Only Murders in the Building season 4 explained: Who is behind the ham radio? Hulu

hey and welcome to Madden J TV I am Matt roast here with Jessica bun bun and this is our new only murders in the building season 4 Theory discussion that is all about the ham radio who is hungry for some ham out there no oh no we're going ham in this video as we talk all about what's going on with this radio what does it mean why are there so many different ham SLP pork references this season overall yeah we're GNA also talk about who all has ham radios cuz we've seen now that there's one in the duden off apartment there's also one with Christmas bro but if you look closely there's also one in Vince's apartment okay I went back and watched this so many times to be able to like see where everybody's Ham radios are after we saw one with Christmas bro I was like well if he has one then the rest of them probably have them and you see it very very quickly in episode two it is behind Vince I went back and looked at the sauce family as well I didn't see a ham radio anywhere in there but that doesn't mean that there isn't one it might just be in their bedroom or something like that and the show didn't want to be so obvious because you could blink and miss that ham radio in Vince's plays I think what's a really interesting disc discussion about this is mostly where are all these Ham radios coming from what's the origin of them how are they playing into the overall mystery because I think there is a lot of meat on this bone here and I'm not talking about a ham bone but before we do go any further be sure to hit that subscribe button because we have three only murders in the building videos coming to you guys every week we have reviews we have previews those are every Tuesday and then every Wednesday we are here with another Theory discussion where we're breaking down and really trying to piece together what's going on with this show and if you're looking for other Thrillers and you want even more we have the old man is coming up on FX this week and then we're also covering slow horses they're both really fun and they've just started so be sure to hit that subscribe button you can also follow us over on our patreon it's a great way to support us for just $5 a month you can vote in polls over there that help determine what we're going to be covering exclusively over on our patreon and what's going to be coming up there is the Penguin we're going to be covering that when it starts with weekly reviews only for our patreon so you know join our patreon and help support us thank you so much thank you guys okay so let's go all the way back to season 3 episode five cool be okay we are back this ham radio thing has been going on since then and it feels like they knew what they were going to be doing for season 4 in season 3 because in that episode SZ talks about her own ham radio and was talking to Charles about it saying you are we sure that the killer was actually after Ben and not you Charles because she said that she's been getting some Vibes that there's been some chatter on her ham radio of people wishing that Charles was dead and not Ben so if that's the case then she has clearly been snooping around and trying to figure out what's going on since the middle of season 3 this all first and foremost plays into what we were talking about in our Theory video last week about the long game and that all of this has been going on for a very very long time like I I have suggested that whoever is behind everything this season it might even be a generational thing where they're getting revenge for a parent or somebody else who was wronged by Charles and a lot of this goes further into the idea of first and foremost the ham radio itself like let's think all about this for a moment when was the last time you interacted in your day-to-day life with the ham radio for me the answer is never but for a lot of people this is just not something that people use anymore if you're trying to like communicate with people I don't know and some element of secret there is like 200 apps that you can get on your phone that will allow you to like send a message and then the message will self-destruct or something like it feels like this is a very analog very old school way of communicating and that that at least makes me think that whether this is the people who took out Charles or took tried to take out Charles and took out SAS if like that person behind that organization is older maybe they're using a ham radio but it just feels like if you are young this is not the direction that you're going in yeah like why did SAS have this ham radio in the first place is this something that she just happened to have that she likes listening to and she came across what was going on or was she actually looking for this that she had already seen some other things coming together and she got led to this where she was like she found the frequency and was like okay I need to pick up a ham radio and find out what is actually going on because the person on the other end of this ham radio told our Trio to stop snooping around and that the person that was snooping around before SZ got herself killed for snooping around and to stop snooping around so did she pick this up to further dig into whatever is going on with Charles because we know that SAS is you know I'm tapping in for you She'll always take the hit for Charles so if she thinks that something is going on then she's going to dig deeper into it it makes sense that she may have picked that radio up because she thought something was going on and she wanted to find out and then once she heard the chatter that people wished it was Charles she was like oh no yeah I think she she had to have been tipped off at some point that people were saying something about Charles or that there was these discussions that were going on and that she needed ham radio to listen because it is just to me way too coincidental that this show has a character who just so happens to be an old school fan of Pam radios at s s has been listening to these for decades and all of a sudden she magically stumbles upon people talking about Charles it's just I do not buy that I do buy the idea that you know sass did hear chatter as you mentioned she decided okay I'm GNA warn Charles about this but it's just chatter at this point it's just people talking about how oh I wish Charles was gone or something like that and you kind of have to parse that information because some times you know and I hate to put it like this but sometimes people just say things to say things like there are a lot of awful people on social media that say a lot of terrible stuff but if you go up to them on the street and they're like hey buddy did you mean what you said there they'll probably just like scoot their way out of the room because they're being cowardly so it's just she probably didn't want to tip off Charles too too early of anything like super serious because she didn't know it was serious at that point yeah I mean when she heard the chatter and see season 3 she told him right away so I feel like by the time she got to the end of season 3 where she was like listen there's something really you know sensitive that I need to talk to you about she's already told Charles that there are people that want him dead so at this point it feels like it's something even deeper that it's not necessarily that someone was going to kill him I think she would have told him she already told him this right so she would have just been like okay I have further information that someone wants you dead I think she's uncovered some sort of a secret that's why I've just been like still spinning on who is the Target because it felt like episode one SAS was the target episode two the show was really pushing this idea that it was Charles instead and by this episode episode three I'm kind of like it feels like they're both going to be the targets that SAS figured out whatever the secret it was that you know whoever didn't want uncovered and they were like okay listen you guys Trio on the radio SZ SAS was snooping around she figured something out she got got if you guys keep digging the same thing is going to happen to you so just stop it and everything will be okay that it feels like SAS was the first Target she got to the secret she got taken out now the second target is Charles because what whatever secret is out there Charles probably knows about it or is adjacent to it and they do not want that secret out and if that movie gets made Secrets I am telling you when they do like life stories whatever producers are ruthless they will find anything that is scathing or secretive that you do not want out there and they will put it in that movie I think the most interesting evidence to me of this idea that you're mentioning of the both being targets and this is something I've I've seen discussed a lot in the comments of our past videos I've seen it all over the Internet is that there was this line earlier on in episode two where you know SAS and Charles were talking and there's this reference to oh there's this you know poker game we used to play with a bunch of people and that maybe it's possible that you know somebody at this poker game introduced the ham radio to SZ at that point and that you know maybe SZ has been kind of a casual ham radio fan ever because the the thing that I do wonder is that okay if SAS was kind of the first Target because she was snooping around too much then somebody probably knew that she was listening in on these Ham radios and that she was getting all of this information and that that to me suggest one of two things here it's either number one that person already knew that SAS just listened to Ham radios or number two SAS did what Mabel did and she went onto that frequency and was just like yo what's going on here it's SAS I want to be Charles like you know is it something that happened in that way and she ended up kind of tipping everybody off and putting herself in danger absolutely I mean she figured out this frequency and she got on this frequency on purpose so I mean there was obviously obviously things that are not great going on on that frequency and I'm I think the biggest clue we need to figure out is what is it that Charles did or what is it he knew or what is it he in invertedly was a part of because I mean that poker game where he was like oh you introduced me to you know that guy where it was kind of like his memory of people and him making connections with people doesn't happen very often that's why the death of zaz really broke him apart he was like man I would have never had that poker game if it wasn't for you that went on for eight years and I still can't remember people's names I was just like okay so if something happened or he was part of something he may just honestly not remember because he isn't somebody that does pay attention to the details he can't even remember the name of somebody who he spent every Friday night with at a poker game for eight years I mean what's going on Char well the other thing is when you're super famous like this and you know I'm not trying to paint every famous person with this big a brush but like something that is a really big deal to somebody else may be viewed as like nothing by you so he could have said something at that that poker game or you know done something or got some information that he sort of brushed off but whoever was on the other side of it and this doesn't even necessarily have to apply to just the poker game it could be at any point in Charles's past but there could be some dangerous person back there that was like oh Charles knows that I might have done something he has this information I can't have this information getting out and lo and behold they not may not be aware that Charles just doesn't remember any of it and isn't actively thinking about it but it's of a motive for them to want to make something happen I just think it's interesting that we've had three episodes and we've had two different card games pulled up in this show we you know had everything that was going on with the Westy besties yeah and then there's also been the mention of this poker game I just it feels like maybe a card game is somehow involved in whatever the secret is there are these interesting little I don't know if we want to call them motifs or symbol that they're playing around with that they want us to think a lot about these card games is one and two just ham in general is other obvious one for some reason I mean that you know the sauce family has the ham that is in their bathroom you've got the ham that is sitting over I mean the pig that's sitting over at the duden off place and what's going on with that who actually owns the pig like that's another question we went into that a little bit in the review there were some people specula ating and this kind of goes into the larger is Howard the overall moriarity of this show that okay Howard's last name is Morris could his middle initial be an a I went back and I watched episode N9 of season 3 Howard's middle name is Francis so unless he was lying about his middle name I think the Howard equals ham theory is kind of out the window here yeah I just I said this in the review I just I don't think that Howard is this overall villain and if he ends up being they're really going to have to convince me because I truly believe that he just loves the building and he loves the people in the building and that that whole building is his life so if he starts committing murders in the building I mean like how is that tied to you know Jan and Tim like it doesn't make any sense yeah for me I don't necessarily need there to be like some sort of big Mor arti figure I mean if there is and it's a really thought out idea I'm all for it but you are going to have to really explain it especially with Howard okay let's talk about dudov so we have a ham radio that is in this dudov apartment that is seemingly abandoned I think dudov is dead you're thinking maybe dudov organization yeah okay so the fact that there is a radio there and now we've seen one over at Christmas bro and we know that there's one in Vince's place we have to suspect that there's one somewhere in the SAU family house as well even though we haven't seen it so has dudov given everybody these Ham radios or are they they just got them like what is going on here with this connection well okay so Christmas guy he indicated that the radio was a gift from a friend so this is not something that he got into seemingly on his own unless he is also lying but I I believe what he's saying here I think that this was a gift because it then would make sense that okay Vince would also be given one as a gift and maybe dudov or whoever was the representative of the duden off organization that was living in that particular apartment they made an arrangement with the Westies where they basically were like okay we're going to do some shady stuff in this building we're going to give you guys some money we'll give you access to it we'll give you whatever you need so you look the other way and you don't question anything but what we're also going to do is we're going to give you these hamr radios and what we're going to use these for is in the event that something is about to happen we will communicate in secret with you we will use maybe some sort of signal maybe perfect strangers is a part of that somehow and that that is how you guys can prepare yourself or if you guys have anything you need to tell us you can then come on the ham radio and do that and it just it's just too coincidental here that every single person over on that West tower has a ham radio and like you I'm assuming the SAU family probably has one as well they may not be happy about it but if you're renting an apartment are you going to say no to money I just don't believe that for sure I think that dudov probably gave them all Ham radios that you know the frequency that is the perfect strangers makes complete sense because I mean that show if you haven't seen it it's about two people who are very different living together in an apartment building right so you've got a bunch of the Westy besties could not all be more different and they're all living in the same building together and it makes sense then that if they're all using the dunoff apartment which we believe that they are yeah that that would be how they're all communicating it's so off the radar nobody's really looking at Ham radios these days like you've said there's a million in one apps that you can get that can do the same thing but they're going very old school so if dudov is a professor like they said that they are and they retired Professor maybe you know with them being a bit older they're like hey this is how we're going to communicate they're in Portugal so maybe this is how they're going to communicate here's if they're alive which I don't think they are well was the real dude and off the friends they made along the way like I don't I don't I don't even know if that one works but it's fine okay so you know here's really where I'm going with a lot of this dude offham r radio stuff now because if dudov is an organization this may actually help to answer one of the big questions that I've been having for a while which is how did everything actually work the night in which SAS died because we're really counting on a lot of different things here we're counting on number one that like the killer was just perched over there for a long period of time was there possibly somebody who tipped them off that SAS was going up there I don't necessarily think that's the case because if they were a professional they probably were just sitting there waiting for something to happen but after this happened like the other question that I had is okay well then how did you guys clean this up so quickly because we're basically counting on at this point so the killer takes out SAS then if we're going to say that the Killer is the same person who cleaned up the crime scene it's a separate Tower of the arconia they've already said that it's been closed off so you have to go outside Yeah the secret tunnels don't help with this so you have to go all the way back down you have to go outside you have to go up you have to all the way up you have to go into the apartment you have to take SASS and it feels to me like it could have been dressed like your David Bowie yeah it feels to me like it could have been very simple that somebody did this somebody then went on their ham radio and it's like okay the job was done just go over and I don't know verify I don't know how these things work if you have to have somebody to go in there and check that they're really dead or whatever but they might have had help with the cleanup operation just because and this is even on their little board that SAS would be pretty heavy heavy this is not a job that somebody can easily do moving her body yeah she's like six feet tall yeah like you know it's not it's going to be difficult more difficult for someone who is small like me I am five feet tall if I'm trying to like move a body without a sheet and I know that's really specific but we'll get into that yeah I can't do that there's no way that I'm able to do that but if you give me a sheet I can move anybody I'm a former funeral director and that's how I was a ble to move bodies because I had to move I was on body removal a lot and if you have a sheet under somebody you could pull somebody over even somebody small like me but that is not what was happening here nobody had a sheet around SAS to be able to bring her down all the way to the incinerator I think we're actually going to get answers to some of this stuff sooner rather than later because as I've said especially in the review I don't really think there's as much of a mystery around okay who killed SAS because I think this was a professional job I think somebody was hired so I don't think the show is going to be that precious long term holding on to this because at the end of the day this is probably just somebody who was put on to do a job by somebody else it is who hired them yes that is the real mystery that we're going to get to I think they're going to kill the kill the person responsible for this in some way beforehand just so that it makes it harder to figure out who hired them I think it's another little twist that they can throw out there but I think that's sort of the thing that we're going to linger on and if that big bad was using the ham radio like that obviously adds another wrinkle to everything yeah all right but that's that's what we got on the ham radio guys like how do you guys think this is involved in this greater mystery there's so many different possibilities be sure to let us know in the comments hit that subscribe button we do have reviews every Tuesday previews every Tuesday and then on Wednesdays new Theory videos if you want to support us further be sure to join our patreon we have a link in the description $5 a month you can vote in po we're also having the penguin coverage exclusively over there thank you to our patrons we'll see you here next time

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