No Limit Vs Venezuelans | Tren De Aragua Takes Over Chiraq | No Limit Kyro Crashed Out With A Switch

welcome back to our Channel please give a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe ah what's popping YouTube it's your boy danger and we about to react to No Limit versus the Venezuelans who created the switch this is wild boy you got to tune in cuz this is totally unexpected is it really though y already know what's going on we is in the building man soon as yall get up and make sure y'all smash the like button say which number like y'all is we in here talking about no No Limit man no limit and the uh the Venezuelans and you know the uh migrants that are moov to Chicago bro you know what I'm saying like they they they they deep as hell in Chicago and they wreaking havoc bro like they downtown up and Downes on people doing all type of [ __ ] they having they having KN fights gun fights they kidnapping people they they they assaulting women all type of [ __ ] you know there been a you know Chicago crime rate was already bad our [ __ ] is horrible now that they ass her but uh a member from No Limit by the name of nlmb Calvin man you know his ass from like herb and them era and [ __ ] you know he was shot and killed yesterday bro you know and it's being said that these one of these migrants okay so I got to PA it here you feel me I know the video lonely as hell but I got to say something bro it's like these migrants came to New York City bro and they went ballistic boy I meant they was shooting at the police they were shooting police they were shooting everybody they were saying the gang leaders said they got a approval point but it's like we already knew this was going to happen when they went everywhere else cuz if they come in New York that's that secured bro I mean I'm telling you [ __ ] in New York is really trying to not do not right now cuz there's a camera every corner these guys is trying to findly any loophole and they is going boy when I said you know when you always hear somebody say nah that boy going to go I mean them Venezuelans is going to go but you know what's funny I saw this [ __ ] coming from a mile away you know why cuz a lot of people really don't know they made the switches bro let's listen more to the story and then I'm going get into that before I say that let me tell you let me tell you about you know what I'm saying the whole situation so it was just a big ass shootout over there yesterday or the day before yesterday big ass shoot over there and it was between the veners it was between No Limit and these Venezuelan immigrants bro they with the shits bro on them these migrants they with that [ __ ] like they ass from a third world country bro they with all that [ __ ] knives guns whatever you want to do so they done you know I guess they ended some of they ass ended over ended up over in No Limit area and you know the type of [ __ ] that they on trying to or trying to be on over there no limit not for that [ __ ] so everybody know how drench them coming they drenching [ __ ] so it's like you know and everybody know how to damn Venezuela they from a third world country they with the [ __ ] too so it was a big ass shootout bro a big ass shootout and Calvin No Limit Calvin he end up getting shot and killed in the midst of that [ __ ] fool you know it's crazy you know you think you you would think like all right let the migrants come here you know what I'm saying they looking for work and [ __ ] and goddamn it you know like all right like you know like whatever you know what I'm saying like they ass going to get put to work like they ass going to be out here helping build houses and [ __ ] pain pain walls and [ __ ] drywall all that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like they know some [ __ ] they know how to help build houses all type [ __ ] important [ __ ] you think you would think like all right they F to come here and get to the money and you know what I'm saying they going to know they probably know how to do other [ __ ] but you know that's off top of my head like I know they know how to help build houses and all type of [ __ ] paint your walls like they got you don't F them they going they going to get your [ __ ] right but whole time they on [ __ ] they in here they taking [ __ ] they assaulting women y'all heard I said they assaulting women they up and down they robbing people they they killing all type of [ __ ] so it's like you know and they moving to the trenches with that [ __ ] like they they these is black neighborhoods that they moving to like 708 and Eis that's it's like predominantly black area bro so for the Venezuelans to to move over there and try to you know what I'm saying you know do they little one two over there is crazy you would you would think they wouldn't even try to [ __ ] cuz you know once they pee what's going on over there like ah yeah shorty them Tren over there you would think the Venezuelans a SE that [ __ ] and be like all right we going to go over there I mean we going to go somewhere else we ain't going to try to do what we going to try to do over here they but they still they still on it and it's like it's going to be a war bro like cuz I know them third world countes people they not for none but shorty them not for none neither so it's just going to be a battle royale around this [ __ ] it's just going to be a goddamn it it's going to be a all out it's going to be fireworks over there fool like no Fourth of July F like it's going to be busting between drench and these Venezuelans fol you know it's like a heavyweight match type [ __ ] Mohammed versus Joe Fraser but yeah man RP um Calvin bro that [ __ ] crazy look Trump ass like yeah don't let him in you know what I'm saying I know like whether you don't whether you like Trump or you don't like Trump I bet fool them over there on 78 they damn near they probably don't need to be paying attention to that type of [ __ ] I bet they round that I bet they around that like man I don't even mess with Trump but he was right about dude now they should have never let they ass come they just killed our homie they downtown taking [ __ ] from women they robbing [ __ ] they they they carjacking [ __ ] they taking people cars all type of [ __ ] fool they ass wreaking havoc I thought they was going to post come over here and help build some houses godamn it do some drywall paint some paint some you know what I'm saying renovate my [ __ ] my you know what I'm saying I need a new crib that [ __ ] got it need some work y'all come renovate my [ __ ] that type of [ __ ] y'all out here stretching [ __ ] y'all as uh getting a tour with blocks y'all ain't even from Illinois y'all ain't even from America y'all came from a whole another country straight on straight dumb [ __ ] you know but you got look [ __ ] they you got to you got to know they got the cartel goddamn it LO Zas um what's dude them that's in jail but he had this [ __ ] busting El Chapo them my son bro like they ass they ass man it's it's it's some Next Level [ __ ] down there you know what I'm saying like they ass you hear about how many bodies them damn cartels got it's like y'all ass goddamn it they ass the real boogy man on F up but no man that's that on that [ __ ] fool let me know what y'all think y'all think they should have let all them Venezuelans come over here like that or y'all think you know what I'm saying they should have just like no man access Deni y'all can't even come over here y'all think they should have rejected them y'all let me know you know if y'all made to this point make sure y'all smash the like button make sure y'all mess with all the links in description from top to bottom before y'all get up out of here do me the biggest favor and smash the like but y already know what's going on so I'm trying my best to keep my dialogue short right now cuz I just put together a bunch of videos there's also another video but I don't really want to get into that but the reason not making this video is cuz bro once them Venezuelans came over here and they start getting busy in New York City I knew what was going on bro I was like yo these guys are not playing with nobody and they trying to show it they trying to prove that yo we don't care bro cuz listen right yall don't know about these guys they name is trendy Aras or something like that I'm trying to tell you I need to start respecting them like the Crips in the Bloods bro when these guys was shooting the police and and why and they got caught you know what they told the police they said the gang leader encourages them to shoot at the police so that everybody else gets the message not to play with us and I'm tell telling you right if you listening to these videos they're going to explain how they're saying that these guys are coming from jail and prisons as gang members the worst of the worst of their society bro and there are the people that's coming over here so my advice is just yo stay clear he's got bro word it's just like it's not even know like I get it cuz I know how people are territorial but these guys ready to crash bro and Young on is going and yeah by the way if you were not paying attention to the screen fun fact a Venezuelan Man created the clock switch that's going so crazy in Chicago yo y'all need to just establish our territory and let them get the rest there she boy just leave them boys alone boy cuz they not playing y already know what time it is where in the building man soon as y'all get up in here make sure y'all smash the like button say which number like y'all is y'all see the title y'all see the thumbnail man we a little late but we made it f we F to talk our [ __ ] so look man yesterday breaking news man no limit Caro bump with a switch and a sto and a steamer man stolen vehicle man they got them with a a a a gun and switch which they call a machine gun they don't just say you know they call it a machine gun I mean it is though but you know they call him with a switch and a uh and the steam and the stolen car and [ __ ] like that so whole time bro bro you know all of this [ __ ] is on the heels of a member of by the name of No Limit Calvin getting killed fool you know they found CYO in a handicapped parking spot in a stolen car with a Glock with a switch on it you know what I'm saying and if you look at his mug shots like CYO he looked like he was off the drugs you know what I'm saying you know but the word word that's getting back about the situation man is that Cairo was on the way to get back for Calvin No Limit Calvin who got killed by the uh immigrants or the migrants the Venezuelan migrants you know for the people who don't know man it's a war going on over East not just between no limitting kts and death row like it's some racial [ __ ] going on man the No Limits is into it with the Venezuelan migrants fool and you know when the CYO homies got killed yesterday and the word that's getting back is that Cyro was bumped by 12 on the way to get back for Calvin you know what I'm saying you know on the way to go do something to the Venezuelans for doing something to Calvin his ass was booked and they grabbed him and he had you know what I'm saying he was in a he was in a steamer with with a switch you know and you know it's crazy man I've been seeing the comments of the people you know talking they [ __ ] in the uh about that video that I dropped about you know this situation with just with Calvin though I've been seeing the people comments and you know y'all all over the place I ain't going to lie F I don't even know where to start y'all saying all type of [ __ ] you know and you know what you know I noticed a lot of people saying like yeah they trying to do this [ __ ] all over the country they said the you know the people who run Venezuela or whatever let a whole whole bunch of uh this was one of the craziest one of the crazier comments somebody said that the Venezuelan government let out all their prisoners or let out a whole bunch of their prisoners and they said all the uh like they sent the craziest prisoners over to America you know what I'm saying like the craziest like like they top crazy is criminals they sent them to America and you know I guess it was a whole thing about you know if they was going to let them in or they if they weren't going to let them in and you know whole time they end up letting them in so that's I ain't going to lie fool that's wild I ain't even into all the politics and all that type of [ __ ] but for y'all to let to release all y'all prisoners and to allow the craziest ones you know like like all y'all Killers basically you know what I'm saying just put it like that they let all the Venezuelans Killers out of jail and they just let them in the US right now like they just let them in America and slowly but surely you know they making their way around this [ __ ] like they making their way around you know I heard of some up in uh they got some [ __ ] going on in New York they having a problem in New York Cali been uh a place where you know Hispanic gang members or whatever you want to say you know what I'm saying Cali they full of that [ __ ] they got 18 Street MS13 uh Mexican Mafia like they they been had they you know what I'm saying they share that [ __ ] over there but Chicago I'm telling you fool like this is when like this not no Cali [ __ ] I mean like we got the Kings and we got we got all the Latin folks and all that [ __ ] but them is homegrown Hispanic people doing they thing you know what I'm saying we got a whole neighborhood called The Back of the Yards little Village that's they [ __ ] on F them that's the Hispanic [ __ ] they run that [ __ ] goddamn you got the laas um you know but for but as far as like yeah a whole bunch of Mexican mafias and a whole bunch of ms-13s from goddamn it gu laara and Venezuela like top Killers just got let out of prison and to come to the rack like from Venezuela and it's like no bro that's that's new that's that's that's defitely like that's some alien [ __ ] to me like that's crazy what's to the Brazil Venezuelan government anyway but no you know I was seeing so boom they go a little bit of background as far as like how this [ __ ] even able to happen it's like is because they did that [ __ ] so now so they so basically long story short they done these people that I just spoke on they done made their way over into no Limon neighborhood and they going at it right now F them like they going at it you know and it's like it's crazy cuz it's like ain't nobody to go no ain't nobody for none but it's wild cuz it's like whole time they come with a different level of warfare like like they ass come like I heard there jungles and [ __ ] over there like they they doing war in the middle of jungles and it's a different level bro it's it's calibers to this [ __ ] and you know you got you know like as much as them shies don't care it's like this [ __ ] going to be crazy you know what I'm saying like I ain't going to lie but no Cyro seemed like his ass like he one of the people who not going for that [ __ ] or you know he attempting to not go for that [ __ ] cuz you know like I ain't going to lie man CYO his ass don't care about [ __ ] Bro dude ass got some devil horns on his side of his face f pH them got a whole Joker tattoo and then he done survived the whole drill scene bro all the people who done die bro all the way from 2010 all the way up until now so it's like Cyro he like a veteran in this [ __ ] so it's like and then Calvin the dude who died they he from CYO and Herb arrow and [ __ ] so it's like that was one the Cyro homies and [ __ ] so you know the word is that CYO was on the way to get back he going to go get down on one of the ven for doing that [ __ ] to to f them and [ __ ] like that but you know I ain't going to lie bro like this [ __ ] crazy whole time it's like I mean you switch a few of they little ass down they Mas might get the message but you know they proba they might not get the message like I said bro they over there in jungles doing this [ __ ] like we over here on blocks and and corners and [ __ ] like that we got streets you know street signs Po and [ __ ] cars you know what I'm saying goddamn it we not in the jungle they doing the same [ __ ] on a on a on a on a a more advanced level and but they in jungles and [ __ ] so it's like I don't know bro y'all know me I don't want to just say the Venezuelan gonna come over here and just take this [ __ ] cuz shorty them over there no limit they not for none but at the same time I'm knowing I'm like man this the the type of [ __ ] that you know that uh these these these migrants come from that's I don't know fool that's that's on some different type of [ __ ] fool you know long story short you know whoever made the final decision to decide for this uh [ __ ] to go through and for y'all to let all y'all killers and rapists and all that [ __ ] just to dump them over here you know what I'm saying on Chicago I ain't going to lie whoever you know signed off on that [ __ ] y'all bogus as hell I'm seeing people in the comments like yeah Biden Camila Trump and all this [ __ ] I'm like man I don't know which one of like I ain't going to lie I heard Trump wasn't for that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying people can say what they want to say about Trump but I heard he wasn't for that [ __ ] I think the people in the comments saying that Biden and Kamala they for that [ __ ] like yeah let them come and I ain't going to lie that [ __ ] bogus y'all bogus as hell if y'all did that [ __ ] F you know but it seem like all that Venezuelan uh gorilla Warfare goddamn it jungle that seem like that [ __ ] ain't theer cuz he was on his way to get one of ass or get a few of ass up out of here before his ass was bumped by 12 in a steamer with guns you know what I'm saying and all this [ __ ] you know and mind you this like a day after Calvin just got killed by these migrant and [ __ ] so it's like you know I don't know fool the whole situation wild to me man you know but who knows man this [ __ ] probably going to extend CYO lifespan cuz his ass was out there running around with Shorty them on the same type of town that they was on and these as teenagers and [ __ ] so it's like you know Kyro was living a highrisk lifestyle and you know as much as jail is like the lamest [ __ ] ever sometime in these you know what I'm saying in the type of areas that we talking about sometime jail damn there save you from death you know as lame as it is it's like who trying ain't nobody trying to be up in jail but it's like you know sometime that be saving people life like liil Mikey just did 1 10 years [ __ ] if he was out here his ass probably wouldn't even be here kiddo 10 years if he was out he probably wouldn't be here Tay Savage another 10 years if he was out Tay Savage probably would have got killed it was it was over busting y'all M his ass could have uh if he went to jail not for nobody but maybe for like you know what I'm saying five years or some [ __ ] or whatever that [ __ ] could have saved his life you know maybe he wouldn't have went to that party for Can't Get Right you know but um no man I see everybody in the comments free Caro I'm like free car what's going on they like yeah bro he got bump with a switch in a stolen car in a handicap uh spot and then word getting back like yeah he was on the way to get back at the uh for his homie and [ __ ] I'm like damn that [ __ ] did I just made a story about that [ __ ] you know and you know CYO he don't get treated the way he get treated by them little shorties them little drench gang shorties fire love W they don't treat him like the leader for nothing shorty ass wild as hell fool his ass not rap typ but he's smart though like you could tell you know how Cyro be talking in these interviews or you know what I'm saying on these platforms you could tell like he more way more advanced than a lot of people we see in this [ __ ] bro that that McDonald situation that's the only thing people be holding against him and then he was a shorty and then he ain't run I mean he got like that you know he got hit up in his mouth and [ __ ] the whole time all the other No Limits Ran So it's like I be seeing people they be like yeah Cyro he ass really a goofy he got punched in the mouth and it's like man y'all ass if his ass was a goofy why don't shorty them treat him like one they why don't they run the [ __ ] why why that [ __ ] don't look like it's day hood and all that [ __ ] why the hell they just respecting him so much and why the hell you know what I'm saying like it's a lot of quest if Cyro is really a goofy I got a lot of question is De why is farro treating his ass like his ass somebody little wet goddamn it uh herb why the hell you know it's so much [ __ ] why the hell goddamn it you know what I'm so it's like you know I ain't even F to ask all them questions you know I'm basically saying all that to say like look bro y'all last everybody who's saying all that mcnugg [ __ ] about CYO y'all got it all wrong fool who F them y'all got that [ __ ] all wrong bro that [ __ ] don't mean nothing the the real question is what happened after that on F them y'all like the [ __ ] immediately happened on F them soon as they came out the soon as kts them came out to McDonald's got they ass blew down ran back to their hood or they if they ain't run back they ass was gonna get they ass pop and these are shorties they young as hell so it's like you know no limit got back that night they ain't even bro that no limit got back for CYO getting punched in the face in like [ __ ] like 60 seconds after they did this [ __ ] bro how is y'all talking about yeah like bro don't you know they got their ass blew down soon as they came out to McDonald's bro y'all got to make this [ __ ] make sense bro you know y'all got this [ __ ] all wrong bro y'all looking at this so yeah bro on F them but no that [ __ ] crazy man hopefully Cyro will be able to if they give him a bond he gonna be up out of there you know if they give him you know any type of you know what's the name shorty ass will be up out of there or he might end up sitting you know you know CYO he he got went through a situation a few years back with uh dude from 600 and they end up threatening the judge and dude from 600 end up telling on CYO and so it's like [ __ ] you know they might hold that [ __ ] against them like yeah man you threatening our judges and [ __ ] we G to make you sit down you know but who knows man you might see Cyro home in a few days type [ __ ] you know you know drench them they got a money drench them got got you know they damn near got like people with money on their side you know little baby herbs AMF Vis [ __ ] like that you know what I'm saying so maybe they can Vanessa situation get a lawyer you know what I'm saying get out on house arrest or something like how maduk did maduk he out on house arrest right now he ain't beat that gun case a lot of people like yeah mad du beat his gun case no bro his ass he on house arrest bro he still fighting that [ __ ] so you know maybe they a vaness a situation like that and you know F them come home but now y'all let me know what y'all think about this whole situation everything we just talked about y'all give me y'all opinion man if y'all made it to this point make sure y'all smash the like button and say which number like y'all is make sure y'all mess with all the links in the description from top to bottom and before y'all get up out of here do me the biggest favor and smash the like button man yall already know what's going on not going to lie to you bro see like this situation is really getting bad now cuz when you look at it the people they're across the water just fighting against the people that here but not the white folks he just steal this [ __ ] from white folks and from me they fight with the black folks the folks that really don't got it now you see people like Cairo now that's like known for No Limit like you feel me they know like people know not to play with CYO you feel me but now it's being more evident like nah bro was really about to do that for his gang you know I mean but he got CT so it's like now you think about it but I'm like K so we been knew from that McDonald's incident that he was nobody to play with but I'm saying like you know if it was just like yo these guys didn't even coming to the pitch I'm pretty sure like everybody and no limit would be on some like money [ __ ] right now but it's like this is just dangerous outside bro why um this is the final section in the video man this like four sections but we didn't add one of them so just is the fly on one and get it so just tune in I really need opinions on this man cuz this is really crazy I ain't going to hold you like SW already know what's going on we in the building man soon as y'all get up there make sure y'all smash the like button say which number like y'all is y'all see the title y'all see the thumbnail man we in here talking about no limit CYO man no limit Cyro everybody know man CYO just got bumped a few days ago trying to slide on the Venezuelans man they done killed this homie you know Kyro trying to get back for his homie and [ __ ] like that so you know 12 end up bumping him his ass got caught with two switches a stolen vehicle they hit him with flee and the luding he got a lot of charges and you know he got history with the judges like CYO uh threaten some judges a few years back and you know they told them like if your ass ever come back up in here we going to crack you for we going to throw the book at your ass like you know you threatening our judges and [ __ ] so you know probably he going to be sitting down for a minute I ain't going to lie to you we going to see how it play out though but look you know word getting back is being said that kts they already on it kts members out on the outside and kts members on the inside they already on it so some kts members on the outside they done dropped the bag on uh CYO head fool they said they got a th000 noodles on his head but translation I got some money for you just get up with them put the hands on them you know what I'm saying put the paws on them and [ __ ] put hands and feet on them you know stomp his ears together and [ __ ] like that and we going to get you situated we going to make sure you decent up in there so some kts members on the inside done put in a false medical slip like if you know somebody name you can put if you know somebody full government name you could put in a medical slip with they name and you know the guards going to go get them and you know take them to the medical Wing but you know the whole point is to get them in traffic like guards go get them get them out they sell and got damn it you know and we we'll take it from there like all we need to do just get them out the Cale you know you know what I'm saying take them to the medical win and we going to intercept his ass before he get there we going to whoop him beat him and whole time goddamn it we'll just take whatever charge that I know people like why he with the guards it's like [ __ ] you know when a person is like that big of a Target you willing to take whatever disciplinary action they going to throw at you just to you know get the mission accomplished so whole time you know yep the kts members on the outside put the money on CYO head so now the kts members on the inside they filing false medical slips trying to get Cairo in traffic so they could beat him and [ __ ] like that you know CYO ass he want to he a prolific [ __ ] talker like his ass talk a lot of [ __ ] so it's like and you know when you in jail ain't no guns bro like Cyro you know he done he got people scared on the outside but whole time you know Kyra not that big you know like on the outside you got the guns to do whatever you know what I'm saying you don't got to be big you know but on the inside it's like you got to be big you got to have some size you got to know how to fight you know ain't no guns to goddamn it make up for like I'm little as hell he big as hell I'm G to go get this gun you know you can't do like on the inside you just gotta find out how you going either y'all gonna jump his big ass or one of y'all gonna get the knife y'all got the plugs on the knife and [ __ ] like you got to figure out other means to you know B guard your way up in here the way you B guarding your way on the outside but look man Cyro as even though the kts members is doing whatever they doing to try to get the CYO you know CYO he got a lot of family and and you know he got a lot of ties as far as the street [ __ ] you know you know CYO No Limit Stones you know they even got some GDs up in their [ __ ] even though they be dropping the race but you know Cairo Got No Limits a lot of No Limits up in there you know the BDS they riding with no limit so it's a lot of BDS up in there it's a lot of No Limits up in there you know um CYO they got I mean no limit they got they ties to Lil Von them out west and [ __ ] so any any toss game members or any a toss game big homies up in there they riding with CYO so Cyro got the stones the Abes and the foes riding with him so he and he got hella family from thf mtown a lot of sh so it's like CYO his Affiliates is deep as hell up in there so he might just be decent just off even though he little I know a person will be like man Kyro little as hell somebody to get up with him man whole time if they get up with him by itself then they probably you know it's probably going to go bad for Cyro cuz you know Kyro he not that big and [ __ ] like that you know but whole time it's like that's the only way you going to be able to you going to have to be bigger than him and you going to have to get him by itself that's going to be the hard [ __ ] bro like he like he a real name CRA a real face so it's like he deep as hell up in there bro it's gonna be hard to get up with him fool you know but if you manage to get up with him while he uh while he by himself and you bigger than him that might be your chance right there you might you know I'm saying might have a chance to you know get some [ __ ] off your chest you know I'm saying goddamn it put hands on them and [ __ ] like that but if you know that's going to be hard man he deep as hell up in there but uh yeah Kyro he might be sitting for a minute bro two switches a stolen car and fleeing in the Lo and you got history of threatening judges you know and they as on bull they want y'all bad as far as the No Limit as a whole they want you know they want y'all just off that [ __ ] you know forget the gun forget the switches forget the stolen car forget the fleeing in the forget to threaten the judges forget all that [ __ ] they want y'all as a whole No Limit they've been hearing about the [ __ ] that been going on just like we've been hearing like they ass got their ears to this [ __ ] just like everybody else got they ear to this [ __ ] so they just want to know they want no limit period fool like you know they been hearing all the noise y'all been making they and they want y'all just off that and Cyro being like a main face if not the main face of that [ __ ] is like you know they definitely fa to try to you know put the uh like put a hold on Cyro so his ass you know he ain't got no what name but look y'all let me know what y'all think make sure y'all smash the like button say will number y'all list um before y'all get up out of here you know what I'm saying yeah make sure y'all mess with all the links in the description from top to bottom and yeah man let's get some people on this August MVP list man on ph them y'all see the list on the screen godamn it all my top supporters whether do you get some merch uh support through PayPal or cash app any support I'm putting your name on the list and that [ __ ] going to be on the screen for everybody to see man have many people come watch this [ __ ] they going to see you on the screen and you know what I'm saying we going to turn up bro y'all already know what's going on shout out all my people that's already on the list man they already know what's going on

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Category: Gaming

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Indiana Fever vs Chicago Sky | HIGHLIGHTS | August 30, 2024 #fevervssky #indianafever #chicagosky thumbnail
Indiana Fever vs Chicago Sky | HIGHLIGHTS | August 30, 2024 #fevervssky #indianafever #chicagosky

Category: Sports

Kelsey mitchell catch shoots fires she hits 90 seconds left to play here in the first quarter looking for reese p ble tips it away and off and running caitlyn clark wis the patch threat the needle my goodness what a play and and one chance for tenny and the [applause] fever tle working it around here... Read more

Connecticut Sun vs Indiana Fever | GAME HIGHLIGHTS | August 28, 2024 #sunvsfever #indianafever thumbnail
Connecticut Sun vs Indiana Fever | GAME HIGHLIGHTS | August 28, 2024 #sunvsfever #indianafever

Category: Sports

Because she's gotten so good at handling and managing and making the right reads b bonner knocks down a tough shot on the other end here's clark boston extra pass lexi hle barries a three lexi hull here out of the olympic break now 11 of 15 from the three-point line that's 73% but the fever give it... Read more

Quotes By Neil Gaiman | Motivational Life Lessons You Should Know before you Die | Thinking Tidbits thumbnail
Quotes By Neil Gaiman | Motivational Life Lessons You Should Know before you Die | Thinking Tidbits

Category: Entertainment

[music] books are a uniquely portable magic the world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before make good art the world needs more good [music] art you get what anybody gets you get a lifetime a book is a dream that you hold in your [music] hand it's not that we... Read more

CUBSSSSS 🐻 #sportsbetting #mlb #baseball #cubs #viral #trending #shorts thumbnail
CUBSSSSS 🐻 #sportsbetting #mlb #baseball #cubs #viral #trending #shorts

Category: Sports

Two a board for bush oh for three today that one hits softly on the ground hernandez it kicks away racing home is suzuki and the cubs have the lead hernandez tried to grab it and put the tag on the runner bellinger before he actually had the ball one of the ugliest half innings of the year Read more

Justin Bieber and Hailey Announce Arrival of First Baby ‘Welcome Jack Blues Bieber’ #biebersbaby thumbnail
Justin Bieber and Hailey Announce Arrival of First Baby ‘Welcome Jack Blues Bieber’ #biebersbaby

Category: News & Politics

Justin and haley bieber confirm on social media that they've welcomed their first baby the exciting update marks the beginning of their parenthood journey after tying the knot in 2018 and revealing their pregnancy back in may it's also a dream come true for justin who has spoken candidly about his desire... Read more

SHIA LaBEOUF Street FIGHTER!  #shorts #viralvideo #trending thumbnail
SHIA LaBEOUF Street FIGHTER! #shorts #viralvideo #trending

Category: Entertainment

This is your home now you here you going to here for Read more

Minnesota Lynx vs Las Vegas Aces | HIGHLIGHTS | August 21, 2024 #minnesotalynx #lasvegasaces thumbnail
Minnesota Lynx vs Las Vegas Aces | HIGHLIGHTS | August 21, 2024 #minnesotalynx #lasvegasaces

Category: Sports

Well the thing that minnesota has done on the offensive end understanding on courtney williams two minnesota played 4 minutes and 19 seconds and came up with six points in that first half very valuable with smith in deep foul trouble call your [applause] goodness hayes guarded by mcbride plum spots... Read more

#TechTips🌐 What does Jeff Walz have to say about his brother??? #election2024 #tiktok #Hoops227TV thumbnail
#TechTips🌐 What does Jeff Walz have to say about his brother??? #election2024 #tiktok #Hoops227TV

Category: News & Politics

New nations rich mchugh joins us live rich you spoke exclusively with jeff walls about those comments that's right nicole i spoke with him this morning and he says he wants to set the record straight and basically clear the air on some of the misconceptions about what he said now just to reset the new... Read more

Rodrigo nice gowl brazil vs ecuador #shortsfeed #football #entertainment #shorts #ytshorts #ytfeed thumbnail
Rodrigo nice gowl brazil vs ecuador #shortsfeed #football #entertainment #shorts #ytshorts #ytfeed

Category: Sports

आहा टमाटर बड़े मजेदार वाह टमाटर बड़े मजेदार आहा टमाटर बड़े मजेदार वाह टमाटर बड़े मजेदार एक दिन इसको चीटी ने खाया हाथी को भी मार गिराया एक दिन Read more

Radu Albot vs Novak Djokovic Highlights | 2024 US Open Round 1 #radualbot #novakdjokovic #trending thumbnail
Radu Albot vs Novak Djokovic Highlights | 2024 US Open Round 1 #radualbot #novakdjokovic #trending

Category: Sports

Just before midnight on night one player in that last game he couple points game [applause] game and [applause] second just before midnight on night one Read more