Marisa Tomei Gave The Crew A Little EXTRA

Published: Feb 14, 2024 Duration: 00:24:50 Category: People & Blogs

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Nearly three decades after its debut, the 1992 classic "My Cousin Vinny" remains a timeless legal comedy that never fails to tickle the funny bone. With Marisa Tomei’s sassy Mona Lisa Vito and Joe Pesci’s street-smart Vinny Gambini, the film has secured its place as a comedic gem. However, beyond the laughter and courtroom drama lies a vault of hidden tales and surprising mishaps. From actors who weren't the producers' first choice to deleted sequences and on-screen blunders, we’ll reveal a treasure trove of juicy and exclusive secrets that even a die-hard fan didn’t take notice of, as well as some interesting tidbits about the movie. Prepare to be surprised by how much you didn't know about this legal comedic masterpiece. Let’s get started! The Hilarious Legal Misadventure. What do you get when you mix two innocent college students, a murder charge, a fish-out-of-water lawyer, and a sassy fiancée? You get “My Cousin Vinny”, the hilarious American comedy that hit the theaters on March 13th, 1992. Directed by Jonathan Lynn and produced by Lona and Paul Schiff, the film boasts a brilliant cast of actors, including Joe Pesci, Ralph Macchio, Marisa Tomei, Mitchell Whitfield, Lane Smith, Bruce McGill, and the late Fred Gwyn in his last role. Released by 20th Century Fox, this iconic movie follows the misadventures of Bill Gambini and Stan Rothenstein, who end up in a legal nightmare in Alabama after a simple trip to a convenience store goes horribly wrong. The studio took a risk casting Marisa Tomei. Marisa Tomei is now a household name, thanks to her role as Mona Lisa, the feisty and lovable girlfriend of Vinnie Gambini in “My Cousin Vinny”. But back in the early 1990s, when the movie was released, she was not a well-known actress. She had only appeared in a few minor films, and the production company was worried that she was not experienced enough to handle such a complex and hilarious character. They were not sure if she could pull it off. But director Jonathan Lynn had a different opinion. He had seen her performance on the set of the 1991 comedy “Oscar”, where she played a sassy and smart maid. He was impressed by her comedic timing and her charisma. He thought she was perfect for the role of Mona Lisa. So, he decided to take a risk and cast her, despite the studio’s doubts. And he was right. As soon as they shot the opening scene, where Mona Lisa and Vinnie arrive in Alabama and she tells Pesci, “Oh yeah, you blend”, Lynn knew he had made the right choice, as he revealed in the DVD commentary. He had found the ideal actress to play the unforgettable Mona Lisa. Beechum County Isn’t Real. We all know that the movie was filmed in Alabama. Well, that’s not exactly accurate. It was actually shot in Georgia. The exterior scenes were in Monticello, Georgia. You can see Vinny and Mona Lisa checking the tires near Lucy’s Second-hand Store. And the courthouse behind them is Jasper County’s Superior Court in Monticello. Did we mention Beechum County isn’t a county in Alabama? Yes, It’s a fake name. They also shot it in Georgia. And the Sac-O-Suds are still there in Monticello. You can visit it. Even the jail scene was in Georgia. They used Lee Arrendale Correctional Institute in Alto. The film Was Inspired by A Random Meeting. You might be surprised to learn that the hilarious comedy film was based on a real-life encounter that happened to its screenwriter, Dale Launer, in the early 1970s. Launer, who was also known for writing other hit movies like Ruthless People and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, told the story of how he came up with the idea for the film in an interview with Abnormal Use. According to Launer, he met a young man who had just taken the bar exam and was waiting for the results. Launer, who was curious about the legal profession, asked him what he would do if he failed the exam. The man said that he would simply retake it until he passed. Launer then asked him what was the highest number of times that someone had failed the bar exam and still managed to pass it eventually. The man said that he had heard of someone who had failed the exam 13 times before finally passing it. This answer intrigued Launer and made him wonder what kind of lawyer that person would be. He thought, ‘What if you have been accused of a crime—and clearly you have what appears to be the worst lawyer in the country?’. He imagined a scenario where a young lawyer, who had barely passed the bar exam after multiple attempts, had to defend his cousin who was wrongly accused of murder in a small town in the South. He envisioned the lawyer as a fish out of water, who had to deal with the culture clash, the hostile locals, and the unfamiliar legal system. He also imagined the lawyer’s girlfriend, who was a savvy and smart mechanic, who helped him solve the case with her knowledge of cars. This was the basic premise of My Cousin Vinny, which Launer wrote as a screenplay and sold to 20th Century Fox.The film is widely regarded as one of the best courtroom comedies of all time and is praised for its accurate depiction of the legal process. Vinnie's Inspiration. Vinnie was inspired by men from Joe Pesci’s neighborhood. Pesci was born to play Vinnie, the loud-mouthed, fast-talking, and hilarious lawyer. He made Vinnie both outrageous and relatable by drawing from his own childhood memories. Pesci grew up in New Jersey, where he says Vinnie-like characters were everywhere. He says he knew guys who would wear leather jackets in the summer, drive flashy cars, and talk their way out of trouble. He used these guys as models for Vinnie’s persona, mixing their traits and quirks to create a unique and unforgettable character. Pesci’s performance was so convincing that some people thought he was a real lawyer. The studio wanted to cut Mona Lisa Vito. Can you imagine “My Cousin Vinny” without Mona Lisa Vito? Neither can I. She’s Vinnie’s sassy, unemployed hairdresser, and car whiz girlfriend, played by the amazing Marisa Tomei. However, the studio wanted to cut her out of the movie. To save Mona Lisa, the writer, Dale Launer, had to write a scene where she whines about being neglected. He hated doing that, because he didn’t want Mona Lisa to look like a typical nagging girlfriend. “You know those movies where the guy is on a mission, and you’re rooting for him, but his wife, girlfriend, or mom is feeling left out? And she starts to complain, and you’re like, ‘Shut up, lady!’ Those scenes are so boring and annoying. You just want to fast-forward. Dale told Abnormal Muse. “ Marisa Tomei’s Biological Clock Scene Wasn’t in the First Draft. One of the most memorable scenes in “My Cousin Vinny” almost didn’t make it to the final cut. That’s the biological clock scene, where Mona Lisa tells Vinnie that she wants to get married and have kids. It was added later to save Tomei’s character from being axed by the studio. The writer, Launer, loved this scene, because it showed Mona Lisa’s vulnerability and Vinnie’s cluelessness. Robert De Niro was the first choice for Vinnie. Can you imagine Robert De Niro as Vinnie Gambini, the loud-mouthed, wise-cracking lawyer from “My Cousin Vinny”? Well, it's difficult to picture anybody else as Vinnie Gambini. But that’s who screenwriter Dale Launer had in mind when he wrote the script. He thought De Niro would be perfect for the role of the street-smart, fish-out-of-water attorney who defends his cousin and his friend in a murder trial in rural Alabama. But the studio president had other ideas. He thought De Niro, who was known for playing serious and dramatic roles at the time, was not funny enough. He probably didn’t see the humor in De Niro’s famous line “You talkin’ to me?” from “Taxi Driver”. Launer said in an interview with Writer Unboxed that the president was visibly uncomfortable and embarrassed when he pitched De Niro for the part. He acted like he was doing De Niro a favor by offering him the role. Little did he know that De Niro would go on to star in many comedy roles later, including “Meet the Parents”, where he played another intimidating father figure. Launer took a road trip to the South for research. Launer wanted to capture the Southern culture and customs accurately in his screenplay, so he decided to take a road trip to the South and see it for himself. According to his website profile, he rented a car in New Orleans and drove up through Mississippi, over Alabama, and down the Gulf Coast. Along the way, he encountered many things that inspired him to write some of the most memorable scenes in the movie. He got his car stuck in the mud, he ate grits at every diner, and he heard owls screeching in the night. He also met some colorful characters, like the friendly sheriff, the hostile judge, and the expert witness who knew everything about cars. All of these elements added to the comedy and the authenticity of the film, making it a classic. Mona Lisa's Expert Testimony Wasn’t Accurate. If you’re a good fan of “My Cousin Vinny”, you’ll know that one of the most hilarious and iconic scenes in the movie is when Marisa Tomei’s Mona Lisa Vito takes the stand as an expert witness. She dazzles the court with her amazing knowledge of cars, which she learned from working in her father’s garage. She proves that the defendants’ car could not have been the getaway car, because it had a different type of rear axle and tire marks. She helps Vinny win his first case and save his cousin and his friend from a wrongful conviction. But, as it turns out, her testimony was not entirely accurate. Mona Lisa claims that there were only two cars in the '60s that had both positraction and independent rear suspension, and that one of them was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest. But, in reality, there was another car that had those features: the 1964 Studebaker Avanti. Screenwriter Dale Launer learned this from a high school buddy who was a car enthusiast and who saw the movie on opening night. He called Launer and told him about the mistake. Launer was surprised, but he didn’t mind. He said it was a minor detail that didn’t affect the plot or the humor of the scene. He was also glad that his friend enjoyed the movie, even though he was a nitpicker. The Famous “Yutes” Scene Was Inspired by a Real-Life Conversation. One of the funniest and most quoted scenes in the movie is when Vinny and Judge Haller have a hilarious misunderstanding about the word “yutes”. Vinny, in his thick New Jersey accent, says that he is defending “two Yutes” who are accused of murder. Judge Haller, in his Southern drawl, asks him “what is a Yute?” Vinny, confused, says “what?” Judge Haller repeats “what is a Yute?” and this goes on for a while, until Vinny realizes that the judge is asking him what is a “youth”. He then clarifies that he means “two youths”. But this scene was not scripted. It was actually based on a real-life conversation that happened between director Jonathan Lynn and Joe Pesci, when they were preparing for the film. Pesci, who is from New Jersey, said something about “two Yutes” who were on trial. Lynn, who is from England, said “what?” Pesci said “what” back. Lynn thought that Pesci was saying “what” as a question, not as an answer. He asked him again “what is a yute?” Pesci said “what” again. They had the same miscommunication that Vinny and Judge Haller had in the movie. Lynn found this so funny that he decided to include it in the film, and it became one of the most iconic and quotable scenes in comedy history. Vinny Was Supposed to Be Dyslexic. Vinny Gambini is a brilliant lawyer who wins his first case in “My Cousin Vinny”. But he also admits that he had to take the bar exam six times before passing. That makes us wonder: how could it be so hard for him to pass the test? Well, the original script had an explanation for that. It was supposed to reveal that Vinny was dyslexic, and that’s why he struggled with the exam. When the judge asks him why it took him six times to pass the bar, he says, “I’m a little dyslexic.” But screenwriter Dale Launer changed his mind and scrapped that idea from the final script. He did that because Joe Pesci, who played Vinny, didn’t know how to act like he was dyslexic. He also didn’t like that it made Vinny look “not so bright”. Speaking to Abnormal Muse, he explained that he wanted the audience to think that Vinny was actually a smart guy, and that the law was just too complex and dull for him. He wanted them to make their own assumptions about why he took so long to pass the bar. And then he wanted them to be surprised by how clever and cunning he was in the courtroom. Prison scenes were shot in a real prison. You might think that the prison scenes in the movie were filmed in a studio or a fake jail. But no, they were actually shot in a real prison in Gainesville, Georgia. And not just any prison, but one that had a death row wing right next to where they were filming. Ralph Macchio and Mitchell Whitfield, who played Bill and Stan, the guys who were wrongly accused of murder, were not too thrilled about this. They were terrified by the fact that there were real criminals in solitary confinement and death row, just a few feet away from them. They were glad that they had prison guards around them, but they still felt very nervous and uncomfortable. They probably wished they had Vinny Gambini to get them out of there sooner. Oscar nomination. Marisa Tomei showed everyone that she was the perfect choice to play Mona Lisa Vito, the sassy and smart girlfriend of Vinny Gambini. She delivered a hilarious and brilliant performance that earned her an Oscar award for best supporting actress. But when she found out that she had been nominated for an Oscar, she was not in a glamorous or fancy place. She was sleeping on her friend’s couch, who was very pregnant and ready to pop any day. Her friends were in the room watching TV and they heard the announcement of the nominees. They started screaming and jumping with excitement. Tomei woke up from her nap and saw them. She thought that her friend had gone into labor and that she had to rush her to the hospital. She didn’t realize that they were celebrating her Oscar nomination. She was shocked and confused, but also very happy. She had just received the best news of her life, in the most unexpected way. Tomei’s Oscar Conspiracy. Not only was Tomei nominated for an Oscar, she went on to win for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Mona Lisa Vito in “My Cousin Vinny”. But, soon after she received the golden statue, some people started spreading a rumor that she didn’t deserve it. They claimed that she won by accident, because presenter Jack Palance was drunk or high and read the wrong name from the teleprompter. But, this is a ridiculous and baseless conspiracy theory. The Academy has a strict protocol to prevent such mistakes from happening. They have two officials standing offstage, holding the envelopes with the correct names, ready to intervene if something goes wrong. They would not let Palance get away with such a blunder. The only time they failed to do their job was in 2017, when Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced La La Land as Best Picture, instead of the actual winner Moonlight. That was a real mess, but it had nothing to do with Tomei. She earned her Oscar fair and square. Pesci’s Oscar from “Goodfellas” Almost Made a Cameo. Joe Pesci played Vinny Gambini, the smart and funny lawyer who wins his first case in “My Cousin Vinny”. But he didn’t get an Oscar nomination for his role, which we think was a huge mistake. He deserved some recognition for his hilarious and brilliant performance. But he did get an Oscar for another role, and it almost showed up in the movie. The night before Pesci filmed the scene where he is in jail for contempt of court, he was at the Oscars, accepting the award for his role in “Goodfellas”. He played a ruthless and violent gangster in that movie, a very different character from Vinny. He flew in and arrived on set directly from Los Angeles, and he still had the Oscar in his hands. On the first take of shooting, he held the Oscar in his arms, as if it was his baby. That means the Oscar could have made a cameo in the movie, as a prop or a joke. But the director decided to cut it out, because it was too distracting and out of place. He wanted the audience to focus on Pesci’s acting, not his trophy. Clocks Jump in Time. If you are a keen observer, you might notice this next mistake in the movie. After Vinny asks for more time to review Wilbur’s testimony, Judge Haller tells him that the clerk will call him back after 3, and that he has a “stay of execution … unless he can win the case in the next 90 minutes”. That means that the current time is 1:30. But right after the break, the clock outside of Dave’s Barbeque shows 12:55. And then, just a few moments later, it shows 4:25. How did that happen? This is a clear case of a time warp. The clocks in the movie don’t match the actual time. Vinny would have missed the trial if he followed the clock outside the barbeque. Maybe he had a magic watch that helped him keep track of the real time. Or maybe he was just lucky that the judge didn’t notice. Mona Lisa’s Character is Based on Jersey Girls in France. Vinny’s character wasn’t the only one inspired by real-life people.While Mona Lisa fits in perfectly with the “Jersey Girl” stereotype shown in the media, screenwriter Dale Launer hadn’t actually met anyone from New Jersey until he took a trip to France and ran into a group of women from New Jersey during a backpacking trip. He was amazed by how they swam with their makeup and hair intact. They looked like they just stepped out of a salon. He was impressed and inspired by them. He used them as the model for Mona Lisa, the lovable and loyal girlfriend of Vinny Gambini. He gave her the same attitude, accent, and fashion sense. He made her a Jersey girl in France. The Chess Board Getting Knocked Over Was Accidental. Sometimes, the funniest scenes in a movie are not planned. They just happen by chance. That’s what happened in “My Cousin Vinny”, when Vinny Gambini tried to tell Judge Haller his real name. He says it’s “Gambini” with a “G”, not a “C”. But as he says that, he accidentally knocks over the judge’s chess board, sending the pieces flying. That was not in the script. Joe Pesci really messed up the chess board. But director Jonathan Lynn loved it. He thought it was hilarious and genuine. He decided to keep it in the movie, and it became a classic comedy moment. Screech Owl Was a Real Owl Morning after morning, Vinny and Mona Lisa are awakened by noisy pigs, a steam whistle, and a screech owl. According to Director Jonathan Lynn, the screech owl was not a fake. It was a real owl that was barely tamed. They had to feed it beef to make it open its mouth. The screeches were added later in the studio. But the owl’s reaction was real. It was not scared of Vinny’s gun. It was done in one shot. Lynn said in the DVD commentary: “We hit the jackpot with that screech owl.” Vinny’s Tie is Always a Bit Off Throughout the movie, you see how Vinny Gambini always wears a suit and tie, right? Well, if you look closely, you’ll see that his tie is never quite right. After Vinny makes a good point in court, the D.A. praises him and tells him about new evidence. But Vinny’s tie is different from the one he wore in court. And at the end of the trial, when Mona Lisa saves the day, the knots in Vinny’s and the judge’s ties keep changing. Maybe they had to reshoot the scene several times, or maybe they just couldn’t tie their ties properly. Either way, these details are so minor that you might not notice them, because you are too busy laughing at the movie. Danny DeVito and Jim Belushi Were Also Considered for Vinny. Robert DeNiro wasn’t the only actor offered the role before it was ultimately given to Pesci. Danny DeVito and Jim Belushi were also considered for the role. DeVito was turned down by Launer because Vinny was originally supposed to be a bad man for the mob and DeVito wasn’t threatening standing at less than five feet tall. But the studio execs still gave DeVito the script and he liked it. He almost took the role, but then he backed out. The script went to Jim Belushi next, but he said no. He later said on the Dan Le Batard radio show that he wished he had said yes. They all missed their chance to be Vinny. But Pesci didn’t. He took the role and made it his own. He was the best Vinny ever. The Car in Question Appears During Trial Recess There is a clue in the movie that shows that Stan and Bill are not guilty. But you have to watch carefully to catch it. It’s very easy to miss. When Vinny and Mona Lisa are in a restaurant talking about her pictures during the break, look at the background. You’ll see a mint green convertible with a white roof passing by. Do you remember what Mona Lisa said in court? She said that the car that matched the tire tracks was a mint-green 1964 Pontiac Tempest, not the 1964 Buick Skylark that Stan and Bill had. And later, we find out that two guys who looked like them were caught in a stolen green Pontiac Tempest. Could that be the real killer’s car? Loraine Bracco Was the First Choice for Mona Lisa. Marisa Tomei rocked as Mona Lisa Vito, the snappy and savvy girlfriend of Vinny Gambini in “My Cousin Vinny”. She was a photographer, a car whiz, and a former hairdresser. She was the whole package. But she was not the director’s first pick for the role. He wanted Lorraine Bracco instead. Bracco was offered the part, but she said no for personal reasons. She passed on the chance to play the lovable and hilarious Mona Lisa. That’s how Marisa Tomei got the role. And she nailed it. She won an Oscar for her performance, the only one for the movie. Did we mention that she beat four other actresses for the award? Yes! She did. “My Cousin Vinny” is Used as a Teaching Tool for Law Students. You might think that My Cousin Vinny is just a comedy movie, but it’s also a realistic and accurate depiction of the legal system. Unlike many other films that make a lot of money but get slammed by experts for being wrong, My Cousin Vinny gets a lot of respect from lawyers. Many lawyers have said that the film shows what really happens in court and how to be a good trial lawyer. Some law professors even use it in their classes to teach their students! One judge from South Carolina, Joseph Fletcher Anderson Jr., wrote an article called “Ten Things Every Trial Lawyer Could Learn from Vincent La Guardia Gambini”. He said that the director and the screenwriter "did a great service to our profession by creating a wonderful teaching tool and a great movie that restores the public’s trust in the trial system”. So, which of these revelations and insights about “My Cousin Vinny” did you find more intriguing? Let’s know in the comments! Thanks for Watching! For a more mind-blowing video, click now on the next video that pops up on your screen.

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