Category: Sports
[music] [applause] [applause] may for [music] [applause] [music] [applause] p pass [applause] [music] [applause] at the dubury hole im [music] [music] [applause] now chance here maybe for cessa already moved it on brilliantly and they do have a goal back it's gino that we're back as you were chelsea... Read more
Category: Sports
चलिए भाई वेलकम टू लाइव और जो एक गोल हो चुका है भाई लसी का र देर एक गोल हो चुका है हां जी य यह ठीक है अब जो है एक गोल हो चुका है भाई लसी यहां पर एक गोल कर चुकी है बॉल बढ़ाया जाता हुआ उन कुकू ने एक गोल कर दिया भाई लसी से है ना अब बढ़िया लसी देखते हैं आगे क्या होता है एक गोल हो गया हम ब बड़ी आसानी से वाली मैच जीत जाएंगे इसमें कोई डाउट नहीं है चलसे चलसे बॉल बढ़ाया जा रहा है विंग से विंग से आ रहे हैं भाई आ रहे हैं आ रहे... Read more
Category: Sports
[संगीत] [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] हां भाई सब लोग ् ् इट इज मैच डे लेकिन अवे डे है फर्स्ट अवे डे इन यूरोप आफ्टर गुड वाइल लेकिन अवे डेज होंगे भाई बहुत सारे टीम्स के इस बार यूसीएल में तो भाई वो तो डिस्कस करना है फॉर ऑल द पीपल आस्किंग भाई हम पहले लाइव नहीं थे बिकॉज़ इट इज चेल्सी मैच डे एज वेल कहीं ना कहीं आप अगर एक्सपेक्ट कर रहे हो भाई छ घंटा लगातार मैं करूं वो भी लाइ वच अलोंग रिएक्शन प्लस वो तो भाई अ लिटिल बिट टू मच लेकिन... Read more
Category: Sports
As for sevette well there's not too many familiar names in their lineup there are a couple of players to look out for though derek cessa has scored five times already this season veterans miroslav stanovic has bags of experience around european football their goalkeeper is vastly experienced to he's... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[tepuk tangan] [tepuk tangan] [musik] [tepuk tangan] [tepuk tangan] [tepuk tangan] [musik] [tepuk tangan] [musik] bismahman oh [tepuk tangan] [musik] [tepuk tangan] [musik] [musik] [musik] oke guys welcome back to my channel jadi di video kali ini aku bakal ngebahas pertandingan playoff uefa conference... Read more
Category: Sports
ये स्टैंडर्ड हो गया है कि हम यह मैच देखें और लास्ट में पता चले हम हार रहे हैं मैंने तो नहीं देखा भाई क्योंकि मेरा स्टैंडर्ड इतना नहीं है कि मैं जाके ये मैच 12:30 बजे देखूं कॉन्फ्रेंस लीग का और बाद में सुबह पता चले उसमें भी 32 हुआ है ऐसा लगता है कि यूएफ चैंपियंस लीग का कोई मतलब मैच था उसमें हम एक गोल से आगे हुए ये स्टैंडर्ड हो जाएगा लसी का अगर हम लोग यह मैच पे ध्यान देंगे मैं तो सोच रहा था हार जाती ज्यादा अच्छा होता 12:30 बजे का जो लोग बेवकूफ की... Read more
Category: Sports
Walk-out [applause] so european football back at stanford bridge chelsea versus cette first leg of the uefa conference league playoff tie the blues hoping to add one more major european trophy but for the first task to qualify for the newly formatted 36 team league stage tonight's visitors already well... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] [music] [music] fcel jar for [music] [music] [applause] [applause] [applause] k [applause] [music] saw the space that mudri had found left hand side but too much on his attempt to try and find himas marasa experience during his time at monaco overit though [applause] [applause] [applause]... Read more
Category: Sports
Yes guys welcome back to another video welcome to the george benson football channel it's very easy for us to forget that chelsea have a game tonight in the conference league we've flown to geneva we're playing in switzerland and it is sevette versus chelcy in the europa conference league second leg... Read more
Category: Sports
Tell me about the game my friend huh no thoughts i have a lot of thoughts we played so bad that second half ridiculously bad just terrible right awful i think it comes with the the lack of experienced players we have i know we haveu even k can throw him in there so a few play enzo played at world cup... Read more
Category: Sports
So trying to bring it under control now then is he caught mri there he has it's a penalty sunamoto wags his finger no but i don't think there's that much on aiming to put chelsea one step closer to the group stage of the conference lead one n no doubt again again the goalkeeper guesses right but he... Read more
Category: Sports
Back to jackson eventually now they look at sterling on his bike jackson's fed him through can sterling get the touch here goalkeeper did brilliantly to read that netto not once but twice kao is he going to try and beat him from inside his own heart oh bo it's kao i can't believe it what a way to score... Read more