holy crap maybe I put on too much moist too [Music] brush look are you getting ready yeah time to go go go dude you cannot escape to go get the kitty cat oh you're so handsome all right let's take it to school you keep on crawling back despite the pain inside cuz all that I want is for you to be happy give me a chance to show that you can be well open your eyes and see the way I see CU all that I want is for you to be happy with me [Music] oh your tears they say a thousand words I've heard them all before the ones who love the most my dear are the ones left H and more he broke you down with no remse [Music] good morning holy cow all right that was a little bit of a rough night I must admit we had lger come in Benji went and put him down beckim came in at about 2:00 in the morning he said he was having scary feelings or something so we went and laid him down made him feel all good in his heart and then not even a half hour later Ledger came in and both Benji and I we like okay we're done so L you just got in our bed could sleep a few hours without being interrupted and now it is already 5:30 in the morning so time to have some me time and then we will get the kids all going and get ready for first day back to school so let's get going first thing I do is have some me [Music] time I'm BEC Blind by a dazzling gra what a beautiful feeling to be close to you [Music] now it's time to go wake up the kiddos so every morning we have what we call devotional we've had that in our family me and Benji started it back when Kennedy was like in kindergarten we usually read scriptures or some other spiritual thought for the day and then we have family prayer all together and it just is a really special way to start our day so we're going to have that and then we'll start getting ready are you guys excited no no very mixed feelings let's see if we can get everybody excited this one I bre I can see when I got your [Music] love when I got your [Music] love when I got your love now the devotional is done you guys can all start getting ready I will meet you guys downstairs at 710 for breakfast okay 710 71 I any way you want but sleep is sleep all right I will meet you guys downstairs for breakfast at 7:30 oh my goodness I don't know I'm just not on the right track this morning but hopefully I'll get this better and running more smoothly soon so why they start getting ready I will start getting ready too we're going to start getting ready um I put on this La last minute okay this is kind of nasty that's all stuff white e we're going to brush our teeth by the way this is a quick one so you said you just poop it in every night and morning and take it out [Music] all right we're so bad for ready I just brush my teeth BR whose toothbrush is back what your toothbrush is still on turn it off all right guys it's so um so I just like hopped in the shower because I didn't want to just spray my hair to get it wet so we did that and now I got to pick up my outfit and I never about to uh clean my room you guys can see that it's clean but now I have to pick an outfit and then I have to like oh I haven't even wash my face yet okay guys we're going to get ready let's wash my [Music] face okay now let's go do my skincare SL makeup now we're going to do my hair and I'll be back once I do half of it so now that I'm done brush my teeth and to face it's time for skin care I think I'm just going to do moisturizer cuz I don't want to [Music] peel crap maybe I put on too much moisturizer let me blend this and I'll be back [Music] okay guys I can't do this Lily is helping Mr be choose what he wants to wear to school and what shirt do you want wait there was a red one oh the one you got on I like that one which one do you think Mr be I don't want to go I really don't freaking want to go SP me around five times and I have to close my eyes all right here we go okay walk forward close your eyes now reach down and grab one I want the monster yeah wo that is kind of a mean dog this is chill let me see the dog needs to chill M oh you look tough all right she's going to go do your hair first things we're going to do is curl my hair time to turn it on this is just crazy another year another day of school I can't believe I'm saying that sadly I am guys I'm really sad that it's going to become winter because then I won't be a tan anymore and then I'm just going to be sad but it's okay that's just part of life but it's okay because as I said that's just like part of life I guess it is what it is it is what anyways guys I am like feeling good today like I'm feeling actually really good all right you're all done with skin care now time to Crum my hair okay really about to do my hair you okay we're doing our skin care I'm going to try not to spray my hair ain't no good for me I can't be with you you can't be true and I know just what I got to do got to hit the ground run it run [Applause] it okay same old same old that's going to leave a mark bur my neck on accident it's okay it wasn't that bad but I'm good guys I'm good I'm still leing okay I really hope my hair turns out good today that's the only thing that I'm worrying about actually I'm going to hurry and curl this side of my hair help me one two Mar three four wow that's a lot different version of that song when I was little okay you want this or this the blue P yeah coconut on my finger right here fingers smells like banana banana all right let's do this thing I'm now nine almost 10 oh he not almost 10 but you are nine in fact both sides [Music] my now it's time for makeup it's my new hair guys look it's sick it was only like five bucks it was only five bucks a deal where where are you going my backpack oh that's a good point I had little messes all over my house I was hoping that I could get it all beautiful right before kids go back to school but instead now I'm hopeful that because kids will be in school I'll be able to get it all beautiful a mother can dream right okay last to water stop drinking the water now I'm going to dry my teeth off I look really weird I look really we I do this top one is on now we're going to do the bottom one okay now we're going to do our makeup face is washed teeth are clean but um I didn't do whitening strips last night so I'm going to put those on once again go back in with this I don't know if this is right if I'm supposed to be applying this same skincare routine in my face and the morning but who cares I care I actually forgot some sunscreen it's literally been braining lately but um it doesn't change the fact that it literally gets up to 105 still but going to put a little bit of sunscreen on because you know they safe and sorry cuz my skin does not want cancer protect your skin it will love you for it all right you guys time to go find Lily she's going to do my hair and then I'll come back and do my makeup we have to have the light off okay first we're using this [Music] okay I'm bathing I'm just going to do like mascara and like tiny bit of blush like eyebrows now we basically done with Tak care of the some lastro and now we're basically done and now it's time for keep protecting it I just use the red Cam one and then brush it through okay now it's actually kind of C my hair the e.l. B this stuff is really good and it is also one to less expensive side which I feel like is really nice I think we should launch our own makeup brand comment down below if we should just saying okay I'm going to wear this it matches you nice be I like it how was aout how was a workout getting all your stuff Co starting to get light outside all right put your put your shoes right here we can go get you some CLS I'm going to turn on the lights wow it's a little bit of a mess a mess oh dear all right Miss be grabbing some socks one pair two pair nice first day of school is always a little tricky cuz you have way more stuff in your backpack okay ready guys woo all right go throw those in the trash let's make you some lunch all right finished that now I'm going to do few other things and I'm going to get [Music] ready going to wait to help him put together his lunch for a minute make sure that everyone else is well on their way to getting ready I'm also going to get in my workout clothes I like to do that first thing so that I remember to work out before I do anything else really quick make sure that nobody actually went back to bed teenagers Luke I'm talking to you after done with this we just going to do my hair my PP here you use the bigger one I too this on today I would recommend like the cloudberry toner it feels so good on your face and [Music] this let's do my plams I'm going to start putting my eyes offu in my okay is that it that's actually it we are now going in with the Contour bronzer I don't know what this is but i' usually just go like this on like that line and a line I really don't know what this stuff does just it's supposed to make everything smaller I guess but I think I'm just doing it the wrong way because it doesn't really work for me like I don't think I'm supposed to blend it in this way I think I'm supposed to have a beauty blender but I don't use Beauty blenders because they just get really gross really fast obviously you're supposed to wash it but I just don't like how it's a sponge and it's just like going all over my face I'm not not even sorry guys don't worry I changed my brushes out finally to all these ones they're so preppy so I don't have any of the old ones now we going in with the Charlotte Tilbury it just makes me look tan I know I'm not supposed to put it everywhere on my face but it's just what I do okay all right bronzer is done now time for eyebrows got to get our eyebrow brush the benefit this is just my holy girl I know any other eyebrow stuff that has worked so good for me that actually stays because this stuff stays when I tell you it stays it stays okay you know just go get it every product I use just go get it okay you won't regret it they're just all too good I like really thinking about it and I'm like scared school is cool it's very different than my school cuz it's so much bigger and it's like crazy I thought my school is already even big so this is like my updated ctin cuz people ask asking for this so this is it for you guys okay so first so great okay then you have your sections hair take your curl AR okay and you separate it I think I'm going to like do like that bit of a piece cuz this is my real hair right here I take it and I go down I don't know how to explain me doing it make sure the clamp is like facing forward put pull it down turn pull it down turn and then let down okay I'm going to finish my hair I'll be back and I'll show you guys how I put like this one side of my hair taking on Presley I'm giving them a be school Air Makeup routine all right how's it going so far it's good all right have fun her with her 1 million steps getting ready [Music] L's playing some angsty music there Luke are you getting ready how are you getting ready it's dark in there and you're playing angsty music get ready play Bruno Mars or something today I don't feel like doing anything this is not a sad time this is a great time he's so funny he is not like super excited to go back to school if you can't tell let me check on everyone else you guys know Li the expert good she's going to do my [Music] hair yeah Do You Want to Build a Snowman are you getting ready yeah awesome wait for to down so she can do my hair all right but you got your you're working on your makeup first no I have to do my hair first I'm sure my outfit oh okay okay guys so this is the outfit and I think it'll look really cute in school pictures cuz our pictures are today on Thursday School Delany yeah checking on you how's it coming yeah I'm changing your all right fing got these shorts ready no I'm going to change more socks cuz I don't like ankle socks then we're going to go down to breakfast maybe yeah are you getting ready all right pry was telling me the other day what I should and what I should not be doing and so I kind of took what she said and I was like wow my 13-year-old sister I don't actually know about she is I only get so tin on my neck and not like my hands or anything right sometimes do my necks for like special occasions I have been using my Dior one a lot lately actually I've been loving it so much it's just gorgeous and it also gives that highlighter effect you know you know you know that and that this is incredible all right we got Lily doing out hair perfect what's the hairstyle Choice today we're just going to curl it curled yep that will look super cute okay guys we're almost done with my hair my hair is looking good now my hair's done now let's go get on our outfit all getting ready I wish that I could do something to help we joke around but makes me sad when my kids don't love school so to figure out how to just help like I don't know ease their like anxieties about it all but you know everyone gets anxiety on the first day you guys get anxiety on the first day you know you just you want it to go good so bad that you just almost like Jinx yourself because you're like psych yourself out about the whole thing hopefully everything goes really well for everybody today saying a prayer for all of you out there watching too that your first day of school can be amazing one step that I did for you that I actually always do is I put my jewelry on and then I do make this stuff cherries of course I'm sorry guys my nails are not Cherry anymore um I'm still obsessed with cherries so we're going to wear Cherry earrings come on all right Cherry earrings are in my necklace I used usually wear is actually out in my car because I hung it on my um rear view mirror I used to wear like this ring a lot um but I actually think I'm going to wear this one cuz it has a little red in it um so I don't really wear rings so I don't know but I think I'm going to wear this and maybe a few other ones but we'll see I don't know for sure I haven't done my makeup or hair looking a little scary that was so scary all right time to get dressed oh that's much better so did the little over got my teethbrush my face wash got a little bit of light makeup going on yellow all dressed so I'm ready in case I have to go in with one of the kids to their school so I don't feel super disheveled the first thing that I like to do is actually work out for the day right and if I'm all ready for the day sometimes I just all the day carry me away and I don't get in workout so I get dressed with my workout clothes so that I do that at first all right pretty soon I got to wake up little Ledger he gets woke up last just because he's little and he needs a little bit more sleep and last night he didn't like get a ton of good sleep so so want to start him off on the right floor with plenty of sleep okay I'm just going to use some mascara I just feel like there's no need to apply it to my whole lash what doesn't even look good okay this is the makeup I feel like it's looking really good actually okay guys I'm going to put on my outfit last but not least Charlotte Tilbury we need this makeup to stay now we going to brush my hair um okay okay we need some oil they're looking pretty good no stress hair's good um guys we are like literally ready for school I'm going to go downstairs to prey's room to just fix up my makeup because down there it's like a dream and I'm just like oh my gosh I need to use all these things and once I use them my makeup looks so good okay guys our outfit is on I'm going to show you guys how to do this type of thing all right we're using okay and then I don't know you I'm going to brush out my hair when we like walking out the door or something cuz I want it don't okay Presley's camera is bugging me stop another thing I would suggest for you busy mom is fill yourself up water and ice water in the morning and just carry it around with you all day I'm sure a ton of you do that but life gets so busy and I just always forget to drink water and if I have it with me it's way more likely that I'll drink water so love to do that all right I'm going to go check on the team as I get my water water now I take my back piece this is where I like show from the back it's whatever K I want to finish it I'll be back um wiing shirts are hurting so I'm going to take them off holy crap they really hurting look really white I'm time to get that to the it's actually British I'm getting SI of these Rings you guys I can't do it I can't do it I just can't I can't do it like I just cannot be wearing Rings like it's just never happening I can't do it I can't do it that looks good it's just like very like loose curlish but okay now I'm going to go choose out my outfit all right final touches of mascara guys this is taking way longer than I expected it to and I have to freaking apply all different mascaras because I need my lash to pop you're ready wow you're looking super cute love it back to school earings I'm back to school earing you didn't put them on I should wear them today oh really that would probably take most of the attention to your ear my ears out good job Lily that girl just makes my life easier every day we'll give you guys an update really soon about what's happening in her life some really exciting things are happening so super fun I just got these gold poops me your now let's go get my water bottle and let's fill it up all right guys I have my uniform on we have my jewelry on I need to add another ring so that it's like even with everything I'm actually so excited like I'm all ready I just got to put on my shoes go downstairs fill up my water bottle eat breakfast we have a couple things that we have to do before we leave and we are going off to school so I guess I'll see you guys then you look so cute actually ready your lunch you already packed your lunch y it's in some of it is in the fridge though cuz I need to throw it in my lunch box so it need to be and backpack go get your backpack make sure it's all filled up nice all right you guys I'm all done getting ready time to go downstairs eat breakfast and then I am on my way to school Luke how's it going terrible terrible your music sounds a little bit better well I don't know maybe it doesn't sound better still rather angsty [Music] down okay keep look fine all right's do our lips really really quick water all over [Music] me almost that time that we're supposed to meet downstairs for breakfast so hopefully all the kids are doing good looks like we got some last minute touches to backpacks right you got the cute shoes going on love it the blue Jordans I'm doing these I like them kind of like mat your overall Vibe you know we get like fall Vibes yeah fall Vibes wow it's cute you know what it's kind of crazy like ties in your hair hair you know what I mean oh yeah yeah it looks really cute it's super cute and it adds on a few inches so I'm not as short no you're perfect you're never too short you're never too tall you're always just perfect look you okay I have a question what's bre this um Tad is making blueberry muffins I think and uh I'll have all the muffins let's just hope that I don't you're not going to get bullied you're going to be great he does you can always go talk to a teacher if they don't be nice go talk to a teacher and let the teacher know did you guys see that so secret room it was an awesome secret room for a while but in prep to start school I was like Paisley you hardly use your secret room anymore can I just have it back for my closet and then maybe we can redo in the spring your secret room and she's like yes so we got everything out of there and refilled it with our normal family supplies because I was not liking having to go to Beckham's room to get our family supplies out the time so stay tuned when she gives it back but for right now it's the closet again let's check on how they're doing speaking of hazley hazley how's it going in here holy clothes on the bed it's what you don't know looks bad does not looks good and I don't know what for my outfit like I want to change it I don't want to wear that outfit I think you look cute I just want super you know I'm just tell you a story in fifth grade there was a thing called stirups it was all the rage that summer it was like the new thing right so I was going to wear them the first day and then I chickened out just like you're thinking of chickening out and then guess what happened Ione wear them um let's just say that the most popular girl in fifth grade Jenny wore them and I was like oh she wore them so I can wear them so I wore them the second day and guess what everyone said cop you're copying Jenny and I was like I already had my back to school clothes like I went out today and bought these because Jenny I had to like prove myself just be brave dude just be you well I like the jeans I just don't like my shirt okay so wear the jeans and we'll help you find a different shirt all right you better hurry it's getting time for breakfast hurry up Delany look good let me see the fit see awesome looking good looking good all right everyone head downstairs for breakfast guys it's 7:21 they have 9 minutes to get down there for breakfast the intermediate schools actually start first so Presley Elsie and Delany will actually head out first and so hopefully they can go down and have breakfast all right let's see what's happening here I have my laundry and I just took it out to choose out clothes but okay you just haven't folded your laundry yet okay the jeans are adorable I say the jeans are for sure don't you think I don't know about their shirt though like you going to wear this but I feel like it's like dingy it's not that dingy I think it's cute and then maybe it's like new pants new fun style but just like a normal shirt so it's not like everything's brand new type look you know what I mean yes I okay I'll put on the shirt and I'll come back all right E I like it okay come down for breakfast and then you can come back up and hurry fast right now all right trying to hurry down for breakfast so we don't start off the year late with the Intermediate School ERS let's go see how Dad's doing with breakfast Oh yay the sun I love the sun I love you too Mom Hur we have I know did Dad make some muffins wait they're not done no oh no we're not done can we go pictures while we're waiting yeah good idea all right you know the tradition back to school pictures [Music] we can we over we can [Music] over guys time to go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go they're done okay they're done they're done what's the matter I can't get like hold what is happening right now is your hand not in the thing right it is my hands are just too small let Dad help you what is happening right now people this not should not be this hard all right all right all right got enough getting head out quick it quick quick oh these are perfectly cut baby I don't have to know your real name I'm just addicted to the way you take the pain guys we got to hurry come on come on come on we cannot beate that was you what happened she got butter on her lunch boox oh no they're so stressed about sixth grade I don't think I was this stressed you're walking to my first period yes first period is na all right let's go let's go guys come on got your weapons perfect perfect let's go I love you Daddy it's our birthday so far so good this is like the best day ever Dad this is like all the kids are going to school to I know bye guys love you best day of my [Music] [Music] life three down um six to go let's see how the rest are doing all right guys how's it coming how's it coming I need my backpack still I don't even know where my backpack is oh I'll go find it I have it I have it upstairs it's I had it by the stairs I went and put it up there how's it going Luke bro just like don't even fill me you look nice sh you look so nice don't you think I look so bad bro you look great why does everybody always doubt themselves the first day of school bro bro what I'm not giving you a TED talk I'm just telling you like sometimes people like to like look all decked out and sometimes people don't like to look all decked out so whatever you decide to do it's fine I don't want to go anywhere all all right we got cute love navies turn around show us the it's Navy wow she's even excited for you that was her excited bark you guys look so cute oh I forgot I was going to take some pictures in front of this instead so come over here for your pictures cute here we [Music] go the I'mma Be the I'mma Be the I'mma Be the that you ever done so I'mma Be the I'mma Be the I'mma Be I'm all right we are ready [Music] for really dude come on I don't want to go can't you tell them I can tell you don't want to go to school we still have to take it back to school pictures wow you're so cute I don't have my own necklace on it's in my car but I'll go get it you're necklace yeah you look cute all right let's go and take your cute P [Music] many bye have a good day bye love you good first all right she's going to go in her car and then Navy's actually going to bring the middle schoolers with her her so all right bye byebye love you have a good day love you have a good birth day you look so cute love you have a good first day you're going to have a great day this is for my day on don't forget the ones I made you deep stop sweing out flavor this is for my day one day one this is for my day one come in and wake up little Ledger Ledger good morning lger it's time for back to school you're awake I thought you were probably awake by now all right come over here and give your mom a hug and a snuggle yay hugs and snuggles are you feeling okay today good today's going to be a great day Mom yeah I'm going to die as I go to school we're actually too cool for school you're going to die if you go to school oh was that your plan to tell me you're going to die if you go to school that's how you're going to get out of going to school that was always my plan I'm going to take you to your school all the way into your classroom so that you don't have to go alone is that a good idea no I want to go to my class but you know what we're going to have a great time but it's scary for me it's not too scary it's going to be a great time no my class you know why it's going to be a great time first of all listen to this you're going to be able to give your teacher her earrings and then I'm going to go there and you get to play on the playground the whole first part yep you get to play on the playground and all your friends you'll meet all your new friends and then we line up at the door and then your teacher comes out and says okay and then she opens the door and you guys all walk into your classroom and you put your bagpack in your cubby and then you go sit at your table that has your name and then she starts teaching you and it's so much fun let's go choose your best outfit and guess what we have blueberry muffins for breakfast Pleasures pleasures where are you going you got to get your dressed dude dude you cannot escape to go get the kitty cat okay let's go W Go's excited too hi go oh you look so handsome time go do your hey hey ready jump on the back here we go oh okay oh I didn't know they were doing the full shoulder the full shoulder okay yay all right here we go ready stand up stand up stand up so you can get off the shoulders what are you doing is this your plan number three of how to get out of school you're just going to stay on my shoulders I got you on my shoulders I'm so good at that H here we go [Music] ready all right you got it I think you're handsome you look like Jimmy Neutron St like this you st like this forever all right well eventually you are going to have to go to school so go go all right let's go all right ready and all right seriously I highly doubt you can sleep like that all right Mr B let's take some pictures show me your back Pat turn [Music] sideways oh you're so handsome you're going to have a great day high five dude you're going to go with C pull all right give me I love you so much have a great day let's go [Music] bro love you you're going to have a great day I'll probably see you in the playground cuz I'm going to go bring in stop kiss M I love you Becca eight down one to go that's the hardest part no you cannot bring the cat to school can I bring the cat to school Pard just you cannot bring the cat into school why because they don't have pet day today do you want me to melt the butter into it [Music] that seriously where did he go this kid all right evidently here's not in the mood for muffins this morning here you go not the sh milk you need milk all right let's get you some milk I need to get drink what do you say [Music] please what that all right here you [Music] go mission accomplished did your feet shrink five you're five let's see how do they feel do they feel too big no you feel okay going going down [Music] tonight let's go let's go [Music] heyy go mom can you please bring the kitty we can can't bring the kitty please I'll be so good today you'll be so good today if you can bring the kitty there's a problem with that what I think your teacher will be really sad she'll say you cannot bring the kitty oh Lily is all ready to go work out you look super cute I'm going put him in my backpack dude you can't put him in your backpack why is he caring it I have no idea all right listen listen you cannot bring the kitty to school please no your teacher would say get that Kitty out of my classroom right now run Kitty run okay the kitty yeah all right all right so listen your teacher will say I love animals too but I don't really want kids to surprise me with animals in their backpack cuz it would freak me out a little bit so they don't really like you to bring animals on your birthday of school but listen they might have it bring your pet to school day you want to add this St your backpack some markers and a book few last minute additions to the bagpack where did those earrings go here put them in your bag oh never mind it's actually mine okay it has a l okay so okay let's go take your picture oh you're so [Applause] [Music] cute cute number one first day of school big smile say cheese oh you're so handsome all right let's take you to school wo going to hit the ground baby baby I'm [Music] R run it just as fast as I can going to hit the ground run it R it oh Cozy's along for the right come here cozy good job get in the back good job good job cozy oh I actually forgot leder I can't bring cozy with us for drop off cuz I might have to help you go into the school so I better leave her here just in case we wouldn't want to leave her in the car sorry cozy you can't go on the first day of school maybe tomorrow cozy is safely inside we are on our way with the last of the nine School goers rough morning but I think we'll get the hang of it soon I'm actually getting the hang you're actually getting the hang of it already well that's good I'm wishing luck to your teacher this is going to be interesting for everybody involved little dude you ready all right grab your backpack let's go let's go let's rock and roll all right I can just pop out from the sides really mhm um you might paint my purple oh maybe that would be a fun idea is this don't tell me Ledger Ledger all right ready you have a great day I'll be there to pick you up as soon as you're done all [Music] right walk right did a great job all right all the kids are dropped off holy cow that was a crazy morning but it's here people and there's nothing we can do about it we're just going to go with the flow I'm going to go for my walk now I'm I'm just going to switch it up today and enjoy the sounds of nature I guess thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you after school love you all bye-bye [Applause] [Music]

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Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Power Lines & Trees Down ⛈️⚡️🌳

Category: People & Blogs

Say national weather service  severe thunderstorm warning in   effect for this area until 6:45 p.m.  he our tornado sirens are currently   going off as oh man look holy cow so  there are power lines laying in the [music] row good morning everybody so uh today  it's about oh actually i should say good... Read more


Category: Entertainment

Okay you guys it is garden tomato season brewing up some salsa um maybe i should pse [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] it you want it a little chunky not just pure puree let's taste it yeah so i like it a b a little bit chunkier but it'll [music] do the nodes the lymph nodes again okay... Read more

Our Daughter Pulls FIRE ALARM at Our Hotel!! | Jancy Family thumbnail
Our Daughter Pulls FIRE ALARM at Our Hotel!! | Jancy Family

Category: People & Blogs

What is that what is the sound is that the fire alarm it is the fire alarm why is the fire alarm [music] on hey guys welcome back to jansy family guess what we are guys we took a little break for this weekend hi terita a so we should try guys so we came to a resort for a couple of days because this... Read more

Catholics warn of more school closures in Victoria under Gonski 2.0 thumbnail
Catholics warn of more school closures in Victoria under Gonski 2.0

Category: News & Politics

Victoria's catholic education body is warning of school closures under the turnbull government skorsky 2.0 funding model with two melbourne schools set to shut this year in recent months holy eucharist primary school in malvern east and mother of god primary school in ivanhoe east have told parents... Read more

County leaders discuss pedestrian safety after student hit by school bus thumbnail
County leaders discuss pedestrian safety after student hit by school bus

Category: News & Politics

With the brand new hour of our future with the brand new hour of our future radar, with the brand new hour of our future radar, future our future radar, future our future radar, future satellite our future radar, future satellite and our future radar, future satellite and the satellite and the satellite... Read more

Is the F1 Constructors Championship race over?  #LandoNorris #DutchGP thumbnail
Is the F1 Constructors Championship race over? #LandoNorris #DutchGP

Category: Sports

Not only is it in doubt i think it's over i think the constructor's championship is over despite the 30 point lead that red bull currently have that'll be gone in three four waste time in my opinion but yeah there is a five bar five bell alarm fire going off at the red bull factory right now because... Read more

That waterslide scene... | The Inbetweeners 2 | ABC TV + iview thumbnail
That waterslide scene... | The Inbetweeners 2 | ABC TV + iview

Category: Entertainment

Oh my god sor that's my irritating valves next two up right good luck boys see you at the bottom oh and don't forget loser streaks oh seriously i would have thought i'' been gone by now it's a new one jesus me can't stop okay next two will i got an issue ready to lose i'm not but you are will i'm not... Read more

Cory Hardrict & Tia Mowry's Son Cree React To Aj'a Wilson's Game Winning Shot Over Angel Reese! 😱 thumbnail
Cory Hardrict & Tia Mowry's Son Cree React To Aj'a Wilson's Game Winning Shot Over Angel Reese! 😱

Category: Entertainment

N [music] [applause] [music] oh my god get in there be sure to like share and subscribe peace peace son we'll get back home we'll get back [applause] on this game is intense y'all this game is intense it's intense [applause] all right y'all 1 second left in the game as wilson just won the game oh my... Read more

CL/G-LR's Vander Zee Commits To Iowa thumbnail
CL/G-LR's Vander Zee Commits To Iowa

Category: Sports

Solidified his college plans...announcin g he'll suit up for the iowa hawkeyes. vander zee made the announcement via his social media earlier today...ultimatel y choosing iowa over a handful of division one schools. the 6- foot-five wide receiver, who is ranked as the eighth best player in the state,... Read more