Category: Travel & Events
Intro bonjour à tous alors on se retrouve aujourd'hui en ce dimanche 15 octobre 2023 et cette fois on se dirige à nouveau vers bzou et nous sommes toujours dans l'avyon je dis à nouveau car si vous nous avez suivi dans nos précédentes vidéos vous savez que nous y sommes venus la semaine dernière mais... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Lettonie [musique] cette semaine on vous emmène à la découverte de la lettonie et de l'estonie dans cette longue vidéo partagez avec nous nos aventures pluvieuses nos moments de détente mais aussi nos différentes expériences toutes plus folles les unes que les autres de l'immersion dans la nature au... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I don't know if the camera does any justice for how small this thing looks in person the fact that it's so small makes it feel cozy it's nice it's so crazy to see it those are normal siiz cars and that's how much space they take up and then there's mine [applause] [music] [applause] beau all right so... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's going on everybody my name is zachary thomas and i live in my car so today i just kind of wanted to do a sit down video um i was a little busy this week getting everything ready to move to fulltime this week so i was trying to figure figure out what i wanted to make a video about since... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's going on everyone my name is zachary thomas and i live in my car it is currently raining so i apologize if you can't hear me um i came in my car to clean and uh as you can see it is it is pouring down now so i'm stuck in here for the time being so right now i am staying with my parents... Read more
Category: Sports
D [music] morning and welcome to sim world today here on a thursday edition we've got plenty of football to get to here on a thursday night football edition of this show i am marsh joined this morning by jk kandell good morning jason how are you i'm i'm doing pretty well maybe a little bit under the... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Alors on a parti de l'in jadida qui est là au sud de casablanca on a pris la route vers essaouira c'est là où on était chez nos amis pour faire les travaux du camion et après servira on a pris la route vers ims one qui est là ça sur là où il ya le point 173 celle a sonné mais [musique] m e [musique]... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] what's up everybody it's your man the cowboy jr storm and my good buddy jk kandell and we're coming at you with another conference preview today and jk today we are talking the mountain west conference we're going over to the good old rocky mountain good old mountain time zone so kick back sit... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's going on guys my name is zachary thomas and i live in my car today i just finished getting my car completely uh redone i got my inspection sticker because you need that in louisiana and got my registration figured out and everything where we are 100% legal now to be on the road um i started... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I like your appreciate [music] it new trick i learned from the comments push that down and you hold the handle up it'll stay locked [music] need to get a uh charger for the front of my truck so i can charge my phone up there cuz i don't have any way to charge it but today is the day that we're starting... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
enc [تصفيق] unre pour ch der avant le all encore un tiel une derni chanson pour ch Read more
Category: Entertainment
It was pretty windy out last night the entire van was rocking it felt like i was being uh led to asleep or something it was kind of nice i like windy nights and i like rainy nights in the van i think it might just be because it's a lot less creepy than the the quieter nights where there's no wind or... Read more