Adam Hoge from Halas Hall: D'Andre Swift, Jaquan Brisker, & Richard Hightower talk | CHGO Bears

joining us here into the conversation is the one and only Adam hog here doing his thing how we doing Adam you feeling good how's your Thursday what's up guys yeah it's been a busy morning just heard from jquan brisker here um you know we're at the end of Camp guys I think the biggest thing we learned um is that Jan brisker has handshakes with every single defensive player he's got one with Caleb that will probably debut against the Titans uh oh and he's working on having one with the entire offense so so so he's like the Big Dave Big Dave from CH Bulls yeah uh has a handshake with everyone in the office with the exception of me herb and then I don't have I don't have one I don't have one okay so me and Adam this is company I don't want to keep herb and so you know Big Dave got something against the Bears crew apparently wow won't give us handshakes then when I tell Big Dave that I have an issue with this now he's like wait Karm has one I don't think he has one I mean I don't think he's coordinated enough to have one that's true that's true um well we know if he did have one it'd be super goofy but yeah Big Dave want my handshake been waiting for it for two years now so um Adam I know that uh Richard Hightower spoke DeAndre Swift just got done speaking you said you talked to jiguan brisker uh take it from wherever you want to start and what you learned here today at house Hall yeah I think the you know from DeAndre Swift the biggest headline from him was just the praise for Caleb Williams I mean it it's almost getting stale at this point guys like the amount of guys that are going out of their way to say something uh that but this is I keep having to say this to people like it's very different from you know some of the praise that we've heard with the past two quarterbacks that were here where it was like you know it seemed like it came more from a place of like just being a good teammate defending your teammate um which these guys for the most part are always going to do you're rarely ever going to have players throw their quarterback under the bus although it does happen sometimes um this time it's just feels different because people are kind of going out of their ways to do this um you know dandre Swift saying today his urge to get better I can't say that enough you can tell he wants to be great that's what you look for um you know so I say it gets stale because everybody's doing it but I feel like it's like meaningful because guys are going so going so far out of their way to say things that that you know really have some meaning behind it of course we're just at the point where everybody wants to see the actions we've seen it in the preseason I mean Caleb's backed it up so far you guys had a great discussion with Tim Jenkins I heard most of it you know with him kind of breaking down some of that stuff and how it should translate to the regular season I agree with him that they're definitely going to be a lot of moments I think especially in the first half of the Season that look a lot like that Bengals game where shaky here you're getting frustrated with a couple three and out here but you know the one thing I think that we haven't seen much though speaking of DeAndre Swift is DeAndre Swift impact on all this like would the Bears have gone three and out in against the Bengals if they had actually been running their running game right what I mean by that like I don't think they're going to come out against the Titans and throw on first second and third down like they did in that preseason game like the objectives are completely different your objectives in the preseason are to test Caleb to get him to see different looks as much as you possibly can against vanilla defenses but to put him in situations where he needs to respond um so that you can continue to develop him development still matters it is still the biggest priority of this season um in the grand big picture of things but in the micro when you get in you know between those lines on Sundays that coaching staff cares about winning the football game so they're gonna run their game plan to win the game and that's going to be way more run heavy than we've seen in the preseason and I actually can't wait to see what DeAndre schwift can do because he's looked so damn good and I think they've been holding him back from everyone because they just they don't they don't want the Titans or anyone else to see it in the preseason that was one of the things I was going to ask both of y'all about was how Dynamic DeAndre Swift has looked to me he's looked more Dynamic than I thought he was I knew he could do some of those things but he's looked more Dynamic than I thought he was coming into when the bear signed him but I want to go back to a couple things you said first H talking about the the the praise on Caleb what what I like about it and how different it is from before is that it's like football pra like it's not like oh that's my dude I love him I like him it's like football stuff and you hear from both sides of the ball and that matters but also when you talk about it getting like boring and stale because we just keep hearing it that's consistent with what Ryan Paul said when they were kind of going through the process of vetting him and trying to get all the background they could he's like we just kept asking as many people as we could and we couldn't find anybody to say something other than what we were already hearing about how good he was at this how driven he was about that and So eventually we like okay we got to just stop looking for this negative stuff we looking for it is what it is and maybe it does get boring but it's it's the best kind of boring you could possibly have from a rookie prospect that you expect to to lead your franchise for at least the next decade decade and a half yeah 100% I think you know but again now we got to see the results um but it's definitely feels different sounds different these are this I mean this is why we get paid to do what we do here kind of when we're inside the building because you kind of it takes some time to decipher what's truly real what's TR truly meaningful behind what I would you know call player speak just like there's coach speak there's player speak yep um and then you end up hearing you end up hearing some different things behind the scenes this time with Caleb it's like everything you're hearing on the mic is what you're also hearing off the mic now we just got to see it all backed up uh otherwise the the other big discussion here this morning um is the Long Snapper situation um the Bears going out and switching things up here I think this as is actually story um I don't think it's the biggest world deal in the world in fact I'm even having to to check my what's his name it's something daily man this is Scott Scott Daly John Daly John Daly they they signed John he's gonna be smoking a cigarette with a Miller Light in his hand while he while he Longs is John no it's not I'm just the the golfer John Daly is one of my spirit animals yeah no um I do find this interesting that they you know cam Lions has been here throughout basically the the tell to me though guys as they we got down to the 53 that they might go get a different Long Snapper was that they briefly did cut cam Lions back early right right at the beginning of the preseason games they cut him and then they ended up bringing him back um when like on short notice after that Hall of Fame game and and so that was sort of an indication that was at that point they thought they had a healthy Patrick scales but it was still an indication that you know he wasn't it certainly wasn't like a like a competition or anything that was going on um and if you're not having a competition then I don't know if you're really you know viewing that guy as you know n fell Sunday week one ready and then we saw some of his snaps people need to understand this that you know a snap up here at the high school level you you're living with that you're probably happy with that in the NFL level for people that don't understand this the strike zone is not like this it's like it's like this the size of the football like yeah the ball dots yes dots and that ball because you're trying to get that it's like 1.2 seconds is ideal from the snap to the kick and anything up here here here adds on time to that and and it screws up the whole operation so even some of those snaps I that was a great test for Tory Taylor because we got to see Taylor yeah I mean it was good because you got to see him catch one up here and pull it down like perfectly that was a very good sign for the holder situation but you know these guys that are fully dialed in as long Snappers literally the rotation of the ball is so exact that when the holder catches it they're catching the laces in the right spot so that they don't have to spin it I mean this is and if you think about it we're talking about long snapping at the absolute highest level where you're making good money doing it and that's all you're working on other than like obviously you do have to get downfield and cover and you do it the block but for the most part you're working on that all day that's how you get so dialed in on the spin ratio to that point that you can consistently do that and so when you have younger guys or you know just Fringe roster guys they're not going to be that dialed in I don't know that Scott dy's going to be as dialed in as Patrick scales but that's why I wasn't surprised that they went out and got somebody else and you can bring somebody else in who's already at that higher level and they're going to be just fine walking in the building and being able to do it they might have to learn a couple things here in your punt scheme um you know from an install standpoint to be able to cover but for the most part we're not talking about to you know crazy xes and O's from The Long Snapper standpoint and um that's why I think you're seeing this change last minute and it will be a new Snapper week one yep we have y'all ever seen Patrick scales without the ball like at practice time when he doesn't have a ball in his hand like he always has a ball he may be like the best ball handler on the team he walks up and down the field to people who don't get the chance to see this at practice he just walks up and down the field literally dribbling the football bouncing on the ground bouncing right back up to himself dribbling against like this is a football how are you dribbling this football down the football field he's got that kind of ball skills he's the professor yes exactly sleeping with his football under his pillow uh kiman James in the chat saying that's some deep analysis from Adam Hogue there on how to long snap the ball we had the quarterback Guru and now we have the Special Teams Guru here joining us Adam hog here from halice Hall um as we're wrapping up here on the show and there's nothing that Adam gets more excited about than special teams and hey you know here in Chicago we just put a special teamer in the Hall of Fame damn it so uh we we value it here in Chicago anything else um you know as we start wind this down here with you Adam anything of note that you wanted to point out before we let you loose um the Vikings I don't know if you guys touched on this but Brett rippen ended up signing to the Vikings 53 man roster yeah um not just I think it was the 53 I don't think it was just the practice squad because they made a they they let jiren Hall go who was a draft pick from last year out of BYU who frankly looked awful when he got into the the SE the game uh and I was that was a guy I kind of liked jiren Hall so I I'm not bragging about that one um so Brett riing goes to Minnesota yeah and you know little they might have the Playbook here's the thing though no divisional games for the Bears until the second half of the season so it's not like it's not like the they're not the Vikings by then are gonna have a deep analysis of what's on film already it's not like they're playing in week two so not terribly worried about that um but yeah Brett rippen might be able to give them some some tiny insights on some checks you know that are built in some you know ways to force a check based on a certain look that you can give them defensively and we already know that Flor a system up there cause Justin Fields a lot of problems um you know you're either bringing the house or dropping eight constantly and and um that is going to be one of the more unique tests that the Bears face all season that Caleb Williams as a rookie quarterback is going to face but um Brett might get some clock up there I like it's not like they've got all pro quarterbacks in front of them now like he might end up getting some starts up there either for health or for performance like I could I could see a path to him getting on the field you know later in the season or at some point yeah it's Sam darnold and Nick Mullins and Brett rien um and like darnold's easily the best out of those guys I I think it's you know well down the list of NFL storylines this year year but I am I I do think Sam darnold is a story you know this is a guy that has struggled with turnovers his entire career it's been the thing that's killed him we know he's talented um but you know he gets this like one-year internship in San Francisco under Kyle Shanahan I think if you're somebody who turns the ball over as much as he has throughout his career you're probably gonna keep doing that but I there's got to be some benefit to in San Francisco for a year and I think he is the best option they have will probably stick with the job unless he gets hurt and then to your point herb if there is an injury there with darnold I I mean ripet could give Mullins you know a run and may I mean we saw last year the Vikings had to play three or four quarterbacks so it it could happen again and and um and and I got the feeling from Brett rippen talking last week that he might be looking for a different opportunity where he you know maybe the path to playing time was a little bit more obvious here in Chicago not only do you have Caleb but you also have Tyson Bean who's you know one of the better backups in the league I mean you're you're you don't have a p a path to a real NFL opportunity right now if you're the third years you can't you can't see you can't see past the two dudes in front of you for like 10 years so like no all right Adam well I'm done talking to you for the day sick of talking to you every day got to talk to you no you know I'm talking to Herb though that's trueb and are having a conversation that's true I'm putting super chats in the show on you guys are having a nice lovely conversation no I appreciate you go ahead they pass today right uh I believe so I believe that's what flu said now practice starts here in about seven minutes so I haven't been out there yet but flu said last week that it was going to be two padded practices so um and and they got the whole weekend off coming here they'll probably have a light practice Monday that's usually how it's handled on Labor Day but um yeah I would go pads and um you know I will say this too if I'm Mark Carman just some advice I would highly recommend not to put another tennis photo in our slack Channel um but you know it's up to him if he wants to keep pushing buttons maybe he won't have a job next week when he comes back yeah I mean Caleb Williams has really shown an ability to have self-awareness and Mark you know you know just on vacation you know while we're all doing like five shows a day here this week in hell week the hell weeks while he's just been in you know hanging out in the forest at Camp nebab Bond and and in the in the US Open but you know hey whatever whatever we got to do to get Karm ready for the season in focused yeah which he's not but um yeah like three weeks ago I was like this is going to be grind week this is going to be it and then like then that then I was like wait La it didn't really change last week was also grind now we're in the third week of grind week so it's been grind weeks uh grind weeks I think we're all looking forward to Labor Day week in here it's funny because this this whole month and hey we're living the dream here no complaining no complaints uh if the chat feels like it sounds like we're complaining but it is ironic that this is the the hardest time when the season starts it's going to start to slow down you know in terms of the like autopilot you know what I mean yeah yeah until they make that deadline trade for DN so brag yeah I know and all happen again brags you're gonna be doing the show with car raro actually I think would be a funny bit if you like quiz him like on the 53 man or yeah but like deep like like who is like he there's no chance he knows who Scott Daly is I mean I started this hit by not remembering his first name so there's no chance he knows who Scott Dy is yeah just play bear or not a bear with him like change Chris Williams name all right I'll do that I'll do a bear not a bear at the back end of the show we got Mark Carmen returning tomorrow and Mark podes joining us as a special guest uh we're gonna break down all our U hits on Hard Knocks all the different times we've made Hard Knocks we're gonna go through them step by step and see which one he liked the most so all right I'm bringing this to air uh because this is the first time hearing pois on the show tomorrow yes John's booked them for Hogan John's tomorrow too oh my God me and John's are like water on each other yeah me and supped to he wanted Adam amine and we already booked Adam next week to come in studio yeah and then and then poy then we booked poy and now he so you know what live with it people you're getting double dose of poy tomorrow and that's the way it's going to be the need Morey he does Twitter so well did you see the shot he took as cgo bears for the excitement about hardock it's Hil like nobody Twitter is better than than P I'm I'm two days off my knee surgery and having a good time on Twitter with my father-in-law like cutting up every part of my landscaping and then he started giving me crap for that like I can't even have one day of fun while my leg is incapacitated but py always keeps us honest so tomorrow he's going to come on and keep me and Mark Carmen honest then he's going to go on with Hogan John so Po's doing the media tour tomorrow just like Caleb Williams and romad dun have been doing all week we get the poy media tour tomorrow so Adam we appreciate you coming on for an extended time here today on chg Bears next week we all return on Tuesday after Labor Day back to our 12 pm central time slots so excited to get into week one game week coverage we'll see you then [Applause] we all sitting like the mayor

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