The Obligatory PSU Pregame Show | Penn State vs. West Virginia Preview

[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody to the obligatory PSU pregame show our second season here on the YouTube channel of forthe bloggy decom our first year at the we are in in Philipsburg happy to be here as we will be all season I'm your fake host Chris badani joined by legendary campus icon Mike the Millman Mount nney Conservancy secretary Kevin Horn and fake Brandon Noble AKA we are in proprietor Pat Romano Pat thanks for filling Brandon's chair today I'll do him some justice yeah so for those of you who are may be wondering uh Brandon is's going to be with us all season except for this episode he's wrapping up his stint as defensive coord Ator and assistant head coach of the Hamburg sea devils in the European League of American football so we'll hear from him in some future segments but Pat before we get into talking about the 2024 nney Lions again we're excited to be here at the we RN tell everybody about what they can expect if they come take advantage of your hospitality here in Philipsburg well you can definitely expect the Penn State Spirit as we support all of our Athletics sus everywhere everything's blue and white um we have amazing food we have the concession stands in the stadium too let's not forget about that right with cheese steaks oh yeah so yeah if you come out here you're going to get great meals you're going to be surrounded by alumni and sometimes former players that come out and hang out and we have lodging available if anybody's looking for rooms we still have rooms available through the season and uh yeah that's pretty much it I mean that's the key if you're looking for a place close to State College and a great place it'll get you in the Penn State Spirit check out the we are in on Facebook or online okay guys big season for James Franklin and the nitty Lions this year I think expectations as we discussed last season were very high and I I I kind of felt like the maker Break season Kevin was last year with the generational defense and the amount of talent we had but we're going to get another bite of the Apple this year maybe that's sort of remarkable how the expectations going into last year and this year seem to be about the same yeah right because it's lot of the same Personnel you lose some you add some will Drew Allard take the step forward new coordinators of course but really I think that the attitude the sense around town if you will if you can quantify such a thing is pretty close to this year as it was last year I'm always amazed it I think it's a kiss of death when you get rised about how good you're going to be this year because you always expect to do better than what what they usually do but we're still we still I still think you're going to do better than we know you do oh Mike I I feel like historically Penn State has done pretty well and when expectations have been a little bit lower yeah going into this season you know you think about 05 08 2016 all big 10 championship years All Seasons that began with not might quite as much hype right but Pat I think that you know when you look at this year's team it begins with replacing three coordinators from 2023 yeah which normally would be tough I have faith in these guys I really do you know if you look at Tom situation when we had um Manny came in he came as from being a head coach and now Tom's coming in everybody believes in him which is wonderful and I can't wait to see the new offense if if Fleming can stretch the field a little bit just a little bit more than last year the back Field's going to go wild it's going to be great we're going at that look forward to you talked about Tom Allen the new defensive coordinator so let's start talking about the defense and we'll Begin by talking about Tom I think you raised a good point I've always said that I think James because of the kind of head coach he he is he benefits from bringing in a guy with head coaching experience somebody who number one can basically ask act as the deao head coach of their side of the ball and also understand all the things that go into a game day and I think the added benefits Kev with Tom Allen who I like a lot from a personality perspective is that he knows the conference and he knows the team too he's talked about just being familiar with our Personnel from having scouted Penn State he knows how to beat Penn State with less Talent right look I'm not so much worry about the defense like the LA Penn State's last defensive corner named Tom who signed pictures right there it's fine def coordinator name Tom workout in Happy Valley defense is going to be fine I think cot Nikki is the more interesting higher we have other than Joe Morehead man I actually feel for James Frank a little bit he's been extremely unlucky we we bringing in the big names uh to coach the offense maybe maybe not so much Sha but but yuch certainly was one of the biggest F in the market and that guy's a loser right so kot Nikki to get cot Nikki from Kansas was an enormous get finally you know we start over again you know the expectations are high again for that position uh you just got to feel for James a little bit that none of these have worked out since Morehead last and uh I I do a little bit of optimism like I know you do yeah Coach K I think brings a lot of humor to the I mean when I Medi with him he was just fundable Joy I think Penn State needs that I think he needs some some fun he seemed like he's really a fun guy I haven't I haven't felt that in a long time at Penn State I think it I do need I want to go to Vegas with HED pack crafts I be a fun trip trying to make that happen in the off working on that now Okay Kevin so Pat when I think about the offense uh you know obviously you focus on the quarterback because you have a five-star guy who was according to some Services the number one recruit in his class and I think there's some debate about whether or not his first season was quote unquote a success the completion percentage was not maybe where you want it to be certainly the performance against the best opponents Falls a little short but if you go back and you look at some of the best quarterbacks in Penn State history you know they they grow they they step from one season into another and I don't know how you can complain too much about the touchdown to turnover ratio yeah yeah absolutely like I said earlier me if flemy can stretch it a little That'll be amazing we we had all that hype a few years ago when he almost came here but now we got him and he's been behind stuck behind guys who are like allar caliber in the NFL and if he could come here and open it up a little bit it's going to change well and I think not just Fleming the question is is can treade Wallace stay healthy what's that I'm too stuck on well I mean I look I think everybody was heartbroken when he as a top instate kid chose Ohio State over Penn State so just like noan Ruchi on the offensive line it's nice to have him back in the fold I do think you're going to need guys like certainly it starts with Trey Wallace but then someone else whether it's a Kaden Saunders or Liam Clifford or or look Amari Evans or even the freshman tyer Denmark it's got to be like a desan Hamilton Deion Butler type who contributes right out of the gate you're going to need other guys in addition to Fleming is going to have to be a good stabilizing influence as you know as you know I've always been a tight end fan I know this cuz I figure take it how you will oh yeah I I like tight ends uh short passes I mean you don't get intercepted I love it like that I don't I'm not a fan of the long at all it percentage wise it doesn't work I mean tight ends give them six yards we'll make 12 it's undoubtedly I think the most disappointing part of the off season was the lack of transfer wide receivers again Fleming be an enormous one still unproven but um to not add anyone else and that's not really have a pretty poor wide receiver recruiting class I think was probably the most disappointing part of the whole thing um coach frankman has been mentioning weam Clifford quite a bit and Harrison walls quite a bit if you want to do the the James Franklin Su re between the the te leagues those guys have getting a lot of press uh he leades the press conference talking about them I'm never going to be optimistic about that group until I see otherwise um but certainly that it has to be the biggest question going into the year you just need a couple guys to throw the ball to yeah we didn't have that last year yeah well West Virginia is returning a lot of playmaking Talent on offense they got some young guys on the up and we're going to need our defense to play great in Morgantown to start this season one and0 we're going to break down the West Virginia game we're going to do our r number generator score picks for that game and we'll do all that on the other side but before that we're going to hear Mike's Trends to treasure picks for this week so we'll be right back here on the obligatory PSU pregame show from the we are [Music] in hi everybody Mike the mailman this is this year's segment of Trends to treasure what I do every weekend on the show is survive three or four college or professional football games and follow the trend and the trends has been very profitable for a lot of players I I would hope that everyone would start with a bank roll I don't care whether it's $50 $500 $5,000 but you got to stay within that bank roll I want you to be disciplined you don't have to play every game we hopefully we can make you some money this year now on to this week's selections first up today we have Temple at Oklahoma the total has gone over four the last five games in Oklahoma the total is a little high 16 and a half but I like the temple Oklahoma game to go over 60 and A2 next up we have TCU at Stanford Stanford has gone 5 and 13 in their last 18 games even though TCU is a road team I still like him to cover the seven and a half next up we have Eastern Michigan at UMass Eastern mission is 0 and five in their last five games against UMass so the play is actually UMass is actually a a little dog I think they're like plus one one and a half so uh I love the home dog so the player is UMass plus the one and the last selection this week will be Boston College at Florida State BC is 0 and five the last five games against Florida State so the players will take Florida State minus a 21 sorry BR O'Brien I still root for you all the time that concludes the first week of Trends to treasure selections don't forget bet with your head and not with your heart go get [Music] them always good stuff oh yeah Mike oh thank you yeah I'm I'm not putting any money on that but you know I don't bet I I I know we're here at the we are in in Philipsburg banani mailman horn sitting in for Brandon Noble who we will hear from this segment Pat Romano owner and proprietor of this fine establishment we are talking about opening the season boys with a pretty tough matchup Kev I know you have your thoughts about how James Franklin likes to craft a non-conference schedule that doesn't have these sort of of games but from a fan perspective pretty cool to renew a historic rivalry to start the season there is nobody that's more upset about playing this game than James Frank despite how cool it'll be down there in Morgantown oh yeah he's not alone in that theory of scheduling about head coaches and scheduling anyone but roadkill on the out of conference but um it's still going to be a good time I I gotta say though there's no one more excited than West Virginia to have Penn State come to town in the sense of when you're a a mid-level program you want to have that signature win you want to just ask Tom Allen when you want to get out of that mid-level Fe there is no one no one no program you want more coming to your Stadium than Penn State coached by James Franklin in the top 10 nobody so that's what worries me it does concern me I think we dodged a bullet thanks to the college football Taliban at Big noon making this a daytime kickoff instead of a night game because we all know the reputation of Morgantown as a really tough place to go and play you prepared for a pretty hostile environment I think if you're Penn State or a visiting fan by the way yes the visiting fan should be fun down there won't be as bad as going in a horseshoe I'll tell you that but uh we're looking forward to getting down there no matter how hostile the ground is you still got to show up and play you got to come and play the game and uh I know several times we went down to Maryland and people talked about I think the spreads were like three something like we're winning by 40 something I I see it like that when you said roadkill I was thinking of their team you know they'll be shoving them up and taking them home for dinner okay all right we're going to give our score prediction here in a couple of minutes so I but I think we know where you're sitting I will say this mailman I don't think I have seen in my life a more irrationally confident group of human beings about anything I know then at least a portion of the West Virginia fan base is about this game and I can't quite figure it out we'll break down the matchup a little bit but I to listen to some of West Virginia's fans talk online and on some of their podcasts this is like this game is like the the speed bump on their way to the pit game and I I don't fully understand it based on recruiting rankings based on results on the field last year based on what we know about both teams but Mountaineer fans think they got this one in the back yeah they have no respect for Penn State at all I mean they like you said you hear all this stuff people were talking about oh we're going to beat them we're going to kill them I don't think it's going to happen but they think it's going to happen it's like well and I think some of it Kevin is that phenomenon you're describing where you know a lot of times now because we have this constant churn of media coverage of everything we take a narrative that maybe has some truth to it we beat it to death death and then it gets overplayed where now I think some opposing fan bases look at Penn State and James Franklin and they say oh okay this guy can't beat Ohio State and Michigan who by the way are like National Title contenders top five teams at the time that's happening they're like oh this guy's a total clown he comes to town we got it in the bag I think they all got their jolies off watching pass play Old Miss in Atlanta last year right which is which is sort of the same team uh I think that got got them pretty exciting especially the way they ended West Virginia ended their year I mean they we kicked their butt here Stadium shut out if I recall uh but they end up winning nine games last year and uh they had a really I think they won their last five so they had a strong ending they bring back the quarterback Eric green who ended up doing real well um and and they saw how Drew played in the bowl game they saw how our secondary play in the bowl game I think they got a little bit ahead of their skis on that one I'm not going to pick uh West to win but they do have a good point uh in the sense of like a lot of these firsttime starters going in a hostile environment first game spreads 10 and a half we'll get there but that's that's that's a big number Mike and and I don't I don't really love that number and I understand given if the only time West Virginia fans watched Penn State last year was their game the very beginning of the year they improved significantly and then they watched our bowl game I get why they're a little bit more optimistic than is probably rational probably true well okay so I I want to address that point because we didn't talk a whole lot about the defense in the last segment and my feeling Pat is is that one of the strengths of this team which looked like it was going to be a glaring weakness after the peach bow is the secondary and I think it's a combination of things it's what Penn State did in the transfer portal in the off season bringing in two SEC corners but I think specifically I look at AJ Harris just his pedigree as a recruit oh yeah the fact that he spent a year in what is the Marquee Championship caliber program in the country at Georgia and and he looked like a stud in the blue white the only Glimpse we have had of AJ Harris in Penn State uniform he looks like cornerback one looks like everything he was promised to be and then you look at you know Daven Collins is a Mississippi State transfer from last season who's been coming on so the transfer portal group looks pretty strong and I think list listen I understand that the very very young Corners got cooked in that bowl game last year put yourself in their position they're told okay you guys after spending the whole season and as reserves who looked pretty good in spot Duty you got to go up against one of the most potent passing offenses in the country on short notice good luck without their coordinator yeah because that's another thing very good point good we marched in there with some guys who were game time decision whether they were playing or not found out sitting in the stands and you're down two coordinators you know going into a tough game like that in a real tough environment you know that that was rough I was there it was rough it was rough it worked out for cin King too right you know that was great um has you got anyway um it's it's mid-season form no well in West is looking for guys to catch the ball too right in many ways where sort of our teams are very similar other than like the extra star on all of our players twise same same kind of weaknesses same kind of question marks going in quarterback that was that was good not great that still needs to take the next step and no one will to catch the ball other than the tight end that that is really that evident um but you know I think I had more rushing yardage than passing yardage last year if I I if I recall and they still they had a two running back system as well that's right it's not too bad so I don't know I I wish we played him third week instead of first week I wish we had a couple of acing games under our belt two before we went down there but now the one encouraging thing is you look at the last few years that Auburn game in 2022 not the first game of the season but a very hostile environment early on Penn State goes on the road gets the decisive win but they've had to open at Wisconsin against a very solid Badgers team they had to open at night at Purdue which say what you want about Purdue football West Lafayette can be a pretty imposing environment especially at night and and those were tough games and Penn State went three and0 in all of them so when I look at how prepared the team has been coming out of summer camp into some tough early road tests that gives me confidence about this game like I said I like the matchup of our secondary against what they think is an improved young receiving Corp of of West Virginia and I like the depth at safety as well I think you know I I just love the Tom Allen hire one of the things I love about him and Andy go Micki too is both of these guys got it done at programs where they did not have four and five star Talent at their disposal and so Allen's ability to put guys of different skill sets in position to succeed and move them around I love what we have in the safety room and what that brings so we're going to get into our score predictions for this Pat we call it our random number generator segment because who cares about score predictions everybody loves score predictions who really cares we want to shout out our our other sponsors this season antifragile Brewing Company is back again doing some of the best craft brewing in the nitty Valley and a full service bar right in the heart of downtown State College on cder way we want to thank Dr step Murphy and the crew at coner meded you can get an in-person appointment or an online consultation just go to coner medal. aai but uh Mike it's time for us to do our predictions yes and you look like you're raring to go I'm raring yes uh but I'm gonna cut you off I'm gon let Brandon Noble okay qu ey live from Hamburg Germany do his so let's hear from Brandon first hey what's going on guys all the way from Hamburg Germany last weekend here getting ready to come home super excited to be back in the States for the kickoff this weekend of Penn State football season obviously going down to West Virginia Which the boys have been talking about I'm not sure if we're still calling the random number generator but uh last time I was on the show that's what it was so here we go I'm going to say Penn State 31 West Virginia 17 I think it's a good football game I think it'll be a lot of fun I'm excited to see the nitty Lions play this year definitely going to be up in State College a couple extra times so uh that's it we are all right let's keep it rolling with the optimism go Mike I really think uh the West Virginia fans will will start to fowl out of the stadium after the third quarter okay so I think uh all right fighting words I like I like pen state to win by like 13 so a cover yeah you like the cover I like the cover pen by 13 yep well I have two very optimistic picks thus far Kev I I am going to go right into the middle here and and see if we can keep it moving who knows I mean 10 and a half's too many I think on the road um despite what happened last year let's say 28 let's see what's the average number of teeth in a West vir India fans now uh probably 10 so double that 28 to 20 okay all right all right so no cover no cover but P State comes out with the w I like it pat what do you got I I see it way different than that like I said when we played pit out of pit when we go down to Maryland a couple times I'm seeing it more of that kind of a game you know it's just going be all our fans by third quarter in the third quarter okay I'm looking maybe 41 to n or 10 see you could totally see it right because again I think West Virginia comes out with full head of steam and maybe plays a half of very tight competitive football but one good rule about college football is that over four quarters Talent will out and there's no doubt there is no doubt even though we're breaking in some guys at new positions on both sides of the ball breaking in new coordinators Penn State had just recruited better Talent top to bottom so yeah I could completely see that result and it does you're right in some ways recall those like Maryland games pick games like all got their bed wedding like here these guys are ready for us this is their Super Bowl Talent will out I think I I I I buy that that said I do think one thing West Virginia can boast is a physical well coached team I think they I think going to beat us up pretty good I do think it's actually even though it's come super early in the season not a bad thing that we have that buy in week three because I think that gives us a chance to recover physically from this game and also look at the first two games and and make some corrections so I I'm not expecting this to be a cakewalk I'm not going to take the cover either Kev I am going to take the nitty Lions to win 34 to 23 there's some randomly generated numbers for you and on the other other side of the break we're going to talk about some more randomly generated numbers our season record predictions so before that let's enjoy Mike talking to some of the players and coaches at Penn State football media day we'll be right back who do you think is the best video game player on their team oh man that's that's a tough question oh yeah right maybe you sure still yeah I mean I never played them so I can't tell you about them but I got some VI me oh I'll probably say me I got to go me I got to go me I have no clue okay my my roommate uh Trey Wallace he's always on the game I'm going to give my roommate my former roommate a shout out and that's Harrison Wallace Trey Wallace I have to disagree with him uh probably myself they know it's me I know it's me not a big gamer but from what I've heard Tony Roos is that's that's the second or third time we heard Tony day okay yeah I'm going to have to say the same Tony I'm going ask him a question who's the best Fe game player on their team and they all said you I know I I don't disagree a lot of guys said most people said it it's you yeah why is that uh just that's my free time I feel like it limits my distractions off the field um I don't like going out I'm a a in type of guy um whether it's offseason during the school um School weekends um I just like gaming with the guys and we all bond together like that I don't think you can ask any of us this question cuz we all going to say our it was definitely me too so you know I'm not 100% sure but let me think for a second here that's a great question who do I think probably sits there and does it a lot well we're talking like Call of Duty probably me for talking like uh NBA or something probably this guy over here for whatever reason this this this this face showed up first in my mind when you ask that question I think JB nson might be pretty good at playing video games uh I am uh arguably the best 2K player maybe that ever touch this planet he looks like a guy that' be like hey this guy can work sticks yes I strongly agree with that every player I've interviewed said them they said it's me it's me now if we're talking sports games I'll give it a JB unless we're talking UFC UFC I'm The Undefeated go here nobody on this team can touch me now if we're talking shooter games or team style gam subjective base I will also say myself I'm very Dynamic who do you think's the best dancer on the team these are tough question I realize tough question um o actually it's not tough Tyler Warren who do you think's the best dancer on the team Ty Warren how do you feel about playing for un Penn State University that's an honor and blessing um to put on these traditional uniforms and playing for a school like this but also representing the home state where I'm from of pa um it's truly an honor they love you Michael oh good I still give you immed we had a good time we had a good time awesome was fun I I heard that you you you had to sneak in for this one yeah yeah they did not they didn't let him in the front door trust me well we're here at the we are in it's a Batory PSU pregame show we want to thank Pat for having us here uh not just today but all season we can make the announcement uh we're going to be live going forward on this show which is exciting a new thing for us more opportunities for us to screw up and ruin everybody's day which is what we love to do we want to thank uh Dr Steven Mur Murphy and the team at conci Medical Folks at antifragile Brewing Company in State College all right well ninth season ninth set of record predictions um we were talking a little bit boys before we started this segment I picked us 11- one last year because it was pretty clear we were going to win those 10 games the question was did you have faith in Penn State to win at least one of the two biggies and like a [ __ ] I did and then after after the show I promised the audience and I'm keeping true to it no more no more now we're going to pretend this is the SEC and you're in Missouri and you got to show me Penn State's going to have to show me so we'll get to my prediction here in a moment but I want to talk a little bit about the schedule and where you see the inflection points for Penn State Kev when you look at Penn State's slate this year what are the games that stand out to you it's a favorable schedule it really is the Big 10 still down a little bit we fortunate that um kayin deor left Washington Yow Jad pit is a coach a little bit down and they were not going to be down obviously Ohio State still on the schedule we don't play Michigan um but at USC it's a tough game and then UCLA and Washington come to pen State UCLA is kind of roadkill at this point this Chip Kelly left and they weren't even good to begin with but um but I but I do you washing other than that though the big 10's still down and we play Penn State plays a ton of West historically Big 10 West teams this year Purdue and Minnesota illino I think there's a majority Big 10 West in the schedule compared to Big 10 East there's hardly any Big 10 East in the schedule I think Maryland in Ohio State so in that sense I mean those teams are terrible and that'll be it'll be a little bit of a cakewalk I think it's yeah yeah I I don't want to hear anybody talking about oh you got go on the road to Minnesota or prod I don't care where it falls in the schedule if you want to talk about your team as a playoff Contender I don't I don't want to hear any hand ringing over oh we gotta go to Minnesota well I you know you were not at Minnesota last I was not I was not now they had a better team that year for sure they sure did Michael yes what stands out uh I think Kevin's right about the UFC game that could be a little tough USC is probably one of the better teams that's the inflection point of the entire season to me by the way the same weekend that Ohio State goes out to play Oregon oh wow so there there are two games that's great with the new teams versus two of the traditional powers that same weekend out on the west coast that will shape the entire college football season absolutely in mid October pretty cool that well Penn State will take care of their side I don't know about Ohio state but I know Penn State will take care of their what they have to do so I'm not worried about that game at all not at all I I kind of have an inkling of where you're going to go on your record prediction Pat okay how do you see the schedule breaking down for Penn State this year we beat Ohio State we take them down stop stop no no no no now stop okay I guarantee you I don't gamble i' win money on this is you're giving me the Joe neth now yeah and and you were basing and you're basing this on what you are basing this on Vibes or you're a Penn State fan you've got a a wonderful establishment here in Philipsburg with all this great Penn State memorability on the line This is this was on Joe Paterno's desk was it not this this model of the stadium this is what I was a freshman South end's not closed off let's be realistic with the audience you you are guaranteeing guaranteeing guarante wow we win my my fear this year because we sit at home after the West Virginia game there's a gesture I want to make but I don't know if it's allowed even on YouTube anyway go ahead go ahead so after the West Virginia game we have four home games and a body in between there we go nowhere for five weeks and then hop on a plane 3,000 miles to USC yeah uh we haven't really fared well against USC out there um no we've never beaten them on the west coast not once Rose bow or in the Coliseum it's rough and that one I I think if that was played on a neutral site we crush them but it's just I'm afraid because it's their first longdistance travel and that early in the season have we ever done that before traveling 3,000 miles you know I doubt before a ball game yeah uh yeah yeah we we've had some uh home at homes with them where we've got out there and I got another thing too I I was talking to uh Thomas because I was looking at some old programs and the last time UCLA came to Penn State was October 7th 1967 the day Blair was born wow wow it was Joe's second season how about that yeah wow all right well we're g to not quite so randomly generate some numbers now we're going to give our season record predictions and I said I wanted to do this in descending order of negativity starting with the most negative which I think is going to be my record prediction which is going to make the Penn State fans in the audience hate me but that's okay that's fine if they listen to the obligatory Phu podcast which if you don't you should wherever you get your podcast they already hate me because I talk about cutting the Olympic sports but I I got the NY lions at nine and three this year and missing the playoffs and this is why college football as much as it's changing and it's changing a lot this year is still a sport of traditions and Penn State losing to Ohio state has become a tradition like in no other I I don't like the historical precedent or just the logistics of that road trip out to USC and then when I look at the schedule I am concerned about tough road games this West Virginia game which we all picked Penn State to win still is one where they could get trapped just because it's so early in the year hostile environment and a team with some talent and a very good quarterback the road trip to Madison scares me a little bit even though you know we don't quite know what Wisconsin's going to be they could be a little bit down but that's a tough environment where still Penn State has historically fared pretty well but you're replacing both of your tackles you're replacing all of your coordinators and again I told your folks until they see it and until I see it and they do it I'm not going to sell you any more snake oil so please for God's sakes Spen State prove me wrong but I got them at nine and three Kevin where you at well Chris I'm G to say some nice things before I agree with you please do which is um you know we've had sponsors in the past that um that frankly I'm not supported but we've had to pretend because they're BS this year we don't have to pretend right FR back your beard is the best of State College and it's great pat that you've jumped on everyone talks about your Chief stakes and everything else I've been out here A bunch I learned a thing a a long time ago is when someone calls their their uh Italian uh like marinara sauce and they call it uh gravy gravy that's right order that when it says gravy actually just red sauce order that I learned that a long time so we don't pretend this year I I've never used the good doctor but I'm sure Mike has he's old and I'm sure he does great work catching stra what did you do okay I'm used to it so those are the nice things we are in and and Pat's a hell of an in keeper but he doesn't know how to predict the football season as we're also going 9 and3 Ohio State USC and one inexplicable insane Michigan State Minnesota esque lost that we shouldn't lose that one with Drew Aller going like seven for 24 and then we'll be talking about offseason about how much we hate everything that's my prediction I hope I'm wrong who knows unfor you know 10 and two people saying 10 and two playoffs pen State no one's going to benefit more than Penn State 10 and two might not might not get you there yeah not not that's an important Point yeah we We'll Be On The Fringe because of the schedule and because of the number of SEC teams that could end up 10 and two because they don't all play each other again Penn State in this era and again people people mign us for being anti Franklin I'm so glad he's our coach he should be our coach for as long as he wants to be our coach he's been my our coach since I was 23 years old that's a almost a decade of my life this man has been and until he actually gets there I'm never going to predict it again for the rest of my life very fair so hopefully this is the year all right let's turn the corner from Hamburg Germany Brandon Noble what do you got all right so it's season prediction time man that got around here pretty quick um I'm excited I think this is going to be a good football team I think they're going to be a lot of fun to watch uh you know with with two new coordinators you know it's going to be be brand new and uh that's exciting I think there's a lot of talent here you know obviously being a defensive guy I'm really excited to watch those guys play they're always one of the best units in the country you know I feel like if the offense can kind of put it together a little bit more maybe that helps us get over the hump and a couple of those big ones that we haven't been able to put away uh you know over the last couple years you know basically the one against the Buckeyes um so I'm going to go I don't know if I'm before or after mailman here but uh because I'm in Germany at the moment so I'm going to go 10 and two I'm not quite ready to go full-blown Mike the mailman undefeated I'm sure that's what he went if not somebody edit this in post um I think it's a good football team I think Ohio state is still the issue and for some reason I feel like a slip up somewh uh but I'm excited because I do believe that the nitty Lions will get into the playoffs even at 10-2 uh an 11-1 isn't too much of a stretch right you know I mean it's just don't don't screw one up um so we were better at that last year so I'm excited uh 10 and two is my pick they get to the playoffs we'll have that conversation when we get there and uh definitely definitely looking forward to getting home uh although I've got to say that uh the beer in Germany is absolutely amazing uh and I have enjoyed this greatly it's also pretty inexpensive so uh that's a good thing so cheers we are okay all right and and L that guy calls it like he sees it he's been on both sides of the coin over the years but we're going to I think keep the positivity train rolling and I'm going to go over to my right because we all know what's waiting at the end of the line here all right Pat give me a season record prediction for your 2024 nitt lions 11 and one okay I don't know I I think we're going to beat Ohio State the USC game scares me yeah come out from the USC game we win that we win Ohio State I agree with Kevin that we might just you know have an off week and lose to one of the games that we shouldn't have we've been very good in those games but coming off of an Ohio State win I'll never forget two years ago when we had that tight knockdown Dragon m game against Ohio State we lost the next week to Michigan and Ohio State got killed by Iowa so you get into that's a great comparison so difficult you talking about being beat up and eating a by week those games are knocked down drag man yeah even winning you lose yeah yeah very very good point it is interesting when you look at the way that shakes down fortunately I think the second bye of the Season every team has two buys because of the way the the conference realignment has gone the first buy a little maybe earlier than you'd like but again I I actually see it as a positive it's a good thing Penn State gets the break between the two Road games at USC and then at Wisconsin but if you were riding that emotional high if you can get that W against Ohio State again Hardy harar but you're guaranteeing it you got Washington coming into the building for the white out the next week and then you've got those back-to-back games against the historically Big 10 West teams on the road you do worry a little bit about getting tripped up so yeah I think it's it's a fair point but 11 and one almost certainly get you into the Big 10 championship game and if it doesn't it's because both Penn State and Oregon only lost to Ohio State and in that case depending on how the playoff committee deals with a conference Championship Game loser maybe Penn State goes 11 and one doesn't go to Indianapolis and just sits at home rests watch watches on television and gets themselves a home playoff game up for that yeah 100% 100% all right Mike I have been told by one of our loyal viewers who's been with us for most of these nine years that the season doesn't officially begin until we get your record prediction let's have it well you know I appreciate all the analyzing you guys do with the whole season I don't get it's a lot simpler than what you guys what do you guys were saying I mean I was going to say 17 and0 but that's incorrect because they get a buy if when they're 12 and0 they'll get a buy so be my my prediction is 16 and0 they win the national championship and you guys will forever remember this season saying we'll never talk badly about Penn stfe schedule or the coach or whatever this is going to be the year you know mail Fraud's a felony it is you're right as always you heard it here folks it's a pleasure being back with you for another season it's going to be great to be live from the we are in here all season long for legendary campus on Mike the mailman for Pat romano and the we are in Kevin Horn Brandon yeah Brandon Noble coming to us brand Noble coming to us from Germany I'm your fake host Chris banani we'll see you next week go State beat West Virginia [Music]

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