I was not going to talk about this topic again but there was a really good Tik Tock video that a Tik tocker did that really breaks down this Venezuelan gang Aurora everything that's happening down there and I really like how this Creator actually put research behind everything that's going down way before the viral videos way before everything that was happening and I think it's important to highlight this person um let's give some commentary to his research and I'm going to link his information in the description box because like I said it's a very well done but check it out check it out so a commenter asked them totally off topic what do you think of the Aurora Colorado Apartments being taken over by gang members from Venezuela do you think that the same thing can happen in Cali just want to know your opinion that in response to this question right here on the previous video if you guys do not know there is so-called an apartment complex in Colorado that is supposed to be shut down but it's been taken over by gang members so that's the you know the narrative that's being pushed out there and to be honest after doing some research I think there's a little bit of both let me show you what I found well the city of Aurora tells us they plan to shut down this apartment complex near kofax in Peoria in one week City officials say it's simply become too unsafe for people to live in the residents here here many of them immigrants tell us the management company has abandoned them mountains of trash piled up outside the Fitz Simmons Place Apartments in Aurora so we're trying to get this trash removed became too much for shida kais and her neighbors because it's a lot of smell a lot of um flies we have kids they can get any kind of um health problem they decided to hire someone on their own to remove it with been trying to um get in touch with the manager he quit and uh we have no manager she says Property Management not only let the trash pile up they've let the complex fall apart we going to have only six days to move out of here we have no place to go cbz the property management company admits its team has not been on site and says a Venezuelan gang is the reason a PR firm the company hired sent us a statement it says was from an investor we would like to be able to resume normal operations at our buildings we cannot do so under the threat of present and immediate danger against resident staff and management the statement says I know it's been shootings here but it's not because of people from here this video so as you can see there the problem it looks like it's a little bit both you have a situation where the apartment manager has said I'm quitting I'm out um there's a there there's a threat to my safety so I'm out of here right and nobody has done anything to like either put somebody in place or step up or figure something out this has been an ongoing issue for this area way before this viral video went out there okay video that I just showed you was from August 6 and we're just now hearing about it now now do I believe that there are gangs in this apartment complex yes do I think that's the reason why I shut down no I don't believe they taken over I believe the citations there's evidence to show the citation all the way from August 6 this video is going out right and this talk of the apartments and everything that's going down there has honestly been a thing for the last couple of months honestly if you think about it it's been ongoing it it didn't just happen this past week it's been ongoing and someone in my comments had mentioned this too I believe it was Nicole who said hey um I don't know this is just it's now hitting mainstream media but this has been an ongoing issue months back and it's interesting because somebody also said in the comments you know the issue is is that we don't have enough police presence in that area when you guys are looking at at the story look at multiple sources that is happening so shout out to this Tik tocker I'm going to link his information in the description box but let me drive another point the property manager said that they were concerned for their safety that there's Venezuelan gangs now here you have the police saying something completely different which I think it's also important to share Aurora Police investigate claims a Venezuelan gang takeover of apartment building the APD investigated claim of Venezuelan gangs takeover of an apartment building but found no evidence evidence that gang members were in control so I guess my question is if they found no evidence then why would they close the apartment like why why would they do all that I mean I'm just letting y'all know what it says maybe they Clos it down because there was an issue of living conditions like hazards and stuff like that especially if the apartment manager just said I'm out of here and nobody's actually like supervising what's going on who's collecting the rent if they're not getting see the trash you know cleared out if there's a safety concern there's you know I'm kind of wondering about this they solely close the apartments because of the gang activities but then you have police Aurora Police saying something different so I want to explore this a little further all right let's go Aurora has been in the National Spotlight due to unconfirmed reports of Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment after a video showing a group of armed men inside of an apartment complex went viral the department shared on Friday of officers engaging with residents at the edge at the low apartment complex located at 1218 Dallas Street it's one of several buildings at the center of concerns regarding the allege activity of the Venezuelan gang the TDA the TDA gang okay the Venezuelan gang and in there's an interim Aurora police officer now mind you my understanding is that they just hired a new Chief that's coming from La former LA PD so we'll see how that goes um over here on this area and so the police is out out there I guess interviewing folks and they found no evidence of gang activity so my question is the viral video that we have out there is how do they confirm that those are Venezuelan gang members that's my question and then my other question to this too is the apartment property manager gave a statement and said that they were concerned for their safety the news reports are also saying that there were Venezuelan gangs that had taken over and that's why they left at least one of the complexes alone right but the police chief is saying we've been talking to the residents here and learning from them to find out what exactly is going on and here's and there's definitely a different picture I'm not saying that there's not gang members that don't live in this community what we're learning out here is that gang members have not taken over this complex so there's like I said even within the own Community you have different things that are being said but one thing is very much true and that we can all confirm okay is that there's clearly a safety concern for for those residents okay clearly there's a safety concern and now all of this that's coming about that social media has been flooded with accusations that the Venezuelan Gang has taken over an aurora apartment complex both the City and Aurora Police Department have not confirm those claims and it just keeps going and going and going tonight for the first time the DEA confirms they are looking into criminal activity in our area allegedly committed by a Venezuelan gang the trende aragua Gang has been labeled by the White House as a transnational criminal organization in a statement obtained by Denver 7 investigates the DEA says agents have seized multi-kilogram quantities of fenyl destined for the Denver metro area from individuals believed to be members and or Associates of the gang but also added quote it is not appropriate for the DEA or to offer any additional comments on the organization's role or presence in the region now while the DEA stopped short of saying the gang's Here Local law enforcement is making that connection from Aurora Police tonight APD has been increasingly collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area and Denver Police says this there are reasons to believe that members of this gang are tied to crimes in the area but Denver Police adds the dpd is not aware of any apartment building being taken over by the gang in Denver recently an apartment complex in aora was shut down because of numerous code violations the property managers claimed they couldn't fix the problems because they say the gang took over the complex but the city of Aurora says that it was years they couldn't help because of the gang this has been an ongoing issue for a while so which one is it the apartment complex is saying there's you know concerns for their safety because of the gangs now are they backing out is the apartment comple saying we don't want to deal with the issues therefore we're backing out and then we're putting the safety concern in there or do I mean do they have a duty to figure this out with their tenants years of code violations that are separate from any criminal activity with the police department adding that they created a task force to investigate the gang's alleged ties to Aurora and Denver 7 will continue to follow the story and we will update you now watch this how things are being shaped and this is a problem listen to what he is saying happy Sunday September 1st my fellow Patriots let's jump right into this we've all heard at this point what's happened in Aurora Colorado where um several apartment complexes have been taken over by illegal immigrants from Venezuela that are gang members now you've seen y'all see that by illegal immigrants in Colorado that are gang members we've just seen a video police is saying there's no gang members the apartment complex has been taking saying something different the people there's a group of people that have been left basically without a home they have closed down those apartments like this is a problem seen those videos you've seen happening the cops have done nothing and it makes you wonder why now we're hearing rumors that the Hell's Angels are potentially rolling in to Colorado to take the apartment complex rumors nothing has been like nothing just rumors that some folks came online and said that this was happening unconfirmed no receipts just rumors is back here's more information can confirm hell's Angels headed to Aurora Colorado look at this how can you how so one gang is going to stop another gang help me understand this I cannot here we go can we stop with the hilarious claims that the Hell's Angels are going to Aurora Colorado y'all are idiots oh can we even confirm that it's that it's a Venezuelan gang because they're saying one thing and then the other saying a different thing I just want to know the police is saying that it's not there I mean y'all let me know y'all let me know got quite a few of our officers out here that are uh out here tonight I stopped by here at 12th in Dallas got quite a few of our officers out here that are uh out here tonight again I've been out here for several weeks uh making contacts with our residents reassuring them about the criminal activity um that's happening here and how we're going to address it we're out here we want to reassure the the people that live in this community that we are actively investigating criminal activity that's happening and listening to them to to uh so that we can learn any anything that we're missing you know what are we missing and actually find out what exactly is going on we're out here because we care I mean nobody nobody should be wearing this uniform if they don't care and we want the residents and the people that live here to know that we care we've been talking to the residents here and learning from them to find out what exactly is going on and there's definitely a different picture I'm not saying that there's not gang members that don't live in this community but what we're learning out here is that gang members have not taken over this complex we've really made an effort the last few days to just really ask the specific questions and the direct questions in terms of the gang activity and who's actually uh making sure that people aren't paying rent to gang leaders or members that that's not happening and we've discovered here today and talk and yesterday talking to you know so many residents that that's who is paying rent to gang members that should be definitely look into that would be a good uh um you know conversation but the apartment building or the management said we ain't dealing with the with the tenants or we can't find somebody to hire to take over stuff like that they got a bigger problem they need to address the issue that they have going on in their property with their tenants that's not the case we've been talking about and and they've been sincere with us we really believe that they are sincere with us and we're standing out here and I can tell you that gang members have not taken over the what do y'all think this is one of the girls that started this first well I want to know how everybody used their video to kind of go about the issue multiple videos in the last 10 minutes that are showing the Hell's Angels heading to Colorado to Aurora I this video right here I think was one of the ones that started this and I think it's important to trace back to where a lot of this came from so we can understand so this is one of them 209,000 uh views I don't know how true this is but I have seen multiple videos in the last 10 minutes that are showing the Hell's Angels heading to Colorado to Aurora I this is going to be interesting um anybody else hearing that like I I've seen footage of it but you know things get like crossed on here but yeah I do and let me just say this do you live in Aurora because I the way I see it you don't she don't live in those apartments I don't know if you guys are watching her background wow I don't know how true this so has anybody heard anything about the Hell's Angels going to Aurora I just looked all over X I don't see anything but I don't think they would really tell us what their move was you know I don't they had a Twitter account but it hasn't been active since 2014 I'm just trying to figure something out here like I what would this even look like like what would this even like wow if this is true this is It's not like where where's our you know our our military where is everybody why why are Hell's Angels having to go settle this they wouldn't they wouldn't send the Hell's Angels to settle this here's a quick detail I just put together so before I saw those videos I was talking to my mom on the phone and I was telling her what happened in Aurora and I was just going through what happened and then I hang up with her and I open Tik Tok and it was the first four videos that I saw so like you never know who's listening here's a quick detail I just put together so before I saw y' my friend just sent me this go follow this account go look at this account right now unapologetically Southern so she's over here trying to figure out if it's the Hell's Angels or what I just I love I want to trace back to where this information came from hold up because I think that's important y'all it's important oh so here we go so now some of these phases is starting to look familiar so I've also seen this woman as well who was posting videos um let me see if I can figure out what would have been one that would have started is the rumor true that the Hell's Angels are on their way to Aurora Colorado because I sure hope not let me tell you about this Hell's Angels well where did she get the rumor the hell let me know where the rumor started want to find the origins of the rumor I'm going to be clipping this okay so y'all can see I'm just tracing it back to what I'm finding as we're reviewing this rumor okay there's almost like they're almost like a million strong and they consist of you never hear of a Hell's Angel getting convicted they consist of lawyers doctors thugs um exmilitary uh policeman firemen every person every American you can think of every real American that you can think of there there's that category in the Hell's Angels and let me let me stop right here so she says that you never hear about a Hell's Angels being convicted well three Hell's Angels were sentenced to life for prison for and this is just a Google search y'all can check it out three hell's Angels sentenced to life in prison for racketeering conspiracy and related crimes okay uh you had Jonathan Nelson AKA John John Brian Wayne went and Russell Taylor who AKA Rusty who were all sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison and this was just this year in June of 2024 so ma'am ma'am what are you talking about you do hear about the Hell's Angels is a biker gang there's a gang here y'all they're not going to send one gang is not going to go attack another gang unless there's drugs or territory or something like that going on I like it doesn't make sense this was a rumor that was started here and a lot of people started it and they just went with it and we're like yeah let's go ahead and uh keep going with this rumor okay so uh check your sources lady said that you've never hear about anybody being convicted from a Hell's Angels let me play that back let me tell you about this Hell's Angels there's almost like they're almost like a million strong and they consist of you never hear of a Hell's Angel getting convicted wrong they consist of lawyers doctors thugs um exmilitary uh policemen firemen every person every American you can think of every real American that you can think of there there's that category in the Hell's Angels and the Hell's Angels are respected by even the military okay so if this is true it's almost like because I I'm sure we can't wait for uh sleepy head to call the national Guardian because they they're not so I assume that that is why the Hell's Angels are on their way if they are them folks better run I don't care how bad badass of a gang you are you have you had better run is the rumor true that the Hell's Angels are on their way here's another one howy folks this pops you know back in my day the Hell's Angels was something they were something I mean they were mean people were afraid of them didn't know what to do with them I didn't even know the Hell's Angels still existed but they do and they're on their way to Aurora Colorado Venezuelan gangs when when are they coming let me know oh boy did anybody reach out to Pops and ask him if he is correct like I mean maybe it pops is on to something you know I love I love me people that have some wisdom I love me people that are able to like you know really put things into perspective I I I respect the people but I just don't know if there is any truth to that so I'm just letting you guys know the craziness that's happening out of here out of this situation like every like the whole Twitter has has lost their mind all right you have the police over here saying that there is no no gangs are running this situation you have others saying something different where where's everybody getting their information that's what I want to know Colorado apartment building overrun by an armed group of men who local officials say are members of the dangerous Venezuelan gang trendi araga trendi araga I love how he's saying that because I can't even say it are understandably terrified but the Democratic governor of Colorado Jared polus is dismissing the Takeover as just simply the locals imagination joining us now is Cindy Romero she used to live in that very apartment building she is now in her new apartment which is outside of Aurora I believe it was your doorbell camera video that we have been watching for the last few days that so it's Cindy's video shout out to Cindy sounds like she's a local there so she knows kind of what's going on as well what appear to be gang members heavily armed trying to get into the apartment across the the hallway from yours uh what did you see there and how bad did it get in that building on this particular date it was it was really bad um and but it is not by any means an isolated occurrence unfortunately I have months almost a year and a half worth of footage from six separate cameras wow were you home that day I was I was and actually um what did you think when you saw this taking place outside of your apartment um earlier that morning I had seen several individuals carrying um assault assault weapons down to the next floor of the building ad joining mine um and I had reported it to the police so all day we were nervous and on high alert anyway um because they told us that they really couldn't do anything unless something happened and we were just waiting all day for it to happen we knew it was coming wait a minute you've got people running around the apartment complex with long rifles and pistols you call the police and the police say they couldn't do anything about it they said they weren't coming they called me about an hour hour and a half later and they said I apologize but we will not be there did they give a reason the reason was there was an ongoing investigation that they didn't want to interfere with I assume there was surveillance of some sort going on um but they they never did show up and then that night when the shooting broke out about 11:20 um that evening um we again called 911 frantically please come help us we didn't get a response for an hour and a half oh my gosh and and you ended up with a bullet hole in your car as I understand it I have a bullet hole through my car it went in one side and went out the other hit about five things on the way through my husband also has bullet holes in his car oh my God so we were talking yesterday with Mike Kaufman who's the mayor of Aurora here's what he told us listen to this these gangs apparently are are attracted to where there's a concentration of of uh Venezuelan migrants and so uh they've in fact have kind of pushed out the property management through intimidation and then collected the rents and arrests have been made but these operations are now are still ongoing so you got to the point Cindy where you said we we can't do this anymore we've got to get out of here and it was city councilwoman Daniel jinsky who helped you get out tell me about that yes absolutely um we were actually uh talking to a reporter from Fox outside of that shooting um that the next morning and he was actually the one that um connected us with councilwoman jinsky who has been amazing um my first conversation with her she said she said do you still live there and I said yes and she said I'm gonna get you out of there wow so I'm GNA make it my work so so you're you're singing her Praises in the meantime the off office of Governor Jared polus is saying she's making all of this up Listen to What a spokesman said according to police intelligence this purported Invasion I guess of these apartment buildings is largely a feature of Danielle jiny's imagination what do you say to that oh wow can fake video and pol wouldn't last five minutes on that property I mean that's true you cannot fake video and like I said if these gentlemen are doing this they cannot they should not be in the area they need to be char Char and put away locked up Deport you know do the things that need to be done in order to keep everybody safe but honestly like let's just tell the truth when it comes to this and they have footage here to show this and polus does have to step up in this okay so but here you have the police Aurora Police is saying something different so this does make it a little bit like okay so poce is saying one thing police is saying one thing and the residents there are saying something completely different we have a problem wow here's here's what Dan here's what Danielle said about it listen to this I absolutely did not make any of this up um I I love that that is how um our governor has quickly uh rushed in to say that that's the actual problem here uh but the actual problem here um are his his weak policies that have turned this state into a breeding ground for this gang activity Cindy why do you think the governor's office has got its head stuck firmly in the sand over this issue they don't want to admit that they're part of the problem it's the administration who we count on to make the rules for us to make the guidelines that we go by I call 911 no help comes for me no help there's no um Mass uh amounts of police that show up to make sure that we're defended nobody showed up to help me I didn't have um a bulletproof vest I didn't have five um officers showing up with me whenever there was a problem we were on our own and we were left to die wow these people have no no registration in this country yeah and and we should point out that the scenes that you're seeing on the right hand uh side of the screen there those were taken from Cindy's ring doorbell or video doorbell while she was inside her apartment you can imagine what it was like living there Cindy God bless you we're glad you got out thank you so much I am so grateful every day that I got out all right we hope to talk to you again we'll see if maybe the governor gets on the stick and takes care of this problem thank you w we so there are multiple problems there and that was aired on the 30th okay for those that are wondering you can find that on Fox you know like I said I feel conflicted because I like we get information from one side to the next I will say this though can we just confirm make sure that they are Venezuelan I know that the community they're saying there is predominantly Venezuelan and that's where you know this is from but we need to be able to confirm that instead of just throwing out there that this is the gang the apartment managers are like we're not taking care of this they have a problem they need to address it and those people that are breaking the law and that are making it difficult for the ones that work hard in this country should be deported and my opinion now as far as the Hell's Angels that's a rumor made up by a bunch of ticktockers one doing a story after another and taking it from there nothing has been confirmed that the Hell's Angels are going to go over there or that they have been summonsed or that they're going to do different things none of this none of this it's it's a rumor y'all it's a rumor people created content out of a rumor yeah y'all let me know your thoughts in the comments I'll see you guys on the next one rabbits out bye guys

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