LIVE: McCaffrey’s Injury Status & Falcons, Bengals’ Glaring Struggles | Chip Shot Football Podcast

[Music] how's it going everyone welcome back to the gsmc Chip Shot football podcast brought to you by the gsmc sports network I'm your host Manny Mar die today on Wednesday September 11th to go over some more of the NFL headlines that we have on store for you guys today a lot to get through some injury updates from the 49ers and their running back Christian mcaffrey we're going to go through his latest status what's going on with that calf injury and whether or not it is something to be concerned with going forward then after this past weekend after their offense is disappointed the Falcons and the Bengals who is closer to reaching a breakthrough moment in week two where both of them I think really need big wins to forget about their week one performances and also some more topics coming down the line as well but before we get started like I always do I'd like to remind you guys if you have any questions during the show we want to hear about it any questions comments or opinions you'd like to share we always make it known to you guys that your input and anything you have to say is a big part of what makes this show great we thrive on your energy and insights whether it's a comment question or opinion you just have to share don't hesitate to drop it in the chat now if you want to make it absolutely sure that your message stands out and gets featured on the show there's an easy way to do that use the Super Chat feature just click the dollar sign at the bottom of the chat box to send in your super chat this way it guarantees that your message gets on the air and it's also a fantastic way to support our Channel we rely on your support to keep bringing you the sports content you love and we appreciate every bit of it so go ahead let us know what you're thinking hit the Super Chat button and let's keep this show as interactive and as exciting as possible but if you do prefer the alternative method we do still have the Tim and donations link gsmc podcast. net where you guys are still able to leave a comment or question there if you prefer we couldn't do this show without your amazing support and we're always so thankful to have you guys as part of our community so please remember to use the Super Chat button with whatever you have to say during today's show but we are able to move on now to some of the biggest news I think leading into week two having to do with the 49ers and arguably their best player Christian mcaffrey who didn't play in week one obviously you couldn't have noticed if he didn't play in week one with how good Jordan Mason played in that game almost 150 yards rushing a touchdown scored a great debut of sorts for Jordan Mason to kind of take over the lead running back role for Christian mcaffrey but again you couldn't have told you couldn't have been able to tell if Christian mcaffrey wasn't playing with how Jordan Mason played but getting to this injury with Christian mcaffrey if you weren't aware he has been dealing with this calf injury all throughout Camp he's been dealing with this as it was reported it held him out of training camp for a good amount of time then leading up to it around the time that Brandon auk and Trent Williams sort of returned to practice Christian mcaffry was also participating so you know in my mind I'm thinking you know he's going to play everybody's good the 49ers got the band back together they're all going to play the majority of these games right at least to start the year but about an hour about an hour and a half to two hours before Monday Night Football began he was ruled out but again didn't really affect the the game plan it seemed right um with how well Jordan Mason played but you're thinking at least I'm thinking you know with the calf it's a little bit give or take it's a little unpredictable as well because you think of your calf muscle you're using it pretty much with anything you do throughout the entire day so I'm thinking you know it's no big deal it's only week one this is just an over cautionary measure by the 49ers to just make sure uh Christian mcaffry is doing all right and then it's not going to be anything that carries on but now recently head coach Kyle Shanahan gave more clarity on Christian mcaffrey status and he said the following here he said it's not just the calf it's the Achilles and the Achilles is tendonitis and that stuff comes and goes and when it's acting up it's something you've got to be very careful about and after that sentiment he re he reiterated that Christian mcaffrey told them during the leadup of the week one preparation for the Jets that if this was a playoff game he would be able to play he would have in essence you know sucked it up and just gone out there and played for the 49ers and and that statement there um you know Christian mcaffry telling him that he would be able to play through it if it was the playoffs makes me think back to just last season right if you if I can take you back there one of their last couple games was with the Washington commanders I want to say towards the end of the season the regular season last year I want to say was the very last game so um it kind of explains how everything worked itself out but back in that game against the commanders the commanders won that game and it was a pretty big surprise but in large part because Christian mcaffrey did not play that was the beginnings or somewhat of the beginnings of this calf problem that still is bothering him to this day um you saw it last year with the commanders he went out of that game he didn't return in that game because of that calf injury then they you know didn't want to rushing back into that game because they had pretty much everything locked up they saved them to the playoffs and he played through it you know he played through this lagging lingering calf injury throughout the playoffs and uh even in the Super Bowl as well I do recall there was some plays where he'd be on the sideline trying to work it out getting treatment on it getting some trainers to work on it keeping it loose and stuff like that but again no big deal because Christian mcaffry is playing it's the Super Bowl it's the playoffs no one's thinking about the calf injury to such a dire extent but you know he played through it then obviously they don't win the Super Bowl we go through this off season and it still seems to be bothering him and now in a way if you're talking about how this has all transitioned now talking about Achilles tendonitis for anybody that hears that now it could be seen as a worsening of this C of this calf injury in a sense to some people right because before you're not really worried about the Achilles when you hear calf you're thinking maybe it's just a strain maybe it's just a little tight they don't want to overwork it but now when you work down to the Achilles a little bit more now it gets more serious right um essentially with Achilles tendinitis if not too many people are familiar with it having this now be a potential problem for chrisan mcaffrey this could weaken the Achilles tendon which could make it more vulnerable to tearing it completely which would obviously lead to season ending surgery for Christian mcaffrey so that's the that's kind of the thickness of the ice we're walking on right now right it's kind of you can kind of see through the ice you could potentially you know fall through and have this be a worst case scenario if you're Christian mcaffrey and you come back too quickly but right now it seems like the 49ers are staying patient with this they're being cautious with Christian mcaffrey obviously especially now with how Jordan Mason played I think they're in a good spot that you know they are saving Christian but now they're in a even better spot because have a running back now that they can give the ball 28 times like he did against the New York Jets and that's a very great thing to have and then Kyle Shanahan also mentioned in that statement that uh he considered Christian mcaffrey as day-to-day right now but NFL media reported a little bit later on that Christian mcaffrey is considered a long shot to play in week two so you know dayto day day today I'm thinking that you're potentially going to play this week if he's considered a long shut to play if anything if anything he's going to be weak to week right um but right now the 49ers are very fortunate that they have time on their side that's why my concern level with this injury to Christian mcaffrey isn't too too great at this moment because we are only talking about week one right nothing's going to be determined in the next month or anything like that not really then uh you have Jordan Mason obviously playing great their defense looks very well had some questions about it but they're looking very solid talanoa Huang is coming back as well their safety and it seems like they're just on track to keep getting better as good as they played in week one somehow it looks like they can get better a little bit sharper a little bit more efficient so that's a good thing and if you do that all without Christian mcaffrey I don't think there's a real rush to get him back with how everybody really started off the season very well I mentioned it yesterday they just picked off right where they left off it seems like it's seems nobody was trying to work off any rust or anything like that which is a great sign but talking about this injury the calf the Achilles those seem to linger a little bit you look at Russell Wilson and his calf injury I'm not saying it's tendonitis or anything like that but um obviously Russ is older than Christian mcaffrey as well but those things are something you don't take lightly you know you hear ACL you hear fractur sprains tears and things like that when you mention a calf it might not seem so severe like these other injuries tend to be but for anyone that's dealt with it I haven't dealt with it personally but just from watching it with various players um it's something that can become annoying and something that really is hard to work off if you're not careful with it so perhaps now with this extended time that Christian mcaffrey has to come back maybe it changes their approach a little bit when he comes back right cuz last year it was all just the Christian mcaffrey show where I think that kind of um didn't play out very well for them didn't benefit them because now overworking him in a sense last year you get injuries like this and now maybe it could just change their approach a little bit going forward with Jordan Mason depending on how long Christian mcaffry is out he can build up a good run of games gain some more confidence and then when Christian mcaffry is healthy to come back to kind of have this running back Duo running back by committee if you will if you want to call it that and now it's not all just solely on the shoulders of Christian mcaffrey you can give him some more rest more rest than he got last year for sure in that time that he was traded to the 49ers all the way up until the Super Bowl so right now my concern level isn't too great but I just want to see how he looks when he comes back and hopefully this isn't something that carries on for the rest of the year but the 49ers are in a good place not too concerned overly right now with Christian mcaffrey so we're going to move on to the next segment after this like I mentioned we're going to get into discussing the Falcons and the Cincinnati Bengals and how their offens is mostly disappointed and we're going to compare both teams and decide which one is closer to looking like the projections that everybody had in their mind when talking about the Falcons with Kirk and all those weapons and similarly with Joe burrow coming back Jamar Chase anti Higgins and all the gang as well over there in Cincinnati we're going to get to answering that question right after this break you're listening to the gsmc Chip Shot football podcast I feel like I'm losing my mind everybody in the world blind please Lord Give Me A Sign a [Music] sign I feel like I'm losing my mind everybody in the world oh please Lord give me a side a I want to be the greatest everybody on the face yet I look around I feel like everybody is the fakest I make this every day and I'm impatient hoping one day I blow up from the basement statement the top is so vacing I don't need that I think is amazing waiting for my day when I'm playing sold out shows for A Thousand Faces hey give me that Crown getting my way into to be put down it inin your place all this my town if I want that then I'll get it right now I'm losing it the no it fit some loosy and stupid myth you choose to live choose to dip you choose to fight or lose your grip and lose a gift oh I feel like I'm Los my mind is everybody in the world blind please Lord Give Me A Sign a [Music] sign I feel like I'm Los my everybody in the world jumping right back into the action now with the gsmc Chip Shot football podcast we have to discuss what we saw on Sunday from the Atlanta Falcons and the Cincinnati Bengals I didn't really get a chance to talk about it too much and most if not everybody I think was surprised with what they saw out of these two offenses especially these two quarterbacks and their performances last Sunday Kirk and Joe burrow both lost at home in a very not like they got blown out or anything like that but just a disappointing way where you know the Patriots only scored 16 points and the Steelers only scored 18 points and they didn't even score a touchdown the Patriots scored one touchdown and then it was just all pretty much field goals and as much as that you know makes your defense looked good I guess in a way not allowing a touchdown if you're the Falcons only giving up one if you're the Bengals but I think it also just makes these offenses look pretty bad and pretty just just disappointing under overwhelming I guess you could say you know there was a lot of hype building up from these two teams going into this year Kirk obviously going in to replace Desmond Ritter now you have a quarterback a capable one to throw it to Drake London Kyle pittz Darnell money as well um bejon Robinson opening him up a little bit more and um getting him to really enhance this offense we saw a little bit of it on Sunday but not the full extent then also with the angles you know Joe Burrow's coming back from his injury Jamar Chase is playing he's not holding out you didn't have t Higgins which was unfortunate but regardless just having Joe burrow in there based on his record when he's healthy gives you good reason to believe that this team could do something special this year and both of them did not get off to a very good start looking at both of them individually Kurt Cousins was 16 for 26 155 yards a touchdown and two interceptions and at Atlanta was shut out in the second half they finished the first half with 10 points there with a last couple minute touchdown to Kyle Pitts but then after that um no points in the second half where the Steelers continue to kick field goals and they ended up winning the game then you look at some of the weapons for this Atlanta Falcons offense you look at Drake London only had two receptions I think for 15 yards um which you know that's not what you'd expect out of him with kir cousin in there Kyle pittz similarly three receptions and had the only touchdown in this game but still only three receptions is not what you want to see it's not the potential that everybody else seems to see with this team then moving on to the Bengals and Joe burrow and how he performed similarly he was 21 of 29 164 yards no Downs or interceptions and he also um scored zero points on or was also the offense scored 10 total points as well similarly to the Atlanta Falcons Jamar Chase LED all receivers with six receptions and 62 yards which for him you can consider it a bit pedestrian but um that's what number one receivers do the Patriots defense is very good um but as much as it was for them trying to take jar chase away it's not a terrible game but I feel like again the Bengals play calling the scheme Joe burrow as well could have gotten him the ball a little bit more or could have done more scheme-wise game planning wise to uh get him in situation where he would get the ball a little bit more I think it was till the fourth quarter that Jamar didn't catch a pass that was longer than uh like 10 or 15 yards or something like that which is insane so that is kind of the overview look at it not and not only concerning results but healthwise both of these quarterbacks Kirk and Joe burrow seem to have moments in these games where you look at them and there were just moments where you look at them and think are they healthy are they you know flexing a part of their body where um they're trying to get it to feel a little bit looser a little bit more comfortable and speaking of that getting more into the Atlanta Falcons and Kur cousins and what I mean by this right um if you watch the Atlanta game I watched almost all of it a lot of their plays were a big talking point was that a lot of their plays were in either the p formation or the shotgun or the shotgun formation and breaking it down even more specifically 26 plays were run in the pistol formation and 22 were run in shotgun and one of them only one play in the entire game was run under Center and they ran the ball on 81% of their pistol formations and also you think of 81% and how many times basically the entire game that you were in the pistol formation you know you're not under Center obviously you're a little bit further back in those formations um with that being the case and running it basically the entire game and even though you did run that formation the entire game almost all the time you ran it out of that formation for good defenses like the Pittsburgh Steelers the last thing you want to do is become predictable and that's exactly what they did for as good as bejon Robinson was and he still did his thing he did finish with a pretty decent statline but once it becomes predictable like that you don't give the Steelers any moments of you know doubt or hesitation or any opportunity to overp pursue over uh overp pursue or over estimate where the play is going everything is pretty much the the same has the same look and that way they're able to almost you know not really have to communicate too much or go through any progressions because they know out of this formation you're probably going to run it most of the time like they did on 81% of their of their plays in pistol and not only that you give this defense with heith Cam Hayward uh TJ watt obviously you give them a straight run at your quarterback right when you're under Center you kind of have a little bit more leeway to drop back maybe roll out bootlegg it a little bit to either side play action it and get the defense to overcommit to the running back going the other way in a pistol and in the gun formation everybody is looking at Sho directly right everybody knows you're five to four yards away from the center they see the snap of the ball and then you know they pretty much just have a straight shot of you you're not moving back there there's no play action so there's no um any level of deception trying to trick this defense and again against highle defenses this is not going to work and that's where I think the Falcons failed a little bit in their game plan and off of that why they ran so much out of this formation right you might be asking well why didn't they go more under Center and incorporate it well that's where the speculation over kurk cousins Mobility comes into play maybe he's not 100% where he can move that freely back there maybe there is still some hesitation or some doubt in that Achilles injury that he needs to be in the gun or pistol formation to just be there standing there go through his progressions normally and not have to worry about moving too much and maybe he just doesn't feel too sure on that Achilles just yet and um it is unfortunate because last year with the Vikings and Kevin oono another great play caller there was a lot of plays under Center when he started there you know he had an incredible Pace to the start of the year last year he was performing very well in large part with the play actions rolling out and moving the pocket where it's not just a straight shot for some Defenders to just run at him and maybe that Achilles is not 100% but Raheem Morris said after the game that he feels like Kurt Cousins is healthy so you know take it as you will you make your own estimations on that but it just was a little puzzling to see how the Falcons were very reluctant to change their approach and just basically run the same thing at at the Steelers defense and then it resulted in a couple interceptions um TJ watt probably should have finished with like four sacks if they didn't take away a couple of them and you know it just was an uncomfortable day for Kirt cousins on that standpoint but then you look at the Bengals now and there's a little bit more than just this speculation around Joe Burrow's Health right it is a part of it but there's more that I wanted to point out no glaring displays of health concerns like I mentioned on the field right but for burrow it just seems like he just plays the first game of the of the regular season very bad I don't know why you know going back to last year they only scored three points when they played the Cleveland Browns and he's I want to say he's one and four in uh the five you know season opening games that he has played in his career and there's also still the context of everything right no T Higgins the loss of Joe Mixon um and also the run defense against R Andre Stevenson was not that good to kind of help out this flat offense that you saw um and then going to the health concern a little bit that I wanted to bring up we didn't see anything on the field like with Kirk you know kind of just standing there but there was this weird um video that I did see um this morning I think it was like on ESPN or something of uh Joe burrow on the sidelines kind of like flexing his wrist just moving it a little bit um holding it a couple times while he was sitting there or just right before he was out there on the field right um it didn't drew some concern there but I don't know I don't think he we're talking about the first game of the season I don't think that would flare up again just right off of the bat but who am I really to say I don't have any medical information to kind of prove that but I don't think it's something to worry about too much but then the factors that I mentioned before no T Higgins no Joe Mixon obviously now uh the loss of Tyler Boyd as well this come this is where the biggest concern comes for the Bengals um and their offense you know the questionable depth that they have with really only having Jamar Chase potentially only Higgins and the rest of their weapons just not showing up in week one but I feel like this could carry on the rest of the season right you look at um with Jamar Chase drawing all the attention obviously right on offense all the other targets their stats were 15 of 23 on completions two attempts one turnover and 27% of their catchers went for first downs and they only average 4.4 yards per Target now because of this I'm not so sure that this team is going to get that much more talented obviously or that they're talented enough um to run that same offense that they have been running CU before with the Cincinnati Bengals offense Joe burrow looked Untouchable he looked fantastic back there when they would spread teams out you have Tyler Boyd T Higgins and Jamar Chase and off of that Joe was very good and the receivers were very good to just get open a lot of the times and not only has the talent kind of decreased a little bit from going from Tyler boy to iosivas or irn or these guys like that you know it's only the first game I don't know too much about them but based on the comparison to the other receivers you see a drop off there and why it works so well before was because those guys were talented enough to get open on their own and also with spreading so many people out Joe Mixon was a good enough running back to take advantage of all of that space now you couldn't really load the Box up against Joe Mixon because you had so many targets everywhere and now all of that pretty much all of it is almost gone right you don't really have a running back to threaten good defenses like the Patriots the weapons on the outside with t Higgins not being there in week one everybody's trying to cover Jamar Chase and blanket him to not affect the game and now you have to depend on other guys that yes we are still early in this season Joe burrow is still trying to figure out who he can trust but I feel like it's not going to get that much better for the Bengals to continue to run this same offense I just feel like they're not talented enough anymore to run Joe burrow just back there out of the shotgun just sit there and pick apart teams and then have a good running game to base it off of especially on the other side where the run defense didn't look too well and that way um they're not complimenting each other anymore and that defense doesn't have that cushion to know that the offense can score at least 21 points per game because they were talented enough and that's where my concerns lie with the Cincinnati Bengals um I just feel like they don't have the Personnel anymore to be so dominant in such a I want to use the word basic lightly because it's anything but basic right in football but it looks more basic than other schemes that you see there's a lot of motion a lot of deception a lot of you know cutbacks pin down blocks and things like that rub routes and all these things that affect defense is to keep them on their toes it's very basic and simple it seems with the Bengals and I feel like the Personnel does not suit that style anymore and now which team do I feel more confident in to kind of break through and show us something from the offensive side of the ball I would probably say Atlanta is closer because they have the option of benching Kur cousins it sounds crazy to say but if he's not 100% and he is really holding back the offense that much you do have Michael pennx there who's younger obviously can move a little bit better and having him back there with those physical abilities that Kirk might not have right now you at least have the option to change that whereas with the Bengals it looks like they're stuck in their same ways if they don't change their approach if they're stubborn from the approach of changing who they are their identity their scheme then the breakr is not going to come at any point because they're just going to keep running the same thing hoping that something changes but um I feel like they're in a weird spot right now where those guys the irwins the yosias of the world have to play a lot better and I'm I just don't know too much about them to know that they're capable of playing up to the levels of like a Tyler Boyd or something like that th Higgins is going to come back which is good but um you know we'll see where they are in week two if they change anything to their approach the Falcons at least have that option so we will see hopefully they play a little bit better both have tough matchups the Falcons are playing the Eagles the Eagles are going to score a lot of points so the Falcons have to keep pace and also the Bengals are playing the Kansas City Chiefs and we saw how good both of those teams looked in week one so they have their work cut out for them we'll see how they Faire in week two but now moving on to the next topic three new topics still to get to on today's show we have Aaron roders going over the loss of the 49ers on week one what did he feel went wrong and what are some possible solutions that I look to for the New York Jets to try and solve to get back on the winning track in week two stay tuned to find out my thoughts on that right after this break looking for your daily fix of sports talk without having to pay for it gsmc Sports network is available on YouTube just search gsmc sports network get your fix of daily Sports talk shows on YouTube absolutely free NFL college football NBA MLB MMA UFC fantasy football and so much more gsmc Sports network has shows running all day long with new sports shows starting every 2 hours just like on your favorite Cable Sports channel except gsmc Sports network is absolutely free just search gsmc Sports Network on YouTube to catch one of your new favorite shows like the gsmc college football podcast Chip Shot football podcast hoops and heels women's sports podcast gsmc basketball podcast and so many more check it out for yourself gsmc Sports Network now available on YouTube absolutely free search gsmc Sports Network on YouTube right now we are back here on the gsmc Chip Shot football podcast to talk a little bit more of the Monday Night Football game that we just saw and going over you know we talked about the basics about the Jets lost to the San Francisco 49ers back on Monday but now we can look into it a little bit more what is the biggest concern that the Jets have to try and figure out here going forward where you know my overall thought from the game on Monday was that yeah the score line looked a little bit bad it looked like the 49ers dominated and they did in a sense with the running game and the time of possession but I felt like the Jets didn't look like a team that had no idea what what they were doing or anything like that it looked like they had the good players right they had the ability of putting some Drives together their defense is obviously stacked and I feel like they're going to figure some things out and what that is we're going to get into it in this segment but you know looking back on it you know I feel like again people expected this game to be closer especially with Rogers coming off of an injury riddled year he finished 13 of 21 for 167 yards and one touchdown and an interception and looking at this game now I mentioned it yesterday how it was a reality check for the New York Jets going up against the 49ers because obviously the 49ers are the standard in the NFC Conference at least you know this could go to the NFL you know on a more league-wide basis but you know this just gave the Jets a good look at what a real Contender looks like how they play like what their defense is like and just the game planning in every aspect of a true contending team team now that Jets know what level they have to reach at least to um compete with some of these teams right because as good as the 49ers are all the other teams in the conference in the AFC there's a lot of good teams there as well you know you could face the the Texans the Ravens as well the the Dolphins are still there obviously in the division the the Bengals didn't look awful awful you know they still could get better it was only one week as much as much as I am concerned about their offense they do still have good players overall the Colts didn't look too bad also in that game so there are a lot of good teams that the Jets have to play eventually so knowing what level they have to reach I think will serve them well and after the loss you know Aaron Rogers talked about it a little bit more on what he felt this team had to work itself through to kind of get to that level and what he saw went wrong in this game against the San Francisco 49ers to which he said um um there were moments that felt really good but not sustained we felt like if we could not if we could just get a first down we'd be rolling we had those three and outs which really hurt us I think a lot of stuff is correctable which is which is great for coaches but frustrating for players we know how close we were slash are but there's no time uh but there's no time for that um and that's uh but there is time for that excuse me there for that last part um and that's really kind of the same sentiment I share with Aaron Rogers and what he's talking about they do have the benefit of having time on their side but also you know he mentioned that a lot of stuff is correctable and those three and outs is also something that I wanted to point out he just said if we could just get a first down we'd be rolling we had those three and outs that really hurt us and you look at some of the stats from this game to kind of support that sentiment you look at Rogers and the offense only mustered 266 total yards on offense which you look at just that and it might not seem too bad but the 49ers in comparison in their offense they totaled over 400 total yards of offense without Christian mcaffrey so missing their best player still almost doubling year yards in that entire game says a lot about the difference in where each offense is at this point in time the biggest thing the biggest talking point also I feel like was the time of possession the Jets had about 21 minutes and 20 seconds of possession of the ball in this game which was the lowest time of any of Aaron rogers's 26 career starts that's the lowest amount of time on offense he has been able to have the ball and it just emphasizes the dominance that the 49ers had again in that game with the way they were able to run the ball they were able to dominate on defense going back to those three and outs as much as the 49ers were doing good on offense if you can go back and forth with them it doesn't really affect you too much but when Rogers is mentioning those three and outs and then I think it was from the second quarter or potentially the third quarter on once the 49ers took the lead essentially they just got into all of their sets they knew exactly what they were running they were very efficient very accurate with everything and they just took off from there you know the Jets never really caught up after that point and the possession of the ball went a lot to do with it you know the offense remained cold for the 49ers or for the Jets excuse me they came into this game still trying to figure a couple things out Mike Williams only played nine snaps and the offensive line couldn't get anything going for Bree Hall as well Rogers was a bit inaccurate at times with a couple of placement on his throws um but overall I thought he looked solid I thought that some of the drops that the these guys had didn't help him too much but you know that is that is and can be correctable going forward the defense is better than this performance obviously Hassan reik also um Hassan reck's case for an extension also goes up after this with how you know vulnerable the Jets defense looks not really getting any pass rush to Brock pie which helped their efficiency he didn't throw off any timing or anything Brock sat back there most of the game and was pretty comfortable it's seemed trying to pick off this Jets defense and they have great players right with quinnon Quincy Williams um s Garner obviously but every good team like this at least to this level needs a pass rush and Germaine Johnson is a good player but you still need I think somebody else on the edge to give you that other presence and you know you're going up against Tren Williams as well so if you don't have one of the Premier guys to kind of give him something there to to worry about it's going to be a long day and that's exactly what it was for the Jets in this game um but I do expect them to get better they have enough players to perform better than this and they play some weaker teams I guess you could say to uh to kind of ease it up a little bit and kind of gain some confidence back as well but to me the biggest issue is a combination of a few different things with this team right it was the time of possession the game planning and just how they really lacked playing complimentary football football with their offense and their defense as well and that's in large part obviously with how well the 49ers played but while the offense still needs to get better keeping the ball through the Run game with Bree Hall and the wide receivers just getting open outside of Garrett Wilson you know I mentioned those concerns yesterday Garrett looked great Garrett early with uh Aaron Rogers made some good connections I think that drive that they scored a touchdown they might have connected on three straight or four straight passes or something like that that looks like a strong strong connection but Allan Lazard you know had a couple drops didn't really get into the es and flows of everything Mike Williams I mentioned only played nine games and then outside of that you have Xavier Gibson who is a nice player but I don't think he really affected the game at all so you need some of the wide receivers to give you more than uh than just Garrett Wilson can give you because just like Jamar Chase teams are going to take him away and then who's going to step up for this Jets team and a 40-year-old quarterback that needs help at this stage in his career to kind of you know give you what everybody's hoping that a quarterback like Aaron Rogers can provide for your team similarly with Bree Hall this offensive line looked pretty decent in pass blocking but run blocking you know breee never really found any momentum early outside of that drive where he scored the touchdown and then you know like it typically goes you go behind and you kind of abandon the Run game and Breeze can get involved in the passing game but you know you need that run game a little bit to kind of keep the defense on their toes the 49ers just sat back most of it and forced Aaron Rogers into these tough tight throws where they had great coverage because they knew that the Jets were just not going to run the ball anymore so they were able to kind of game plan anticipate these passes and make it even harder for Aaron Rodgers and also with both of those factors coming into play it comes just down to the fact that with both of those things just not working you find yourselves in a lot of third and Longs with a 40-year-old quarterback again it's not a situation you want to be in it's not to discredit Aaron Rogers for anything like that he's only going to get better from this point on but you need this team is supposed to work and supposed to be really good because Aaron is a good quarterback but no good quarterback unless you're in the prime of your career and your Patrick Mahomes at this point is capable enough to go out there with only one good wide receiver no running game and just not really trusting the other weapons on their offense this is supposed to work because Rogers you know coming into this team they were able to address the wide receiver two position they had more protection on that offensive line the defense as well going back to that complimentary Factor was good enough to stop opposing offenses to give these guys a chance but none of that was really in display and that's where you get this lackluster performance from Rogers and the New York Jets as a whole you want to be in third and Longs the entire game because um it's not going to be efficient it's not going to be Progressive in matchup against the 49ers or the Dolphins or these teams that can score and can really run up the score on you and if your defense isn't stopping anyone then I don't think this offense right now is comfortable enough with each other to go toe to- Toe with some of these offenses the defense again needs to be complimentary with this offense as well they need need to be better I believe they will be better um and they just need to get the ball back to Aon Rogers essentially because this is supposed to be the most Reliant um they're supposed to be the more Reliant side of this football team because they've been together they brought basically everybody back and it just was absent in this first game as well you can't rely on Aaron Rogers to score every drive at this stage of his career it's not sustainable for him to carry the pressure of the entire organization as much as he's already doing it with how much he's talking with how much stock is being invested in him to you know pretty much carry this organization on the field somebody has to step up aside of him Garett Wilson and Bree Hall the defense again needs to step up and um at least until they're fully acclimated right this offense isn't truly there all of yet but um right now it was a good point to see all right we have to work on this the defense needs to get better who's going to step up outs side of Garrett Wilson now you have your your goals right your marking points your check marks or whatnot now you know what you need to work on and The Season's a long one obviously they have a tough schedule coming up in terms of traveling and things like that but they do face I think the Titans and then maybe um the other teams are escaping my mind I think they play the Titans and some other teams coming up so it's not too difficult I know they have the Patriots in there as well so the competition isn't going to be to the level of the 49ers so that's better it gives them a better opportunity to work some things out and kind of gain some confidence going forward but at least now they know where they need to be but in terms of talking about where we need to be as a show we need to move on to the next segment now talking about my picks at the best rookies that impressed me the most after week one we're going to go through 5 through one in that order and just talk about some of the young guys that really impressed me Me overall in week one Xavier Worthy's on there a Steelers players on there jaguars players are also featured on here we're going to get into all of that when we return after this short break for the best and latest podcasts available anywhere go to the podcast app on your cell phone and type in gsmc to access free content-rich podcasts on health and wellness book reviews Sports entertainment relationships social media movies technology finance and even weird news subscribe and download the gsmc podcast Network's family of shows available everywhere podcasts are found jumping right back into the action now on the GS MC Chip Shot football podcast we look at my top five best rookie performances from week one it was kind of hard to pick you know there was some other players that I was pretty impressed with outside of these top five that I decided to kind of Shor this list down to but you know I think these guys really made the difference in some of their games and just jumping straight into it now starting with the number five spot I actually have the tackle from the S not the San Francisco 49ers the tackle from the New Orleans Saints that being tal fuaga their rookie right tackle for the Saints like I mentioned there were some issues with this position right if you follow the Saints at some point this year you know that Ryan ramch was pretty much done for the entire year with his injury and also they didn't resign Andreas Pete so tackle was certainly a position of Need For This Squad and they went out they drafted T fuaga out of Oregon State at pick number 14 and he already looks like he has come in to save the New Orleans Saints at this spot um on Sunday they did play the Carolina Panthers which is the biggest point that I have to take away from fuaga because the Panthers they're not the toughest of competitions right so that kind of deducted some points for him but nevertheless it was still impressive because he left all rookies with a 94% pass block win rate and what's even more impressive was that he is making the transition from uh from right tackle at Oregon State to now playing left tackle in New Orleans he's never started a game for Oregon or Oregon State I should say at left tackle and all his time there so now making the switch from one side to the other it might seem simple but if you ask any tackle it's extremely difficult with just how you you use your hands your feet movement and just everything that goes with it it's like writing with your other hand essentially and you know making that transition and playing very well off of that just right off of the bat in his first start I had to throw him in here but I had to throw him in here but also I it couldn't be higher than five because you know the Panthers um they were one of the worst teams in week one so uh impressive but you know the Panthers not the toughest of competitions for Talis say fuaga in his first game then moving on to number four I have the Steelers player that I mentioned I had to throw him in here to give some love to already fuaga as an offensive lineman but to continue that Trend and talk about the Steelers rookie Center coming in from West Virginia and starting right off of the bat an injury to Nate herig in the pre-season had Pittsburgh have to start their rookie center with um two new quarterbacks as well is not really a recipe that you want to see for any team you already have um new Tendencies with whichever quarterback is going to play and for a rookie especially to be comfortable with two new quarterbacks coming in and to learn the entire offense as well call out plays protections and whatnot and things like that that come with being a center it's a lot it's a lot on the plate of Zach Frasier coming in right away but I thought he did a very good job of uh handling everything in the first first game there were those issues with the snap still from preseason right you saw the fumbles that Justin field and Frasier had in the preseason which um I I feel like everybody freaked out about for um or over freaked out about in the preseason but again now in the regular season popping up Now's the Time where you you can freak out because that just can't happen in the regular season so they have to figure that out honestly um it can happen in the first week but if it's a continual thing it's not something that Mike tomin is going to be too happy about like most or every coach would be so that's something that was really the only negative that I saw because um against Atlanta you know Zack Frasier didn't allow a single pressure a single hit or a single hurry in any of his dropbacks the amount of Pancakes that I saw out of Zack Frasier was really impressive and like tal fuaga and kind of incorporating the level of opponent that he was going up against I considered that with with uh Zack Frasier he looked good not only moving around and being pretty athletic at the at the uh Center position but also going up against Grady Jared is not an easy task by any means he was a guy or is a guy still obviously considered one of the better defensive tackles in the NFL one of the best players on the Falcons defense overall he got a sack in that game from the The Edge not really going through Zack Frasier so he did very well against Grady Jarrett and that's why I had to put Zack Fraser just above fuaga he did a great job in his first game and now I feel like he's only going to get better like most rookies do that first impression is always important and Zack Frasier and fuaga both pass the test on the offensive line then moving into number three I have the Jacksonville Jaguars wide receiver rookie wide receiver Brian Thomas Jr coming in here at number three because they were definitely needing some more some more xfactor game-changing Talent at the wide receiver position and I think that's what any team was going to get with Brian Thomas because I really liked him coming at a LSU I always thought in this process of the draft and the combine and everything I always thought that if Malik neighbors wasn't at LSU Brian Thomas would be looked at so much greater there would be so much value more to Brian Thomas and potentially his stats could have been even crazier um I say that but he still recorded 17 touchdowns in that last year at LSU so there was that potential there I just feel like it was a little bit overlooked with everybody gushing over Malik neighbors not to take anything away from him because he's that good but you know Brian Thomas is right there very capable of being any team's number one and I think we saw a little glimpse of that here here against the Miami Dolphins they didn't end up winning the game but um Brian Thomas in this game he led all wide receivers with four receptions four targets and uh 47 yards and the and a touchdown also for the Jacksonville Jaguars for the Jaguars passing game that was virtually non-existent I think him kind of showing out is more of an indictment against their offense really than it is you know not being impressed with just four receptions for 47 yards it might not look impressive but in the context of how well the entire offense did in the passing game I think that's very good to kind of stand out like that and his touchdown was certainly a big one at that point of the game for the Jaguars as well and I think just having Brian Thomas in here at number three I was really thinking about him showing his potential already to be their number one receiver I think he has the full package the route running the hands the contested catches everything the separation and everything like that with the pressure that he just has trying to step into this light of essentially replacing Calvin Ridley um with having that pressure on his shoulders and already showing some potential that he is very capable of doing that I was very impressed with that and had to put him in at the number three spot but then at number two was a guy that I've been on the show talking about very big fan of him the Eagles defensive back quinan Mitchell I thought he played I thought he would play more in the slot to start off but against the Green Bay Packers I saw a lot of him on the outside on the outside corner position opposite of Darius SLE and in that game he had two pass breakups five tackles against the Green Bay Packers which do have a good group of wide receivers um you saw it on display with Jaylen Reed Romeo dos Davon Wicks and Christian Watson I think Watson was the only one that scored um in my memory serves me right but um there was just a lot of drops and they weren't on their best day which I guess helped out the eagle secondary a little bit more but quinan Mitchell got himself in great spots I thought he had great coverage on all those times he was left one-on-one against Christian Watson down the field on a couple times he was right there always in the back pocket always attached at the hip of these wide receivers and I liked his uh aggressive demeanor and his you could call it cockiness is arrogance but I think you need that as a corner and he was very good at doing that very aggressive at the point of attack when any throw came his way of course there were some passes caught on him you know he is still a rookie but overall I'd like the character that he brought the performance as well I think more and more he's going to stack this up and usually also with young Corners I mentioned this aggressive nature to him a lot of times they get called for holding or defensive passing or fance or anything like that I didn't really see any of that in his game which again gives me more reason to believe that quinon Mitchell one of the biggest deals if not the biggest steal in the first round for the Eagles to have him opposite of Darius Slay is a great Duo to have in 2024 and then lastly here to go over the best rookie performance I think undoubtedly it has to be Xavier worthy in that game against the Baltimore Ravens he had two touchdowns in his first game you saw right away as soon as he touched the ball Jet Sweep he he sees a hole you see the hole where in most cases any guy would probably be touched he might have to break a tackle he flew through that hole so fast that nobody came close to even touching him or even coming close to touching him that's the speed on display the combine record speed that he had also um just the the threat that he brings obviously with that speed you have to be aware of where he is at all times and adding him with Maris Brown and Rashid rice who looked outstanding in this game I think having a rookie like this already show you close to his full skill set close to his full potential in his first game not really struggling with anything that greatly um I think he really impressed me the most even though he might not have gotten the most targets or anything like that I think the impact that he brings to this Super Bowl winning team already um has left me the most impressed out of anybody already that's why we hold the Chiefs to such a high regard already they look so much better than they did last year so um Xavier Worthy is the best rookie performance out of any rookie in week 1 in the NFL leave your guys' thoughts on what you think of my list and also provide any insight on any disagreements or comments that you like to make on that list but that's not the last list we're going to talk about I have one more thing that I wanted to bring up here a panic rating for a couple of these 0 and-one teams after week one we look at about eight of them seven of them if we have time and um we go through my level of panic that I have in this team after losing in week one and their circumstances and everything I'll give those out and I'll reveal those when we return after our last break coming up in just a few seconds [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for joining me here on the last segment of today's show some more of ranking some more lists that I wanted to bring you guys just based on my opinion this sort of panic rating that I I don't want to say I developed it but I wanted to bring it to you guys here based on some of the teams that unfortunately lost in week one and going through my level of panic with each team based on any injuries on how they looked on any sort of factors like that that kind of affect my level of panic in them already after week one we got a couple teams that I'm going to get through here hopefully if we have enough time to get through all of them but with that being said the first team I have on here the first team that I have to talk about is the Green Bay Packers the Green Bay Packers my Panic rating for them is obviously as you see a six out of 10 because without Jordan love and the fact that they're going to have to start Malik Willis is the biggest reason that I'm a little bit more concerned than about neutral with this Green Bay Packers team they dodged the bullet because if uh Jordan they dodged the bullet because Jordan loved didn't go on IR if he went on IR he was going to miss the next four games so he should be back relatively sooner than I think most people realize Matt laflor and Jordan love are keeping the options open to even playing this week but in my opinion I feel like um I feel like he might miss definitely this Colts game but he could potentially miss the second game at Tennessee right after that he should definitely be back for the Minnesota Vikings game at home but to me I don't think it's one likely that he plays in just the next game after this injury against the Colts but also I wouldn't think it's too smart to throw him back out there if he's not 100% to rush him back or anything like that so um I'm looking at that as some of these reasons why I have a higher rating of panic because um with how good the Colts looked with how good the Titans looked outside of you know the last couple drives there where their offense didn't do anything and just gave the game away their defense looked relatively uh solid as well I'm not confident at all really you know sorry to say Malik Willis at this point in time because he just got traded there and in Tennessee he didn't show the greatest tape on film also so they've already started 0 and one and if the and if Jordan love misses the next two games they could have a chance at starting 0 and3 in that division with the Bears who are 1 and0 right now and the Lions who I don't think are going to lose many games at all it's going to be hard to keep Pace with those teams if you start 0 and3 or even 0 and2 I think 0 and2 is manageable definitely but uh 0 and3 becomes very hard so that's why my Panic is a little bit higher for the Packers then moving on to our next team a little bit lower in the Falcons who we just talked about in an entire segment before um it's just again stems from Kurt Cousins the offense and how it looked with K cousins in there how does his health look his level of Mobility is that just going to get better as we go through the weeks or is this something that is not going to improve and we're going to see the same result the same offense there week to week to week that's something that this Falcons team again can have um you just got to know if Kirk is 100% healthy um or not you can continue this way to be so vanilla and so predictable on offense this team is too talented they have too many good players to be anything but predictable so that's where I stand on them um they have also the easiest schedule in the NFL and the easiest division in my opinion as well they could switch the Michael pennick as well too because like I mentioned before they at least have that option to give Kurt Cousins some time on um on the bench if he's not 100% yet but then you kind of have a situation like the Steelers do right now so that's a whole different discussion if we even get to that but um again the next games are concerning if this offense looks anything close to what they did in week one I think week one was the Gimme game to a lot of people for this Falcons team underestimating the Steelers at home with Kirk Cousins they weren't expecting this team to put up 10 points and now they have to go to Philadelphia which say what you want about their defense going to Philadelphia and their offense looking as good as it did you're going to have to score points 10 points is not even going to come close on the road as well you could start 0 and2 and then you have to host the Kansas City Chiefs who just put up a good amount of points on the Ravens and are probably one of the two best teams in the NFL this Falcons team is threatening of starting 0 and3 if this offense doesn't play Closer to the level that we all believe that they can with how many good players they do have so that's where similarly to the Packers that's where they're teetering right now um at this point in time then again very similar just talking about the the Falcons now we're moving to the Bengals same rating because they are very similar in their circumstances burrow whether or not that rist is 100% I feel like it is but it's still going to be a question going forward their offensive identity are they willing to adapt and evolve to the players that they have not sort of try to fit a square peg in a round hole if that makes sense right you don't have the Tyler boy you don't have the Joe Mixon of the world anymore to still run the exact same offense because iosivas Irwin can't give you that option of providing you that open option each and every time you're going to have to look to T Higgins and Jamar chase a lot more and that way you almost become predictable in a way by knowing having opposing defenses know that you're going to go to these two guys and if the running game with Zach moss and Chase Brown isn't working you become one-dimensional making it even easier for great defenses so that's my worry with them it's about 50% I guess you could say um just because Joe burrow is one of the best quarterbacks Jamar Chase and their connection is very well and also they are in one of the toughest divisions but they have the easiest schedule out of all four teams so that should help them kind of gain back some confidence and um the biggest thing again is the Run game not being able to change their scheme is something that I believe could derail them if they're stubborn enough to not change it but moving on to quick L the next two teams because I think we kind of know where we stand with them nine out of 10 for the Giants I think you know with Daniel Jones as long as you have him in there I don't think you're going to win many games they're GNA they're going to win one right they're not going to go um winless that's nearly impossible to do but um they have good players on this team to go winless it's it's not realistic but you're not going to win many games with Daniel Jones in there the aura the attitude the um just everything about the Giants right now seems to be down and negative with the interviews you see after the game with the gameplay on the field the body language and everything um that needs to change I said it yesterday that it's not too early to bench Daniel Jones already I don't care what kind of contract he has um it you have to do something to change it or else you're just going to conform to the idea that you're just going to be a three- win two- win team or something like that so my level of panic right now is is pretty much at the max level for the Giants and similarly the Carolina Panthers are the next team same thing right um the two worst teams from week one my concern with them is the both the poor displays on both sides the lack of development I guess we could say from Bryce young looking as shaky as poor as he did last year with some better players coming in but still they somehow look like the Panthers from last year is a concern um the injury to Derek Brown on the defensive side of the ball is huge that defense just gave up 50 points basically and now you lose your best player um I can't foresee that getting any better and just also the future of this team right because if it does go very bad like it looks like it could I don't want Bryce young to have to go through another head coach learn a whole new system because now we're three years in um going after next year with potentially another head coach into year four where you lack that consistency and it makes Bryce young look bad and they used up a first round pick on him obviously so um they're right there in terms of maximum level of panic with the Carolina Panthers then the Las Vegas Raiders is another team I wanted to bring up on here as well they um the quarterback Garner menu I I don't think played terribly bad um the stats would suggest he did all right but you know there were some moments where you know the running game didn't really help out this team too much he got the ball to Devonte Adams to Brock bows which was a good sign but you know the lack of different Dynamic aspects that this offense brings with zamir white I was expecting to see more out of him but again that fell flat the lack of I guess just deception and creativity that this offense has is something to concern me they have the the eighth hardest schedule in the NFL which isn't doing them any favors if the record doesn't improve then do you switch quarterbacks and if you do switch quarterbacks aan OK conell going to play better individually than Garner muu which if it goes the wrong way then you have this quarterback Carousel problem right everybody loves saying that if you have two quarterbacks you really have no quarterbacks right and whether why whether it is true or not I've heard it too many times and um it's going to be true in this situation with Garner minu if they don't get the offense at least clicking a little bit more looking a bit more Dynamic to help out this defense which is good I want to believe they do have good players but also um their run defense didn't look great at least in this first game allowing JK Dobbins to run for almost 130 yards isn't great obviously so um that is something they have to figure out because they have good players on their team then the last team I want to bring up here is obviously the Cleveland Browns we talked about them enough really with deshun Watson their level my level of panic in them is at an eight just because the expectations of this team and I think out of all these teams in the AFC North they potentially look the worst um and they have one of the best rosters and it's weird to put him in this conversation as potentially being the worst team because that's a huge drop in expectations to reality when it does set in right they're considered to be one of the best defenses in the NFL they have good receivers a good running back um with Nick chub when he comes back right but um you have that the potential of not being good just because your quarterback isn't playing well um how that would be such a huge disappointment with how good this overall roster is also you throw in there the contract obviously has been talked about in what the Browns gave up to acquire DeShaun Watson for him to perform like this is also not doing them any favors and just adding to that huge disappointment if it does come to it worst case scenario um Watson obviously not playing very well right now and I don't want to get into it cuz one we're at the end of the show but also um you have this new sexual assault lawsuit that allegedly um not Alle not allegedly that is being filed against DeShaun Watson for some things that he did in 2020 um I'm not going to mention them but you can go read that up on your own time um sexual assault and battery is the lawsuit from 2020 now this pops up and anytime things like this pop up um it becomes very ugly off the field and then it becomes a distraction on the field and that's the last thing Deshawn needs at this point in time and you know it's just a very bad situation on not unnecessary but just very ugly situation now for the Browns with all these things popping up now um it's not in a good place that's why my level of panic in them is an 8 out of 10 and that's the team we're going to end off with on my Panic ratings for week one you know we're only talking about 0 and one which doesn't seem too bad but the circumstances surrounding these teams and the bad trends that could develop are something that I wanted to dig into a little bit more with these teams but like I said that is going to do it for today's episode of the gsmc Chip Shot football podcast thank you guys for joining me please remember to like follow And subscribe to the show as well as following the network on all forms of social media and checking out more content around this show on the gsmc podcast Network channel and the gsmc Sports Network channel on YouTube for a variety of different ways for news around the NFL with me Manny Mor as your host lastly also check out each live episode every weekday at 6:30 pm Eastern Time thank you guys for joining me on today's show I'll see you guys all back here again with me [Music] tomorrow let's go I wake up to a little bit of Drool on my pillow feel like it's going to be a bad day yeah I'm tired of and the coffee ain't hit yet damn ain't that

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