The Yellow Wind Sage almost made me quit Black Myth Wukong

so listen this is the hardest boss in blackm Wukong and it's not even Up For Debate this boss has killed me more times than I think every single boss in chapter 1 and to combined look at him he's literally twitching back there itching to do it again and the thing with him is he's not even traditionally hard and I'll explain what I mean by that later in the video but for now it took me a little while to get to this point and I got to show you that so let's go back all right picking up right from where we left off we just beat that K Fu Panda looking dude and apparently that dude was supposed to be tough you know what I'm saying not for me though but uh now we got two choices on what we could do we can either go this way which leads to a whole brand new area or we could go back and explore some more which I kind of want to do because we apparently missed the secret boss from what my friend was telling me I guess I could go back to this area and just transform hit this wall and it should open up the wall okay see how do people find this kind of stuff am I missing dialogue or something or how do people know about this cuz I'd rather not have my friend tell me and me just figure it out on my own and how many secret bosses does this game have because in the first chapter is there a secret boss per chapter or something we got a little chest piece over here open up what we got their minds year to ascend who's talking to me yet Fame still holds swing is that me oh no it's definitely Wukong right their Glory Fades Through Time uh-huh my boy was over there talking in cold well what what are you even talking about okay uh what do I do now all right let's figure this out on my own I'm asking nobody for help did that go in my inventory can I check what's in my inventory and it should be there here it is long scales these ancient long scales occasionally flicker with lightning they seem to be calling out to their former owner all right I got to ask a friend what to do so apparently with those long scales we got to go back to chapter 1 and go to the waterfall which I already feel like I know what that waterfall is cuz I've only seen one waterfall in chapter one oh oh that's oh no that's not you I thought it was the Yu all right let's see what did I just what the the what are you for real bro there's secret bosses like this in this game you can't be serious with this I would have legit never found this on my own how do whoa is this like a whole new area what is this whoa that's a big tree what's all the temples in the background this is behind a waterfall what in the hell that a dragon oh hell no you telling me I could have missed out on a boss fight like this are we for real ohob oh you in the air oh this is awkward all right just get just get on immobilized there you go make make oh you got Health my oh weave you got Health bro what in the hell is this okay okay we're good we're good am I am I supposed to be fighting you okay damn okay all right all right this guy has a little bit of Health but it's all good hit you with this mink back up stupid come on come on oh what did I just do uh hit what what do I do here okay hit this stuff I guess this is a pretty easy target oh this is taking extra damage I think hold on stay right there don't move stay right there let me hit this a little bit more oh it actually did break oh it broke all of them okay okay okay hold on let me heal up what happens if I die there was no checkpoint you got razor blades on your tail what in the hell oh I'm going to get hit oh my God okay let me transform to this real quick oh don't run okay we're good mink come on come on oh Dodge that in my special move oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah come on come on oh yeah now we go for the back again come on oh my God that was crazy damage Dodge that let me heal up real quick I'm low oh okay okay for some reason when I heal up I sto looking at the goddamn enemy I'm fighting we're good though first try on this back up okay razor taals is crazy my boy we got no heals too I got this go ahe swing stupid me oh that was right to the face too come on weave Dodge that what did I dodge that time I don't even know if I lost health and with that I just lost Health to electricity go back here hit him again come on break break come on oh yeah oh yeah charge this up charge this up quick quick quick oh M come on die oh I can't die I can't die come on come on no come on stop Hing with me you know what I'm saying I'm kind of like that for real first try you know what I'm saying oh what she giving me so the secret bosses give you chest and what does the chest give me what is that a thundertale what am I what am I supposed to do with that all right that seems to be all I could do in this area though so uh I guess we're going back to chapter 2 so at this point I went back to explore chapter 2 and I ended up doing a side quest where I fought like a giant rock and he just ended up becoming a vendor but after that I went and did some more exploring and then I ended up finding something pretty interesting what is this I just used the same thing is this another secet boss what is this what's going on oh my God it looks like it's another secret area what is this I would have missed out on two bosses I would have missed out on two bosses if I didn't break that wall are we serious is this even a boss yeah it's definitely a boss black long wasn't the other one something long what is going on okay all right come on bro hold on let let me just immobilize you we get a couple damage off right off rip stop playing hit you with that oh bit make come on come on oh Tommy back up back up what in that that's hurting my head okay all right damn oh weave okay all right bro come on come on oh this music had to hit him right now yo okay stop playing with me go ahead swing first bro I dare with thee go ahead go ahead weave okay that hit me all right I'll give it to you I'll give it to you got it that one hold wa that that chases you down okay this boss is definitely tougher than that Dragon boss we fought okay okay let me transform into this hit you with some of my abilities come on bro what other informations are there in this game cuz the first one they give you off a rip is crazy look at this oh okay that's a bad time to D transform all right what are you doing go ahead try it Rock Solid stupid mink oh oh you're still going Dodge that oh my God how many times you going to swing bro relax there you go that should be Last Time come on come on come on no no don't try nothing immobilize did you with this oh hop up back up what the okay okay okay got this off R you know oh he timing it into the music oh oh oh okay I feel you too bro this music kind of hits I ain't even going to lie oh what is that uh okay time that perfectly you know what I'm saying something like me is a little different go ahead swing I got rock Sol for you go that ain't good oh go ahead swing Rock Solid dummy yo Rock Solid is fire I ain't even going to lie that's a really good move come on go ahead go ahead yo this game makes me feel like the M McKing character and I love is so much bro look at me I got electricity coming off of me I know that's from him hitting me but you know what I'm saying it still looks cool weave mink shoot this up up mink oh I love that move oh my God and it stuns come on oh no what is this what is that oh he's doing just SL come on bro look look look at me bro I'm Different oh oh on I can time in with the music oh [ __ ] oh he's doing one more slam and Dodge oh no no no no no no right there okay all right he got me with that one I'll give it to you my boy oh I'm out of heals oh I got a lock in come on what is this no no get get out get out get out get out get out okay all right you know what here I got something for you too my boy let's go hit you with okay that's the wrong move weave now I can hit you with that there you go [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this oh that's D transform okay I'm tripping here he goes with this again that's fine that's fine fine go ahead that should be the last one go in mink mink is you with this oh weave mink you hit me with that stop it stop stop it stop second try okay let me lock him hit you with this oh second try stop play Yo I would have missed out on this boss too this game ain't serious how many bosses have I missed out on there's no way there's only chapter 2 there's no way I missed out on a lot of bosses right okay what is this going to give us it's all going to be nice Thunder bone what does that do I feel like this stuff is used to probably make an insanely OP armor set that's just why let me see real quick can I craft a special armor set with this kind of stuff it does not look like it so what do I do with the materials that it gives me is there anything that I can upgrade ooh I could upgrade my thrusting stance for the ho it doesn't look like I'm actually getting any armor sets though from the enemies I'm beaten I really wonder what you could do with that what are you what in the hell you tap in your stomach you good oh oh you are not good what the seers on what defies death what are you talking about right now I messed up my mission damn go find something to sober me up watch who you're talking to what the find just somebody you could just tell to go can you at least give me a direction at least okay and you're still throwing up that's crazy two more jars from windr make it quick from wind rest where in the hell is that I guess I just got to go through here I'm assuming nope I cannot go through there what the where do I go I really don't know where to go to help that dude at all I guess we just go this way I guess oh we could actually go beat okay all right that's what we're doing today Stone Vang guard come on bro okay damn you just jumping me right off rip oh oh okay damn okay all right I can turn a stone just like you too go ahead try swing go ahead I darey go ahead yeah come on come on oh you got Health oh no you don't me Dodge that Dodge this come on me me okay he does a [ __ ] after effect that I got to watch out for cuz that hits me too often Dodge that okay this guys moves feel unpredictable a little bit I ain't even going to lie but I think I got it down already oh M come on oh and you got stunned off of that oh oh immobilize St b m and then we're just going to charge this up hit him with this transform oh I got the combos going for Real come on come on come on go ahead do your little attacks it ain't working and weave shoot that Dodge that again okay I didn't dodge in time but it's all good the only problem I'm really having so far is this dude kind of has some health I ain't even going to lie I feel like I've been hitting him for forever and his health ain't really moved that much compared to how many times I've been hit what in the what is this okay okay okay okay all right this is what we're doing and you're jumping at me too that is wild here take some of that and I missed okay come on oh my God I keep forgetting that he does that he does a slam after I need to remember and Dodge and then wait for a slam okay I I I was waiting for it and I still messed up I feel like if should be easy to tell what he's doing but for some reason I'm having a hard time jump up oh okay I did not tell you to jump up M I was talking about me Rock Solid oh this ain't going to work oh back up back up back up okay he glows when he's about to do that immobilized mink come on I can do this with the health I have I Believe come on oh jump up me come on go ahead I got Rock Solid right right ready for you go ahead Rock Solid you missed come on are we for real you can't be missing that when I'm trying hit a rock solid Dodge Dodge okay it's all good play it safe Rock Solid mink mink H up oh come on there you go I got it now come on just go down bro you ain't got that much health there you go yuai King Stone Vanguard how is a a a giant boulder a king oh damn that was wild sternness of stone that's what I needed so we got the sternest stone to go back and activate that thing but I really want to try and figure out how to do that drunk guys quest line I'm hoping something down here leads to where I could go help the guy can I go down this way oh I can oh I'm sliding okay all right uh what's up guys how you oh my God why are things exploding oh whoa whoa whoa whoa I thought I could go up there okay we're still going down uh oh my God oh my God everyone chill out chill out you don't got to be doing me like this where am I going what was talking back there what the oh my God they're still throwing bombs and we've made it to a bridge um all right then what's going on over here oh it's a headless guy what's up my boy I got to pay attention really to what he's saying easy easy don't worry I'm chilling don't worry what you got going on I'm so confused on how you're singing without head what is that is that one of Wukong strands isn't that what that's supposed to be like a strand of his hair am I tripping I might be tripping feel like I'm tripping on that oh this befits you grandly hey luckily I've kept it close for its rightful owner is was that wukong's strand of hair a pluck of many blowing strands into the air C duplicate I got the shadow clones oh stop playing with me what's up my boys oh [ __ ] stop playing oh we about to whoop some ass for real first victim come on my boys we got this come on oh you don't even know what's about to happen to him come here me go ahead I'll let you guys handle that yeah jump him fight back fight [Laughter] back yo I love this game bro what the hell where am I even go what are you but oh oh Shadow cones perfect time immobilize get him make that of close guys oh they just dipped on me oh you you guys are just going to make me fight alone whatever I've been doing it this whole time myself anyways me oh B come on oh and with this hop I got to look at the other stances right now this is my favorite one but I got to look at the abilities on the other oh oh you just smack this [ __ ] out of me all right all right hold on a minute what's all this Blood you got going on what are you do oh what the what bro what is what is going on with this BL I don't want to step in that I feel like something crazy is going to happen oh if I just stay right up on you you can't do nothing with that I ain't going to lie you ain't a hard boss at all my boy you got to fight back a little bit what's going on here you actually just getting whooped are you for real this is this this is what you had to offer I didn't even need my shadow clones all right at this point I feel like there's only one more spot that I haven't really explored yet and that's over this way what we got going on over here there's got to be some is that something on top of the building what is that okay all right are you guys serious oh and you're jumping on me mink oh you got Health oh why do you got more Health than everybody else what is this oh and you moving for real okay all right hold on I got you with this then come on then oh H okay okay you you kind of going a little too crazy for my liking on missing attacks there you go Dodge back now I can hit you with this oh how did I just do that I have never done that what the hell was that okay if I D transform do I save a little bit oo I do come on oh M up up stup okay and you backing up o there's an item in there thank you for revealing that to me sobering Stone how did I just get that oh is that going to help the drunk dude you better give me some crazy item for me doing all this there you go and I guess that guy broke the pot for me and that's what gave me the sobering Stone okay so now I guess we just go back to the drunk dude who that tornado is really close to here all right my boy I believe I got the right item to help you out yeah there you go all right you woke me up yeah thanks no problem bro what you going to give me enough with the chitchat huh my belly's growling what what you give me something though right I must quench this rumbling in my bed first the Temple of first for the temple the Crouching Tiger okay wor a look okay so we're supposed to go there I'm assuming he should be somewhere around here but I actually can't find him on where to go oh there you are all right what's up my boy oh this putrid rat meat is insufferable so you're one that want to come here this score a tasty treat will oh my god I've been craving a taste of that juicy Jade Lotus Jade Lotus now I got to find you something else are we serious have I already oh I already found it all right I wouldn't mind some meatless meals from time to time mhm I have stumbled upon some interesting leades there you go now we're talking what's up gold does hold a connction to this desolate a realm of gold I hear the realm of gold is where the sun sets Okay there they held rats above all others realm of gold all somehow before we knew it the realm was gone quite odd that is that that's it I just tried those rat quis they taste like men flesh okay how do I get to the other realm you're talking about all right I had asked my friend what to do because I honestly was lost at this point and apparently all I got to do is literally just return to the exact same place that I met the board and he should be over here yeah he's right here to the right all right what's up my boy where did you acire my brother's gold are you his brother oh oh okay all right damn hold on a minute I'm the one I helped your brother are we for real this is what we're doing oh you just socked this [ __ ] out oh you you would have thought my boy come on oh me this is what I get for helping you brother what's up come on you better give me something good for all this trou oh okay okay there you go come on are you trying to throw sand in my face are you for real bro you over here fighting dirty you about to die you ain't All is fair and war is that why you're throwing sand in my face damn bro all that work just to get rocked excellent fight the intensity oh never mind you kind of cool it's good you and I should explore that realm together oh what so so you could just teleport and you didn't do that at all during the fight okay so we do go in there I tried to go in there before and it didn't let me so I guess now I should be able to go in there yeah okay so literally I just had to do this quest line I could go in so we're going into a realm dude the fact that this is just a side quest is crazy oh this place looks dope men in our time do not see the ancient moon but this Moon hath Shone on men of your uh-huh behold be it the realm of sunset or the realm of gold it's but an echo of the past okay so we're in the past speak of an ancient colossal beetle in these Sands okay so do not go into the Sands got it Slumber it lay hidden beneath the earth's Embrace when awakened it would devour All Souls okay do not go into the sand got it looks like there's nowhere else to go though divide the strikes of common arms it Strunk fear into traveling merchants and wider to neighboring Realms but a yellow fur rat sense the immense power emanating from the insect so a rat he the be's havoc and harest it for his own a rat stopped The Beetles Havoc the king named the rat gu the Royal sage and built a shrine in his honor how strong is is this rat was a perfect source of power so the rats stayed he seized the tongue monk using the new power and is there someone watching us right now what is his angle yellow wind the GU formidable Wings failed the vast expanse of the sky were it not for bodh satva lingi tongue Monk's quest for the scriptures would have failed yet stripped of the rat's protection the kingdom was plunged into a state oh you giving me a whole history lesson right now one slush yellow Wind Ridge Now lies a desolate was damn what the oh something something was watching us we just get jumped by the beetle what just happened where am I what just happened uh oh all right then where did my boy go how do we end up here what's going on it looks like what the you traveler back to where you belong I'll meet your end here who are you talking to like that bro I am the Vanguard of the yellow wind King I Patroll this land by Royal Decree a yau lurks in these Sons you oh I guess I walked all of you Ser to the G's J man relax tiger Vanguard we beat you oh this is back in time oh what so there's like a a young version of them so what happens if I kill him here what happens in the future oh oh oh oh weave make oh okay all right you seem a little stronger oh my God you hit me crazy right now I ain't even going to lie let me back up real quick hold on hold on hold on okay yo you do a lot of damage bro why does it seem like you're stronger than the adult version of yourself what's going on here mink back up come on stop playing with me oh oh oh oh there you go Dodge that saw that one coming my boy boom up in the air stupid wait did you just oh you just use Rock Solid oh you're the one that taught me this right go swing I'll show you your own ability stupid me where did you learn that he really comments on it that's dope what the hell oh oh I got to heal hold hold on I'm hold on Dodge that there you go weave make bro you know it would be so cool if they actually gave us a transformation of this guy cuz I've been using the same transformation which I should probably use right now since like the beginning of the game I want a new one I want oh oh you know I probably actually have new ones I haven't looked honestly so I probably could look and I probably have some oh my God you do so much damage bro holy come on let me get one move off at least okay I got one that's cool we'll take that oh weave mink don't get greedy I need to hit this HP up there you go damn I beat the young and adult version of yourself that's crazy such Fierce staff work you wield Grand might thank you bro brave soul why not use this might to Aid my King's Good Deed oh you're cool okay I'll go help your king I guess uh I'm sorry for what I did to you in the future my boy uh have a good one man we got a nice little W I am assuming that's your casing yo why is this King huge bro you can handle yourself what am I here for you bested my Vanguard yes I did actually twice skills that yaay must have some vessel that counters me even my Samari wind can't hurt it there is only one way to draw out this ya with a giant drums and little coun what am I helping you for you could handle this I ask you to seize it vessel at the right time then the Y will be mine oh he confident for real oh he hitting that ho too I'm assuming this dude's about to pop out of the sand at any point Y you really playing that and there it is oh my God yo and we got to fight this thing boing probably not saying that right but whatever all right my boy you and him are literally the same size go fight him you got it you got it I believe you don't need me to go down there right y yo my boy for real we a team for real you know what I'm saying we we we both go down there and we rock this [ __ ] Foolin let's go come on do I just jump oh and we're down here come on fubin oh he is going under the sand oh oh hold on a minute oh where is he going to pop out uh my boy help what the oh oh I perfect DOD stop playing I'm Different me me come on I'm going to put in my clones come on I'm striking as hard as I can when are you going to pull up and help I ain't playing no games oh come on bro I'm getting perfect Dodges and I didn't even see the hand and okay you're hitting me with your head now okay all right all right all right so uh my boy up there when are you going to when are you going to pull up the did I stun you wait what did I do oh you you dipping oh you [ __ ] for real what the hell are you still up there thr your spear at himy come on oh oh what do I do what do I do oh my oh my oh my we're good we're good I ain't even stressing for real and he's coming again again I will make you do it help me me where is he what what just happened oh yeah that's my boy up there oh yeah oh yeah yo this guy's cool as hell now we about to jump them yeah wait they die is that it wait that's it uh the oh stop yo this is a [ __ ] side quest I got the Buddha eyeballs oh he's standing up oh I'll join you he That's my boy oh we tag you on for real let's go stop playing with me yo this this guy is giant like I don't belong oh my look at him go oh why you targeting me the dude's here hit him what's going on here come on attack him oh yeah oh yeah look at him go he just kicked the [ __ ] out of him oh my god oh he rocking him oh oh my oh oh oh oh let me let me back up before I end up dying I don't have anything to heal oh I got transformation okay we use this just to stay alive a little bit longer I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm going stupid come on make what oh oh and I transformed back to my weaker form oh no I don't have health I don't have health you know what I'll let you get the win you you do your thing this is your arch nemesis right go ahead oh yeah oh yeah okay that's [ __ ] all right that ain't happening again my boy I ain't going to lie I got to finish him off I I waited for you to finish him and he took too long now I got to do my own thing Dodge that come on mink oh he's going to slam there you go go in there you go all right yo that was such a cool [ __ ] fight man oh it's still going oh where's my dude at my hero oh my God bro this guy is so [Applause] [Music] sick oh where are you in the future oh my God yo nah this guy is insane bro we did it my boy we make good team for real teach me how why you looking at me like that not about to fight you right on the folks behalf I thank you oh no problem you know I got you bro and then now we're back where's the Boar's brother is he just gone I can't believe they had something like that in a side quest bro that could have been like the main thing all right at this point I feel like we've explored everything there is to explore on the map besides hitting this thing I'm assuming this is just going to be for the main story or there's a potential it's going to open up a brand new area and I'm going have a lot more to explore oh why in the hell you had a big tiger statue underneath the blood what is this oh it's draining all of it uh what's the purpose of that though can I go in here now is there something to grab oh it's like a it goes underneath what in the hell is this you guys just had this hidden oh and there's dead people all right there's like a whole underground area bro oh and are these guys feasting on the de what the hell hell no bro why is that one on fight oh chill out now chill out now Shadow clones come on my boys jump them oh yeah they thought they thought they thought they could jump me stop play oh oh oh chill out now CH wao whoo whoo now wo now mobilize come on come on oh where did my group go did they handle the other guys at least they oh [ __ ] okay damn come on come on there you go all right what we got going on here oh this is a spirit right give me that thank you so much all right so where does all this lead though it looks like we're in a brand new area yellow wind formation oh we're right at the tornado's base so we could just run directly into this tornado oh oh besides every Sage a villain resides huh beneath Mountain an abyss lies my boy where disparities persist why do you sound so angry love may arise I cannot escape and nor can you my boy what you don't remember me why are we fighting hey hey hold on a minute you don't got to be oh okay that's how we're starting we don't got to be fighting why are you holding that H oh [ __ ] all right damn come on come on you want to fight for real then we can go about it oh weave oh wao wo oh my God okay hold on a second you do a little bit of damage I ain't even going to lie to you my boy oh oh okay see I knew you were tough but there's no reason why you should be fighting me for real like I really did nothing chill out yo stop stop what is what's wrong with you what happened why are we fighting and I'm dead I I really don't understand why we got got be for real my boy like I did not do nothing to you I actually just helped you I'm I'm assuming we went back in time there oh weave oh my God the AOE is a little crazy yo you chill out bro chill out bro damn don't make me summon that Beetle what's wrong with you stop that stop that enough enough enough die come on you you over here tripping for no reason why are you holding that head too what is the meaning of that head is that your girl or something like you that's what you fought the Beetle for come on oh and you stunned and you stunned and you stunn let's go back up me oh oh weave he's going to keep going right what's up my boy you don't really got to be doing all this and withand it power who who's power where the little head that you just had go what the you're disappear oh what the okay all right okay damn you're teleporting now Dodge that okay okay we can I not hit you while you I can't hit you while you're doing this oh oh you're going stupid what in the hell oh you tried it my boy you tried it come on immobilize you I can use spells too stupid hit you with this hop up me come on come on and you're falling over oh you looking real dumb I killed you and your other tiger Vanguard that's who you were training right that was your Apprentice come on your Apprentice wasn't nothing for real Dodge that come on bro this is this is looking a little crazy for for you come on holy you weren't supposed to go in that fast though chill out oh oh what what what the hell was that what what the hell oh oh my God what in the [ __ ] is that the beetle you turned the beetle into a giant sand thing so that's what I helped you out for you over here using what I helped you out what I stop stop stop stop stop you're over here using what I did against me are we serious and he used my immobilize come on you need to stop sh oh here comes the beetle again you ready for this watch this oh my God I thought I dodged that in time okay all right immobilize him let's go I have literally no heals at all but we got him almost there make it oh oh oh I tried to hit him with the oh let me chill out before I do just something crazy Dodge back I'm a r what are you doing what are you doing what is this huh okay you got the head back did you make a tornado inside a tornado we're in one right now I I don't even I'm worried to come close Okay Dodge that mink there you go there you go that's exact never mind listen bro I just need you to remember me why can't I hit you when you're over there what in the hell is that and here comes the malth move stop playing with me mink come on come on oh stupid okay all right all right my bad I didn't mean to call you stupid bro you you you were cool in the past what happened to you I really want to know why we're we're fighting for real oh I can barely move okay okay wait wait you don't remember me wait oh my God okay that didn't hit me that time oh but that did okay I literally have no Health that's cool and I'm dead why why do I always do better my first run compared to every run after it's actually insane bro I need to figure out what that is cuz it happens in every game oh no oh that was that was a bad move okay and I got hit by that all right he fell over though come on let me transform let me transform there you go oh and he's hitting me with that but it's all good it's all good I got a separate health bar with this guy it's fine Dodge that Dodge that there you go now I dodge right here do my little special move nice and now he's on fire I got it I got it oh oh oh oh okay all right and he I don't think I've ever had somebody kill my transformation and there's that kick again I hate you stop bro oh my God okay as long as I don't get hit by the kick no more oh my God he almost smacked me with it as long as I don't get hit no more with that I think I should be good no no no no not today I also need to stop why can't I hit him when he's behind the what kind of [ __ ] is that what are we talking about right now okay okay okay I need to relax and just focus bro as long I need to not use the pluck of many anymore cuz it's using up so much stamina that or not stamina Mana that I I don't have enough room to use anything else yeah what the Rock Solid don't work bro okay hit him with this and he Dodges it oh my God all right all right here come here comes this dodge that come on come on okay I can't really see you when you hopping up okay all right that's fine immobilize stupid come on HP up with this make fall over let's go stop playing oh my God he did damage to me though oh no okay okay all right we're good we're good and he Dodges back here he goes with this invisible stuff again yo I think he changed his move set oh my God that kick bro I can't see it coming man what am I supposed to say and I'm dead okay okay let me go in I can't go in and attack you when you're back there what kind of sh is this bro still can't go in and attack him can you come out of the tornado thank you there you go immobilize that me come on is it back up okay I thought I dodged that time I'm dodging I'm dodging game I'm pressing Dodge come on tou that there you go okay and he goes back into the tornado and now he's doing the [ __ ] tra I can't hit you when you're doing this dodge that stop playing I've never seen that move okay come on weave oh my okay okay come on come on there you go hop up okay that is such a long staff and you dodged it is crazy come on I can't die I can't die I can't die I can't die oh my God bro jior tornado I'm going keep swinging I'm good come on now I back up now I back up he's got the head again what is that oh my God I should have known that the tornado was going to pick me up why did I even get close to it so now he's got a spinning tornado going around while he's attacking me yo this boss is insane this boss is crazy stop that enough what am I dodging for come on no don't let the tornado hit me and he's out of range oh my God this boss bro what is is this oh no no no no no no no no stop yo what okay okay everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine hop up mink hop up again and I missed and now I'm getting picked up by a turn that [ __ ] let me chill let me chill let me chill let me let me let me play it safe let me play it calm he's going to hop up weave come on just get close Dodge that Dodge that again okay come on bro I literally saw coming I can transform transform quick quick quick quick quick we're good we're good we're good we're good this is it one two three stop hiding in the tornado please come out bro I'm tired of this come out of there I think he's out okay not really but it's fine Dodge Dodge again make it and then he goes back into the tornado stop it bro stop stop fing with me bro stoping with me bro come on come out here come out here come out here bro I hate you I hate you with every [ __ ] fiber of my being you dumb [ __ ] come on oh I almost slam the sh out of my desk bro this is just so dumb how he just goes outside of the [ __ ] Arena and just hides there and then summons youring Dune beetles out of fuing nowhere he has a tornado that [ __ ] spins around and follows you around that you can get picked up by yo like this is just insane bro it's insane by just [ __ ] it's not even that hard all right different Strat going into this one I changed up my build a little bit and I put cloud step on so I'm hoping DOD that I'm hoping when he goes into like his immunity phase where he's just kind of going invis or not really invisible invulnerable and just hitting you with a bunch of bullsh that uh I can go into my cloud step and I'm just invisible o i Ed that in a bad time but that's all good we stun him there come on mink mink let's go let's go let's go stop playing with me bro I'm tired of stun him again I feel like I know every animation he's going to do if he just doesn't hide in that tornado one time we're good like we really have it it's just that tornado that he keeps going in weave or really is more of just out of bounds is what he's really doing he's just literally going outside of the map so we can't touch him I don't know if that's a glitch or that's by Design okay okay here we go now we're going to use cloud step I kind of used it a little early I ain't going to lie but hopefully the Clone attacks my decoy yes yes this is exactly what I wanted nice nice okay okay now we're in or we're back now but it's okay I can sort of Dodge these attacks where is he where is he weave immobilize m m hit him with this hop up M and I got full gours going into this stop playing with me now we really got it come on one two don't run don't run stop running stop running come on come on let's go let's go stop playing with me there's it there's it there's it what are you doing okay that that's a d okay okay and wait I dodged oh do I got to dodge earlier on that I felt like I mistimed that like crazy b i way too long Shadow step make I missed oh w w okay we're fine Shadow step's so much better on this at least stop trying to kick me you dumb B let's go let's go let's go I got plenty of heals to do this what is this you're kicking nothing you [ __ ] idiot let's go oh stun him here I hate that you back up when I try to do that that's so disrespectful I ain't going to lie come on come on no not today buddy let's go got another stun oh these stuns are Elite Dodge okay here he goes with the sand stuff again will never it's fine it's fine I got plenty of heals to deal with this oh that's the tornado okay I ain't going to lie this is a little easier compared to the other thing cuz the tornado just picks you up he doesn't go too crazy with it and I got the counter stop playing okay but you dodged that oh oh weave dodge another one okay I thought I had that time but I guess not and he's now out of bounds and I get picked up by a tornado sick that's cool can I get up please okay heal up heal up heal up I got plenty of heals come on mink M weave come on Dodge hit him with that stun him get away from the tornado come on come on come on there's it there's it there's it I see all the moves you're doing and I understand it now to the fullest you ain't doing none of this no more you ain't disrespecting me no more come on me up stupid let's go let's go let's go let's go back up back up back up back up I knew a tornado was there but it's fine as long as I can get up and time to heal please please please okay we're good heal heal heal heal heal heal okay all right weave Dodge make stop stop getting close to your turn what the oh okay and we're out of heals we're fine we're fine boom one you need to stop doing that what the [ __ ] you need to stop doing that this tornado is so annoying oh my what is that I have never my back we're fine we we we got a transformation we got a transformation quick quick quick quick boom okay one 2 3 stop stop stop stop stop stop don't disrespect me please I hate this I hate this boss I hate this boss transform quick quick transform finally oh my God oh my God that boss bro disciple you're a you sto and SP and snatch the great s oh my God bro your master here and this [ __ ] is here now just for a short rain over this bar Valley oh you couldn't warn me about this dude bro why were we even fighting like that was my boy bro but he just put me through a traumatic experience and now he's not my [ __ ] boy bro what the oh that was your head so the beetle had your head and then he took your head and then so your head was just getting past the hey yo what oh my God so how do you grow in size like that oh I am bisa lingi of new Mount SU so this whole time of this rat after the great s so you're his master you're the one he's been calling out scattered across the Mortal realm his thieving rat chanced upon one of them yet hindered by his meager might he could not absorb its power thus he schemed with Wicked intent weak ass mother a victim of his deceit I had my hand taken by him the sense require such a great Grand container to release its power uh-huh I should bear the blame for his reign of Havoc upon this rge again damn so you you what is oh that's the Relic order has been restored you are the soul worthy one to keep it thank you bro I appreciate that the the amount I went through fighting that guy keep it secure in my stad don't worry you just seen what I did to him if I could beat him I could be anyone what is that though it looks like I was going to say an egg but it looks more like a base oh okay oh and we got Story Time why in there oh it's her oh is it Hur oh it is [Music] oh what a nice guy wait you left your stuff though damn yo why is the art of this actually like I kind of like it it was just kind of [Music] weird oh he got the hose oh what the hell oh it's the fox oh the my boy shot bro he was like what the hell so the fox just transformed into what [Music] my boy I'm so confus is she pregnant now what the what just [Music] happened oh someone's attacking oh never mind that's a baby this dude ended up raising a whole entire [Music] family now is this the guy that that just had his head removed or what is the story that we're trying to that is trying to tell here oh it's an ominous sound oh no oh not his family oh there's a Sasuke moment oh no what oh my God and that's the woman no and she turned back into a f yo why do I feel like I've heard the story before is this like an old Legend why I feel like I've heard this before I might I might be tripping okay so the fox it was all in his head so the fox didn't really turn into a woman did he kill the [ __ ] because of a [Music] Dream well he got his stuff back at least men beasts Buddhas yise each of them Bears a distinct roote from birth Superior and inferior none should disturb what's decided mhm am I right Sun Wukong oh I I'm I'm the destined one I don't think I'm some Wukong I can't answer that question for you my boy chapter 2 yellow sand desolate dusk concluded if you guys enjoy this video make sure to check out one of my other videos here I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll catch you guys in the next one see you

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