Postgame presser: Mike Norvell discusses 'extremely disappointing' loss to Boston College

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:24:05 Category: Sports

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first uh first off uh con gradulations to Boston College uh did a good job tonight um obiously came in did the things they need to do to win the game uh you know for for us you know I just I'm sick to how this uh the season started obviously tonight uh you know I failed in in preparing the team to to be able to go out and respond tonight and um you know just the things that that were necessary for us things we talked about things we emphasized you obviously uh you know in All Phases you we're not able to uh uh to execute you know you know didn't put them in in a position to to Showcase what I believe that this football team is um and it's it's extremely disappointing and you apologize to to our to our fans apologize to to everybody associated with the program I mean that was uh extremely disappointing that uh we not better and you know obviously couldn't get uh a lot of factors you know go into it you know like I said All Phases you know we we just weren't good I mean um you they had possession you know the entire you know first quarter you know we we went three and out I think our first three drives offensively uh they they capitalized on third Downs you know our third down um execution uh was was extremely poor um they ran the ball we we we didn't and uh you know missed you know had some missed opportunities had some uh some some chances in the game to be able to to to be able to take a step and we made you know mistakes that that were uh obviously extremely costly and you they capitalize they capitalize on it but uh you know comes down to me it comes down to to uh you me being able to prepare this team to go out there and play the capabilities that that that I believe that they have and U you got a football team that's that's hurting you got a football team that uh uh you know you know nobody nobody envisions being you know ever being where we are uh you know and having you know having disappointment having failure um you know but it's uh you I do believe in what this team can do and I believe in what this team can accomplish uh you know I've got to get better I've got to prepare them better I've got and and obviously we've got to do everything in our power to be able to apply the things that we're emphasizing throughout the course of the week U you know through the course of the game and U we need leaders to to rise up um we need to continue to to push you know in in all areas of what we're doing and we got to do it together and you know there's going to be you know I know there's going to be plenty of negativity around this program I understand understand that when you perform the way we you know way we just did you know that's all that's all part of it uh but for a football team you know you got to stay together and you got to make sure that you're there for each other you know we've been knocked down um you know we know how to get up but we've got to go do that and it's one thing to talk about it it's another thing to put into action and then to be able to perform in the moment you know throughout the course of the game uh but I do believe in this team I believe in what we can do believe in how we can respond but you know obviously there's a lot of work to be done because that that does not look like Florida State football with what we just did once again it's all on me first question will be Ira over on your right you know going back to the the spring and really allseason it seemed like you guys felt like this was a team that would really be able to run the football um and then you you haven't really run it well and then tonight you kind of had to abandon it what do you think's going on um you know obviously tonight you know we went into it a little uh bit more you know run pass trying to trying to get get ourselves in in in right in the right numbers Miss some opportunities there in the passing game we got to you know win win one-on ones obviously uh you know much different factors kind of kind of tie into that but uh when it when it comes to the Run game there's um you know it takes everybody and you know we've got to we've got to you know be able to create space we got to be able to to be on track we got to be make sure that uh we're taking advantage of uh you know all positions you know you doing their part um you know if people are stacking the Box people are squeezing the Box you know we got to be able to take advantage of it out on the perimeter um you know had a plan to try to be able to to you take what they were giving us and you know obviously we did not um you did not do a good enough job and and put our guys in a position to to achieve success in in that regards and you know there's some there's some things that you we just got to be better in our execution um but you know we've got to we got to find ways to be able to to you know have success on in the ground and uh you know for two games you know we definitely have not been able to achieve that to the level that uh you know I was expecting and um you know once again that's that's I'm going to put guys in a better position in what we're doing uh you know they're offensively in the Run game uh to to be able to to create create angles create space um to let our guys you know have have a chance to to be able to sustain and Excel there on the ground we'll stay on that road for Jordan coach with the passing game struggling early on did you ever consider making a quarterback change and coming out of a buy will you have some s of open competition or you going to stick with DJ from here on now no I mean you know obviously we we were struggling offensively and there's you know there a lot of reasons you know for that um you know obviously everything everything that we're doing you know we got to push and get better and you know we're that's what we're going to we're going to focus on doing we're going to focus on on pushing to get better and we're going to we're going to put our guys in in the best position to Go Achieve success and you know that's what we're going to focus on next will be injury front row your left Mike I know this is a new season but since what happened to the playoff you guys have really struggled how much do you feel like what happened last season has maybe rubbed off and or affected this team no I mean it's you obviously this this team is this team and um you know we I know these guys work hard in all season um you know you you push you try to prepare you know for uh to go out there and to try to push put your best foot forward to play the best football that you can play and unfortunately we haven't done that and you know I think that when that occurs you know obviously you know you high expectations here I mean that's and there's always going to be and there needs to be and you know but when things don't go how you want them to go uh you had a disappointing outcome in our first game and um you obviously you today that it was you know all the things that can go wrong basically did and um you know that's I don't know if that's a the carryover from from any you know part of it other than you know starting to press trying starting to try to do you know too much trying to um you know where you you know you want it so bad but uh you know there's times where you you can get to where you almost abandon um you know the the training that you've had because you know you get you just start pressing and trying to do almost too much and um you know I think that's that's something that you know as a football team we've got to be able to uh you know collect ourselves U we got to go and and continue to to evaluate you know what what is best and then you know we've got to we got to build upon the things that we can do right now and and go and get better from them it's uh you know I I like I said I believe in the team I believe in these in these guys and I do believe in what they can accomplish but um obious we're not putting that on display right now and definitely did not do that uh do that tonight um you know I wholeheartedly believe that we would come out and and uh and play better and um but there was there were definitely U you know enough mistakes that uh that that we made that you know kept us from that you know there in that in the first half um and then you obviously I thought there were some things that in the second half where we started depressed and um you just obviously did not did not play very well stay there for that he Mike what didn't click with the past game especially early um there's not much that did click so we we struggled to win one-on On's early um you know uh we had some times where we giving up you know getting pressure there times that we missed a throw or missed an opportunity for a catch you know trying to get you know some some things to to find a rhythm offensively and you know we weren't able to do that um you know very well I thought we did you know get into that a little bit later as as we uh as we Roland had a couple explosive plays that showed up um you know and it just we've got to be able to start fast we got to be able to go out there and uh um you know compete and to be able to uh to win our one-on ones to be able to to execute be going through progressions we got to be able to protect and then you know obviously we got to have balance in the Run game I think all that's all that uh um you know plays off of each other you know some of the things we're doing were run pass options and you know they playing hard you know you know stacking the Box in the run and you got to capitalize you know on the perimeter and when they're doing that you're going to you're going to find one-on-one situations and we found some but uh you know obvious so we did not do a good enough job of uh of you being able to uh to execute in in some of those situation and and like I said that goes to am I putting them in the best position in in what we're doing and then you know obviously uh and the things we're asking them to do you know being able to go out there and to be able to make it happen we'll go up the road to second straight week where an opposing offense had a good bit of success on the ground a little different the time felt a little more up the middle direct I guess what what I know there were a lot of people inside and outside the building that were confident and that deep as a line what they could accomplish I guess were the problems the same today what are you seeing that's not quicking with that two games you know I'll have to go back and and watch film on it you know they uh obviously it was our guys being on the field for as long as they were you know it was uh I think that definitely play a factor of it you know especially late some of the explosive runs that showed up but uh uh you know it's it's not just a defensive line you linebacker safeties you everybody everybody especially when you get into condensed sets I mean you're going to find uh condense sets and balance sets you know everybody's got a got a role to fill um and you know we got to be we got to be aggressive in our fits we got to make sure that we're keeping our eyes up we got to run through tackles um you know if you give you know athletic players I mean obviously they got you a couple athletic backs you know athletic quarterback give them space you they're going to they're going to make it happen um you we had couple just complete you know bust on on you know the back out of the back field that gave up two you know two explosive plays uh would had another one they dropped it but I mean it was uh that was extremely disappointing uh something that we we uh obviously work a lot but you in the moment did not were not able to execute and you know you sit there and you go through I thought early you know they were they were trying to trying to run the football between the tackles and whether there three four whatever that might have been um but when you get the third down conversions you get a longer drives you you things uh um you know are are sustained you know in that U you know obviously on the field as much as as our guys were on the field uh it gets challenging and uh you know obviously some of those explosive runs showed up late and you know really hurt us we'll go top left for Brendon going into the Seas team verys well I mean obviously that's going to be something that got to continue to continue to evaluate I mean I didn't you know like I said I believe in this team but it didn't show it you know who I believe we are didn't show up T and that's it's on me and that's I apologize you know to everyone you know just that that that's not good enough and for what we saw you know obviously there is obviously a disconnect in how we were able to perform tonight and what we did so you know I've got to be better this football team has to continue to push to be better um I tell you it's not from a lack of work and not from a lack of work from coaches players I mean everybody involved but we got to you know for that identity that that I know that we have you know we got to be able to put on display and you know it's in the moment for for to translate practice to the game um you know and it's and you when when you're playing athletic people you know sometimes bad things will happen sometimes you'll get beat on a play you can't allow one to take and to turn into two and then turn into to five and then you know just to to let things spiral and go down downhill and that's where I do think that our leadership um and the guys that have been here and the guys that have that have poured through the guys that have been through uh you know so much I mean it's it's you standing up you sticking together and just you know you know making the choice to continue to push to do more and um you know I know that's what uh I'm going to do and I know that's what we're going to do as a coaching staff for these guys and uh you know we're going to we're going to put them in the best position to go uh go get better and you know at the end of the day nobody nobody wanted to sit here 0 and two and sure as hell didn't want to look like we'd look tonight because was not very good um but you know at the end of the day you we have an opportunity to get better and that's what we're going to do and that's what we can control and I still believe in this football team and what we can accomplish we go to Aon second row in the middle you guys lost a lot of talent and Leadership from last year's team but you were quite aggressive in evaluating and and plugging those holes and going to the transfer portal is it too soon to say some of those evaluations might have been off and was there a risk of it looking like this with how quickly you had to replenish the roster oh I mean I've said I've not done a good enough job of putting our guys in a position to to Showcase what I believe that they are so I'll be better third to the left whates running game youing say it again what attributes of running game are you looking to improve the most uh you know once again it's you know it's a lot of different factors when you go running game I mean we we all have have a job we got to create space um we got to make sure that uh you know at all three levels we're taking you we are taking what they're giving us you know we can't let let somebody you know put seven eight people in the boxes you know in uh in different s sets we got to be able to uh take advantage of of space on the perimeter but on the flip side of it you know um we got to do a good job when we get opportunities of of being able to uh you give the backs a track to run we got to be on in position where we we're where we're supposed to be and then when you're always going to have a one-on-one at some point and we got to win those one-on ones and whether it's in the Run game whether it's in the passing game um but we we have to build upon that and we' got to be able to establish you know part of that run game uh you know as we get in as we get into um you know you know this this next this next week and uh you know obviously the the next opponent um it's got to be something that we we get establish and we can build an identity of um of who we are up front we'll go to Cory top right on the uh on the fourth down on the D the second half uh I guess maybe going into the thinking of going for it there and was DJ just trying to make a play because he was feeling pressure what was the break down yeah that was right I mean it was right at the brink of uh you know just analytically you know do to go um you know we we've had success you know in some of those fourth down situations you know um you know obviously uh you know we got a little bit you know they got a little bit of pressure um you know obviously tried to tried to uh to force a ball um you know came out came out uh poorly and uh obviously was a was a big big play in the game and you know in those in those situations you know you you try to play to put your guys in position to To Go Achieve success we knew you know trying to spark some momentum trying to spark uh uh an opportunity um you know but obviously that was a was a bad bad decision in that especially you know carrying the uh with with the results of the play you turning the ball over and giving them a short field but um you know definitely something that you know was sought through felt you know you know in all aspects of what we what we needed analytically what I thought would would occur on the play uh was confident in it but U definitely was not the result we go two more Alison on the front right hey coach uh just with the byee coming up uh you mentioned this team pressing and kind of wanting it so much how important is kind of instilling their confidence getting that back over this two week period heading into this next game yeah I mean we we've got to we've got to build upon you know the the things that uh I know we can do and we got to build upon you know showcasing our identity and what we're about and um you know we're going to have to we're going to have to work you know obviously we have um you know we've got a few days here this week um opportunities to go out and work to be back we have we got obviously memphis's coming into town that's a a very talented team and um you know right now it really doesn't matter you know who we playing we've got to we've got to continue to work on ourselves we got to continue to um you know continue to push continue to to build that confidence through the work and then to be able to execute in the moment I mean that's that's the uh and and like I said coaches players everybody involved is that you know you you only get so so limited of opportunities and you know when you get there at a game day I mean you've got to be able to go perform and you got to be your best and you know that that confidence um you know it's it's something that you got to you got to earn and U you know we we work to build it through uh through practice we work to build it through uh you competition and what we what we try to do um but when you get out there on the field you that's where you know I say you got to trust your training you got to you got to be able to put that on display and um you know same thing for for coaches and as you're going through game plans you have a sense of what you you know believe you your guys are are that's going to put them in the best position and you there's times that you know you got to you got to adapt adapt adjust you know throughout the courts but you know also got to make sure you stay true to who you are and not not press as a coach too and I think that there's there's times that we've done that you as well um and you know ultimately I mean it's it's my job to to go get it better and uh you going going to continue to to build these guys up and you allow them to go you know build confidence through the work they're doing on the field come to Le that confidence third strugles today you think that's an area a couple of those three first quarter see more confidence your off something you guys to youing forward yeah I mean you you know obviously it's a uh it's a big it's a big point of emphasis for us and something that you know um I believ that we that would be a strength of our ours uh and and how we were how we would operate in third downs and you know unfortunately we've not we've not operated as well as what I believe that we we could um you know and and you obviously it's in both it's offensively defensively Ian we got to get get off the field on third Downs you know defensively um you know we got to make sure that um you know for for the guys whether it's in it's in the passing game being able to create the pass rush being able to to to to be tight to to you receivers got to make sure that we're we're great I mean obviously their their quarterback made a couple couple nice plays you with his legs to extend to extend drives um and you for us offensively you we got to make sure that uh you you know that our Playmakers you know in those moments are you know rise up and and be able to to keep possession of the ball uh allow us to get into into a rhythm and that's you that's one of the things that's hard you know when when you're not when you're not being successful on third downs and you're not achieving the the exposive plays you know within those drives uh it's just hard to get in a rhythm and you we we we had one drive in the first half in the first quarter um with a three and out and then you you get out there and whether it's a it's a slight mistake within those that next set of plays um you know missed opportunity and then you know you sit there and you find yourself you've had limited possessions and limited plays um you know as you get as you get through the the entire half so uh obviously we got to we got to make sure we put our guys in a great position and and you know obviously we got to be able to to have success on third Downs all right last one we'll go back to Ira on your right DJ you missed some throws but there were some other breakdowns also some drop passes some pass protection breakdowns things like that but but when the crowd the students are kind of making chance that you know are not supportive of him how did he handle all that like how was he we talked between possessions is the pressure uh part of what's going on yeah I mean that's that's part of that's part of the game I mean and at the end of the day I mean you know there's everybody's going to have an opinion on on what it is and uh you know obviously you know it's a playing quarterback uh being the head coach being you know being a part of a u you know a great a great University great program with high expectations I mean um it's our job to go and and to to play to to a high level and um you know there's times that you know you might hear things that you don't want to hear you might you might have to go through U you know hard and challenging situations and those are all it's it's all part of it but uh you I think DJ you know he's he's he's mature he's obviously been through a lot um you know I think that you he's he was very encouraging there on the sideline with his teammates very encouraging there in the in the Huddle as we were going just you know trying to push to to go make the next play and uh that's what you have to be able to live within um you know when you play this game is you know you can world can be against you but you know if you if you you be able to go out and execute just in in control that next play you'll be able to work yourself through it and um you know I thought he was I thought he was fine on the uh on the sideline um you know he was able to respond there a little bit in that third quarter and uh you you'll have a couple explosive plays you know I thought you know him could Tron you they were able to hit some some good plays you know um but obviously it was not enough for us tonight and we'll continue to work and go get better as a as an entire Team all right thank you coach thank you guys

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