CHAMPION! EDward Gaming vs Team Heretics - HIGHLIGHTS | Valorant Champions 2024

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be looking for a few more he's getting reinforcements fast clear it's called out now by Heretics using the Drone to pave the way be spotting this out they're aware of the fact that it's onto the Seas site all about how the battle begins though towards the back of the Sid and team Heretics have rifles in hand they want to go over towards C and guess what reinforcements have arrived Benji fishy and mini boo once more an attempt to play spoiler paranoia sweeps through no connections at all still k k delivers them three in a round so far enough damage done for the plant down when Simon's stun isn't there Kung Kong's stuns are and that was perfectly positioned over towards logs the timing could not have been better and now they're splitting up trying to catch timings on Ren and Buu Heretics always going to be doubled up here prioritizing that discipline the timing is missed ships in the n k k spotted and cannot recover taken down out of the fight Simon Just rookie to the stage just rookie to the team to deliver a clutch as he's done so before b line ready sends it out preemptively boo is sticking damage needs to be done bullets need to be finding their targets for ran the taking a gander and a glance over towards Lobby they're not expecting that at all off angle is beautiful but a Flash and a peek and a swing on top of it mini boo seeks to supplement the fight once more he's everywhere still keeps the lead for his team in terms of that player Advantage wo flashing a peak as well he needs to get himself back through link chichu thinks him at least he thinks he's earned himself but timing k k what is that oh through the back though Benji fishy cleaning up any sort of blind spots that might have been occurring still a 2v3 there's chances for EDG but they're going to be running into Benji's utility here Simon's got to break this and even if he invests the ultimate that'll probably just to be to get the plant down see is he going to be able to have this timing to pull it off in the post yeah not flood being called here by Heretics they want to make sure that they hold it down collected into the retake now with a paranoia but that's a big miss the odd's going to be expended and Bullet to the Dome side of the head K Kang too much to overcome trip for info Y and that's already spotted Ben you know he's dropped in a moment's notice 20 seconds here's the old woot he's getting ahead of all of this wants to take the peak wants to take the fight Hunter Fury trying to bail them out slowed down to a crawl after the shock in their face it's full util spam cacophony of all of it into the back of the site we go twists and turns the Tails being we but it's all on Heretics is died again EDG close and they will be breaking this one TPO there's no cover and WS right there for the punish chichu vacuuming up space hoping the rotations are abound might be able to catch this timing yes head missed boo just trying to catch that sideline K just dropped down trying to get his team in 14 seconds again time running away from them oh glass potentially try nobody's got to stick this plan and minib Bo cleans up the flank forward aggression showcased by chichu he knows he has to take risk he knows the matters need to be taken into his own hands noro fft Reveals All the D is dealt with but Heretics have players they've got bodies they've got util and they've got guns the aim on display that's going to spell defeat he knows that the hit's coming in s step fult line not connecting there and heads are being popped rattled off the shoulders chichu going to try and make a play makes way over towards C but again 17 seconds left time for the spike to get there keeps occurring Amar dashh scramble towards the end of the game and the end of the round chichu at least will push back miniot by 6 seconds CAU by the Dr 4 seconds you got to stick it and he have denies it w will pay for it for his life but at the end of the day reveal there's nothing Onis skating this from EDG they're going to try and go in with Brute Forces as to play D up and overa is dealt with broken inside the smoke dominated by rean he wants to potentially take the time in but the stun connects in by mini boo is there to meet him come knock into the sight but it's all too obvious and the reality is starting to settle in spike a panic in the back of the mind it's K Kang is's the one with that Al in his hands nobody trying to hold that one down is good with the tracking again weaving in and out side stepping dancing it's graceful by K Kang still alive as well time is ticking boo what is that return of the fire from the side Heretics trying to Barrel over them wo with so much more to do here but I think it's too late time being that deciding defining Factor all around an EDG at least granted that one blessing heretic set up for the a split and the util is connecting listen to Spade to it more where that came from no clean kills really to be found here and it's EDG they got to B the way through they just can't do it in pieces onto the ground pistol around cleaned up if I've ever seen one the 2v5 it's just got to be heroics and a miracle I think on the side of EDG looks like Ben on the flank seeing if smg's gone for a Teleport play past his trip cuz they're just startled at how slow smoggy and chishu arst begin this retake yeah it's a 2v5 more dominance for heretic as I said I'm inan util in spad they're going to just cut them out at the piture here peing as soon as there's contact recognition that the players are falling and dropping and speaking of Dr gaps in the play the defensive Protocols of EDG still aim on display Benji might be getting away with murder still I have retrieved the he'd have to Ace to finish up this round and just not anticipating it caning already up onto the line actually rewarded could be the difference Flash evaded fires off the shorts though and now they know exactly where he is at least they should but they don't unanticipated and Heretics PID a price in blood 11 seconds left Chop to Pieces before to get even get into the sight up to 11 you never know when the next round's going to come there it is wall up paranoid alongside and the util is always going to be good and impeccable Heretics hitting their shots nailing them down and K Kang is forced to respond B coming up with all sorts of damage and goods players are toppled that would have been a kill there woot he's got about the worst Weaponry for the job but Kung Kong is playing with so much danger 15 HP one shot from W will do it 13 seconds though and now W's got to get that move on picks up the upgrade they know exactly where he is Simon puts him out of misery seen teams do this they show presence with the Sila just a Fain like it's only the one holding yeah and this is going to be bloody a skirmish laying in way dashing forward stun up on either side Kang controlling the rifle controlling the spray still it's all Heretics baby up in the feed in a 2v one they paved their way towards the a site chichu seeking to get himself in there trying to play ahead of the timings but he can't Dodge the paranoia and it settled into the back of his mind he hears the footsteps defense is necessary Boo the worry in the back of their minds about a short still with that smoke that's propped up and it's buying time and space potentially but they're here in these footsteps K Kang dodging weaving ducking from the bullets Simon with a cage not even in his face there it's offloaded Al rattled back the Rolling Thunder seeking to deny And Delay some space it's up to these players on the flank of EDG to see if they can do something K has been left alone to his own devices to of the rightful beautiful lands it still here's a clean up crew arriving in kind down from the side wall up Hunter's Fury There Is No Escape the rest of his team time has been bought and purches M Dash and scramble but an electrifying finish here to Haven Heretics taking map number one yep stacking from Heretics they've got bodies ready to respond once more K KS forward though steps up to that challenge still after through the back minib Bo's here jumping around with the right Clicks in hand K Kang not enough to offset it and still players are getting brutalized trying to enter their way in through this side with 15 seconds left to spare EDG Simon forced to stick this paranoia it's picture Perfecto is low hearing it g standing chichu is there with a flash in his place still tied up close to the corner boo in that one V one T2 denied entry just from the N of fragment R forwards drone is also going to be broken woot the back steps still that trip placed down here needs to be in attempt by EDG Benji tries to reset with the aim actually dropped down to his knees chichu he's taking chunks out of him minib now revealed off and head's popped off chichu start stopping who's left to do it all in a 1 V3 and feeling it now empowered by in spawn 30 seconds left as you said knife through the back now EDG set their sights over towards the B site making a move now over towards it back site is granted and gain Simon with the plant up and bound there need rebounds but smog is already collecting all sorts of kills crossed up you need an opening to feel that willingness I think to expend this ultimate here mini boo he Cho down cut down Phantom spray by K Kang needs to be heroic up and over with the flash at least taken out K Kang but time is going to start ticking the ba switch setup just does not work nobody Stands Tall against any sort of challenges what a different underhanded with the flash there's too many targets to really deal with still that one for one now space created and taken K Kang not to be denied any sword and semblance of the site WS dodging juking but again this guy it's Relentless he's got them every impact kill in the round Kong he's just been everywhere for EDG cannot be stopped Bo obtains the upgrade my ultimate was the first one it's an obstacle remove but two more where that came from and k k this guy look at it here but who every single pass it moment EDG are just disrespecting this they're all the way in through the back of the site that's a dart connecting Flash the follow up as well woot no long for this world show stopper rebounds but only the one nobody has done all the work know overdrive offloaded quick pivot smoggy around noro connects and alongside the paranoia still tangled up tied up Benji fishy is alone he's isolated on a bloody Island and they want the kill there there's no reason to go into him whatsoever here flank creeping up behind smoggy best chance in a long while to get around especially when it's just down a smoggy on V2 rein creeping crawling up onto the angle Reveals His Hand with the Deep Dart clears him out gives that piece of mind up up close and personal boo looking to break the back he's just missed the timing but he spotted the barrel and there will be no betrayal this time it's all on the side a smoke I mean listen they're going to have a vice grip onto these defending players anchoring or not in through the cage just trying to stay alive trying to dodge and weave all sorts of bullets and that Ness that's coming their way boo a fing adjustment it's just not there in time it's overwhelming this Orin an EDG you're giv out an 11 to one C get that info Miss wait a second players at air ready for the trade Bo to respond that might make them think that there's nobody home at B because why would somebody be pushing out and anchoring the site and yet there are actually two people ready to defend this SMY and chichu not quite shoulder to shoulder smoggy on that High Ground angle perched up barely peer over that smoke that's just dropped up blossoms blooms chichu is getting Brave 29 seconds left they got to know at this point but with the walking in play contacts by Heretics finally few straight shots hitting Damage Done onto the other side of things trying to go for the swing paranoia sweeps through and through the smoke they knew the chichu was low 13 seconds time becoming an issue EDG smoggy definitive chances n rebounds smoggy trying to play himself back in here doubled up side by side it's Heretics drifting missing and the shots matter right now SMY finals before I can't I can't remember one can't recall put it on a show right now another round where K Kan does end up falling early it's hard to see that it would matter at all though my eyes are down all or nothing for Heretics that investment did bear fruit double up jumping alongside it trying to bait these players right back in as well Simon is being pushed warded into this corner and a util ricocheting rebounding A desperate ever to save his life all for n here on the side of EDG an Allin attempt now spraying them down Spector in handu only able to get the one smoggy once more in a 1 VX scenario this time an extra player but he's caught a really quick timing again it could actually be doable en's low doesn't want to reveal his position with a bit of stay spam he's just perched up high ground up and around here Bulldog spray but drop down to 27 Health time begins to tick Bo will swing as soon as there's contact signs of that L snaps to the side and almost made me believe reconfiguring into this round in through b mini boo is going to be taking point and contact oh feeling like it was necessary and well still alive and kicking but potentially not for long yes smoggy turns it straight away straight bullets all it takes EDG now try and chew through this hold in through b main a tap onto the spike counting for boo just absolutely overwhelms onto that spot in position and nobody stopping short of the mar still aware the fact that there could be that play and his ma here a paranoia sweeping his way through just can't quite Wrangle the beast in control of Sheriff swiping his way in K Kang here he is play time's over they're done messing around EDG want to go on to the next as an Al for Buu will be able to pick up the spike but it's a hard read by Simon look at this guy ready to justy 134 the master car Thrifty to finish that's a good connection K Kang blood under water he can sense it smell it trying to go over to pin contained for now har itics have the advantage they've stuned it and slowed down his push nobody seeking to redeem himself into that spot for a moment's notice taking these timings disrespect shown mini he's stuck with the spike it's fully squeezed out of spot out of position still Satchel through and his team's going to make the decision for him taking that space onto the site now everybody trying to go for the retreat Damage Done tapping away pistols in hand not enough to claim these kills but s them up potentially for That Rainy Day K Kang he's Relentless he won't let them loose and he will not let them have even a single chance heretic somehow finding heads and finding the way through this tap for the war nobody is left in a difficult spot a 1 V2 but all that damage done as we said Brian shots online back over towards a two players Crossfire setup s might just get put into the blender okay k k ni to play of the flash a couple of these Eco kills he's handed over the rifle to them not just that Dam it straight shot straight through the smoke and W with a possibility to get this plant online putting the pressure down onto rean he still returns with the frag traded though Heretics have set themselves up into this post plan Benji's on with the rifle did smoggy see minib here I don't think he did line ready time to strike is nice SM trying to run these players down still it's defended from above beny fishy man of the hour time side a tick here on through Spike and that rifle handed over a costly mistake chichu has to pick up the pieces and Forge a path to Victory no more bullets left to do it and mini Bo knows it they throw the paranoia in as well just to make sure nobody can play waterfall Aftershock is good K Kang being played in here all that sound distraction shot are here heads barely poken over it matters not give him a PIX give him anything K Kang will make it work guns have been handed cost over Benji fishy 1 V2 has a lot to deal with power running him down and nobody's right there alongside It Jiggle again grabs the information damage being done straight shot to fired in through b this feels a little bit hectic on the side of Heretics boo he goes down to the after shot none the wiser the plant tonight chichu from behind God he's not slowing down seek to deny they're going into a seize and a medal there is a chance that Heretics get melted could eviscerate them gets the connection and the reveal but it goes on either side here fully revealed up minib cleaning up onto the corner cuts it up from chichu trying to get his team right back into this one here he does have the angle but he here at TP and he's anticipating it in a different direction and Al Lock down it's dropped down this is trying Heretics now to pave their way through there's nothing to really break that one I mean Simon he's going to place the Aftershock to see if he can delay and deny the pl from going down but tucked into the corner reans who'll get an extension of time into the round now EDG on to the flank with the Flash and through waterfall overdrive into the hands of K Kang rean just can't hold a candle to that movement too good chichu diffusing but sprayed down beam down W holding it down little bit cross the line and bar and Simon it's desperation going to be in trying to deny as EDG are trying to deny Rubble currently big reveal big coverage mini boo straight up and over Benji fishy looking to contain plugging up the holes but he is alone isolated smoggy by to the Apple tap tap with a rifle resets it to draw this cor the plays being made all across the board Je you didn't have to do it to him not like that embarrasses Heretics in tree he is the immovable object of EDG and could we have it any other way this all the way up they need to rely on alt what is that wide face five plays to receive and face him Simon steps up takes the challenge and takes the fight but now to squeeze paranoia is perfect and an alter supplement it's a cherry on top nobody denied can't step past the Blue Room smog is just wondering where it all went wrong he's a player that's been lone defending C these past couple rounds usually this is his map he's averaging a kill per round when he plays clove on Lotus but this would be something different yeah he'd have to pump up those numbers heavily jumping through it mini boot if they piece together this round when they a player down even more so onto these angles the contact play is called and around paranoia not even a connection smoggy working this map like it's his playground right now especially onto the site but he needs some back up and he needs to bail out Heretics finding it dashing away castle at the movement Kang dropped down with a Decay damage can't stand against it SMY also being pushed back post it away and the N swarm Benji know he was there the right util at the right time to punish smoggy trying to cleave the way through one kill found and he's still got the not dead yet but he might not even need it um the ace damaged Thunder round and round we go onto the side taking it away he's got the speed boo buff intact there's no plant online pressure still on the shoulders of Buu how long does buo hold for seconds smoggy reading into this thinking that he's gone for the rotate oh my it's a possibility there was enough time for it Buu could have walked all the way and just ran when he was out of range but now back over towards SE bu can die to spam here as he plants but I'm not even sure that smoggy has enough bullets in his gun for the reload he was scared of a player being close and now creeping cing up close One V one still down to the timings smoggy can't do it with pistol in hand footsteps rumbling towards them and now is Simon time to strike time to see if he can collect to Coral's kills up and around chichu backing around obtains the upgrade three versus three is where we stand Heretics with time to cancel EDG thought it was actually a b pivot going on there you can see it in the way that shishu threw his paranoia yeah and yet they still held tall now nobody has to do it all sees the shoulder tried to play patiently and SMY drifting in into the fight Into The Fray not watch for anticipating that re swing Ops into the all now not dead yet spam follows through needs the kill he needs the assist but Heretics are the ones under that pressure and G2 collects out so now they have that utility to clear the site but Bo oh listen if you're going try in exactly Brute Force the main where Heretics will seek to punish yet still smokes propped up and heads being Pride straight off the bodies left down a Benji planted for him up onto Mound Nana swarms up and over just about catching but Simon's got the half and that's a potential win on drop down time is of the essence ticking away from them TP up and around claimed no way Simon no way Dro dead in his tracks Rubble they they've kind of missed out on the control of this part of the map the whole game that com doesn't really favor it but now they're driving Heretics into B fast plays all around the map trying to go for that reaction overdrive it's here K Kang collects it's augmented and the bush is stuned hard for Heretics to read into that though what is this k k he's trying to find it he's to be disciplined and just evacuates and get out but W is still there into back the side unaccounted for will make them rude a day that they decided to ignore that position two dropped there's a third it's all on woo and this guy is undeniable the form factor an ace Den ey but Smokey's got much more to do on the back side of that finding much this info if anything is good for idg to play off okay he in the footsteps bait woop forwards yeah Kang's G he given that timing handed on a platter Bo drifting back into position we have to evade a lot of this util reveal it tags they know he's there sees it's delayed not delayed enough I should say After Shock now in through the back as well gives him a bit of Peace of Mind K Kang he's right there nobody sure that there's no problems occurring just from the back side of pit Benji fishy in position in place Flash the peak but the weapon at hand just not good enough he was sharp though need more than a Keen Eye in that spot reins with it all to do yeah and no chances planted for Mountain but playing on site yeah controversial EDG we'll see if it pays off that going to try and hold this one back overdrive it's already unleash SMY tucks himself up onto The High Ground perched away damage has definitely been done and a weaken boo can do no but Scurry who's going to be offloading the AL of his own Nightfall scatters and connects gets the mark onto three of them no more sound cues for the majority of them sat thre in a bound as well but a bullet attack slowing them into their approach the onslaught is occurring and Heretics looking to B the way through it take control G looking to try and send it now Nan swarm Dro down towards the feet here a lot of util going to be used in kind boo only with the one fire power straight back at them EDG decimate the defense with two being found from Kong as well still continuing to carve into these sights and mini Buu make any of this it's a 2v4 but the AL online for mini Buu there chances but it requires the impetus a kill to be found at least but with wo dropping chances dwindling and yeah Return of the fire swing from Simon getting his com barely a shoulder potentially poking out Al line no kill chichu is avoiding daning with death with that one but dodged most of it and still found an opening in through me smog is collecting it's EDG working magic across the map what was going on there that was Bo L on the call to get the Viper wall up was re ends late on the on the acknowledgement of the com what is going on over towards B EDG have just been granted an excellent rout back in it's that uncertainty swirling tics players are losing track but maybe ran can answer back it's two found instant there with a stun and a swing once more from Diamond but not dead yet need to find some value I believe smoggy have to hunt down some kills TP from chichu punished and it leavs it down to one the rookie struggling this series at least in this map as well with his confidence and he's got to do it against mini bu Benji swapper the weapons pass the rifle over to the healthier player and a lock down committed Simon how do you play this forced to press forwards potentially there he's overstaying his welcome swings potentially footsteps down Simon over drive by K Kang he's ear that one well a bit of random spray straight through the smokes cleared out most of the Avenue so nobody with the plant down K Kang holding it down still with that paranoia a stun disrespected Mini Takes the fight straight to him dropping him down M he's there lying in weight once more it's all collapsing Heretics have no more chances in this map rean would have to pick up the pieces he do to pull up a miracle a double up discipline EDG have a choke hold on to the sides 13 to9 Lotus is theirs with a minimum finish the look at the C they placing a history books by being champ winners here Benji instantly answers one enemy remaining blood defense comes up with the goods a plant down for K Kang to play around but smoked off his team was picked apart methodical was the nature and Heretics now can stick this one Peace of Mind here yeah there's no way there's no chance of k k pissed around the her feeling like he needs to step up to it side swing it's traded Bo's still there not knock at the front door here TP immediately it's going to be cleaning up ch dropped him 20 seconds has to leave yeah that's a TP and now these two players are scattered K Kang trying to catch that he does rotations no safety available not for buo trying to get a run on trying to see if they can play this timing well but already plan is down for smoggy retreats to a bit of safety back into showers k k Crossfire setup is available all the way up in heaven on to the wire tap already pullet to the back mini boo down and woot left to do it all stray bullets running out nothing else to work with but the sidearm and still finds that one still reload time enough for it but time is ticking early against him smoggy spraying spam not on time I mean woo 38 seven bullets run down tripled up LS is a hot commodity Ren still has full util mosh into lamps here would clear that out sees it spots it many he just taken the peak anyway MOS over the top doesn't clear it out slightest The Bangles to play into and that window of opportunity is seiz tiu in through the back side step again Benji meeting him pound for pound but it's a 2v3 The Hourglass is running dry it's a tap from woot he wants to force them out into the open no easy access to any of these players Benji but K's taken one of his own he's slipped into this cubby on B site in front of the Viper wall and now he can play the rest of his team all over the place dizzy combines the might augmented with the show stopper and Heretics go for some wide swings see Team can trade you out right behind you BN for most of the way here rean reveals himself look down towards it or a strike that's 13 seconds left to plant that time pressure is applied EDG have got to make a go of this one rebounds to the Molly but it just about missed Simon still alive here's the Nightfall now sends it flying can come with that oh there's some value Benji fishy standing dropped down rean knew where he was from prior players are stepping up to the challenge here but he's going to try and pluck them out of the pitcher still EDG trouble up locking it down ensuring that rean cannot step over that line it's full control he's hoping for the random shot but it will not happen in time action but is there any follow up Benji playing in front and again there's that danger oh were committed if Benji wasn't fried in the process the bullets at least did the job before it boo up and over this is where chichu loves to take fights but Ren's on the other side and chichu is taking the timing tested here chichu with that timing put a bullet there straight to the brain of boo smoggy trying to evacuate knows that they have to try and retreat but already the timing whipping it around woot he caught all the way behind them if you kill smoggy it's a spike drop down this timing and angle is absolutely everything smoggy he wins out that fight chichu choke hold on to it but his gaps into the play and the pit just plays him in anyway dizzy not broken in time gets the Ral just one by mini is immaculate eviscerating the opposition EDG can't the danger is watch the LI but minib now is going to be under an immense amount of pressure wo's going to be covering fire over to Scher still trying to lock down that show's control as well but revealed up there's some danger here still C connects they see the te into the corner Chu so nasty one pulls it back from the brink but not before he is toppled lamp's control once again putting the premium Simon what is that man m is into his own hands this rookie is lighting them up you going to be joking what Benji invest this 4v5 with only a sheriff yeah wo's got the info I think that they're all trying to make their way over toward towards B and the holding this down missing the shots needed to be towards the Dome anyway and tp's putting a squeeze back onto him still k k maybe a bit of mcom mini Bo has Al this round should be over it's theirs for the taking show stopper Unleashed let loose onto the feet nobody did not stand a chance BL to Smith reveals up and Counting 6 seconds left there's no plant in sight you can take your time because round is in the palm of their hands Heretics swing bang at least the pendulum left time running short it's an all offloaded K Kang trying to get into the mix into the action and a fight to be taken but traded out anyway beam down with a phantom in hand it's just up one for one and a plant from Simon it's going to go off anyway there's no push back occurring not from Heretics not right now but maybe enough damage has been done it's a four versus four reset into the round Benji was just watching for any sort of stragglers hard committed positions by EDG it's up to smoggy to hold them back from the elbow angle pixel angle to work with nade this is cheeky Dodges rebound snake bite at hand Heretics carving out chunks and pieces off the map to be met here at least the fireball chichu cannot spray him down in time treat as well they don't have showers control luckily nobody's there ready to pounce on him when the damage is done Simon another play to be made the rookie wants to step up straight away here's that reload and boot just barely ready to Wrangle control straight back at him over strike no damage done but Smokey collecting kills from all across the place seeking to dominate the angle make sure that shers is not being reced into this 3v3 Satchel's overhead have to be broken the pressure get into them Satchel breaks it tizzy up and over in through the smoke though nobody spamming and now swarming dominating EDG what a it looks like they would want to thrash through sand does mini boot sorry does BU get the call footsteps not even Dash and Away the crossfire set up it's broken apart to Pieces TP it's not enough mini with just the one but the over the strike does at least split them in twine EDG trying to go for this one now smoggy with the plant back being held that's chichu watching onto the angle still with control Simon is Alive and Kicking making sure that the flank is watched for I like the smoke allows them to take backside control but they've got so much more to do here team her they've allowed EDG in again plant post plant positions all looking very diligent HS up on either side here up and over will need to be pre- aimed Boo's on top of it clears the way for most of this hooker he sees two mly has to be used sees up and over it's dodged is Miss Simon with the timing softened up damaged up but the Molly now rebounds and it should be good for the cause already the circle starting to shrink time is starting to run short G denies any chances and six to six or they need is bind all Heretics need is a kill potentially to open up this a sight right for the taking nobody with the spray down spam shots no connection no damage done inside for the smoke GRE beautiful shot fight on the flank here benj is going to seek to maintain control of this angle Simon again the rookie asked to do quite a lot in this spot but diligent one enemy remain cool K collected from almost the entirety of Heretics to Pistol rounders in the palm of their hands yeah major win for them here EDG did look a little shaky on their attack side macro which is a wild thing to be saying considering that they still got six rounds out of it but I would expect Heretics to be extremely drilled in spots like that that could just lose you the grand finals you're going to hear the Heart Break of many players or perhaps just singing Unison chiu and K Kang that's beautiful work it couldn't have gone better for them spectacular there's so much danger going for a play like that and Boo's now has to win a 1 V4 this one part EAS here but not the follow up there contact a dizzy over the top Molly in the hands of smoggy and there's that contact caught players are falling to fiery finish potentially in the a short Avenue rean has got answer back does so with that shot right on target 2v3 move from the side turns into a two versus two slightly more winnable out wide but the counting for it and the ha is perfection from including the teleporter who's got his util out oh my goodness almost adjusting still K Kang with the one double satchels committed to try and stay alive nobody eyes set onto the ti get MOS fit up and over now with the nade and the tp's cor Benji Benji can't get the third but already he's done the damage and now double up kills collected it's a swarm and an overwhelming presence from Heretics in through the side into the back of it show stop but this is where it should Thrive up and over but a shot returned Bullet to the brain nobody with a hell of a task gantu in nature and the wide swing from RE might be on that lower Weaponry but there still that danger luring every corner and Heretics are making sure to make sure that they collect these kills fast flank no oversight is a fast flank prow is going to be dodged for now as well but know that they've got Open Access really nice from bu making sure to monitor as the spike was coming in this direction onto it wait they've missed the timing Boo's still holding wait is down hold on woot forc to pick up the pieces can you forge yourart the victory chichu with that rifle but he's just one man now dropped down to five Health they line for mini boo MOS still available it's unwinable yeah the snake bite too every piece of post plant utility that Heretics could possibly want in a crossfire setup yeah chichu is going to try and valiantly give his life for it I'm sure there it is Benji shoots him in the back all emphasis placed onto this mini boot it's a show stopper in his hands one right decision one correct guess could completely change the ti of this fight wo just miss is the Dizzy with e once more KN fall dropped cracking down on his all strike trying to spray them down players are dropped on every single I go B winter fight out and time is barely there to spare chichu no long for this world kind of commit to the B site and then just leave hookah plays in front of him goes for a no scope spam down hello Al online chichu an attempt to deny the plant online but at least collects the kill before the trade is online up to 12 and that plant goes off of hitch Heretics can feel it they know the Benji is Market he's going to be holding it still with that operator you can't really get active into this moment but oh here in the footsteps double back Simon lights him up heads will roll in his EDG to just I mean trying to stay alive into this map at this point it's all stacked against them Avenues accounted for positions watch but lucky the draw there util out in the hands spamming praying away down to one Simon has got to do it all it's up and a short line dead play by herotic and still they are in the driving seat nobody TS himself close a bit of stray spam but nobody finding a Mark he's weaving around them dancing around them eventually found and dropped plant to the line but none the wiser and an alternate hand to K Kang spotting the retreating players at least hearing it a pre-fire towards the corner to no avail n rebounds damage connects it Castel re he's out of it Simon's defusing Simon he's got it all the [Applause] way refreshed snake might to answer hard committed onto the corner showstopper right from behind but K Kang skewers them in place up and over with a suu's cut EDG making a goal of things 35 seconds the plant is down n and Molly down at the feet dropping Boo in place and woot can do not but watch on in horror that's another round is all grouped up this is very much looking like an Allin play in approach hor is not broken n and spam right through the box opening kill onto SMY pit in place nobody seeking to answer back this is where Kung Kong should be looking to pick up the rifle he does they have thrashed to try to clear the pit there's still many chances for EDG to take it to overtime flank control watch for and like you said the thrash is going to be clearing cleaving the way through path potentially here lying in wait thrashes there alongside sees his players to be defended woot steps up to the challenge but dropped inside Kang overtime in sight and EDG are hungry for it trying to Will It Forward fuse the KN but the shots online they don't have it time time it's not a line man heart break for EDG the slightest of off angles here with a knife activates the cage he's going to be hiding in this one here's that timing and Strikes right where it hurts K Kang removed chewing up these players as well but he's just going to try and survive with the Flash in his face through the backside control he can lay claim and lay waste but chichu is doing exactly that on the other side of things a cracked wide open rotations are forced and damage still yet to be done no body standing ahead it's creeping crawling forwards finally Reveals His Hands he's using the dart to try and get ahead of the timing but he's dropped instead that's way too aggressive for nobody he just giving away the advantage there mini Boo the return of the fire the return of the shot to 2v2 anyone's game here for the pistol round nobody's distraction though has given these players so much space to go and play with Chu's postl position is ridiculous somehow somehow bu and Benji are reading into it they're slowly clearing this slowly clearing but damage needs to be done Benji fishy does an encoun for Simon once more this rookies at a to be good for it this is the final map of the grand finals of Champs you cannot let free kills Escape boo great timing on the swing a little bit labored with the followup un able to achieve second kill that he was hoping for stars rejuvenated mini boo talk about heating up and he will turn up back with a vengeance I have the an impossible task for smoggy here we're seeing quite a bit of EDG trying to sneak through along this back pillar seconds the more damage he does the better it is but he's not going to be able to get even the plant down I mean he'll go for it for the money of course but not wild Diz he gets that acknowledgement connecting shots here for smoggy realizes his back is open the paranoia has to be let loose leash D up and over top spam potential might be there woot he'll just lock that one down crouched up finds the angle but an open b side as a result of it all about whether EDG can find that spacing and already in through the back of the site unexpected woot not get punished though flash up and over towards the top it's gone one for one with the kills and Simon Goodness Me Benji able to respond flat lines him brings it to that 1 V2 to clutch he'd love to win nobody offers up The Kill anyway seven bullets remaining chichu knows to play his life and as he backs up this is going to be a tough situation for Benji definitely is on top of it tap to force out the first round of this position to be played cam [Applause] catches a T2 there that uncertainty you can see heads on a swivel scared of to punish yeah the the St not being laid down here on the spike actually well they did not expect Kung Kong K Kang's laying claim towards the back of the side nowhere clearing minib has the strike spraying down survival is necessary enough for the fire from behind Ran's now sticking pull is late half already and up onto the flank chichu has B him an opportunity and no one can stand against that flashes out and through Benji in through the back once more shot doarts laying down the damage laying down the bullets but it's just a bit delayed rean can't quite deny that one and now a thrash TR to play them back in it's still spray down off to the side collecting these kills dissecting the map Heretics are trying to flood their way back in once more but stars are layer down darts revealing all post plan util for days on EDG side it comes down and the shots being hit W with the diffuse once more to pull in sight no half obtained and drop down to the wire Hun's Fury will close with no issues at all Bo is left to scramble she here's the dash knows his time is now that's a mosit that he just kicks right into their face and they weren't perhaps expecting that still Spike dropped down to the feet the side opened up over WS at least be main three versus three though this is rapid by Heretics looking to sh this one up potential for the flood but an off retake as you mentioned is never ideal whips it around him but he dropped 2v2 here not willing to give up that Operator just yet K Kang Down Under the Bridge almost takes the timing straight past the Dizzy he's causing all sorts of problems Mis right now and he just needs to buy time for Simon striking right where it hurts dropping these players still lining up reinforcements arriving here in the footsteps is a rumble and a scattered fight indeed Skirmish to be taken EDG a striking right where it hurts nobody's detained but honestly again the scaling that's required touch to the side and the weapons right out ready to strike boo is dropped in place a mini boo left with it all to do it's just not possible W the Wonder the boy he'll make a good go but that is just need pressure presence potential it's all going to be removed now and you can try and flut these players right back in G2 spamable angle finally removed front of the sight is and here is the cosmic divide has to be used Simon what is that Hunter Fury offing around where's the next layer to all of this here Wing man onto the diffuse mini boo sticking already hold the line cross fires in order in action her fire in the D he gets away with it knew that the play was being made here and they've lost control immed to the process oh my God nobody down oh goodness me does to fake 30 seconds util is Prime and ready into the hands of these players on either side here a pull to meet that one with the Dizzy pound for pound body is going to drop and for with a [ __ ] is perfect once more nobody and Simon they combine their might they dropped his her Heretics play is dead time against him once more Bo needs to get this kill and will do just start defending P up ran round to the B Ki again so far away the reveal what a mistake stacker plays now coming Dart it's going to be Cloud burst cannot defend Kang away from that angle still Heaven untouched and CH around the back as well good with the aim but still damage not enough done Hunter Fury if nobody is let loose it's ripped out into place and the kill is collected but used in kind by rans it's not an all that they're going to have here theg they can pounce on this they can claim that 12 they can back off site chiu fell in the midst of all of this no Cosmic divide available but still potentially overzealous pass their own trips into the backside controller paranoia sweeps it way through and cuts out those angles D up andov swing from Benji boo provides the finishing cover and the fir in line is there Simon can only do so much in a position like this be hoping praying for a play made Dash forwards K Kang it's light of Weaponry to work with Benji fishy has to hold back the line overwhelmed and swarm Too Many Bodies the blad storm is Unleashed K Kang trying to make the most of this right there behind them they've lost control of the flank Heretics have to keep a watchful eye onto this one but options available if they want to flip the map concealment low enough one bullet will do them in k k aims to do the most and open sideline head is found the side once more Bo swings perfect timing but leaps Into The Fray and wasn't expecting that SMY fully aware reans potentially accounted for maybe heard the footsteps maybe not I'm not too sure still gets the job done time is ticking wo to do it all Crush in hand he can see the deny he can see the delay up and over the TV wait has he got it done that's so close the circle stre I don't think he's got it it's milliseconds smuggy oh my Heretics he's going to be leading the charge once more blade storm Dash it aside evacuation caught on either side up and over though High Ground perch and potentially the danger zone dizzy up and over the top connections bound Heretics are dropping them all in their place it's ran watchful eye onto all the angles he dominates them onto the sight Simon to respond but it's only the one ult is available in the back pocket but do you choose to use it do you choose to commit heads available ready to be popped but it's Allan and woot side by side he slapped him down the Turkish Brothers in Arms the pressure shifted onto them and K Kang forced to step up to the moment Dash to avoid and Sh fired Kang he's monstrous when he gets going and he does it almost singlehandedly right here been highlighting him been gassing him he's going to be under that pressure but still delivers one shot found and a chisel slowly etching away the potential for idg to make history for China a trophy lift in sight reins with the plan Cosmic divide providing that safety but it fades away and a reset called for player disadvantage still here plenty of targets open and shut Simon with the all parano has sweeps this is it an attempt to deny quick scope it Blaze DG it's up to Bo to push them back and Away tp's up and over no kill to be found it's one man what can he do against the bite of EDG absolutely squat [Applause]

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