ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING Season 4 Episode 1 Reaction, Review: Is Scott Bakula the Killer? Hulu

hey and welcome to Matt and Jess TV I'm Matt roast here with Jessica bun bun this is our only murders in the building season 4 episode 1 reaction review the title for this episode Once Upon a Time in the West are you ready cow pokes we have a new season upon us I'm so excited I love Hollywood and the idea that they're making a movie it's for those of you who are new to the channel my background is in film I was a film director and a writer for a while so like the idea that they're going to be diving into that world is really exciting for me when I was in college I wrote a short story called Hollywood magic that was about a guy who went to Hollywood and everything turned into a musical so like clearly this this world of old Hollywood and stuff really really excites me I will say really big picture I like this Premiere a lot it it's giving me everything that I want from only murders we've got great mystery we have a lot to get into there it's also really really funny you got some great guest stars this is probably my favorite start to a season since season one okay so if you guys watch our season 3 coverage we both really like that season but for me it's was the weakest of all the seasons so far which is saying a lot you know for only murders but not in the general TV world because even like a so so season of only murders is still better than all everything on TV was still a really good season but the issue that I had had with that season which seems like they so far Knuck on wood have fixed already this season is last season was about the play First and the murder like secondary or even third it was barely even a plot point but already this season it's like yeah they're they're going to Hollywood they're doing this movie but there was so much about SAS there was so much about her murder and all the clues and going to her apartment and checking this out and talking to people and figuring out there was so much going on with that yeah there was and this time around I love that for us I listen we're we're eating good here we're we're we're we're here to have a good time we're here to get into some theories there is so much to get into after just one episode absolutely so hit that subscribe button stick with us every single Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. you are going to get our review here at the channel you can expect it and come here and get that review later that same day on Tuesday you will get a preview and then on Wednesday you are going to get a theory you are getting three videos from us every single week on only murders in the building and we're covering some other shows that are similar as well in the same genre we're going to be covering slow horses for those of you who are interested in that show I know Matt is a huge fan of that show he turned me on to it it's so good I am just like bubbling over I I I am I am so back I'll just put it that way with slow horses coming back makes me feel more complete but also in addition to subscribing be sure to join our patreon we have a link in the description below right now over on patreon we are doing this poll of three shows that we're going to cover exclusively on patreon the one with the most votes that will have exclusive weekly coverage there those shows are Tulsa King the Penguin and the old man over on FX so join our patreon you can vote in that poll and then you can watch exclusively those reviews there all season long okay we're going to get into some theories very early theories on who we think the Killer is based on the idea of Charles being the intended target that it wasn't actually supposed to be SZ because that's how we both came out of this Premiere feeling that this is really about Charles especially with that text at the end it would felt very very personal here okay yeah no theories are wrong at this point nobody knows who the Killer is we may not have even met them yet who knows uh it's it's up in the air so I just want to say all theories are correct so leave them in the comments for us so if you've got something that we're not covering here you can like tell us we can all chat about it okay I'm GNA say this with my full chest of who I think the murderer is based on just this episode and nothing else this murderer's name rhymes with Dracula it is Scott bacula listen I love Scot meula I haven't made it any Secret in any of these videos he has been mentioned so much on this show and we know that he's friends with the creator of the show so they have a really good relationship so for a while I was like oh we're going to see him at some point right I mean they're friends this is a huge cast there's so many iconic people on it now here we are with Scott bachula and I'm just like oh my God okay hear me out Scott bacula is a really huge star I'm not saying I think he's Jesus I know that he is he is just he's the captain of Star Trek Enterprise he is part of some of the biggest franchises on the planet so if you're gonna have him actually take a role on a show I feel like this guy is not going to get out of bed to do anything that doesn't start with M and end in erder you know what I mean like yeah maybe he'll do a cameo for his friend but it's it's unlikely I feel like he's going to be here because he's got a bigger role if you remember in season 2 where it was poppy was the murderer and a lot of people people were really upset about that and they were like oh there wasn't any clues there was one major clue at the beginning of the Season which was poppy was at the arconia murder scene in the middle of the night why was she there she like doesn't live there she has no business being there but here she is right and it just feels kind of like it could be that way with Scott bacula as well I mean you know he's the captain of the Enterprise okay Scott you can sit in my captain's chair anytime there more than welcome Mr bacula I I got to speak to you professionally here okay so let's get into the clues of why Scott bachula is the murderer full chest okay so we got this text from SAS after she was dead right so and it was like sorry I had to Jet off last minute to cover bacula on set so he's already mentioned and for me I'm like well that covers Scott bachula from being the killer right he has an alibi he's he's out in LA and you know how could he be there in another apartment killing zaz or Charles right how can he be in two places at once and the answer is this person was hired I don't think Scot bacula or whoever the murderer is is the person that's actually pulling the trigger this looked like a professional hit whoever it was that was over there knows how to you know use this sniper get a perfect shot from the other side of the building that way like no way is Scott baula or Jan or cookie or any of these other people on the other side of the building with secret sniper training this feels like a hired hit so if we're in in that realm you have to have money to be able to buy somebody to murder somebody else having a hired hit it's not cheap right no it'd be like whatever whatever they're charging these days 20,000 50,000 100,000 Scott bacula has that Star Trek money he can afford this hit okay see Scott I I will say this from the jump I hope you I hope you're right on this because to me this is by far the most fun idea possible here and yes Scott backo you have a ton of money but you can Quantum Leap into a truck full of it by taking part in this show and having a good time being the murderer like this would be a really really fun really juicy role to take on well here's the thing too okay so when we finally see Scott he's talking to Charles okay and he's still dating Joy he holds up the phone and he won't show it to Charles he's just like oh it's a you know not safe for work type of situation going on here but there was part of me like Whoever has the phone killed SAS because we know that from the end of it where they're texting Charles to be like I'm not your friend I'm like o it's the murderer and then we have this moment where Charles is meeting up with Scott and he holds up a phone that he's looking at that he starts kind of cackling to himself and is like I can't show you what's on here I'm like is that because that's saz's phone and you know that you already texted Charles to be like I'm with I'm with Scott here's my alibi right and this other little it was so small but the the music for only murders the theme song that always plays whenever there's like a really important scene on the show played for the first time in this episode with Scott when Scott was trying to be like oh I haven't seen her she was supposed to show up and didn't and then the music played I was like oh that's that's on purpose that's really interesting so let's get into motive you ready for motive oh I'm ready for motive this is the big stuff here all right put on your detective caps okay here's his motive there's two two possibilities so as I mentioned at the beginning of this video my background is in Film Production directing writing production and what I've seen throughout the years in the industry is like this really weird jealousy from different sort of parts of Industry so like we have the theater people who are kind of jealous of the TV people who are definitely jealous of the movie stars it's like this hierarchy of like what makes you more famous I'm not going to name any names to it man like I've seen some throw down fights over this stuff it's really interesting but anyways the motive could be as easy as Scott is jealous Scott is a TV icon like there's no getting around it he's been in some of the biggest franchises we mentioned Star Trek NCIS like he is very well known in the TV world but because there is this hierarchy of like theater TV movie stardom and that type of Fame and he's in La he would absolutely know that this movie is being made even before Charles which we'll get into because that whole idea that like they're three weeks out of production and they haven't gotten the rights to this yet would never happen never happen you've already spent millions of dollars and you don't have the rights there's no way but anyways if you're in La whether you're TV film or theater you have a a finger on the pulse of what is going on in the industry you would have heard about it so Scott would have heard that there is a movie being made about Charles's life there he even said you know hey we're it's nice to see another old white-haired guy you know moving up sort of thing I'm like is that him actually congratulating him or is he jealous because he would have known about this movie because he's in the industry and now Charles is having a movie made about him where he's you know basically the star being played by Eugene Levy who is Iconic and now he's taken that leap that Quantum Leap from TV into movie stardom that this is going to change his entire career now and maybe there's a jealousy of that I think it's a pretty compelling motive just from the vantage point of what is this show interested in and I think we've seen this through a few seasons now they're interested in this idea of how important Fame is how important success is what does that mean for every person everybody's kind of constantly striving for something more so for Scott like I I can see this if we're trying to come up with like specific suspects like very specific blah blah blah very specific I I cannot see that you know what you're the best I am the best at pronunciation guys if we have very specific subjects coming out of this Premiere Scott's the one that stands out the most mostly for this reason like the motives are there and they're pretty sound yeah the other motive is joy and if we've got a situation where you know Joy was treated pretty badly by Charles and now she's with Scott that could easily be a motive where Scott's like oh you going to treat Joy like trash with this like marriage thing and then she's brokenhearted like I'm not down with that or it could be that Joy is still hung up on Charles and even though she's moved on with Scott she won't stop talking about Charles and Scott's like Charles gotta go because how am I gonna be able to keep Joy if she won't stop talking about Charles there's a few different motives there and he's got the money to do it yeah and if he did do it I kind of think it's all of the above when it comes to motives because I think you got to have a lot of deep-seated resentment of somebody to go to the extent that he apparent would be willing to go through in order to make this happen you need to have money you need to have resources and I do think it was pretty curious that if there is some sort of rivalry here it might be one-sided because Charles didn't seem like he was altogether upset or angry or whatever to see Scott bacula so Scott bacula or at least the character version of Scott bacula may have all this like rage boiling up within him yeah and I think that that's kind of the fun thing about this role we saw Matthew brri last season playing himself but kind of not really right like it's him but it's like this really bizarre creepy version of him that was so funny right and Scot Acula strikes me as the type of person that's down to make fun of himself and just have a good time I mean this show is a good time okay well let's we'll get into where I am now yeah what's your theory okay see as I said I I want it to be your theory just because I think that's way more fun I want it to be your theory I can't wait for everyone to hear it because I think your theory is right well even if it's right I still think Scot pacul is more fun because here's the thing with where I am right now I don't necessarily have a specific person I'm not looking at one person right now and being like Oh you the killer you did it I'm thinking more in terms of motive I think I have an understanding as to what the motive here could be and it kind of all stems back from the way in which on a meta level here Hulu is promoting the show which they made so much about the movie the movie that's being made here are the people who are in the movie and just because this is a 10 episode comedy show most of the episodes are like 35 to 40 minutes long they're not going to have too many storylines going on here that don't end up being connected like everything is put together for a reason and so whoever is responsible for the death of SZ which we believe to have been Charles as the intended target whoever is responsible for that they have to be involved in the movie to some extent so here is where I'm landing with it is that this person decided that they were going to try to take out Charles I agree with you that this is probably a hired hit that happened just because even if you're I don't know playing golden eye on 64 and you think you're really really good running around with like you know the various Weaponry in that game that does not mean you can pull off what this was this was at night this was at a distance it was just a very very difficult thing to execute it seems like there was only one shot that would end up even being fired so that felt very professional so I do believe that that was a hired attempt now we get into what happened here it it obviously didn't work and we know that whoever is responsible for this move the body and we'll get more into that as we sort of progress through the story so they know that whatever they had attempted to do with Charles didn't end up working now I do have a ton of questions by the way as to this person did this they saw the Body Hit the Floor yet they still felt the need to go over there go up into the arconia to see this person's body is this the same person is this different people I I I think it's all one person but I think it's very interesting that they did that but they know okay Charles is still out there Charles is not dead they know about about this movie so they join the movie to get close to Charles because they have this personal Vendetta something from the past that is making them want to do this I think this is all tied in some way to Charles's past they're working on the movie in secret and some sort of role now I want to make the following clear this is not Eugene Ley this is not evil Loria this is not Zach galanakis I don't think this is somebody who is a big wig on the film and the reason why is that for those of you who don't know life rights can be a very complicated process which as Jess said it is completely insane that they started making this movie without actually getting these people on board that would never happen that is a function of apparently the writer deciding to do this story after season three and they just had to find a way to make it work and so they're making us suspend a little bit of disbelief here but any anyway I think what's going on here is that none of these big wigs would have done it because if Charles had died that would have slowed everything down that would have made all these sort of legal loopholes so it would have been really really difficult to the movie off the ground I'm thinking maybe it's one of these smes who we just sort of met for like two seconds whose names I do not even remember who were like oh here's this person who works on the movie here's that person who works we saw like three or four people who I don't even remember their names or anything about them but that is where I'm going with this somebody who may have more money than they're letting on that they may be able to order some sort of hit out there somebody who is tied to Charles's past without Charles necessarily even knowing it listen we're gonna have as I said a theory video coming up on Wednesday and it's going to be our early suspects video so again make sure you hit that subscribe button because it's going to include a theory on why SAS could have set this whole thing up herself to kill Charles uh yeah no we have a lot of fun theories that are going to be coming up yeah like this is this is where we're Landing coming out of this particular episode just because we're trying to think of the motives that are presented in front of us at this point and there's obviously still quite a bit we don't know like one of the big questions I came out of this because I watched this episode a couple of times I was just thinking a lot about okay so whoever did this they cleaned up the scene to a certain ENT obviously there's still a hole in the window and Lester ends up getting the cat out of the bag the Charles near the end of this but they were able to go up there see that this person sayaz was dead then move the body take them down to the incinerator incinerate them and nobody saw nobody heard anything nobody knows let's also talk about that incinerator thing because this whole episode started with the lights kind of flickering and Oliver making this comment oh this the last time this was really happening is when people were using the incinerator here in the building and the tenants aren't allowed to do that anymore so who knows that there's even an incinerator in this building like part of me is kind of like this has to be maybe somebody who lived in this building like a Jan I know we know she's in jail but that doesn't mean she can't hire somebody out of jail like we think it's a hit right so she doesn't need to not be in jail to be able to explain where things are I mean that whole area down there where the incinerator is is where they had the big confrontation with Jan right so it feels like it needs to be somebody who has knowledge of this building I don't think that if you're a Hired Gun you're going to show up there and know to bring the body down to the incinerator if you don't know that there's one there yeah and it's it's definitely not something people would assume I have never been in a building that had a built-in incinerator this is not something where I would be like oh I'm just gonna take this over here and I'm just gonna burn it up into smithin no no this is something you clearly have to be aware of yeah I've lived in renders like in renders buildings my whole life pretty much and I've never seen incinerator in any of them yeah it's it's one of these questions that they do have to answer like this is a little one and I this may be something it may be nothing kind of like with you in the Scott bacula musical clue I put a lot of stock in these previously on things at the start of the episode and they had in here you know Charles explicitly saying that he's going to go up and get this bottle and that they're going to celebrate and yet SAS does it I went back and I rewatched the end of last season we never actually see Charles tell SAS hey SAS you want to go and do this so why did SZ go up there I don't have a clear answer to this at the moment it's just very weird I don't know if somebody intentionally tried to stop Charles or for whatever reason just because if I am in the building with somebody or if I'm outside you know my home I'm not going to turn to somebody like one of my friends and then be like hey you want to go into my home and get something for me it's it's really really odd okay let's get into the SAS of it all so we know that SAS has like copied Charles's life down to what she wears she wears on and off set she's dressed like Charles she's living in his old apartment she's with his women like she wants to like emulate Charles in all aspects of life think if she could just kill Charles and be Charles she would be Charles and she would just take over that life but here we are where she is dead and one of the things that they had said was listen I have something kind of sensitive to tell you before she died she told that to Charles and he was like okay no problem we'll talk about it later but then we go to her apartment so as Charles is getting worried and he's like man we haven't se I haven't seen her in a while I haven't heard from her not like her oh we're going out to LA cool I'm we should just stop by her place like you know whatever and they go in none of her males getting picked up and you go in and because I'm a nosy bee I like paused it when they were looking through her desk and the things that were on her desk like a picture of Scott bacula which absolutely makes sense she's going to be the person who's like standing in for him yeah of course there's going to be a script with a picture of them but I still feel like it's a little bit of smoke on my scar bacular Theory but anyways there was a whole bunch of other stuff on there that I think we're not supposed to know yet but feels like clues that we should all like tuck away in our hat so on sas's desk is the numbers 11 and 13 and they're crossed out and then there's the letters 26 and 14 and 86 that are not crossed out there's also a piece of paper that says West Tower aronia there as well so that's why we're going to talk in our Theory Theory video a little bit about like his SAS behind this like why did she have West Tower aronia on this piece of paper there's also another piece of paper that says duden off on it we don't know what that is at this point you know is this a person is this a place we don't know yet but it stood out because they showed it twice as they were going through different things they showed it like half cut off and then they showed the whole thing and I'm like okay clearly this is important we're going to write this down right It also says cancel doctor appointment out of town until the 23rd and I think that the dates are all going to kind of come together at some point and then there's a the last piece of paper says looking at Charles so there's some clues that are on this desk but I think it's very purposefully put together in a way that we can't put the clues together yet but keep them in mind because I think they're going to come back to play okay I've got a magnifying glass here let's just imagine it I don't actually have one but okay see I'm putting I'm putting this over West Tower arconia and I'm putting it over you know the everything connected to Charles himself because if somebody had some sort of personal Vendetta from with Charles involving his past yes I think there's a good chance that s knew about it and that somebody was getting a little bit weird when it comes to watching Charles maybe she even knew that somebody was watching Charles from like that part of the arone like maybe maybe and this is a big stretch she offered to get the wine bottle herself because she wanted to actually see if this was happening but she didn't understand necessarily the severity behind what was going on here because hey hey hey buddy old pal I've got a sensitive matter to discuss maybe you say that if you think hey you know like these people from your past who were sort of creeping around and doing some not great things they're back if somebody if you know somebody's trying to kill him then you probably are going to be like we need to talk right now I guess it depends on how deep the relationship is right like if it was you and I knew somebody was trying to kill you I'm not going to be the same I'm not going to be like hey I need to talk to you about something later I'm going to talk to you about it right now yes if somebody was out creeping around about you that you have felt uncomfortable in the past and I know that these people are creeping around about you again I'm definitely not going to have a whole desk of that and then come to you later to be like hey later let's talk about that creepy person that's made you feel really weird and is following you around or whatever it is but I'm going to tell you about it later I'm going to tell you about it immediately and because sass seemingly I want to believe loves Charles to this point that she's like I love him so much I want to be this man like he's an icon I feel like we're one in the same she would want to protect herself and she would want to protect Charles and I feel like if it was somebody who was like if this was like a real threat she would tell them right away so like some of the stuff that's on the desk is making me feel like there's a possibility that SAS might be behind it right I I like because I think you would tell me too well yeah I I think there's something there's something weird going on with SAS whether it is SAS is actually directly involved whether SAS knows more than SAS is on I you're right SAS clearly has some sort of secret like and that's something that maybe she was very nervous about telling Charles about it because he didn't know how Charles was going to react like yeah that that yes I think you're absolutely right on that like if it is a situation here where even if it's just she thinks it's something relatively I don't want to say benign but something that's serious but not life-threatening it's still maybe an awkward conversation to have with somebody if you're kind of at a party yeah if you're at a party party if you're worried about it you know I think SAS does care about Charles but you know maybe SAS has kind of a slightly skewed view of morality because she's been dating somebody who's been in prison for trying to kill Charles and to be fair Charles was kind of still dating her after she was trying to kill him too I mean they are one in the same no it's true it's true so okay Beyond just like the hudon It aspect of this episode which I think is really really strong I just want to give it a little bit of flowers just for some of the humor that they put in here because there's some really really fun moments like one of my favorites has to be Zach galanakis and the oh you're are you trying to Between Two Ferns me line that he says to Oliver I galanakis has two minutes of screen time in this episode I feel like he throws for five touchdowns in those couple of minutes he is just amazing I love him yeah he was really funny I mean Eugene lovey of course was very funny evil longor is someone that I've never actually seen before never watched Desperate Housewives or anything else that she's been in so this is my first experience with her I thought she was really hilarious that whole line of like I remember when I was your age a few years ago I was rolling was so funny I I think the three of them are great I'm really excited to see more of that and more of the film and what's going on as long as it doesn't take away from this murder mystery sads is a long running character on the show and she can't get done dirty like Ben did last season I mean there's a couple just other little things like the directors being called The Brothers which felt a lot the brother sisters yeah it feels a lot like a reference to you know there's director's pairs the Daniels there's a lot of like directing teams now that go by these weird obscure names also my just one of my favorite oneoff lines is the driver who shows up who's just like had a coughing fit and just asked is he alive that killed me the humor on this show is still just so incredible and I think it's the combination of that and the murder mystery stuff which is still really really strong like the these are the reasons that we're still here in season four this is why we are currently looking towards Hulu and being like hi Hulu you are above the camera lens here I'm just waving High uh do you want to renew the show for a season five already put us out of her misery it was also great to catch up with Howard Howard is no longer allowed to adopt any more cats so he's got a dog now who had a job and his job was he was a caver dog and this dog was able to actually sort of bring them together to figure out that there was a murder that had happened which then did bring them down to the incinerator and we had this really powerful scene with Steve Martin where he's he's in the incinerator and he's like has ashes going through his fingers saz's ashes through his fingers to actually be able to pull out you know metal metal medical parts that she's had over the years that we had seen in her apartment all her x-rays of like I got this broken bone over here when I did this and my hip replacement because of this and she felt very proud of these things and he was able to see where it was made and connect it to be like oh my goodness like my hands are covered in SAS like it was such a such a sad grin a moment and then he decides he's going to write the murderer because he's like okay obviously SAS didn't write me this because here she is in my hands who is this and they write back not your friend I'm not going to say the whole thing not your friend so whoever this is it's personal so I'm going to say this yeah I've got my beef hat on early all right all right if this is somebody that they're just going to introduce to us in like episode five or six when there's only like four episodes left to be like this is some lifelong blah blah yada yada through this I'm going to be really mad if this is supposed to be somebody who's like deeply involved in his life to the point that they wanted to kill Charles and they're going to send that text where it was so personal I'm not your friend I was just like oh my goodness this needs to be like a really big payoff I am okay with introducing a killer in episode one or episode two and maybe you don't give them a ton of screen time right away that's why I'm s of thinking maybe it's one of these stoes who's working on the movie because at the very least we saw them and you know that's something you can build up and pay off later yeah I will also be putting on a beef hat if this turns out in episode five or episode six we meet the killer for the first time that's that's just a little bit too late but speaking of those metal Parts like one thing that did kind of cross my mind here is is this another bit of evidence that SAS was not the intended target because if you were targeting SAS wouldn't you know that she has an extensive history of injuries and that you somebody would be able to identify her body or at that point do you even care yeah absolutely I I agree I feel like if you're going to be going after somebody's stunt double that there there's a possibility that there's something like that going on I feel like if you're a professional a professional Hitman is going to be able to to use the sniper take a really good shot should be able to clean better than they did they left blood and a bullet hole that doesn't seem like a proper clean up and you would know your target better than that even sort of the idea of I'm not a professional sniper by any means but I suspect if anybody out there is let me know in the comments that when you look through the scope that it magnifies who you're looking at to enough of a degree even with like I don't know if this is madeup movie Magic but like night scope where you can like see what some who somebody actually is that they would be able to see that SZ is not Charles right so I'm kind of like who is this Hitman and like okay you can use the sniper but like you can't clean up you can't get your target right you're looking through the the scope and it's like close enough one I'm very excited to find out how many of our viewers listeners are Hitman number number two let's go sniper Squad I hope we do not make you angry at any point this season I'm just going to throw that out there right now also love to our sniper Squad hey sniper Squad be our friends the the one last thing I have to say about this is just animal jobs podcast I'd probably listen to this if I'm going to be honest because I I like to think of myself as the world's most wholesome Reddit user I think when we hear the word Reddit we often think many things that are often not great all the time but guess what there are many wonderful places to go on Reddit and every morning I wake up and I look at like you know the all cute cat subreddit I see some bunnies I see I know you're on the bunnies I'm on the bunny subreddit but cute I am also on a subreddit that is cats with jobs that is basically like watching cat they'll have to be like a cat in a box they'll be like a cat at a computer and it's like oh this cat's typing out the morning report and I'm just like oh this is this podcast gu is cats with jobs but a podcast sign me up Howard can I be your guest I mean unfortunately my cat doesn't really do anything I don't know how useful that's going to be for your podcast she's good with belly rubs that is a job job belly rub recipient yeah she is okay all right that is what we have here on only murders in the building season 4 episode 1 this was so much fun we're so looking forward to diving into the rest of the season and we hope you guys are as well so hit that subscribe button so you do not miss our preview our Theory video just set that up earlier also as we set up earlier join our patreon a link is in the description below where we have a poll where you can vote on one of three shows that we are going to cover exclusively on patreon the choices are Tulsa King the penguin or then finally the old man thank you so much to our patrons for your support we'll see you here next time

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Category: Entertainment

Hey and welcome to madden j tv i am matt roast here with jessica bun bun and this is our new only murders in the building season 4 theory discussion that is all about the ham radio who is hungry for some ham out there no oh no we're going ham in this video as we talk all about what's going on with this... Read more

Detective Williams Delivers a Clue | Only Murders in the Building: S4 Episode 3 Opening Scene | Hulu thumbnail
Detective Williams Delivers a Clue | Only Murders in the Building: S4 Episode 3 Opening Scene | Hulu

Category: Entertainment

[music] i once had an acting teacher who said finding your character is a lot like a detective finding a killer his thinking went you build this character peace by peace what are their physical qualities their skills or special talents their [music] motivations you keep doing that asking and answering... Read more

Only Murders in the Building' Season 4 Episode 1 Recap: The Gang Goes to Hollywood. Twist Reveals thumbnail
Only Murders in the Building' Season 4 Episode 1 Recap: The Gang Goes to Hollywood. Twist Reveals

Category: Film & Animation

Three strangers who have an interest in true crime are unexpectedly drawn together when a gruesome death occurs inside their expensive upper westside apartment block the trio suspects murder and uses their extensive knowledge of true crime to uncover the facts perhaps more explosive are the lies they... Read more

In its fourth season, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ doubles down thumbnail
In its fourth season, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ doubles down

Category: Entertainment

In its fourth season only murders in the building doubles down the fourth season of only murders in the building begins immediately following the events of the third season with the central characters charles oliver and mabel celebrating their success in solving a murder however their celebration is... Read more

"Only Murders in the Building": S4 Episode 3 Recap & Spoiler Breakdown thumbnail
"Only Murders in the Building": S4 Episode 3 Recap & Spoiler Breakdown

Category: Entertainment

Introduction nathan: and it's we're back for another breakdown of only murders in the building diving into season four episode three this week's episode two for the road continues the quirky mystery solving antics with a few new characters joining the fun, but does the episode maintain the momentum... Read more

Only Murders In The Building S4E1 Review: Who Killed Sazz Theory! *SPOILERS* thumbnail
Only Murders In The Building S4E1 Review: Who Killed Sazz Theory! *SPOILERS*

Category: Entertainment

Hey everybody welcome back to one mike and today i'm here to talk about season 4 episode one of hulu's only murders in the building entitled once upon a time in the west so this episode's named after the legendary spaghetti wester by sergio leone and the ending sequence of the episode plays out like... Read more

I Just Watched Only Murders Season 4 and...| Only Murders in the Building SEASON 4 REACTION + REVIEW thumbnail
I Just Watched Only Murders Season 4 and...| Only Murders in the Building SEASON 4 REACTION + REVIEW

Category: Entertainment

All right only murders in the building fans only murders season 4 begins tomorrow and y'all i got an early screener to check things out and only murderous fans i'm here to report something positive season 4 is still a banger y'all i have been thoroughly enjoying these episodes and really enjoying a... Read more

Charles Attempts to Negotiate | Only Murders in the Building | Hulu thumbnail
Charles Attempts to Negotiate | Only Murders in the Building | Hulu

Category: Entertainment

So what we need is a number that is fair oh we don't need to do numbers you can just have your lawyers call business [music] affairs there it's just a four four four that's right four four four four what 4,000 4 400 400 4,00 4400 million for million 100 or or five five guys whatever the number we're... Read more

Only Murders in the Building 4x01 | Scott Bakula Cameo thumbnail
Only Murders in the Building 4x01 | Scott Bakula Cameo

Category: Entertainment

[music] s it's been 3 years since oliver thought charles was scott bacula oh you're not scott pacula i am not and now finally the man himself has taken a quantum leap into only murders in the building pacula hey charles congratulations always nice to see another white-haired white guy beat the odds... Read more