Category: News & Politics
And she did the abc news presidential debate in philadelphia was full of attacks you're going to hear a bunch of lies coming from this fell and a series of false claims they're eating the pets the question now is who won the debate this is what's immediately following the debate democrats and republicans... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Women in sport started for me with rugby league we are underway for the first ever nrlw grand final and a lot of people find that unusual that with a game of football that in those days women could be as big on um television on the field as male players so it started as how how are women invisible [applause]... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Australia is thinking about making new rules for social media now the government wants to stop young people from using sites like facebook instagram and tik tok now they are worried these sites might be bad for kids mental health so australia prime minister anthony albanis says they will make a law... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] well hello and thanks for watching another episode of arfcom news your twice weekly dose of the finest 2a propaganda so kamama ding-dong finally published her gun policy and it's uh predictable m jack's complete lack of surprise her plan is to ban assault weapons as soon as she makes up her... Read more
Category: News & Politics
When these types endorse donald trump it is heralded and celebrated by the magam mob but when other people express support for kla harris the right loses its mind oh my god so this woman is fine with his plan to take custody of the children from parents who don't want them to chop off their body parts... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Stick around to find out about these killer custom bags made just for you from [music] pton let's talk about paul dan he is the guy who is one of the authors one of the architects of project 2025 uh he is remarkably he he has a remarkable lack of charisma what do the kids call it riz he got none of... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro well we can cross to bon in germany now and speak with vladimir kerza one of those who has been returned very good evening to you uh good to see you how are you feeling now you are free good evening jonathan it's really good to be in your program and uh i can tell you i'm saying this as sincerely... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Here's how travis kelce is shaking off janet kramer's critical comments the kansas city chief's tight end is not faced by criticism leveled at him by janet kramer after the one tree hill actress had some not so nice comments about travis's relationship with girlfriend taylor swift during the may 5th... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Only shoot if it's necessary we got to keep this quiet for as long as we can and for what is worth you earned your tier one status today does that mean i get paid more no it just sounds cooler he's a three-time enemy nominee from one of our favorite tv dramas this is us his latest role takes him to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Welcome to oracle eyes allied assistance on the battlefield helps a country to be more resilient in trying circumstances and preserves hope and the struggle for independence alive against hardship this is something we have seen again in eastern europe's continuing conflict given growing russian pressure... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hello beautiful people i am justin sylvester and i'm and you're watching e at the fight night premiere we're coming to you live from jazz at the lincoln center in the heart of new york city and you can see this party is already going oh my gosh we have popped off you guys tonight we are stealing... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Pressekonferenz mit markus söder, joachim herrmann und dieter reiter es ist niemand verletzt worden nur der täter ist ausgeschaltet worden ich möchte meinen ausdülichen dank aussprechen zunächst mal an die polizei durch ihr beherztes sehr entschlossenes aber auch professionell besonnenes verhalten konnte... Read more