The New York Jets Are Going To Win The Super Bowl! | Veterans Minimum | 2024 NFL Preview Show

Introduction all right let's move on over to the AFC East and  for this one we have a very special guest uh fun   fact George M during Co had her on the Pod way  back in the day in person no you couldn't do I was   just I no I know I was just saying how serious you  guys were about the content it was good we had a   really good conversation this was way before she's  blown up on the sports betting scene currently on   UFC seen on fight pass seen on ESPN The One and  Only minty bets in the building y minty I am so   glad we finally get to do this I think it's been  years and it's it's long overdue I mean I remember   you were one of the first podcasts that I went on  in whatever 2019 2020 and yeah I I remember like   our podcast episode was like probably two hours  long I don't know how much you edited out of it   but like we had a lot of conversations in the  podcast so it was really good finally I can't   believe we're finally meeting but you've moved  to Vegas and you've lived in Vegas for how many   years now two years two years and this is the  first time we're meeting in person yeah crazy   insanity but I'm glad we got to do it yes thank  I'm very happy for your success cuz I remember   you had like 9,000 followers when we connected and  you were shooting the videos in your car yeah and   my backyard and stuff yeah baseball picks and  [ __ ] and it's dope cuz I think that's also a   testament for you and for people watching this and  hearing this it's like yo this takes time and now   they see you on ESPN and you're covering all this  stuff so I'm super happy for you thanks again for   coming in uh this was a Division I asked you I I  just told you what division are you like the most   intrigued by you know as we were putting together  the show and you're like yeah I kind of like the   afcs and I was like awesome because my Super  Bowl champ is in this division oh la la and uh   should we start with that should we just go crazy  right away yeah yeah come on pop the New York Jets   are winning the Super Bowl ladies and gentlemen  they are my boss is in the building right now   he's holding his head J he's like don't jinx it  don't every Jets fan I know all my buddies the   majority of my friends back home minty they're  all Jets fans like yeah there's not many Giants   fans cuz we're you're from New York right yeah  okay but like my friend group it's all Jet fans   Minty Bets Introduction and then like three of us are giant fans and  then everyone else like roots for like other   teams it's so random but I love the justice here  look I think hot take I think they have a top 10   offense and defensive line they get Moses from  uh Baltimore they get Tyron Smith so now they   have top 10 graded pfl uh PFF uh tackles they get  Vera Tucker back fourth easiest schedule in the NFL their coaching sucks I'm not the biggest  fan of the coaching I feel feel like if they   had a better head coach I think he's great as a  coordinator and I got this thing minty and I would   love to get your thoughts on this do you feel  like some guys are just better as coordinators   than they are head coaches absolutely couldn't  name you an example off the top of my head but   absolutely I think that certain people perform  better in different areas and you know like I   don't know in life we just always have a plan like  a path that we want to life and a career path that   we want and sometimes we don't succeed at it but  we find that we're good at other things we're way   better at other things so yeah I agree with you  and uh that's what I think of Salah I think he's   an amazing defensive coordinator what he was doing  with San Fran and I mean what he does with this   defense too George I think it's amazing I just I  always think of it like yo when I'm making a bet   who's the quarterback and the head coach I got to  go up against it's like all right Rogers is good   yeah but the head coach kind of a little bit of  a drop off right at least for me uh hacket also I   know he's boys with Rogers but I'm not the biggest  fan of that last place schedule yes you know I do   like that also a pretty wacky schedule they play  six Prime Time games in the first 11 weeks and   they have a London game and they're playing  three games in 10 days that Achilles is going   to get tested and it's going to get tested right  away week one hot take I know saying the Jets are   going to win the Super Bowl is is a big hot take  if they beat the ners week one at worst they'll be   10 and one going into the bye I I actually have  that exactly who do you have them losing to I'm   going to do a challenge of you know when you see  on social media people do all these like betting   challenges minty and they try to get to like 10K  or whatever yeah I'm going to just roll it over   I'm going to moneyline the Jets week one if they  beat the ners roll it over to at Titans I already   said they're a three- win team then they play the  Pats on Thursday night they play them at home it's   the home opener for the Jets then they play Zack  Wilson and the Broncos then they play Minnesota   going up against darnold so they get backto back  dude ex Jets yeah they play the bills at home it's   a Prime Time game then they play at Pittsburgh  at New England if they could get past I think the   biggest game on their schedule there might be the  Pittsburgh game I that's one I have that's the one   where it could be just a little wacky yep uh but  yo and before their bye which is the first week in   November remember they close out with the with the  Texans at home remember they beat the Texans last   AFC East Overview year um they knocked out CJ strot in that game  he got he got concussed but minty I'm looking   at they could be like nine and two going into the  bye and New York is gonna burn down in in like a   positive way yeah in a positive way yeah I I mean  of course the safest Factor on this team is Aaron   roders and will we see him play a full season I  think we will like we know what he's capable of   even though he's pushing 41 here but he's still  the king of Hail Marys to me you know the Jets   have suffered 13 straight Seasons without making  it to the playoffs and I know a lot of people like   yourself have very high hopes for this team and  on paper I think they're phenomenal like I mean   I get it on top of that Aaron Rogers has a great  young group to rely on I mean he's got Bree Hall   Mike Williams Garrett Wilson and this defense  is Elite you also mentioned that the schedule   is relatively easy I mean if they don't at least  finish above 500 I would be shocked so I think   there's they're the favorites to win the division  right plus they became the favorite yeah I just   wish there was a little more value on it I mean  plus money is great but like I wish there were   like two to one underdogs or so I mean like I  would love to bet on them to win the division   and I think that might be the best bet and I think  their win total is what 10 and a half 9 and half   their win total is uh I think if it's 10 and half  and a n and a half that's not bad cuz if you want   plus money I think it would be 10 and a half  but I think nine and a half might be a safer   bet I really do like the Jets actually I've  once I went over every team in this Division   I got really really excited about the Jets  but it's just that they're still a little   unproven you know and that's why I'm I'm kind  of hesitant to put money on them for sure and   it's also a 41-year-old achilles exactly  we got a factor you know what we really   need bro what we need Rogers to like get ass  if the world is flat we need like ior mechon   Rogers to come out and just go crazy that's  how we know he's back yeah we we need like a   Joe Rogan pod within the next two weeks just  light Twitter on fire I'm like yo Rogers is   back we're good we're here that's what we need  I like that he's been a little quiet I like that   he's been away from social media and just media in  general you know he hasn't been going on the pat good I think he needs to stay away burnt out  too I mean [ __ ] they had that dude on I was   watching it religiously for a while there because  you're like let me just get this update and see   how Aaron's doing and then once the season ended  with the Achilles that be a good point too that   he's not doing all this stuff so maybe it's could  be I'm just a fan of chaos oh so I like when like   Twitter goes on fire over things I definitely  love being in the you know in the stands for   drama on on social media I only to be part of it  but I love seeing it unravel for sure so maybe   that that could be it but yo I think look man I  know it sounds crazy because it's the Jets and   same old Jets they're 20 to1 to win the Super  Bowl the the odds are right as opposed to last   year they were 12 to1 to win the Super Bowl and I  thought that was crazy you were paying the Rogers   tax you were paying uh they were on Hard Knocks  right yeah they were on Hard Knocks yes so last   The New York Jets' Super Bowl Chances year wasn't the year to bet him and you know  this being in the betting space people have   PTSD from never betting this fighter again I lose  every time I bet him and then the next time it's   like well you should bet him this time right yeah  and that's how I feel about the Jets this is the   year to bet the Jets uh to your point about their  division odds I was talking about them around free   agency like yo they're going to win the division  worst to First 19 of the last 21 Seasons you've   had a team go worse the first there's a bunch of  different candidates like Cincy I think is the   most popular pick but the Jets fit this mold too  and I also think psychologically all the players   now they're not going to have the [ __ ] they've  had at quarterback the last couple years yeah I   mean it's been bad you couldn't rely on Zach  Wilson or I mean s yeah Mike White I can't even   name anyone else other than it's just mediocrity  psychologically the players are like yo we got   him it's different that's the best part about  the Jets so so I I'm all in on on I have high   hopes for them do you think think he's MVP level  or do you think this is a refined Rogers where   Bree Hall takes a majority of the load cuz that's  the way I Envision it I think I think what minty   said was exactly it he has a young team around him  and he has guys that could pop off yeah and he has   a defense now that they're like yo bro you know  what don't don't have a start on our four yard   line like Zach Wilson would like no no Red Zone  turnovers and uh we'll be good yeah can you get   us to 20 points get us to 20 points we don't need  you to be MVP you could be like pton with Denver   right sort of I know pton had that one year where  he threw like 50 something touchdowns but Rogers   yo just be confident he already doesn't turn the  ball over to your point I agree with you he's the   old school quarterback that we love like you know  and he's one of few left honestly I mean we are   seeing all these new Young quarterbacks that are  supposed to be mobile and very Dynamic and and do   everything but Aaron Rogers is is him he is he's  iconic he's a legend so yeah he's got that and The   Supporting Cast stingy defense absolutely love the  Jets yeah Joe flaca would be the only comparison   you can make to like that last era yeah like as  soon as Flaco and Rogers are gone like you have   fully taking off the layer of the bres the Manning  it is it is cuz there's no quarterbacks like that   now now if you can't run you're not going to get  a opportunity to and why would you that's true I   think I think now that's just how the game is  the game is evolving yeah for sure totally uh   you didn't really say much about the Jets so  do you just agree I mean you guys are echoing   exactly the way that everybody should feel about  this team that the only thing I wanted to make   sure you guys knew about me is that I think Bree  Hall has a damn near close to offensive player of   the year type of explosion yes um a lot of things  open up when Rogers is at the helm and Rogers also   knows that a lot of things open up for him once  the Run game is established I think the defense   I should be number one in the league like I I I  think they are one of the best defensive lines   that I've seen in a while and yeah why not the  Jets I and in a very competitive Division I think   this AFC East is the most competitive division  three team Race the Patriots can have fun in the   sandbox to the side but they had their fun yeah  they had their fun yeah yeah and now nothing if   you're from Boston or New England I don't want  to hear a peep yeah I think AFC East AFC North   are twoo V very very tricky divisions to kind of  pick apart and find a winner in because there's   so many good teams agreed so jets for everyone  to win the division for everyone okay uh the   team with the highest win total however 15 to one  odds to win the Super Bowl 10 and a half wins the   Buffalo Bills um my pick to win MVP is Josh Allen  this year yeah I I had had momes when he woned two   Key Players and Acquisitions years ago and the parallels between him and and  Allen this year it's sickening how like close   they are similar yeah because Mahomes loses Tyreek  Hill and what's the conversation oh he lost his   number one receiver he ain't going to do nothing  and then he goes out there he wins MVP yeah Diggs   big name on paper and I think it was a great move  for him to leave Buffalo and to go to Houston I   think both could be true it was like don't move  for all parties involved but do dud didn't have a   100 yard game for like 14 straight weeks mhm and I  just think it ran its course now he's on his third   team in five years um and it's great for Diggs I  think it's a good landing spot but the reason why   I like Allen and this is this is kind of the play  that I'm making minty and I'm curious you being in   the betting space if this is something you do it's  kind of a hedge M I'm betting him to win MVP at 10   to one right but I also like their under ooh like  I don't have them making playoffs I don't have   them making the playoffs either but I love the  Buffalo Bills I love Josh Allen I absolutely think   he is MVP caliber and MVP worthy however again I I  kind of said this with the Jets even though I like   the Jets this is a really unproven team this  is like a team in a Rejuvenation stage right   I mean they lost pieces in their secondary they  lost pieces in their uh receiving Corp and they   got worse but they're still one of the favorites  to win the division so I'm I am a little confused   but I believe they are one of the favorites to win  the division because Josh Allen is so good I mean   obviously his numbers improve significantly with  a great receiver like Stefon Diggs and I think   with a little work they can absolutely win the  Super Bowl but I don't know how many more years   is Josh Allen going to be in his prime like he  is now and like how long does he have to wait   for the right pieces you know and you know their  playoff woses it's heartbreaking like I've backed   the bills every single year and I think I'm done  this year like I had them winning the Super Bowl   three years in a row and just like I don't know I  I just can't trust them last year we took them at   what was it 60 to one like around week 10 11  where right when they were being like on the   come up yeah we caught them at that wave and we I  cuz I went to school in Buffalo so like I have a   soft spot for for the 716 up in nearby Niagara  Falls and it was just like looking at their   path you're looking at the schedule you're  like well if they could get past this game   comes down to that Miami game and you know we 60  to1 50 to one like around there and again yeah the   playoff Wes um but I think Josh Allen he's gonna  have if he stays healthy because if he doesn't   then everything we just discussed is out the  window yeah but a lot of turnover in the secondary   uh they replace both safeties travius white is no  longer there um I just think it's it Allen is GNA   remind a lot of people not that people I forgot  but like oh we lost Diggs it's okay we got this   we got Coleman coming out who if that kid could  be any good this dude's the next like Mega star   in the NFL cuz he's a personality he's fun he  plays a premium position too so my hedge is   bills not to make the playoffs but Josh Allen to  win MVP because I think if they do do anything   he has like 30 passing touchdowns 15 on the ground  right kind of Cam Newton type year it's definitely   possible I mean they they have quite a Gauntlet At  the beginning of the season I think that is four   uh Prime Time games in the first six weeks wow um  and it's Miami Jacksonville Baltimore Houston and   then the Jets like they those are amazing games  I mean you start off with the lollipop and the   and the Arizona Cardinals should definitely take  care of business there but beyond that this team   to me found a rhythm in the Run game last year  and they need to continue to do that if James   Cook performs extremely well this team will play  at the level that gets them to a playoff spot if   they cannot run the ball and they have to rely  on Josh Allen to throw it 40 times a game I don't   think that's a winning recipe anymore I don't  think he's as good of a passing quarterback as   that type of offensive style requires I think  Aaron roders fits that mold better and that's   why when Aaron Rogers throws it 45 times a game  we're not freaking out when Josh Allen does it   and he throws two to three interceptions on top  of that I'm like damn bills what are we doing   yeah um I think they've learned though like that  that is a a big thing that I think Shawn mcder   is like we cannot have this happen year after year  after year their secondary though trash like Demar   Concerns About Coaching Hamlin how much longer are we gonna stay on this  like I I mean I you you're back yeah you got to   play good football yeah he's he doesn't play good  football there their secondary as a whole doesn't   play good but him especially it's it's a hole Yeah  it's weird man like they've gotten nothing out of   Von Miller um and that contract is I mean it's off  the books this year but that was a nightmare it's   a very lackluster team and you know they changed  offensive coordinators right to Joe Brady he's   very run heavy offense this passing offense is  going to struggle um and their defense isn't going   to be as stingy their schedule is also a little  difficult you mentioned they have to Prime Time   games against Jack Jacksonville got Baltimore KY  buay in week 11 San Francisco Rams Detroit like   this is a really tough schedule so I absolutely  especially that it's plus money for them not to   make the playoffs love it I want to defend I  I agree with you the schedule is daunting he's   my number one pick for a guy to be guaranteed to  have a good game like Josh Allen yeah oh yeah he   he name a bad game he's had in a bad spot yeah  like he hasn't it's been his team that has let   him down but you know the game in the in in the  Reign against the Eagles right he bowled out um   obviously the iconic game that they lost with  13 seconds but he's a dude that in a big spot   man it's him and momes like honestly neck and neck  where I know they're not going to have a Lamar AFC   title performance they're not going to be like Dak  against the Packers like I know for a fact these   dudes are are showing and I think it's just them  two like those two guys man if you really look at   their resume in big games not that they always win  them Mahomes does for the most part but like yeah   but it's like man you look at it's 320 yards three  touchdowns no picks insane it's and he's so him   going up against that daunting schedule I think  he could do it I don't know if his Supporting Cast   could you don't have to defend Josh Allen with  me I love Josh Allen but I can't put money down   on them to advance into the postseason you know  agreed agreed how do you feel about Miami I love   Miami I really I'm really like my brain is racking  here because they're a phenomenal team on paper we   know that I mean Tua finally played a full healthy  season right and he's got so many reliable weapons   around him this offense is stacked with Tyreek  Hill Jaylen Wadd uh Ry moster and you know but   they struggled let's see they struggled against  playoff caliber teams right they lost against   Buffalo Philly KC and Baltimore and then they  squeezed out a win over Dallas by two points   so I think that part I I get why maybe they're  like the third favorites to win the division um   but I really love them and I'm really tempted to  bet on them to in the division at plus 205 and I   know you won't like that but yeah no I'm liking  that well the they remind me so when they played   the Cowboys last year minty we were calling it  The Spider-Man Bowl because like you know the   Spider-Man meme where they're they're each both  Dallas and Miami they won one game against playoff   teams and it was when they played each other like  they did very bad last year in big games look   they're a team that when I think of Miami I think  of regular season they're the AFC version of the   Cowboys I think they'll put up big games they'll  have a 50p point explosion on someone yeah they   they'll average 32 points a game they'll be great  September to December right and if they got to go   to Cincinnati they got to go to Buffalo they got  to go to you know like they like they did to no   I'm talking about AFC like playoffs they got  to go to Kansas City you saw how bad it was it   looked it looked terrible terrible they blew out  subpar teams and they struggled against really   good teams but this year they don't really have  that tough of a schedule they don't have to f   cascy Baltimore Philly or Dallas they see  San Francisco once and then at the end of   Jets' 2024 Schedule Breakdown the season they see Cleveland and Houston  which defensively I mean we'll we'll that's   a test for them but why wouldn't you bet on  them to win the division if their schedule   is relatively easy if they've already got a  Groove going and they've proven themselves   last season in a way yeah yeah for for  the division I'm not opposed to that I   think anything after division like conference  and Super Bowl I'd be very opposed [Music]   if you think they theed I'm all you like I'm going  to take 25 to1 to win the Super Bowl 13 to1 to win   the AFC sure if you think they could be the one  seed but if you think they're just going to win   the division and then they got to play those teams  yeah no cuz if it's 80 degrees in in January I I   like them against anybody they could beat anybody  but when they got to go into those cold elements   snow yep that's where I'm worried about them  so I think I think they're a 10- win team nine   to 10 win Team every year with that regime of uh  McDaniel and and and Tua and the weapons that they   have they're a finesse team and that only gets you  so far what are our thoughts on Mike McDaniel's   hair girls he's letting he's letting the flow  let Miami get Miami he's so cool he's one of my   favorite coaches I think he he is probably I would  say next to Dan Campbell like the and the new wave   of coaches that have really like cemented I am  a staple of what this franchise is like I don't   think the Dolphins will ever be able to move on to  a coach that doesn't have that South Beach Swagger   a personality yeah Lions will never be able to  have a coach that doesn't want players to bite   kneecaps off like they so it's I think it's just a  big cultural play they both fit I think one of the   biggest things that the Dolphins have and they've  they've had for the past three years is when you   have the fastest team in the NFL that gets you  10 wins period you're going to put up a lot   lot of points especially when you know how to use  them correctly and they have three of the fastest   players in the league period I mean they they they  put the little uh you know speedometer on them or   whatever and you you know that you're going to  get big time production out of Tyreek Hill and   up until what was it week 16 last year where we  were like is Tyreek winning this [ __ ] like yeah   it was a Chris mcaffrey and five quarterbacks  yeah he he might have been MVP at one point it   was late in the year probably wasn't week 16 it  was probably I think he had some injury uh issues   around Thanksgiving I remember that being a combo  cuz we felt good about it cuz we had mcaffrey to   win offensive player the year like if there's two  of them then that'll make the the MVP betters be   like oh you know what maybe this is a year that we  give it to a quarterback pych that did not happen   M I have I have um I got Miami in the playoffs  they're one of my Wild Card teams I like um   I don't think they're going to yeah playoffs I  mean that's that's it that's their ceiling and   you know with with Tua and Dak right it was it  was so interesting because we've been talking   about this since last year how that got to be the  worst situation you could be as a team like it's a   blessing and a curse because you have a franchise  quarterback you give him a quarter of a billion   dollars but then you know what the ceiling is  MHM it's a division around you need and and in   Dallas's case I know we're kind of going back  to the NFC East but Dallas had the home field   advantage and they still didn't get it done so  that's why Dak now is having all the question   marks and all the issues that they're having  in Dallas and I just feel the same way about   Tua like it's dope until it's January yeah and  for me minty I'm someone we were talking about   the Giants before if you're one and eight around  Halloween I want you to finish 2 and 15 yeah I   don't want you to draft 13th in the draft yeah  no I want you to suck or we win a championship   or at least be good enough to win title and  Miami's just always going to pick like 18th   overall this team no it's true it's true New  England yeah oh hot take time O Let's four and   a half win total lowest in the NFL a long way  from being the favorite all those years the   worst odds to win the Super Bowl at 300 to one  crazy uh my notes are I'm good on them they had   their fun yeah worst skill position players in the  league yep hands down um I don't like Drake May   because I don't like quarterbacks from basketball  programs I I firsthand got the experience a uh   Duke quarterback with the Giants and that hasn't  worked out well with Daniel Jones uh and yeah and   I said uh F Boston you had your fun yeah dude  I don't know how to uh Christian Gonzalez St Colombian make the best I'm not Colombian  but thought you when you said that you're   like represent yeah I'm representing now you  got to make the worst out of a bad situation   here kid you could shine right like you can you  could be setting yourself up here on this really   really bad team that you can get paid big time  money later on uh that's that's it I this is the   only team when I graded them out at positions that  had multiple D's the only team or I'm just like I   I legitimately can't give you at least a c minus  on these um and starting with the offenseive line   Predictions for the Jets' Season Record it's like have fun have fun trying to get the  ball out Drake may Joe Milton uh the schedule   for them just being in that division alone is  not favorable uh I do have them squeaking out   a couple of wins uh maybe against the Jaguars  week seven but I think it's very well that they   could start off like 0 and six yeah yeah like no  doubt were the golden standard right for years and   years and years and now it's uh the Empire has  fallen and I think a lot of people other than   New England fans are very happy to see that I'm  pretty much copying and pasting everything that   you just said George because I only have like  four bullet points on them and their own Line's   awful schedule is incredibly tough Cincy Jets San  Francisco Houston I mean come on like it's insane   um wouldn't put money on them but love the under 4  and a half plus 110 and you're right I think they   could squeak out a couple wins uh I think they  could be you know really surprising upsets you   know they'll be overlooked they will be overlooked  in one of the games whatever game they are the   hugest dog I think I'm going to bet on them just  because you never know I I love the Bengals uh   sorry I love the Pats nine plus nine against the  Bengals week one oo I like that Joe burrow 0 and   four against the spread in uh week ones in his  career really they uh last year they started 0   and2 the year before they started 0 and2 they're  just slow starters coming out the gates and I   just think you know they got Christian Gonzalez  last year he shut down not shut down but he held   Tyreek Hill like shut down his no he but he held  in comparison when yeah he like yeah 8 for8 yeah   that's shutting down Tyreek kill bro uh it's true  so they could they could do some things man and I   just think that the the conversation around them  it's so bad like we've been saying I could just   see Cincinnati like squeaking out of field goal  wi and they like oh they tend to play really close   games yeah I feel and especially early on in the  year this would be the best time to play a Bengals   yeah they're pretty sloppy in the beginning of the  year yeah so I actually really like that that's a   huge spread it could get to double digits I yeah  it's the biggest it's the biggest dog in week one   right now interesting yeah so just interesting  I don't think they're going to win outright they   will be like 92% entered the Bengals in like  Circa yeah that everyone's going to have them   and they're Sur Survivor yeah Circa Survivor for  sure so yeah New England I mean I got them at uh   2 and 15 I got Miami at uh 10- S Buffalo at 10 and  S and I got the Jets at 12 and5 o do do we think   New England has the fewest wins plus 320 I mean  who else is worse than them the Panthers [Music]   my division winner yeah I know bro you I mean it's  I like the Panthers to win the division really   everyone's high on the Falcons but I think I'm  I'm with the Bucks here yeah I think they're being   overlooked everyone's high on the falc the Saints  H they're okay but I like the Bucks hopefully how   do you have this division playing out what's the  order the oh AFC East Jets Dolphins bills Pats   Pats thank you you I got Jets 13- four bills 12  and five Dolphins 11- six and the Patriots 4 and   13 every time that I see a team from the AFC East  playing anybody from the NFC I'm going to hammer   them H period minty before we let you go and  we continue the show I want to say thank you   again for stopping by it was nice to have you  on the studio is awesome you guys are awesome   yeah I know this is brand new to us too just  like it's brand new to you right now beautiful   first day love it uh give out your social media  where people can find you yeah guys find me on   Instagram Twitter and Tik Tok at minty bets you  can also find my UFC picks uh for Pay-Per-View   fights on UFC fight passes on the line betting  show and for UFC fight nights taking place at the   Apex I will be on the live broadcast giving out my  picks in between the fights so check that out at M

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North Dakota State vs. Montana State: 2023 FCS playoffs second round highlights

Category: Sports

[applause] this is the number one scoring offense in the nation montana state more than 40 points a game and this is how they do it running the football tommy malo finds a seam and he gets tripped up at the 45 a gain of 20 on the opening play stays in there on first down chambers escapes from oorc now... Read more

FAMU Dominates Norfolk State in Touchdowns thumbnail
FAMU Dominates Norfolk State in Touchdowns

Category: People & Blogs

Between fl a&m and priew a&m but whated he was around with k brs bobby patrino and company as richardson once more avoiding pressure has it man in the back of the end zone and jamari g it has it florida a&m back on top touchdown rers Read more

Cuba vs Mexico (MUST WATCH, AMAZING ELIMINATION GAME!) | 2024 LLWS Highlights thumbnail
Cuba vs Mexico (MUST WATCH, AMAZING ELIMINATION GAME!) | 2024 LLWS Highlights

Category: Sports

Winner stays around loser stays around as well but just cannot play anymore got to win this one and serio gonzalez's first pitch leaks inside to alejandro vasquez it's a leadoff walk the brih handed pitcher waits on the 32 down 32 on the ground up the middle base hit vasquez motors around and then stops... Read more

Texas vs Pennsylvania | LLWS Opening Round | 2024 LLWS Highlights thumbnail
Texas vs Pennsylvania | LLWS Opening Round | 2024 LLWS Highlights

Category: Sports

And we are set south longo throws it hard we're ready juliet hurst can hit it far slider to go up 01 oh baby the respect factor julian reaches out to his grandma before every game that started about three years ago they'll talk for 5 minutes calm the nerves he rifles one to center and it is on a line... Read more

Desmond Ridder's Shocking NFL Release—What’s Next? #desmondridder thumbnail
Desmond Ridder's Shocking NFL Release—What’s Next? #desmondridder

Category: Sports

Shockwave in the nfl former beercat star desmond ritter is unexpectedly released by the arizona cardinals is this the end of his nfl journey or just the beginning of a comeback stay tuned Read more

Dave Portnoy declares two new College Football rivals after brutal Ohio State statement thumbnail
Dave Portnoy declares two new College Football rivals after brutal Ohio State statement

Category: News & Politics

Dave poroi declares two new college football rivals after brutal ohio state statement michigan wolverines fan dave pornoy has outlined the college football team national champions season ambitions and rivals barstol sports chief and michigan wolverines fand dave pornoy has brutally dismissed big 10... Read more

#10 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (AMAZING!) | College Football Week 0 | 2024 College Football thumbnail
#10 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (AMAZING!) | College Football Week 0 | 2024 College Football

Category: Sports

The big leg aiden bur will get this college football season underway here we go a whole new look of college football as we will say hello with dju jet motion dj will get it out to the flats to williams and williams will turn the corner williams went for eight on first down and now the jet motion with... Read more

"I'm Not Worried, I'm Mad" Evan & Tiki Talk Jets Opener thumbnail
"I'm Not Worried, I'm Mad" Evan & Tiki Talk Jets Opener

Category: Sports

Football sucks let's just watch baseball for the next month thank god for the ms yeah amen how we all doing today ev and tiki here on the fan here on a tuesday we got a lot to get to including we will talk to my man my old partner a guy tiki's known for a million years the great joe bingo his weekly... Read more