[Music] yo yo yo yo what's happening guys metav verse Millan here how are we all today we're about another video we're currently in LA right now looking through the map exciting times home from work it's been a long day the last few days have been absolutely crazy but getting a lot of hours at work as well payday today as well so we can actually get some properties grow the portfolio looking into Granada Hills like kind of all the up packs now we generate we're going back in to Grenada Hills meting as many properties as possible raising that floor up and just having a good time as well still trying to get the black dot for the RAC track as well I don't know what I've done wrong but like we've definitely got the racetrack uh but we just need to work out how to get it online so that'll be cool we've got the factory in the showroom as well so those both are online and we're going to look at like 3D assets I'm still working behind the scenes on the assets and stuff I've not like film much content around it cuz there's so much going on on Upland right now a lot of players like this kind of content and this content so I'm trying to like like capture a lot of the content you know for these YouTube channel but I like the focus on like the property I've always been into the property I've probably invested close to like $66,000 now into Upland I love the game I love the concept but like the Monopoly the blockchain you know like all that kind of good stuff being able to sign up just with an email and a password because yeah we wasn't big into like games and stuff back in the day like Red Dead Redemption on the Xbox I believe was like kind of do something uh I used to do just as like good fun with the lads after a day at work and stuff so nothing like this kind of stuff like getting my head around this at the start like imagine a new player coming on you know it'll take a few months to learn and we're still learning so much about it now and like kind of learning so much about YouTube and like Twitter well X and like there's so much going on like new layer 2 games like getting my head around sparade do me as well so yeah it's amazing right now like Uplands just really well not retweet well tweeted out the channels like nominee on like the broadcaster of the year as well so that's amazing a lot of people with so many kind messages so really do appreciate every single one of you what's like I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys like and girls as well you know it's like amazing this journey like two years ago I never thought like we' be filming uh content on YouTube I never was able to put myself on camera I hated being on camera back in the day so yeah this is something mad and this wouldn't be achievable or any kind of fun or like enjoying doing it every single day if it wasn't for this Upland community so yeah everybody what supported me subscribe to the channel like message and that like I really do appreciate you thank you so much for the the support we're going to keep growing we're going to keep investing we're just going to see where we can get with this as well looking behind the scenes at different cameras we're looking at different Studios different lights like loads of good stuff I know I keep saying about it but we actually genuinely uh trying to grow it it's just like do we put into what land do we put into this like some things happen in the real world as well that I can't control uh but this month's been really good I'm starting to get up to a good place now with the the jobs starting to get like really settled in and hopefully we can look at another promotion like over the next 6 months so yeah a lot of stuff's happening we're getting into like kind of a place where I was back with the chef and the kind of same money range so yeah we can start to get back to like really looking at different property and stuff as well like layer 2 and like different Gam and stuff like that and just kind of film more content like this is my busy season at work but once this Cals down uh we can start to like jump on more I have booked off five days over Genesis weekend though so I'm off the I think Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday so I'll be able to jump on every single day and not be distracted and like focus on filming these videos and making some good content and some good giveaways like we've got that $100 to give away as well on that wheel so last month anybody well this month anybody what bought James UK property would be automatically entered with one entry into the wheel so now all the names have been entered and now we're going to spend that wheel on Genesis weekends and this weekend coming uh not this weekend sorry the next weekend I forget it's Friday right now in the UK uh so that'll be really exciting and one lucky winner what was on that wheel will win $100 so yeah looking forward to that that'll be really exciting to kind of do I want to try and do it live so that would be really really interesting to look into like it's just with my schedule I work shifts and different stuff and like when it's I I was watching the upx podcasts as such and that's like comes on at 2:15 a.m. and then like the Upland down under comes on at like 10:00 a.m. and like I need to work and like sleep as well and like I'm trying to be on like Discord and I'm like I'm trying to reply as quick as possible as well to messages but yeah I'm away from the house for like 50 55 hours a week when I'm not on holiday I was on holiday like a few weeks ago last week so it's kind of like easier to like film and just focus on the videos but now I've got like 10 different things going on with work and other stuff as well so yeah and then Uplands just firing out like new stuff as well so you just like trying to like work out what to actually uh jump on and film and then spark. me was a massive process to learn that as well but yeah this is amazing we've already made some Bank as well so we've sold like five crystals and what I do is with these mines I don't want to go on to attack I've learned attack though we'll actually have a look at this quickly so you can see these are all the mines right now so you can see sparkles that's got over a million on it 96,00 and that's got like quite a lot so 30 upcs as well I like to Target the higher upcs because you get more resources off them as well so if you have a mind just add loads of resources and set your visit fee high and then every single day if it's on level five you'll just regenerate like kind of a normal attack which is like like not a normal attack like a normal base upgrade so that's like 100,000 Sparkles and then I can't mind the rest but you get like 100 100 and yeah you get like 100 people 100 drone Bots and like 200 supplies or whatever so that's quite cool and then you upgrade that and then the more it's upgraded the more like the more reason for another player to want to attack you as well so if you grow this as high as possible you're not just selling more nodes off to other players automatically in the market you're actually getting more players like looking at your property to attack because it's got more resources for them to be able to take so yeah your your resources keep growing every single day so what I do is try and actually grow my nodes like you know like add like boost the nodes basically so I can get this up as much as possible and then every single day it goes up like another base another 100,000 Sparkles like another 100 100 and then 200 or whatever so no matter what happens like That Base as long as I collect it it's going to keep going up and what I love about this as well if I go over to that one again and then go over to Upland this doesn't just give me Sparkles and resources off that 30 upex that gives me also H nodes in Tycoon like so if you think about the resources sorry that's 25 upex now so that's changed price but it's still the same property but if I go over to this 53 03 and then I actually visit this property I'll also be able to get Tycoon resources so they still sell off on getting a few cows and stuff so they sell for like 11 upcs right now and also some biodiesel so yeah we'll just check this property is a right run Roman it's at 11630 116 yeah so the upex has changed before so I'll probably get that for 25 upex I'm not too sure I'll just send that twice so I don't have to do it I just send to every property twice so I don't have to visit like eight properties I can visit four properties and just visit them twice you know it's kind of like the lazy way to play but it works and I've sold a few stuff so happy with that if I go over to this one as well this has got only well that's actually not bad we'll visit this one as well and I'll just show you the process of the attack cuz last time I actually really like butchered it on the video so I didn't have a clue I kept like clicking the refresh button on the browser uh but realistically that's just like messing everything up and yeah it just doesn't work so what I'll do is I'll visit this property as well and then also visit one more time and then we'll go over to the attack thing you have to wait up to like a minute because you need to wait for them to register on Upland the uh visits so once your avatar comes up on the visits and that you know that it's been registered but I just usually wait about a minute now and after that so I don't refresh a page but what you want to do is go down here and then attack these so after a minute you'll attack these and you scroll back up again and then you get like your rewards so we'll wait a little bit and then we'll go back into this and see our reward but for now we'll go back into Upland and I actually want to see what kind of properties and collections we can look at as well I really want to see actually where Granada Hills is quickly with the floor so if we go to Los Angeles and then we'll go over to Granada Hills quickly and I just want to check what the dollar floor is right now so USD and then sale price so there's a few for $5 49% we we got to take those quickly like that can't be happening so like we'll get these properties quickly and I want to try and like mint as many properties as well so we're going to keep like putting our upic back into like mint as many properties as possible over the next um couple of months everything what's going on right now with working that is very positive so yeah we can really push this account up and see where we can actually get ah wait if I do it through PayPal will this work and then it pulls it from my bank if this goes through maybe I don't have to pay like the extra oh it works that's quite cool maybe this is a new way I can just and then I can track every single purchase through my PayPal thing now as well so I actually know where I am on the account and it comes through on my phone as well so that's quite cool yeah so and then I can track it in dollars and also in UK pounds because I'm in the UK so it's quite half add as well to track that there's one more there as well at 43% so let's actually see what's the lowest mark up actually let's go over to this one quickly as well and we'll get this one help the community out and then we're also going to look at getting as many I want to try and get another like at least 1 th000 properties if I can in Grenada Hills because uh yeah just like over the last year and a half basically growing This and like seeing where we can actually get with it I'm just looking forward to seeing over like next year the year after and like really pushing the account I love the property side I love this kind of stuff in the game and I I do see like the racing I do see everything else what's going on everything like kind of is for a reason but like I love the property and like the more like stuff what goes on the more it like drives people away from this and like they've not got as much upex to go into this and stuff so I would love to see like the and even with the player base growing as well imagine like Upland 5 X's or 6 x's and like the properties are minting out as well you know everything's going really well so uh yeah that'll be exciting to see so let's see that let's go to mark up quickly so 43 we've got that one 49 this one's at 49 49 4 we'll may as well just get that one quickly as well I want to actually look over my uh collections as well and see but yeah it's pretty much like midnight at the moment but that one's 150 I like that size and then I'll actually go cuz I'm looking for like different collections boost my yield up each month as well so I'm really trying to get those um I've seen some properties at like 25 uh% and stuff like that as well so we'll actually have a look at that uh but we'll quickly go back to spar Quest and you can see now after about a minute well you can't see but it's been about a minute so I'll just click that attack me attack these and then we'll scroll up to the top and this will basically just register once it loads all the data it'll tell you your attacks and then you can use those those um supplies so I got 10.5 oacks off that attack I got 10,250 Spar calls 138 people 148 drone BS and 463 supplies as well so yeah that was really cool um and then all you do is go back to spark. mate and then you can claim your upex and that just goes to your bank balance but then also you're getting um you're getting um things in Tycoon as well which is pretty cool so I got a cow you got some seed some water as well um I got a few OES and stuff like that but I had a few cows last night I got a few biodiesel and stuff as well so you can just grow your normal upex and stuff still selling but I've got so many like well not so many but like there's so much resources now um yeah I can basically get a about 2,000 out a day but hope stash comes back stash please come back like I want Tycoon um I'm loving everything like I want all the layer twos and stuff as well but I really hope like something comes out of Genesis this week Oh I thought that was four there but these are at three but yeah hopefully we can sell these at two so 385 so it's 383 sorry it still get me enough upex and then I can still move that upex over to Upland so that's stuck on the market at two uh will this all sell as well so 374 at two but yeah hopefully like there's something coming out of Genesis week so that's stuck as well so yeah we'll just leave that for now go back to sparade meet uh the banks up at that so what I do is just go over to my mind um and you can see here if I click him one so you can see this planet here and then I'll just go on to claim all power and now that power is gone and now I can see all the power and all the different region what's ready to collect so it's basically just instead of getting it naturally like you go and collect your resources so you can claim all power and now I've got the claim All Region at the bottom as well so I can claim all the region so there's loads more like that wasn't there yesterday when I was looking as well which is cool so now we've got both of them different stuff coming out in the game and if you go back here uh you can actually see the market sales right now up at see 616,000 which is awesome to see as well uh loads of people doing different stuff in the game so yeah it's cool to see like um it's so cool if we go over here quickly as well and we'll actually go down to see where is it so right now Rog d uh rock rock drio uh sorry is that Quail mod map passet so if you want to go over there like it's got these different um M app assets you can actually put those on your property which is cool uh so you can see all the different ones that's a planet one you know you've got the different ones so you've got the planet you've also got the base you've also got the colony and then where's the other one Extreme Planet I've never seen this one apparently this came out but like I've only joined the last week or so so uh yeah this would be cool to get and we got to get a golden rocket or something as well so yeah we're learning as well but yeah these are cool like I've not got any extreme planets but yeah I've got quite a few um bases I've got a few colonies I've got quite a few what is it here um five planets Two Moons seven colonies and 10 bases as well so yeah growing that portfolio as well and then they kind of work together when you're attacking you can use that and especially if the prices go up on uh different layer twos you could kind of use all the layer twos together as well so like one visit could work on like three or four different layer twos so there's loads of different ways to strategize and think about these layer twos and how the the game evolves and stuff like that as well I'm really excited I'm looking forward to the announcements over Genesis week we're still waiting to find out obviously about the passport and stuff as well but it's getting quite close now but we have saved money aside so in case that does happen and become a reality I really would be amazing like make a good Vlog about that and stuff but if not we're definitely off work so we'll film that content and do all that kind of good stuff as well uh but yeah these kind of growth I want to try and add like loads of different nodes in LA and Granada Hills and then add those um different like map assets as well so yeah that's really cool to see and then also the different stuff I put on screen right now but he's selling all these different assets as well so yeah go give them some love over there at the different showrooms I'll put the addresses on screen now so you can check them out uh but there's loads of different good stuff going on at quailwood as well so really nice people over there like kind of supporting the channel growing as well like really helping out so it's amazing to see and kind of like the community is coming together all these different nodes kind of building together we've never never really collaborated so it' be so cool to see different uh collaborations and all for like kind of that growth and yeah we believe in the growth of Upland and like growing the account and seeing where we can actually get with the account and definitely with the sandbox announcements and everything going on in the game you know I don't know if s sandbox is going to be amazing I'm not like here to comment I'm not here to give Financial advice I'm like I'm enjoying this from my perspective we'll document the process we'll invest dollars we'll go through the process I talk about it but I'll put the money into the actual growth of it as well amazing to see kind of like the nominee for broadcaster of the year and like kind of how the YouTube channels go in like X as well so that's all just mad to me and will document the whole process as well going forward uh just through the whole like kind of Journey on Upland as well so I think that will be cool uh learning YouTube building out the studio adding different like kind of lighting and stuff as well uh just really trying to make it fun and enjoyable and different giveaways as well like that $100 giveaway uh maybe have different incentives for Grenada Granada Hills and like just loads of kind of good stuff to make it like enjoyable cuz I love the property side of it like I love the investment side of it I do class it as an investment it's not Financial advice but I do really class it as an investment we've managed to take out like2 $250 quite easily using different strategies based on what what layer 2 is doing well at the time and you know like Tycoon was good so we could sell like for about 80% of the markups so yeah we got like off of 50,000 up pck apartment we got $40 at one point so if I had 20 of those stacked up you know with the strategies by using YouTube by using X for marketing promotions like we don't pay for promotions we strategize with like different social media and different competitions and different good stuff in the game as well so H yeah we're try and like kind of push it that way and like with a sparkl and the air drops and stuff like that it's really benefited us having that X account and stuff so yeah hope with the growth of that we can really start to build more on Grenada Hills still helping El slack out with his racetrack as well so that should be online soon H so if you want to go give him some part is giving giveaways and stuff for this as well so 37 Days 9 hours left and that'll be ready imagine if his is online before miners as well mine's already built but yeah we're still waiting we've got the account up at 11, 319,000 5.05 spark as well and then like we might look at a quick collection so let's go over to collections I'm still trying to get those map assets um so I really do appreciate that brother but apparently I have to go travel to Bakers field so I'll have to jump on like I don't like this assumption that like I'll travel around and like the private transportation and stuff like it's like I don't travel around I stay in La I like La I'm very like that you know I like Grenada Hills and I just I stay in my like kind of zone so uh yeah Beverly Hills collection this one looked quite good there was some good properties in that 2.23 times boost as well Melrose have let's have a quick look 11 2.2 this one Beverly Hills was quite good we looked at that last night actually so property um in here let's go over to Beverly not Beverly yeah Beverly I'm getting tired it's like bloody half1 12 at night or whatever um but yeah got to get that content out let's get to where am I even going again Beverly no collections Upland so yeah it was Beverly Hills why is it not showing up on that Beverly ah there it is so search for that US dollar so you can see actually there's three there Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills that's got a mint price what's a Mac up 60 63 63 that's not bad actually how do we get those three cuz then that would be you'd get a 2.2 so you'd get like 2,000 3,000 something off that so that' be 5,000 then like 62,000 or whatever and what we at now we are at 447,000 so and then we' also get the 9,000 up picks as well so that looks quite good as well cuz you're getting the 2.25 boost so as long as that's not a 200 how much was that boost as long as it's basically on a collection you want to make sure the Boost is lower than the the marup basically so if you look at that here so 2.23 so as long as the markups less than 2.23 obviously you get you can buy other dollar proper is for a third or even like a quarter now at 25% we'll try and find them but with this the mark UPS like 60% but then you're also getting like 2.2 3x and I'm trying to get the upack like I'm growing the account we're still small on Upland uh we're trying to get that yield up and grow the account so this would be a really good um really good collection to get it's just like kind of justify it right now because um yeah there's other properties it's not about the money as such but yeah it's a good collection to have but like I'd always hold on to that collection um and then like there could be other collections I get there could be other small properties we get as well in the game um I like to look around the map I just see with the neighborhood you have to search like through each single neighborhood to get like the the best price which is like maybe I have to buy the professional version or whatever like that's how they get you don't they but um they should be giving us it we promote this on the channel every single day so uh we're trying to get different Eagle Rock Echo pack we've got those collections already we just want to like find the lowest go back to props go back to Los Angeles and we're looking for basically the lowest markups I can't mind where it was was it maybe it wasn't even Los Angeles maybe it was it Bakers field we found it I'm just trying to get the yield up right now so if we search for that and then dollars there was some really really low ones mark up it wasn't there but it was see I have to search for every single property to find and then the Mups change as well by the lower Mups uh what's Fox Run 131 States 114 do I just get that collection Los [Music] Angeles then what's the lowest in Los Angeles mark cup see the M Cup's not 88% in Los Angeles so this is where it's you have to go for every single neighborhood individually to find the see now you're at 31% so these are like kind of like these are like the properties I'd look at to buy but you could I mind you used to no you can still get better than why is that 32% that one's quite good but like why is I yeah cuz the mint pric is a lot that one's quite a good one for we might get that one Del Ray cuz I like to have I don't want to have like thousands and I've got thousands of well I've got a thousand properties nearly again but I don't want to have like 5 6,000 I'd like to have like 2,000 or something it's not that one do we get a house on it as well 25 oh maybe we do 15 yeah we get a house on that one as well so that's perfect and and then that'll hopefully we can just stack it with a tycoon node as well so we'll use that to go over there and I just like to get these smaller props as well we will get a collection but I don't want to just put it into all into one kind of collection I enjoy like these different looking for properties and stuff and like playing the game uh not just buying like one collection and that's it for the month you know um I'd like to look at different properties and different but all these ones you can't go wrong with that's 31% but I don't really want a 50 yield like that one's still that's like good I don't mind that because they're easier to sell like I could sell that for like what is that a collection as well 1.25 booster you could probably sell that for about 45,000 dot packs 40,000 dot packs and just sell it quite quickly as well so you know like you're basically tripling your money um sell it a little bit lower you know 2 and a2x you know you could sell that for upex and just flip it uh we could even do that I don't know if I could sell it straight away but if we go to sell the secured on the blockchain hopefully I can sell it for up that brings in 538 n cuz this is going off now this is confusing because now this is going off [Music] the The 500 that's going off the 5% base so these ones are actually I was wondering why that 30% marut was only bringing in that and that's true it should be bringing in like 180 that one's bringing in like 200 this one's bringing in 500 it's cuz it's only giving you the the 5% yield per month not the 14.7% sir yeah I it's weird like but I always look at the yield per month on the property and I've done that Upland as well cuz the reason I do that is cuz I look at this property right now for 25,000 DCS and 274 like I look at like kind of a $5 property bringing in about 120 to 140 upex every single month so I know that's double so I'd be looking at about $10 and that profit is at 25,000 upex so it's still quite a decent price I try and get that for about 22 at the highest you know so that's kind of my strategy and I use it like on different stuff when I'm looking through the map of and like kind of I used to like use upx land a lot but not as much as this so you can see here like I could probably get that for about $8 $7 you know if I really looked in a good place for it and that's never going to return that Opex value so I'm very happy investing dollars into the game like I like to invest upex but that's all going to go like to Granada Hills and other stuff my dollars will go into like kind of the low markups and I'll flip those for upcs uh grow the account that way it's been like kind of a long journey kind of growing the account recently but yeah now we're starting to get up again and we can actually like look at different properties and different kind of strategies to grow as well so yeah now these ones will be a lot higher so if we actually go over to here I was wondering why that was like quite low I was like I'm not wasting my money like I like investing but I don't want something what's bringing in that Opex but if we actually click on it yeah 176 I'm like I'm very happy to buy that property and I'll buy those properties all day long at that price like and that just adds to the account and I'd rather buy like smaller properties and flip them than buying just like one collection and being really happy and like yeah the Boost is amazing the 2 um two or whatever but I'm getting these for about 33% or whatever it is so if you think it's like a 3X boost on your account anyway so let's have a look at the other one was this one here then even the markup doesn't go up too high so this is like kind of a gold mine if you're looking for yields in the game and obviously you want to look for collections and stuff as well but we plan to do that but I want to get like loads of different properties around um LA and like really try and grow our upex Shield every single month so we can like start to like mint more properties and like yeah the bigger this account gets the more properties will mint in the game as well so especially everything coming with like sandbox and that like it should I don't know what I'm expecting from it but it should tie in together nicely and uh yeah I'm all for it I support it I'm like kind of like really really planning like everything what happens on like kind of the outer Globe I'm still like growing and supporting like kind of I love the property side of it I really do find it exciting and that and I just want to stay with the property out of it like you know I love the property out of it so that one's 7 is 34% Allan Street we'll just get that one quickly as well and then hopefully every single month we can get the yield up like at least like 10 to 15,000 uh M packs which will be really cool to see uh just growing that every single month up to Christmas and then yeah it'll be so cool to be able to Min a prop it every single day it takes us about 3 Days To mint a propy right now in the game of otland so yeah once we can get that like closer it'll be really good to see so uh yeah and we'll keep like kind of documenting it we'll keep filming it we'll it'll be cool to see what it's like in like four years Time 5 years time like 6 years time you know that's what I'm actually looking forward to we'll just keep searching different ones so I can get used to now knowing this is a 5% so I can kind of like 3xit to understand the the price but if I went I thought it was Baker field you could get like I don't know what neighborhood it was those like 25% markups but like it doesn't show you that do I have to just like pay cuz if I'm going to spend money I may will know what the cheapest price is what's that 2.4 boost 195 yeah it's quite it's still a good markup but not looking for collections Green Field I'm looking for like the the cheapest property nobody wants to like buy I'm looking for the high markup what's just in a bad place cuz I'm not looking at selling it I'm looking at just holding on to it and collecting that Opex yield uh keeping that 14.7% and just growing the portfolio West Bakersfield um not Financial advice but yeah this is basically like documenting how I want to grow in the game as well so there's a lot of new players comeing to the game so I appreciate every single one once clicked that subscribe button growing on the channel uh really do appreciate it Lakes so but yeah this is like my journey and my growth as well but really do be careful with your own money and like kind of invest at your own risk as well like I do invest like real money as well so if you're going to do that like do it at your own risk only inv that's what you can afford to lose and just enjoy it this is like kind of like what I do on the weekend I don't really go out and party and stuff like that so yeah $100 on the weekend is kind of what I'd put into this now as well so um yeah that's what I love like the game the blockchain and everything going on but I just want to try and find these low low markups really easy what's Vegas light right now search 75% then you have to go through every single neighborhood to find the see oh 28% there we'll get that one there's got to be an easier way on to do this because it's like you can still do it but it takes so long to and like I don't want to have to pay the $5.99 I know I I should like but by the time we like pay that like buy the properties it'll be like yeah I don't know we'll buy that anyway that's quite a good property to have and hopefully we can get this portfolio we'll have a check where we are on the portfolio in a quick second but I don't think I owned any property in Las Vegas actually I think that's maybe my first property um but the mark up yeah 251 there so that's like so cool to see if we go over to yeah now we're at 140 8 4 597 so yeah it's working really well and then we'll look at the 34% is there any others this is like starting to take ages oh these ones are quite expensive uh Winchester I just want to look for like a random what's sunrise 34% 200 mint price that be that bringing like 6,900 but that means that wait a second that means that collection if we go back wait a minute so if we go back to Los Angeles I don't even think about it'll be 3x uh what we thought it would be so that's what put me off that actual collection and like yeah so if we go here and then it was Beverly Hills one it Gateway and then if you see here these three that'll be 3,000 a month that'll be 3,000 a month and that'll be 45,000 then you'll get the 2.2 boost on it as well so I might have a look at these ones actually oh this has gone from just getting a few properties to yeah these boosts will be amazing to see because yeah the yield will go up so we'll actually check the yields on these properties this one's quite a big property yeah monthly earnings 3,000 and that could go up to 6,735 yeah we've got you have requested this oh I've never seen this one before yeah I've never seen that one before on the game so so we'll quickly get that one we'll go through to that PayPal and that will add to yeah this will like really help us it's always going to be like 3x on the spark exchange uh property sorry on upx land uh but that's really hard to really hard to search kind of thing this one as well this will be a high property let's have a quick look let's see what this one's going to be like cuz this one should be a lot bigger yeah 150 that brings in two so that'll bring it up to 6 and a half so yeah this one's a decent one then let that one go through and then we need this one as well so this one is well this is a big one that's still 63% so yeah that one's clined so that's one I'll try and go [Music] through the other way let's see we might have to wait till tomorrow to see if this one will work cuz we've took a lot off for bells today and stuff as well so oh no that one's gone through so PayPal's I think I've just upset PayPal um that's the second one I think and then I need this one as well hopefully this one works uh Pace this one oh it's right next door as well so once we see in here four oh that'll bring in 10,000 that one and then see if this works on this one again let's see buzzing sorted so now we've got our uh collection I'll let have to let PayPal sleep a little bit like that and then now we'll wait till thats on the blockchain and we'll be able to actually 2.23 I think it was so that would be really cool so now we're up 159,000 but then we'll be able to over double that so not double the whole amount but like get this up to at least I think it'll be at well it'll be at close to 170,000 or something like that so uh yeah buzzing that will actually help the account every single month grow as well so uh we'll go quickly over to this we'll check we're just going to keep basically adding to this as well with upack so Grenada Hills is going to be the main focus but we're going to focus on uh spark. me hopefully the Tycoon comes back as well really excited to see uh I hope stash is all right I hope everything goes on like I know people are critical like ourselves and stuff but I really do hope this actually turns into something amazing as well like there's room for like loads of to creates competition like all for it you know even with the sandbox and stuff as well I hope hope really focus on what they're doing and stuff but yeah I'm all for like kind of competition and like growth and other good stuff like so uh yeah like I just want to see what happens I'm just excited this journey this growth like everything what's happening in the game right now is awesome to see so uh yeah click that subscribe button if you're not already we'll jump on and just check the the portfolio quickly before we add these cuz I think we'll have to wait a few minutes for the collection but let's go check quickly where is it that one here Beverly Hills tap to fill this one and then we'll just have to wait a few minutes for the other two to load through as well so uh yeah collect that quickly and then that should update our net worths an now up at 11 A2 million that's cool to see as well but we've actually got a lot of value in those collection props if we ever wanted to sell those for upex so I've got like kind of those profits to hold on to collect the yield off those for like probably a year two years this is a point as well that yield adds up and then like every single month that property you can sell so if you sell for 100% in a year's time you still sell for like 120% cuz you collected that rent uh so that's the way I see it that's gone up to W like 11, 658 uh so we're so close to hitting 12 million ion as well which will be cool maybe that other property needs to load as well maybe that was only the one uh that we actually added at the start so if we go here yeah it's added the second one as well which is cool and then we just need to wait for the third one and then once we get the third one we'll be able to 159,000 yeah so 11 m898 th000 H so close to that 12 million Mark as well so yeah like I'm tempted I'll leave it for tonight but we might hit that 12 million tomorrow as well on the game as well I'm just going to work work work to get some more money to grow this account to grow this YouTube channel to see where we can actually get as well so yeah thank you so much especially to the sponsor Rocko to actually help us uh grow the account the knowledge as well so this is really cool so if you've not go check the uh quailwood M passet showroom it's really cool uh go check it out go give him a follow and a like I'll put all the information in the description down below loads of cool stuff happening here as well so yeah go check out it's awesome to see and then we'll start rolling out these um assets onto our land and that with spark Quest and yeah with the market with spark Quest and everything what's happening really really see like kind of good stuff coming so look of different layer twoos like it's kind of like patience I'm not very patient but yeah it'll be cool to see like over the next year two years so that collection's done now as well so buzzing with that we'll get the 9,000 Opex I believe it was 9,000 I'll probably have to wait like 3 days or 7 days to actually collect that so we'll see see if it waits 14 days man so I've got to wait 14 days but I'll have 9,000 I I usually forget about these and come back like a year later and like find out I've got up pcks but I've collected them all but I had some collections from ages ago what I had to wait like 7 days and I just realized that didn't click on the collections again but yeah we're going to try and get as many I like the collections I like everything what's happening like you know even the private transportation totems and stuff I do see it but without like the properties and like that kind of like original market like there's no reason to travel on a private plane like if you've got like a few met adventures and that like like you know why do you need a plane like you know so to me it's like kind of I like the idea in that but you need like kind of that market tick in and like the properties and like you know the price is going up and stuff like that and then there's like an incentive to like maybe there's a team of people people and like you know you all like Grenada Hills we' like own the plane and then we all like jump on it to do like rent the plane out so instead of like owning the plane like you own the like you all own the business kind of idea and you can like use that plane whenever they need to so I do see like different stuff in that I'm really like optimistic and really excited and like you just seen there we'll really push it and like grow the account as much as possible but yeah that's really cool to see if we actually go over to here I want to see what that goes up to to 172,000 so uh wow buzzing with that like proud moment on the account as well so uh yeah looking forward to like this year and like the growth as well and everything what's happening on the channel as well so yeah I'll leave it at that I need to edit this and get to bed as well CU it's a long day tomorrow but thank you so much for all the support click that subscribe button if you're not already and I'll see you tomorrow for another video met vers Millan peace
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