Checking what the Tren de Aragua Aurora Colorado hype is all about live.

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:55:27 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: what's going on in aurora colorado
of the Aurora Colorado building where the trende araga Gang has been had accusations that they've taken over this building we have officers with long rifles up something is going down now guys thank you for staying tuned share share share share share there are multiple Aurora police officers pulled up at the same time looks like they're serving a warrant [Music] at the front door of the building and the back door okay guys share share share share thank you for being here everybody we are on the scene in Aurora Colorado where the Aurora Police Department appear to be serving a warrant or trying to apprehend somebody I'm going to take some cover behind his car I think my own safety I believe that might that might be the lady officer that we seen in the press release hi you doing good how are you yeah it's a little warm but it feels good out here today guys in Colorado great weather sunny over 300 days of sunshine out here on Colorado should check it out and visit sometime tip your waitresses okay so I'm going to try to I thought he was moving the car yeah he moves the car well they appear to be going from building to building maybe in a type of a welfare check or something I honestly can't tell what the uh thing is here let me help lady Jay with her stream here is everything all right no I can't I'm trying to make a stream in YouTube or in streamyard yeah yeah thought you were going to help me okay here do you want to take my phone I don't yeah I'm trying to you're the one that offered you not know how to do this it's it's giving me grief we've got people's unit 00 092 Aurora Police that's 0092 we've got long guns pulled we have long guns pulled keep them in the frame hey hey hey we came here for a different story I don't know what you've done I'm sorry man I can't do it with the small keyboard I don't know why it happened like that I'm sorry I don't know you could try to enter the stream I'm on if you want I don't know but e in the front and P in the back and they've moved from building to building now like I saw these rors the I saw try turning the phone the other angle so that it it's exps the screen a little inter thank you guys for tuning in you're doing good man keep up the good work all right they're moving the car is rolling it's rolling it's rolling you want to keep by me so I can help you or okay we have officers moving in the back doors of these buildings ENT the studio [Music] I hey hey hey you arey inora we more up the we e e we experienced some technical difficulties there guys sorry about that we were trying to say what are the police doing here they went on a police conference on the news and said that there was no issues in these buildings in Aurora and everybody could just calm down but if that's the case then what are they doing here today what is the purpose of this we want to know we want to know why do they have the rifles and everything why are they trying to scare everybody if it's not [Music] anything you know what I see people working on their cars people relaxing in front of their [Music] homes stay tuned everybody we are trying to get a look at the inner door here Courtyard side building four going into five you guys are lucky to capture this we were live when the Aurora Police Department pulled up and a large number of Cruisers large number of officers [Music] hello I'm glad we were here for this everybody share share share share this is the Aurora Colorado buildings that have claimed to have been taken over by the trend araga gang uh the gang doesn't make those claims though I believe this was um primarily limited to maybe conservative people trying to spread a narrative but I could be wrong that's what a friend of mine told me huh for a different story well we don't know this might be it why did they go building the building I think it is the same story yeah so these same officers who said that this was not a story and not to worry about it and stuff oh because they're here today in force though yeah they're here in force because their word is so meaningful do have their cherries and berries I [Music] [Music] there was a problem getting the Tik Tok live going on the right account so I stayed Live on YouTube what is that that aora Police Department is now under it's the federal consent decree Federal consent decree guys got to keep that memorized because of arcade against aora please anyway it's well known and very much documented that the whole Police Department here in aor is under scrutiny they are questioned big time um because of that Federal mandate that's shining over their heads everything they do everything they say is in high suspect just saying the aora police department is under a federal consent decree because theyve been found to have they've been found to have systemic problems in their Police Department dirty department or they wouldn't have that degree and I'm not making this up you can fact check all you Colorado is one of the few states that has a police accountability bill it's called Senate 2117 and this bill uh mandates the use of body worn cameras and certain other things like a officer is mandated to stop another officer from using excessive force it's one of the few states that has this type of law we didn't think we didn't see any police activity when we first showed up everybody thank you for tuning in we are on the scene in Aurora Colorado at the edge at Lowry Apartments where it is claimed by some that the trend araga Venezuelan Gang has taken control of these buildings and is charging rent for safety um they are everything we do everything we is in fact a matter of great public interest absolutely yours age with Lady J1 that everything that police officers do and say is a matter of great [Music] a police department there are this is true we do not know what the whole story is here and that's why we came today live so you guys could see the raw uncut um video in the daytime there's other media Pres available on scene for other points of view not sure the name of this uh broadcaster but hey man where can we catch your content lady Jay hey hey hey go on over to YouTube I'm all over social media but right now I'm on YouTube Lady Justice Liberty press search at lady j1a on YouTube absolutely thumbs up maybe you can get an interview from the neighbor yeah find out where we can catch this guy's content too for you hold on meig go [Music] he says no problems for him here hey guys where can we catch your content uh Channel where can we catch your content YouTube what's the channel channel five my ass hey man where can we cat your catch your content um only on Facebook man I've been kicked off the internet everywhere so I'm on my sixth or seventh Facebook account maybe we can send you a couple of followers you want to mention it uh yeah I don't even know what it is they can look me up I'm live right now on Facebook so Christopher Christopher Hughes Christopher Hughes live on Facebook right now guys and if you find it or whatever tag me I want to know where you're at are are you live streaming yeah we're live on YouTube and Facebook right now you want to you want to tell them where yeah we're live on Facebook on the Jamie Bates profile page but we're live with amazing Audits and Lady Justice Liberty press on YouTube right now yes I love it man Patriot Journal is getting done uh dispelling the myths determining F from fiction what's true like you got some young citizen journalists over here these signs are pretty cool [Music] not our fault but the manager it says okay you guys check it out you can find their content on YouTube I'm going to go around the corner we looking at Ali maybe um maybe we cut something else a different angle hi I'm just cutting through I ain't trying to look at none of this and one person may be apprehended back here in the alley guys at it hey guys stay tuned thank you for joining in thank you for joining in appreciate all of you being here stay tuned get another perspective coming up [Music] we have one in custody looks like one being kidnapped here and we're back thank you for staying tuned everybody watching on YouTube watching on Facebook we have more APD coming down the alley lights on all right this might be in an attempt to apprehend a single individual maybe we're investigating a single previous crime thank you all for tuning in we are in Aurora Colorado with the Aurora Colorado Police Department on the scene of The Edge at Lowry apartments in Aurora Colorado where allegations have been made that the trend ARA gang is charging rent for safety in these buildings the conflicting stories from the city of Aurora versus the police department saying that either this is or is not true and we just wanted to check it out for you live today and uncut okay okay we have one being transported we want to maybe call the jail and make sure that he arrives safely the city of Aurora doesn't have a jail they have a lockup facility when they will process you there and then transport you to the Aurora arapo County I'm sorry arapo County Colorado jail for holding thank you you for being here we have one person being kidnapped by the Aurora Police Department right go check out some of these Cruisers if you guys would like to stay on this particular angle Lady Justice Liberty press that's at lady j1a on a YouTube search is here and you could catch the same perspective I want to make sure all angles are covered though I'm going to proceed back out to the street stay tuned everybody share the links of the channels mentioned for support if you would like to help share this information to everyone you know [Music] I feel like this is a police flashlight right here broken not a MAG light all right Cruiser 21862 the Aurora Police Department people's Cruiser 2186 62 people's Cruiser 2 I'm sorry 70087 I'm not sure what the white balloons around the property are all about but we have this unmarked Cruiser here the cad has been shut way to go license plate bsg1 people's Cruiser 00480 Aurora Police Department people's Cruiser 90664 just want to make sure everything is documented so we could find out all the names and badge numbers or you can find out all the information you need to know we are on Dallas and 12th Avenue at the edge at Lowry Apartments these are the people's Cruisers 9 0049 another unmarked Cruiser atg E34 another people's Cruiser 503 67 with time date and location you can find out whatever police were on the scene of whatever scene you can get their name numbers you can request the public records from the event the event number corresponding case numbers usually all through your own actions public records requests make this information available to you and then you can share it on social media and make it available to [Music] all we have documented those Cruisers 21862 by my arm 128 Dallas Aurora Colorado thank you for tuning in [Music] very important people out here today it looks like leaving in the unmar cruiser and independent journalism is circling this venue and it is starting to get warm [Music] [Music] large police presence leaving the property now uh sorry that's a four officer presence leaving now looks like they're pulling out slowly after what appeared to be a most positive interaction with the public okay [Music] they appear to be going from vehicle to vehicle now um all very strange activity for a property that uh I heard on the news nothing was happening here so interesting conflicting reports still I think it's clear at this point point though that there is something going on here the police have a major interest in this property unun this looks like they're making a story to me out of nothing doesn't it to you and basically making a story out of nothing maybe yeah um it's kind of what I'm seeing have they just targeted this property for a conservative news Story and there's no basis to the allegations [Music] possibly we have police moving through this parking lot now is this is this lawful of them to I guess they could look in these vehicles we'll see if they uh [Music] inspect inside of anybody's [Music] Liberties we'll be looking for Fourth Amendment violations here we expect everybody to be treated with dignity and respect when my lens is present [Music] now it has been my understanding that officers cannot use federal databases to run your information unless they have certain uh thresholds that they have met so it looks like they are running the plate on the Texas vehicle got some kind of a hit maybe two popped up out hi do you live in the area idea what's going on we don't that's why I was asking I want to get the low down too it yeah I'm going to try to right now they're trying to work right now too so we're trying to get would you officers be able to give a statement sir thank you stay safe yeah yeah it's um kind of tight lips everywhere it seems like I don't I can't tell if this is a madeup story or this a legitimate threat here we don't know this is a positive interaction with the law enforcement officers we love our positive interactions should be able to come and go as they wish in their day-to-day life uh just because gentle 0092 I believe is the unit transporting so if you guys want to check on the safety and well-being of the person being kidnapped they are in the back of this vehicle 0092 they're going to they are going to take the license plates from the vehicle at this time seems like some overzealous law enforcing there's no okay so the front plate is on the back maybe I don't know I can't tell but [Music] they are do you have that's a completely different we help them out occasionally usually other events throughout the city like [Music] C the more code involve stuff also for the most part we kind of do thing [Music] absolutely much rather community and folks that it's not for just a small piece of that [Music] from Chicago where in Chicago I I went tool so I grew up in central oh going back in guys if you had to film from the alley yes absolutely I'm going to film from the alley as all we won't come up on you or nothing I won't guys so you here you have it happening live in the daytime in aora Colorado [Music] the chill's being able to ride their bike in the alley you got it kiddo you can do it you can do it what we did next for another um Transit through the buildings but that could be what's happening here it would appear that the trash service has been discontinued for this property guys um or I do hope that the community can find somewhere to put their [Music] trash cleared out a week Ando oh it was cleared a week and a half ago the officer says thank you Sergeant wow so I was probably wrong about the trash aison I guess this is cleared out um once in a while he said it's cleared out a week and a half ago so I think what we have by my eye anyways is we have a property with concerns and we have a city showing special care to the people on that property and to that property to what end I do not know but we have looked into it there's definitely I mean I don't know I don't see any graffiti we're not seeing a shootout but that doesn't mean everything just collecting facts at this time and it is warm now getting a little sweaty and the transit to the next building oh incorrect how's it looking guys better good thank you for your comment this is the mayor of AAR in the white in the dress shirt declining to comment to the journalist crew on [Music] scene's it how's it going good how is it today that's good what are you thinking uh well we're just trying to get the scoop man everybody's got uh conflicting answers here and it would be nice if we could get something uh to let us know the safety of the community for sure for sure you uh you have an independent News Channel yeah we are Live on YouTube right now on Amazing Audits and you can search lady j1a to find the other live Channel what do you think's the most concrete narrative you were to point to official narrative what's going on here a madeup story think so a madeup story I can't I mean this is my first day on the scene but it just looks like a lot of nothing good big nothing Burger yeah thanks this may be a story that was just designed to sway voters or to get a certain person in office that would be my take on it thank you man I appreciate it today thank you for that yeah command Sherer command it's build and they say it's I mean it's you know these people aren't seeing the crime they're not looking up the critics they're not seeing exactly what's happening our crime being committed here you know people that come out in the daytime and try to say that there's nothing going on you don't know what's going on you're not here when the crime's happening you know yeah you heard it straight you know obviously there wouldn't be 27 cops out here with carrying a 15s if it was a good area right you know the cops know what's going on they're not releasing all the information but you can go and pull the arrest records to see how many arrests have been made in this complex can you show us the exact building where the video was taken this is true so I would encourage you guys to go these are the address 1208 Dayton you can find out all the arrests made in this community and these buildings with a simple records request from the Aurora Police Department this is building 1218 1208 1218 1238 [Music] if you guys want to catch this content you can go over to Channel 5 and catch it live Lady Justice is live on her Channel right now you guys can go over to her Channel and catch this interview try to catch the audio better looks like they're being invited inside the building so there is a narrative being given and a tour inside the building so go on in go in being invited so this is the room that the video was taken this is the exact hallway where the video was taken guys all over the internet video with the guns coming in that's the door that we broken into door that's ACR theall this is where they came up stairs with the 15 the Romeros have much more video so for people to say that this is a nothing Burger is ridiculous we know people were in this building with firearms that potentially are not here legally that's a that's 18 USC 922g it's against the law they're coming in here and they broke through that door with guns So when you say it's a nothing burger and you come in here in the daytime it's ridiculous damn it's to to be in a spot where there's a video that taken by yeah here I mean if you look at the video this the window that's behind him as they come up the stairs this come that's the door that they broke into the video camera was in the corner of that door right there you can see where the screw hole is in the doorway up in the corner that's where the camera was up there that's where the camera was so that's the camera in the video that took that's where the camera was positioned thank you for your commentary it's good to get a straight narrative from somebody finally look you're hearing that nothing's happen because you're hearing the middle of the day that was just my observation gang gangs are not out in the middle of the day okay they don't do I said that on my stre and plus 20 cops are just in the area the minute those cops rolled in the area the Lookouts here made everybody disappear okay so they're gone so so look this is this this is where the gas lighting happens because someone like you comes in and you look around you don't see anything it doesn't matter that at 2:00 in morning is when this is happening that's when the sex crimes are happening that's when the drug dealing is happening that's when they're moving through this area and the gunshots happening two people were shot right outside of here last night one out of 7-Eleven and one just a couple of blocks away from yeah I heard about that so so that's one reason why we're here today so right you have to look at the overall situation you can't come here in the middle of the day and say there aren't gangs these gangs are much smarter than that they know the media's been here for the last 5 days there's been aund and something cops that have probably walked this area since since Danielle jinsky moved the Romeros out of this apartment they're not hanging out here do you live in the community what's that do you live in the community yes I've lived in aora since 1998 I'm John faor I'm currently running for congress I I I've been on Fox news I've talked about this on Fox News I was the head of the immigration Customs Enforcement here in Colorado Wyoming did 23 years as an ice agent I'm aware of what's going on here Aurora is not falling off the face of the Earth it's not on fire but there are crimes being committed here and this is something the police department to continue to look at to make sure it doesn't continue and that's all we're asking we we're not saying that every single apartment here is taken over by gang members it's not this this isn't Escape From New York this isn't the raid but there s the situation here has definitely gotten bad at night for a lot of these people former Chief thank God for your courage to speak thank you for your comment and your service absolutely all right guys this story we need your words you heard it guys now we have some information based on facts the story of what's going on [Music] here well there you have it guys more information than we started with more information than meets the eye absolutely which I I did note earlier that this is in the daytime exactly this is not going to be indicative of what crime is happening here anyone that understands crime knows that you know these gang members are not coming out they're not going to be here in the middle of the day with 20 CP cars driving by they do things under the C of darkness and they're they're doing things you know when the police aren't around that we just had the mayor here and there were 50 cops here absolutely none of these gang members they're all in their apartments with the doors locked the please don't have warrants to go into these apartments Mayor Mike probably walked in the one apartment to talk to somebody the gang knows what apartment he went into they're the person's not going to tell them exactly what's going on they're not going to say what's going on they're in fear for that was my assessment as well yep people are uh we thought people if I if I was doing something like that I would make sure that no one was talking about what was happening yeah um so that's why you get conflicting stories that's that's what we said yesterday huh stories exactly you'll get conflicting stories when uh people are fearful to talk when they when you're being subjugated you won't want to say anything your family's lives your children's lives could be a risk snitches get stitches yeah I'm not here I'm not trying to spread any narrative I was here to figure out what the is going on so it's easy like you said it's easy to just sit here from the sidelines and then think that there is maybe some political narrative playing out here but that may not be the story that appears to not be the story actually here at this apartment property that they just made that so I think we should start a formal like a really in-depth investigative process here maybe we should start a website or something so that we can place all the latest news and information documents received from public records requests anything like that it would be helpful to um keep an eye on the safety of the people of this community um like the man said there is a 7-Eleven about two streets from here there was a shooting last night I think he said there was two shootings on the property last [Music] night there you guys have it that is the scene live out here in aora Colorado [Music] and so that'll be the conclusion of this live stream broadcast on YouTube if you guys want to catch the rest of this content live search at lady j1a on YouTube and go over and find Lady Justice's live stream I'm ending this in three 2 1 thank you for staying tuned everybody appreciating you loving you n computers computers computers the transmission the transion computers computers computers computers transmission mission mission [Music] computer computer computers computers transmission computer computers computers computer [Music] n

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