Why Notre Dame Football WILL BEAT Texas A&M Football | Notre Dame vs Texas A&M Preview

Joe Notre Dame comes down south to the great state of Texas and takes on the Aggies a Jimbo Lis Aggies is pretty much that's been the entire conversation this entire offseason you want to hear something funny because you know how big of a narcissist I can be at times people at least that's what people tell me do you want to know how many bullet points that I have in this Notre Dame Texas A&M game one two three four five 6 Seven 8 nine 10 I have 10 bullet points going you better not read all 10 of those you better absolutely not read off to you first because I'm sure you're going to hit on a lot of them your thoughts on Notre Dame going down south and taking on Texas A&M so first of all as I said in the open I I think that there's there's a lot of uncertainty for knowing how good Texas A&M is going to be in this game if as if it plays out as anyone would anticipate first game for a new head coach there's going to be growing pains it's going to be a little bit of a slow getting to know them type of a process your first game is not going to be your best per performance that could end up biting them in the ass in this situation they are favored by three points but if this was on on a neutral field that line would look differently uh because of it's basically a pick them right right basically a pick them I I don't think that it should be I think that what's really going to be critical is the battle between Notre Dame's offensive line in Texas A&M's defensive line Anthony Napp is projected to start at left tackle for Notre Dame he is a true freshman that is very serious because I have hyped up Nick scon to be one of the most unbelievably talented players in the country he's going to go on to be a top five pick potentially in this upcoming draft I'm less worried though than I think you would expect and I don't think Notre Dame fans should be totally worried and here's why last year we had perfect examples of how Mike Den Brock knows how to scheme protection and the ball gets out really quick in his offense if that offense looks similar and there's not any dra IC changes which I doubt that there will be I think that there is going to be an emphasis on trying to get the ball out quickly to prevent any situations where he's facing pressure that was one uh Riley Leonard's facing facing pressure that was one of their biggest issues last year was that Sam Hartman would sit no one would get open hold the ball too long he's not very immobile and then he would take a hit he would take a sack he would turn the ball over that's not going to happen with Riley Leonard and then the other part of this too the last thing for me is can Notre Dame's secondary turn over Conor Wagman and can they lock down Texas A&M's receivers I think that they have an underrated receiver room but there is a potential that that secondary for Notre Dame is is going to be able to generate some pass breakups and then maybe an interception that could sway the game in their Direction I I I'm going to push back on one itsy bitsy thing okay Den Brock can get in his get in a rhythm where he's not getting the ball out quickly if you don't believe me just as Jen Daniels so okay but the situation changes because of the offensive line Joe I do feel like that there's going to be a little bit of a filling out process early in this game right like I think that there's GNA be you know punches thrown back and forth because I do think that they're going to come out there a little bit conservative meaning Notre Dame to start off try to run the football establish the run because look you do have a an offensive line that not only is brand new but you have jasol that went down at left tackle and you have a really good T&M defensive line look man Nick scouton the Shamar twins which is what I'm going to call them in Turner and Stewart okay Joe that's a really good defensive front here's the thing that I think is interesting about Notre Dame's offense versus A&M's defense you have three new starters in that secondary if you're Texas A&M you have Dez rxs you have will Lee and you have Trey Jones that are all new portal guys that are coming in that secondary how cohesive can those three guys be necessarily when they come in and play one another but I want to throw it to the other side of things that I think is actually going to be a bigger tail in this game too I don't know if A&M can stop the interior defensive line of Notre Dame with Howard cross so I think you have two defenses that have a lot of talent that Jo early in this game it could be a it could be a slugfest and I think it's going to be an outright war on both lines of scrimmage the question that I start asking is Joe if they start get Riley Leonard in the running game then how does that affect things another question I have though is is do you protect him because he was injured and you don't you know like you want to protect him too to some extent you can't you can't come into this game though with that mentality if he's enough Healthy You Gotta this is he can he's got plenty of time to recover after this game I know that's a weird mentality he had a setback so I mean like those are questions that all offensive coordinators are going to ask I Joe what's so perple so wild to me is that this game is pretty much a pick them and it really on paper shouldn't I thought that the point that you made to end your part of what you thought of the game was very key Connor Wagman has never seen a defense like this and we haven't seen Connor Wagman for what it's worth and let me say this too I think Conor Wagman is very talented can we see him play through a whole year before we anoint him as a really good quarterback look he went into that Miami fa point we went into that Miami game and he had multiple turnovers and they lost like he had very critical turnovers against a Miami team last year that also wasn't really good Joe you just have so many things that you're having to figure out if you're texing him and having to rep place that I think at the end of it when it's the fourth quarter I think Notre Dame and Marcus Freeman it being a third year they may figure it out and lean on their defense it's not missed upon me though there's a lot of things that Notre Dame's got to figure out offensively too your 1300 yard rushing audri ese is not there anymore you have a brand new quarterback who did not go through spring Jo I think we're going to have a game midway into the fourth quarter and I think the only thing that I feel like here is that Notre Dame just makes the last stop and that's what prevails them to win but man here here's the final point that I'll say and I know that you're gonna laugh at me on this you cannot being a slugfest with Texas A&M in the fourth quarter at that place when gets rocking do you remember Rocky 2 do you remember the movie Rocky to all right so remember in the final around when Apollo Creed's trainer was like stop trading punches with him you're going to lose stop stop trading punches with him you're gonna win the fight stay away be go through your game plan that's how I feel like Notre Dame has to go amongst this go to your game plan lean on your talent lean on your philosophy you'll win this football game but if you go in there trying to slug this one out in that home stadium you're going to find s getting upset so I'm just going to I'm just going to throw this out there do not underestimate the outright weird stuff that when those M cheerleader Show come out there gets weird I'm telling you but that's how I feel like this game's gon to go it's gonna be so close in a slugfest between two really talented teams well the I yeah that was that was really really beautiful what you just did um I think though that what what's different this year for Notre Dame though is you know you brought in a far more competent play caller than you've had in a long time this is the best play caller that you could have for this upcoming first game of the season I I really think that we're going to see a night and day different offense for Notre Dame I I think that the just general explosiveness is going to be witnessed and a lot of a lot of doubters I think are going to be silenced maybe I'm putting too much stock in denrock but there's a lot of speed man there is a lot more speed Than People realize Jeremiah Love is very fastest receiver room I saw some 40 yard dash times for these guys most of them are in the in the four fours or lower there is a a very fast group in Mike Den Brock knows how to use those types of receivers only thing that I the only thing that I'll say with Mike and I love him you know I mean look I love Mike more than a lot of people Mike will tell you in early Seasons with new quarterbacks they gonna come out running the football so they might have better weapons on the outside than than they have had in the past I'm not trying to spoil anything here brother they G they go I would it would not surprise me if Mike if Mike came out meaning Den Brock excuse me for any anyway it wouldn't surprise me if he does some little trickery in the beginning of the game like he should you know however Joe did you see did you see him going up against his A&M def like the last game that he's called was against A&M now against it's I know it's a completely different staff I know it's a completely different situation Joe he kind of those I mean he kind of got out schemed a little in the first half right and I love Mike well wait wait wait but that was no he got out schemed yeah but who was the they were going against Tech s was different coaching staff though like I don't know if that that's a good good example I understand that but I'm just saying don't I mean I love Mike to death but sometimes he gets a little stubborn in what he wants to do what Gade I want to bring this up too okay one thing we didn't talk about at all in the Texas A&M preview Jay baitman is the defensive coordinator hirer for Texas A&M I don't think got enough criticism especially from us I think he's an okay defensive coordinator it felt like a completely just like tertiary decision you know who's calling that def you know who's calling that defense don't don't do we know that for do we know that for certain do we know that elco's calling that defense Jo I'm not gonna say that with such certainty when when that hasn't clar upon me that Mike that that that Mike elco's DC went to Georgia Tech and put on a performance like they did this week that's not missed on me now yeah I wonder why he didn't bring why didn't come to uh Texas A&M I don't know I just El's calling plays man he that been has that been reported anywhere Joe you're you're looking at this as a fan you know good God I'm not looking this as I'm not looking this as as a fan that's I'm looking at this as an an as someone who's analyzing this game has not been it has not been reported so I don't know who calling the honest question do you really think that Mike Elco at the bare minimum is not be more Hands-On defensively was he calling the play as a Duke I actually have I don't know off the top of my head was he call play sheet I I don't I don't know if that we can say that with such certainty that he calls the plays for Texas ADM I don't know about that they're goingon to need to they're going to need Alco to call the plays though because again I don't think that Jay Batman's a very very good defensive coordinator he was very mediocre calling the plays for North Carolina a couple years ago I I think I think you're reading way too much into that way that's important that's incredibly important no because here's what Joe you Joe give me Mike denrock over Jay baitman in that match up very very fair but here's what I know about Mike denrock he will tell you right now do you want his phone number I'll T I'll send it to you he will tell you that Mike Elco because of the connections that they have with the coaching staffs that they've been on there's nobody that he respects more than Elco nobody yeah yeah I Al to that to that point to kind of shift the direction of this a little bit it is also to Texas Adam's benefit significantly elco's familiarity with Riley Leonard I think Riley Leonard having gone up against against his scheme and practice every day is going to help him a little bit but a guy in his 50s who recruited the kid is going to know how to work against him much more effectively than the quarterback is in that in that Dynamic yeah I I think that he can because he'll know what Riley does and doesn't like yeah he he's gonna he's going to know what leads to his mistakes he's going to know what coverages are going to cause him to get confused yeah right look here's another thing that and now let's lean in on the on this quarterback thing I like Riley Leonard I think that he is a very talented and very gifted athlete and he can do some amazing things with the football in his hand however Joe I I do think if I'm Elco I'm coming out trying to make you onedimensional I I think Elco needs to come out there and make Riley Leonard beat them with his throwing the football like you got to come out and sell out in stopping the Run okay I'm gonna sit here and tell you right now that's not going to work because when Notre D played Riley Leonard and they tried to literally do that Riley Leonard said okay bet I'm just going to beat you with my leg that's what haes king just did the other day I I don't know I think that he's a different type of athlete and said haes King didn't do anything special with running for 50 yards and you're going to say no no no no hold on hold on hold on do not do not misquote me like that I said as a passer he didn't have any any like super crazy take over the game type plays but as a runner he was F that led to a score yeah he did as a p I'm talking about as a passer he misfired on a number he fired he fired a pass over the middle that converted and they scored on that drive too that's one throw he he also threw a million screens and short passes and then missed through a number of wideopen guys that could you talking about DJ or you talking about Hayes King I'm talking about Hayes King he had a great game but as a passer he was a little bit a he was 11 of 16 he was 11 he threw 16 passes that's not that that's that's so 70% that's 16 passes is minuscule for the typical amount of production that we see it's still 70% can I give you can I can I say this and you're GNA get pissed off but I'm gonna be honest probably probably okay I think there's a little bit too much of people not like really looking into a play caller and a quarterback in a game one type of situation Joe that this is not a Notre Dame thing this is a football thing they have been many and I mean many quarterbacks and coaches when they come together for the first time in a real game there are struggles in the beginning in game ones Bo wa can't the same thing be said for Texas A&M though very much true that's why I try to ask you about the quarterback thing the only difference the only difference that I would say with Wagman is Wagman's been with his offensive line and his receivers so the connection is still there there's not going to be a misconnection when it comes to him not knowing his receivers now here's another part too that we hadn't talked about Ruben Owens is not going to be in this game and I Fe I fear for A&M running the football if I'm being honest I think I really think that interior defensive line of Notre Dame's gonna kill him they they seem that right now that they might end up being a little thin at running back I think Le'Veon Moss was listed as the the current starter they also have EMT Smith's son uh is the is the third back so that's kind of where they're where they depth leads but yeah if you pull up their depth chart on ourlads they've got three new um three new guys that were transfers that are just completely new faces the their Center oh no two new guys their Center and their and their right tackler are new players Chase bantis is a good guard that they have I think though that yes that is very true that's where I feel that Notre Dame has the best matchup to win this game if I'm comparing whose offensive line line is most favored or whose defensive line is most favored best to win the match up against the opposing offensive line I think Notre Dames in the Run game is the most I'll push back on one thing I'm gonna disagree with you here Notre Dame's gonna have to prove that they can stop that pass rush yeah and that's easier said than done easier said than done listen now we've gone about 15 minutes maybe in this segment I don't know how long we've been in this segment and we talked about Nick scon okay now here's the thing now we keep talking about Riley Leonard and miss qes and all this kind of stuff what takes away the running game more than anything is UN rival ring pressure that gets on the quarterback this jig this jigsaw thing is a big deal like it keep J Jaga excuse me jiga Jaga haasa it doesn't who gives us sa it could lead to Joe we're projecting him as the best in best a rusher in the SEC against a firsttime starter that you did not want to go on through the season as your left tackle that's going to present problems it's going to present problems and I think that that is going to be an extremely critical matchup in this game is how does nap hold up against him again I'm not saying this as if I think it's going to be completely resolved and won't be an issue for Notre Dame but I do have like a little bit of faith that Den Brock is smart enough unlike past offensive coordinators the past two guys that Notre Dame has had in trying to scheme against pressure and good pass rushers what does he call if his tackles are bad I think that they're going to need to rely on a lot of chips I don't think that both tackles are going to be bad and I don't think that Anthony knp is going to be bad he's just a true freshman which is brutal situation to step into so what do you call when you're offensive is I'm I am I am chipping with the tight end as much as possible and I am deliberately calling as many passing plays to get the ball out as quickly as possible I trying to avoid as many third and Longs as I can that has to be the approach and Riley Leonard probably doesn't have the the same type of deep ball that Jaden Daniels had last year that they're going to be able to connect on those types of throws have the running ability of Jaden Daniels either obviously Jen Daniels is a 4-3 athlete that's not exactly an accomplish aable goal but he's also a 4 five athlete that is a phenomenal rusher I I think though that they need to be very deliberate in in getting the ball out quick and if they can do that and they can accomplish that and they can avoid those third and long situations where Nick scon can pin his ear ears back and just completely go unhinged after nap and whoever he's going up against you know that's going to be um that's going to be I think really really key for for Notre Dame in this game one last thing I know you're going to snark at it it is what it is the humidity is going to be 100 100% on Saturday what's the what's the full weather College Station you Northerners be play oh it's hot oh it's supposed to rain it's supposed to rain oh y'all 90 degrees in Rain well it's also a it's also a night game too we got to take that into account thank you thank you night game in A&M with humidity and Rain okay thank you if I'm A&M thank you I don't know I'm not gonna I'm y all start off I'm not I'm not a I am not a meteorologist not a weather analyst swear to God I'm coming in here and making fun of you all right let's get to this last game wait wait who's your pick who's your pick Notre I already told you Notre Dame by three oh I'm proud of you well let me let me say this I haven't officially put it down on paper that comes on Wednesday okay if you're asking me right now if you put a gun to my head and said Blake choose I'm going to say Notre Dame by three I just think they have too much talent at the end but it but you know what scares me about this is much more people that are better at betting than I am are taking A&M and I think that there's got to be something to be said in that so we'll see but I I mean clearly I I I'm not picking against Mike denrock it's just not not I'm not going to do it okay good I'm proud of you this video was sponsored by the online Fitness training camp presented by Chris Gates fitness when I first started talking about Chris about partnering with our show Not only was I excited to have a fitness sponsor for our pod but more importantly when I found out about how he can help people achieve their goals I was even more bought in because when the football season starts it is so tough to stay on top of things and also to be able to enjoy yourself on Saturdays when it's game day with Chris Gates fitness's online training camp 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