HILARIOUS MEMES in Space Marine 2

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:33:40 Category: Gaming

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executed oh I ripped his nuts off out oh it's right there right here I can't see anything they're shooting they're spraying at us get awayy oh my God they're on my back oh rip his claw off and dip it in melted butter in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War holy what's happening hell divis it does look just like hell divers reminds me of it all right Death Watch kill team Primus what is going on bubbles you guys are slightly ahead of me quit sorry wow Thebes cheesy do you guys have Marines in Australia what do y'all call them over there dude we call them diggers whoa what what almost spit my beer out dude there's no way there's no we call the Army miners there's no way that is crazy dude I I wish I was lying man so when you were a kid you're like when I grow up I'm going to join the diggers the diggers are storming the [Music] beach I think diers are the guys I can't say that word anymore they're the guys from World War II okay oh man huh this is just a bit of law here we're trying to reunite with our team all right we so where do we go this is great I can't hear anything do you want to turn your sub Towers on I want to make out with you oh I want to join the miners space miners there's no way they're called diggers in Australia that's what that's what they were called in World War II I believe yeah World War II or World War I a new word yeah there is I can't say it though why didn't you say that can't say that guess I was going to say it must be even worse I I think it's what do we call what do we call the Army here I got no idea man very patriotic of you yeah I couldn't shows how much y'all care about them dude oh these little dinosaurs have guns what the dude you will die yeah what's the big deal with these things dude you just get a little pistol and you just them up we are genetically modified we're like hell divers if we weren't stupid dude I just hit the most insane Parry get absolutely sharded on bro oh okay I like that it sounded like you likeed it dude the combos you can hit are nuts this dinosaur just tried to hunt me and I just like split him in half and blew his head off I like I like that that's badass dude you kidding me you going to die you're going to die I love that you just have a big ass chainsaw and a pistol dude Wicked oh is this a dead Marine over here hey buddy can I have that green goo you got I need that back real quick virus bomb all right no big deal I think you guys are way ahead of me I'm just now at the uh at the craft oh I'm at the flower thing now I'm the just beating the out of a flower yeah you like ribit sack out oh I just saw my friend get stabbed to death you'll be okay walk it off oh I parried him and shot him in the head he's alive dud I you can shoot them more than once oh I'm going to die oh no no did I kill him I got him I killed him these controls are oh there's more there's a lot there's a lot of them I'm going to die oh no execute execute dude I was on such low Health holy oh my God I almost died in the tutorial what the hell is that I'll just Spam C when I'm fighting the big boys come get some that's the early mechanic the ear mechanic aan using is the Parry honestly I'm using the Parry a lot too it's pretty sick I'm going to die oh get away get away get away oh I died I literally died please don't put me back at the beginning that's up man the game actually just refunds if you die in the tutorial imine it actually it sends you to Hell di can I do this can I do this I shot him in the head I'm executing him oh oh oh my God oh my God get away oh I'm getting up get away oh my God I can't see no I died again there were so many of them oh Perry Perry the Platypus oh execute that shoot him in the head he's not happy with me oh boy shoot him all right I'll take that oh no where oh brutal load the virus bomb into the orbital launcher I'm there now all right I re wa foran okay good luck oh load the V okay I'm ready load the virus oh wait hold on hold on let me get back over there all right three two one go put the virus bomb damn we pushing that need put some WD40 on them Wheels I did it smooth with it virus bomb has been loaded I like it all right all right I'd imagine this is like the last oh here we go oh grenades Don't Mind If I Do all right I just activated it I just threw a grenade into a crowd of dinosaurs yep yep all right I'm down the hallway I'm at the elevator thing it looks like yeah yeah I went up the elevator oh my God there's a ton of them coming wait really uh yeah I only have two grenades what are we supposed to are you supposed to kill him I'd imagine just look at him I'm throwing grenades at them where do they come from uh straight in the middle you're going to see like a million of them running at you dude oh my God holy are they all going to come up behind me oh there's no way our guy Mak bro they're all inside they're like climbing up the walls oh they're coming up the walls they do come up the walls oh there's big too it's not just the small guys oh dude there's so many of them are we supposed to die I just executed one of them oh there's so many what just happened launched a virus bomb into the stratosphere I got to get back over there before I die go I can't do it I'm not going to make it go I think I did it did I do it oh my god there was so many of them dude I think I did it I'm launching it oh my I launched it I I slingshot I believe in you dude it blew up I blew up a fart cloud in the sky I'm so low I did it absolutely diabolical fart bomb that's all it was planetary scale fart bomb dude my guy is such a badass but the way he plays in the cut scene is like much cooler than the way I was playing yeah he actually looks like he knows what he's doing in the cut scene I'm just like flailing around n this is me this is actually me right now oh I fell do we die are you after all that we die dude there's no way oh he's taking my helmet off oh my God bro oh hell that's who I am that's who I was the whole time damn put the helmet back on bro put the put the helmet back on bro oh we're back all right back in this why would you take the helmet off is my question you just saw there were a billion of them he wants to get a whiff of the fog Cloud oh my godak little like when you you know when you want to smell your own F bro he just like me oh hell no what is this thing W what is it huge it's it's not massive but it's beefy larger than normal larger than oh I think I see what you're talking about it just spawned I definitely see it I'm shoting oh yeah baby what the is it shooting at me what the is it shooting at me green shyen oh my God it's me up big time yeah yeah I'm I'm really getting oh sh oh well uh-oh cut scene I am dead yep nice pull out a grenade pull out a grenade sacrifice been real stick a grenade in his throat oh I'm getting saved the POV is crazy all right then where was at all along you I know right the backup like he needs us now he needs need us now he's been stabbed through his back do you guys want to do campaign or like regular missions I can we like jump into a regular Mission I want to play with y'all is what I want yeah yeah I mean we can do the whole Campaign together as well whatever you think would be better I mean I don't really care dude I'm just down to game online play is available now invite friends to your squad to play together yep all right I got it oh cheesy I see you there you are damn hey big boy I'm the red guy man what up big boy what's up dude I'm not going to lie I'm pretty sure I have a red helmet because at some point my character was marked for shame I did something bad marked for shame yeah it's a mark of Shame this red helmet I caught you gooning in the fourth quadrant that's crazy crazy accusation man crazy yeah I got a stripe on my helmet cuz they caught me with skid marks my battle drawers battle drops I wonder how often we take this suit off as well man they would have been marinating in there oh yeah dude imagine you're wearing this and you have to dude it probably take you 40 minutes to get it all off dude no way no way I'm making that M have you guys ever done that like you've had such a close call to the toilet you've just had to take all your cloths off as you're like running to the toilet dude I have had such a close call I have in the ocean before I mean I'm just being honest with you give it back to God the way the way you came into that conversation and ran down stand it was just like how yall been I've myself in the ocean I think we should change helmets bro you should take the Maka shame helmet let's see how do we how do we start this thing up y'all here with me oh there you go we got the helmets of Shame off they made us take them off oh I got my face dude I feel like my face is more shameful than the helmet oh select class won't be a sniper I'm I'm going a Vanguard no wait I might go assault yeah I was going to do assault or Vanguard so you're doing assault yeah yeah I'm going to go assault Lego Star Wars looking ass that's no way it looks like my air fryer when I throw it at my wife POV the midgets in my air fryer commander and Nova Canon Warhead deploy the Warhead to The Hive City by rail simple enough gentlemen 104 hut hut what the hell how'd you get that big ass Hammer dude this is my I knew I should have done assault man what Home Depot I just have a a sniper dude it's all right it's all right don't worry oh I can go invisible but you can go invisible really oh I have q that does something but I don't want to hit it yet that's what I just did it made me mine made me go invisible and now I can't use it well that's cool superp I feel like you picked the worst CLA man I'm I know I I definitely did oh wait I can snipe him hold on you see him up there yeah yeah yeah head shot I can't see him cuz of the storm now wonderful hang on I'm trying this why did I pick why did I pick sniper bro this is horrible holy holy I can't see anything of course I piic I picked the sniper class on like the peanut butter jar map where you can't see yeah have fun sniping in the dust I wait bro come over here can you my God I can't see a I can still Parry like a beast though let me snipe this don't kill him okay D okay get him boy he had to be executed all right let me open this where you at son a badass knife man your knife is sick yeah it is dude you better back up I'll cut your for skin off there's a big behind me I think there's a big flying on me he's got like dude your thing lights up so much it's crazy are you okay s oh no there's a big flying octopus what the it's going off force fields what the hell is that uh I can't shoot him I'm getting like monkey styled on oh look at this execute nice ripped his face off oh my dude that thing shoots some crazy be careful just ripped his head off dude my sniper's already out of ammo by the way I have no more ammo anyone want to help you okay no hey what the just shot me bro oh I'm dead leaf Ericson day I lived there's so many of them I got to go invisible I'm going invisible you cannot see me you cannot see me oh this guy's hurt I'm executing him I'm so down one tap hit F you can St I'm one tap let me execute him that was not in the tutorial okay what was that execution you ain't executed oh I ripped his nuts off take some of this Zuckerberg oh I died oh I got you I got you bro I got sniper ammo again thank God thank the Lord I could use some ammo no doubt about that one oh there's more of them coming don't worry Ethan I threw a nade at you perfect perfectly timed Granada oh he's not happy execute come here me and you so what you can only do the stem once no I think you can find more what are we supposed to be doing here I don't know uh AWA completion of transfer protocols okay so we activated this console here so now we just have to wait so now we get to the middle maybe I don't know no we're just going to wait we're going to wait I saw that dude that thing you up I got to get out P C3 where's C3 execute yeah oh what is electrocuting me I ripped his nuts off come here oh buddy me after one beer to the lot lizards Ethan's dead Ethan's dead I tried to run away oh good luck whole holy there I mean there's dude stem can I stem I have no got a little bit of time I have no meds I'm going invisible I'm half way almost I'm coming over there's a lot going on here it's all good I'm invisible hold on I'm invisible am I can make it to Ethan no there's no way oh a little one just jumped to my back I'm dude it's y over yep I'm dude I'm so grenade dude I'm yep just shooting me everywhere just away try to stay alive 45 seconds try to stay alive I'll respawn okay I'm running I'm getting shot in the back dude run away oh there's so many of them pick up that there's something right there no don't worry about 30 second 30 second you can do holy to get me man holy crap oh my God I'm the goddamn head I'm dead I had 10 seconds dude there's so many of them oh wait five it's still going oh oh because soup's not completely dead yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm in oh I had one second that's crazy that's so funny that's probably on me for picking sniper like a dumbass was that easy mode that was like the the yeah normal mode that easy normal holy crap mean we didn't know anything we did pretty good honestly we get to try different classes now that's great yeah not being a sniper on that whatever that is we can change your class why is the the heavy load out marked with like a special thing uh have you like clicked it before maybe it's just the like the new item edit armor oh that's what it is ultra Marines Champion pack dude look at me now oh yeah Mama Ethan bow down to your Supreme Overlord dude let's see who gets uh more kills here it doesn't matter dude I'm I'm in charge why are you over here communicating you're just like hanging out with the peasants what the hell wrong I learned I was learning while y'all over there yapping what were you learning BR don't worry about it I'll show you in here okay look at me dude you're jealous I got a mohawk I got I got a broom on my head you got a trophy on your back they be aimed at you the whole time got a Target I got a broom on my head I'm going to mop the floor with you yeah I look like an absolute Chad kind of based I'm the sigma of the group yeah we look kind of beta bro this is Shield I'm ready dude why didn't we do this to begin with I know right we were level one noobs and now we're level 50 Mafia bosses Tony Soprano style show me the gabao look at my big fat ass rolling around dude I look like Tammy dude this gun obliterates the competition oh let you guys need armor oh you look like you need armor hold on I just realized oh no did you guys get armor just then or no uh no you go dude when I pick you up go to my shield over here okay go to my banur does that give you Shield uh I guess dude oh my God I don't know what the red icon means I did I skip that part of the tutorial wait it I'll just res I'm dead dude death Al execute this get away from me he turned invisible oh there's a death alert we're going to go to console A2 where the is that I think this is a actually hold on oh no I see hold on it says sector C up there look sector C oh okay that in front of us yeah real A2 we got to go to A2 and and activate it lord it's a damn shame just says a so I guess two might be a right here A2 is right here it's in front of me you got it no I don't I'm going in Mama out of protection get away dead hang on hang on I might be able to make it cheesy's just I'm alive chees he just in Hell holy did you activate it oh yeah you did badass oh my god dud transfer and then it's probably going to be what C or B or yeah C or B it could be B1 B1 B1 over here so B1 is this way speed I'm going to put down a shield just stay around B1 B3 B1 over oh I got it I got it I got it opposite wall no no no that's the wrong one is it oh I'm going in how do you know it's B1 it says B1 top right is this it oh it does yeah oh I just got nice and pooped use console A1 oh bro we could to go we need go all the way back there I'm going oh that's floating things ow mad stems heal up I'm getting out of here I'm getting out on the ground I'm dead for sure there's no way I'm so slow you got to run back to A1 what did it say A1 oh it's over here that's A2 over there this has got to be yeah this is A1 did you do it oh you did it it doesn't it doesn't say anything oh I guess I did okay I'm about to die dude I can't I need to heal what is shooting me everything BR I'm just getting hit like from I don't even see anything we got to go to B2 dude cheesy by youting God what the is that oh oh it's these flying things these flying things are mess brother incapacitated what is going on why am I floating that ain't good where is B2 at chec did you already do it I already hit it I already hit it we're chilling we're chilling St come with me we got to go back to the ammo I can't please brother I'm trying brother dispatch to the Warhead to the train go I'm going I'm going I'm high on something that thing LSD at me liquid LSD get out oh did you do it you guys all right I I'm running I'm running out yeah where are you st I'm way back here oh my god what is that I'm executing go to hell I got no Amo it is done it's still in the sky shoot it you guys got that you guys got that we got it we got it get inside the thing we got to go here oh he still alive die it up yeah I ripped his head open let's go okay how is this normal difficulty I I cannot imagine how many people can you play with three three this is Max brother oh my God this is the squad brother that is not cool I don't like that dude I need ammo we're not even done yet I don't think oh I had to quit my little AR we got grenades any I got I threw one I can't see oh oh I'm getting ID what the what the what the what the what the is that I can't see without my balls wait what um huh what is that big lizard it bers it goes into the ground run away get the out I'm just around oh it's right there get outside go outside I don't know maybe it can't come outside it can't come outside maybe he's behind you he can come outside what do you mean as long as he doesn't come right there it's on this it's right there it's right there he's fast sh sheld on me sheld on execute him I executed him got him oh my God I can't see anything they're shooting they're spraying at us I need ammo dude I can't see dude I almost don't have any more ammo brother execute him oh I just blew his torso off his little legs were just Che there I'm I'm out of ammo in my big gun by the way no good it's Jova it's no good what is that thing oh oh my God alien map come on Mama good dude I love when you rip their claw off and stab them with it just like a crab in real life dud this thing's trying to SN dude I'm this thing's just trying to snipe me from so far what the is that here get this the is that get this over here I don't know what it is dude there's so many flying tentacles I'm going to die here no we're getting cornered we got to get out of the corner oh I didn't mean to go over here do we see any health anywhere gentlemen any health I don't think so that would be just indubitable guys I'm heading towards the objective I think but I'm going I'm literally sprting right behind I can't see sh there are so many of them behind you bro oh my God where do I Le them um where are you guys going man you're leaving me behind don't worry I'm about to be dead guys am where I'm about to be dead anyways goodbye Obama putting down armor putting down armor we're chilling boys we're chilling I just interacted interact I threw there I interacted I'm getting I'm getting armor oh my there I go oh I'm going to try and save you I got you brother get up was a crazy revive diabolical res I am F oh yo where are you what hello I'm going to die hello I'm going to die ammo pull the specials guys I love that I love that they just come after me I love it I'm going they know that I'm low no I'm dead pick me up just I can't dude I can't revive for a minute dude get just stay stay alive Brothers I'm definitely going to die I look at my health broth you see my health Ethan's on like a nun's hair of Health I have literally no Health at all if I get touched I'm dead if they breathe on Ethan he's going to fall over and die dude look at him I'm running if you guys stay alive for uh 28 more seconds I'll be back oh I'm back oh you're back you're back can I please get health anywhere around these parts over here ass symbol ass symbol got a symbol a symbol y'all got Health around here oh look at this select load out whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who hang on oh you can change what's going on all right dude take your time then oh okay load out two oh I'm over here I got to oh my God I got to J look at my fist I can I can only just get normal really so I'm just going to go I love that dude your health bar is like zero your health bar is literally zero I don't know how I'm alive seriously I can't even see red at all it's completely empty all right we ready I'm interacting wait did you guys pick any of the light out stuff or no yeah I picked one I don't know what I did but I clicked on some I got a new knife go to the train boy I would love to buy some health that'd be badass wait what is this what am I doing hold on don't kill him the was that about I don't know what I just unlocked but that is Wicked I honestly feel like if I jump down I'm going to die a you got it dude all day yeah I don't think this game has fall damage but I think maybe in your case there might be imagine you fell over you think it would be better to die right now and then you guys revive me I think it'd be better for you to stop being a is what I think dude that is Extreme damage I would like you to turn around and check take a look over there take a look what's up happening they get shot in the back um what's happening over here goodbye I'm throwing the melab BMB I don't know what it does oh bro I love as soon as I go down there's 500 of them I love it what the is this thing chasing me bro I'm so cheesy I'm going to Res I'm going to rest hang on oh oh something's on my back get up what I'm dead I'm dead I'll come get you Ethan we heals by the ammo heals by the ammo cheesy whereabouts did you get like laughing gas dude I just got I'm down I don't know how to use this big ass gun I have it's all the little flying things that shoot green that just piles up on you yeah we going to be ready to be like dodging are we going the right way I think we are what is this does this explode dude what's your health at now like less than half oh they're all dude holy crap I'm executing oh my god get away hey come here come here rip his claw off and diping in melted butter boom riing one in half yeah Mama oh they're up here watch this watch what you doing by that thing huh what you doing boom I missed thank God you had one of them wait if we get a new class will it give us a whatever I'm switching I'm switching again we have no idea what we're doing dude not at all not at all boy not at all hey boy this is the only time we space Marines get to goon on these elevators launch the train it's right over here we got it all day it's just some lowlevel B train for this hold on we got some boys on our right what the hell is this thing I have like some beast mode fire gun boom exe what the hell are you shooting dude executing this is just so badass melab bomb what is this I got a bomb I'm going to interact with this thing please today where should I throw the bomb I launched the a lot of them okay hold until the engine charges we must stand on ground gentlemen we must stand on ground all right this is going to be big I feel H yeah oh my God there's a whole there's a hord of them jumping down oh my god mother front of us FL one in front of us oh ow oh the F fi I can't even tell oh there's a lot of them should I throw the bomb I'm throwing it oh my god look where it landed no way oh right in front of us it's on the railing dude I'm throwing a behind you nothing all right I'm going to run away and detonate this for Glory oh my God they're on my back wait dude we have to defend something down there oh chill look in the middle in the middle oh yeah you're right how do we get down there the bomb down there ly it's on fire this doesn't look good bro they're all over me it is on fire is there water is there any water here any water to what's on fire right now the down the train is on fire it's like steaming it's it's chill don't worry they're supposed to do that right I don't know I believe so one of them fire trains restore the power supplies over here come on run run help no I'm good I'm running I'm hauling ass I ain't looking at nothing I'm doing it I got you back mama oh we got to hold in here now oh hell yeah right in this little area close qut to comat man oh my God okay I just got hit by something I got him that guy's multiplying oh this is bad I'm going in get him I got to finish him finish him off engine is charged okay now I guess we go down launch the train launch the train okay get there soldier get there soldier the train is being launched Goodbye Train bye train do we do it please yeah he baby that was step one of 10 send the train into the city that's all we [Laughter] did move the train for T oh all right I think we might have caused that oh it's like a love hot explosion right damn boy we actually did it wow we actually beat a mission I better be level 500 after that this game should come with a joint pack of beer I feel like we definitely didn't even see like the largest scale battles definitely not that was like beginner level Noob zero that was level that was just normal that's crazy how many kills do we get 630 XP I got 950 what no I'm just kidding oh my God hey we actually did pretty normal like average on kills we did wait who's wait soup you and I got the same amount of kills all right yeah we're balling dude Ethan got Ethan got the most uh special kills he's a special boy he's a special unit special unit all right everybody that was Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 I think is the name of this game I have never played any of these games but that was a whole lot of fun if you guys enjoyed this and want to see us play some more please be sure to let me know by leaving a like comment and subscribing to the channel comment lizard or something like that yeah and also if you have any tips or tricks or anything yeah let me know and uh yeah thanks for watching guys have a good one peace pack a f lip and I don't give a lip don't give a shack lip and I don't give a well I traded my Gucci for a can a dip but I still use my sister for that sexual relationship you two can kiss my Hony ass I got got all their money and they ain't getting it back support my channel by clicking that like if you don't enjoy this country to take a h

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