Immediate postgame reaction of Steelers 18-10 win over Falcons | Steelers Extra Point

welcome to the Ford Steelers extra point final score Chris Boswell 18 Atlanta Falcons 10 welcome into the studio for our first of many Steeler extra point show today on a winning Sunday for the Steelers they're one and0 to start this season Bob pompian along with OK Pro 76 Chris hul here in studio what a crazy game to begin this season and we have a lot planned for you we're going to be uh putting up player interviews Mike tomlin's press conference later you have an opportunity to call us with a special edition of the Ireland Contracting nightly Sports call but right now we talk about some of the keys to this game and if you're looking for a player of the game there were several to choose from for the Steelers but on the top of the list I mean TJ watt is TJ watt you know it but Chris Boswell has been just unbelievable money in these situations and today six field goals but even more impressive than that after Cameron Johnston got run into and it was a situation where he hurt his knee it had to be Boswell who he had to come into the game and what did he do a 43 yard punt with no return Chris the man was terrific today absolutely terrific and listen you and I were both watching the game together Bob and when Johnston went down we said oh my goodness what's going to happen is BOS going to be able to kick this ball is he going to give really good field position to the Falcons but not only did he kick a 43 yard punt he pinned him back and flipped the field and put it on the 40 yd line on Falcon's territory that's where the Steelers defense took over and that's what the storyline was all about Boswell and this Pittsburgh Steelers defense no question it is hard to win a game and you don't score an offensive touchdown but the Steelers did today largely because of you know winning the turnover game Mike Tomlin talks about it all the time today it was 3 nothing Atlanta made all the mistakes the Steelers did not there were some critical calls in this game that I thought were bad calls quite frankly by the officials but when you force three turnovers and you don't make any although late in the game when Justin Fields took a sack I thought that ball was going to come out that was the wrong play at the wrong time and he's lucky he didn't get away with it but overall they did a very good job protecting the football and that's what coach Tomy likes to do is protect the football and and Justin Fields his throws even though there were some good throws and some bad throws right I don't think many of his throws Were In Harm's Way where they would have been intercepted where Kirk Cousins yeah he did throw two interceptions but several other throws could have been intercepted so I thought in that area Justin Fields protected the football all right let's talk about Justin Fields because all week long at the end of it anyway we're all talking about speculation what about Russell wils and he was out there today but it was interesting when he was in pregame there were no medical staff around him which seemed to indicate that he wasn't going to play and he didn't he was the emergency third quarterback Justin Fields went in there kind of a slow start and you can tell that the Steelers were very very cautious about letting him throw the ball down the field to start especially in the first half you can see that there were times when they were very very conservative they didn't want to take any chances on that first drive he made some erron throws and and it wasn't accurate and the accuracy impr Pro what I enjoyed is that he threw the ball Deep Over 30 yards three times times two um George Pickins has a 33 y a 35 Y and a 40 y those are big chunk plays that the Steelers lacked last season so I like that one thing I need him to improve on Bob Justin Fields is he misses on a lot of easy throws a lot of quick outs you saw early in the game when he missed Nai Harris with a lot of green in front of him he threw it behind him and he couldn't catch the ball and you saw the frustration come out in nii those are the kind of throws that Justin Fields has to get better at you can see there was a Fields day or a field day down there uh I mean pretty cautious numbers 156 yards his rushing was a big part of it there were plays that were designed quarterback draws I thought Arthur Smith did a pretty good job I think everyone knew you know that this is a situation you want to protect the ball first so therefore it's going to be a lot of running heavy do heavy dose they had to rely on an offensive line which I I was a little concerned about when you have rookies and you know Spencer Anderson playing left guard for the first time in his NFL career that's a lot to overcome but they did and I thought they got better as the game went on that last drive or one of the last drives was um 13 plays 72 yards it ended up with no points but they took seven minutes almost 8 minutes off the game clock and that hurt Atlanta yeah and I thought Arthur Smith like you said did a great job of calling the game especially in that second half controlling the clock I mean Justin Fields he has some design runs there late in the game he ran that quarterback lead where he pulled cam Haywood I'm sorry Connor Haywood around and he led block he got a first down there was also a drive or two before that where he went quarterback draw and was able to spread everyone out on third down and went up the middle and got a first down so some really good calls I thought too Bob Nai Harris ran really hard I don't know if his numbers are going to reflect how hard he ran but he ran hard he ran physical and he ran with the shoulders down and I thought he represented himself really well today yeah and later on they were using the um you know misdirection play and then a s of a bootle there by Fields as he was going to tight ends both F MTH and Washington that's a hard play to defend if you're Atlanta because you know all the sway of the motion is going to go in One Direction and he has the ability with his Fleet footedness to make a play and he did he went backwards and all of a sudden there's an open wide or tight end well that's the benefit of having Justin Fields versus Russ Wilson right Russ Wilson at this point of his career wants to sit in the pocket and he wants to throw the ball from inside that protection so if if that pocket breaks down he's in trouble Justin Fields you can do the roll outs you can do the naked bootlegs and you can hit those tight ends as he rolls out the naked away from the flow of the of the offensive line and that worked well for them in the second half to move the chains and get some good yardage and I I I believe that they'll need to do that with Justin Fields because of his legs and his ability to move the pocket which leads to a question next week in Denver who's the starting quarterback of Russell Wilson's healthy enough to play and he's going back to Denver we'll tackle that one we'll have a lot more coming up uh including Mike Tomlin at the microphone down in his press conference so stick around we're just getting started this is the Ford extra point show and it's live right here on KDKA plus following a Steelers eight-point win down at the Mercedes Benz Bowl welcome back to the Ford Steelers extra point we're back Bob pompan Chris H with you we're awaiting mik Tomlin and player interviews but in the meantime let's talk about really the key to the game which defense it stood up they made um Atlanta Force into mistakes Steelers made none of them on their side of it couple of interceptions Kirt cousins you know did not play at all in the preseason coming off Achilles surgery and he did not look very good he didn't have the ball a lot today either no he looked mobile and really Greg Olson talked many time in the broadcast about how last year Kirk Cousins was under the quarterback more than any other quarterback in the NFL and this year I don't think he was one time underneath Center um and and he was in pistol which gave him the ability just to take a couple steps and he was a Sitting Duck he could not move around and it was able give the Steelers defense an ability in the second half to really get after him and control that line of scrimmage and you look at those two takeaways Bob you talk about the interception of Desa Elliott early Dante Jackson late it always was caus because of pressure because of defensive lineman outside linebackers in Kurt Cousins face early it was 99 Ogen Joby late it was Ogen Joby again High Smith and TJ watt I mean when you can get pressure on the quarterback it creates a lot of opportunities on the back end for your corners and safeties and linebackers especially one who can't move too well and he couldn't move very well they knew that so they trapped him in Ogen Joby I thought even though he won't show up too much on the stat sheet he was very active there today but TJ watt is going to be the start of the game and if this was a normal game where the two strip sacks countered he would be the defensive player of the week already without many of these games being played because he would have had three sacks a fumble recovery two tackles for losses and and the man was Unstoppable I was quite surprised that Atlanta didn't try to really go you know put more help over there because he lined up wide and the speed that he has getting around the tackle is incredible but Bob remember early in the game you and I were remarking they kept running the ball to the to the offensive left the defensive right away from TJ watt it seemed like the whole first quarter their plan was stay away from 90 and that's what they did but then 90 started to make his presence felt I mean even though you said with those two sack fumbles taken away four tackles a sack a two tfls a fumble recovery I mean that's still probably one of the best stat lines for a defender in the NFL today so I mean just a game changer that there's no there's no secret why the Steelers are such a winning team with him on the field and you might remember on that very first Drive Atlanta was limited to three points why because after running left all the time watt was over there and they ran to him and it was a four yd tackle for loss and so when that happened all of a sudden backs him up and then there was a nice Tackle by pton Wilson which I think stopped bejan Robinson from getting into the end zone sets up a field goal otherwise that would have been a touchdown Drive there's no question about it pton Wilson he brought him up I thought he played well got a lot more snaps than a lot of people thought remember he missed the last preseason game with a concussion got a lot of snaps in practice he took the field today and I think Al Landon Roberts got a lot less snaps people thought but Payton Wilson made his presence felt out there today had some big tackles and you know he'll go back and watch that film he's a hard worker the coaches will Coach him hard and he'll be much better next week as he takes the field no question about that and the Steelers come all way with this one in uh 1810 final score they get to one and0 they're on Denver next week and of course we'll have that game for you on KDK followed by more of this stuff late after the game uh let's also talk about Patrick Queen in his first game um you know there were times you seemed to be fighting through some of the um you know blocking schemes that he was facing but overall you can tell he's going to be one of those guys who's going to make plays a lot of plays throughout the course of the Season he actually seemed like he was in there more than at Landon Roberts at times yeah I mean Patrick Queen had two tackles but he was all over the place and so it's be exciting for the season to see him happen all right Mike tomlin's at the podium so let's go there right now defensively man we dropped a pick or something there early uh they converted some third downs and started the game with a with a field goal and you know that's what that's not why we put our defense on the field to start the game we had some fumbled seat exchanges on offense uh we were shooting ourselves in the foot some drives got stopped um you know you you're kicking field goals man in a hostile environment versus good group man um you know you're in danger and so I'm just really appreciative that we're able to get it done uh we got things to work on uh but it's really good to to work on your ills with a W um and so we're going to do that um you know you start this season man on the road man it's 32 teams start this thing undefeated I mean it's just good to get your first on the road half this league is obviously not going to be winners this week and to get on the road and and get out of the gate with a W um is something that I respect and um it's really excited for the guys from a health standpoint you know cam Johnston um appears to have a serious injury I have an update for you next time we come together it's a a shame for him um this guy has been spectacular man through team development he's an absolute stud not only in his talents but his approach to business and so you know my heart goes out to him uh Darius Rush um is being evaluated for a concussion I don't know um whether it is or isn't um but as the game ended he was being evaluated in that way we had some bumps and bruises some guys go out but those guys came back in djck um Joey Porter um but I'm just really appreciative of how the teams supported one another and fought through um and that's what teams do um you know case in point is we gave up a a drive there before the half and our offense went down the field and got a field goal to to respond and and and that was important obviously you saw our defense stand up several times in support of our offense we had some unique contributions today like Scotty Miller as a backup holder you know look at your flip card man you don't see a backup holder on that flip card uh so we're just really appreciative of of unique skill sets that help us win uh can't say enough about BOS um not only in terms of him kicking the ball but but that punt um was timely um TJ watt always delivers when it gets thick um we don't take that for granted uh we appreciate it we don't take it for granted um and so there's a lot of efforts to to speak to um but largely man we're just thankful to come into this place and and get this Victory and and kind of move on with our journey I'll pause and it open up for questions you wanted to pass on the field goal there the previous drive the process just you know we're g to live that life uh we don't live in our fears man we play and play to win um if you can't get fourth in one man sometimes you don't deserve to win and that's just a philosophical approach that we live by um I believe in our bigs I've talked to you guys repeatedly that we're going to ride the wave that our bigs on offense and defense provide and we mean it obviously we didn't get it done right there but we still live that life how do how do you evaluate the job that Justin fields did today especially settling in as the game went on really appreciative of his efforts and and his play certainly what happened in pregame where can take it to that decision making PR rest R even in consideration it's really you know not a long drawn out process um I'd rather deal with short-term bizy to be quite honest with you we're in week one um there's a lot of ball out in front of us um I just thought it was appropriate to put the healthy guys on the field I felt really good about both quarterbacks I I was very clear to you guys when I named Russ the St of how comfortable I was with both quarterbacks and so if that is true why not be really comfortable with playing Justin under the circumstances with Russ being in less than IDEAL Physical shape and so that was a thought process it wasn't a lot of discussion Russ was very supportive the day and that was appreciated but we went with Justin man I'm glad we got two real capable quarterbacks as I've mentioned before coach can you speak more about hisy throughout the game talking about Justin F man Justin is you know as I've gotten to know him man he is a real steady Eddie man um he's not overly talkative man but he's got a steady strong demeanor um and just being in stadium with him man some of the things that I've seen through team development were confirmed it's just good to to to be able to communicate with a guy when things get thick and you see the Clear Eyes uh he's there um he's solid as a rock and I think uh his play and and and thus our play is kind of reflective of that does Justin's performance today affect Russell's status as qb1 as the starter and you can come ask me that question on Tuesday coach any words for Rahe Morris's first game back in man I I love my brother um and I wish him the best moving forward but that's what I said to him after the game um man you know this is what we do um but that's my little brother and I'm proud of him and I wish him number but the best moving forward Mike you touched on it the pass toward the end of the half get an answer like that that quick on that deep pass and good R by thick you just talk about the impact that had it it's it's team supporting team um you know we had a couple timeouts man we were you know trying to be aggressive there man and respond um and and and we were able able to do that thankfully um and and put three points on and make it a one- score game so you know that's what teams do though man like they're going to be plenty of times in a 60-minute battle that all three phases get a chance to support one another and when you really think about it you saw really Vivid examples of that today um in a lot of areas man that BOS punt uh and that and that coverage by Scotty Miller and whoever that other Gunner was uh was significant so positive some drops but saw growth in your wag even room so what you think overall the first game your growth so far as you're going forward you know I Got No Reservations about our wide receiver room um they did what I expected them to do which is playmaker and um I'm appreciative of their efforts today no doubt how do you evaluate the job that your offensive line did today they want to know just like all of us that's how I evaluate it um football's our game our business is winning uh we play today and we play to win we'll comb through it tomorrow I have all that cute sh for stuff for you on Tuesday can you talk about the defense as far as shutting fers out in the second half you know I'm appreciative of that but to be quite honest with you man we we got high standards and expectations for this group man we got some First Team all Pros in that unit um and I expect them to play like that and they did um you know Big Time Players Step Up in them Big Time moments man I can't say enough about uh 90 and Company how do you you did in your pressure on cousins felt like you were at least around him enough to affect what they were doing in the past game c cous is very good versus Blitz and so we had to create pressure really in a non- blitz structure we know that about him uh last year he was good versus five or more rushers over the course of his career he's great versus five or more rushers he's been good against us specifically as a Pittsburgh Steelers versus five or more rushers and so that wasn't our agenda we needed to do it with a four-man rush and we were able to we were able to Pace them we were able to get him off the spot um you know we would want more um but we never going to be satisfied that's just the life that we live I was appreciative of what we're able to get done in their efforts in that regard one more anyone Boswell um those were not easy kicks the 50 57 I mean you've seen it before but um tell us about his value here man we all know what he's capable of I don't think anybody in that locker room is surprised um you know by what he was able to do as a matter of fact um he loves it you know what I mean like like I've been around this guy a long time man he he wants the long ball uh he's built for it um and I think it's just really displayed in in my confidence in him man I don't have any hesitation to send him out there as a matter of fact I look forward to sending him out there CU I know he relishes it and so we're thankful for that all right thanks guys well Chris Boswell big talking points right there and why not he was outstanding today uh the best in the history of the game 50 yards and Beyond and today three of those field goals of the six made were from 50 yards 56 57 and he had room to spare on each and boy that punt was pretty unbelievable it was huge right because in the situation you're thinking Johnson's down what's going to happen a lot of teams will bring a guy in and he would shank it the ball would go out at a 25 yard line and put the team in the situation go on and score he kicked it put it down to the opposite 40 yard line huge kick for Chris B nice coverage by Scotty Miller special teams TJ watt another big star of this game at the podium let's go there live we just go out there when our when our numbers call and just try to make as many plays as possible and try to have as much fun as possible too and like I said out there on the field after the game we got a lot of speed on this defense as you guys have seen a lot of Playmakers a lot of offseason acquisitions a lot of guys growing from year one to year two etc etc and uh we just have a fun defense to be a part of right now you take a little bit more of that responsibility yourself to set that oh yeah man I love this is the best job in the world so I don't doesn't it's not hard for me to have a good time and want to play the best football that I possibly canj um they called you off sides on that one play late in the first half you get a strip sack did you think you you beat the snap on that uh yeah I talked to the official about it uh something that will get cleaned up hopefully moving forward it just sucks when you study so hard and find a little nugget a golden nugget and uh you get it and uh it gets taken away from you so that was unfortunate but uh it's not going to turn me from continuing to study and making those plays in the future what kind of adjustments were you guys making defensively to hold them to only think 51 yards in the second half trusting each other playing sound defensive football obviously a little bit of game plan adjustments but uh really just trusting each other we have a lot of new guys like I just mentioned and it's all about just leaning on each other and trusting that everybody's going to do their job and not try to do too much um that's something we've talked about in the past know people talk X and O's but as I've watched you over years and your brother you seem to relish the moment of coming in doing your doing your particular thing so how do you do that game after game year after year is this just something a form of M I don't know I think the first like I was just talking to herig out there I think the first quarter or two quarters at least for me personally was a little bit like knocking the rust off not being able to play in Pre in the preseason and then you kind of really warm up to the moment you warm up to the game and um when you get an open surface like that a two-man surface in a two-minute drill I know those don't come often just because there's a lot of Chip help usually throughout the game and slides and stuff like that so I'm just trying to make the most of the opportunities that I know that are pretty good at chances for me to win we saw you and other players getting fans hype can you talk about steel Nation how they show up steel Nation incredible man it's extremely demoralizing for an offense to be on a a silent count on their at their home field uh steel nation is incredible um honestly a lot of those plays go to them just because uh the the for the fumble that I was able to land on was because they had to be on a silent count at their own place and uh anytime that happens when you have a lot of shifts in motions snaps can go anywhere balls on the ground you got to recover them so uh Sten na was absolutely incredible but I'm not surprised surprised how important has how important has desun Elliott been to this defense kind of an under the radar maybe offseason acquisition but he had the first pick today he's been he's been a huge asset to us um as is everybody that's came into this off season but uh like I said about Ste Nation I'm not surprised about him making plays either just because I've seen it so much in practice throughout Camp overall felt like as a group you guys were around cousins enough even when you didn't get sacks you around and kind of disrupt what they were doing how do you think you did in that regard well I want to watch the tape but uh we trust in our in our guys in the back end the cover and they trust us to rush the passer and we work hand in hand and uh it creates a pretty Dynamic group is there a field goal distance that you're surprised to see BOS make or no no I was just like slowly watching it Go in it felt like it was forever but uh man Annie can punt too hell of a job by B honestly that's incredible he was able to go out there and punt um and give a good Punt and obviously the coverage did a great job as well TJ you guys leaned on defense a lot last season just what did today tell you about the type of Defense you guys can have there's a lot to correct obviously but uh it's great to see us take the ball away um anytime our offense can possess the ball we can take the ball away that's usually a good formula for uh success but there's just so much room for growth we have a lot of great guys on this defense a lot of great schematics as well so Sky's a limit see like pton Wilson was all over bejn Robinson I mean what kind of performance did he have today and what does it mean for him to go out there and and have that assignment as a rookie yeah I'll have to watch the film to see how he play I'm so in the zone I don't know what's going on out there honestly but uh the guy's a gazelle he runs so fast he's sideline to sideline he absorbs so much information always taking down so much notes and uh I'm not surprised he had a good game today good all right thank you guys we have J in here in a few minutes all right that's TJ watt after the game uh and and very seldom do you see a guy on the road get the crowd going the way he was get and and he and he said that that fumble that was self-inflicted by Atlanta had a lot to do with crowd noise you might remember they started the third quarter down 10 to n uh Grady Jared gets a sack they punt they get great field position they run bejon Robinson four straight times they get a first down on First and 10 crowd's alive because he's encouraging them and it led to a disaster huge change huge change of momentum right and and and it's huge I've played in those games where we've been on the road and Steeler Nation is so loud it's a Winning Edge for us as players because you can go out there and play like you're playing at home on the road and that's why HomeField Advantage is so important but not from when the Pittsburgh Heelers come to town Bob yeah you saw a lot of those styles they were all over the place the outside linebackers we knew were going to be a strength because you have high Smith on one side and of course TJ watt I was just really diff I I couldn't believe that they didn't help on that right side with TJ watt was because I think that's the one guy you have to stop more than anybody else if it freeze up high Smith so be it uh but they didn't do that but behind him Nick herbick is another guy who's chomping at the bit to make some opportunity to play and I really like herbig you know I just love his motor and he really works hard at his craft but if you look at it though TJ watt sacks come from being out Wild he was out wide a lot beyond the tight end Bob and so he had to come from way outside which give him a better angle to the quarterback but it shows you how quick and how fast TJ watt is that he can get out from so wide and still get to the quarterback and have an impact on the game now he is very kind in the post game interview just there talking about the official on the offside play but you could tell on the field that he was livid with that call because as he said he spends a lot of time actually going through and and trying to learn little Tendencies and he thought he had a time just like Troy palalo used to do when he would jump over everyone at the line of scrimmage just time timing that jump and and I thought he did it but we looked at different replays and it's kind of difficult to tell exactly but you can understand why the guy would throw the flag but at the same time I thought it was really close absolutely and the game's changed a little bit since I played because they have those iPads on the sideline now right when I played we just had little still shots that we'd go through they can go back now and watch the pixel by pixel of every single play from the previous Series so the film study in the film room back here in Pittsburgh down there to Atlanta looking at the at the tab and seeing what's going on he picked up a moment a little nugget he called it where he saw when the center picked his head up the ball was snapped right away he tried to time it up the referee from his angle saw that TJ watt came off too quick but listen that that sent a signal right there that sent a message to the Falcons he was coming and I think it was better that that happened cuz it teed him off Bob and he was more fired up and that's why I think he had more impact on the game cuz he was going to say you're not going to hold me back I'm going to make things happen plus he and his wife expecting their first child so you know he had the motor going even before this by the way that mistake by Atlanta forced by the crowd noise and TJ watt fumble recovery led to the field goal that gave him a lead they never lost after that when we come back you're going to hear from Justin Fields a winning quarterback in his Steelers debut we got more on the way plus your phone calls as we take you back to Atlanta for those postgame comments 181 Steelers win without scoring an offensive touchdown they're 1 and0 winners today in Atlanta [Music] welcome back to the Ford Steelers extra point Thank you for joining us here this afternoon following a Steelers win and couple that with the fact the Ravens lost you saw that opener at Kansas City and boy the Chiefs look really good you also see that the Bengals lost today and they're having some contract disputes with Jamar Chase 1610 jacobe brettin company Beat Cincinnati so the Steelers you know wait what the Browns are going to do today they're playing a late game the Dolphins beat the jack 20 to 17 and then the Texans over the Colts in a really good game 2927 a lot of people Chris have the Texans as one of the teams to get to a Super Bowl Following last year they went from worst to first to win their division and boy they loaded up in the offseason too didn't they they really did and I have a very explosive offense and so that's going to be a team to watch but here it was a little too close to call right I mean 2927 but that's not going give you a lot of comfort the defense needs a step up there that offense Is For Real it really is and they got a lot of options down there for CJ stra all right Chris Boswell as we said one of the best efforts you'll ever see by a kicker in a game many levels to this one let's go to Atlanta here what number six has to say situation we're going to work it a lot more talk about a little reminisent those games openin uh I don't pay too much attention I mean I have memories of it but I don't you know correlate one game to another or anything like that it's got to feel pretty good going six for six that doesn't happen too often does it I mean it definitely feels good um but I mean we're right back on to the next week and whatever I did this week has no relevance to next week so number nine six for six that's what I was thinking of when we talked about him you you know you know you've seen that in a playoff game in Cincinnati where he was just money down the middle making all those things it seems like it doesn't matter the distance now I looked at that first one back a few times and it could have been good from 65 yards or more and I wonder if he's ever going to get that chance because Tomlin seems very committed to giving them the opportunity but you don't want to rely on kickers all the time you got to make some offense especially against some of the better teams in the NFL listen we talked about this Bob and the reality is this you can't rely on making six field goals in win a game against a good football team the Atlanta Falcons are an average team right and today I don't know if the Steelers beat one of the upper echon teams the team that they aspire to be um if they try to rely on six field goals they have to finish drives but Boswell is the man mean in reality was in training camp it looked like he struggled a little bit right and but he six for six I think one of the things was with those long kicks it was in a dome when you're in a dome it's easier to kick kick right it's you don't have the elements there's no grass it's Turf much easier to plant so I think that played played to this as well but six for six with a lot of room and that punt no question even with TJ Watt play my player of the game yeah that was a whole crazy situation there and in case you missed it Mike Tomas said that Cameron Johnson has a serious injury so that's not good he's been outstanding ever since they signed him and now they'll most likely be looking for someone and I think um Presley Harvin was cut by the uh San Francisco and I'm just suggesting this as who out there crushed foring that I'm just saying you're going to have to find somebody right and they have familiarity with him so we'll see what they look at um but let's take a look at the scoring summary as we think about those options because that's going to be something that Mike tomman talks about this week at his weekly press conference which you can see right here on KDK plus um so they fell behind and it was Boswell with a couple and then the pits touchdown which was a miscommunication of something it looked like beanie Bishop got burned on that when there was 10 to six they got another one and then I thought a key one was that run right before half time uh because it it looked like the Steelers had no shot at going down the field and getting points at all at the time it was 10 to6 and they gave up a 38 yd reception to George Pickins who I thought got a little bit lucky yes uh because it looked like he was wasn't aware of what it was a long developing play if memory serves they only had nine seconds left and they used all of it by one second he stepped out of bounds if he had not oh clock run clock would have run yeah and here's the reality right I mean re Morris said oh it was a great play on both sides of the ball and they executed no no no they were in prevent defense Bob they were playing not letting anything behind him keeping in front of them but they let him go for a 35 Plus yard pass and that put him in field goal position and it just flipped the momentum back right they had that touchdown pass to Kyle pittz beanie Bishop blew the coverage and then you want to be able to go into the locker room with the momentum but they allowed that play to happen the Steelers kick a field goal that flipped the momentum back in the Steelers favor and and the Falcons really could not get it back the Steelers dominated if you look at the stats they absolutely dominated the second half and it started the line of scrimmage yeah and there's no question CU her cousins was on the field by the way there was one more field goal on that list but here's the thing if you're Raheem moris you got to know that Boswell's good from 65 yards so you don't want to give up any sort of yardage and they did and they got burned by it and so that three points was a big one Dante Jackson was acquired for Deontay Johnson in the off season he's starting opposite Joey Porter Jr made a big interception late in this game today let's hear from him after the game adjustments um they had ran that play to score where they was um seeing three high and they was just trying to hide a guy and send him up the side line uh that's how p p pits got open on the touchdown so iname adjustment sideline we knew they'll come back to it just had to wide my vision and play with ball was there shout out to uh to TJ man for for for getting getting the ball out and making him throw eron pass and that's how we that's how we capitalize and it seemed exactly you knew that was coming that way yeah exactly exactly knew it was coming I once I seen the guy willing up the sideline I knew what he wanted he brought up wi I mean he had a couple gamechanging plays taken away from him though too game Record Man game record man it's just a blessing to get out there and shed a field with these type of players man um can't help but to go out there and do your part and that's just what I did for real yeah and he owed him one because he got called for a hands to the face for nullified one of those strip sacks so uh so this time he came up and picked up TJ watt with that interception leading tacklers in this game you see Minka Fitzpatrick uh back in there doing his thing roaming around the center field although I would expect to see more game-changing plays from him as the year goes on then you have Alex heith cam Hayward let's talk about number 97 and also montravius Adams who continues to linger around here it seemed like they no matter what he's there and make plays when again but cam Hayward signs the contract he was a force in there a lot of pressure up the front by those three guys specifically in Ogen jby absolutely and cam Hayward what he does he just takes on blockers and sheds blockers and makes tackles on some of those big run stops it was cam Hayward right there just holding the point knocking guys back coming off blocks putting a helmet on on the runners um and then you talk about montrais Adams listen he is not kind of like your the mold of a Steelers defensive lineman this is not a guy who plays down the line and takes on blockers he's a penetrator and so you watch a lot of the times he makes plays he's getting up field he's getting on the edge of these linemen and and and causing havoc in the back field and so that's why he's a little different because he struggles to play two Gap and hold the point which we're typical to see he'll get knocked off the ball a little bit today his present was felt and he had that sack number 97 spoke after the game let's go back down to Atlanta yeah I thought it's very big uh you know brings confidence uh it's a it's a it's a welcome to the Pittsburgh Steelers but you know um you know they they came to play and got the job done for us not at all uh especially with all the rule changes and everything but um you know you I think that's just a testament to what you know guys do throughout the week um they lock in um play good assignment football um you know I think the unsung hero I thought Larry Ogen Joby had a lot of great pressures um that were critical turnovers um I I think uh just having that balance up front and in the back end U you know we can create some Splash plays yeah you know I think he rested a little bit but you know I think it it comes down to film study um you know I think it comes down to just looking at what's in front of you uh you know and taking the game in as a whole defensive um just gets us to 1 and0 with a chance to go 2 and0 um you know we can you know there's a lot we can build on a lot we can learn from um but it's better to be learning uh while you're winning so you know we'll take that yeah that defensive line did a good job when I came into this game when you look at it the Steelers had a lot of kind of turbulence on their offensive line Atlanta returned all five of their starters from last year with a veteran quarterback added to try to help some of their skill players you said that's going to be a tough matchups but boy the defensive line really did neutralize their offensive line well yeah and listen the reality is this when you have a quarterback that can't move and he's a Sitting Duck in the pocket it makes it very difficult for an offensive line to protect uh the quarterback I mean reality is you know where he's going to be he's not going to move he's not going to step up and and so you can as a as a defensive lineman you can really work your pass rush moves you can really try to get on the edge on the outside of these linemen cuz you're not worried about opening up an escape Lane for a quarterback if that was Justin Fields you can't do those kind of things Bob you've got to make sure you keep the integrity and not let him Escape so it's a different type of attack and it's much easier to get after a kurk cousins than it is at Justin Fields all right Justin Fields as we said is uh speaking right now let's go to fields at his first interview after a win for the Steelers uh yeah we basically caught a you know a roll out to the left uh tried to get a concept going over there but just felt the left side DN kind of Rush up field so I kind of stopped in the pocket and saw they're playing Cloud um backside and you know we know their safeties are um kind of pick hungry you know they they're ball Hawks so they like to follow the QB's ey so I just saw that they kind of dropped George backside because they saw that you know we were moving the pocket a little bit and uh you know great protection up front and uh was a big big play for us before the half so uh a great connection with that did you feel you go off to maybe a little Shing start what point did you set yeah we definitely got up to a slow start um especially the first play and then I missed the to throw to Van um but you know after the first drive I feel like we we settled in a little bit and especially as the game went along definitely settled in so um definitely had that slow start for sure what do you think kind of caused the slow start was it just first game Jitters yeah I mean I guess we can say it I I don't have a reason but um just know that won't happen again so obviously you want to win anytime you play but under these circumstances coming back home plus M first game significant for you personally yeah I mean you know personally is great um I have a bunch of family here family and friends uh old high school teammates so just a setting um you know I I really couldn't couldn't ask for it a better way so um you know God God sure does work in mysterious ways so um you know I'm just thankful for him and um really just this moment with my team so um but it like you said just coming back home being able to uh get a dub against the you know Hometown team was was was great what about the the fact that the decision wasn't really made it to his start until almost you know game time couple hours before game how how did that play into your preparation you know I was just you know I always just have the mentality to be ready um you know I've I've been in this situation before my rookie years so um Anything Can Happen um so I just always have the mindset of you know be ready and you know uh just just be ready for anything so find out you're get the start today um you know Russ came in after warming up and he told me that uh you know that I was up so um like we said kind of all week you know he was questionable was trying to uh get his calf right and um try to get going but so really right before the game start and I know with um you know sometimes you can get in your head or whatever but can you speak to the conversations that was happening um on the sideline as far as from of your players and your teammates that's I mean yeah you know we we know we were better than that so I mean nobody was stressing the the slow start so um like I said that's that's not going to happen again um at the end of the day nobody was stressed nobody was like oh what's what's going on what's going on so we know what kind of game we play we know what we can do on the field and um you like we said we still got some stuff to work on we still got to you know be better in the Red Zone be better uh with you know uh self-inflicting wounds such as penalties and stuff like that but um we weren't stressing the uh slow start start whatsoever so yeah what are those those deep BS those connections that you had what does that do for the offense in terms of giving you guys momentum or maybe giving you confidence in your receivers and in the line to have that play develop yeah I mean it gets us going I think the o line did a great job today you know protecting keeping me clean on those longer developing plays and um of course GP um you know shoot he's always going to make plays for you downfield so um really just a credit to the o line running backs blocking and um you know receivers doing their thing so yeah what does it mean to have a weapon like Boswell you know that you're pretty across Midfield and you're kind of in scoring R yeah I mean he he definitely did his thing today um you know he was he was kicking those long field go as for putting points up on the board and um you know late in the game he had to punt for for cam so um you know just having a weapon like him on the offensive side of the ball you know how we only have to get the ball to the 40 I mean it makes our job way easier but like I said before uh we rather you know end the drive with extra points rather than field goal so uh we're going to work on that and score more touchdowns next week how do you feel your gun line especially two guys making your first start I think they did a great job um like I said I felt clean pretty much the most day I think um on one of the sacks I had I definitely could have just you know got the ball a lot quicker thrown the ball away but um I think overall they did a great job and I know they're not going to do anything but keep keep getting better so yeah what was the communication like with Arthur Smith kind of coming into this game and what conversations did you have about what plays you preferred or what the game be I mean yeah we usually just talk um on Fridays and you know he gets a feel of you know what concepts I like what plays I like and stuff like that and then we just meet on Saturday again and just go over the same thing his opening thoughts what he's thinking so um you know just that QB OC connection and kind of him knowing what I like and you know me knowing why he's calling a certain play um it just makes our offense click more with Russ with Russ's injury during the preseason you got a lot of stamps a lot of preseason gamework did you look at this as another big opportunity show the staff maybe I should be the starter that go out here I mean to be honest I'm not even worried about that you know I just came in wanting a win and uh I'm glad that we're leaving here with the win so um in terms of who's starting who's not all I want to do is win at the end of the day so um yeah I'm I'm really not even you know going to get into all that you know who I want to start at the end of the day I'm I came here to win no matter if it if I was going to throw for 300 yards 100 yards no yards like I came here to win so um that's the only uh Focus I have how important is it to win that first game yeah it's it's uh definitely important you know having momentum going in the week two and you know just starting off the season right uh that was the biggest thing so um you know like I said defense had a hell of a game they played well and special teams did too so um like I said we want to just put more points on offense but you know just coming out with a win is very important uh to start the season off right and uh getting that momentum going in the week too more Justin Fields just wants to win baby win and they did today and um he did a very good job 17 of 236 no turnovers when you think about that that's big because he's had a history of turning the ball over whether it's an interception or a fumble and they had that first center quarterback exchange right off the bat first play of the game so let me ask you about you know you got a new quarterback and you also have a rookie Center Zack Frasier man the guy spent a lot of time in West Virginia everyone knew he was one of those guys who could step right in but it's not that easy just to say it he backed it up today I thought he played very well I thought he played really well I want to go back and watch the film and really break down his play but I thought from what I saw today in the game I thought Zack Frasier really represented himself well and showed that he's a guy that they can put in the middle of the lineup and he will grow I mean they need him to become a pouncy like kind of guy I know they're different body types different styles of play but a guy that can be a pillar for that offensive line right there in the middle um it's interesting right you look at Justin fields and um you know that first bad snap but they figured it out a rookie quarterback Justin Fields had to had a little nerves being in a new on a new team but they figured it out Bob and they were able to work it out and they had no more turnovers no more bad snaps rest of the game no he and Spencer Anderson did well when we come back we'll talk about what Justin Fields didn't want to talk about that is who starts next week I know that's not a player thing but at something that we all like and people love to talk about it it's a quarterback after all we'll get into that as they make their way to Denver next Sunday on KDKA 1810 Steelers win they're one [Music] and0 welcome back to the Ford Steelers extra point all right we continue right here taking a look at the final stats and you can see that the Steelers ran the ball 41 times although 14 of those were just in field so you have to take that out of the equation still a commitment to the run and I think we all knew that Arthur Smith likes to run on the flip side there I will say this I thought they did a good job as the game went on on bejon Robinson a very talented running back and those totals are very pedestrian for a team that wants to run the ball like Atlanta oh there's no question listen the reality is 41 runs that came in the second half they only had 16 runs at halftime so the third quarter Bob we talked about this they were pounding the football what they have 13 plays came away with no points I would say probably every single one but one or two of those plays was a run but what's not being shown up there is that the the Steelers were 47% on third down eight 8 for 17 that's huge that's why you see a lopsided time of possession that's why you see 41 runs the Steelers were really really good a 47% is really really good in the NFL when it comes to third down yeah you just keep the ball you keep pounding and the good thing you don't give them a chance to have it at all Pat frm made his first game appearance since he signed his 4year $48 million extension he spoke after the game yeah a little bit Yeah obvious yeah yeah obviously we didn't have much film on them um you know we watch a lot of La film cuz that's where Raheem and Lake came from and um you know we you know we had to build on it but um you know I thought I thought it was a a direction the right uh forward Friday take anything off your mind getting the new deal just going into this game yeah a little a little stress relief yeah a little stress relief um you know it it was it was it was obviously very exciting I get get the long-term renion here in Pittsburgh but um you know obviously with happening Friday couldn't really do much to celebrate so be able to celebrate tonight which is awesome is that kind of a plan just say I'm not going to like in or do anything I'm just going to my usual yeah I mean you guys know you guys know I'm not any type of drama so um you know I love being able to practice with my guys and um you know staying healthy throughout it all and uh you know very excited to to be part of this organization for for four years much I thought Jose did awesome um you know all the Reps in Camp obviously paid off today and um you know he was very composed in there and it was awesome you kind of expect be like the started yeah yeah I mean not obviously we don't want that but I thought we mov the ball we were able to move the ball we just got to finish the drives and punch in the end zone all right Pat fouth was targeted four times he made every catch thrown in his Direction Four catches on the day just 27 yards but some of them were big yet a 10 Y which moved the chains and uh those are important especially on a team that wants to you know play close to the vest as they did in this first game now let's talk about next week because this will be coming up shortly on our you know Ireland contract United Sports call and all week long until Mike Tomlin addresses it on Tuesday but he played very well did Justin Fields they're going on the road to a team like Denver and this is the Russell Wilson Bowl as today was the arthur Smith Bowl so you know Russell Wilson wants to be back there and I'm sure make a statement just as Smith did today so if he's healthy what do you think Mike Tomlin does given the fact that this was pretty good performance by uh Justin Fields he didn't turn the ball over and uh pretty good numbers Russ Wilson no question about it no question there's no question about it in my mind listen these are good numbers right 17 for 236 yards there's a lot of what we've seen there A lot of it was dinking and Duncan yeah he threw the ball down the field he had a 33 Yer a 35 y to to pickings um that was called back for OPI pass interference on the offense B call by the way bad call and 40 a yard pass the pickings but there was a lot of dinking and dunking um and I I don't know if there was a lot of confidence you're going to see Russ Wilson coming here because coach Tomlin likes veteran quarterbacks that's what he wanted and we're going to see Russ Wilson you're going to see numbers of Pat fouth go up and I and listen you're going to lose the element of a Justin Fields running the ball you probably see him come in a little bit circumstantially in the game but Russ Russ Wilson is the guy that coach tomin wants to see on the field he's the guy can stretch the field and open up this offense and he'll open up the running game even more to go from a 3.3 yard average in this game I mean 41 carries is great but they only had a 3.3 yard average if Russ Wilson can can throw the ball in the middle of the field where we didn't see it today and the outside it'll open up that run game yeah that's been a theme still not throwing the ball in the middle of the field and most of the throws to George Pickins were down the sidelines and he was really good today let's take a look at the quarterback comparison because not many people thought that Kurt Cousins although again he's coming off surgery so we weren't sure we did not see him in the preseason would only have 155 yards two interceptions so if you compare these two by far it was Fields with a better rating at 92 versus 56 for Kurt Cousins yeah I mean listen KT cousins can still throw a good Ball but the reality is he's the statue sitting in the back field easy for pass rusher especially ones like TJ watt to get to but the difference in this game it's it's the youngster versus the the older veteran right 57 yards rushing the stos can spread guys out run the quarterback draw get a first down a quarterback lead get a first down that's the element of Justin Field's game he is not the greatest passer he's not a horrible passer but Russ Wilson is a much better passer but his element of running really brings that element that's difficult to defend one another thing there was a fourth and one in which the Steelers went for it they're protecting a lead it would have been an easy field goal for BOS to make it an eight-point lead instead they went for it and and I have no problem with that did you have a problem with that only because fourth and one they expect to get it plus Atlanta wasn't moving the ball at all against the Steeler defense well listen you had Justin Fields who was the best running quarterback in the NFL last year right and he was converting first downs uh as a quarterback in this game and so you would think fourth and one we're going to get it with Justin Fields um what I was a little discouraged about Bob was the play before that I believe when he threw a quick pass out to Van Jefferson they had the play they wanted it was a beautiful call then you have Calvin Austin you have George Pickins out there hat on a hat against two Defenders they both got beat they both got beat thrown to the side and Tackle van Jefferson if they just get in the way if one of them win that block that hat on a hat van Jefferson goes for first down and we're not even talking about this this game is wide open correct and those two missed blocks led to the fourth and one and then it turned out they didn't get it so interesting a lot of people would have said take the points I don't think there's a bad decision the one way or the other if you do take the points it's a one possession Game Plus two point conversion if he gets it if he gets it there the game's over right they're going to they're going to they're going to suffocate the Falcons and I don't think anybody thought that he wasn't going to convert that that's Justin Phils that's what he does best is with his legs all right we're got to take a break come back with more soon we'll be taking your phone calls on the Ireland Contracting nightly Sports call special Steelers Edition beautiful day in Atlanta especially for Steeler fans who out celebrating tonight an 1810 win on the road we'll be right back welcome welome back to the Ford Steelers extra point welcome back Bob Pomp and Chris hul with you I bet you never thought going in this game that Ray Ray McLoud will be the targeted man for Atlanta more so than anyone else in fact two of their most prominent offensive players Kyle pittz along with Drake London combined for just five catches yeah and and one catch for 20 yards by Ray Ray was when TJ watt hit Kurt Cousins and the ball was fluttering in the air and Ray went up and got it so you think about it it was just a rough throwing day and the Steelers the first half I thought the Falcons played pretty good football the second half you talk you heard TJ watt they made some adjustments what the adjustments get after the offensive line for Atlanta Falcons they controlled the line of scrimmage and they I mean they really dominated that second half I mean if you look at Kirk Cousins Kirk Cousins the second half was three for eight for 19 yards and Bob when you talk about how does it how does a team dominate the second half it's your offense if your offense can control the clock if your offense can run the football and methodically move the ball down the field that demor IES a team absolutely demor the defense if the Steelers could just finish a couple of those drives this game would have been blown out blowout they've got to be able to finish drives and they didn't do that today we saw that in that 13pl 72 yard Drive which featured no points but Spencer Anderson the seventh round pick last year he got a start today and did very well as well let's hear from him after the game off the first drive you know the whole line obviously there something we care about we looked at them we're like oh they're going on silent and um that was kind of what we anticipated anyway um then going on silent because you know we have the best fans in the NFL what do you guys to do for moving forward um I think just execute better in the Red Zone um obviously we didn't have the results we wanted in the Red Zone I mean um you know balls came through when he needed to but um you know fourth and one and you know third Downs in the Red Zone obviously I know I had a I think had a false start in the Red Zone but um you know I think we just got to execute better as a team how frustrating is it when you can't get those short yardage situations oh it's definitely um frustrating cuz you know you you kind of pride yourself in those uh those moments and you know as L you kind of want the ball in your court and uh you know obviously what happened happened and uh you know we'll go look over it but um for the most part I thought we played pretty solid you know everybody everybody communicated you know if you see something say something and I feel like for the most part we were pretty good well that's Spencer Anderson good for him he moved right in he's one of those guys who could play a lot of positions it's interesting because a lot of time we talk about the Steelers are draft the two number one left tackles the last two years and yet it's Dan Moore who continues to play and if you break it down he did a pretty good job today again and it's funny you know there those guys may have to wait a little bit because he's in the final year probably here in Pittsburgh who knows but uh it's pretty incredible that none of those two is starting it's bradrick Jones on the right side fatano didn't get a chance you have to give a lot of credit to Dan Mo Jr right because he's a guy where okay you're going to challenge me you're going to bring in a first- round draft pick I'm GNA rise up they had to move bradrick Jones to the right then you bring in Troy fanu and he said okay you're challenging me again then they put both guys on the right and then follow T he gets hurt he continues to hold down that left tackle spot you didn't hear his name at all today you didn't hear his name throughout the preseason which tells you he's playing pretty dang good football right now the left tackle spot I don't see him losing that Bob throughout the season well we'll see that's going to be interesting to follow that as well all right uh big plays we talked about the turnover that watt recovered the fumble another big play was Larry eleno he put in the push it led to a DeShaun Elliot interception as cousins made a bad throw it was a very well diagnosed by Des that turned into three points let's hear from him after the game they might already be back there so do your job for a couple seconds and you're good what did you see on that on that interception there obviously had to make a play against the but what did you see from Kirk and how you were able to react I was doing my job running specific coverage and um I'm like you really going to throw that he threw it but I think he threw it because of the rush so you do your job you right place at the right time Ball come to you so finally found the home where I'm trying to get the ball back to me again like I was when college so feels good I mean 6 years later but still finally I was going to say I know you're known as more of a hard hitter but is that more validating for you personally just like hey I can make plays on the ball too yeah I mean over over the years you know when you I've had years where I've dropped a couple balls and it can kind of mess up your confidence but I spent a lot of time this offseason uh and during the training camp and OTAs with mink and we do a lot of ball drills and when it came it was just kind of natural so I'm just every other day your practice makes perfect what's going through your mind when tomin comes up and play what' you say what's going through your mind when tomman comes up and gives you a big kiss uh I hope he doesn't do that but you know I respect coach appreciate him for bringing me here and was a long season going to be better each week do you feel like sometimes defense is now have an advantage early in the season I would say no I would say vice versa because you don't you don't have a lot of chances to watch film on the offenses they can they can throw a lot of wrinkles in there on us and for us it's like you you is there's a de coordinator he's going to run the same stuff he's been running for for years offens offensively they can always switch something up there's ripples in the game so going into this game it's kind of hard to prepare for them cuz we never seen the Falcons play We were watching a lot of ram stuff it just wasn't we didn't know what to expect on game day besides just going out there and playing our rules and playing the way we supposed to play and stay with football Dante talked a little about knew that play was coming you guys yeah I mean that's different because like that's that's in game adjustments so we come to sideline talk to each other uh communicate what what we seeing out there even we have guys who aren't dressed out they're still talking to us this like you said it's a team game so everyone plays a role everyone plays a part speed of a team game though the defense you know kind of won this game today how does that make you feel moving into next week I know you guys are already confident yeah we didn't win this game BOS won this game he did uh obviously one of the best kickers in the NFL but uh but uh we just got to build on this you know be consistent um obviously people expect us to be one of the best defenses because we have the talent you got to go out there and perform every week that's a good interview he made me laugh a few times he's saying BOS won the game which he did uh but also he couldn't believe Kurt Cousins threw the ball I didn't either when he threw that ball I thought what is he doing the pressure he should have just basically taking a sack if need be and listen and that's what happens when you get a little older you don't want to take hits Bob so you're going to try to get rid of the ball and avoid a hit or try to Chuck and Duck and that's what Kurt Cousins did today and and listen here's the reality he talked about the rush and and with the Pittsburgh Steelers when you're getting a rush you're able to create turnovers on the back end and and that's the one thing the see of all we you and I done this a long time Bob we've always talked about the front end of the defense and the back end of the defense are tied together if you're not getting a pass rush which happens at times when TJ Watts out of the game it's very difficult to get an interception to get takeaways but when you're putting pressure on the quarterback and you're able to put him under dur rest he's going to throw the football and he did that twice today it could there could have been four interceptions he threw the ball to him two other times one time I think he hit Deshawn right in the face in the face bounc and he missed it think the first second Drive of the game so that's how important getting a pass rush against a quarterback is that may have been Jackson I can't remember who it was but it hit right it should have been an interception as well but that's kudos to them they worked well and they took advantage of Kurt Cousins who hadn't played since last October because of that surgery to the Achilles all right let's take a look at the road ahead here brought to you by Ford and you'll see it's next week it's the Broncos the 425 game we'll have it for you on KDK TV Chris and I will follow right afterwards uh here on KDK plus and then it's the home opener late in the year released September 22nd 1:00 again against the Chargers and that's an interesting team with um Jim Harbaugh now in control that the Colts after that on the road so that won't be easy never is in that Dome and then October the 6th the Cowboys on a Sunday night here in Pittsburgh Dak Prescott just got $60 million a year on average today four years $240 million that's about what kitty k is paying you right no but if you look at these four games right here I don't think any of those gimme games right now right you're going to to Denver that's a tough place to play you got Justin Herbert coming here with j harb you know they're going to be a formidable opponent I was surprised at how well the Colts play today against the Texans right 27 richardon look good he made a couple of nice throws he did and then that last one there I I just think the Steelers you know I don't think there's any gimme games to talk about this being a very difficult schedule for the Steelers not just on the back end I think the front end is going to be difficult as well well I think you got to take advantage of the front end until you get to the back end build up some those AR none of those are gim none of them are I don't think there's any gimme in the NFL these teams are all capable of winning okay maybe one or two Jacksonville Fe years back Jacksonville almost won today Miami before they had Trevor yeah Trevor Lawrence all right that's going to wrap it up for our show here but we're not done because we're asking you to call us and air your opinions you can also do it on Twitter if you want at kdpomp hokey bro 76 it's the Ireland Contracting nightly Sports call you call us on your take on this game and looking ahead to the one coming up in Denver next week thanks for joining us here on the four Steelers extra point we're back with your calls next [Music]

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Just in game adjustments um they had ran that play the score where they was um seeing three high and they were just trying to hide a guy and send him up the sideline uh that's how p p pcks got open on the touchdown so in game adjustment sideline we knew they'll come back to it u just had to wide my... Read more

2024 Steelers Depth Chart analysis + look in at practice on August 7 | Pittsburgh Steelers thumbnail
2024 Steelers Depth Chart analysis + look in at practice on August 7 | Pittsburgh Steelers

Category: Sports

We got a lot of work in front of us today um we're still very much steelers versus steelers today as i mentioned um schematics and strategy is less important to us and so we won't even begin to address houston and what they might do and some of the things that we might be teeing up regarding them until... Read more

Pat Freiermuth, Kyle Allen Training Camp Media Availability (August 3) | Pittsburgh Steelers thumbnail
Pat Freiermuth, Kyle Allen Training Camp Media Availability (August 3) | Pittsburgh Steelers

Category: Sports

Pat freiermuth you've been around here a while now yeah last night's backs all backers yeah that's the that's the most uh energetic i've seen um it was great competition um you know it's going to you know iron sharp's iron and that was the definition of it and uh yeah it was awesome what's got into... Read more

The NFL's new Dynamic Kickoff explained #steelers #nfl thumbnail
The NFL's new Dynamic Kickoff explained #steelers #nfl

Category: Sports

The kicker will still kick off from his own 35 but his teammates will now line up on the opponent's 40 which is 25 yds ahead of where they lined up in past years and they cannot move downfield until the ball is either touched by the opponent or hits the ground the receiving team must line up at least... Read more

Cam Heyward, Troy Fautanu Media Availability (Aug. 28) | Pittsburgh Steelers thumbnail
Cam Heyward, Troy Fautanu Media Availability (Aug. 28) | Pittsburgh Steelers

Category: Sports

Did you want to get any work in in the preseason or would you find just easing your way in like i i can't remember the last preseason i've i've been in but um you know obviously i want to play but um you know my job is you know i through this process i've learned what i do need and what i don't need... Read more

Pickens, Roberts, Fautanu, Wilson, Edmunds Media Availability (Sept. 11) | Pittsburgh Steelers thumbnail
Pickens, Roberts, Fautanu, Wilson, Edmunds Media Availability (Sept. 11) | Pittsburgh Steelers

Category: Sports

Were you trying to score on that play at the end of the second quarter and were you aware how much time was left oh yeah i was aware of how much time was left i thought bates was the uh was the last man and then aj you know kept hustling did his job you know followed the play through i didn't see him... Read more

The NFL's new Dynamic Kickoff explained #steelers #nfl thumbnail
The NFL's new Dynamic Kickoff explained #steelers #nfl

Category: Sports

The kicker will still kick off from his own 35 but his teammates will now line up on the opponent's 40 which is 25 yds ahead of where they lined up in past years and they cannot move downfield until the ball is either touched by the opponent or hits the ground the receiving team must line up at least... Read more

Miles Killebrew, Cam Heyward, Spencer Anderson Media Availability (Sept. 2) | Pittsburgh Steelers thumbnail
Miles Killebrew, Cam Heyward, Spencer Anderson Media Availability (Sept. 2) | Pittsburgh Steelers

Category: Sports

What does it mean to be elected captain for second or third season third year that's it's an honor it's an honor there's no other way to describe it definitely something i don't take for granted um you know to be able to be voted by by my peers here in the locker room it means a lot uh and i take uh... Read more