're in the r no answer yet so  that always makes parents nervous he could   have moved them yeah I've been in touch  with the boys you could have moved into   the cooler so now probably it's lighter than  it was it's lighter than it was I don't know   if you guys can even see that right now yeah  that was weird it got really dark now it's not   bad yeah really dark really fast there must  have been a really big cloud that went over   I was doing school and I'm like eh I'll come  back to that prob who that was a good flash lightning okay so the wind is picking up  a bit it is way cooler out than it was before look at that woo look at that  lightning focus on this the power   down here so all right what's on there's  another set of Lights wait there's wait   there's more lights over here what what  just happened there's a fire across the   street their power's out they have no power  the freezer went bad the BL the blast frezer oh no okay our tornado sirens are currently going  off I stepped outside to see if that's what was   actually happening cuz you can barely hear  them in our house this is so hard because we   had our Sirens going off and they were going off  continuously which usually With Sirens if they're   going off continuously that's a tornado warning  however we also have accident Sirens here and   we're not under a tornado warning we're under  a th severe thunderstorm warning now they've   finally gone off so it's kind of like staying  close to the basement just in case and sending   everybody down if we need to so the kids  were down there for a short period of   time but now the sirens are off so now we're  all back up here we need one but as you can see Matt's listening woo look at that lightning we are where  we live it's kind of nice we're at the bottom of   a bluff in the river valley so which is helpful  we actually lived in an area that was surrounded   by River Bluffs and that town got hit really hard  do you remember honey there's no ice there's no   ice we out but the water's cold out of the fridge  well I question when he gets me ice water because   a lot of times it'll just be ice or it be one  Ice Cube or it'll be no ice cubes or it'll be   an empty cup the say's like whatever man at least  I brought you some huh one time I almost gave him   I told him there was no way one time I almost  gave him water mixed with soda coming I caught   it before I handed it to him no yeah he poured it  wao look at that nice curl you got the curly hair   oh in the middle of it it's 7:45 we'll be hit  he's sweaty hit found that out that's why you   don't touch a grown man aown considering  you're not a she's still looking for one um also what's up with the spoon what were  you doing it was right here so what did you   say over there in the dark bed about 30  to 40 minutes it'll be a little rough yet gety what do we do when we're waiting out a thunderstorm what happened to you she she moved  her legs knock mine off and hit the corner of okay so we're driving to pick up Brax and it  looks like we're pretty much out of any severe   weather at this point um but they did get hit  hard in debuk yeah so they're still without   power at Braxton's work Skyler could feel his  house shaking yeah um but like I said could not   make it to a storm shelter because he doesn't  have a basement but there's a shelter area   for him to go to but he couldn't make it there he  said he didn't feel safe trying to get in his car   and go to the shter area so yeah which is in his  community yeah but but it's like several blocks   away from where he's at we had talked he knew it  was coming and he was getting ready he's like oh I   got some laundry in he's like I'll get ready he's  like yeah maybe if Grandpa thinks I should maybe   I should cuz Grandpa told him he should probably  go to the shelter and he's like well if gra things   it might be bad enough maybe I should and then  he called back like not even a minute and a half   later he's like oh it already hit and I don't I'm  feel safer inside than I do outside yeah so as we   were just pulling out of town lightning just like  shot in different areas of the sky Weir come it   didn't look like it came down it looked like it  spider webbed across the sky yeah that was crazy that's how this storm has gone it's been uh  there was one area across the river from debuk   so in a place called Keeler Wisconsin which  is really just a few minutes Drive yeah from   us yeah from us and from debuk and they lost  one of the places there lost a roof they have   such good food yeah it's a place called  uh the village bar and there roof came   off so we'll have to see and I don't know what  kind of damage debuk has taken but we're about   to go find out guys look at this look at that  rainbow and it's double isn't that neat it's so cool oh man look holy cow they lost a tree in the  storm they lost a tree you guys how cool is this   I mean really rainbow look at this you guys  where more trees are down there's a bush no   honey that's a tree tree but I don't know where  it came from yeah I think it blew over here oh   I don't see what it's snapped off of okay so we  were going to go up to Eagle Point Park and this   is the back road but this is a tree across the  back road now we're going to have to now people   live up here yeah we're going to have to how are  they going to get out there's no other Road no   there's no way in or out that's a big tree oh my  gosh do they even know it's down that got hit by   lighting it looks like you better call it in I  bet they don't know it's down so there are power   lines laying in the road which is why there is no  electricity to this area here this tree that did   it one of the parks there's trees down lines  on that car there's police tape here no the   power lines are down though I don't think you guys  can see them but I just called the non-emergency   number to let them know the tree was across the  road and so she's going to send Park and Rec out   there to see if they can get that cleared up so  there is a lot of damage in the Dubuque Iowa area

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