Notre Dame football vs. Texas A&M Aggies postgame reaction show | IRISH WIN 23-13

Notre Dame 23 Texas A&M 1 n fans how are we feeling the Fighting Irish go into KY field and knock off the Aggies Tim you look very stoic right now but the people did not see you jumping for joy before I hit record on this thing Tim as a Notre Dame fan your entire life how are you feeling right now man that was a slug Fest that was ugly nasty just a mud pit um both quarterbacks were like look like me most of the night trying to throw a Nerf ball on the beach back in my Heyday but who gives a damn that's what we talked about who gives a damn get out of that damn place with a W and uh just freaking hey man slugfest yeah the I mean seriously I thought we're going to OT with this thing 66 and then price hits that thing and the drives before A&M scores I was like yelling at Den Brock going nuts like what the hell are you doing and then just a great fourth quarter Mike I mean what I mean I'm out of it I'm hyped I'm so freaking excited it's a huge win that atmosphere dude I I I you know I get fired I get fired up as a coach and I was I was a wild man when I used to play back in the day some of my old buddies would remember and uh I get still I still get hyped at my beautiful age of 38 years old which I wish I was but you look it was seriously this was huge huge I was watching Greg Mack of ESPN who I love to watch his little podcast on YouTube and he busted out this stat the other day two days ago whenever I watched it Notre Dame in the history of the AP poll is 14 wins three losses and one tie when it's ranked versus ranked in game ones so you know Tim Hyde I have no life right I have you know all these kids and going crazy all over the place but I always find time in the basement Mike I went on the AP pole and I went back all the way to the 1930s what the hell am I doing but anyway tonight is the 15th win and this is like I mean it's going back to the I started looking at there's like six or seven against Michigan so all the guys that hate Michigan which we all do kudos to them for the Irish for winning this this is a big big win I mean as far as a game one 2018 winning that game jumped them to the obviously an undefeated regular season but this just felt like one of those Lou Holtz game ones against Michigan back in the 80s and 90s just a freaking defensive violent game and then the o line holy crap Mike the fourth quarter what Notre Dame obviously wilted at Ohio State two years ago Ohio State just hammered him down down and won that fourth quarter Notre Dame just gutted it up man I mean what' they go 85 yards I think on that game-winning drive 85 freaking yards the crowd was Electric that was an atmosphere times 10 huge win those guys are all dying out there cramping out there tired as could be gave it their all and to win this game is a is is just freaking un it's awesome I um I know A&M you know I'll finish here in 12 seconds A&M I know people oh they're only ranked 20th that's a damn good football team that's going to win a lot of games this year they are really really good we could talk about them on offense and whatnot I have I mean the Notre Dame Secondary which I was like I'm still him and Han who are some of these guys it's their first time playing or are these transfers legit holy crap Mike who who the hell is gonna score 20 points on these guys as long as they show up mentally each and every week they are freakish all over the field so yeah just jump in it I hope there's a lot of questions I told you you're GNA have to guide me because I am just a basket case in a good way but I am super excited this was a huge huge win Tim let me ask you this first of all guys if you're new here I apologize if my my my camera kind of goes in and out uh so I will I literally in the middle of the game I bought to do part for that to stop happening fingers crossed please hit the thumbs up on this video subscribe to our uh our YouTube channel here at blue and gold um if you are new here if you're watching back watching live really appreciate making us a part of your day if you are watching back we hit record go live literally within 60 seconds of the broadcast ending so this is really raw live instant reaction um so again hit the thumbs up subscribe to our channel uh I'm not even posting this on podcast this is for YouTube only um so yeah smash the like as uh Drew always likes to say okay um Tim how long can you record tonight can we just go can we just go for hours here yeah I mean just I mean just go till I passed out I guess so here we go I mean yeah I want to talk Tim I want to talk like big picture oh God this win we spent so much of the offseason talking about this game so I want to but then there's so much nuts and bolts I want to get into just I always I always say this like ghouls be likes to talk about specific little player things like you know light in the ass or the pig toad thing bowlegged you like to talk about the different coaching points for me I love Personnel right I'm a recruiting guy like so I want to really dive into that Tim uh and uh we'll take super chats all night long um and we will um I did send the invite link to gouby I said I don't know if gouby is doing his own show tonight I did send it to gouby just in case if he wanted to pop on uh so we do have a lot so it it's a win over a team that you know doesn't win a lot of like they're they're they're not a Texas A&M's not a perennial double digit win team in the SEC not many are you know you you get B and George it's tough to win a lot of games in the SEC but this Tim we talked about this all month you beat A&M you're cruising if unless you just totally trip over your own feet you are cruising let me pull up the schedule let's let's look at this you beat A&M 10 points listen my cheeks were puckered the entire game I was so nervous but you win by 10 points at the end of the game yeah three-point under three was it close oh hell yeah but at the end of the season you're going to look back at this as the committee and be like Texas A&M by 10 points hell yeah Northern Illinois you got two more Road games you go to purdo in a couple weeks Miami of Ohio Louisville sneaky good game for sure Stanford Georgia Tech sneaky good game Navy Florida State loss of Georgia Tech Virginia Army USC USC at the end of the year is going to be a test um but 10 you're cruising recruiting takes a bump or or gets a boost with this win Tim like how canare this level of Happiness your Vibes right now when's the last time you felt like this like 2020 Clemson well sure yeah I mean yeah I mean 2020 me personally going into that season I know it's co and who know knows what the hell is gonna happen that was a good football team you know 2018 had that same thing after the 2017 reboot from the brutal season 16 and it was beat Michigan and bamn you know we could get rock and roll and possible you know hit the playoffs which happened in 18 and uh yeah 2012 came out of nowhere because Notre Dame had been in the freaking Abyss from 97 to 2011 was just the craps outside of like what Weiss one year and Willingham eight games until they folded but um yeah I mean this is just it's massive because it sets it up I mean we talked I mean we started talking like two years ago about year three you gota Marcus Freeman you got to get into that 12 team playoff because it's that first year it's that first one boom they're always going to remember it the hype built around this thing you watch game day you watch the fox pregame show this morning that's it was just non-stop playoff talk playoff talk and for Notre Dame they only play eight you know power four teams that's it they play you know two Max in the two acmy two of the three Academy so you only have eight games every single other power four team is playing nine and like 30% of them are playing 10 so this was big this was big and um you know you said it perfectly Mike it's not A&M's not going to the cotton ball all the time they're not 10 and two but they are stacked T talent wise we can't talk about that enough going into this game they had top 10 Talent just like Notre Dame did Blue Chip ratio they were tied even with all the transfers they still had it when you look at player rating 247 did a whole player rating of just who's on the roster I think like a week ago they broke the entire country down and I think Notre Dame was five A&M was seven when you look at player rating so they're they're right there and and that was the game it was even as could be so the atmosphere I'm an atmosphere guy you're a soccer guy I want soccer once it once every four years that's the World Cup and I love the World Cup because of I love loud crowds I love energy just just intensity and that's what the World Cup brings and that's exactly what we got in College Station I know people you can say whatever you want about college station and you know the Yell Leaders midnight yell I watched some of that this morning I love that tradition I think it's unbelievable you get all those crazies together and they scream at midnight I think that's a cool thing and that place was rocking man when both those did you see Marcus Freeman by the way in the pregame when they were sitting I love that as a coach A&M comes out the crowd is rocking for like two extra minutes and Freeman doesn't run out it looks like you know as they're getting ready to wave all the flags and run out with the Irish banners Freeman's down there if people go back and rewatch The Beginning of you know you know right before they take the field he's out there like hyping up yelling at some of the A&M people the Notre Dame people or to his back he's yelling at the A&M guys firing his own guys up starts freaking fist bumping the chest because he always has the starting o lineon as his opening wall and man I was pumped up that was ready to roll and that that crowd was just it was it was nuts what was it the fourth largest crowd I think they said in history which is what 104 some 4,000 people that's nuts so but as far as schedule goes you're right man you can't you can't just sit back oh we're going to beat um Northern Illinois good football and they're like favored to win the Mac them and Miami over high are like the two best Mac teams handle your business they don't leave South Ben they're going to land in South Ben at like five in the morning they do not leave South Ben for six weeks well Indiana they don't leave Indiana Indiana excuse me yeah exactly because Purdue down is down the road yes Indiana so they don't leave the home state for six weeks get healthy get you know your body mentally each and every week because Notre Dame really can't you don't want to St a toe man you want to handle business get that fist seed and then dude you got a legitimate shot to go to the final four which is in this day moving forward is is obviously is championships but you get to that final four man that's a hell of a football season in this modern era so yeah they're not Georgia holy crap if anyone watch that game that's not even oh yeah that's not even fair who the hell is who are those guys but um it's a good football team I think Notre Dame is going to keep getting better I think it goes back to another thing about some of the decisions they made or okay we see what you did and we'll talk about the old line in a little bit but some of these decisions that these coaches made it started to pay off so especially in that fourth quarter that that was pretty awesome so there's Chad Bowen hopefully he's walking over the A&M side because there's like 20 Notre name offers that are at this game today so uh hopefully he said going and shooting them some text messages with photos from the locker room keep going okay um you want to talk about some individual performances Tim who who would you who would you Peg as like MVPs like standouts of the game oh man um as sloppy as it I mean first off you you you have to you have to start with a quarterback he looked you know what is interesting let me let me let me stop you real quick and seeing the fan like the tweets and whatnot and this video Kyle Kelly tweeted out this is tremendous this is a minute 45 of just Freeman after the game so I'm gonna let this roll again um so I mean I'm seeing fans being like is this Buckner 2.0 fans are down on him some some have half a brain I'm kidding I'm kidding but like some are like hey like he he gotted us to a victory I'm very much in the gutted to a victory Tim that was not pretty nothing was pretty about that offense my boy Bo Collins bald out you know I'm gonna talk about that but I mean the design quarterback runs made some plays when he add to I mean that o line it was tough sledding uh but uh to me Tim and again I'm sorry I'll give you the floor but he was just a gamer nothing was pretty even about his own performance it was just a gutty gamer performance he's not like this is exactly like what you probably expected from Riley Leonard in this this football game like not super accurate but tough as hell yeah you know what and it's and it's crazy because that the ad giving them a hugs they win some more and we'll top contract there you go but um y yeah there's Baka but um it's interesting because I like to go back and um I didn't get caught up by the way I watch so much replays and Rewind and watch guys I didn't get caught up till the middle of fourth I was getting worried like crap this thing's going to end before I'm caught up but um I I watched some of the you know the you know what because the quarterback always gets blamed for everything right so I watched some of the things it was just absolute you know uh you know herb Street talked about it miscommunication are they off there's one he's trying to hit FaZe on I think it was phas on before he got hurt which hopefully he's not that bad it it killed not having him out there but but there's a corner route there trying to hit where he's the outside call it Sluggo where you run the post and Zig back out to the corner and he and and you can tell Riley is like that the thing he wanted the back shoulder if Jeremiah Love turns once again he's a running back that's all we've heard is how awesome he is as a wide receiver and I'm screaming like yeah dude he's wide open it's a back shoulder fade and love turns the wrong way you can just boom he Ry Leonard throws it to the perfect spot if love turns the other way it's a touchdown catch it's wide open the ones that are killing me man are the he he has forward the the first one where he scrambles which which by the way was actually Ford's fault everyone's gonna blame nap on that sack it's a full slide Ford's supposed to block that guy he actually leaks out all I had is Ohio State flashbacks to price who's wide open you know the first one Tim I'm sorry are you talking about the the one where Leonard tried to throw for and hit his feet yeah yeah I was thinking the same thing I I joted that down why didn't Ford chip that guy like yeah he goes 90 yards man he's gone but but there's a couple there's this one square into Collins the alligator arms it which it didn't and even Mitchell did one as well where they weren't like expecting it and and when you go back and rewatch The throws man they are Zips right on a dime right into the spot just some sloppy sloppy Mis communication No Mitch Evans obviously he played what four or five snaps yeah that was that was disappointing B on well you know what he's dude had an ACL injury yeah but they just Notre Dame kept that very quiet so that was a surprise was he had an ACL injury and yeah I was like man if he plays he does if not I get it FL Flanigan had some nice catches some nice routes Eli raren a little disappointing on on some of the blocks um he's just a talent but but you could tell I mean Flanigan played 99% of the snaps he's he's a starting tight end so yeah he was out there like a stud um but Riley Leonard you H it goes back to what we thought of him right he's a gamer give me the ball I'm gonna go get you some yards yeah you know the fourth and inches real quick the fourth and inches how the hell did the refs not spot him that was wild wild he gutted that out but then he ran the quarterback ice a couple quarterback Buck sweeps with the center guard pull and the pin pin pin down blocks he's going to be a stud he's going to be a tank he's just like I I talked about in our Tuesday night show where I'm expecting him to have 125 type carries this year you probably don't need him a lot in some of these games maybe just a handful but it's the scrambles he's a combination of Kaiser book yeah all rolled into one so to speak yeah I was I was gonna say I was gonna say he's a 64 Ian book right now yes you know like some hair head scratching things uh on some throws and um you know we're gonna have we're gonna play some different clips um some highlights some a couple low lights uh some things I uh queued up during the uh during the game but and then and then let's just shoot let's just you know jump in for two minutes on the running backs it's funny because see I'm an offensive line guy so I always like to watch maybe on Five Guys only can block five I thought Jeremiah Love was like a frightened Turtle for the longest time it's like tiptoeing in there trying to dance price tried bounceing some things and when you watch it the guys were actually putting a hat on a hat on some guys I didn't think they were running physical if es is in this game es has 125 yards I believe I think he would have just hammered the ball Straight Ahead at some people so um I a little too much dancing and then but it's first game unbelievable defense which they are A&M and as that game got going it they actually wore A&M down which was nice all that depth Mike they have five five five stars on that D line and they got worn down scorton is a stud he's a free so they got some dudes out there that D tackle Stewart is that his name yeah one of the Stewart guys the D is is legit um penlon pinned his ass on one block on the touchdown run I think that was by price but those guys had some big plays and that's type of game it was A&M didn't have any explosives I would love to you know I know blue and gold Illustrated when they do their uh magazine they always chart 20 25 yard plays Notre day must have had what four A&M I don't think had any when you look at explosives I'm sure you can look that real quick in the St yeah I can um here you go Tim what were the final what were the total number yeah there you go so you had two they call Big passing play gains of 15 plus and then six of 10 plus on runs yeah six yeah so 29 10 40 so you got 47 uh on that price touchdown I want to talk about that I really want to dive into that one Tim and then 21 they ended up rushing for 136 198 Tim see I haven't looked at the stats I haven't done social media you're telling me about Buckner 2.0 I can't read the wait to read those tweets 198 dude and that's wow that's six starts on that offensive line Tim hey at least now it's uh 11 oh the penalties what Notre Dame have 148 yards in penalties probably I'm Gonna Let You Ste a little bit more we're gonna go through some super chats okay yeah yeah yeah yeah got 13 got 13 super sets John says uh wman Wegman Conor Wegman is that was pronounced wor than Pine gr a beast Schuler Schuler oh man can we talk about that Notre a 2023 recruiting class Schuler gray Osberry Bowen uh tayori yeah bbard tayori studs man studs what did I say in my three keys I actually great house sophomore surge yeah and I just thought of that uh you know before I sent you our my three things I was thinking of some stuff I was like like dude there's so many sophomores so real quick worse than Pine to me that's because of the defense the pressure he got I don't know if Notre Dame well crof had a sack I don't think wayman's really good by the way moving in the pocket that guy could get out of some stuff but you got the secondary blew me away yeah it was so good I know they're good we've talked about them I was a little like man is can Clark do this is herd her had some herd got torch on the pick though man they got that that quarterback oh I jotted that down too yeah herd they ran all I mean Notre Dame did a lot of cover like cover zero like or cover one they came after him man coverage one of the things flip from last year I found interesting was Watts was always that deep guy yeah Watts was in the Box Watts was down in the Watts almost played like a a a Harper type of a role today he was always in the Bo and and Schuler played deep deep deep a lot I got the hiccups talking so much and uh yeah sh Schuler great pick there a couple nice tackles heard had a hell of a tfl on that one but um the sophomore surge man I'm glad I talked about that because all there are so many football players out there Ury I was a little skittish I'm man how you GNA get five linebackers in Mike they got five linebackers in Albury must have had two quarterback pressures kais are I bet you played 85% of the snaps I bet you maybe 90 they really rotated a lot of those other guys interchanging those guys a bunch so um look forward to seeing how some of the film did uh you know what else keep throwing them out okay uh let me hold on let me pin this in the comments pin message just copy and paste it a tweet from haa about uh Faison Marcus shman said he's confident Jordan Faison's going to be okay quickly bounced back from his lowerer body injury so there you go uh John maty really appreciate this $5 Super Chat uh Eric says thoughts on nap and Pendleton uh up and down Tim I mean the first quarter was it was it was rough then they started to settle in in the second quarter third quarter kicked it into gear they scored the touchdown then the offense just really struggled then they kick it back but yeah I thought it was up and down I think overall it it it was a positive um I thought nap especially with that task against scorton the Big 10 leading uh the sack leader in the Big 10 last year but uh I I I don't have as much of strong thoughts about penlon what you think oh penlon had some really nice blocks there was one that one of the early pressures it was the one a full slide to the left because Ford goes Ford was on an island man I I'll tell you what he he's one of those hidden give a a little ball a game ball to one of those Hidden Gem guys he was in there a bunch on pass protection one-onone with those DNS because they were doing some full slides and just this dude you got that DN all by yourself and um he slipped a little bit I thought he was violent actually there's one run play I got where I highlighted pancake just slammed a Dude down the field like 10 yards down the field just hammered the guy so um really there's there's not a lot of bad things this really to say I know he had a false start the false start was like Ashton Craig sna the damn football moved yeah that I thought that was interesting he had the one hold is literally that was such BS well it's the high school crap where you grab a guy and you throw him down to me it was like dude you can't it's high school you can't do that crap anymore but he actually pancakes them a little bit later so it's it was it was just one of those things the hold by Craig was a killer on the one big run that's the other thing there was some plays called back that was um but it's game one it's penalties I felt like ND had some A&M had some it kind of you know Notre Dame had that pi& M had one they didn't call a couple they there was one definit blatant A&M Pi well they didn't call one on Mickey or gray whoever it was in the second half so I thought it kind of rounded out I don't try and harp too much on the on the refs I thought it was pretty equal and then Eric appreciate the Super Chat what else Brett looks like& wasn't prepared for the Heat lots of cramping and puking y that uh shot of Connor Wegman puking was uh pretty disgusting yeah I mean that's just it's dude those those guys laid it on the line man you I know A&M has mcne State that's gonna be a nice little little tuneup before I think they go to the swamp and play Florida but um that that's a good foot and football team there's a lot of guys Mike Elco knows how a coach man he had those guys flying around on defense man they just sat and played quarters safeties I know we always harp about Rees and Parker A&M always had an extra guy in the Box every single play so it was the same thing as you've seen the last five years if you want to say that but um yeah Elco coach and Notre day man fourth quarter gut out you know kudos to Lauren landal the strength coach I thought I saw him on the sideline a few times during the he was pretty animated I didn't know he got he gets that animated he was getting pretty hyp a few times so that was pretty cool to see but uh great Energy Great energy all right Tim uh we got a handful of more Super chats uh B play says uh a lot to go over I'll leave it to the professionals D line needs to get off the ball clean up the penalties need o line to keep getting better naed good uh bo colins dog alert de's no fly zone goish yeah I mean pretty pretty accurate statements uh the dline I was a little disappointed with uh just in terms of War man Rush get to the passer throughout the game but um yeah like RJ Obin didn't flash to me like I would have hoped Jordan patello played pretty well uh the interior defensive I yeah I think I saw gouls be tweeting he wasn't very happy with Riley Mills but you know how he how he cross played pretty well um hinish dude like you know I know he got pushed back a little bit in the second quarter but I still thought he played a nice game plays a lot he plays he ended up fourth TI excuse me Ty for third in tackles oh I was gonna say 41 was out there a lot oh you know what I wouldn't be surprised if B I thought Burnham played more than Obin there was like I I Mike I went back to um the very first drive because there was backtack drives Obin didn't get on the field so I went back and I was just like what the hell man did Obin get hurt Faison's hurt ens hit but no he just sat for a couple series and started to rotate in a little bit I don't know where my uh where's defense check this out real quick real quick obviously we know who the starting 11 were this is the very first drive Osberry got in hinish got in Burnham got in Sneed replaces Bowen trayi in Ane in this is rotation lot of rotation dri that's nuts so they rotated a ton KVA came in on the third Drive no excuse me the second he was in there right second at Mike yeah this is what I joted down Bowen and Kaiser started line backer try and Burnham snubbed in subbed in that drive sne comes in for Bowen hinish on first drive PT Osberry comes in on first drive like I part of it is keep fresh I think part of it is this day and age in the portal you got to keep players happy and you gotta play them um so I I think there's there's a couple aspects of that true but those guys obviously deserve it they could play and they're running around like crazy um yeah you know like the back end Clark you know when they went to obviously gray and Morrison it was just her and Schuler watch Clark those are the Big Sticks you know just all right this might be the can we need like an alert for ridiculous comment alert Brian no no offense but this this is terrible Jaden Thomas almost give up another pick Jaden Thomas didn't throw the damn football he fought for the ball Brian Brian I will say though to Brian I know what you're saying Brian it's the same path that Buckner the Marshall the Marshall and what did you and you and gby do if my memory start you blame the freaking receiver I think it was Thomas competed Thomas actually luckily went after it oh yeah helped break this one up so experience there you go man that right there Mike oh my God I was like that that was like in pick six yeah I think it hit Jaden first no that was ridiculous it was pretty simultaneous that was a great play by that M kid uh $5 from Eric says offense look very conservative wide receiver like one deep ball whole game we got a pi M where's Mitchell D came up big call definitely wide one I'm telling you guys the Mitchell thing I as we get later into the show I want to talk more Personnel uh yeah I I told you guys this week like Mitchell is going to be someone who is going to have a Breakout game with like three receptions for 115 yards and a touchdown or is going to be Mia tonight was MIA watch next week against Northern allo he busts out and you know like the spring game I think he had one catch or two catches in the spring game one of them for 80 yards against the walkon but that's what I'm kind of expecting from Mitchell uh just real quick Tim on faas on so much talk about him to the field where did he play all night slot he was like in the slot like most slot yeah a little outside motion yeah I mean so that was kind of overblown the whole he was the outside guy when he played slot Flanigan was outside or raran they they they bumped the tight end was out there a bunch on the inside so there there was not a whole lot of of phas on to the field like we had talked about yeah but again I want to get into more of the Personnel stuff Eric really appreciate it um Ryan says long road ahead but we'll take the dude if you're if you're not taking a 10-point win on the road against a ranked team in the fourth largest ever crowd in Texas A&M history now I know what's wrong with you so Ryan this good smart man taking the dub I would defin I mean this is the second biggest win of the weekend Georgia taking Clemson The Woodshed Notre Dame A&M I know Penn State whitewashed West Virginia this is a way bigger win beating A&M in West Virginia so once again because of the talent A&M has dudes all over the place so did and by the way do you see the size of their offensive line there's times Notre Dame couldn't go up those guys were all like six 667 350 they're huge but um yeah you know just real quick on on the dline that was a little thing I I had written down early in the first quarter as well like just a little sluggish you didn't see the turning the hips big pressure big pressure and things of that nature but I thought they collaps as the game went on you felt them collapse in the pocket and I was watching uh PFF has a really good uh podcast on YouTube and I was watching one of their guys a week ago and Wegman's like one of the top quarterbacks in his starts in his two years at like um getting away from sex so I I had that in my head and I saw that a bunch today the way he moved so he he was pretty impressive um but the DBS I've seen in the comments just a handful I mean they're the T I mean they're the MVP of this game yeah the DBS all of them Ben played well gray was a stud I'll put the stats up I mean there did he even have 100 yards exactly exactly 100 yards passing 12 for 30 and he's not a SI that dude's got an arm there were some balls that he had some zip but that Notre that Notre Dame defense is definitely definitely so good better than last year I would I would be shocked at the end of the season they are not better than last year they're gonna give up some runs I thought I mean A&M gashed him a little bit but it was almost like Al Golden's like all right I'll Ben don't break a little bit here because eventually you're going to have to pass the ball yeah and and Notre Dame had a lot of run stuffs in the second half compared to the first half where they got gashed but um I think that's just golden hey we're gonna just take it as they go and I'll dial some things up here and there to stop you when it comes time and and definitely we're getting yelled at for not talking Mitch Jeter yet I personally I did not like the call to kick that field goal at the end it's like why what's the upside here but that that's why I do this for a living and I'm not a coach but uh yeah Jeter yeah I've actually been in that situation before Mike and oh yeah we I mean we just hammered the Rock and said screw you go 85 yards I'm not kicking a ball me are you kicking are you kidding me but Jeter withit three field goals yeah yeah my score was what 26 18 no no 267 I had a nine-point win I think yeah I was 2017 and that looked really damn close until that last year because I thought there was gonna be a bunch of field goals I I really I thought there was gonna be a handful of field goals in this thing but Mitch I mean the first one was like 49 yards or something did and whatever the numbers were yeah because you know some of the reports I know haa and soel can't wait to I mean they're going to do a little video right we'll post that I can't wait to hear those guys talk tonight in College Station but uh I mean they had reported during camp like shanken Mitch he had some bad practices some misses in front of the press and here's a dude that only misses two has missed two kicks in the SEC so dude that guy ice water was that Riley Leonard pumping his uh the with ice water on the sideline or was that Jeter doing it himself I can't remember but um that was awesome I mean big big kicks and you're and you needed every single one of those today to get out of that just get out of that place Mike I know I've said in a thousand by one dude went by one I didn't give a damn just get out of there and they did that was awesome okay uh Peter Pie $2 Super Chat says gby called it Irish by 10 gouby said Irish by 18 so get out of here yeah I I I mean I got a buddy texting me a Notre Dame fan I love you go Irish I got another buddy texting me why is Notre Dame's coach so hot everyone is my brother just said love the fit I mean I get my phone's just blowing up over here it's like guys you know what I'm doing I was um I I mean I keep going back to the opening kickoff before kickoff when they're in that tunnel I absolutely loved um that that Freeman once again I to just feed that that he had his team sitting there waiting for a couple minutes he let A&M all run out let that crowd soak it in and um I actually just I I love that he just sat there and just soaked all that in I go back to the 18 game when they played at VCH for the first time and sandman's getting hyped as soon as VTech ran out Kelly ran out the same time he didn't even want to be a part of any of that but uh that you know that was pretty cool what else Roger Rogers says defense was his advertised great win offense will get better every game what happened to Mitchell Evans yeah that was like a shock for me I was like what the hell is going on he only played in in passing situations I guess the staff just didn't feel comfortable enough like third and long or something they I don't he he got a Target did he uh no I don't think he did I want to say he was out there maybe five six snaps I I I would say probably in between 10 and but yeah maybe we'll get the Snapchat the snap counts Tim and we will definitely talk about that Tuesday night cuz again I love Personnel stuff but for me I it's like are you healthy enough to play after that or not like you are or you're not like if if you're not 100 like ACL you just don't mess around with an ACL so it's like are are you healthy enough to play then play if you're not don't play I don't really get it but again that's why I do this for a living so all right and Roger appreciate the Super Chat Joey says time to go streaking to the Squad I'll go streaking right now that Mitch from what is that um oh my God what's this stupid movie guys will phell you know I do not I don't come on you know I'm not saying anything you know my policy you know how many people I've told uh you this my my in real life friends about my policy about movies and I'm consistent with it ever since that uh ever since the program 559 here I told you Notre name got this hell yeah baby go Irish appreciate Super Chat appreciate the five I I love old school there you go Andrew said old school yeah old school exactly go streaking through the quad there you go gouby says great call by Tim on the morcus hey ghouls be if you are still able to speak I sent you the link brother it's in your email you can pop on if you want to but if if you're you know if you're struggling but that seemed like a a well typed out response schs we saw I feel like you're okay but you're welcome to hop on whenever you want which going to uh continue on these super chats Tim we got 12 uh a commenter here $2 Super Chat they will get it together take the wi hell yeah I mean they again they just beat Texas Texas A&M on the road 10 points wasn't always pretty but yes see in games like this they're I'm I'm taking this to the bank and I feel like they got it together if they just won that game and and in games like this when you're so evenly matched it's you hate that I mean it's that stupid cliche but it's so true it's 60 Minutes you just keep you just keep playing and eventually your will will just take over which Notre any what 10 nothing in the fourth quarter you know when that fourth quarter when that game was was uh tied so just it's it's it's four quarters man it really is when you're so even two highly competitive football games the atmosphere and then the road team finds a way like Notre Dame didn't find it way obviously Ohio State stoud those guys were better in 22 Notre Dame wilted they did not play the Good fourth quarter game obviously the same last year with Louisville when they just wore them down and and they lost that thing Ohio State they let him go down on the final drive and win that damn thing so tonight was a flip and maybe we'll see if that year three just just keeps just somehow Rings true because it does matter at the end of the day folks if you have not done so yet please hit the thumbs up on this video subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content 2000 strong in the um in the YouTube chat here uh so appreciate you guys for for hanging out we're gonna be live for a while so we're gonna continue on 17 super chats uh a $10 one from Andrew uh Andrew I'll look out for a comment if you had something to go with your super chat here but I really do appreciate out real quick because you know I I'm I love to go back and I'm not I'm a big everything since hols because Notre Dame has been in a different world since Lou Holz has left so from 1997 to 2023 this is kind of the modern era of Notre Dame post holds Mike Mike this is their only 16th win against a road team that's ranked a true Road game not neutral sides not the Shamrock Series any of that crap a true on Road game they're 16th one in what almost 30 years so very very impressive that was a biggie that was a biggie this A&M team is gonna win eight games they may win nine it's a solid football team someone just crossed off biggie you know Tim says biggie on on forther B card Jonesy $10 Super Chat can we please talk about the adversity adversity that thank you this team overcame tonight including clearly one-sided officiating the fourth down call numerous terrible spots official amazing resilience yeah yeah hot take here Notre Dame got some good calls too like the the boins I love I mean I love I I I tweeted out Bo Collins talk your but you know he probably should have got flood for that so and ball don't lie Notre Dame got the ball back right on on Downs anyways so yeah again I'm kind of like officiating it evens out I know people want to put out there oh there's an anti Notre bis and officiating but to me it's a it's a non story but yeah and I and I said this to you know two minutes ago I I felt it evened out A&M had big holding call obviously Notre Dame had the one on Ashton Craig the one on Nap is he pulled the guy down so um yeah it evened out it evened out the thought on R Leonard is atrocious so Jonesy 23 it was a terrible yeah it was terrible how in the hell did they not even on the review say that's a first down so I have no clue that one was just ridiculous but love getting stuff short on one where his back was turned was the proper call yeah um Jonesy appreciate the Super Chat just one quick thing Ari werman is officially joined on three as a national culture football reporter so pretty solid hire by the parent company Stars matter might have a conversation with him about that uh Brandon with the $5 Super Chat said bo uh better bet a serious ass chewing for that shove of the back likely would have cost the game of called now ex this still would have been a first down it just would have been back but then they they still could have drove down but could have yeah it it certainly could have but hey maybe that was the officials give Notre Dame uh see exactly so that's they kind of even out sometimes you know so um go for it yeah Andrew 8 Super Chat hell of a win on the road versus ranked team love the for fourth quarter rushing yards let me see if I can't seriously Mike you said 190 something yards and that's including the like 30 yard run what price had called back all right let me another couple Leonard calls got called back so that that that's amazing that they literally nearly had 200 yards rushing yeah 11 rushes for 58 yards in the fourth quarter I mean look this this is look four for 10 yards I tweeted out Tim at the it was like early in the second quarter Notre Dame had ran love once and price once two rushes for those two guys so four rushes for 10 yards and that was really Leonard 10 for 55 nine for 75 11 for 58 so they really got it going as the game went on where was uh what was Love's because like I said I thought love danced like H 10 for 91 or uh 14 for 91 in in the touchdown of course yeah he had the big run it was he was driving me nuts I sometimes dude just put your damn nose in there and go get some yards trying to dance and do the Jitterbug and everything it's like run damn it so I wanted some more violence out of him is what I was expecting but um I'm a big Run game efficiency guy meaning on First and 10 you run for four yards that's a plus if it's you know second and three you got to get two you know if it's fourth and one you get it bam that's an efficiency Mike these stats are horrible in the first half Drive number one they went these are the drives they went 0 for two 0 for one 0 for one 0 for two and finally third third and three out of four got points and then uh second half two for six on the drive they didn't get anything two for two on the touchdown Drive the last drive that basically that you know the touchdown drive four for six meaning four out of those six runs were for efficient efficiency on the on the you know Russian metric there which is huge outstanding outstanding numbers there and then even real quick on some of the early ones in the first half I thought it was just price and price one time bounces one it's like dude they're playing quarters and their safeties are screaming in the alley it was almost like they copied Marshall's defense from 2022 Marshall just at a 42 with safeties just flying in the alleys and Elco did a lot of that last year as well at Duke so don't bounce against those guys run straight ahead and that's what they started to do with Riley Leonard you know $ Super Chat from Tyler Fisher says Collins brings the wide receiver attitude and skill we needed like when's the last time we saw that 5050 win on the outside I definitely want to talk about that one here in a little bit that's big nut crud like I thought sne played a good game yeah sne is sne flashes man it's easy to see Jaylen sne when he's be surprised if he has the second most snaps right behind Kaiser when you're looking in the front you know the front seven he front six basically but um he played a lot I think he was on the field second or third play for Bowen and finished that whole drive out and even the same one on the second one he played a lot of willacker there was one drive maybe it was the second or third Drive um where yeah it was the third one right right here where they had all three backers on the field so you know they had all three out there it was the second one they started with Sneed KVA and Kaiser with Bay set for a couple snaps which after that it was just nickel and dime like crazy the rest of the Message Board favorite Juicy J I find it funny that when we need to score Den Brock started looking like Tommy Reese and pulling guards tight ends and running the ball T it really was fascinating let me pull up the drive chart I have yeah that's a I mean with the juice is saying juice is a hell of a dude on the message board he's 247 man he's awesome touchdown three and out I tweeted after this because Notre name scores and then A&M HTS and I tweeted if Notre name scores here is game's over like it and then they go three out it's like and Riley Leonard I can't find my damn notes Riley Leonard runs QB power for seven yards and then Den Brock calls backto back passes you're winning 13 to six I I thought I was just gonna jump through the window you're winning 1336 you got all the momentum in the world you run Riley Leonard QB power for seven yards and then Den Brock goes and be cute it's back toback incompletions if that was ree or parker man people would have 17 back flips and be screaming like crazy but um horrible Drive I it gave them go boom exactly then the next one I was like man after this one A&M gets the ball back at the uh where they drive start where would this be the 24 whatever it was no the I was like dude I think A&M's going to go on score I think n's going to lose this game uh and then the offense bounced back eight plays 85 yards absolutely beautiful juy J appreciate the comment nerd for Life says crowd noise is all I heard about what a joke crowds did nothing defense was absolutely amazing did Miss Evans and as you know hopefully he gets healthy soon um you know you see more of him because that's that's kind of something that no one's really talking about it's like oh Notre Dame's best offensive weapon in in the passing game you know he was an non-actor barely even played crowd noise I mean Notre I mean you you you look at the penalties and Notre Dame had Crow no a lot so crowd noise was a factor um why can't I find the penalty I mean they were definitely part of the I mean the crowd was definitely part of the game that I mean they were in it the entire game and um I mean to me some people I've been you know for the last month oh screw A&M I like crowds I want that thing loud as hell I could care less yeah it's like have fun with that thing if you're on the r team you atmosphere 11 penalties for 99 yards uh in in that game and yeah some o line stuff some were deferred because they had two on the same dve two on the same play Suns of Liberty says Georgia Ohio State Notre Dame that's his top three Sons of Liberty I love it Zachary Ortiz F super J says the guys on D have Swagger intensity and Rotator through your own Talent so impressed by backs is depth and staying fresh key to a deep play run absolutely got to stay healthy yes yeah I mean Zach's on on the money right there just keep keep the same Mojo like you know like I just yell you know what they play they played almost 20 guys in the first drive that's insane so exactly keep that going man the more reps these guys get the more Kingston gets reps at Mike the more all these guys just keep repping together just play your scheme Golden's it's literally the same type of D they did last year and they started doing some of this their first year together and then they really have restructured everything last year and you could tell what they're going to do this year so just keep it going man just keep getting better use NIU go on the road to Purdue just just keep getting better and have that mindset of let's just go compete for a national championship this year and I think that's what these guys are going to do super chat from Matt says great win felt like a win that has slipped away in the past I completely agree how do we feel about o line going forward is there concern about downfield passing feel good this was Freeman said after the game this was the toughest D line they're going to play all year and they ran for 198 yards Leonard I mean Leonard didn't get sacked but that's really not let me double check that yeah Leonard didn't get sacked but I don't know if you can credit the o line for that that's partly just because it's Riley Leonard yeah Riley Leonard but yeah I I feel good about the o line concerned about downfield passing we're going to talk about that this week yes there is there there 100% is Chris Mitchell is supposed to be your game breaker you know he was on a a mil carton so uh well there's the stat during game day this morning where they were you had you know I know people hate ESPN game day or what not they think it's bias I care less I think they do a good job especially when when Notre name matters they will do good jobs they will have very good features I thought they broke down some of the stats today pretty good had a nice little feature on Riley Leonard him going fishing but one of the stats over his starts he's only like 23% on balls 18 plus which is an old Nick Sav metric of yeah explosive in the air excuse me the ball's in the air 18 plus only 23% so Leonard's not accurate whatsoever they need to get better like I said there was about three plays today intermediate in Cuts that's where they need to go hit those guys let those guys catch and run I think that's what they need to keep working on and obviously the timing we talked earlier with love turning the wrong way on a back shoulder fade faon did um you know they you know they'll keep cleaning those things out remember Riley Leonard got zero work done basically in the winter because he had to get the cleanup then he gets hurt so we didn't see him in the spring so this is just him trying to get healthy as hell in July and training camp and get on the same page with these guys Tyler Fisher love Leonard bid back scares me Tyler high five yes scares the hell out of me at times too Tyler appreciate the $2 Super Chat Theodore says guys coach rman learn how to close out a game this bods well for the future we learned from the OSU collapse oh man that Jeremiah love I I was tell my wife was sitting next to me I was like please just run the ball kick the field goal they're not they can't throw the ball ju and then love breaks one beautiful beautiful beautiful theor appreciate the $5 Super Chat Mike Nolan $5 says any people pointing out the negative go to bed please this was a great and grey win in all aspects looked beautiful to me Mike Nolan high five high five high five to Mike Nolan Nikki $10 super chat if Leonard hits um raran leaking out in Ford they have huge gains yes and changes without a doubt just yes yeah I mean yes to everything I mean there was a couple little leaks even the you know one when they got in the red zone They had to kick a field goal where Riley get gets flushed if Riley just calms down he's got Evans in the back of the end zone he throws a crap ball to Ford at his feet so um yeah I mean there's mistakes all around it was I but it was sloppy both sides but I don't know man I think I mean this was The game everyone expected just a physical physical football game and that's and that's what we got for four quarters and Notre Dame won the fourth quarter yeah did he miss that throw to afford yes did he have any business even getting that throw off hell to the no Tim 10 seconds where does this road rank for you this roadwi rank for you um what do you think Oh serious I mean the first it I mean it reminds me instantly of wi beating number three Michigan in' 05 I Oklahoma and 12 obviously kicked them into the title game and then after that um beaten Michigan when uh that wi which is what 1710 just a physical game and then literally I mean I've said this for years M you know the' 04 at Tennessee is is one of my all-time favorites just because Notre Dame was crappy and they went in and beat a top 10 Tennessee game so Tennessee team that's one of my all-time favorites but Oklahoma and 12 was amazing but this tonight just felt like that 05 Michigan game because once again Notre Dame was the underdog look at game day today everybody outside of you know Corso I'm still stunned he's on the damn set but Corso comes out in the leprechaun suit I think everyone on Fox had A&M H when when Corso came out I was like well that's it that's a loss I the whole time I kept thinking he's gonna rip that off and do a Pat McAfee and have some A&M like Dodge oh I I I I was fully expecting that as well but no it was uh yeah this is up here this is definitely up there with some of bigs Jay vit now I'm not I don't have a dip in uh Andrew appreciate it uh gouby is in the chat gouby sent you a link bro thoughts on the dline pass rush yeah we talked about this a little bit earlier not not really pleased uh I mean no sacks no sacks e by either okay no wait wait wait cross got the one cross got the one CR cross was good otherwise me I was a little disappointed but I I I also think it's it comes down to some of the the QBs I think the QBs are I think those dudes know how to move out of the pocket but I was yeah there I want to see this is me I want to see I don't I don't need to see Burnham pass rushing I I just don't okay I would like if you know it's second and eight damn it give me Sneed and give me tayori I want to see Sneed just I mean when J when they put Jaylen Smith sometimes in a three-point stance and he had this funky horrible looking stance and he shot out like a cannon I want to see sne do that I want to see him just get in a wide nine like the old fish you days in the 90s and just crash like hell so um that's what I want to see but I thought the pressure was there and then W you know you could tell Conor WG is just seeing ghost it felt like the Caleb Williams games last year where he's like man I'm throwing stuff all over the place so it was a little wild but I think I think they're gonna get better plus that A&M that A&M offensive line was monstrous yeah yeah tun 67 315 H so we're gonna continue on the super chats and then we're going to look at some film we GNA look at some tape uh and then uh there's some Personnel stuff I want to talk about for sure please hit the thumbs up on this video of course subscribe to the channel if you're new here make sure you subscribe we go live um tonight goul I got ghouls be tomorrow 800m eastern time uh we do Post Marcus Freeman reaction content Tim and I will be live Tuesday night Jack and Tyler the blue and gold beat Riders live Wednesday night what do we have Thursday sure we have something on Thursday take a break uh Tim and I record our uh pregame or our um yeah our pregame video to to preview the upcoming game Thursday oh Thursday I got my recruiting show 10:30 in the morning so there you go pretty much every single day we we we have something for you so please hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe uh let me go back to the super chats Matthew great job RPO game getting the ball out quickly and not abandoning the run in the second half I mean they kind of abandoned it in the first quarter and then got into it a dub in that environment still a heck of a dub Matthew appreciate the $ five dollar Super Chat five seconds five seconds on that I was like I expected Riley Leonard to do more Zone Keepers but then after that first quarter how A&M just St in quarters like I said their their safeties were shooting in the alleys and I think they're really reading Riley Leonard so I think Den Brock was like I ain't putting Leonard out there we'll run him in counters and isos keep it in the box and so he's not out in the out there in the alley against safeties that was my opinion and in the quick game I've said this for nine months ever since Den Brock out hired Notre Dame fans go watch 2014 156 this offense looked like the 20145 16 Notre Dame offense not popular but I I say it Den Brock and Brian Kelly are good buddies they're all part of that this really looked like it Notre Dame lived in 11 personnel back then and you saw a ton of flip screens which you saw a bunch today so I was expecting more running back screens but maybe just them attacking so much they just didn't even attempt him they had one and got eaten up like hell but um great point on getting the ball out quick which which is definitely the game plan $10 Super Chat here for BA you guys can see it on the screen there you go pants really make the okay hey appreciate the Super Chat and your follow-up super chats telling me to talk about the pants hey I hope you're having a great night and uh you know throw one back for me my friend there you go cat my friend we have an LSU fan in the chat should I ban him it's a w Victory Royale how was the den Brock experience seeing how his that was good right seeing how his first trip two years ago when they were number six in the country and ANM beat him by what 18 I think he he enjoyed his experience a little bit more to College Station today that's just me so but thanks for the Super Chat uh C Matt appreciate the $2 Super Chat my friend Riley says Wagner had a great game yeah yeah Riley played well or oh excuse me yeah um Emil Wagner played well yeah I mean he's he's almost like the gotten vets no one talks about him that much um he's so D first start yeah exactly that was his the first start no one's even mentioned his name in six weeks and it's like I thought he played pretty good he's tall long you see him and you just want to be like just keep I mean compared to those A&M guys were monstrous so it's like pack on 20 more pounds but he's super quick got overextended a few times on a few uh pass r is it's going to happen all those A&M guys are going to be in the NFL I mean just they're all in the NFL somewhere somehow so for his first start being the Forgotten guy because we focused so damn much on the other side it's the same thing with the two interior guys Billy shra had one pancake I'm gonna highlight that play for a Tuesday night just brushes that all SEC Stewart on one and then Craig this was as we know Mike there're only four start for the two inside guys yeah they're they're they're the big gray hairs on this team so four starts and they only got a start because of injuries for crying out loud so there there you go with the o line Kudos are those guys man Riley appreciate the $2 Super Chat I do UM multitask on the show so I was just looking at my my tweets oh go for it man if you see I just got I just got tagged in this by bougie Bates I was like what is this Four Horsemen podcast I I I like their Twitter account so they tweeted this out an hour ago let's let's watch it okay let's turn this volume up oh boy what's he gonna say hey oh and one aies two oh my God hey when you win see that's the beauty that's the beauty when you win you get to do stuff like that someone please DM them on Twitter and tell them hour and four Mark I reacted to that live please someone message them I hope that's how a lot of you guys are right now that was awesome hey but you get to do that you get to do that that's why Ohio state gets to make fun of Notre Dame because they beat us two years in a go two years in a row and they keep they could we get to do those things Notre Dame whitewashed SC so we get to talk smack about SE all year long because we all forget about 20122 when we played so bad Caleb wins the Heisman but when you win you get talk smack Arman good to see you my friend amazing win in an Uber hostile environment so excited about attending game next week especially since this one makes next games VI yeah you beat NIU and it's like if you lose to A&M to beat ni it's like okay cool now it's like one more win closer to insert goal here so hell yes Armand just can't egg that's a great point mik I mean literally it's on the calendar you just start Crossing them off yeah cross you know you know ghouls be's watching ghouls be's favorite meme is Steve Bui with the lipstick and he's Crossing off the thing on the wall whatever whatever movie that's from uh dark movies I forgot Senor Billy Madison Billy Madison yeah wait damn it oh I'm not allowed to say that I've never se but that's but that's what you're doing now you're just crossing them off man stay focused this is a huge win but guess what it's game one dude you got 11 more plus left so keep that mindset going Elco looks like Charlie Weiss Joey might be on to something just one Andy Gale says we've got ourselves a kicker welcome to the show Mitch Jeter I see the $980 super chats shouting out Mitch Jeter yes booming booming the once again this is the philosophy moving forward right go find a dude in the portal come kick for us and just keep that cycle going man ru's in the NFL still so yeah I I don't I'm fine with oneyear rental kickers go build kick you week one Jay vet $10 Super Chat it's good to see you jayv uh week one o line and week five o line are going to be different animals impossible to judge Riley based on the time he had tonight against his front give these folks time to cook oh buddy yeah I mean this is like you you would feel better if you like you had NIU week one and then you know you can kind of build some things and and then go play an M&M but it's even better when you play A&M week one and then you win because now you you get to you you get this huge momentum this wi man recruiting is gonna be so much fun I didn't take a picture of it but now you get to go play ni you already have been beaten freaking Texas A&M on the road so hell yeah DV it yeah I didn't take a picture of it but on the the graphic at the end of the game where they put the top 10 out and it's like five SEC schools are playing you know guys that look like me like Old Miss beat someone in like 73 to nothing today absolute scrimmages were going on why Georgia Clemson were going to war at Notre Dame ANM or going to battle Yeah USF went to battle too my who they get Beth cookman hey take it they better have won that game 2722 I kid I think 48 to3 I watched the first first you know first 10 minutes red bear $2 Super Chat props of the punter first games ever I'm going to be honest I I I I don't think I watched a single punt I'm doing something else during a punt but uh if uh handsome man James Randell who should probably play Captain America um if he did well I'm happy we need to talk about on Tuesday because I obviously never saw the guy punt we need to we need to do an over under on how many uh muffs I I'm done the& M guy caught there was one ball that was just spinning like this like an axe coming at him and I'm like how the hell that thing not bounce off his chest so Notre Dame's gonna get some muffs this year inside the 20 yard line they are that ball comes nuts off his foot Andrew Cochran Randell and Jeter best place kicker puncher combo since yeah I mean it's pretty damn good it's pretty damn good group shout out to Marty BAGI special teams coordinator yeah I mean it's damn good group Andrew appreciate the $5 Super Chat Nick says that touchdown run reminded me of estimate's last minute TD run at Duke last year yeah oh violent inside boom zone right up there which is funny because they run they ran some Buck sweeps today a little bit where you know the pin and pole scheme wasn't true Buck sweep which just two guards but it's the same concept and then um they run Duo which is away from the tight end and then inside Zone to the tight end man they hammered that all and they're pretty good Nick appreciate the Super Chat Mike Dolan says how about Vegas with 46 and a half is the over under yeah so the actual over under I mean the actual total ended up being 36 so yeah 46 and a half felt pretty high yeah I thought I I said 2017 so my my over under was 37 my point was 37 end up being 36 I I I was like there's no way it's going to be 46 there's is no way yeah and the way this game got on I thought indd was going to I I really thought there was going to be a defensive score man they were SW I was like there that Ball's going to get on the on the ground sometime espec Christi gray knocked the living crap out of that dude on the flat just sat there that A&M Crosser on the Zone coverage that looked like me in my Notre Dame Dynasty like just thrown to great house on a Crosser in zone be like a crap it happens dor $5 Super Chat guys let right about Notre Dame speed running away from SEC defense and Notre Dame conditioning wearing down the SEC Boys in their household the you just wrote about it yeah I mean we just I mean especially the two running backs two running backs bam great great big runs big runs I mean the P game obviously we need to see that keep evolving who's going to still be that outside threat is it it's got it's got to be Collins but Collins has never been an outside like pure deep type guy uh yeah you know can he evolve to that that's gonna be interesting no you're you're not evolving but I hopefully stays on but there's got there's got to be someone to take take off the top yeah and just open things up because they they threw short but what but it's hard because that's Riley Leonard's strength Riley Leonard's strength is quick get rid of the damn thing intermediate type stuff so I think if they keep cleaning up those 15 yard Square ends the flood type routes uh they'll be okay there's a a debate going on in the chat about Randell one guy said he had three kicks inside the 15 the other guy said he didn't three inside the 20 I don't know if they were inside the 15 as well off the top of my head but three officially Three inside the 20 that's nice theore appreciate you Mike Nolan $2 Super Chat think the early hard count slowed our dline rush they did that but that's not an excuse that's not like oh well that's why like I don't I mean that's figure it out like hard count it's not the first time everyone's ever done a hard count in football like yeah that was something still struggled no I was goingon to say as a coach you know looking at that they definitely uh you know Klein the OC they definitely scheme that knowing probably that Notre Dame has watched so much film they're probably getting a feel for the type of Rhythm that he had at K State I bet you got they got I mean when they jump off Sid three or four freaking times today it was knowing as hell where you could tell Notre Dame was trying to be like okay they clap boom I'm going to time this thing it was all timing timing and you kept seeing them move and whatnot but at the end also caught A&M off twice right I think A&M had two false starts because of that trying to be probably too cute so but it definitely did early that's coaching by kle and A&M trying to catch Notre Dame in some bad spots and Notre Dame just jumped like mad man they they were trying to get into a rhythm off of the Cadence yeah I I loved when they would move but then not jump that was that was beautiful that was beautiful Moren $5 Super Chat the Texas andam players were cramping puking we didn't have that at all guys are in good shape yeah well prepared well prepared I mean without a doubt I mean without a doubt Guys Tyler bck I I said this about Buckner when he rejoined the football team what did I say he's gonna signal in place he's not going to play yeah he was on TV him and CJ Carr next to each other signal and plays that's that's the role Buckner's just happy to be on the team yeah he's signaling in plays and he's going to play some scout team he is not going to play okay maybe he'll play against NIU if they're up 50 he's stop stop with this I'm done I'm done with Tyler Buckner comments we're done that was the last one left Twix you got it out of me that's the last one jart we are favor the rest of the way is that good sure justn the games just win the games the games jart appreciate $2 Super Chat one by one you know that is one thing that free I mean Freeman does talk about that you know you know which I like I'm a big fan of you're only guaranteed 12 which is true you're only guaranteed 12 focus on these Ru from there and I kind of like that mindset as you uh chip towards because after 12 boom it's a whole different world so and I when you win like this it's natural they're going to be tired they're going to be exhausted I bet you they have some dudes getting IVs tonight sitting on that plane gonna cramp on the plane they're gonna have some cramp you know some Cal starting to blow up on that plane so stretch out they're gonna sleep like hell tomorrow get back to work Monday and go play NIU so um just get rocking man good job I mean seriously that was a great comment by that the strength it's but it also goes back to Matt bis for his years of just getting guys ready to compete the mindset and then obviously the new strength coach is just keeps that thing rolling and um yeah those guys look fast as hell tonight tweet here from Ghouls be I saved up a few tweets this was from early in the second quarter what is this take a look at nap and Ford up top to the boundary not good not good whoa It's like how how did Leonard not get sacked the entire game like this is like look he's an athlete a strong so let I mean just a little I'll talk to you later Anthony so like I don't even know if you can call that a a swim like it was just a goodbye and then Ford Ford blocks nap Ford played a lot of football yeah yeah yeah when you watch the other side this is the one I was talking about earlier where he had um it's a full flow that's Ford's guy nap steps inside that's Ford's guy on the edge I I believe that that's what this one is the way nap reacted was not I'd have to see if this one I was talking about earlier because you could see where Ford goes but that that goes on the rewatch all right how do I get out of here okay give me a second here okay how do I close out okay here we go but I saved up a few leard Leonard he's not an NFL quarterback I don't know how he's going to play in the NFL because he's he's terrifying throwing the ball at times but um he cleans some as a runner run like crazy man Eli Ren wide open this was the the um the slot fade raran was wide open Eli Ren wide open yeah but yeah I mean I mean love was pretty open too but yeah he read on this to me he's not reading Five Guys he's Bo Red Zone yeah it loves there but yeah I know it it it it it's it's the clicker game when you see it you're like oh he's like man I got I'm down here these guys are coming High hell I bet you that call was we're gonna hit love on that corner and love if love turns the right way it's a freaking touchdown yeah he's right there he had so much room it's like how do you not turn the right way buddy that was a that was a miscue okay uh let's take a look at the the uh the Adon Schuler pick I can't play it full screen guys this was the I I'm sorry I can't so just squint your eyes this this was literally like Caleb Williams his first pick last year where he overthrew it right into Watts's you know Bread Basket you know it's yeah look how open he is I know herd's getting torched because the guy's Crossing herd's getting burnt and by the way the ball is like a DME that thing is like a spiral times 10 just perfect throw right to Sher just right over his head right there so yeah I mean it's literally like the Caleb Williams throw because even on that one that guy's beat like hell and Watts gets him you know right in the gets that pick but yeah this is a big one right here jart appreciate the $2 Super Chat folks make sure you hit the thumbs up uh of course on this video I don't know how many thumbs up we have right now you guys can let me know comments but please please do that um helps get our Channel out to to more folks and uh for for more to find us all right this is one I really want to talk about what do you have um this 47 yard jarian right uh price it's a draw yeah it's a draw again guys I'm sorry I I can't play it full screen you're just going to it's either this or or no video at all I'm sorry um uh you're calling that a draw you can see on on the sets I think when you go to the other side or when they show The End Zone oh this ain't no draw I mean yeah it's a draw usually a draw it's not a not a slow draw but the way that blocks it I guess yeah kind of I mean they're dropping a little bit yeah yeah the interior going up right now ped pton knocks the crap out of look at that great okay this is great this should have been a five yard game exactly what this this tan York kid this is their best linebacker yeah he was I mean this all americ last year that's a nice I mean nice move by Price gives me some audric ese Vibes here not gonna lie and then he bounces his thing and then these angles look at these two guys yeah Flanigan Flanigan just kind of gets in the way here he's not sure oh you're coming this way let me turn arounds oh you you guys are already inside of me FL again you know his backs are turn these guys terrible angles here JT great great block and then you get the Convoy of JT and uh in great house very good very very good by price but more bad by A&M take it good because it was bad when Henderson broke the 60 yard last year against Ohio State and when Watson those bad angles and he goes 60 I'll take it therminator Terminator what's up buddy angle anytime yeah we'll take it we'll take it but that that was huge that was huge was huge that was huge get guys I'm telling you I I I know how to scroll in I'm not doing it I I I know I know how to do it guys Z came out do it I just I can't I can't I'm not doing it just you just gotta trust me yeah that um yeah that that thing came out of nowhere it was like just a gut-wrenching yeah someone says he didn't like the crowd I thought the crowd was awesome that place was raw yeah crowd was awesome it was was awesome I love that Notre Dame fans went in green so you could see the green out there was cool we'll have to have um we'll have to have one of the guys on the show Tuesday night too like have just to talk about the atmosphere oh one of our I want I'm dying to hear their pregame thing and um how how loud was that up there it place was rocking all right this one I will go full screen I just can't play a video full screen guys I mean okay so apparently the actual this yellow line was inaccurate apparently it was on the 49 Jack soble tweeted this out you can't see this from the copy gota but still Tim look at that I know shot looks down the line I don't get it and if you and if you when you watch it the two refs run in looking at each other like they didn't know where to spot the ball they were like like crap are you getting it am I getting it you know they I don't know I thought they I thought they yeah here's here's what I'm talking about you see where this guy's running in yeah he's running to the left as our angle he's running to the left which is right down the 49 so I do think that the yellow marker might have been off but even with it being off it looks like he gets this like I don't know so that's wild to me yeah I think he got to the 49 as well but he obviously he got past the L line like but I I even think he got past the the 49 as well I I think I had a couple more sure CED up one more maybe two more and then I just throw the defensive stats when you can I haven't seen any yeah yeah we we'll go through defense this was the uh this was the Jeremiah Love Again folks just zoom in with your eyes put it closer I mean just breaking through Cooper Flanigan nice nice lead block here at the line of scrimmage left guards getting through to the second level that's a nice block then this this was this there wasn't a huge hole there Tim yeah but Jeremiah Love found it and then the rest yeah and love been like like I said he was driving me nuts a little bit tonight just like come on but that one was but that's what you do man your home run hitter you're gonna get crush crush and boom you hit that crease and you're gone yeah nice pull shr Pendleton pushing his guy out penon penton's a Craig to the second yeah it's good Pen's an angry dude in there man when you watch him uh run block sometimes he's an angry dude oh I'm looking at the D stats finally yeah Kaiser led the team in tackles okay here you go Tim gotcha look at these now yeah I mean three tackles for loss you had Sneed Cross of course with the snack the snack I'm hungry sack professional program with your guys Rod herd tfl Rod herd what was that play all right let's see herd had a great tfl on a run rush to the left in there second quarter Midway through I do not great R Kingston goes in there blows it up and then herd's right there in the alley herd was playing nickel in for Clark on that play and then hey we didn't we talk about Xavier Watts gets a freaking pick yeah how about that huh that leads the country last year comes right back this year that when he jumps that route was unbelievable it was my pick for defensive team MV or something yeah yeah yeah yeah probably not my best pick yeah renell yeah you talking inside the 20 at three yeah some booms man Zachary think this game causes a wavering Deuce to settle I don't think so man did you see uh Sam spiegelman and Rivals tweeted Deuce was wearing an Auburn towel and then he switched to an Old Miss towel like I I guys I don't I don't think so he was at Auburn like it I would I would guess he does something this week I don't know like I I I've been told that he's looking at ol Miss visits or maybe even getting back to Notre Dame but I I would have a hard time seeing him sticking with the Irish so we'll see yeah I'm more interested in be like all right come on let's start seeing who's gonna be visiting during the home games in the this fall that's what I want to see with that quarterback because obviously they're gonna go out and get one I can't wait for some news to start coming out Zach we appreciate that Super Chat uh tddp 574 says from now on Notre Dame fans wear green at any away game that was so dope that our fans that you could see it in there which was awesome so yes I'm I'm Pro this road game Road games wear green man we green you stand out so much better just for this comment switching it to Green there you go that was easier than I thought I going have to scroll through a bunch of colors there you go we're going green okay um talk some Personnel stuff I don't know if you saw the uh yeah Andrew says the Let's go Irish chant during the last few possessions was epic like I don't know how much was that like could everyone in the stadium hear that or just whatever camera was going you know microphone really picked that up but that was awesome yeah that was great on TV that was awesome Andrew appreciate the $5 um Super Chat what what you think about the receiver rotation okay so this is what I joted out Cooper Flanigan gets a start you got Jaden Harrison was out there for the first snap he didn't play a ton but Harrison was in the first group Bo Collins and Faison fison yes I was surprised right away to see see fison get the first reps over Chris Mitchell um but that's I mean fison definitely played more than Mitchell bison went out he's okay I think I still have that pin in the YouTube comments if I not Freeman said he's going to be okay uh lots of fison and great house in the slot right the tight end was split out a lot and then of course you have either Bo Collins or or Jaden Thomas split out as well uh so I I noted there it seemed to be like a group a a lot of times you had Faison Collins great house together yep then Jaden Thomas Chris Mitchell and uh and Harrison Jaden Harrison together so I don't know something that maybe I noticed but wasn't happening as much as I thought but I feel like they were like it was like a grouping of of these Trio of wide receivers did you notice that Tim yeah yeah yeah I did earlier yeah because I wrote I wrote down the early rotation in the game yeah then once bason went out they just stuck with the five and then you know they did a couple little 12 personnels at time here and there to run some clock different formations that Den Brock was showing but uh yeah really it was just those ticks I think we talked about that I know some think oh we're going to play seven or eight I I don't know how it is hard to get that many wide receivers in a game so I mean look at the the mixing and matching today of the rotation and Leonard was even on the same page with the best six how the hell is he gonna be on the same page with seven eight nine so um it phas on I mean we have no idea it could be a sprained ankle I saw some up so you know I'm not gonna like you know accept flowers or anything right now or a trophy but I have been saying all offseason Bo Collins receiver one and he had all right listen he had five receptions for 62 yards but in the context of Notre Dame wide receivers these past few years ever since what like Claypool you nothing not much from these receivers just not not no Collins flash he got some to him man he did I mean he's not like Kevin Austin was a legit player you know yeah Kevin Austin good ay Davis was a solid slot um you know McKinley had a really good 2020 with konic that was a good little Duo out there with those they oh but they're good I mean they're's legit man Bo's legit I thought he looked really good once again it I thought I he looked like everything i' I've talked about him really good underneath good route Runner um goes and gets the ball and then obviously the really nice 20 yard you know you know boundary fade right there where he goes and beats the one-on-one that was huge and that's something we we haven't seen Jaden Thomas do that we didn't see Brendan Lind go and do a bunch of those when he was the guy in 22 last year was just a m yes I mean to be honest so exactly Tobias Maryweather wasn't going out and jumping and doing those things at all that was really nice to see Collins do that and keep doing it and there's no go yeah and that was five for 62 when the passing game was like fairly anemic right like just wait until you you play against teams that don't have Texas A&M's D line and Notre Dame's o line in proes and now you get more time for Leonard back there build even more chemistry with Collins I'm telling you seriously it's now the next three weeks you need to get on the same page the next three weeks against the two Max and Purdue and then Louisville's coming to town so you need to these three weeks just keep getting better and get ready for Louisville for the Revenge game basically and then roll from there but uh yeah call I mean once again he's played at Clemson so it's not like you know Mitchell's coming from f versus Arkansas Tech or or you know the big game FIU in Florida of Atlantic you know uh this was some dudes playing out there on A&M and he's like man I haven't seen these guys before but um yeah it's uh Collins has Collins has competed at that level so he definitely has that and his body language shows that so t a dude yeah yeah I tweeted this out after he caught like one of those curls and then uh and then 15 minutes later later tweet out talk your B I like had this tweet written out this was after the play he shoved the guy and I was like we gotta make sure this is a catch first before we hit enter on this tweet but that was a great catch it was not really nice snag Matt says I thought Chris Mitchell was supposed to be a dude again yeah I think he's gonna be a I'm gonna flash against this team and make some plays here and there quality over quantity maybe just in terms of making plays like maybe he'll have some good uh you know average yards per reception but maybe not a ton of receptions I don't know little stock down on Chris Mitchell right now that was a little disappointing a true a true 33 seconds on Chris Mitchell right here obviously had the hype a thousand yards at FIU he's a six-year guy he's coming to Notre Dame because Notre Dame needs wide receivers in the worst way we heard a lot about him before spring we heard a lot about him on day one haven't heard a lot about him since one of Spring ball so I think he had a nice 10 yard out rout that was a hell of a throw by Riley Leonard yeah Leonard and I've been talking about this forever leard is really good 15 and in I think even some of those incompletions today are just going to be the timing with those guys yeah getting on the same page like I said it felt like Mitchell and Collins were like a little shocked some balls were coming their way but um you know we'll see yeah mat appreciate Mitchell only had the one catch right or did he get two for 12 yeah that yeah that yeah Matthew appreciate the super chats Jordan Clark I thought played well Tim big surprise solid Clark and herd I you saw film on him you're like yeah you know we we'll see but but Notre Dame is like we're gonna match up we want to run around do about 18 different types of man coverages and combo and pattern reading and crap like that I thought Clark and herd both those two guys really surprised the hell out of me here's here's interesting thing and looking at the um the defensive stats here Jordan Clark was out Tim he played almost every single snap if not every single snap right I think herd played a little bit in place for him a little at nickel but Clark easily 90% of the snap didn't record a stat that's a great thing great thing he know I mean no one threw the ball at him he was just like he was locked down running with guys like crazy all I I loved I loved this defense the the secondary Tim when I started covering notor Dame was oh oh I mean you had Kyle Hamilton Superstar but otherwise woof no I mean now this group is baller yeah I mean outside of 2012 or 2002 was a great DB group you know even 2012 you know that team that went to the title play in zone all those guys got played in the NFL of that group obviously Julian love tro Pride's group you know with Elliot on the back end those guys played really good so yeah but uh no these guys could play man run around like crazy defitely run around like crazy there's the shot of Shane Gillis uh who is absolutely tremendous on SNL um and yeah pictured with Ry Leonard shingles comedian he's also um what else we got I'm just looking through I mean we'll we'll continue on any super chats otherwise we're we're kind of wrapping up the show Leonard on the quarterback power Tim really good those designed runs I mean Leonard say what you want about his accuracy but overall he willed this team to a victory gouby tweeted out I loveed it he said gouby said uh Leonard's not going to let this team lose he's he's going to find a win I mean I talked about in one of our you know Tuesday Wednesday shows during the off season he's got a little bit of TBO in him just his the way the dude could run the way he's not afraid to run power he will run up in the B Gap and Bam let's go get some yards Freeman had some Stones going for it a few times and uh that was awesome but yeah Leonard dude what once again I think the theme this game's over with was always about get out of that place get out of that atmosphere get out of that because those guys were amp man they've been a laughing stock with Jimbo Fisher ELO's a really good football coach and they came to play the energy it's game one new head coach new atmosphere all that good vs and Notre Dame just said no you're not gonna win this one that was awesome yeah Andrew said Clark missed a tackle I I I remember that it was like a bounce but yeah I jumped over him yeah guy jumped over yeah Clark did uh did play pretty solid that's that's pretty much out of mind the Devon Ford thing interesting thing I think I want to ask you as a coach because for me it's like I get he's a third down back but there was a third and eight where Notre Dame threw it like the there was one option for Leonard on throw it was it was a swing to Ford because you see the receivers blocking and it's like I I mean Devon for I I mean no disrespect but you could be doing that with Jeremiah Love so it's like why like even if it's third down why not just put love back in there for that down and run that same play just curious for your take on Ford playing I I'm I cannot wait to go see the snap counts we'll have that article out either tomorrow or Monday at Blooming and then Tuesday night for our show 8:00 pm eastern time Tim and I will talk about it but Ford played so much it's like you have Jeremiah Love and jaran price for's a nice player but but they're not this guy was a safety in the spring Tim but yeah exactly well that was before you know you know he could block man there there're when they ran some QB Powers he's in there he's a fullback he's not he he could block um on the one on the one run that got stuck that the refs spotted wrong love raren both were like soft cuddly guys whiffed love just whiffed so bad it's like dude are you kidding me man just barely put a hat on and Riley Easley is a yard past the damn thing but um he's got his role Freeman talks about him all the time like that's his little that's his little step brother basically he loves him and he's got his role he's physical as hell man he you know he will get in there and play but I'm with you if you're gonna run a swing do it the love yeah I guess you don't want a situation where every time like you put love in on a third down it's like okay he's not blocking like you don't want to do something like that but I don't know like maybe once in a while if you're gonna run that play on Third and eight maybe not to I don't know maybe run that play on second down it's just one of those no disrespect I'm sorry Devon if you're watching this you are terrific I think I I think I think Devon Ford is gonna play in the NFL I I think he's going to play in the NFL special teamer the versatility defense offense I think he could play in the NFL he's going to be like a Matthew Slater for the Patriots for like 15 years that just finds a role and plays Forever on special teams and just be a dude I mean like a Steve taster I mean so many great um you special Team guys over the years God who is the dolphin guy that did that forever ISO ISO played on the Dolphins for a bit dude Larry ISO special team guy might have been before my time Cowboys and I think went with Jimmy there too so yeah I'm just throwing out some old special teams but you're right I think Ford's gonna find a niche somewhere and play because he's physical he's smart as hell and uh he'll do the meat potato stuff for you thoughts on just Marcus Freeman I mean some of the calls um you know some some ballsy calls uh timeout usage just game management what you think about the HC coach today yeah I almost bit him in the ass trying to call that timeout at the end of the second or the end of the second quarter there I'm like dude A&M wants to go into halftime let's go into halftime don't be so damn cute you don't have any deep threats at receivers that one kind of was a head scratcher right and it's was like don't don't screw this thing up but um yeah yeah you know and that was the other one he took a timeout wasted a timeout when he was going to go for it anyway just go for it why do you have to call a timeout to still go for it so I thought that was you know in a clutch situation you don't want to lose those timeouts especially at the end end of the game if they were needed but um he got his guys ready man those guys were mentally focused physical in that thing for 60 minutes right from the get-go and that's especially game one that's a head coach's job in that type of environment man this was this was a mini Super Bowl we talked about eight months ago this is literally a game one Super Bowl and I love people hate them I I think they're awesome an intense game one but um so what is that 18 this only the 19th time since the AP poll's been out that Notre Dame's open this season ranked versus ranked so I I think I love it I love it and you like you said about 45 minutes ago Mike it's out of the way you don't have to worry about it bam let's just jump on this schedule now yeah you you I mean it's a good thing the Miami Hurricanes aren't that they screwed up their schedule they' be on this one which would be awesome yeah let me see how Purdue did they played Indiana State uh yesterday oh tonight well I guess it's Sunday technically 49 to to zero they won but uh yeah I mean NIU Purdue Miami of Ohio not Miami Florida yeah Louisville could be interesting Stanford beat TCU right or at least the other way that TCU TC but I mean Stanford played well with TC I don't know if TCU is any good but Stanford has a pulse uh Georg Tech could be interesting you know Navy FSU Virginia still this is a favorable schedule I Tim I picked Notre a to win and maybe with my heart my gut told me I didn't think they were GNA win to be completely honest I didn't think they were gonna win and then they they they did it they did it the better team the better program but game one game one in front of 107,000 and that is why I thought if this game was going to be played later on the season I think Notre Dame wins no problem but I was like man I did pick them to win uh because that's what I had picked earlier on before the jagas injury and everything I was like I'm just gonna roll with my 20 to 17 pick but uh I I was nervous because game one that dline that Notre Dame o line and uh you you have to give a lot of credit to uh you know the the the Irish off offensive line for um for continuing to battle the coaching staff I thought did a really good job you know Den Brock and and Joe Rudolph Gotta Give a lot of credit to them and Riley Leonard definitely helped out as well and that Miss Tackle by to toron York on JD price that helped out huge and real quick on Rudolph you know some I mean I've been saying ever since the guy hired that he's one of the most respected offensive line coaches he's a hell of a ball coach he showed that today taking puppies man taking newbies guys that having the play because of an injury guys's going to the Pro early you know i' I've heard some people like why is Notre Dame in this situation it's real easy yet you got at least one of one of the Juniors they wanted back obviously everyone thought Fisher but when you lose two and then you lose your top sophomore and jagara is out Wagner hit it but you look at some of those classes some of those tackles they thought Tai Chan well he he he's a guard he didn't pan out you know the 2021 class did pan out when you look at it two out of the three tackles are in the NFL so that you know that P out Caleb Williams obvious or Caleb Johnson Johnson yeah SMU you know in this day and age do you really need a fifth year guy like Baker the staff said no we're going to go with the young guy and um you know at the end of the day your two your best tackle in 22 starting your best tackle in 23 is would have started but he's out for the year and now you're playing your best tackle in the 24 class in nap right now as as Lambert continues to get work on so um you're in that situation stay healthy I thought nap played his ass off man before seriously he really did he he was he was just bam he he would put his face in a dude's rib cage and just drive him out ride him out man ride him out he's like you're gonna kick my ass I'm gonna ride you out so but he have really good kick step you know once he gets to learn that Joe Al arm arm hit and things of that nature he's gonna be man he's gonna be fine he's gonna be fine I'm very very impressed at the end of the day from the five no sacks and yeah that has the lot you know Jack Co was in this game he probably get sacked nine times yeah that's a great point you know he's not Riley Leonard could run around and move so kudos to those guys I'm looking forward to rewatching this thing sometime tomorrow and breaking down the o line but um it's pretty a it's pretty awesome to see I mean what I mean what did I say 2003 I think they had four starts going into that game and then this is the second fewest starts from Davy to now from 97 to 24 so that's that's pretty wild and only the third time in the last 30 years two rookie tackles have started which is just wild to think about you're always have every year there's a tackle returning it seems like so sure it's it's nuts so and they get out of A&M Mike yeah those those guys are enjoying a cold one on the plane tonight I'm sure I am gonna go enjoy the cold one right now yes yeah might have an IPA here and a uh a glass of Jack Daniel's here and got to go edit videos post this um on our front page and everything so we're going to we're gonna end the show there we're gonna be live with Tim Hyde Tuesday night 8 PM we got ghouls be tomorrow is going to be a ton of fun uh so make sure you tune in to that 800m eastern time tomorrow hit the thumbs up on this video right now if you have not done so yet uh that really helps support us at balloon gold appreciate all the super chats incredible support tonight T this this is going to go down it's probably our biggest postgame show ever the Ohio State game last year is pretty big but we I don't think we've ever hit 2500 before on on a show the Freeman the Freeman to Notre Dame as head coach that was a huge show I think we got like 50,000 views on that but this this is a pretty big one because it's year it's yeah we could say it's year three but it was it's also that is this real are you gonna are you gonna do this right are you gonna are you gonna handle business are we really going to move forward in year three this is really what we're going to do and um I mean it's you know the first year is the honeymoon last year once you you know lost to Ohio State it was like oh crap you know and then obviously the Louisville Clemson debacles but now it's year three What's it gonna be and this and to go out on the road rank team environment all that good crappy we talked about like insane for eight months man just pudos Demarcus Freeman this is definitely his biggest win yeah I knew this is going to be a huge show regardless of the outcome like there's no way that like this was not going to be a monstrous show win lose blowout win blowout loss you know close win close loss no matter what this is going to be massive uh and uh yeah so just thank you guys for being a part of itely again hit the thumbs up if you have not done so yeah ghouls we show tomorrow night Tim Hy show Wednesday or Tuesday night I mean tons of programming throughout the week so lock in right here and if you need more Notre name coverage go to bloom and join our message board uh see if this promo code works it should UND one dollar for two months you can try it out right there appreciate you folks for watching and as always we will catch you next time

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Recruiting impact of Notre Dame win vs. Texas A&M | Prospects visiting for NIU game thumbnail
Recruiting impact of Notre Dame win vs. Texas A&M | Prospects visiting for NIU game

Category: Sports

All right mike the irish came up with a huge victory down in college station beating the aggies 23-13 and we've heard that the aggies had tons of players there as they were recruiting a lot of guys down there that particular ball game but from the nutter dame perspective for irish recruits that were... Read more

Mike Singer on state of Notre Dame quarterback recruiting | Preview of Notre Dame vs. Texas A&M thumbnail
Mike Singer on state of Notre Dame quarterback recruiting | Preview of Notre Dame vs. Texas A&M

Category: Sports

There's been a lot of intrigue about notre dame quarterback recruiting it is improved significantly under marcus freeman and when you go after the high-end guys there's going to be ups and downs in recruiting which a lot of irish fans don't deal with very well but some do they understand the process... Read more

Notre Dame Fighting Irish 2024 Preview | Full Depth Chart and Schedule Breakdowns thumbnail
Notre Dame Fighting Irish 2024 Preview | Full Depth Chart and Schedule Breakdowns

Category: Sports

Intro/2023 season review what is up everybody welcome back here to de we are in the top five we're talking top 25 countdown here and we are going out to notre d we're going to talk about the fighting irish what they have coming this year in the recruits we're going to talk impact players we're talking... Read more