❗LIVE❗New York City - Remembering 9-11 - 1 World Trade Tower - Oculus - Fidi #nyc

hello hello H can you hear me my mic is doing something weird again so the video is the audio is still good that's weird cuz the mic isn't registering mic is good well I think it's the internal let's do one more thing and let's see if this works hello everybody come on oh okay really we're going to play it like that today okay um okay I'm going to I'm going to send you to Clips just for a little bit so I can get this sorted and then I'll be right back consider this like the preview of the actual stream which is going to [Music] start Ryan that's okay it does look fun though understand there we're on that bu now exactly okay right right go back here you got to move you got to actually this is [ __ ] we do on our own time friends okay right foot first [Laughter] we tried okay it would be better if Ally was in a wagon and I could just pull her around and she would just have to really fun IRL stream I think we need to make that happen out greatly so please do that [Laughter] ignore the other one that just happened hi everybody um if you're new my name is Ally one half of the dynamic twins Lexi has just left work so she'll be meeting me downtown um today is going to be a little bit more of a heavy Stream So if you um just because it is 911 and we're going down to the 9911 Memorial so um totally okay if you want to lur but also I think it's really an important stream to do because this was really a traumatic experience for a lot of people there was a lot of death and destruction that happened but not only what happened that day but also then what happened in like for years to come afterwards so especially with like the rise of extremism and racism that also happened because of this event it's really important that we do these streams I just also realize that it might not be like the happiest of streams okay so just just be with it um but we will see you down I we will both be down there um it's just that uh Lexi is not here right now because we started in different spots today thank you redbeer for the 90 consecutive Street tiny small 95 consecutive streets zombie 10 consecutive streets high as well Rous Aki snooby travel the world winds goth girl Redbeard and probably some more that I missed all right um so let's get a move on um we' got a little bit of a bike ride ahead of us um and we'll get moving by the way let me know if you like this mic better than the first one that we had on stream today if you were there there were very few people I think there was only like 15 or something but if you're one of those 15 you can let me know no I'm trying something new and clearly it's not working but we'll see so I put the um I basically put the selfie stick on a shoulder Mount and I'm hoping it works out but if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out you know um but it's going to go a bit slower maybe I can't handle the wind oh I'm sorry if I scared you it's not not worth being scared about all righty off we go into the wild blue yonder so oh by the way we are basically only a week out till um San dieo so if you are going to be at twitchcon feel free to say hi in terms of boundaries Please Don't Hug US unless we hug you like if we say like hey you want to hug or something then that's fine um also just realize that our schedule is slammed so um we might not be able to stay for long and I legitimately have like I kid you not Friday and Saturday it is completely packed to the point that like I don't know when I'm going to get lunch so yes we are in NYC nice to see you all um we typically are based in New York but because of twitchcon we will be at San Diego we've also had a lot of conferences just this month we had gcx which was in Orlando anime NYC we were back here in New York then we had Pax West in Seattle our birthday is this weekend so we will be staying here for our birthday and then next weekend we will be in San Diego having a grand old time twitchcon happy Wednesday everybody I hope that if you still are going to work Thursday and Friday that that Thursday and Friday ends up going well no I'm not um I appreciate that it's just like sometimes hard cuz when you listen to chat it's like like when I have Texas speech on and it goes into my ears it's a bit rough but this is going to be I think only like 10 minutes left of bike riding which I might stop early and walk so Lexi and I end up at the World Trade at approximately the same time I don't know okay I didn't like that hello all you firsttime Chatters if you are a first-time chatter I would love to know how you found the stream well of course Seattle was great I did feel a bit bad that conferences we can't stream as much which by the way when twitchcon happens you're a pedestrian you go first um for twitchcon my guess is that we will be streaming in San Diego Wednesday Wednesday Thursday morning and then maybe Sunday I personally know that I think so join the Discord um join the Discord but I'm pretty sure that that will end up being our schedule but if you join the Discord we can let you know oh my God they're still filming at Chelsea Pierce what are they filming uh-oh okay this is not so now we know this is not going to work I guess we're walking all the way back I think it's because the wind messes with the AI in this thing yeah it is it's a beautiful day I kind of wish we'd had this warmer weather last week and then this weather this week was a little bit cooler cuz at this point it feels like fall but we had like fake fall and now we have fake second summer because right now it's like was it's pretty warm today I was get really nervous right here cuz there's no good way thanks oh I see what's happening it's every time I B it bounces so I just got to avoid every single pot as if that's possible yeah sorry about the the tilting guys it'll be fine I know for next time man people are driving weird today yeah it's midall weather and I don't know this feels like end of summer fake summer you can still wear shorts weather and you're like oh if only it would stay this weather like this this kind of this cool at night and not oppressive heat I got really nervous with kids on bikes [Music] cool um so today is 911 so we are heading down to the 9/11 Memorial or one World Trade Center today um there is a remembrance ceremony as well as some other things going on there was something really cool that happened earlier today but it was like at 8:00 a.m. so I go is not to go because y'all wouldn't be awake anyways like I hear a bike coming up on me but I don't know where it is sorry I could hear you coming but I couldn't figure out where you were careful riding that way yeah I'm not sure who James Earl Jones is to be fair um I might choose oh let me Lean Forward let me Lean Forward selfie sck please Darth Vader voice oh yes we did lose him to we had to be fair though we did have him for quite a long time the man lived into his 90s but like he was so good that he basically broke down so many barriers for people of color sincerely because his voice was so amazing hello Momo hey bringing [Music] man uh we're really close to where the uh we're really close to where the uh Bike Stop is so we'll be off there soon oh okay he was Mufasa he was God in like a couple of different movies but he also like did a lot of things with like commercials and stuff he really took any acting job that was interesting to him and paid him appropriately which is kind of cool he wasn't a snob about it he actually grew up being mute well not really mute but he kind of had a little bit of a stutter and because of that he was kind of picked on a little bit and he was self-conscious about it so he chose not to actually speak to the point that he was like passing notes around and stuff and because of that um he like basically was IM mute until his high school teacher I think it was his high school teacher convinced him that it would be worth his while to start communicating and that interaction which I can't remember what exactly was said or how it was described but that kind of changed his life when he started talking yeah it's kind of interesting that your um your voice doesn't correlate with body size at all okay what's going on here I see what's going on um but it doesn't really matter cuz today today's not going to be in remembrance of him though the world did kind of lose an amazing person um but his voice will get to live on like think about how many how many times people are going to watch Star Wars you know stuff like that but today we're going to be working on remembering 9911 o my electric bike is doing some weird things eh we're almost to where we can dock the bike anyways I don't know how to get around this guy though which make me feel better cuz we're kind of going slow hello Mar Bell paleontologist Boston gamer nice to see you on our right by the way is one of the coolest play structures it's like it is marine animal themed the big slide or like play structures a giant whale all the little donors have like salmon and stuff for their names it's really cool so my name is Ay um I'm doing okay I'll feel better when uh Lexi year and I'll feel a lot better when I'm on the flight to twitchcon I've had I've had a lot of Outreach to do and just a lot of scheduling and scheduling is like my least favorite thing about being a streamer because at the end of the day like at the end of the day like one of the hardest things to do is find sponsors and twitch com's like kind of our best bet to do so so yeah Mo I was in I was in school too have fun at twitch can I mean I'll have fun once once I'm actually like on the way there I don't know if there's a spot maybe there's a spot you okay there bud oh there's a whole bunch over there I wonder if there's something wrong with that bike we have the green light we're good or maybe they don't know I think their seat needs to be lowered actually anyways not only place to really say to tell them we're not even up to the top of it or like up front to it we're actually pretty many blocks away still so um going to cross this way oh I still have to cross the street dang it I hope I have a walk sign soon yo thank you for the 200 bits gamer it does have amazing views I don't think I can get tickets today but we are going to be there I don't know if you saw that but basically someone was driving in the wrong way please just follow traffic laws if you're a biker would be so helpful I know it's it's really it's really interesting I also really like this one next to it I like how it doesn't quite reference like it almost makes it look like it's the the Dual World Trade Towers again can I walk yes I can walk thank goodness um not really but I do like kind of the reference of the two buildings side by side [Applause] um here I think just because of the bike ride this got a little off center sorry about that [Music] there we go okay oh Sentry Grand I hope it gets better for you I don't if you are really like emotional and in like not a great state it is completely fine to like just lurk turn off the sound do happy they're actually going to like I think the police um it's not March I forgot what it's called but they do like a remembrance for like Fallen police and firefighters for that day yeah that's a remembrance Gathering by the way I don't know if they're um using like blockers or if there's just so many people but it looks like my internet dropped for a hot second which isn't typical right there so just so you know we might be in for a little bit of a bumpy ride in terms of our data but if we do lose data we'll make sure that we do our best to get to an area that has it yeah I think remembering does really honor those that that's that were lost I think there's also something to be said for remembering not only just the people that we lost but almost like the naivity of our country in a way like if you think about how everything changed with Pearl Harbor and how we then entered into World War II this act of terrorism then put us on a path to many years of war it also put us on a path for the greater rise in American extremism as well as Middle Eastern extremism as well as racism towards all non-white people not just Muslims or Indians or people of color cuz I know that growing up in the midwest it was like a huge shift where people were starting to be more open and they all closed off which is somewhat understandable but there was just a lot that was lost because of that day you know oh you like the earrings I stole all my jewelry from my sister today so every every piece of jewelry except wait I got a um this this little friendship bracelet I got from a streamer called Versace which actually I hope she's doing okay cuz she I mean she said she was safe but like I think two or three days she two or 3 days ago she had to um evacuate cuz she's in Cal California and there was like a fire and the smoke was coming up to her apartment building but I think she's okay now I think that most people if they were alive when they were alive or if they were alive 4 911 they remember exactly where they were um it does feel kind of crazy that like it was 23 years ago so but I will say there was also a lot of studies being done about what people thought they remembered it was such a big event that a lot of people actually transplanted memories like they said that they saw the first tower hit because they saw it on TV as it happened but it actually H they actually like broadcast that days later to sh the first and second [Music] hit okay hey Cat babble we lost one of these I guess this one doesn't stay oh well so if it sounds like way more windy all of a sudden whoopsie yeah so I forgot to tell you but like it's supposed to sit in this hole and it uh it doesn't really all that well and I thought it would be fine apparently apparently not really I ordered a different one cuzz I was like kind of looking at it and I was like I feel like we might uh we might lose this so I ordered another one we'll see when it arrives tomorrow if that one fits a little bit better whoopsie [Music] now I will say it's it's usually quieter here than like Midtown or anything like that but it is a lot quieter here [Music] today than it typically would be but it could also just be a little bit of our timing because a lot of people that are going to be here right now moving and walking around our commuters I hear music but I don't think it's the music that we're looking for uh what was the second tower that was built I'm not sure what that one was I hear like a violin playing and I was like where's that street artist I would love to cuz they sound quite good but I don't see them so we're going to March ahead so there's one World Trade so the way that they did it I'll show you is that they left the spots open for the for where the two towers were um we'll show you that and then they created the One World Trade as kind of the One path towards freedom and hope but there is another tower that looks eerily similar All Glass kind of nearby it but that's not associated with it so it's not like it's another second tower hello tulip nice to see you today um I'm not sure we're just going to I mean this would definitely be easier without all the construction but who can blame them for having to do upkeep so this by the way this has been we were down here last year and it wasn't nearly as ripped apart [Music] uh not sure exactly what this sculpture is over here but people like to take pictures in front of it especially for big events in the summer little touristy kids love to run through it now this by the way when this lights up at night it looks really cool [Music] not sure where everybody's headed I think I think we actually have to go this way [Music] okay this has nothing this has nothing to do with 911 but I do love these little things that say happy to chat feeling social you're in the right place it's an initiative to create meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging by sitting on the designated happy to chat seeing blocks you were showing that you were open to conversations and the possibility of making new friends friends interesting I have never seen anybody sit on those blocks but I've never noticed them before maybe that man wanted to make new friends but he wasn't sitting on it by the way that's Frank the ape I love that artist the Oculus is on our left it's essentially a pretty pretty mall by by an artist uh I guess not artist but by an architect called KY Trava he has ones all over the world you're by the church okay I'll stand right here [Music] I did walk away I should have said hi to that guy but I don't know he had a suit on and a clipboard now we wait for the Lexi she'll be coming from there now we have to stay vigilant I don't feel like she'd try and scare me today on all days go towards the church chch alongside the Oculus okay doesn't matter busy people need friends too especially on a tough day like today you know so Fox's wearing a white jacket today can we see her chat oh I see [Music] her he's got a cute little shirt on with a ruffle that's a heart co-workers sick again no it's just uh they they released another um they released another survey about how much pollution there is in the subway and about how again we should all just be wearing masks in the Subway because of it oh I have to give you another mic I don't know if they could hear that but here I don't know where to put it voila yeah that some of that bad smell is lead what they said the subway always has a bad smell yeah some of that's lead it has mercury lead and Mercury it has very high levels of that along with some other bad bad stuff it's very cuty and de deure are you demure what is it called there's the meme I don't know there's like something in De miror Chad you know what I'm talking about very de yes that all right so uh we are going to I think we should take a quick tour around the memorial if you guys want to share your sort of there's so many people around today your kind of thoughts and feelings we'd love to know that too um jir is like classy respectful quiet can you deir means like quiet and whatnot do you want me to hold this yes [Music] please all right maybe a little more reserved would be another way of saying it maybe we could sit over there for a second so we're going to go head over to the memorial we can also see Ally if we can pick up flowers fencing thing oh he's not no that's like a air like a for frying stuff H um we can also I did take a I don't know if it's still up um but we can try to get flowers to lay Ally and where is that uh the closest one is 26 Broadway okay let's see where that is also I broke out in hives oh no everywhere all over so 26 Broadway is maybe 12 minutes away should we see what's happening over there first yes for sure I think it's because I got the co shot last week cuz remember last year last year when I got it I broke out in high too yeah um if not they here we I can find another place that might thank you for the follow by the way David pone following is free and super helpful for the stream so thank you so much and just as the heads up everybody we are going to keep the alerts kind of off today uh in general just because you know oh my God I love that shirt it's so cute with the cat oh also what I'm not sure what you mean by The Horse Soldiers oh Funk a tunk our stickers didn't make it what Alie our stickers didn't make it what about our stickers I ordered them and they didn't arrive and so then they had to cancel part of the order I have cards I'll have cards maybe I should try and find them if anybody knows a site that will do like really fast stickers that is not wait for it it cannot is not Sticker Mule I refuse to use Sticker Mule if anybody knows please let me know hi Crown welcome on in my God it's actually really warm right here cuz there's so many people look at they're going to start uh lining up probably okay also if you if you want to help the families of 911 or you want to remember in your own way too there are different events throughout the country today but also on other days in particular there is one where you can run the equivalent of 110 stories um usually they have them in buildings but you can also do it on a stairs stepper by doing that you can raise funds to help um protect the memorial but also go for as victim's family it it it literally sounds like help to me though because you you you all know I hate stairs [Music] steppers so is this s itus we can ask them what the thing cuz I don't know what it's called or it's at 7:30 usually it's right when it starts to go down to desk and it's usually over there oh right now they're they're paying their respects of course naron um I think we should go to that other side cuz we'll have it then at least the sun won't be in the lens either I just I thought that the lens was dirty but it's just legitimately because the sun is so strong Spy thank you so much for that tier one um or mariu thank you for that tier one sub also Snoopy thank you for the animated OT I really do appreciate it um if you remember last year it was pouring so very different day today last year I was at my work event too got to say was not pleased to have a work event at 911 o maybe we'll have to go on the other side still cuz it's very bright oh that's interesting I've never seen people put the coins in there before thank you for the 300 are we in your way sorry I oh okay oh she's taking a selfie oh she's taking a selfie I thought she wanted to place flowers or something oh wow that one's so lovely I know so they I don't know who lays these particular flowers every year but they did the same thing last year as well I'm so sorry for your last two snarky I love that um can one of the the can one of the mods take a a screenshot of that cute C so um I think it'll be easier to see a little bit farther over but this is essentially the foundation for the building so foundations have to be super deep super deep like the base of that Foundation goes really far remember remember this summer how they were cleaning this whole area cuz they have to clean it a certain amount of of months kind of before 9/11 so it's completely prepared cuz it takes them so long the the guy on our camera was literally only this big so I know that it looks I'm I'm just trying to impress upon you the scale the scale cuz look I'll show you I I truly believe that this is one of the most beautiful memorials that they could have erupted um if you remember last year we talked a lot about architecture and in the Medieval Era and throughout history places that it had great loss and we're also considered sacred we're not built upon uh so if a church bur down that church would not be rebuilt it would be open land and so what they've kind of done here is they've left that Foundation open so it will never be built upon so that it can show physically the amount of loss MH and some of that still consist to this day there's been there's been time and time again where sacred spots have been rediscovered like in the UK for example and it was just a field then it was a field that was never supposed to be built upon and nobody really knew why or it was a parking lot but never a building thank you so much uh D and thank you so much feel free it means a lot it really does mean a lot do you want to go to the other side let's go to the other side I believe I don't know if they'll have any bouquet left um we go and get one I'm sorry I didn't stop at Trader Joe's first I didn't think about I was supposed to buy them and I I got caught up uh R thank you so much for that tier one welcome on in today is going to be a little bit of a quieter stream for us um just because of it being 911 but also because so many people um lost their lives and like were affected by today okay but it's important to remember obviously Ally what when you die oh no I'm going to leave daffodils for you that's presuming you you aren't gone first well you informed me that you would die first that's so love I mean yeah I don't know who lays these wreaths but they usually have these wreaths here every every single year oh I'm so sorry um also if you are looking for kind of a more upbeat stream we will have a bunch of streams on Saturday and Sunday it is our our birthday weekend so yeah so this this is going to be a a quieter stream but obviously uh we do have those those birthday streams and celebrations coming up um also if you know anybody in talent agencies we do have a couple of meeting with different talent agencies coming up I know that's completely separate from stream but I have to ask I love how they put the the pictures there cuz it just shows who they were who everyone was like see look what what Ally the pins what are the IX these are for American Airlines oh that's what that's for I you realize they were crw wow yes so they will so later today it's the remembrance in light so what usually happens is that there will be a procession of fire and police down at the a corner of the memorial but then they will also light where the towers stood so there will be the remembrance and light that is much later in the day gamer thank you for giting those two tier on sub Kum help me I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh I just here wait give me a second I shouldn't laugh I just as soon as you raid it Lexi got so excited not excited I accidentally dropped this stick hi everybody welcome on in if you are new I am Lexie and I'm Ally and we are twins uh we are IRL streamers in New York City just like Kuma is if you are new from our chat please make sure that you follow Kuma he's a great guy an amazing streamer if uh you are from Kuma chat we would love for you to get to know us as well Kuma right now is traveling across uh the West Coast oops is it thank you Alie today we're sort of going through the memorial and sort of talking about our experiences with 911 and also remembering the people but all that lost their lives and also those that are still suffering um obviously there are still a lot of people that have cancer and other health conditions because of of that day so we're going to be talking about that as well I'm a big architecture and design buff so we're also talking about why the memorial is constructed the way it is and we we appreciate you all being here normally this is a really fun and uplifting stream that we have if you if you are really really into that type of stream birthday our birthday is this weekend so that will be a much different stream but this stream is really going to be a little bit somber uh just cuz we have our own personal stories about that but so do so many other people also thank you everybody who's been gifting and subscribing green sunnies thank you so much uh thank you for all the followers as well following is free but it helps out the channel so so much thank you for those five gifted Subs combat I really appreciate it and thank you for all the first time people coming in thank you ah it's sideways I know I can't yeah so um we are basically going to be walking around the memorial talking about different stories that we come across as well as watching the remembrance ceremony and when they light the um they will do call ghost Towers but yeah so it'll start with fire and police they usually do a procession they also sing uh and talk about their Brotherhood and then they March upward and then the lights will go straight up but right now it's obviously very sunny out so we're going to take a tour of what this all includes including some of the statues that survived um the tree should be over here that we can also take a look at but thank you everybody for being here I'm give you that thank you for the follow thank you for the bits as well I am certain I think if there's a hype train I forgot to turn it off today but um if you have if the hype Train's going on if you're looking for the sweet sweet gritty giddy gritty Goose my favorite emote it is at level five and thank you mushroom sauce for your tier one I really appreciate it oh as a first responder thank you for doing this yeah so we have um family that are firefighters we are not obviously firefighters but what the work that they did and the work that the police did on 911 was so important also there were so many other people that were also affected like reporters and whatnot who came on site yeah it it felt like overnight the country completely changed I wish I knew what this one was about cuz sometimes it's really obvious like flowers or whatever but I wish I knew what that one was about the Rope yeah the Rope here I'm going to have you hold this a sec just to double check Allie's going to clean the lens just because it's super super uh bright today it's in St contrast to last year it was pouring last year it was very moody and on point last year is that a little better H it's a little better it's still pretty sunny though um so I know we had said this before the raid but this is the where the tower one of the towers used to stand um and it's really really deep this is where the foundation was it's actually a lot louder than it typically is I'm just zooming in so you can kind of see the scale of the people and how incredibly deep that is thank you so much for the follow you know what's always startling to me no is how cold the metal always is the water rushing underneath makes it cold yeah so it's kind of eerie cuz even in summer when you would expect something that would be so like cuz it's such a a dark metal you would expect it to be hot and it never is and it's just because of the running water cooling it down oh I lost a cousin at CBS News who died in Vin while covering the first anniversary of 911 I'm so sorry about that snarky if my older cousin didn't miss the train he would have been in the towers when they went down there's so many stories like that I'm glad for you that that he was late thank you for the follow Andy [Applause] art I know that in our class like we were in the midwest yeah but um somebody in our class lost their um aunt and uncle and they almost lost their parents because they were going to visit them that day and had overs slapped or something and so they decided to stay later and I just remember them um finding out the news and the kid just started balling immediately going that's where my parents are supposed to be today um thankfully they didn't lose their parents but they still lost their aunt and uncle which is really traumatic and heartbreaking so yes s you can ask questions that's sort of you can absolutely ask questions um also if you're wondering what all the buildings are Alie mentioned the krava the krava is or the Oculus the Oculus but the krava is the art architect it's supposed to represent a bird in Flight over here you have the performance center it'll kind of glow from the inside once this oh you can't see it once it starts the Sun starts to go down and then here is actually the Freedom Tower uh which is obviously the focal point of the memorial but the memorial itself thank you everybody for completing that pipe train appreciate you all so much I don't know where the tree is unfortunately I forget we can ask yes do you know at what at what time is the is the light uh it does so once once once the sun actually sets so you're looking at like 7:30 maybe but you should also be able to see it from further away oh okay but it will be here so the the two lights will come up here um if you go further down towards the water you'll be able to get a view of it in the background yeah than sorry we've got sorry do you know um which tree was the tree that survived still surviv it like the tree the one tree that was left yeah over there okay thank you Lexie it's that way Pete happy birthday happy birthday Pete um give us a second happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear OMG peep happy birthday to you and many okay so they said that the the tree is this way yes we do sing for everybody it's a little more uh ah they said there was going to be a movie shoot that day that was also changed oh I was like hbd I was like did H does HBO even exists back then no you meant happy birthday I don't even think there was Facebook I don't know think it was just aim I don't or instant Messengers I'm not a historian oh Ally look it they have the [Applause] plags we'll be right here [Applause] not sure exactly what's going on here I don't rememberd okay is this part of the run that they do every year I'm not I'm I'm not sure [Music] yeah I think so no I think it's because they brought the play down to the memorial that's what they did last year too so this is the surviving [Music] tree do you know what the little like so those are like they lost by family and friends and they're like prayers yeah I can't believe that anything could survive you know like I'm I'm it's kind of a miracle that this tree alone made it because it's so close do you want to go up further and we can take a look at the surviving um the sculpture there sure lot of show a lot of show it's interesting the one that's silver and gold all right yeah I think that was kind of the that's the thing about 911 is that even if you weren't in the US it was everywhere and you and everyone kind of grieved together plus the new cycle kind of wasn't what it was like what it is now right so yes well wish him a very happy birthday all right which way did you say I think what we're going to do is we're going to go across and we're going to go up okay because that way we can Overlook the memorial but they also have so at when it was the Twin Towers there was a sculpture there it is damaged but at the same token it survived uh so we're going to take a look that we'll Overlook the memorial kind of see what's all going on from above and then we can come back down yeah so Han that's we wanted to show it just so that people can see it and also remember if it is if it is too hard for you definitely like pop a lerk but go get some water make sure that you're taking care of yourself obvious like even even though we weren't in New York at the time like there there were so many of my co-workers and people that I know that were um apart like or here on that day and so thinking about their experiences gets be super emotional like one of your co-workers has like 5,000 in cash yes just because that was the like she couldn't get out of the city and one of her friends happened to have like an exorbitant amount of cash on and was able to take like a taxi to like the Midwest or something I don't remember yeah so that one one of them so because of uh essentially there are multiple reasons she carries so much cash or has so much cash but one of them is because of a snowstorm but also because 9/11 when things went down you couldn't you couldn't you needed cash yeah one of her friends like literally left the city and never came back which is crazy in Wild oh my ad command isn't working uh can one of the mods fix the ad command if that's okay yeah sorry about the ads guys ads are unfortunately important cuz it helps us to bring you stream but we do understand that it can be frustrating the good news is is that all we've been doing is climbing stairs so if you can let them know that'd be great day after the traged so if you didn't know WIS he's in Russia so in Russia he said that the day after the tragedy the Russian newspaper headlines were we are all am or we are all American today oh that's really moving we're going to be real quiet cuz I think they're doing part of their remembrance ceremony over here share the story experience all your sacrif Ser I don't I can't hear him so I don't think you can hear him either [Music] but I thinkx is trying figure out what's going [Music] on oh man Laro what bad [Music] timing um let's not let's not get into politics okay especially not today you what America is okay I gu I'm going to go this way because I can't hear him I'm sure you couldn't either um Lexi is going to say what he was talking about um I think when we talk about people we always have to talk about them not just what they do on certain days because you can do great things and you can make incredibly terrible mistakes as well as change your views on some things as well um so yeah we're not going to get into uh Politics as well as some other things that came out later um so let's let's hold those thoughts so what he was saying was so this is the horse sold Memorial and sculpture what he was saying is is that it's not just a sculpture so this this sculpture is the a coning sphere that survived but behind that sphere is a statue of a soldier on a horse and he was saying that these things are important not just because they're beautiful and they take up space but more so because it shows the hard work and the dedication that the military went through that all of the first resp bonders in New York City went through in those first 20 [Music] years and he was more so thanking everyone for being here to remember because it's important to [Music] remember here so this is the this is the sculpture that he was talking about so this it is so that that is a sculpture that he was originally talking about do you need some water there's some in my backpack right there sorry I think it's just because of these terrible trees here Lexi I'm going to try to find my inhaler I don't is is your inhaler in there are you sure it's not in this backpack or in the other backpack I mean maybe I'm wrong okay just sit down for a second Alexandra it might not be in there we're both going to look [Music] through nope it's fine don't worry about it is it in your backpack yeah I'm sure it is do you want me to take the other mic can you hand it to me yeah all right otherwise I can just hold on no because then they're going to hear you coughing and taking your inhaler um so something flared up UMX asthma I'm pretty sure it's this like those trees um good great so this is the sculpture that she was talking about hi hi rage um Lexi doesn't have allergies necessarily to trees like I'm allergic to trees but the thing is is like sometimes like trees will have just a lot of General junk kind of in the air around them so um so it's more like like when you have more like particulates or like little stuff in the air you're more likely to have an asthma attack um but if uh if you're somebody that look she's got her [Music] inhaler um um if you ever want like a pretty good view of just like looking at it this is one of the one of the better place to see it uh I know that allergies and Asthma go hand in hand they're actually as as is eczema they're the same gene it just it depends how it expresses everybody put a w in chat for the inhaler should we get Lexi cuz Lexi's asthma's gotten worse this past year should we make an asthma emote I can make it a breathe emote I could get a little inhaler did your did your doctor say start taking it every day like Mom yeah I have a new inhaler that you take every is it the one with the chamber no guess did you know that Nico's supposed to have is is if he gets another if he gets more than two asthma attacks every month he's going to have to start on an inhaler he's already not very active I shouldn't laugh at him but I'm like it would be you it would be our least active cat that has asthma that's good though cuz what if Frankie had an asthma she'd like I I don't know what what the solution could be apart from getting new jeans or new lungs so the thing is is I do oh crazy cat you're like us I have an impr a preventative inhaler the problem is is I forget to use it cuz I used to only have a rescue inhaler um do you want to look at what this sculpture used to look like yeah I do cuz it didn't it didn't quite used to look like this it's still beautiful so this sculpture stood as a symbol of world peace between the Trade Towers it was commonly referred to as the spear um it took on additional meaning of helping resilience when it was recovered from the rubble at Ground Zero and relocated to relocated to Battery Park so this is what it used to look like it's really cool but there are so and this is what it looks like now I mean that thing was all metal so you can kind of Imagine just how crunched it was by all of the debris but also too there were so many like the building play I used to play by this thing when I was a child my mom used to bring me all way from Canal Street down to the old complex wow that's really cool I would love to ask him his experience maybe you should maybe you can just ask him if he'd like to be interviewed come on you can do it I've got a camera in my hand give me that go ask him come on be brave put one in chat if Lexi should be brave um so the the sculpture so this sculpture was in between the two Trade towers and it was covered from the rubble because the buildings fell on top of it and so then they they replaced it here because they had a different design for the memorial overall so but they so they basically just moved it from where it was which is in between the two he's having a very uh hard time today like with he's having a very specific conversation with okay um oh so I don't know if anyone knows the book on paper it's a book that's mostly about paper but it also has a chapter that's all on 911 and about when the towers went down it wasn't digital most of those offices used a ton of paper and they talked about all of the paper flying across the sky um the question uh thank you thank you so much um thank you so much Beast also if you are um if you're asking what direction very interesting uh we are directionally challenged so I really don't northish northish maybe northish maybe uptown Uptown is a better form yeah we're facing Uptown cuz that's the west side so I guess it would be North all the paper is what help to fuel the fires yep as well as a lot of the stuff that was like like internally in the building because it was like technically more fireproof they just never expected for something like they didn't expect to have to withstand that type of he heat and like to have certain things exposed like that [Music] this is one of the things too that I love about the memorial is you have such beautiful like kind of new buildings right and even the world trade tower is so like new and hopeful but then you also have all of these older buildings that are all all sandwiched between my brother is trying to train to do the tunnels to do Tower races oh yes so cat that's what I was talking about I think I think it's the same thing that I was talking about earlier so throughout well throughout the nation and I guess maybe globally too you can sign up to join a team and you can race race or climb the amount of stairs that were in the World Trade Centers to honor those that P to show the sacrifice of the firefighters and First Responders but also to raise funds it is prime walking time a lot of the there's also been like a big shift in the neighborhood so like do you see that it says The Residence at w New York downtown so this building used to not be a residence it used to actually be um office building and so they've actually converted this into luxury apartments so there's this weird interest change um where the neighborhood is now starting to feel more neighborhoody than like commuters going into the office right Lexi exactly you should Spectre you really should um the firefighters would do it in full gear yeah I see I there's a hey watch out it's still on my wrist it's on there's a gif actually that has been going around quite a bit and it's they're full gear and they're doing stair steppers which I I honestly I can't believe like I know you have like a lot of adrenaline and all of that but to be able to do that is wild like not only do you have to be in shape you have to have a will to do that which is crazy like I I I don't have the strength to Run 110 stories I mean I I think I've run like up like 18 flights of stairs and even that was like too much hey qu can we try to stay on on topic please [Music] well no he said that he was he was in toxis with the disaster so no I was talking about this Wheeling headache oh yeah I understand headaches though I thought we were going to just um talk about when the ceremony is as well as just show some of the footage no go ahead um whatever whatever you think is is good ell whatever you think firefighters come from all over the asan well I was looking online too and I saw that they have different events throughout the year in different cities as well look at all the police vehicles I will will say that if you were coming into New York today the traffic was insane not only is there the UN session right now but we also had JD Vance and Harris and Trump and Kamala that were all in in New York for 9/11 so if you were wondering why traffic was so bad that that would be why I was 5 years old living in Brooklyn when I watched it the news I remember it was like yesterday so Ally and I we were in our our fourth grade classroom and I had a social studies teacher and it went on over the announcements that we were told by the STA whatever's happening in New York leave that for the children to talk to their parents about it's not something we should be sharing in school of course then my social studies teacher immediately was like I think this is really important I think this is a part of History I think you all are old enough and they turned on the um turned on the TV in the classroom and that's exactly when the second tower hit so I I too remember it very very clearly who sorry everybody there's an issue I think with the selfie stick today I'm going to try to fix it really quickly you have to hold it like re the stick really straight up and down it's not there's an issue with it I think it's too far over alley okay I can move it um I'm going to see if maybe I can just set it [Music] here is that any better maybe nope it's it's not working Ally I don't know what's what's not working about it today but well now it's turned off well so cuz you're I think it might be just too heavy it's fine I had sorry everybody thank you for your patience okay just give me a sec everyone um thank you Kazam maybe we should put it on yours do you think that will help I mean maybe you ready to [Music] oh I see exactly what's the problem take that let me let me show what the problem is does see the problem does anybody know what this is can somebody explain what this is one one of one of you guys is going to know what that is do you know what that is can you take that off no clue it's it's for so you stick the pin in it into the bottom of the phone and then that essentially when you do that it it like opens up the tray that holds the S cars yeah so it was it was like stuck behind uh the selfie stick holds the phone based on a magnet and it it is magnetic so it grabs onto anything metal apparently including a tiny thing but because it was so little I I didn't notice when we put it on and that's why that's why we've been having so many issues today why it's been kind of doing like this all day is cuz it had an extra piece we didn't know was there [Music] it's actually so peaceful and quiet up here we can go downtown if or down there if you'd like okay [Music] gamer thank you for the a th000 bits I really appreciate it Nelsa rosilia thank you so much for coming on and again this is not sort of a like obviously looking at history and events and those of significant are a big part of our stream at the same token I know it we're usually really loud and really joyful and this stream is obviously much more quiet this year [Music] yes the loud and joyful twins will be back for their birthday this weekend I don't know if we'll be going live on Thursday or Friday uh we have a bunch of things going on on Thursday and Friday I am going to be posting some stuff on Instagram which I'm really excited for so please keep that in mind you may see a poll come up very very soon you can see they're starting to get set up one of my favorite kind of moments is is coming up it's when they're going to be um singing together my principal did not give us free donuts no uh I think my teacher did get in trouble for showing us the footage but I also think it was super important I'll just do it really quick I can do it with you oh it's fine oh there you [Music] 353 people I also for some reason um it really gets me like the flight attendance like all of the their uh markers for some reason always really gets me I guess because in my mind like in my mind I don't I don't work I work in an office but it's one story I don't work in a big tower I don't I'm not a firef fighter I'm not a first responder I'm not military we are we do do journalistic things like cover events but I'm on a plane a lot and so every time I see the little markers for American Airlines it just chokes me up like it really chokes me up so every year 911 they have a lighting ceremony maybe maybe you could say this part Lexi since you know the details better than I do okay here so every year here in New York there's a tribute in lights the tribute in lights is going to Mark out where the two tow for that fell in 911 come watch it with us CL word up there but I looked like oh are we going to post up here are we going to walk around I think well so I'm trying to remember I don't remember if I brought my processing or not they're not going to let you in anyway oh okay because this is so this this area so they usually have a procession that goes up and down from the fire station cuz this is the fire station here they go from the fire station to the corner of the memorial and then only uh active police fire and Military and then survivors will be able to come here they'll also sing together usually there's also a lot of drinking and like like a celebration in a way remembering those that were lost uh and then then they'll actually light up the memorial they bought you all Donuts oh no we'll enjoy Morocco oh Morocco sounds so fun I mean if you want I have mine for sure um doesn't matter so Irish they they do so in the morning they usually do it at 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning they do a read of the names where they read out every single person whose life was lost sometimes depending on where you are they'll do a tolling of the Bell after each one and it's really meant to be silent they also have an event up by Lincoln Center which is a choreographed dance that is in honor of all of the people that lost their lives so they don't really have a stage here uh at night this is really the this sort of camaraderie portion of it I don't know how to do green screen it's a specific filter I think it's emotional for New York residence but it's also emotional for like America too in general I think [Music] [Music] a sun tree that's hot yeah so I I I love song I think it brings everybody together so that's sort of why I love this portion I do think the one in the morning is so important is it it gives everyone that remembrance like they weren't just people they were they had names and families and and those that love them so reading out their name is super important this is really about the camaraderie of those who served and went to try to rescue people inside [Music] [Music] yeah the people came from all over they even had evacuations from the fireboat if you didn't if you weren't on the stream earlier this summer Ellie and I went on the fireboat it's very very cool it it now just almost like tours Up and Down the River but it it was used to pump gallons and gallons of water on to 911 and it also evacuated people from Lower Manhattan out of the city so the firebat is really cool definitely do check out its history uh just because not only is it a cool boat but especially today with 911 it played a major part because of that it was actually it was decommissioned but it was given an honorary number number still so that it can always be called upon if you did one more thing okay today we remember 911 thank [Music] you all playing gler Jackson OH am is going to be beautiful today is often referred to as the day the world stopped turning I I hadn't heard that before is there a par like who came up with that which news organization I pres I presume it was a news organization there were a lot less like buzz feedy General like internet stuff going on back then there's a documentary on all the boats that came to back with people private and corporate did they do a call out or did people just come like just of their own they all just had the idea to come and help evacuate people one of the things that really haunts me cuz I Ally and I both have cats and we had we had an incident earlier I think last year with our building and people were freaking out in our building because one of them actually had lost a pet and they had lost the pet here I can fix it is this wrong yeah uh and because the they they had been living in lower Manhattan and because they had to evacuate they wouldn't let them into their apartment and so that that they lost that pet um but it's sort of crazy to think about the fireball Museum docks a Mystic seport in Connecticut oh it was it was the firefighters that sorted thing that makes sense here if you want I thought it was fine cuz it's it's it's supposed to be no no no I think it's fine click on it that's not what I was looking at see how it has the rim around it yeah and I was trying to here I can do it if you hand it over I can just show me how to do it really quick so that it's not in C okay where is it on here I I just want to know I don't know how I fixed it last time I'm trying to figure that out [Music] out oh I think it's this yeah I got [Music] it the September 11th boatwood would proved to be the largest sea evacuation in recorded history surpassing even the miracle of dunker the rest of Ali soldiers really I didn't realize that yeah I know so the the flags have super bright colors what do you mean they're saying that they're really vibrant I think in part because like these are ceremonial flights oops sorry these are ceremonial flights right so they're really only like they don't they're not weathering the elements whereas a lot of the flights that I see nowadays they're like in the street you know and then these are like a vinyl or paper [Music] me we're going to lose our spot here though right I didn't I'll stay right [Music] here see look see they're they're um [Music] thanking your patience everybody we're going to just stay right here because in that way uh we had a [Music] spot that happened to my other building they thought the cat was gone and they were all looking for it outside yeah I'm glad it was in the [Music] cupboards so we're just waiting for that to come sort of down at DES as a veteran I will tell you that for US military folk this day means something entirely different for us today was a huge Turing report for the US military it's at the tone the entire military future I can see that for sure especially because suddenly our our country was at [Music] war no that's good epis apprciate it is this where the ceremony will take place or yeah it's going to be inside here good where you are thank you we will not be [Laughter] [Music] moving alsoo people took the boats at day National Guard called every boat nearby to help it was really sad but also like the thing about living in New York is that people are always like oh they're abrasive they're you know you know aggressive like they are rude right but New Yorkers they all come together and they're all willing to do what needs to be done to help others and I think even though obviously it was super super sad and it was really traumatic um the fact that everyone could come together to help one another it just gives me a lot of hope you know I've had a lot of sometimes scary experiences sometimes stressful situations here in the city but anytime that that's happened I've had people come together to help me the reason this day is known as the world stop turning unofficially is because the entire world literally stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening uh right like I know uh winds was talking earlier about how it was like even Russia uh they had on their newspaper we are all Americans [Music] today we're all in this together oh gr it's really sweet [Music] actually wrote songs about it oh zero I'm so sorry everybody this is another great reminder too if today's stream may bring up a lot of emotions right some of them may be funny some of them may be heart-wrenching some may be uncomfortable some may be disquieting we all have different ways of of grieving and dealing with emotional subject matter so if this is a lot for you I completely understand but right now we are just waiting for them to do the procession the procession is going to go from one end down and then they'll be singing songs and talking about their experience so once that happens um obviously it'll be a little bit more joyful with all of that in mind I will say do what you have to do to make sure that you're you're okay this is a total side note uh-huh but if anybody has a um good Tik tock song that is not super like sound that is not neither super duper duper sad or very very joyful does anybody have one I mean that's why we started streaming so someone asked a while ago like why we started streaming and I know that we we always we usually say something like oh like we found it we thought it would be really cool or we say something like you're really bored but like in reality like yes we had a lot of time on our hands because it was a pandemic we were were bored because of the pandemic But ultimately we were really missing that sense of community that we got from living in New York going out to all the different events getting to talk to people every day and streaming allowed us to find that connection so I'm glad that that that's that you pick up on that from our streams got a lot of waiting today [Music] Alo here's the thing so they say that there's a lot of really powerful emotions that you can have fear is one of the greatest however hope will always get rid of a fear not that it gets rid of it totally but hope can overcome fear can overcome disaster coming together love unity they all are so important [Music] we were Elementary School students do you know how to adjust the volume huh yes here thank you so much everybody I guess if you want you can wander around some more and come back I don't hear anything it it has to have the one where it has two separate volumes yeah look that's not that's not the two separate volumes that's only for the sound it's not going to have the two separate volumes for the sound I know I know I know I'm going to get it I'm going to get [Music] it I just like the waiting part [Music] [Music] I think if you do no cuz look it I don't think there's any sound coming from it though is there maybe maybe it's something wrong with don't worry about it we can do it later a thanks be have a good rest of your day it should have started like about 10 minutes ago [Music] I guess since we have to wait anyway I can't really get out so but at least I'll show you this while we wait for [Music] [Music] oh wi probably I will I will probably uh it's it's a lot harder to become I know I I cried yesterday but it's ALS or not yesterday but uh last time but also it was a lot um it was it was really rainy and uh cold and it was just there's everyone has their own stories right I'm already like I feel it in the back of my throat so what we're waiting for right now is for the sun to set so you can kind of Oops why is it not turning you can kind of see where how the Sun is is is going down uh they are going to light from here up we may have to actually go further out to see it but we will try our best I always feel like these look like I know I it's one of those things where no matter what you do especially when you feel so deeply for other people it can be hard right to not cry but crying can be good too it can be a release of emotions [Music] I so love there's a guy over here just like there's a firefighter over here clearly like you know just waiting having a good time so the spotlights will be on they're not on right now so what's going to happen is they're going to process from one end to the other they will then turn on the lights to show where the path of where those Powers were and it's called a tribute and light so that should be happening shortly oh my God the squirrel allly look look look look look allly the squirrel is doing its own little Prof procession let's go buddy you can do it come on come on let's go buddy he's like that squirrel was like I don't really care about it everything good right did you hear the guy say that uh so it technically is a national holiday believe I believe it's called patriots day but it's not like a recognized holiday where you get off if that makes sense I could be wrong though but I thought it was called Patriots [Music] Day watch out for the squirrel I know look whatever you do do not harass this girl oh my God I don't know if you can see it oh hopefully we can get it you can see it little head oh no no no no please stop blocking it there it is there it is look at it go oh no buddy so for a while it was like popping his little head up and then they like shoot it away cuz it was going to try to go up by the flags Patriots Day is something else that matches says maybe it is something else but I just have it on my calendar and it says like 911 Patriots [Music] Day hm I wonder which holiday we would get rid [Music] of like that that squirrel has found his audience he doesn't realize yet but he has found his audience [Music] H I know why people are going to the other side we could go on the other side oh wow no I think it's too full [Music] now [Music] yeah thank you for following my welcome on in there's our little hero come back buddy [Music] I love that all of the firefighters are just as excited about the squirrel as we are Al one one oh my God it's a squirrel it's a squirrel it's a squirrel you got to find joy everybody it's the squirrel okay so Patriot Day is the holiday observed in the United States on September 11th to commemorate the lives of those who died in the 2001 terrorist attacks in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Virginia and those who perished with the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania hi welcome on in welcome on in everybody we are waiting for it that squirrel is really living his best life we should make it no stop oh there you are there you are there you are he's like he's really getting the lay of the land everybody he's making sure everybody's in line he's making sure that the that the flags are all well taken care of I know we should [Music] right wow now we wait or maybe can walk around what maybe walk around I can't get out we're sort of stuck here [Music] ell I mean I can try to get out I guess how would you get back yeah I I know that's the thing is I'd have to like crawl over people he wants to carry the flake look if I could I'd give him a little a little what are those those mini Flags the ones that go like [Music] this oh my God it's going to turned off my mic is it better now yeah that squirrel the squirrel appreciates that it had the main stage for a hot second who are the guys in the white hats do you mean the fire fighters that those are firefighters you can tell that they firefighters because of the patch on their arm [Music] I think I accidentally turned my mic off that's what happened oh I think that's good enough for now Alexi I still have to post that other thing on Instagram oh they're Chiefs of fire department y crazy with the white yeah crazy cat lady is like they're the chiefs of the fire department well thank gosh you actually know the answer oh wow that's a really powerful picture I know get it [Music] [Music] why do they have cords on their uniforms what what what is going on we suspended your account on Instagram why your account is not visible to people on Instagram right now and you cannot use it you have 100 180 days left your account doesn't match or follow our guidelines that doesn't tell me anything what did we do wrong what did we last post I don't even I just posted a story about 911 alley asking people to join the live stream is that not allowed on Instagram anymore I don't think so wow what a day I came from a fire family my dad's been in since he was 16 wow my brother joined when he was 16 and my son joined when he was 16 I can't believe they don't give you any specifics [Music] did someone report it somebody must be joking and by joking I mean maliciously reporting something yeah well we've had a lot of people um starting to use our name incorrectly incorrectly and sign like uh use our handle on a bunch of different things so if you do see that please report them if it's not us it just says that we submitted an appeal so I can't even use Instagram but it doesn't even tell me we'll take another look at your account if we find your account does follow our community guidelines you'll be able to use Instagram again it doesn't tell me what I did wrong well whatever at least it's not tip Tok oh please don't say which twin you prefer cuz it makes the other twin sad oh and please don't say please don't say you love us you can always say that you like our content and whatnot but um it makes us a little uncomfortable yeah so you you can't find us on IG because someone's shut down our our account so like somebody like they told they somebody reported us as not following Instagram's guidelines but like it's not like we did anything wrong on it [Music] so yeah it's not going to come out right now because someone's trying to take our account down yeah but shant like the thing about Tik Tok is that it's not Instagram um and Instagram is where we're we're actually connecting with a lot of Brands right now so so unfortunately like we we need our Instagram uh because that's how we're getting a hold of everybody [Music] you know we should also let Brands know that they need to reach out to us via email at this [Music] point oh well I mean it's not like we have millions of people honestly if they took it down you know what I'm just going to do make a new one what's the worst that could happen at this point yeah but it's all those images too it's not all those images we'll just repost it I didn't need to know about it well I'm sorry I noticed cuz I was trying to post something anyways everybody send some love to our Tik Tok oh zaky isn't GNA care the zucky Berg doesn't care about such things I wonder if we didn't like do something we needed to do for meta what do you mean let's see if my Facebook's down yeah we can't even you can't even go to our our profile because um we're not we don't exist we don't exist on it cuz they took our profile completely down on Instagram here it's fine Alexandra there there we will figure it out there I know I'm going to see if I have access to my [Music] Facebook well okay guys if we ever get our Instagram back uh I guess you're not going to be seeing on Instagram we can post on on Facebook [Laughter] [Music] they can take us down on Instagram but I know sorry this all the old folks on on Facebook the old the old crew not old folks Alison oh the old crew I mean all I know are like my my like the the older generation and our cousins that's all that I know that are on Facebook and like I bet it's that person it I'm sure it's the person that keeps creating accounts and and I keep Banning them and I've reported them for harassment because they keep making accounts and they keep like they use the same picture and yes they are saying nice things but they have been terrible on here and so we continually banned them so like they'll be like I love you I love you what great content it's like the same thing and he tags me everywhere or and he's it's basically her harassment at this point that's the only person I can think of except for there are also a handful of people that have made really disgusting comments about our bodies and those people we also have continually banned so I those would be my my my top guesses unless there's someone else who's just a bad actor who knows so right now the right behind us is the is the memorial uh I thought uh yeah Snoopy in part pretty much a digital stalker but we're here to remember um 911 today so I guess in the grand scheme of things just one account isn't the worst thing ever if you want you can make our Tik toac blow up that would be kind of fun wouldn't it and if anyone has any um suggestions yeah king13 thank you for following there's also a couple people on like Twitter and Instagram and stuff that pretend to be us so just make sure that you're actually really reading we will let you know when we are when we get that account back or if we have to make another one so it's been a day oh yeah I I know you're who you are will we eat uh now we well we we're kind of we're kind of kind of stuck we're kind of stuck in between a police booth a barricade and the demonstration parade remembrance or something that uh that's about to happen I forget the name of it Memorial it's it's the First Responders March I think I don't know if that's actually its name but [Music] H could also be that [Music] I you know what everything comes and frees as long as we have like the last of the bad luck gone before twitch con we'll be [Music] good in the meantime let's think of an additional account name that we could do we could do Dynamite twins too oh Alis please stop giving me a headache Dynamite twins will live on maybe this is a good reason to get our own like our own separate accounts I know allly allly twin one Lexi twin 2 thank you for the 100 bit no wins don't make those jokes don't make those [Music] jokes it's okay watch out it's still attached to me so we love these things everybody like this is like it's on our phone we got it actually as part of uh a grab bag from Teddy fresh for the B&H Creator group but now Ally always is like she takes her my phone to like type on it or like take pictures or whatever but now it's always attached to me she's always yanking my arm yanking my train right Alie [Music] one forward I am starting [Music] base and salute [Music] left [Music] face I love how the chief is like marging over to se [Music] you can kind of see the crowd as everyone is as lined up [Music] waiting I think the gift badge is limited oh wait it's forever oh I didn't know that I we should oh I saw a tyo what's up oh was going to say maybe we should plug it in but oh I totally can I'll plug my phone in or your phone if you have things that you want to share uh we're more than happy to right now we're just waiting which we appreciate you waiting with us so soul I think what they're waiting right now is they're waiting for the sun to go down so they're just waiting for the sun to go down unfortunately we're going to have the wrong view Allison we're kind of we're going to be fine for this but for this we're not so then we just move it's fine I think we just move once this is done mhm where's my other phone do you have it pocket no this this pocket [Music] [Music] go forward [Music] ropes are part of the honor guard okay [Music] [Music] huh okay I was always wondering why they had the ropes thank you for [Music] explaining there's like so many people when does it actually start I don't [Music] know all these people ready to go [Music] waiting cuz it's not usually a set time is the thing [Music] [Music] a thanks WIS I appreciate it [Music] I love everyone with their drinks and their food and their Cigars Cigars yeah there's a bunch of them walking walking with their cigars okay that's [Music] funny hi mushroom you should uh so if you come on 9911 just know that they usually close the memorial earlier so like you're not going to be able to like go up into the memorial right now they do usually close it at like 3:00 but you can get special tours I think they're like usually 3 10 3 and 7 maybe if you want to have a specialized tour to go into the memorial they do have the Freedom Tower open so I would definitely say check it out [Music] oh yes of course thank you yeah this is not something that they usually cover on [Music] TV they're getting ready or they might do like a last snippet of like they might do like a little snippet of somebody going by and then they'll have a snippet of the um tribute and lights yeah by the way don't forget to follow following is free and it helps the channel we do do a lot of fun things and quirky things but we also to do events like this that are part of American and New York history uh I don't so here's the thing mushroom I don't know I know that there are there have been crators that have streamed inside it but I do not know if it's technically allowed a lot of times with memorials you're not allowed to stream inside them just because of the gravity of it and the respect just like in Arlington you were not allowed Street is that going to make the whole street you need a longer one a longer [Music] one now we watch the whole thing love how specific he is you would think the networks are cover it but there's also a lot going on through the country in the city as well um and they'll probably do the tribute in like because that's sort of the most visual graphic like it it it very much shows the absence of the towers in a way that a ceremony like as great as this one is and as when they start singing you're going to feel like really a part of it I feel like for the general like 30 second snippet that you need for National TV it's it's much easier to just have the the lights [Music] so what are the little links for huh what are the little links for I don't know does anyone know why they are I think it's to make sure that they're straight but they needed to go across the does anyone understand why they need the white links anybody know okay let me see white link rope firefighter I think it's just to keep people straight like in line cuz what they're going to do too is they're going to call forward active military they're going to do family and friends active military like they break it up into sections so maybe they're trying to break them up into sections now I'm not really sure but thank you everybody for waiting it said white rope program embodies service before self oh I think I think they're talking about the white rope on the uniforms Aly not the white chain they're holding oh yeah you're right that's exactly what they're talking about but apparently so we find we looked it up and apparently the white wait the white oh come on turn Bud the white rope on the uniform symbolizes sacrifice before self I also found out there there are utility ropes and life safety ropes with two different needs for firefighters yeah crowd control they said I'm a great I remember the triple London attacks in 77 the following year I vaguely remember that like I remember seeing it on the news as a kid but like not obviously it's not the [Music] same thank you everybody for waiting I really do appreciate [Music] [Music] it I love the dress uniforms with all the shiny buttons do you have water in your bag can I grab it really quick watch out I put the sparkling water in and I opened it and it sprayed everywhere oh okay maybe just sprayed you down Ellie it was really bad it got all in my bag thank God I had like two um thank God I had two uh what is it called napkins in there took the Brun of it oh no so we went into the twins bar and then we went the twins bar is gone now though that one's gone and then we also went into Murphy's I don't think we've ever been into [Music] o'haras is he in the military or do you mean dress uniform as a [Music] firefighter where where are the oh mushroom I'm sure I'm sure they would the problem is said they're here and we're all the way over here are you talking about the they said if if if no so just to give you an idea how far away we are cuz I was actually zoomed in they said with how respectful you are you could maybe just ask someone yes we could but we we we have a great distance between I didn't know for some reason I didn't know firefighters got dress uniforms too maybe we could just yell at them no would I mean in a in a nice way no no okay look those guys over there Ellie they're no no they they Ellie this phone might die by the way oh okay do you want to switch humble welcome on in how are you thank you for coming in I think what we can do Lexi is this is at what is that one at 24 this one's at 74 so what we can do is we can switch well now would be the time to switch it okay everybody we're going to blip out for just a minute because we will be because we're switching phones just because this one's dying so we're going to go onto the phone for you that way we can go all the way through without having to charge it and I hear drums so we're going to do that real real quick New York is like when there's a lot of wind I have two data sources on oh my God I just hit myself in the head with the speaker that was a bad move that was a really bad move we'll not talk about it ever again and it will definitely never ever be clipped out greatly so please do that oh my [Laughter] God the little white chains sorry oh no worries here switch wellow he he thought about it for a second who's paid him [Music] [Music] about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you everybody that's coming on in this is in membrance of September 11th this is leading up to the lighting ceremony so thank you for coming on in today so they're doing the procession down so to go all the way down I believe they'll also come back and then these are family members so they have active military that come first and the bag Pipers thank you everybody for being here here they come [Music] up the so [Music] [Music] sorry get out last they did it right here no they didn't I think it was over there [Music] too around stop might be easier [Music] [Applause] [Music] exactly this is the memorial for September 11th if you want you can come in front of me Al if you come can't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry me [Applause] woo 911 by the way the world trade tower is right to our left [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] High [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want to get up here forward what do you want I don't know if I maybe we could go out but then we're still going to be behind people what you I've never been to this ceremony so I have no idea it's this is pretty much it and then they all sing they play songs they sing [Music] Cally won show this on I mest [Music] Grace sweet [Music] by [Music] [Music] the light SP woo [Applause] [Music] [Music] shoot I'll you switch no it's fine I got it I got it keeping than for sh your T-Mobile looks the Wii my T-Mobile has 55900 5900 so T-Mobile yes okay I'm not on the Wi-Fi at all no um you can add yourself to the Wi-Fi I just need I don't have the Wi-Fi on [Music] wondered how I got so tall oh I don't think I can techically [Music] thank you for sharing the [Music] live wa [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you everybody for those subs and following be really appreciate it [Applause] [Music] Well's I not completely what you need to do [Music] [Music] Wonder [Music] [Music] [Music] of Pur Mountain [Music] mesty America shed his grace on the and found good with Brotherhood from sea to shing SE [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] guys if you know the words for the songs in chat please feel free to put them in chat thank you everybody for being [Music] here yeah I know so New York is really well known his bag Pipers do you want me to let you through Alie I just I've never [Music] been [Music] really sorry everybody wor thank you so much for that tier two St I really appreciate it welcome on in [Music] everybody I need to know if the Wi-Fi is going to be better okay well I didn't have it on the Wi-Fi now you do [Music] no more [Music] [Music] no never no never no [Music] more no more [Music] never no they never no more [Music] no day never no more no more never no day never no more [Music] [Applause] thank you everybody who's been giting those subs I really appreciate it and guide her through the night with the light from above from the mountain to the to the [Music] oan God bless America my home God bless America my woo that was a little low for us [Applause] [Music] oh hi here I think now we're going to be able our fault not step's fault Steph's [Music] [Music] great beautiful it [Music] is I got [Music] [Music] so you can see the full Memorial Aly look it look at how it's reflected it almost looks like two towers you [Music] see hi R welcome on in yeah we love yes I understand we literally every time we go out [Music] they have every right to switch someone in you know what I mean cuz they're still really on our Corner the other day few nights ago we saw it made it a little bit more difficult I also don't know where Ally went so um hopefully the audio is okay can you please let me know if the um audio is better it's literally because we had to walk past a news camera well we lost Allie um well at least welcome on and everybody I'm sorry it wasn't the greatest angle um it was a little bit further over last year but well hopefully allly will be able to find us shortly she sort of walked of me and got lost in the crowd so but as I was telling you guys it is going to light up around the memorial uh I'm not at the pool I'm I'm by the stop sign tell her to look for the bag Pipers so the bag Pipers are right here there's a stop sign and then there's the Freedom Tower Ren are you all do you know mushroom yeah sorry about the um [Music] thing well I I actually didn't leave um I I she I lost her in the crowd so um I'm just going to stand right here if she goes to the actual End of the Street it's liberty and grenwich then she will be able able to find me we're right here and the churches to this side Ren is a fireman oh cool I just I want to know a lot more about the fire trucks which is not really about like this so this is where we are right now so we're going to head over the pool once we find Ally I'm going to just right here so across the way is a little sort of Memorial that is by the fire department I am literally right by the stop sign which is right by the [Music] church right I found you you kept going but I did not Ellie chat has is crying so much they needed to be blurred oh we know each other from twitch oh cool I know it is all right so let's tile over to the memorial uh the the lighting the lights for the tribute should be up shortly actually I'm wondering if ah here it is Ally so here's one of them Alie it's actually not working it actually made it worse see oh okay I'll try and fix it give me a second I think it's cuz it's my phone inste of your phone guys we're going to wipe one more time I think I that's a good reminder I I probably have to get a new phone before twitch con can I be in it yeah you want to say hi Oh my god oh Wisconsin originally from oh no Wisconsin yeah it's nice to meet you yeah we're twins he only wanted to be in it when he thought we were some hot European babe oh [ __ ] my is on there it's not bad only when he thought we were were European hez like I want to be on the European stream but now that we find out that you're American I like those impressed yeah all right shall we yeah let's go to the I want to get some video of it at in the dark okay I mean it does have the two lights but come back look what if I put my what if I put my hand and I put it in here so then it looks like I have peanuts come here yes yes you're you're not the smartest one don't fight they're not even real peanuts it was a fake peanut it wasn't real I don't have any you are so look at how like look at how how covered in tuna she is oh all right baby [Music] boy can please let us know if the sound is okay and if not I'll restart it sorry everybody it's just with all the equipment Al thank you everybody for being here I really appreciate and thank you for the follow Remo okay [Music] hi the different helmets represent the different [Music] ranks I only think of like the main fire helmet fire helmet I didn't see different like helmets are you talking about the hats maybe we here yeah if we get further away like we'll be able to see the the lights right behind the Freedom Tower okay so let's get behind it then let's go see the memorial in the dark and then we can keep walking cuz I think I think other times they they close it at dark yeah so the tribute and lights from farther away those lights actually look like they are framing the Freedom Tower so it shows where the towers would have been right now this is the it's like this is the memorial okay it's a really pretty shot now okay wait I'm going to I just have to do this shot really quick everybody so bear with me can someone clip that for me so this was the [Music] foundation nice that's a beautiful picture I say we if we ever get our Instagram if we ever get our Instagram back we're going to post that I can't believe that oh you never knew this existed the memorial um so I ended Tic Tac nor cuz we had some um internet issues but there were also sorry there also like two or three people on there that just kept saying we should have rebuilt the towers and it's like no I one I disagree but two you don't come into my chat today because at the end of the day today is for remembering the people loss as well as how the world changed not necessarily come in and fight about silly things like how we choose to remember this is so much more impactful and beautiful than just rebuilding the same Towers again it shows renewed hope and energy that's also too I feel like a lot of people wouldn't want to be in the same Tower you know oh I can tell you why Melby um if you want we can talk about the tech technicalities of it later if you send me a DM I'll send you exactly why um oh we're back we're back hello maybe it's just my phone no have you consider that no wait can someone go on and check no couldn't refresh feed never mind we were joyful for no reason we were joyful for no reason maybe wait give me a sec uh can you put it in uh put it in Discord put it in Discord I still have I still have it no I we can be on it we just can't post anything oh does this still mean that we're no Alison we dropped down like 9 900 almost 9 like we were at 2900 people what the hell so we lost hundreds of people too I don't know Lexi oh yeah okay thank you for the heads up I guess we're just really stuck I'm I'm really sad cuz I actually had like stuff to post like a whole content plan for today tomorrow through our birthday I swear to God it's only cuz we did that oh wow oh wow on the tree there's just something really sad about it all here like even though like these people weren't our family members It's just sad that so many people lost their lives it is truly perfect weather I also love how shimmery it is all right should we go up the water because maybe we'll be able take get yeah that sounds good cuz then we'll be able to see the um I thought it was a cat in that little it's a dog it's a dog yeah so um our mom when she when she passes she wants to have Amazing Grace I want to have uh allly and I both want car onor wayward son yep we want Kansas played at our funerals we also want Amazing Grace and then if I have to like for for church songs I love morning is broken but apparently it depends when you broke yes because if it's and tacle of the sun look at how they've light this up in blue [Music] today my phone does not like the fact that it's all blue [Music] oh it looks better there how come it looks better there here you have to like click on it yeah and just lower the oh much better I [Music] know exactly all of the responders and the reporters and all the people uh that we just there for work uh so in December it's very cold we we do calm down to the memorial more in the summer because it it is really cold in this area in [Music] general I have morning [Music] [Music] for the yeah I still like that song it's okay Waterford I got excited for no reason let you all know when we're back online it's more of a reason to join our disc and Tik Tock we tried it we actually have been better at posting on Instagram lately I know we were collaborating with people I'm just sad cuz some of those Brands we can't get Conta right now I know I know I guess more of a reason to start just how sweet the sound like I but now was yeah I'm sure to workouts at all I do hope that there are other people too that are a to get the care they need for cancer and other all diseases that they got from the tray Tower when it fell I am the Lord of the Dance and I'll you all wherever you may be and I'll you thanks JMA yeah were you just here to visit I hope you have safe travels the lights are on right now actually it's just that because we're at the memorial it's hard to see them so what we're doing now is moving forward like here here you can see one of the beams you'll also see for example like the Freedom Tower is lit up in blue but there'll be other places around New York which like could lowered where you'll see the red white and blue lights but we're trying to get over the water trying to get to the can we're trying to get to the water and farther up so that we have a better shot of seeing it thanks Waterford our dad was a frontman in a band and he always wanted us pretty voice he always wanted us to like become singers and stuff so it's funny that we're like making content creation it's like we kind of did kind a little bit but kind of not yes a beam of light and a beam of hope I know so I don't know last year maybe it was cuz I was also alone and not with Ally and it was also raining it was raining the raining part was what really really emotional um today it feels a little bit more joyful and maybe it's also because um just it was beauti weather but I think it's also because like well I think last year too there was a a woman her uh her her loved one had just been identified so if you didn't know the heat of the fire was so intense that some victims were not able to be identified and they have people across the globe that are looking at some of these human remains and fragments that are unidentified that are unidentified and working to find new techniques to draw out the DNA so that families can have closure these are some of the most destroyed DNA samples that people work with in fact it's actually helping archaeologists discover new things about DNA to look at our ancestors from the past from thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago but they said that these DNA samples are worse and so last year there was actually a woman who was at 911 for the first time because she was from overseas and she had never come to the memorial and I think that really got me she said it was like the first it was her her her daughter's remain had finally been identified and so she finally felt like she could come and grieve so I was just super emotional yeah plus we're not alone it was hard to be alone it's hard to be alone last year look at Ally she's trying to smile make me feel better cuz I'm already starting to cry if I squeeze the thingies harder she's like if I squeeze your hands harder you won't cry as much this is what happened that's true my grandma did the same thing so our grandma would just squeeze our hands really really tight if we were ever going to cry it was though as a kid sometimes I would be like actually you're kind of hurting my f I stopped crying because it kind of hurt it actually did work though it kind of took me out of whatever I was feeling I don't think she meant it that way though I'm just saying kind of see I mean you can at least see one of the [Music] beans so as as we keep going we'll we'll keep looking back the water water usually has a very good view as Jersey but the service there isn't as good and for me I always love uh I love being there for for Rover Rover that's the song The Irish song Oh I was like Rover Rover let Lex see come over from like Red Rover the game I didn't know that was a name [Music] um also if you can put something in chat that you're hopeful for that would be great that would be great something that you are thankful for I always feel like on like days of remembrance it's good to kind of remember the like for example I'm super happy for my family it's always good to reflect on on that you're you're happy for tomorrow Yes actually that's that's really I find that very poignant thank you for the follow pavy welcome on in um this is this is completely separate but if y'all would like to help us with something we might have to do we might need help recording something and we would wouldn't be live but we would need help with capturing some chat so I have to figure out when it'll be but so we won't be live I'll talk to you later about it oh but we just need to have them them chatting yeah I'm thankful you guys were all all in too I'm going to go for my family and friends oh wow oh my gosh Alie I am grateful for my family and an amazing group of friends they saw me back from being a crippled veteran who couldn't walk to hiking with the carnival oh that's that's so nice healing can be so difficult and having support is super important I totally I had to read it in chat Lexi because I heard carnivore oh no I was like wait what what carnivore what carnivore oh ADHD strikes again yes cuz um that's that's amazing too allly and I raise funds for St Jude every year it holds us a big place in our hearts especially because of all of the research that they do that then helps with cancer and other diseases I don't only see one beam I don't know how far we have to get other I think we got to I thought you said you had to go to the water [Music] I think we'll go up to the corner and then if we go to the water we should be able to turn around at the water to see the two lights I'm thankful for the time I had with my brother he was my best friend he left me in January 2023 a Snoopy thank you for sharing that with us to put a 911 quote in chat sure smells like pineapples and Lysol right here yeah do I mean I didn't need to be told to to smell right there it does it smells like pineapple and Lysol and dust and dust lots of dust they said I am thankful that gumwall is the opposite end of the universe me too buddy yeah too if you guys didn't know we went to Seattle and I had a visceral reaction to the Gum Wall visceral I mean it hey Jewel oh wow Alison this is what somebody sent hey jewes this is Brian uh listen I'm on an airplane that has been hijacked if things don't go well and they're not looking good I want you to know that I absolutely love you I want you to do good have good times same with parents I'll see you when you get here I want you to know that I totally love you bye babe hope I will call you oh okay yeah I know that was not what I was expecting I mean I've listened to some of the 9/11 calls too they're horrifying I mean we had an incident where we had to evacuate out of a building and there was an a a heavier lady um I mean was she was morbidly obese and she was having such a hard time going down the stairs and she was hyperventilating not just because it was such an like a physical stress for her but more so cuz she had her two uh her two dogs her two dogs and she was worried she wasn't going to be able to make it out with them and she had also survived 9/11 and so she was having like all these emotions and she was like I I made it out the first time but I don't know if I'm going to make it out this time and I was like we only we have 12 more floors and grab do Lexi grabbed the one on the leash and I took the two that were in the little carrier bags and I ran I like we walked and I was like we have six more we have seven more to go or we have like five more and then when we finally got to what should have been one I was like okay we have three more to go she was like you lied to me and I was like that's what you do because you are walking better oh my gosh uh there's a way if you uh there should but I think the commands are broken um there there if you go to the there's a rules section in in on our our homepage too if you want to see those Ally the Gum Wall is take a piece and leave a piece right no uh our chat was suggesting that and I told them they were vile for it and there was a there was a kid who was in the background he goes That's just it's okay buddy we all want ice cream I agree he was literally dog is going straight for that disg and I was like yeah it is disgusting and he looked at me he was like like why are you responding to me Lexi you missed something great that dog over there yeah that dog all the way down there now he he was like woof woof and tried to Lunge at the ice cream truck I miss so that's why I was like yeah bud I agree we all need some ice cream right about now you have to be from New York you know um we before all the same like big events no matter where you live can affect you I think also it's just about like how sensitive you are to like the emotions and Trauma of other people as well and like how easily you can surmise or empathize with other people right and how much those emotions affect you oh wait right mhm so so thank you all for being here as a reminder just since we are kind of like walking away from Memorial we have a lot of really fun things planned lots of fun things I know that this is really poignant and emotional um it's not exactly I would say a fun stream but it it to us it's important uh to honor the history of the city that we live in um but that that's to say if you want to have some really fun moments and some chaotic moments compared to the quiet and introspection of this stream uh please definitely definitely join us for this weekend we will be streaming for our birthday there's a lot of festivals going on but we also are going to be celebrating with all of you there may or may not depending on how heavy it is be a costume involved so please keep that in mind we're really excited for it and then we will be preparing for twitchcon so if you are going to Twitch conon please let us know if you are a tier three sub please let us know too if you're coming or tier two or tier three right Ellie if you're a sub and you're coming to Twitch conon please let us know if you if you want us to mail you a bracelet and you are a tier three or tier 2 please let us know yeah um I don't know if you're out of the out of the states how that will work we'll have to discuss but we will discuss how to do best do that now I think if we go if we go to the golf dock we should be able to turn around and see it I think that is the it's I think that's the goal my nose is like dripping look at how pretty the water looks I know it's beautiful a thanks ponon I don't like I you I love you [Music] [Music] I never give up on the shot look I know I know I can get it the thing is is I think we are going to have to at some point give up because I see only one [Music] Ellie did you hear that Ellie look at me that guy walking past it goes I never really liked her anyway oh my God you can finally see it look I know but it's only the one where's the other one yeah where the heck's the other one wasn't the other one right there usually is there only one today I visited the inverted Fountain years ago there were four ladies that are putting flowers and a GRE Musketeers Bar oh I love love that Celtic there should be two beams and I'm trying to figure out if there's a problem with one of the beams or if it's the angle like I think it's the angle I think it's the angle I think we're going to have to go even further up so we're going to keep walking up town so that we can finally get it must get the shot are you saying maybe we have to move further in instead of up that yes there there are a lot of them I also love all the people on their their sail boats [Music] also Happy fall everybody happy [Music] [Music] September if we go all the way out to the edge though right Al then the oh my God is the golf place still open I don't think so I think it's just all right okay so it is the angle all right but if if I go all the way out to the edge we should be able to see it right yeah let's give it a try we're going to at least try also thank you everybody for I mean it's looking a little bit better for being here I bet if we go to the little island Aly it's like this is kind of a really cool area there's a park where they for kids there's a skate park there's a dog run there's also golf thing and you don't know if it's volleyball or soccer over here I'm going to try we're going to try to go all the way out if you're wondering what those buildings are over there that is New Jersey oh look you can see the moon that's pretty not that we were looking for the moon originally but we did find the moon hi AER welcome on in parents are [Music] friend Lexi maybe don't get too close to their what dmca okay well we're no it's fine we can we can we can race pass no it's okay at this point it's probably caught it no I think it's fine I'm glad you're here too also guys if you ever Miss uh one of our live streams we do leave them up on our YouTube page we have two different YouTubes one is for our Just Dance content which is dynamite Twins and then the other is for our IRL streams and that is dynamite twins IRL so please check us out at both places jusan is going to be starting a new season some of the new previews are out Allie and I have been super busy traveling so we haven't gotten to those previews we are hoping to at least do a quick review of it if not for a video there then for a live stream at some point right Alie yo Yoshi hi Snoopy yo Yoshi thank you for the prime Sub make basos pay for those subs also 2,000 bits stream is well worth my tears thank you thank you Snoopy I appreciate it also thank you so much for being here today same with we appreciate you all being here I know it's it's not a light stream by any means yeah cat app thank you for the 1,000 bits thank you so much thank you everybody for for helping us with that when is when is Twitch going to start doing the random bits by the way I don't know isn't that supposed to be happening soon I think so n hi hi guys if you didn't know Dan Aldi NYC he's an amazing streamer we're actually going to be meeting up with him for a panel at twitchcon if you don't know um what twitchcon is because a lot of Dan's Community is Tik Tock based twitchcon is kind of like VidCon or Tik Tok live Fest where a bunch of streamers all get together and like learn stuff hang out get to meet Brands Etc um our panel panel will be about unlocking IRL and it will be on Friday or Saturday but it will be on the Nom Nom Channel and stage and Stage so definitely check it out please make sure you follow him and if you're new to us is so cool you're new to us my name is Lexi and I'm Ally we the dond twins we do IRL content here in NYC focus on food culture events and us hanging out as sisters but I so somebody had said that you are going to be down in oh my God you're right 85 organic Subs to go and we go to a house I forgot to tell uh the Raiders this yes Ally and I are are going to go to a we were calling it a haunted house it's scary it's it's very very very scary so scary uh we we are going towards 85 organic Subs if you can help out with that that just means that you would be subscribing yourself uh then we would we would be more than happy to be very Mar in Chad hi Marty doing well also thank you all for starting that hype train I really do appreciate it thank you so much what a horror horror it it's like a haunted house I know you all have your minds in the gutters but haunted we'll say haunted oh so we just didn't go left wait we went left up so they're right behind us here wait let's flip it so that we get a better we we were all the way downtown scan thank you for the 500 bits I really appreciate it but we tried to get a better and different view so we're trying to figure out where to get the uh the thing if you're trying to get your limited edition and he left the parking garage oh cuz we're trying we went all the way to the water in the hopes that we would get a better angle and I think we might have gone the wrong direction but at this point we've committed whose house are we going to oh not not our it's called um it's a haunted house um it it focuses on kind of like a mad house theme so think like crown and I have I don't know is it on this phone or on your phone let me see I think it's on either phone I'm going to find it alie's going to try to find a little snippet to show you I should just like favorite it and you know if we go above and beyond we we might we might actually well we might have another event that we might be going to but if not we may do the stream dressed in creepy makeup everybody but welcome on in everybody I know Marty Dan Marty Dan all right here it is okay here's here is the okay wait why isn't it playing yeah grind thank you for that tier one I really appreciate it oh this is the longer one but you get the idea I mean they got the idea Allison scary and she was like banging on the glass like the sound she was making incredibly scary hi Valentine welcome on in so that's on the docket and our yes our birthday is this weekend so we got a lot for happy birthday to me technically our birthday is on Sunday but we're going to do some stuff on Saturday and then some stuff on Sunday twins do not like clowns twins are afraid of clowns very afraid of clowns no no clowns for twins so I think they were saying that if we go so if we go further in we will be able to see it right [Music] makes [Music] sense oh Raven thank you did you post them in Discord is so we will definitely make sure to check it out Discord is where we keep a bunch of things feel free thank you for those at TH B thank you thank you chug chuga chug chuga ch ch I don't know where we are in terms of the hype train but you are keeping it rolling I wonder if stream Buddy says an update it would seem like it yeah I'm afraid of clowns that's exactly correct thank you [Music] Valentine anybody know how long it will take Instagram it says about a day but I don't trust it I got things to post Al I I know thank you for the 101 bits Paul love wel on in welcome on in Dino crew Dino crew if we go further in maybe we'll be able to see it oh I didn't know Carlos's birthday was tomorrow oh jeez yo Paul pa pa pa Vette is that how you say your name thank you for the 100 bit 101 bits thank you so much uh light is not affected by gravity I don't think but particles in light is and gravity I think gravitational force can bend light so I guess it is kind of affected but it's more like gravitational force this this is this is a physics question really complicated we should ask Han green yes Han green hey you know what I have no we should we should record it all right ready mhm oh no oh no oh no I touched the lens because I was so excited okay ready hey Hank Green we got a question for you is light affected by gravity cuz I feel like black holes pull light in but maybe it's just gravitational force and that's really separate from like what people think of as gravity so let us know please you have no idea I love that man's Tik toks I also like the other green thank you for the a th000 bit red Jedi yeah we're I like his Instagram but I don't have Instagram at the moment oh no R our Instagram is down for the count our Tik Tok is still okay Dan is big on Instagram well we'll have to help us I doubt he can't just he might know somebody he might know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy thank you for the thousand bits red Jedi thank you so much they said gravity distorts the space that light travels through so it doesn't really distort so it's distorting the the space not the light itself is that what you're saying quick if you feel like it put your star sign in chat no it's just R name we think we think we've made a mistake I mean listen like tomorrow will be cuz we can still only see one beam maybe next year we'll have to ask where to go to see it Sagittarius says the cat B are we going into the um meat packing I think so maybe unless you want to go up a thank you also a compact is a Pisces Taurus Taurus nice that was a that was a perfect first time chat the hype train end I think so okay thank you everybody for starting that hype train and rounding it out I really appreciate it Ally and I are clearly viros viros but we are um we are Leo Rising we're Leo rising and we don't know the [Music] rest oh we achieved a level three thank you so much a level three hyp train three is a magic number cat thank you for those 2,000 bits wow thank you everybody who's been really kind and supporting this stream it helps us out we travel a lot for conferences that we have opportunities but we also do a lot of really now it's still going on it's still going on thank you for the 4 500 bits malas the hype TR train continues to live as we walk in the dark gravitational po look cat bble it's your um cobblestones it is the cobblestones see as a kid I thought I should be Gemini because we're twins but I don't think we have any Gemini in our charts no we don't we just are twins we just happen to be twins check it check it check it check CH yo thank you P thank you so thank you so much for subscribing with that sweet sweet juicy organic sub we really appreciate it now we're down to 84 organic subs left I don't know if it's possible but I'm going to hope actually it's I mean it's going to be excellent content because I'm a scaredy cat and I will be very very very scared that's all I'm going to say all I know is that mercury is always in retrograde and it's sad what is mercury doing why is it always in retrograde can't it just be happy for once no cuz it's not in its nature gravitational lensing is where light is bent around a black hole so we were right that there is something to be said about the black [Music] hole and light allly Allie is like staring off into space as she's looking at Star Sign charts she was like now I must know those things are so complicated Ally we would need a professional yeah I can't tell you I have no idea so no I don't think it's in retrograde right now but every time I turn around I like Mercury is in retrograde this is why XYZ is happening it's all because of mercury and I'm like great the star signs are a black hole I mean technically maybe I will across the L searching far and wide to understand the power that's inside I don't know I get that s stuck on my head almost every stream you know what this means Lexi we're going to start carrying the light around I know but we will we will Ally but I don't want to I like summer I like summer a lot yes but it'll it'll be worth [Music] it Mercury and retrograde ended August 31st just in time for our birthday got to love it right Ally yeah I mean I love oh look so I love I love snow I I want to take it back I love a lot of the events in Winter I like snow I like sweater I love fall what I don't love is freezing to death and no light and no light I mean you know but you say that but then it's going to be like 100° and you'll be like it's summer summer too hot trush trush I like this in between weather where I'm not overheated I'm not freezing cold I like this but do I want to live in like Seattle or like a temporate place we should go to Australia for second summer yes I up at the Kangaroo I mean to be fair if we did that we would lose our entire Community because the time zone would be really messed up but it is it would be kind of fun though it is a really tempting I really I've always wanted to go to New Zealand because of the Lord of the Rings not going to lie where the Rings is great rings of power is out if you are watching It season 2 is out part of it I am not I am not currently up to date on it also apparently June prophecy is not coming out in September I thought it was coming out for our birthday no it's now coming out in November ww said what can that count as my second bad thing you have to take me with you if you go you that way you won't lose me Oh you mean take you to New Zealand well I thought that it doesn't quite work for your work schedule but maybe that would be kind of fun is that a is that ta different colors it's just really dirty I think it's really [Laughter] dirty things of power is all right not great look I just care about the costumes costumes and I really really really can't wait for Dune I love Dune Dune is like my jam I watch it every time I'm on a plane can we can we talk about my new sandwich names yes okay wait so I'm going to read to you we we made new sandwich names at at Barney Brown in the hopes of them selecting our thing again cuz they selected us that one time cuz it had like a really good name and it was a good sandwich okay and there is downtime in an NYC but not for us cuz we be streamers all right so we have the first one new do is a hot honey Haunter multigrain turkey Bree cucumber arugula strawberry preserve hot honey balsamic dressing I think I would also add a light mayo the problem is Dijon or a a light Dijon mustard to add a little bit to cut the strawberry they did they they had way too much strawberry and not enough hot honey we'll fix it but the first one is a hot hot honey Haunter the next one is Alexandra's Goblin gobler and then after that one we have the hamen H treat if they don't choose us one of those for October I swear to you it's a huge missed opportunity just saying Barney Brown if if you're wondering what do you mean by choosing it's because they give you five coupons for 50% off off sandwiches but they they pick people sandwiches to to actually preview like this month they have one that was called Tokyo's Bodega and it sounds delicious it has like egg salad bacon tomato and I think a cheese strawberry sandwich I had like strawberry jam and like Brie cuz think about it so Bree so Brie and fruit go really well together and I thought the hot honey would have like that extra sharp little bit of spice little spice to it so then you get like a really sweet sandwich and then you have the Cucumber for crunch the arugula and the balsamic vinegar then give you the kind of Tang to offset the sweet it was really good the problem was we have to go light on the strawberry preserve and we have to add more of the honey and we have to add a little bit of of Dijon mustard cuz we had that at home we added it it was perfect hi Karen welcome on in how are you it was very good but I think I think they're going to choose the haml the hen is really great I'm not going to lie I love hamen hen oh my [Music] gosh m got a double check oh we're at Canal that's where we are look they have another bike box look yo look they added a new bike box I haven't seen that in forever like they all they have one up by Ford Authority but I've never SE one here I was like guys thank you for following following is free and it helps out the channel um I got to see where the bikes are at okay oh there's only one there we walked into into a land of no bikes Lexi well we can go up if we go up one there'll be more bikes see [Music] yeah yeah it's for storing bikes I mean it's not too bad of a deal especially if you like work somewhere that's way different than like where you live or even if you live in one of these buildings and you don't have easy bike storage you know they said Instagram is unbanned okay everybody hi everybody apparently our Instagram is now please make sure you go in and refollow because apparently we dropped like hundreds of people we dropped we dropped we Dr about 200 no Alison we were at 2900 so I don't think we were yes we were I took screenshot so we dropped like 700 people so if you would be so kind as to ref follow I would greatly appreciate it am yes we we are now we are now on on Instagram thank you thank goodness you're still following I think I think it has to do with people's settings yeah I think it has to do with people's settings who who knows maybe there were like 200 Lexi hear me out maybe there were like 200 people that followed that then spam reported somebody spam reported us and it said that we BR it didn't even say what we did it didn't even say what he did he said that we had brok in their to and I was like what did we do I just posted hey we have a we have a stream about 911 yeah and then we were banned we didn't even show off any nudity uh we've been maliciously banned on Tik Tok before um but not but from aive not like our whole account yeah so our lives got banned a couple of times but then we each each time appealed them and it was fine sort of I mean it still took it down for the live but we could at least like it wasn't considered like a strike against you so yeah yay go sdle the best I did see all the Box can we we are we are now back and rolling I mean why would you want to be middle of us it's not like we middle millions of followers on Instagram yeah cuz somebody got up up and at him you know yeah but we we are back are we walking towards the bikes or away from them that's the real question uh I think if we go straight we will we keep walking and then it'll be on our left can oh it's right by where I used to work hm this is like weird quiet yeah like this is like Monday quiet I don't know Tribeca is weird it's full of tech bros man well I mean it's just quiet yeah it's quiet and it's full of tech Bros yeah cuz they're all working hard so they're in their offices no they're inside the bars oh I like that backpack though oh that always cute their sign apparently they have apparently that place has um a wine deal and it's called Wine Down Wednesday that's kind of fun okay it should be on our left yeah right there yeah right next to the police oh no oh no we'll have to just take normal bikes Alle we might at least there are bikes let's find out I don't trust it there's a lot of red flashing lights Allie's looking for a bike I got one bike okay I got one too okay 1 minute everybody Ally can you unlock the bike and come to me yeah [Music] okay just one minute [Music] everybody it means the world that you're here with us today it really does lift the seat it should unlock yeah if you're having issues with it jiggle the seat I think he has his headphones in here one minute here if you can I'll I'll tell him oh he's got it oh we got it okay ready yeah just got to make sure he's still [Music] alive okay they still are all right everyone all right guys please come along with the rid we haven't rided cook in a while in America he's streaming he's having great time we're going to see my twitch con hopefully so definitely make sure to follow us this is your time please come along with the raid we're missing like 40 of you check out our Discord Instagram all of the things we would love to have you ad going on is that what's happening I don't know join the raid and by the way follow now is your last time to follow before the stream ends um we will not be see you tomorrow I don't think I don't think so we may see you on we may see you on Friday but we'll definitely see you Saturday and Sunday um in terms of the twitchcon schedule please join our Discord I think we might be streaming we have a lot of guests that will be on our channel right we're going to have a lot of collabs I think we're going to do Wednesday in the afternoon Thursday in the morning and then we might do Sunday if we're not dead that is a big might just keep that in mind okay everybody bye everybody goodbye join in in the raid if you don't see the raid refresh goodbye goodbye say how to cook for us cuz we'll be on bikes yes let him know he's awesome tell them that we want to see him at twitchcon hopefully we see you all again soon

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