yeah this is one of those games I'm going be sad when it's over but you know what the journey up to this point we're on part 13 and it feels like I just kind of began the series still but the likes views support on everything has been amazing if you like the longer content just keep it up and I'll keep bringing it but love you all let's go ahead and get this by the way there's a lot of boss fights in this video like a lot let's get it and hopefully we are officially back we'll see though anyways like I said the intro love support's been amazing my favorite game in a very long time we got enemies already my goal for this video is to stay in chapter 5 it's all I'm doing so we're progressing onward here we go easy could just do this instead that's a lot of damage okay tiny piece of gold I got to start spending this will how's it going think you can break the sound effects are so cool okay I'm on fire I think no we're actually good it's kind of weird it's like certain times where I'm in this what all right we should be fine I might have already gotten this I think I ran around for a second when I stopped recording the last video but I wanted to see what was around the edges before we go across the actual Bridge we can also go this way which I'm assuming is it all like loop around right here oh we got another one of these hold on let me grab this fire datetimes 2 what is that sound effect wait it sounded like it was a familiar sound it's like a deep base growl kind of Vibe maybe another one of those like oh maybe it's a soundtrack I don't know I'm go back around though we'll go up the actual ramp here for this chapter my goal is to find all those Chariot type bosses or whatever they're actually called I don't know the actual terminology they use for the game but we've only gotten two so far no not those f I love that charge attack so much now the thrust one actually looks pretty appealing as well I haven't actually tested it out though we got a chest over in the corner oh look at that oh my goodness uh am I going to get attacked here by everybody at once easy well think I F the game could do a little bit better not really better I like the head detection on some of the enemies is a little weird like there's times where I feel like I should be doing damage but nothing's happening so I really don't know stop dropping roll hold on all we're good where's the enemy from can I just walk back up here okay here's what I'll do so the main area is probably in front of us let me go left right quick I got to kill this enemy anyways I don't have to but I just want to nice I feel like at this point in the game will doesn't matter as much is just like getting XP cuz I want to get all the skills maxed out I want to get like you know Max defense everything else as well cuz I've kind of went all offense for the most part I guess the glass Cannon approach if you would fine gold thread I think we're really close to we to actually craft that armor set hold on materials not a voidness f we got I think we need six total if I'm not mistaken cuz if I craft like three pieces I can't use the set really cuz I can't get the bonus anyways so we got some will right here hold on welcomes no Outsiders let's see what's to the left first if we can is there nothing else back here H we got an enemy oh wait there's two of them I just realized that spot to the left if I fight this enemy in front of me he kind of looks like a bosson oh he's a spirit I just saw like the uh maybe he's not a spirit I really don't [Music] know I couldn't tell if he was glowing or not looks like he wasn't all right I've seen like a video of like the parrying but it's like the other essentially it's not like an actual like Parry system but you do have to kind of time it as such but I just rather just like cloud step's my favorite right now it costs like nothing to actually activate they're totally going to fight me now really maybe I should just stay here for a second how do I even do damage looks like the feet if I can keep them separated I'm may be fine I didn't see anything else over here we got a spot to go low H I feel like we got everything below us I think all this is done my goal right now is to not complete this chapter until I do the secret area as well that's what I want to do so I don't want to miss anything that's like crucial maybe a spell here and there I'm fine like not a spell but a spirit you know what I'm just going to fight this one enemy I'm going to start from the left and fight this one and then I'll fight the other one cuz there's like actual ABS next to the other one little fire over there too all right here we go how's it going little bit damage not too much like doing damage to the actual helmet part of the head of the Mask whatever it actually is be a little bit better okay that wasn't actually that bad damage on the way down or what all right let's see what's back here we got something's glowing hold on NPC wait a minute wine worm okay what Comfort does this heart implore a humble drink it's soless I adore a fine brood deserves a fitting GD here take this the bull King accepted his Destiny but there are others who refuse to do the same family strive conf BS even the wisest why should we meddle with the full Gods draft by my side let cares Drift Away into the tide the bull King accepted family Strife with a full God all right same thing it's like a gourd upgrade maybe hold on let's see what it does it is suprem gourd okay and now I have 10 no way I wonder if like you got a pick okay we got our very first that's the highest Rarity in the game I'm pretty sure so that's amazing I've seen people show screenshots of like all these actually selected and I'm guessing you do like a new game plus you can select like the other ones that's my guess right now the bull King except family that was well worth it all right nice little upgrade I keep hearing that noise it has to be one of those things right whatever I'm healing up a few times just to get Mana I know it looks crazy to have full health and do that but whatever worst part about this enemy is it's next to the other ones nice I can't even see what's happening I'm just fighting easy okay I can't even see what's going on like I'm also like wait wait might be enough there we go gold button yeah I can still hear like the growling sound it has to be one of those things Bring It On [Music] okay that was not too bad but little stressful I didn't know what I was actually getting into there because the Giants I felt like would have a lot of Health we got a little Shrine somewhere hold on oh it's up the thing all right anything else over here before we progress now that I'm kind of playing this game to actually get everything or like for the most part everything all the boss at least is like my major objective right now what is this is this just will why does it look so Random hold on oh it's like three of them in one 2400 nice we got the gourd upgrade to the mythical is that what it's actually called Hold on let me see yeah mythical okay let me see we actually just got here what does this do oh man I like this one at full health significantly increas increases attack hm problem is any kind of fire damage I take I always have to be at Max health so like right now it wouldn't actually work which is insane but whatever all right let me double check over here one more time make sure we're good and then I'll head back cuz I got the chest over here I didn't see any of those spots I think we're done with this section this game has been phenomenal it reminds me of the first time I ever played God of War like the very first time I absolutely loved it I can actually run up this let me test it out you can kind of interesting all right yeah this area is done I'm pretty sure unless it's like a hidden wall or something but I doubt it that's where we were at earlier okay it's kind of random I killed every single enemy on the way here which I normally just kind of skip some but I don't know I just went and did that let me check the store really quick okay we got mine cores I'm definitely going to buy these there's six of those oh we can craft armor set we go ah and do that what is this one right here might as well buy all that [Music] right okay crafting weapons I can't really like the upgrade I would want to get here's the thing is this even worth it part of me thinks it is but at the same time it's plus five attack versus let's do it why not let's just have new things for the video all right we're good there now we'll craft the armor we should have enough of everything at this point I'm not even looking at the actual like I guess gear set bonus because the one I liked earlier on in the game was better but this is fine wait this the right one yeah it is okay finally spending all this will I guarantee you in about by the end of this video or the next one I'm assuming we'll have a brand new armor set I can craft that's even better so it is what it is eventually I want to craft all of them anyways we're already rested I've already got all that down there okay here we go keep this cicada safe with you they come in handy enough about your if you care for him so much why not go back to him and give me some peace if you act mother then I impl you to lend me your P and F to save father save him or this mountain from his tomb both are Beyond this fan mother please I am begging you father's life hangs on a thread a thread which brother could cut short any moment since when did you start caring for that old bull do not think you can hide your secret wish from [Music] me you wish you could rule this mountain with your brother once we are finished if you won't act mother then I implore you to to lend me your plant and fan to save father words from cunning foxes you just want to trade my fan for a smile on your brother's face I I owe my life to father and to your kindness for taking me in brother was good to me but I would never betray my parents for him say no more of the fan we raised the boy guess this is what we deserve but you why are you here at this very moment rassi I'm not a part of your family and I'm aware I have no voice in this but ping told me the destined one had arrived the destined one who doesn't even know what he's destined for those old bastards must have pulled a muscle coming up with the name you and I both know who he truly is when the time comes your children your husband and even this very Palace could all turn to ashes what do I have to fear from a mere porn he's no match for us he can't even rival the power of my f once the truth is revealed suddenly he is here do you not find it OD such a twist of fate the truth the truth of what who are you talking about I heard the destined one had obtained all the other relics rasi your situation is grave do you not see Who mandated his return were those relics really bestowed for your good perhaps amid these schemes and plots we've unwittingly become stepping stones for his rebirth for others I care not all along you are all I care for I say we should leave together I vow to treasure you dearly just like when we're up there I never thought that one day you'd be the only one I can rely on I am overwhelmed come sit with me and tell me what to do don't let him mother don't you see he is taking advantage of you you ler I called for your help not your treachery how how dare you a child of a concubine should know better manners when I first crossed paths with her your bull of a father was no more than livestock munching on a patch of grass have you no shame mother don't be fooled enough of your endless prattle no that's better rassi have we not been this close since our time in TSH Palace well yes I do miss the old days too we were so happy back then what's in the Blazers no CH here it's just my you deserve to know before K you will live to repent this filthy L life you dare take her form and beguile me my old friend wasn't it fun have we not been this close since our Carnage in the fox den you have hor fraud my candid words were wasted on your foul ears candid my hoof your revenants are everywhere I thought you'd have better lies quick on your heels huh well then boy let us teach this Brazen adulterer a lesson vile Beast yourself knows no cure but you will behave once my sourceless water from tou [Music] drops I've aided your journey once now I shall Aid you again on your way to death this is crazy hold on SA nice good damage what's happening has sealed your fate what there's a random boss fight I love it though ow what a am I supposed to do hold on they get all I got all four one time that's funny the synchronization there was funny too put in so much oil for this one I guess you have to kill the ads okay kind of building Focus right now if I can it's like anytime I see a shrine I'm always like there's got to be a boss fight nearby and I'm just excited like there was one right here what's happening wait again oh what in the world hold on let's talk about this I really need to upgrade these I'm here I you other [Music] hand my r come on from yin and Y arises two sides from land and Sky emerges The Divide now you shall be feasted upon by my in y fish what a stingy host such a meager fish hardly enough for a platter well this ain't good oh my goodness uh two phases got you no damage that ain't good what nice can't imagine there any kind of fall back finding a giant fish you know so it is what it is reminds me of that movie The Host if you've never seen it it's like that thing goes in the water and just keeps growing I don't know what's happening easy [Music] like what am I supposed to do like attack wise I can't do much ow really oh come on you got to be kidding what this such a random fight I love it the cedar is amazing as well hold on oh I'm actually probably dead here hold on it's like I'm slowed down a lot as well [Music] [Music] that actually does a pretty good Chuck of Health too oh my God I hate this once the first one hits you is GG's my goodness [Music] come on Commit there we go little lag there on the kill too the truth has been revealed disasters are sure to follow the turmoil you witness is but a ripple caused by a drop from from above well got already bad news after a good nap he's gone too far from a furnace servant a decent lad he was decent until ruined by Brother wo Kong then Destiny carried him further to fall for the wrong woman you go up this way check if any way leads up I'll go look around the owner might be gone but her treasure might still be there all right really cool boss fight and we got the ribbon nice we got a spark as well let me actually go ahead and see I think right now the last thing I did so I got the stamina one maxed out I could go like this column for stamina as well but I think at this point let me try to get more I think the last thing I actually tried to do was I went for this right here cuz you can stack these don't want to go this route so I feel like more Mana would be nice it say it moderately increases let's get that one let's go a and collect whatever this is we got a we got a drink and we got a chest piece hold on what does it do okay it's lower defense when it says the health is above half okay disables crit hits okay that's why it's yin-yang okay cuz it's it's like flipping the script kind of reminds me there was a weapon in the division uh what was it called it had a perk on it called card counter or whatever and it's like the first half of the mag did like less damage than the second and it always like flip-flopped like every 10 seconds or so all right I think we're good there the drink I can't actually look at that right now so that's not even this this is a gourd okay uh yeah we can't even look at that until we actually get like to the rest spot so that was a really cool fight is there anything on the sides kind of feels like a dead end over here but it's all good every single time I play this game I get excited cuz I know there's going to be like a cool fight that I haven't seen yet or a hidden area or just something cool to like check out I didn't see anything else over here let me double check the area right here we kind of flew in from up there I still hear like that growling sound I'm pretty sure it's one of those things near us or like blocking a path somewhere it has to be yeah thank you all for joining me on each video up to this point if you've watched up to this point by the way thank you this has been an amazing series is there anything down here but I can't actually hop down there hold on there's like something in the water right there let me go check it out can't hop over there okay can I run through this okay I can sorry I just want to like check everything the fact that I can't jump over that is there's a thing right there okay I know wasn't crazy it's like there's got to be more to this area I would have totally missed this right here I almost missed it again here we go [Music] Beetle husk is there something right there there is yeah let me just explore a little bit Yep this is a major thing too interesting meditation spot let's get it free Spark I'm going to drink some water [Music] [Music] I'll take it all right already been down there we've already seen everything else I'm pretty sure I'll check on the other side we got this spot right here but it's like a dead end I've gotten so many messages about like people trying to help me like find stuff and I'm like oh yeah I remember this spot and it's like an area from several chapters ago that I missed and I could have went like a different direction but I chose the wrong one and it's like that's all it takes all right I think we got everything here the meditation spots I think I've gotten let me check really quick should be under right here so I got two out of three four I got one out of six in that that's insane okay two out of four here all right we got a giant door right here with a bell oh no we're going that direction okay is this open up look like a dead end yeah you can't even climb that what is down here anything that like growling sound it has to be above us 100% [Music] mon it just keeps going up it looks like let me grab this unless I'm going to get attacked please be good my guess is fine gold thread nope blood of the iron bull okay it is one of those things I knew it there it is all right we know where the next one's at let's get it I might get hit right here uh let's see maybe I can kind of Dodge a few here and there we're both just getting farmed I love it look like you can hop down here uh it feels like a dead end if you do though might have to kill this thing now so I can actually like run around freely hold on it's like right over here to the right I feel like I'm passing stuff hold on I don't like that feeling I just got so I can't go that way obviously this just feels like you can hop down here okay it stops me that's all I wanted to see all right let's see if we can actually go around it looks like this enemy is to the right but I'm assuming this Loop's around the other side what I'll say right now is my favorite part of the entire game has been the boss fights but I like exploring a lot like it's just so much fun to like stumble upon something cool we just had a dual boss fight so I can't imagine it's anything crazy here we go so you actually move around interesting actually might be kind of tougher than the other ones I should have went like rested and healed or everything I did not do any of that no heals get it done kind of committing I'm a 100% going to die yeah the Flames are just insane and I'm on fire all right uh well I can't really do much oh my God I'm 100% Going to yeah one hit and I'm dead that's fine that's bound to happen with no Hills what's funny is is like right here after the boss fight I just did not rest I don't know why I didn't do that it is all good though yeah thank you all for joining me I know there's like other people probably already like finished the entire game you know right when like the Embargo goes live for all this it's like there's people that post like you know a 40-hour video it's just like I don't have that time like having two kids has changed my I guess my scheduling a lot trust me there's days where I'm like I just want to play a game and just chill but I love also spending time with them no matter what like that's like my favorite thing every single day could probably just like run past these enemies but whatever I'm going to run past the large ones like this one right here and the other one they're a little more tanky than I'm wanting to actually fight right now so this's actually gone interesting all right don't worry buddy I'm coming I am on the way hold on just so I have this ready let me go ahead and change this really quick um little burn resistance won't help too much probably but we'll see how's it going a out it's funny it's like I'm like hey you can't do much fire damage to me now maybe still does that insane amount of like charge speed damage I'm stuck I can't move I can't even see that corter was fit of hating my goodness you I think we should be okay unless it's like a one hit kill type of mechanic I'm probably fine oh my goodness I was not expecting that it's kind of ironic how I said that and then got absolutely it wasn't a one shot but that damage over time was insane I could have like done like the transformation and saved my health bar but I didn't think it would like do that much damage I was kind of just committing to like killing the actual boss so I don't know I just kind of like fumbled right there that was insane though like that was so much damage so quickly there was like no time to even react cuz I was like about to roll out of the way and I'm like what all right it's kind of funny I had the other boss fight it was a dual boss fight and I got it first try and then I go up here thinking it's about to be easy and it's [Music] not how's it going take it easy what was that movie Dumb and Dumber he's like big gulps huh well see you later I can't wait to have like maxed out everything and then I might do like a new game plus but I may also go the Elden ring route where I just stay on this save file and not you know roll it over to a new game because be my luck they have like a DLC that makes the game tougher I don't know maybe it doesn't I don't know if like the scaling actually works like that in this game what I'm going to die again Sur is like the first time I ever fought like Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2 very close quarters can't do much how did that Miss cuz he was like going up maybe might as well have some help right I can't even see so this boss fight actually feels like you have to do it the other ones well I guess they kind of all have to maybe there's like an extra one you're supposed to get for like a hidden area I don't know this one was just very claustrophobic like the first time you fight Pyramid Head okay I sort of like the grow thing so maybe that wasn't that something major has to be like way above us all right anything else here was there anything back this way I didn't see anything else on the steps let me just double check before we keep going we at least cleared that out so we're like just scaling the entire area all right there has to be a shrine close by I feel like I'm looking around I just want to like I hear like the heavy breathing base from something it's got to be like a giant or whatever wait okay like up there at the top I couldn't actually tell uh we've already checked out all this yeah but I think we have this is the boss fight area right I believe it is yeah yeah it is okay these enemies again I'm backing up I will not be a part of the Pyro Technics or whatever I like how you can actually save the focus like you can like Farm basic enemies and then just go for it essentially there's got to be something major up here like look at this area my guess is it's either a giant or I really don't know actually it has to be something big though maybe it's like the fire giant from Elden ring you know can't go there okay kind of just testing like the limits of the area hey there we go little Shrine I will take it I feel like up to this point in this chapter I have a lot of stuff this is kind of where maybe it can turn sideways if I rest and then go like the wrong way I feel like oh you want to fight all right that's fine wait it's a boss fight what the world My worry is what if I die here like he going to spawn me all the way on the other side probably I should have rested first I love that ow try to get some Mana back this stuff is eating me alive how does how does one get this off oh God that stuff I got to get this there we go okay we got the spirit nice little ball fight there too it's funny had I rested and just kept going the other way I have missed it now I'm going to rest please be good it's all I want H Mana cost essentially okay let me go rest really quick get this stuff off me so we've had what the Dual boss fight the other one now that one okay uh Brew let me see what we got here so this is going to be different My Hope Is it has three dots and gives me Mana that's my hope so it's got four but it says so it does less Health by the next attack man that's really nice but so it's anytime you so you could like sip then do a heavy attack sip heavy attack that could be a play I'm just so used to using this now and it's also it's like insane for me to think [Music] like cuz here's why I like this one I'm going to put it on just to try it out but what does this other one say now this is nice after using the gourd mod so it reduces cool down for all spells but you can't move that well for a certain amount of time I kind of want to test that out H well the ones I'm definitely going to use are this one uh that for health over time which doesn't really help a lot but I can actually like change them I keep forgetting uh let's see so I got those but what's like another one I can actually put on here these are very situational I don't really like that I mean I could try this but I'm worried about how much what's the duration you know poison resistance it's like I kind of want to try this out I guess we won't know until we actually just let's just heal really quick and see how much I can actually move oh you really can't do anything yeah that might not be the place oh that oh my goodness so that's what's been making that noise that's a very long time I do not like that at all get this off of me that is too much sacrifice I'm already like nervous about changing these around because you know of the obvious uh I guess we do poison or inflicts poison state to the death one that must be like stacking with something else which is do this one like nothing else really seems like I mean I could go with this one since I might use that occasionally but I don't know here's why I wanted to actually use that so I'll show you we have this one already yeah the next attack I just I don't know I feel like the soaks I have are okay there's got to be better ones obviously but the Relic this right here at the very bottom increases the health recovery of the drink so it's like I'm going for two two soaks on one to four I'm guessing that's a pretty good like change there has to be this is the helmet we got which is crazy looking all right I'm going to rest self Advance let me see if I can actually I mean I have one point yeah I kind of wanted to save it here's my issue by switching the actual thing I'm not going to get Mana as I'm healing so I'm going to miss out on a lot of that stuff so like once my mana's out it's out and I don't like that feeling so I don't know I may change it back but we'll just see how this goes if I get like a boss fight and I feel like there's maybe a chance but the fact is I got to drink and then do like a heavy attack I got to get used to I didn't even rest I'm like losing my mind a little bit hold on want to see how much on the Travel how much spots we have here Ashen pass one two and now we're on the third one okay so we got this over here that boss fight is done can we go any further down any more hidden areas there's like spots in the game where you can't go across rocks other times you can just like run straight through so this looks like one of those things that you could probably explore but you have to basically just like Run and Gun like you can't wait is this what I think it is it definitely is let's get it meditation time [Music] reminds me that white dragon I fought where I did like the meditation and it showed it in the background that is so sick this got like a wound as well interesting how many more meditation spots am I missing for this chapter let's see so we have three out of four right now maybe we already passed one I don't know but if there's only one left we got to beting close to like the end of the actual chapter so what I'm going to do is run can't go that way we've already been back there was there it's like a bridge right here but I didn't see if you could go across it oh no it's not a bridge never mind I thought it was and you can't hop down so that's good to know looks like he just follow this path around that's the most insane thing I've been playing for like what 50 something minutes oh my goodness oh God what is that I don't think I was expecting that at all like what am I supposed to do you can't Dodge like Cloud step may have worked but I still feel like I would have taken damage we were supposed to go right that's probably what it is hopefully it can't like turn okay can't it's going to go like back and forth I'm assuming okay that makes more sense that's so freaky can I hop down no it's like Sonic the Hedgehog kind of where's like the next area where I could actually go and like hide for a second uh I'm I'm 100% dead come on I'm assuming it's going to keep going forward hold on no doubt it's going to follow me you're buddy yep it's going to break through I had a feeling I'm not picking up anything unless it's like something useful other than that I'm good yeah I'm already missing the other thing it's like I really want to have that I don't know the Mana on Hill is just so good this is totally unexpected by the way I had no idea we're actually going towards that direction so I want to go like scared Chariot thing from uh like the lava area in Elden ring it's like when you're like underground or whatever that will is going to save me here we go I just realized also the other one gives me more Health which I mean if you think about it I'm not stopping I'm going to keep going [Applause] brand new enemy skull of the turtle oh no of turtle treasure hold on what does that actually do you get materials I wonder if you could like stack that and maybe like Farm certain enemies to get like M cores or something that'd be kind of cool yeah I'm switching back to the other one not avoid this okay it's like it's just kind of following me right now it's like you don't really understand like how important Mana is in this game until you like have something that helps you get it a lot and then you get have it taken away is just insane I hope I'm safe right here okay I'm good like please be safe come on back going as fast as I can can't go to the fire so I'm going go this way ooh I get XP for that nice I bet there's something like in the fire there when it went all the way up there this is a long route my good wait I got to follow it okay please be a hiding spot here oh come on get connected there we go nice we're getting a lot of like drinks and soaks from this this chapter so far looks like to the right things going up Sprout out of the grounds the thing is I don't know if it's safer to probably probably well I could have went right there that's fine I'll still follow it it is all good come here kind monkey I'm over here I found the fan look mother left her fan before she went away she must have felt torn between her son and husband but this iron ball it just won't stop now that you are here help me drive it away and I'll let the fan do its work hey Fox how can you be sure it's even real rest assured mother taught me this spell only the real fan will answer it the bull sounds weak probably on his last legs guess I have to trust you once I'll get down there and stop the ball and let you do your work [Music] [Music] don't worry his stick skin will protect him come on let's save father first that was crazy okay uh so he just fell off the cliff and we're supposed to just think he's fine or what this chapter's been amazing so far I like like the style of it seems a lot more linear than like chapter 3 and four for sure I feel like chapter 4 prob like the toughest to actually like navigate because I remember all the spiders it's like hidden alleys and everything it's like you don't know where you're going anything back this way so now that it's actually gone I want to see anything back behind us where I could actually like stop and look cuz it was lot of fire blocking certain spots I kind of want to check behind us I know it's like very okay you can't go back there very like odd to like want to backtrack where we just were but I feel like like certain areas kind of blocked off by Flames I just wonder if there's anything else behind it now that the actual fire is gone like right here I think anything I knew it yep there's a boss right here look at that I had a feeling I had had a feeling can you go in there the only thing is I don't have you know if I had my other healing on I'd have everything I need but here we go go ahead and form do what you got to do Flint Vanguard all right I should have drank first I just realized that this is a lot going on here I'm poping one of these really quick body cooling healing I'm getting health over time from the other thing but I I just feel like the other thing I was using was better I should I fight them first cuz once they're gone I'm assuming it's a lot easier three health bar hold on all we got a couple there hold on I'm just trying to attack I'm completely out of Mana that's unfortunate thing is I can heal but I can't I'm going to test out the little like G thing we have all right drink now this I didn't see much of a difference there like versus what I normally do so yeah I'm going to take this one off oh no like I can use you for cover kind of there we go woo okay little nerve-wracking but it's all good yeah having zero Mana is like kind of saddening a little bit all right what you got for me increase The Scorch damage and burn resistance what does it actually do what's the actual attack I haven't looked at some of the other ones though look how slow that is that's insane yeah I'm good I am good let me get this let we go down there I had a feeling it would be like hidden areas cuz I saw a lot of stuff blocked by fire and it's like it look like fire you couldn't even pass by so let's see what's down here really quick this might be all this down here honestly boss fight the we got there's a chest over there wait a minute this section does remind me of that one it's like the one area in God of War you go to to like just it's like get like ingame loot I can't remember what was actually called it's been a while since I played that that God War Ragnarok update they had where they had like free uh like a free update you can't go in there okay the more you know I guess having no Mana is killing me right now I I don't like it at all it's crazy as like okay it's more about like the Rarity doesn't matter as much as the actual like stuff on it I feel like it's like next attack doing more damage that means you got to like build up the focus and all that I just I don't know prefer the other one We Roll we should be good all right we are good chest is right there we're not done yet hold on just kidding there's more okay please be good I'll take it that's fine this is like leading up to something though cuz like why are these other enemies back this way when the chest was right there so it's got to be like more to it this Loops all the way around look at that it just keeps going I really don't understand it okay we're getting kind of sidetracked but it's all good we got this area right here something's on the ground hold on and what does this deliver I'm going to fight another boss I am not ready mother of flamings okay okay I am going to die oh my goodness it spawns more okay I was wondering it's like why are they all kind of here it's like they're biome or something this has been Like A Boss Rush for sure like all of these enemies the other boss fights leading up to this pretty long one I feel like all right I want to test this out Hill [Applause] you got to be kidding yeah no Mana is insane right now cuz the thing is if the other like soaks actually did something better it' be different but they don't fighting fire with fire how you doing there we go and they all went down too nice very cool all right it's going to be fire related it has to be um let's see oh that's really nice what now this is one I actually may switch to reduces cool down of all spells I mean waiting 60 seconds 45 30 90 like that changes everything all right let me go find like a rest spot and then I'm going to probably take a break at the next one so we just fought another boss and I'm assuming back here is it's a dead end what is down here looks like more enemies okay okay there's another chest there does it just keep going I'm going to go rest I got no Mana I'm like stressed out so I'll come back here in the next video but thank you all for watching the support on these videos has been massive the hourong content has been my favorite to make as well cuz I just feel like playing this game is so easy to get lost in the sauce I feel like I'm going to go back and rest and then when we come back next time I'll go back down there finish whatever's over there and then go like I guess interact up here as well I just want to like revisit where we just were but I could not that I'm thinking about I could just teleport back but I'm worried it may let's just do that it should take us to the right one hopefully all right perfect that's all I wanted so it's almost like let me take this thing off first before we go cuz I'm going to forget if I don't do it now this has been stressing me out already so like these are fine it just doesn't make sense what does this other one do there you go I kind of need that so now I'm like thinking about keeping it but I really just don't I don't know I just feel like this right here is my favorite I know it's just doesn't make sense why you would do that but these two are good massively increases Health when you're like critical and then you got this one you can actually take it sometimes and not use it I like that a lot so all right love you all best ever catch you the next part much love and take it easy peace

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