Are the Hells Angels on Their Way to Colorado to Confront a Venezuelan Gang?

Hell's Angels rumors you guys seen all the videos on Tik Tok no not Tik Tok maybe Instagram Maybe YouTube maybe Facebook indicating the Hell's Angels they're on their way to Aurora Colorado right now they are going to straighten this whole trende Raga the Venezuelan prison gang overtaking apartment complex they're going to straighten this all out it's all going to be good Hell's Angels to the rescue is it true that's what we're talking about today let's get into it here we go so when I first started seeing these um these videos pop up all I could think of is you know they did the same darn thing over at chop right the Hell's Angels are coming be careful Sean don't go to the Chop and Chaz or whatever the f it was called right don't go there because the the Hell's Angels they're going to bang heads with antipa nah it's not happening and it's not happening in Aurora Colorado why would the Hell's Angels get involved this how would that benefit them you know what a lot of people want to think it's true and so this is this is a campaign this is a political campaign because and it's a smart one it's not necessarily a true one but hey you know what rumors are rumors they could be coming the Hell's Angels might be coming to solve all of Aurora Colorado and maybe Denver since it's next door all of their problems is that going to happen no no no be be smart about this but hey let's watch some of the videos and there some of the this storyline though is is it's pretty wild it's pretty interesting because you've got Mayors you've got the governor of Colorado saying one thing you've got council members saying one thing you've got mayor saying other stuff then you've got the cops that are getting a court order I mean we're going to we're going to cover it all but let's just start with the basics here is is uh Social media disbelief here's a quick video of what what we're seeing out there so it's usually a video of a bunch of Hell's Angels you know riding and you're like I don't even know if those are Hell's Angels that video could be 20 years old right here's just one example I he the [Applause] TR they're coming coming to get you Trend yep yeah let's watch this video there we go oh look at that they're coming they're [Music] coming we'll watch that video too [Music] this unit has been looking into social media post from this weekend and we do not believe the post to be credible We are continuing to monitor the situation it's a great story because start I think it immediately evokes these ideas of the Hell's Angels are going to take over where the government can't government's just sat on its thumb for long enough they're going to get involved in Hell's Angels to the rescue when do the Hell's Angels solve society's problems just because it's got it got to be something for them they're a business right they're a business entity essentially they're not they're not just oh yeah guys let's let's get together you know we had sturge just few weeks ago let's just go over to rora Colorado and let's just square away I mean it would be a battle it would be a battle Government discredits claims it would be a quick battle because uh number of Trend aragua in Aurora yeah there's big big Venezuelan Community but you get enough bikers in there it's not going to go well you know and it's that fear we're pedling fear here right we're pedaling fear here because millions and millions of illegals have come across the border and a bunch of them are bad ombre they're committing crimes illegal activity and we haven't had a chance to vet all these these millions of folks that have come across the border and so believe it or not some criminal activity is happening how about this title right here I'm kind of jumping all over because this topic is U this topic has had so many different little bits and pieces to it Colorado P Colorado paper hits back at Venezuelan gang claims enough enough so on one side you've got the existing power structure in um in in Den and in Colorado in general at the state level at the governor saying this literally this is you know in your imagination this is not happening so you've got a handful of buildings that are owned by an out ofate landlord slum Lord some would call them and there are these are low and they're they're cheap apartment units in Aurora Colorado which is next door to Denver Colorado trende aragua does live there whether or not they've taken over that's the big question but there's a big video this video EX in fact right here let's watch it oh look at that they're coming they're going to days after a video of a Venezuelan gang allegedly taking over an apartment in the US surfac social media has built up its sequel viral posts say that Outlaw biker gang called Hell's Angels has has taken Viral Venezuelan gang matters into its own hands and is now in route to confront the Venezuelan gang users said the biker gang was on its way to Colorado's Aurora the town where the apartment was allegedly taken over by the armed goons the viral videos from the Colorado Town also showed a trash neighborhood triggering a probe by law enforcement officials but the claims remain unsubstantiated by local police I'm not saying that there's not gang members that don't live in this community but what we're learning out here is that gang members have not taken over this complex the chief of Aurora Police said social media platform X also flagged the viral videos as old saying they were from previous Mo okay we're going to stop it right here this is a video from 2013 and so many of the videos that you've seen your memes that you've seen in your feed videos from 2013 the Hell's Angels motorcycle club will be in Colorado for Four Corners motorcycle rally not to deal with Venezuelan migrants oh okay oh they're not going there for that okay well all right yeah okay but but here's the thing the governor the governor is basically of Colorado has said oh yeah it's figment of your imagination talking to one of the council women that is saying hey they're taking over so I think there's I think there is truth to the fact that trende aragua has a presence in these apartment complexes whether or not they've taken over whether or not they've been collecting rent meaning they go armed but you know you've got this video right here that is pretty darn clear um you know just take a look at it what are these guys doing you tell me Complex takeover doubts there's no audio on this I mean doesn't look good they're running around looking for something throughout the project and then eventually somebody does get shot just right outside of this door here on the left it's a wild storyline so there are bits and pieces of this storyline that are accurate and they definitely fall into the whole notion of hey shouldn't have let all these illegals come being a blue Sanctuary City isn't helping you this is the end result and then you throw in that that and the Hell's Angels are coming to clean things up you you liberals you guys better get in line you guys better figure this out before the Hell's Angels come Hell's Angels aren't coming they're not coming it's an unhappy consequences of being a suburb of sanctuary City Denver Venezuelan migrants have spread from the mile high city with allegedly gang affiliated um ones claiming apartment buildings as their Turf Terror Rising residents okay that there is some of that going on everybody has admitted that there is some of that going on whether or not the buildings have been taken over it's unknown but Aurora Police and you don't know whether they're being pressured to say oh they haven't been taken over it's just a few of the units it's a 99 unit complex it' be very easy to take that over not many units because you don't have a my understanding you don't have a manager manager walked off there's very little management going on so it wouldn't be hard to have a handful of guys that you know able to drop the hammer come in and say hey now you're paying the rent to us now you're paying the rent to us now whether that's even true we're not really sure so a lot of conflicting storylines here one chilling video shows suspected trendee aragua members stalking through the complex with guns that was the big video that we just saw that in response the Hell's Governor downplays issue Angels are coming well they're not whether or not they've taken this over we don't really know another from the same complex shows two men breaking into a unit with the tire iron I believe that is correct too I believe that happened Mayor Mike Kaufman confirmed that at least two buildings have been taken over calling it an organized criminal effort and adding I think we're the victim of a failed policy at the southern border that's what this is all about right this isn't this is stoking fear this is Raising awareness of the situation which is we've allowed a millions and millions of illegals to come across the border and this is some of what you get this is the end result you can't deny that it's happening city councilwoman Danielle jinsky she's the individual who's basically kind of been The Whistleblower on this jinsky is warned I worry about everything that I know regarding this gang and I worry about everything I don't know but but despite the mountains of evidence Governor Jared pus is flat out denying that it's happening that's the interesting thing because he's a governor and he's a Democrat and he doesn't want this on his watch to look bad because it's a really bad look on a national level for Trend ragua a prison gang out of Venezuela to be taking over apartment complexes in the United States that where they were invited because Denver is a sanctuary City Aurora Colorado where this is happening is not a sanctuary City they leadership said no we don't want this I podcasted on this they said no we have no we don't have the we don't have the U financially we don't have the money to spend therefore it's going to send our budget wildly sideways we can't do that so we're a nogo on bringing the illegals in but because Denver is basically out of Housing and Denver has told all the Police court order illegals to go back to the southern border go go back somewhere else get a ride to Chicago get a ride to DC get a ride to somewhere else but hey there's no more room in Denver they've literally gone down to the southern border and let folks know yeah Denver is no longer a you know can't have people coming here no more resources so you've got that going on so this is a terrible look just you've got gangs taking over oh that's not good on Wednesday day his office called The Invasion a feature of Danielle jiny's imag imagination the governor told the council member that the invasion is a figment of her imagination and sneered that polus is really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own City when they are supposed to keep it safe okay so we've got that storyline going on meanwhile we've got this one as well cops to clear Apartments overrun with Venezuelan gangs this is Newsweek so which one is it Governor are you lying is the councilwoman lying who's lying here and about that video what was up with that what were they doing why were they doing that why was there a shooting afterwards why have we had so many criminal complaints and calls to 911 for these big buildings where Tren araga has apparently taken over so this is gaslighting at its worst we're talking about the the governor of Colorado that guy's a real work of art isn't he was it jiny's imagination when local ring leader Joe Hardy Jose pachenko chimo and some of his thugs reportedly beat a man at one of these complexes or when he was involved in a shooting that wounded two men at the same complex n that stuff's going on for sure and that's what people are freaked Housing crisis consequences out about hey you got a gang activity going on in an apartment complex so these These are lowend these are very inexpensive units to get into so you're going to have a whole bunch of the illegals running Apartments there and then at the same time you've just got normal people normal you know Americans not necessarily illegals living there as well and so there's this Narrative of you know we're taking care of all the illegals but we're not doing anything for the you know United St States citizens that are inhabiting these projects so what's going on what's the dealio here so was it Her Imagination the article goes on to say was it Her Imagination that prompted one apartment dweller to tell Fox 31 Denver it's been a nightmare and I can't wait to get out of here I read that story last week but the the crazy thing is is there was somebody ready to fill his apartment the minute he was out hauling the stuff out somebody else is moving in so there's such a there there's such a lack of housing at the affordable level and such a strong demand because Denver has virtue signaled as a sanctuary City come to Denver come to Denver come to Denver well literally like 40,000 illegals and a big percentage of those were Venezuelans came to Denver and Denver was like oh good lord these people eat food they have babies they have medical needs holy cow who would have thought how expensive this was going to be and then they realized oh our budget is whacked we don't have enough money for all these folks what are we going to do oh let's tell them to go away so they they end up going wherever they can to to put housing together and they're going to Affordable locations in Aurora and where these complexes are next door to Denver that's what you got you got some affordable housing lowend Migrant influx strain socioeconomic so of course you're going to have some illegals there some immigrants there because that's what they can afford they may not have a work visa and they're just going where they're going so of course you know Trend araga it's got a foothold and most major most of these major blue cities that have taken on thousands and thousands and thousands of illegals it's there I mean we know it uh we've got another deal in Chicago um there's a 911 call nasty 911 call and you know trendee araga was you know involved in criminal activity and you're like oh okay well we know it's Chicago we know they're in Portland we know they're in Seattle we just do I mean it's and nobody's saying anything because it's such a bad look for the current Administration oh how's that going not good dursky has long been blaming the alarm on the migrant crisis impact on her City well because it's having an impact on these ities she's called out the Harris Biden Administration for the suffering of aurorans and slammed Denver officials for incentivizing migrants to flock to the mile high city region in droves by offering Free Housing and other taxpayer funded subsidies all of these these uh Mayors did that they wanted to be the cool kid on the Block and they wanted to be able to say oh we're we're totally down to help out we're just want to help out the newcomers and then it's going sideways on them and they want to ignore those story lines because that's the reality which is when you bring in millions of people across the southern border that haven't been vetted some of them are going to be from the prisons of Venezuela that have been emptied out so by late last Friday it seemed uh he'd leaned on mayor Kaufman the mayor of Aurora to shush or at least to combat Venezuelan gang violence the taken control narrative even as the city requested an emergency court order to clear the apartment buildings where Venezuelan gang activity has been occurring so and then later in the weekend polus tweeted that taking over buildings has no place in Colorado and he's been in touch with Aurora officials over the past month and offered any and all state assistance to back up any operation by the aora Police Department um because there's an issue that's a figment of somebody's imagination so they're going to need help with the figment of the human I yeah right you can see where this you can see where these politicians are coming from they just don't want the real story to get out because the real story makes them look terrible because their policies have been terrible and these are the end results of their policies you can't avoid it it's going to happen you're going to have these these crime stories happen all day long and you won't have the Hell's Angels but that was a convenient one that one to me was um yeah that makes sense we're political I mean we're we're a few months away from the general election right in 2024 election I don't blame the Republicans for launching ah the D's angels are coming they're coming watch out cuz they might be who knows but odds are they're not and it's just not happening police in Colorado are set to clear an apartment complex that was overrun with Venezuelan gangs after the mayor said he would request an emergency court order to free the buildings of organized criminal activity but I I thought it was a figment of somebody's imagination um the the uh city council person right no no no uh all right Aurora Mayor Mike caufman announced on Conflicting leadership narratives Friday okay we talked about that it comes after footage emerged online of the gang storming the apartment complex former president Donald Trump said at a campaign rally Friday that the town had been overrun well not really not exactly but again he's bringing attention to an issue that is it's out there and it's happening and it shouldn't be happening and it could have been avoided you know had we not let just millions and millions of people from South America and Central America a bunch of them from prisons just Walts into the country and give them a court date and say hey do your thing and if you're you know prison member or prison gang member Trend araga we're not going to deport you because you know big Sanctuary cities The Virtue signaling Sanctuary cities aren't they're not cooperating with ice meaning they're not deporting people so hey come into our community do your thing we won't Deport you it's going to be great it's going to be great so this will require a municipal judge to issue the order with the goal of getting these properties back under the control of the property owners Kaufman said in a post on Facebook I don't really know what to believe I don't know if these units have actually been taken over or if this is just a wildly mismanaged project that could be as well there's a handful of units where they've got gang members but you know gang members living in an apartment complex is wildly different to the entire 99 unit project has been taken over okay it just is he you got two different kind of story lines going on there but on the national level the whole concept of the Hell's Angels are coming is it's it's um it it makes sense because there's a situation Politicians' accountability avoidance where local leadership and state leadership and County leadership doesn't seem to be doing much right doesn't seem to be doing much when you've got these gang bangers running around with guns you know one's an AR-15 and a bunch of pistols and they're just running around the apartment complex looking for somebody hey have you seen Jose have you seen him you haven't well let them know the trend's coming for him who even knows what the deal is with with all of this right I strongly believe the best course of action is to shut these buildings down and make sure this never happens again he said on social media how you going to do that what are you going to do to do that and by shutting these units down you mean you're going to go in you're going to sweep out are you going to just toss all the people from their complexes is that what you're going to do are you just going to toss them all because otherwise how how you going to distinguish how you going to distinguish who's who and what's going on don't know whole thing's just a mess right all right so new armed uh new video armed group at troubled Aurora Colorado apartment complex home now to many migrants council member jinsky says gangs have taken over this is this is kind of that whole this is out there this is the thing and this is not good Hell's Angels are coming they're are coming no no I don't think so I don't think so the men are reportedly the Venezuelan gang known as Trend Raga the group focuses on human trafficking and other abuses targeting vulnerable migrants the gang is accused of smuggling women and girls for sexual exploitation and that's why you know it's this whole notion of no they're not here no they haven't taken over a complex but yeah we'll just toss everybody out of the complex and we'll get to the bottom of this we need to solve this right now which leads me to believe that there is more of a presence at these apartment complex than the leadership is willing to State you've got city council person in Aurora stating they've taken over and then you've got you know the governor saying no but we'll help you if you need it I mean the whole thing is just so convoluted you can't really tell what which way is up right but it almost doesn't matter it almost doesn't matter which way is up because the bottom line is is people are thinking about hey that illegal immigration deal who let all those illegals in Kurt Administration Biden Administration so it looks terrible on the Harris administration because she's been in office three and a half years and has done zero she's done the big goose egg of anything and she was the bordar well she was going to get to the root causes of a handful of countries she was gonna you know work out what that looked like she didn't even do that but why would we reelect her as president if she got us into this mess in the first place and that is what all of this footage points to bottom line right I mean that's the end goal here the whole notion of Hell's Angels it's to discredit the current Administration and point a finger and a spotlight on something that is a pretty big deal it is a pretty major issue and you've got a few storylines that you can use the gang members if they are gang members we don't even know that for sure running around the complex with guns and you know AR styled rifles it doesn't look good does it that doesn't look good it makes America look and go what is going on in Colorado what is happening here are they taking over creates a lot of fear creates a lot of fear drives a lot of fear and then you throw on a little bit of that gas on top hey I hear the Hell's Angels are coming they're coming they're going to square this away well no so everything up until that last part is based on reality but because you've got that reality present you throw that last little bit on that ultimate gaslighting o they're coming they're coming then you roll some really old clips cuz all the clips I've seen I mean let's let let's be honest um if Hell's Angels were coming there'd be so much current footage of them coming that would be a big deal right that'll be a big deal they're just not and they have no motivation to out of the goodness of the Hell's Angels Hearts they're going to you know stop their activities their money-making enter Enterprise activities to just take a bike ride from wherever they are they're all going to meet up in Colorado and then there's going to be a big Showdown no no no just think logically are they on the way have you seen any other video footage other than all of these old bits and pieces that all look like they were shot in 1984 right you they're almost all not quite black and white but they're monochrome color and you got all the guys riding the bikes and those angels are on the way on the way so a lot of misinformation but there's enough information in there that points to the fact that hey Colorado's got a real problem there's a real problem there and somebody's got to fix it and how they're going to fix that you'll already let them in you've already given them all court dates you're not working with ice what are you going to do yeah so these are issues that I think are being worked through right now it it'll be interesting to see if they do clear out these complexes um because then what now you've got even less affordable housing in the community right you take a few hundred units out of offline okay that that's not good and then you kick all these people out that have leases all right okay how's that work when do they get to go back in you know who gets to stay who doesn't where does all their stuff go who's going to help them move all their stuff out so many questions so many questions and yet you know at the end of the day this is all a figment figment of somebody's imagination hm H all right the truth is somewhere in the middle isn't it yeah it's happening there's there's something along these lines happening entire complex taking over I don't think so but do they have an influence there yes are they collecting rent hey why not I mean give it a run give it a shot see what happens I mean if you're a you know criminal member already give it a rip see what goes it's my thought okay that's it for me on this one thanks so much for being here I'll catch up with you in the next one bye for now [Music]

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