Pray Until Something Happens | Time For Real Change!

that hello hello hello hello welcome welcome family how are we doing how are we doing hallelujah hallelujah glory glory to Jesus can you hear me I think I'm talking to myself praise the Lord praise the Lord Hallelujah let me see some excitement great is the faithfulness of the lord we are here gathered again we are here gathered again not by our strength but that the Lord has made it possible yes hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord I can see you shining I can see you shining I can see you shining I can see you I can see you yes I even see my sister uh marjerie she's here she's here she's here today I'm so excited thank you thank you thank you everyone thank you for joining thank you so much God bless you it can only be be God that our lives are going to be moving from one degree of Glory to another Hallelujah it does not take our strength it does not take energy not by might nor by power but by gathering like this by seeking the Lord praying without ceasing until something happens you will say Lord my situation must change and I'm not going to stop until you bless me I'm not going to leave you I'll hold your leg you know children they pull their parents leg you are not going you are not going anywhere yes that's us right here that's us right here we want that 11th Hour breakthrough and we will push we will push this is a different season if I can appear like this by the grace of God that ah Lord you are doing it you are doing it hallelujah praise the lord we are all vessels and I know that even just by connecting this way you are bringing the fire you bringing the fire and this fire shall not go down shall not go down Hallelujah it shall not go go down the Lord is with us the Lord is in this is is in this place and uh we always say that the Lord Jesus overcame already and we are more than conquerors and because he has conquered already we have the victory no matter how painful the situation is we have the victory we are fighting from a place of Victory or already in the name of Jesus right Hallelujah we want those 11th Hour breakthroughs to be released and it's by not stopping persisting persisting we pray all the time hello hello jamman Uganda hello hello my sisters and my brothers in Zambia my sisters and my brothers in South Africa I can see you Botswana Hallelujah Kenya welcome welcome welcome praise the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah praise the Lord He reigns He reigns He reigns and is powerful on his throne you know that song kados kados we are going to say kados kados hallelujah kadosh kados I love this song kados kadosh it means holy holy Jehovah You Are Holy Wy Wy are you Lord because without his presence we won't have the presence we are looking for we won't have those desires we are looking for it is by his presence that all those presence we are looking for can come into our hands all the desires the dreams we have God will make it happen Hallelujah and I want you to have a desire how do we pray without ceasing we are going to pray tonight to today some of you it's day some night we are going to pray we'll continue praying and I I I want to I have been asking God for Grace to appear so that he can show up and right now I want to decrease I want to decrease so the Lord can rise so the Lord can speak to you I want to decrease I want to decrease I want to disappear from here and the Lord be man man magnified in this place the Lord alone Be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus we will lift the name of the Lord higher and higher because when we lift him when we lift him higher he makes a way in our situations he comes down because when we when we fight it's not us fighting Hallelujah he he gives us it tells us to position ourselves to position ourselves so he can take up the battle and run with it and our prayers are those Warriors you use our words do you know that words can haunt us words can heal words can can can destroy words can build so it's the same way the more we pray the more the enemy is scattered away from our our vicinity in the name of Jesus how do we pray without ceasing until something happens it is the attitude we have right now just right now whatever you've left you've left things you've left so many other issues that we supposed to be dealing with right now you've left the comfort of your maybe workplace or you are you are in the car wherever you can be the Lord has pushed you by his power by his mercies to be here and it is for a reason so we have that Godly attitude to say Lord you will not leave me you will not pass me by as you are blessing others you will not pass me by Hallelujah as you are blessing others you will not pass me by my we thank you for the breakthroughs we thank you Lord for the liftings thank you my father for the protection thank you for being a good Daddy thank you for being a good God we thank you we thank you we worship We Worship You Lord every country represented here we know that you have something great for them in the name of Jesus every life every family every child represented here Lord every marriage anyone any every business Lord every career father we pray that Lord you visit a fresh there shall be Encounters in this place Lord I pray that you move you move mightily by your power you move mightily by your power in the mighty name of Jesus Oh Lord we thank you I want you to be specific that's how we pray with uh until something happens when you know your why when you know what you desire be specific like that blind Bas I talk about this all the time because it's important you won't lose the steam you won't you won't you won't give up because you know what you want you are like God until this situation goes down I'm not going to let you go I will not let you go I will not stop I will not stop that's what you're saying today in the mighty name of Jesus and the Lord says he gives the desires he will give you the desire of your heart before you even came here the Lord saw you he saw you he saw you under that tree in that train in that bus in that car wherever you were God saw you and God saw your heart and when he moves us he moves us because there's something that he has for us and there's something he has for you tonight this afternoon for some of you still uh mour yes the Lord has something great for you and you never know when God will appear and and and locate you in his favor in his mercy and break every yoke in your life and Life starts to take off Hallelujah it can be a meeting like this so be specific I saw some of you I was waiting and I saw some of you say saying I am ready I am ready I am ready you are ready Hallelujah being ready preparation is crucial to that miracle to happen in your life preparation in in psalm 37:4 says the Lord will give you the desire of your heart it means that you have you have it and you have been thinking about it and for you to leave everything to come here it is because there is that desire there's something you say God I'm not going to seek any other God I'll come to you and I'll pray and you do something great in my life you will change my story you will change my name you have done it before and you'll do it again yes Hallelujah I want to read uh before we pray I'm going to read Jo chapter 2 ver 27 not 25 today 27 we jump 25 we go to 27 hallelujah oh it's so exciting praise the Lord praise the Lord Jo chapter 2 you can write it if you are in that position to to just write it there uh put it there so others can see it verse 27 then you will know that I am in Israel after he has restored Hallelujah restoration is why we are here because we are saying Lord there's something missing there's something missing this thing this area is missing there's something wrong I need I need restoration I need my completeness I need Victory I need to overcome and overtake I need to collect back that's why we are here let's not lie to ourselves that oh no I am here because I'm here because no we are here because we know what God says we have and who we are in the Lord so before we give thanks before we say kados kados you Reign forever almighty God we are going to read this scripture and let me finish it then you will know that I am in Israel that I am the Lord your God and that there is no other never again will my people be ashamed H come on now yes never again will my people be ashamed situations that bring us here to seek the Lord day and night it is because the enemy wants to bring shame the enemy wants to to humiliate the enemy wants wants us to start questioning God we are not going to be children like that we are not going to question God whatever he has allowed and some of you are going through loss like I did I don't want to question God because he is the one that brought life he is the one that connects us with people he is the one who has the authority and the power to do it and if you have done all that you can you should stand and you should pray without ceasing you should continue to push in the mighty name of Jesus because that marito destiny that the enemy looks like he confusing you or it shall not happen it will happen in the name of Jesus it will be done in the name of Jesus some of you by this time next year you will be in your home settled settled and that marital marital Destiny will be beautified by the Lord in the name of Jesus some of you are here for different reasons and that desire the Lord has promised in psalm 37:4 that he will give you the desire your heart is going to give you the desire of your heart but the Bible says in the beginning the first part it says Delight in the Lord Delight in in the Lord with all your heart Delight in the Lord the way you have done to leave everything and to come and hear just me talk and not me but the power of the Holy Spirit speaking through people and saying I'm going to pray I'll connect and I want to pray I want to pray with my I am connecting because look we corporate prayers are so powerful you will be praying and I will be praying yeah there will be so much fire here that we will be praying for one another and there's a it's a code that cannot be broken in the mighty name of Jesus and we are going to say Lord I Delight in you I want you to mean it I want you to say kados kados I told you the the meaning of this song You Reign forever you Reign you Reign you Reign the Lord is most most powerful is Almighty on his throne the Lord Jesus Christ is Almighty is's all powerful father God is Almighty on the on his throne is powerful he cannot be defeated he cannot be defeated and you're going to say kados hallelujah kadosh I love this word kadosh is a Hebrew word saying holy holy holy holy holy are you Lord I Delight in you do you Delight in the Lord before you get that breakthrough before you you you get the blessing before you open your mouth and say Lord do this for me we want to hallow his name because the enemy is jealous of God as children of God we were created to worship Him and we are going to say you are the true Living God you are worthy he's our present helper he makes all things possible and he's the one who's going to answer here father I Delight in you I want you to open your mouth and say father I Delight in you I Delight in you I trust in you I find pleasure in worshiping you I find pleasure in leaving everything to come and join with my family and saying Lord you are worthy daddy you are worthy Papa you are worthy show him that love tell him something great Something Something Beautiful Something Nice Hallelujah the name of the Lord be glorified and you are the one to worship Him Father we worship you Daddy we worship you we give you praise you alone from Everlasting to Everlasting yes kados kados hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord kados kados holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty Wy is the name of the Lord I Delight in you oh Lord I Delight in you I Delight in you you are my present help you have promised that my Help Cometh From You God's help is on his way to you he's locating you in his Mercy you you there are things that you have to do not that you have prayed too much not that you have stayed one hour here to pray no because he's a merciful father and he's decorating your life giving you favor and Dominion to dominate over that situation oh Lord we thank you Father We Worship You Adonai we give you praise Thou Art Worthy to be praised you are worthy you are worthy Adonai we exalt Glory majesty and power might adoration be unto you you are worthy we thank you thank him for the whole day that he has been with you thank him for who he is for his merciful he is Yahweh he is good and upright he never changes he will never fail he has never left anyone in the middle you will never beg for bread he he defends you he your Defender he's the god that never never ceases to to to amaze us hallelujah he's worthy he's not surprised that you're going through that he has his time he is going to make all things beautiful in your in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Jesus praise the Lord Glory Be unto you alone worthy worthy are you Lord worthy are you Lord we worship you we worship you mighty one of Israel We Worship You Adonai we give you praise oh Lord be thou lifted be thou lifted We Worship You Thanksgiving will go before that breakthrough give thanks to the Lord give thanks to the Lord tell him good things because he's worthy he's the god that restores he's the God he's the one that answers our prayers he's the one that will Destro tribute right now sending angels to to bring our breakthroughs here in this family in the name of Jesus and this year shall not be the same in the mighty name of Jesus this week will not be the same for you this month shall not be the same for you in the name of Jesus Christ the lord is giving you rest the Lord is giving you rest ask the Lord to give you rest father give me rest from all this give me rest locate me in your favor you we have started to pray now you can mix Thanksgiving and prayer the Holy Spirit help you to pray let the Holy Spirit help you to pray continue to say hallelujah praise be unto our God forever more you are God thank you for seeing me through Lord you are changing my situation Lord you are changing my situation Lord you are changing my situation thank you Lord thank thank you Father for breaking yoks in my life thank you asent of days for locating me in your favor I Delight you in you I Delight in you you are Mighty on your throne you are Mighty on your throne you are fearful praise you perform great wonders you is like unto you who is like unto our god oh hallelujah holy holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty you alone are faithful you alone oh Lord do not change do you do not turn turn around and change your mind and say I'm not going to do it you are God Almighty the restorer of all the things that we've lost in the past in the mighty name of Jesus Great I Am you are God God is giving you rest God is giving you rest let the Lord give you rest in the name of Jesus the Bible says the Lord gave David rest all around rest all around all around that he stopped fighting he rested and let that rest rest upon you in the name of Jesus Mar and the god that gave the widow woman in Luke chapter 18 who persisted so much the lord gave her rest because he answered he answered her he answered her he answered her and said you've been knocking like you are knocking now you are knocking on the door of the king and the Lord will give you rest in the name of Jesus the Lord that gave rest to Hannah the god that gave rest to to to the blind Bas there are so many people that persisted in the O in the Bible they persisted and they they got their rest they got their restoration our sight was restored back oh Father I thank you there's nothing too difficult for you I remember the Lord I was driving taking my daughter to school and I was coming back and the lord gave me the word Luke Chapter 1:37 do not take it as his familiar there's nothing too difficult oh Lord with God there's nothing that is too important with God there's that situation is nothing compared to creating the entire universe creating the entire population is is anything too hard for God is there anything maybe you have been talking to yourself and saying ish my my situation is too much but there's nothing like that God says he'll give you rest the Lord will humiliate that situation as the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on that cross he is doing it in the name of Jesus I pray that you receive that that Grace Hallelujah to persist to persist to persist to pray without ceasing to pray until something happens let you alone hallelujah oh Lord release that Grace Upon Us in the mighty name of Jesus you are giving us rest in the order of the the widow woman Lord in the order of Hannah in the mighty name of Jesus in the order of blind Bas in the order of Elijah he persisted and the rain came he persisted he persisted even when it was look looking like it wasn't going to come but Lord he continued to go back and pray he continued to go back and pray that's what we are doing receive that grace receive that Grace to not give up receive that Grace to see to see a sign and continue going back to the Lord going back to the Lord and saying Lord you do it Lord you do it I believe you I trust you I trust you do it Elijah did it Elijah did it there was a hand like rain coming Cloud was there but rain was not there he continued to bow down he continued to go back to the Lord we are here Lord father in the mighty name of Jesus father in the mighty name of Jesus give me the grace give me the grace to persist give me the grace to continue coming in your presence give me the grace to stay on the prayer altar Let the Fire of the most high God be in your bones let the Lord inflame your body that the enemy will find you too hot the enemy find you too much he will not be able to come near you in the mighty name of Jesus the god of Elijah the god of Elijah the god that answers remember Elijah did not give up when he saw that it was just a small Cloud he he trusted in his God who was who who is not able to has no ability to fail God has no ability to fail Hallelujah he cannot fail he cannot change his mind what has spoken you do in the name of Jesus and this is a time it's a crucial time this is a different season it is a very dangerous season because the Lord is doing great and mighty things those who persist on the prayer altar as we appear before him the Lord will do Great and Mighty things in your life and you those who are not doing what you're doing they will just look and they'll think there's something wrong you shall not be found lagging you shall not lag behind you will not be behind you will not be on the floor the Lord is beautifying your life the Lord is beautifying your life you are going to say this moment that oh Lord oh Lord I pray shake the heavens and the Earth for me in the mighty name of Jesus give me the desires of my heart give me the desires of my heart if it's one it's okay tell the Lord to give you the desire of your heart it means that you're being specific you are being specific Lord do this one thing do this one thing remove the shame as you have spoken in Joel chap 2: 27 I say Lord that God Almighty shame shall not come near my dwelling you have said that no more will my people be ashamed no more will Agnes be in shame no more will maor be in name there good put your name there because the Lord knows your name calls you by name he calls you by name he calls you by name he saying that he's is opening Heaven he's shaking the Earth he's shaking the heavens Hallelujah if you need advancement if you need Destiny helpers they are coming they are coming they will locate you they will locate you they will locate you they will locate you because the Lord is the creator of the heavens and the Earth he says I will shake the heavens and the Earth Hallelujah let the Lord shake the heavens and the Earth and give you the desire of your heart in the mighty name of Jesus some of you you are looking for a Godly Man let let the Lord shake the earth and the heavens yes in the name of Jesus let Financial breakthrough come your way let there be abundance in your house let food be plenty in your home let your hands never lack any good thing some of you are looking for healing drawing closer to God may the Lord protect you from household enemies the Lord wrap you around himself that the Lord will Ambush your enemies they won't even know what they are doing the Lord will confuse them so much that their arrows will become nothing in their own hands in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ when my husband died the Lord said that the shame of WID shall not come near you now stepped in have become your husband the Lord stepped in the Lord has stepped in the Lord has stepped in in your situation no longer will you be ashamed in the name of Jesus Christ The Shame of of of the past shall not come near you in the mighty name of Jesus because the Lord pours out his spirit pour out his spirit and sudden Miracles begin to happen oh he's giving you laughter you laugh last in the name of Jesus there shall be good news only in the mighty name of Jesus there shall be breakthroughs only in the mighty name of Jesus the Lord is giving you the desire of your heart and right now I want you to push I want you to push because that's what it means to pray without ceasing it means you push it means you push it means you push until you give birth until you give birth until that which is in the realm of the spirit comes to pass in Jesus name you will not stop you will not stop say Lord I desire I Delight in you I Delight in you shame shall not come near myw dwelling in the name of Jesus because I Delight in you you have said that Lord as I behold your beauty every single day praying without ceasing you beautify my life you beautify my life you beautify my life the Lord is removing shame you shall not be ashamed that situation came because it wants to bring shame you shall not suffer shame in the name of Jesus you will not suffer shame you are receiving double portion of Glory you are receiving double portion of Glory I decree sudden miracles in the mighty name of Jesus may the Lord give you the Breakthrough that will help you to laugh for the rest of your life in the mighty name of Jesus my tell the Lord that locate me oh Lord locate me Lord locate me in your favor locate me in your glory in your goodness because of your goodness according to your loving kindness locate me oh Lord cover me oh Father protect me oh God whatever it is that you desire let the Lord locate you right now locate me oh Lord in your favor you know favor can speak for you favor can speak for you things that were tough they become easy because the Lord will send someone to come and help you will send that that desire of your heart it will appear without without announcement receive the anointing to overtake in that situation to be above only in the name of Jesus you shall never go down you shall never go down in Psalm 46:5 the Lord says that saying to you right now that because he's within you you will not fall because he's within you you will not fail in the name of Jesus any situation that has come to want you to fail to bring shame and disgrace he shall not prosper in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus may the Lord beautify may the Lord beautify you may the Lord beautify your destiny whatever it is that you desire begin now right now let the Lord help you give you the strength give you the strength because in Matthew chapter 16: 19 the Lord says you shall bind Hallelujah and he shall be bound you shall loose and he shall be loosed yes that's the authority the Lord has given you in right now you are going to bind any Spirit of debt you are going to bind any spirited of delay you will bind any spirit that is is wrecking your life any Spirit of confusion be bound in the name of Jesus Christ begin to cancel every evil family patterns any cycle that is following you any cycle anything that you have seen begin to cancel that by the blood of Jesus by the blood of Jesus no weapon formed against you shall prosper no weapon formed against you shall prosper confuse the enemy and pray in Tong confuse the enemy now and pray in Tong let there be fire we are sending fire fire fire fire in the name of Jesus the fire of the Holy Ghost the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume evil in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus you shall not pray in vain you shall not be called a child of God in vain in the name of Jesus Christ let the glory of the Lord shine upon you let the glory of the Lord shine upon you because you have risen let the glory of the Lord let the light shine over you in the mighty name of Jesus begin to cancel every evil pattern any evil pattern you know of and if you do not know just cancel it by the blood of Jesus let the Lord help you in the mighty name of Jesus help me Lord be my helper father be my helper be merciful unto me be merciful unto my children be merciful unto my generation be merciful oh lord lord at my business there are arrows that can can be sent against you to to to bring that business down to bring your career down struggling yet after year and others are going are moving forward yet you have degrees yet you have a PhD yet you have all the qualifications but nothing is happening begin to pray and send the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy anything that is not of God in your life my spirit of stagnation be canceled in Jesus name be destroyed in the name of Jesus any Spirit of stagnation oh father I pray that you rece you you you you replace it by the spirit of speed in the name of Jesus Christ as Elijah was able to reach the entrance first Hallelujah you shall be first in Jesus name you shall be first in the name of Jesus let the progress begin to happen in in your life in Jesus name in your career let the Lord unfold himself let the Lord open up oh God those that cannot be closed let the door of promotion be opened up to you in the name of Jesus anything you see in your family begin to come against it begin to come against it in the name of Jesus it is you to open up your mouth and decree and declare in Jesus might name we praying without ceasing we are praying until something happens you are giving birth right now things are being cut off your life life things are being cut off your life generational cures are being destroyed in the name of Jesus if you don't believe in that oh Lord I pray that you have mercy on us in the mighty name of Jesus father I pray my father that Lord you cover each and everyone with the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus father Lord I pray that you release that blueprint that original blueprint for each and everyone open their eyes Lord I pray that Lord You release that original blueprint oh the one that is not messed up the one that is on Solid Ground in the name of Jesus Christ that Solid Ground oh Lord that they shall step on it you will step on it your house your life your destiny will be built on the solid rock Jesus Christ and he shall say on this rock on this rock on this life I am going to build my church and G the Gat of Hell shall not Prevail Against Me In in the mighty name of Jesus decree decree decree declare in the name of Jesus we serve the god that is merciful the Lord correct your your your your your foundation in the name of Jesus let the Lord by his infinite Mercy correct your foundation correct your foundation let your life be built on that solid lock Rock Lord in the name of Jesus that you shall not be shaken when problems come you shall not be shaken you will not be shaken you will not be moved that which the Lord has planned for your life oh it shall happen because you are in the right path because you are standing your feet are on the solid rock Jesus Christ and you say rain came Hallelujah oh wind came and blew but my house remained standing let the Lord correct your foundation let the Lord correct your foundation let the Lord correct your foundation father have mercy be merciful Lord be merciful unto us be merciful unto us let the Lord protect you let the Lord protect you you do not have to qualify the Lord has qualified you by his blood by his blood by the blood of Jesus that speaks greater things than the blood of any sacrifice anything that has been sacrificed for your sake I sh it is overridden right now it over it's overpowered by the blood of Jesus we overpower it we overpower any sacrifice that has been sacrificed oh for your sake oh my father my God I pray in the name of Jesus by all the power for which you are known to be God great I am king of all glory you fail not break Ys right now oh Lord consume evil on every Shrine on every altar anything that we do not know correct Lord Almighty correct lives correct Destinies Lord correct every Destiny here correct every Foundation oh lord for Lord God Almighty we do not wrestle against flesh and blood we wrestle against principalities we wrestle against those that sit on our on on on a seat of promotion we wrestle against Alters we wrestle against shrines and witches household enemies we wrestle against them let your Holy Spirit Lord oh Father begin to correct every Foundation oh Lord we want to stand on the solid rock we want to stand on Jesus we want to want our our our foundation our family line from now onwards our in our upcoming children my father our inborn children be oh Lord God Almighty be be standing be coming over those on on that Foundation that is a solid a solid foundation in the name of Jesus Christ let you alone build our houses oh Lord I pray in the name of Jesus right now the Lord is saying ask him to build your house ask him to build your house some of you have been building businesses that God did not build you've been starting careers things that God didn't didn't tell you to to start and this is a problem because when God does not find it when God does not support it you have to make sure that you you are keeping it yourself right now let's pray let there be a breakthrough my father show me what to do Lead Me Oh God to that to that which is my my portion in this season my breakthrough must come my breakthrough must be released my breakthrough must come help me oh Lord whatever have not you have not founded whatever you have not started in my life I pray that you give me the grace correct my Foundation correct the foundation of my business my career oh Father we pray that the Lord will build your house ask the Lord to build your house and that house is not just a house it can be a physical house if you are Desiring that house remember we said that the Lord is giving you the desire of your heart and right now it is the time that you're going to to push let that breakthrough come let that breakthrough be released in the name of Jesus ask the Lord to build the house let the Lord build your foundation your house be built by the Lord in the name of Jesus because you won't go wrong because you will flourish because the Lord wants you to move forward anything that you are building by yourself oh ask the Lord for Mercy ask the Lord for Mercy oh in the name of Jesus Christ every Spirit of shame that has knocked on the door of your life we cancel it right now we command it to catch fire we command you to catch fire we command you to catch fire we are saying catch fire now in the name of Jesus Catch Fire Catch Fire Catch Fire Catch the Fire of God and be bent to ashes in the name of Jesus anything that is not of God built in your life in your system in your body anything planted anything that is not of God we command it be connected to you in the name of Jesus disconnect yourself disconnect yourself the Lord says that no longer will you be ashamed no longer will you be ashamed anywhere where there's shame repeat and say to the Lord that father you have promised that no longer will I be ashamed no longer will my people be ashamed says the Lord in whatever has brought shame oh holy One of Israel he is after it in the name of Jesus the Lord will pursue your enemies and Destroy them permanently in the name of Jesus Christ the lord is your light ah the Lord is your light and your salvation of whom shall you be afraid of in the mighty name of Jesus let not that situation bring fear to you let not that situation bring fear to you right now be glorified oh Lord be exalted on high let the Lord correct your health in the name of Jesus let the Lord correct your health let the Lord give you Vitality let the Lord give you Vitality let the Lord give you strength to stand on the prayer altar let this body you you are you are that is housing your spirit this body that you you are renting you are renting this body may the Lord beautify it may the Lord give it strength in the name of Jesus May the fire of God enter into your bones and let the Lord begin to perform a surgery in your body in the name of Jesus some of you are are are asking the Lord for the fruit of the womb in the mighty name of Jesus you will carry your child you will carry your baby you will carry your child you will carry your child the Lord is building your house it doesn't mean it it means the complete Victory completeness completeness completeness all around prosperity all around Joy all around Victory that's what the Lord is giving you he's not giving you only one thing he wants you to flourish he wants you to be above only he wants your joy to be full so whatever it is that is missing right now say Lord give me my the desire of My Heart Lord build my house Lord build my life correct it oh Father correct where I've gone wrong correct it make me oh Lord make me into a great nation oh the Lord promised Abraham and said I will make you into a great nation I give you a great name the Lord give you a great name let the Lord build your house let the Lord build your home let the Lord build your marriage let the finances begin to to work out for your good in the name of Jesus any robber any spiritual robber anything swallowing your finances we say your time is up your time is up your time is up your time is up in the name Jesus Oh swallowers of money your time is up any reinforcement of problems we come against you now in the name of Jesus Christ in the mighty name of Jesus the anointing power the spirit of God is available here to break every yor to break financial hardship in the name of Jesus to break marriage destruction in the name of Jesus to beautify marriage marital Destinies in the name of Jesus the Lord is beautifying your home the Lord is beautifying your children your finances in the mighty name of Jesus you are coming out of that that dead you are coming out of that debt you know why because the Lord is giving you ideas the Lord will push you to make the right decision and the the wisdom that made Solomon rich is coming upon you to overtake you and you start to make the right decision you will come out of that date you are coming out of that Dee finances are beautified in the name of Jesus let there be restoration Let There Be restoration oh Father Lord take over our lives take over our lives in Jesus name let the Lord take over your life let the Lord take over your life in the mighty name of Jesus we have few minutes push push this session is pushing pushing until something is is G has given birth in the name of Jesus until anything that is following your destiny has cut off from your life disconnected completely in the mighty name of Jesus let your glory and favor overtake my life that's what you are going to say now tell God Lord let your favor let your favor and Your Glory Hallelujah overtake my life let your favor and your glory overtake my life in the name of Jesus overtake my family overtake my children Let Your Glory shine over my life let you alone my father as you are correcting my life correct my destiny correct my finances correct everything about me beautify me let your glory shine over me oh I do not want to be a Christian that is has no evidence in the name of Jesus Oh pray again and say let your glory Lord over my life let your favor God overtake my life let your beauty father take overtake my life specify specify and tell the Lord that father let your glory shine let your glory shine let your glory shine over my life in the mighty name of Jesus let there be an Evidence of your power let there be an Evidence of your glory let there be an Evidence of your glory make a way where there's no way my daddy you are faithful to the end you are fearful in praise you perform great wonders you perform Miracles ah Lord God Almighty perform a miracle in my life do something great with my life do something great in me do something great through me in the name of Jesus Christ the lord is giving you the grace the Lord is is is releasing that sudden breakthrough in Jesus mighty name let your glory shine over me let your favor shine shine over me Let the Fire of the Holy Ghost begin to page my life in the mighty name of Jesus beautify my life bend that which is not of you my father in the name of Jesus Oh I expand I enlarge Lord give me the capacity give me the capacity to to house the what you about to do in the name of Jesus Hallelujah listen you are going to pray for expansion the Lord is going to give you the grace to expand your capacity because without capacity you can't receive he knows how he knows how he's going to give you that capacity he he knows how he's going to enlarge you how he's going to expand you he knows exactly what to do and when you ask him that Lord enlarge my capacity it means that you you want to house more finances you want to to bring more peace there shall be more glory in your life because without space there's no way that more can come Hallelujah whatever that means just ask God ask God and and say Lord expand my territory oh Lord that you may expand my territory enlarge my tent enlarge my tent enlarge my tent enlarge my capacity father I'm ready to receive remember you are pushing for that breast grou to come but if you still still living in the past if your mentality your mindset is still is still in the in the lack mode it is not going to come and you want God to purge your mind your mindset to to accommodate what God has because God has so much for you God has so much for you enlarge my tent enlarge my capacity says do not with hold back do not hold back and you are not going to hold back you will not hold back and what can hold you back is fear and we want to to terminate that fear now by the power of the spirit of God any elephant called fear in your life that is filling up your destiny that is is is overtaking your life we want to cancel it we want to destroy it we want to come against it in the name of Jesus we say fear you have come to the wrong doorstep you have come to a wrong life you have come to a wrong place in the name of Jesus and we command you pack your loads and go pack up and go pack up and go fear we shall not bow to you we will not bow to you for I am expanding I am going higher and higher in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus the Lord is taking you higher but fear if you do not if you do not handle it it it can stop you because it's like an elephant it it's pulling you backwards it's heavy and you are scared to to take that step God is waiting for you to take a step some of you will have to make those decisions in this week after this prayer session you have to make that decision and say this is me and this is the step I'm taking and this is where God is taking me Oh Holy Ghost Fire Oh Holy Ghost Fire we pray that you terminate you terminate you terminate every spirit of fear oh let everyone be enlarged in this place Nations Nations oh nations are coming to you nations are coming to you to advance your life in the name of Jesus kings are coming to your Rising kings are coming to your Rising kings are coming to your Rising because the word of God says that you rise and shine you rise and shine this is the time that you rise this is the time this is the time this is the time Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire go to every area of my life pray pray pray pray go to every area of My Life Begin to enlarge me begin to prepare me begin to Lead Me begin to guide me begin to instruct me in the name of Jesus for I am here not by might not by chance I am here because I'm connecting to the throne of grace I am connecting to the grace Hallelujah I am connecting to the most high God I am connecting to the power of the Holy Ghost and I'll collect and I'll possess my possessions and I'll collect oh Father arise arise yes arise arise oh Lord and fight my battles arise and fight my battles oh father I pray oh Lord that you rise and fight everyone's battle in this place in the name of Jesus it is not of God that you should not be working it is not of God that you should be struggling to pay bills and to to to eat to feed your children it is not of God do not think that is humbleness that is not humility at all it is the enemy harassing us and we are going to say no in the name of Jesus I want you to say no I want you to be angry over against anything like that you are not going to accommodate it you are not going to say yes to it you are not going to to allow it to stay another day in your life you will stand and say charge my life oh Lord charge my life I'm saying to charge your life to charge your body to charge your destiny with the fire of the Holy Ghost that anything God has not planned for your destiny should be bent to ashes in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus say no Lord this is not me you have said that you are my present help you have said that you are my provider you have said that you leading me in Green Pastures and I shall shall lie down and I shall eat in plenty and my days shall be filled with with abundance and anything that is holding my work holding my job and if it's laziness if it's any excuse you are going to pray that Lord help me charge my body charge my life with your fire charge my life with your fire that anything like this har harassing people it shall not be part of me it shall not be my portion in the name of Jesus it shall not be your portion portion in the name of Jesus anything that is not of God is not meant to be for you you reject it you reject it you say no to anything that God has not said yes to in the mighty name of Jesus that's why we stay on the prayer altar because we are fed up because we are saying enough is enough enough is enough devil you are not coming a second time anything that the Lord has not planned for your life must leave you now in the name of Jesus leave me now in the name of Jesus leave me now in the mighty name of Jesus charge my destiny charge my destiny with your fire charge my destiny and change it Lord and change it Lord and change it Lord change my destiny change my story change my story maybe it's your name Lord change my name you changed Jacob's name change my name to fruitfulness change my name to married change my name oh Father God Almighty to a a a a bey beautiful child of God that is loving the father every single day change my name change my name Lord change my name let not people be finding me on the same spot every single year I refuse this month Lord I locate me in your favor locate me in your grace in your glory Lord locate me with your goodness locate me with your presence locate me father with your provision locate me Lord with a sudden breakthrough in the name of Jesus Shand right now I'm feeling pain in my in my in my tmy as I praying I'm feeling pain when you stand tonight when you stand tonight pray until you feel the pain the muscles of your of your womb must be contracting must be must getting must be must be feeling the pain yes as you are praying the intensity of your prayers the intensity of your prayers to say no not here not in my life not in my children's life not in my business not in my career you are not coming a second time in the name of Jesus I say no to you I say no to you I am giving birth to everything that the Lord has planted in my life the Lord has embedded in me oh let let all that which has to take you higher be revealed to you let that that superpower in Praying Woman um uh p31 woman I talk about superpowers superpowers talk to God your father and say Lord reveal that which will advance my life reveal that which you advance my life we have only six minutes reveal that which will advance my life because if you do not know you will be doing things without knowing I am you will be going in the wrong direction reveal my household enemies so I can pray right reveal them reveal what they doing so I can be strong on the prayer altar reveal them reveal what they doing reveal wherever they are Lord expose them Lord expose them understand you going toay hear me can you hear me give me some life can you hear me can you hear me can you still hear me okay okay thank you thank you Father we thank you Lord we exalt your name oh hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the Lord praise the name of the Lord you are worthy oh Lord you are worthy oh Lord you are worthy oh Lord I just want to make sure that I didn't leave anything here I just want to make sure that whatever God meant to do is not left here hallelujah hallelujah and you are going to decree you are going to say Lord I pray for sudden Miracles it is good to get a miracle there are some of you here who need a miracle right now that Lord my case just needs a miracle right now oh Lord I pray for sudden Miracles sudden breakthroughs Lord give me that certain Miracle let me laugh let me Lord let that good news come in the mighty name of Jesus Oh father I am tired of any evil cycle anything that is not of you my father in my family in my life anything I've seen I know you are the god of of Great Beginnings my latter years Lord shall be greater my latter years shall be greater from today my life shall be greater my life shall be greater I shall laugh more in the name of Jesus I shall laugh more I shall be joyful Happiness joy is my portion in Jesus mighty name good news is my portion in the name of Jesus you will de you declare you declare the things you want to see in the mighty name of Jesus we are coming to an end we have come to an end we have only four minutes in the mighty name of Jesus declare something you want to see declare declare declare Lord in the mighty name of Jesus give me a certain Miracle give me a certain breakthrough let my breakthrough come in the name of Jesus let my breakthrough be released in Jesus name oh Father Lord oh Father Lord let it be that good news be my portion in this day and Beyond in Jesus name this year shall be good news only this year shall be good news only give me a turn around father that will shock my enemies that will will cause people to talk about the the god I save about you my father let there be no shame as you have spoken oh my father as you have declared there shall be no shame I decree and declare that there shall be no shame in your life in the name of Jesus any situation that has in your in your life to bring shame the Lord has spoken the Lord has spoken who can dare God and win who can dare God and win who can dare God and win oh that situation cannot win over you in the mighty name of Jesus no more sickness no more delay no more stagnation we say no in the name of Jesus we say no to any Spirit of stagnation any Spirit of backwardness any attacks in your dreams we say no to that we say no to that by the fire of the spirit of God by the fire of the spirit of God by the power of the Holy Ghost in the might name of Jesus cration celebrate the Lord celebrate the Lord the Lord is good the Lord has answered the Lord has answered Us in the mighty name of Jesus thank him give him praise say my desire come to full manifestation Lord let my desire come to full manifestation in the name of Jesus father let my desire come to full manifestation let my desire let whatever you desire come to full manifestation oh the Lord gives you the desire of your heart in the name of Jesus Christ whatever you desire let it come to pass let it come to pass by The Authority in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost by the power in the name of Jesus by the good of the Lord let the goodness of the Lord pursue you let the goodness of the Lord overtake your life in the mighty name of Jesus let everything you desire come to full manif manifestation in Jesus name in the name of Jesus complete manifestation complete manifestation in Jesus mighty name ah we have less than one minute oh we pray that father you alone who has been good you are a good God we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your goodness to take over our lives to build our lives oh father thank you Jesus what what you start to experience from today it is on that Solid Ground hallelujah oh the breakthroughs are coming on the good slate coming on that fruitful land the Lord has transitioned you in the mighty name of Jesus that's why you wanted to correct your foundation you wanted to to correct everything about you he wanted to start a fresh in your life and everything that will be coming there will be fruitful will be multiplication will be increase will be will be solid solid permanent blessings yes of the Lord in Jesus mighty name because the foundation has been corrected and I want you to start enlarging I want you to start believing for great things that what that's what it means enlargement expansion do not hold on to that small mindset and saying ah this is enough because it has been for one year now I didn't see any breakthrough so this is fine no God has so much more for you create that room create that room create that room create that room now begin to create that room begin to look begin to write a list of those people that will come to your wedding H begin to prepare if you are expecting a child begin to prepare go and buy maybe you know something for the child begin to make room begin to expand begin to speak yes begin to call that which is not as though it was it is already in the name of Jesus because our God is in the present God is in the present he is here he is there he is there he is in your future but we as his children we are here we are here right now the future belongs to God and that's why we are saying saying Lord let my life be greater let my latter Years be greater let my tomorrow be greater because he knows it and right now you are just celebrating the goodness of the Lord that thank you Father for giving me a good foundation if there's anything that you have picked from here and go and run with it is a clean Foundation corrected Foundation that the Lord will start building on that Foundation hallelujah praise the Lord thank you Jesus father we thank you Lord we thank you we thank you for for answering our prayers thank you for for being our faithful father the god of Mercy the god of compassion we thank you Jesus we thank you Adonai we say Hallowed Be Your Name holy holy holy holy holy holy hallelujah thank you asent of death for removing shame thank you my father thank you for being present in our in our midst Lord we appreciate you thank you for this time thank you Lord for for for moving your people from one degree of Glory to another in the name of Jesus we thank you we appreciate you in Jesus mighty name thank you everyone thank you everyone I'll see you again this week there's another one so keep an eye Hallelujah on that announce announcement we will continue to push and the Lord will continue to correct our lives and move us forward in the name of Jesus this year must not and without your breakthrough and that's why I am here as a vessel the Lord has sent me and we are going to do this together in Jesus name I cover you with the precious blood of Jesus may your sleep be sweet may your sleep be sweet like honey in the name of Jesus more than Honey Hallelujah I send you my heart I send you my hugs I can see all those hearts yes I send you my blessings and may the Lord be with you in in Jesus mighty name I'll see you this week God bless you God bless you God bless you Hallelujah and bye for now bye bye everyone

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