Colorado Officials Warned WEEKS in Advance of Venezuelan Gang Control at Aurora Apartments

Tensions over migrants we've got proof that Colorado officials were warned long ago weeks ago about a Venezuelan gang that's gotten out of control and taken over apartments in Aurora we've got that because we've got proof of the attorney's letters from the management company charged with managing these units let's get into it here we go it's getting kind of hard to figure out exactly what's going on in Aurora isn't it got the governor saying one thing you got City politicians Council people saying another thing you've got the police saying one thing oh we're going to clear it out oh no we're not attorney's letters warn Colorado officials of Venezuelan gang control at Aurora Apartments Aurora initially dismissed the claims no no good no good just people just talking it's the narrative it's the far right narrative is anything to do with the immigration deal and the illegals ah doesn't look good for current ad Administration who could possibly be let's hope not the future Administration man what a train wreck that would be but uh so Aurora initially dismissed the claims but later acknowledged gang activities and arrests I'm not saying they haven't taken over the complex building but they are they are in the community uh that's what these uh these folks are saying kind of out a both sides of their mouth aren't they yeah we they are there but they have a takeen okay so then why are you going to throw everybody out they've already kicked everybody out of one of these [Music] complexes crazy story letters obtained by the Denver Gazette from the law firm representing cbz management they're the management company tasked with managing these complexes whose apartment complexes in Aurora was shut down over the city described as safety issues last month what's what we need to get rid of the illegals and and there's a whole gang from you know Venezuela called Gang presence admitted Trend Raga and by whole gang I mean a loose Coalition of prison gang members that are operating here in the city but let's not talk about gangs let's go with safety issues and then we'll we'll boot everybody out so so this letter shows officials were fully aware weeks ago of accusations that a Venezuelan gang had forcibly taken control of the property I'm not going to play it for you but you've seen the video that came out within the last week and that video showed Venezuelan gang members from trendee araga running through an apartment complex opening up a door and and um you know they had guns they had handguns they had an AR-15 styled gun and then shortly after that video was shot yeah somebody was shot outside that door that they they showed so okay safety issues yep getting shot is a safety issue in an August 28 letter to Colorado attorney general Phil Weiser the law firm wrote that cbz management had been informed that Aurora multif Family projects have been forcibly taking control of by gangs that have immigrated here from Venezuela remember this is the management company and it's their attorneys so the attorneys are writing to officials in Aurora saying hey we need some help here we need some help and what does the uh what does the governor of Colorado do H it's a matter of it's a figment of your imagination literally that's what the governor said Governor said you know the Venezuelans taking over Aurora that's a figment of somebody's imagination based in Brooklyn based in Brooklyn cbz management operates rental apartments in New York and Colorado with 11 properties in Denver Aurora Colorado Springs in Pau Aurora officials initially dismissed the company's claims publicly Political blame game calling them diversionary tactics okay so when gang members are running around with guns and shooting people that is a diversionary tactic H okay all I got to remember that one next time an altern alternative narratives oh that's a good one it's not the main narrative it's the alternative it's the one next to it all right so again how do you spin Venezuelan Trend day aragua prison gang running around how taking over how H how is that being spun as an alternative narrative you good question right the issue the city insisted was the numerous violations of the local government's code that I heard had been cleaned up and they had acceptance with a note from the government saying everything's been taken care of okay so there have been lots of issues in the past on these projects is my understanding but vast majority of those had been taken care of so then how about those Venezuelan prison ganks what about them don't talk about them it's a diversionary tactic or it's an alternative narrative officials have since walked back those claims that the issue that the city insisted was numerous violations of the local government code that's what they walked back yeah no not so much maybe it wasn't as much diversionary tactics maybe it was the gang members walking around with guns and um getting in fights with people and collecting rent and just basically creating a lawless environment that uh is outside of the police control in city of Aurora and management of the you know the apartment complex where this stuff is going on has basically reached out and said hey help us oh can't help you that's a that'd be a diversionary tactic no can do Consequences of migration the Aurora complex is affected by gangs based on reports included the Aspen Grove the Whispering Pines and the edge just the edge at Lor's last week the city acknowledged that authorities earlier arrested a documented Trent de Raga gang member twice H okay all right over a shooting incident and a separate case in which a man was badly beaten at another apartment complex all right so somebody got the beat down somebody just got and then somebody got a and they got shot so those are diversionary tactics and alternative narratives as well or you know a shooting a shooting it's hard to say right yeah you just got a lot of gang activity got a lot of gang activity what I would say what I would say is that how you define apartment complexes being taken over that is another wild I mean how do you define that what what does that consist of I mean if you've got gang members running around shooting people and running through the complex with handguns and AR style rifles some would say that is a takeover some would say it's hard to say though right I mean it really is cuz you've got these multiple narratives going on and which one do you believe now I I believe the ones where they say h somebody got shot okay all right well so any which way there is gang activity here isn't there period we know it we know it after the first arrest that gang member court documents revealed was released on a bond it was the first time that the city acknowledged authorities held in their custody a potential ring leader of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de araga so now they're having come out and admit Moderate gang takeover what they've got going on that they've known has been going on that according to this article says over 5 weeks ago City officials knew that there were documented members of trende araga which local and federal officials earlier said is operating in metro Denver okay it's in Denver it's in a Aurora it's in Portland it's in El Paso it is in New York City it's all over wherever you've got Venezuelans you've probably got Trend Raga let's just say that are they operating heavily kind of depends on what the community is like if there's a ton of Venezuelans then there's a high probability you've got a little bit more activity than not of trend araa I mean that's just how this goes right property manager for all three Aurora multif Family projects was notified of the Takeover and one of our clients housekeepers informed the property manager not to return to the Aurora multif Family projects due to the danger to his well-being the attorney for cbz management wrote okay all right so either they've seen what's going on and they are just you know dealing with it straight on hey you might not want to go there you might not want to you might not want to go back there you might get killed which all right okay even I was I was before right before this podcast I was watching Tyler oliviera another YouTuber and he went there and he was getting the same answers you'd ask one individual and it was a parent it was readily apparent that trend araga is there no matter what or a gang is there because a lot of folks were saying for my own safety I'd rather really not comment on this and some would say yeah they're they're running this whole complex other would say yeah they're here but they're they haven't taken over and some people would say you know what it's not the gang violence it's the rats it's the property conditions it's the garbage okay it's these are low-end slum Lord projects right that's what they are that's why you've got a whole bunch of migrants in them because often times they don't have work authorization or if they do they're still not making a ton of money they need to go live somewhere cheap this is where they're living so I mean it kind of makes sense but whether or not a gang is taken over I believe they have to an extent period that's what I believe have they absolutely is is this are these entire three projects absolutely 100% run by The Gangs no I don't think so but they certainly have a presence and they certainly have an influence and it's not necessarily a good one in the letter to wiser the attorney said the company was informed that the Aurora Police Department was unable to take effective action due to a consent decree with the Colorado attorney general's office no I can't do anything we're on a lockdown we're on a consent decree no can do our clients for several months complained to the Aurora Police Department and Aurora code enforcement division about the lawlessness surrounding the Aurora multif Family projects the letter stated for the most part the responses had been very little and totally ineffective oh you got some gangs at your place unlucky you that's unfortunate any of the gang narrative it um it doesn't boded well for the whole wide open Southern border thing does it no it's a real issue wide open Southern border huge issue going under the elections any of these stories bring light to the fact that yep that happened and these are the repercussions oh I we let 7 million people into the country I I thought they were all good people nothing would happen I thought everybody just live in harmony and we all sing Kumbaya wellow that's not exactly how this is gone especially when you've got population of Venezuela just being emptied out a third of the population is emptied out and they're emptying out their prisons we know this for a fact where you think they're going they're going here and some of them ended up here now the police department is emerging from years of scrutiny over its handling of the 2019 death of 23-year-old Elijah mlan who died after encounter with officers okay um the gang takeover occurred on June 27th according to the law firm Law Firm did not respond to a phone call and email seeking comment I think I started reading about this in early July something like that laurren uh penko a wiser spokesperson confirmed the Lea's authenticity to the Denver Gazette Tuesday yep we wrote that letter we said that stuff that's literally all that that means right the Attorney General's office advis the attorneys to contact local law enforcement with concerns with concerns about criminal activity on the property hey they've taken over our building we need some help now don't you call 911 and with your concerns and I'm sure they'll help you out the reason they wrote a letter is so that they have proof hey this these are the steps that we have taken to try and regain control from this property because it's been taken over by Venezuelan gangs oh [Music] oh tricky situation right because if you admit if you admit straight up that there's a gang problem oh yeah so what you got to do is it's it's got to be like if you're a Democrat you have to go down the whole you know uh antifa as a myth you have to go down that whole roadway because if you admit that they're there and it's happening then you have to admit maybe they got there by going across the southern border and maybe they're illegal oh and maybe that means we're letting illegal criminals involved in criminal activity Trend aragua it just doesn't look good does it it doesn't look good for the Harris camp it doesn't look good for the Biden Administration cuz the Harris campaign she's already got three and a half years in as vice president I don't know what she did did she do anything anything so I think this story coming out when it has is um it's it's one of those storylines where people are reading it going what in the actual f are we doing here are they really taken over apartment complex the truth is somewhere in the middle there and and actually I think it's a little bit more truthful that gangs have taken over than the opposite which is it's just a bunch of code violations having already done that reaching out to the police the owners of CBC cbz management through its Law Firm then reached out to Aurora city manager Jason Bachelor on July 3rd the landlord's attorney wrote a similarly worded letter to Bachelor describing a dire situation and stated that the owners no longer have control of the properties with residents being subjected to threats of physical violence and tyranny from The Gangs is that actually happening yeah it probably is it probably is again where I differentiate is saying that this is a complete takeover of the project okay that's where I haven't seen any you know 100% proof of that the city said it's unable to IM immediately authenticate the letter because Bachelor is out this week okay whatever so this is a tough problem to admit to because if you do opens up a huge can of worms right on Friday night Aurora officials released a video insisting that gang members have not taken over the apartment complex part of an aggressive campaign by the city to push back against some reports by national media Outlets reporting an organized Venezuelan crime group has overrun the Colorado municipality on July 2nd email obtained by the Denver Gazette indicated there were a police department was aware of the violence at the apartment complex and was working to address it how do you do that what are you going to do there you going to post a cop up these these properties we are doing what we can to address the spike and violence in the community and we'll continue to do okay so there is a spike of violence per Aurora's finest okay there's a spike in violence Mitchell is in charge of the police department's violent crime section we are implementing a more proactive approach to the areas in our community that have seen an increase in violent crime still doesn't mean Venezuelan gangs have taken over but it goes further down the road of oh so who is committing the increase in violent crime okay doesn't take a rocket scientist to kind of put these to a couple of pieces together other stories you've got going on you've got Governor Jared pus gaslights on trende araga takeover of Aurora Colorado apartment buildings he basically just said all right here's that video Let's just watch it again I mean what do you say uh I don't think there's any is there volume on this one I don't even know let's watch it okay walking just went into the building guys with guns guys with handguns there's a guy on the walkie-talkie now he's on his cell phone he always want to say walkie-talkie though right walking around where is where's Jose we need to beat his ass or shoot him and that's what they did they shot him in the leg right so I mean this footage right here has sparked this whole hysteria thing hasn't it um it really really has and some of the hysteria is probably overblown but I would say more of the hysteria is accurate than not accurate than not it's an unhappy consequence of being a suburb of sanctuary City Denver remember Aurora where this is happening is not a sanctuary City they said iay to the illegals because they didn't have the budget for it and they are run by a politician who understood uh his budget and that he didn't have millions and millions and millions of dollars to squander on lots of ridiculous things in order to Virtue signal that you're a sanctuary City so there's that one chilling video shows suspected Trend Raga members we just saw that another from the same complex shows two men breaking into a unit with a tire iron oh as you do maybe they got locked out don't really know right maybe they got locked up no this is gang activity Mayor Mike Kaufman confirmed that at least two buildings have been taken over calling it an organized criminal effort and adding I think we're the victim of a failed policy at the southern border oh shots fired shots fired yeah clearly that is the issue the Democrats oh they they don't want to admit that there's even yeah it's a false narrative it's alternative narrative it's this is fake news this is they haven't taken over they haven't taken over city councilwoman Danielle jinsky has warned she's the one woman that has been saying hey this is going on I worry about everything that I know regarding this gang and I worry about everything that I don't know but despite the mountains of evidence Governor Jared pus is flat out denying that it's happening on Wednesday his office Governor Jared pus of a Democrat he's Democratic governor of Colorado on Wednesday his office called The Invasion a feature of Danielle jiny's imagination completely denying it just like antifa is a myth right and then you cut to footage literally with buildings on fire that antifa set on fire okay well I mean by you know myth we mean you can't exploit it away and the official from the governor's office sneered that polus really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own City when they are supposed to keep it safe okay I think they're asking for help here I think they're asking for help because there's an issue because Trent aragua is taking over an apartment complex by one measure or another this is gaslighting at its worst was it jiny's imagination when local ring leader Joe Hardy Jose pachenko crio and some of his thugs reportedly beat a man at one of these complexes or was he involved in a shooting that wounded two men at the same complex or when he was involved in a shooting that wounded two men at the same complex is that imagination are we just imagining no no those things are happening okay well then Tren Raga is more than likely here and operating and very well could have taken over this project to some extent to some degree again we don't have actual proof of any of this we've just got all of these crazy stories going on right here's another one frenzy over Venezuelan gang in a war reaches Crescendo fueled by conflicting information and politics reports of trend araga gang members taking over aora complex complex is completely overblown city council member says I bet you that was a Democrat I bet you that was a Democrat saying that oh it's totally overblown that's not happening so let's uh yeah even former president Donald Trump waited on during a podcast interview saying gangs were taking over big buildings with big rifles in the city that's true I mean if the footage we saw is correct and I have no reason to believe it wasn't yep that was an AR styled rifle wasn't it Aurora Mayor Mike Kaufman appeared on national TV and posted about the Venezuelan gang on his Facebook page so he's trying to get the word out roor and Denver Police publicly acknowledged their Trend aragua in their cities but say the gang's numbers are not large and they operate in isolated areas oh I I feel so much better I feel I now I can rest easy right others say the trend araga presence in Aurora a city of nearly 400,000 people has been overhyped so you've got Aurora next door to Denver Denver has taken on 45,000 illegals and a big percentage of those were from Venezuela and because there's a housing shortage in Denver and housing is really really expensive you go wherever you need to to find a cheap apartment well Aurora Colorado which is not a sanctuary city is where they are Ender ending up so this this article goes on to say those stories are really overblown if you didn't live here you would swear we're being taken over by a gang and Aurora was under siege Aurora city councilwoman Stephanie Hancock said on Tuesday that's simply not true but you do have some gang violence you have some gang thuggery you have some gangs running around with guns in an apartment complex you have people not feeling safe that is true so whether you want to hang your head on it's completely taken over or not yeah this this stuff is going on there's just no way all of this is just completely fake disputing claims over gang take over Aurora tenants protest slumlord owner here's the spin here's the other spin here is the alternative alternative uh narrative that's what this is ah it's a slum Lord this slum Lord's not taking care of the project it's not the gangs well did the deteriorating condition of the apartment complex did that shoot somebody is that what's causing the fear of people living in this complex is the in condition again you know the mold the um the lack of running water the garbage that hasn't been taken out broken windows is that causing people to be shot not not not not so much you know what it is these are tenants and quite a few of them are Venezuelan and they don't want any more heat then they need to take things are already dicey for them people are not you know some people want to just welcome them with ar Open Arms other people like Hey we're paying a lot of money for you and um you're kind of running things into the ground and then your you know prison gangs come and they're doing crazy stuff so what's up with all that and you're taking away resources and you're competing with housing with us so we don't like you so the Venezuelans the local Venezuelans in Aurora they're they're going to push back and say hey this is not happening because that makes it easy for them to operate and do their thing not operate as a gang but just live their lives right they got enough uphill battles going on in recent days Aurora's Republican mayor see that Republican mayor that's why there's so much push back on these stories because he's calling it like it is Mor's a Republican mayor its interim police chief and a conservative city council member have all offered differing characterizations of the nature and extent of the alleged gang activity but they're all alleging that there is Gang activity far-right political commentators have described the situation in Sensational terms blaming democrats for migrant gangs taking over Aurora and falsely claiming that violent crime in the city of the third largest in Colorado with population of roughly 4,000 has skyrocketed okay that aside is there a gang presence Venezuelan prison gang in Aurora Colorado are they living in these complexes yes the answer is yes so whatever wherever you go from that point on you've admitted that there's a huge issue and that huge issue came over the southern border period period because that's what we're trying to avoid right we're trying to avoid talking about the consequences of letting millions and millions and millions of people into the United State without vetting them just given them a court date here you go we'll see you in four years hope you show up so that that's what you got going on to what extent has the gang taken over probably a moderate take over I don't even know right you're just you're hearing one thing after another after another and somewhere in that middle is what's actually going on but I do believe there is a problem I believe it's an ongoing problem law enforcement's going to have a really hard time taking care of that um because it's it's an infiltration right you you're going to you're going to kick everybody out and start over all right no Venezuelans in these projects you going to do that no no you're not going to do that so what's going to happen well this issue goes on for a while doesn't it I mean we keep talking about it for a while because it's an issue because it's not good and it's happening and it's not an alternative narrative thanks so much for being here love to have you subscribe do all that good stuff I'll catch up with you in the next one bye for now [Music] oh

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