Has Kody “Mr.Clutch” Clemens earned a permanent spot on Phillies roster? | Series sweep vs Nationals

[Music] we've got the rocket and we've got Mr K clutch Cody Clemens showing that he might be deserving of a permanent spot on the Phillies roster welcome to Phi Phillies podcast Tyler zulie Jamie Lynch myself Rene a Washington we've got a lot to recap as we're looking back on the weekend the Phillies get yet another Series win another sweep that is 14 consecutive series that the Phillies have won since dro the first two of the season um was fake as you know the Phillies also haven't lost backtack games since losing back to back against the Reds in late April uh listen the Phillies are on a tear right now it's been fun to see and what makes even more fun as we're going to get to talk through today it's not The Usual Suspects yes they are also contributing we'll talk about the pitching we'll talk abouts throughout the the lineup who's been big and who's you know maybe been just Rolling Along and of course in recapping the games that leads us talking about Bryson stock Cody Clemens and much more but Jamie we had a fun weekend before we even talk about the games themselves we got a chance all of us to hang out at Citizens Bank Park on Saturday of course Sunday was the better weatherwise day and a lot more runs that were scored not going to lie I was looking at that game like that was pretty exciting but Saturday a nice win extra innings yet again and we got a chance to hang out at the Ballpark yeah it was it was awesome time we got to meet some of the die hards shout out Dr blah and Trini who were able to make it down uh big shout out to alipop and Cavs catering uh for throwing a great party I think we have a lot of ollipop converts as we were dishing out cans to everybody oh yeah and I was like hey this one goes good with tequila too um so big shout out to them it was great night to go in the the game after an awesome tailgate um and you know we all got to sit together I got to meet your parents Mr and Mrs Washington which was great and um the best part of it all was the the cap on the game I mean ah when you're a good baseball team you find ways to win games and the Phillies just didn't go away and they found a way uh to win games and I heard Tom McCarthy uh mention this yesterday are they calling Cody the missile is that the official nickname I like K clutch but I'll go with the missile I mean rocket missile like I totally get it I get it you know it's cute I I think you're going to lose I think it's the missile Roger Cody let me know I mean I think K clutch and his name being KC you get it like yeah no I think they're going to go with the I did tag our new friend Roger Clemens in the in the show tweet today so hopefully Raj if you're watching after your son's a great weekend yeah he's one of the major discussion points uh because he's been freaking phenomenal he's been really good you didn't have a left-handed bat he's a super utility type of kid uh and he's he's shown he's he's clutch albeit in a very small sample size but he's not intimidated by any moment that he's stepping up into the Batters box I mean that was a really good pitch that he went down and got and this kid is uh is making Dave dumbrowski in the front office I think you know weigh all options here as they go forward so here we are again another situation where a guy was called up because of an injury we saw this with Spencer Turnbull who we just expected was is going to be a temporary placeholder while Taiwan Walker was working back and we see it yet again as Trey Turner when he went down in the first week of May and we get the call up for Cody Clemens that Cody has now forced us to have to have these tough conversations and what I love about the way that he's playing is he also is adding in everything that we that we've been looking for you talk about that versatility piece I mean Cody has the ability to be the emergency catcher first base second base uh he can play anywhere he can play in the Outfield he can literally play anywhere and so now it leads the question of how can you work him in to have a a bigger role and more importantly have a roster spot because you look at the numbers for Cody now as we know this past weekend major major opportunity for him called up Saturday two outs game on the line down and Cody gets the game tying run smashes a home run it was a beauty it was great to see as see hit that 413t home run on Saturday uh a 100 106.6 mph blast forc the Extra Innings and in that moment Cody Clemens absolutely solidified himself and Won Won everybody over because prior we've already been talking about him being sneakily really good when he's called up the numbers that he's had in his uh games prior to Saturday were very good but this weekend was that like turning of a corner where you look at him and you're like okay no no no Cody is is is the real deal the numbers that he's putting up are fantastic in this the last two games in his seven at bats between Saturday and Sunday three runs four hits two doubles that one home run which could not have come at a more clutch time three RBI uh and and then overall for this season when you look at every time he's been called up he's made a big play whether coming in as a pinch hitter or just being able to get the start every game that Cody Clemens has stepped on the field for the Phillies it's been fantastic to have 28 at bats seven runs you do that math 28 at bats and you've got seven runs in every game that you've played this season uh you're scoring a run in like a quarter of your times you have nine hits three home runs overall 10 rbi's and one walk seven strikeouts batting average at a 321 345 OBP and slugging at an 821 Cody Clemens is showing us it's not a fluke it's not a one-time thing and put some respect on my name include me in the roster conversations because I'm here to stay uh that's what I got from this well at least until Trey Turner's back um unfortunately the reality of the situation is Cody's the only guy with options left I think he's earned his chance to be a major league player without a doubt um but the I I would highly doubt you know in talking to Tyler and and talking on our Discord people were like well just DFA pche you might be able to get him back I was like I really don't think you will um I think if you DFA him he's gone so I I I do think the Phillies most likely are going to try to move him maybe for like a low arm pitcher or cash or something because look you need a lefty Off the Bench I mean we've talked about that's going back to December and Cody Clemens has stepped up and you know it's a small sample size still but he's he's taken it and he got rewarded yesterday starting second base uh Rob said Trevor Williams Whit marfield stinks right now we're not going to go righty on righty get out there kid and he goes out there again and two doubles I mean his Ops is 1.66 that's unbelievable the kid's been on an absolute tear he's earned a job I just don't think it's going to happen in the near near future uh well it's just it's the way the baseball's played you know the the person with options is usually the shortest straw uh deserving or not so uh we'll see what happens but you know he's definitely made Dave dumbrowski in Sam fold sit down and go all right like damn this kid's earned it he he had a tremendous spring training now he's his second trip up he stepped up both times in Cincinnati on the road trip when Bryce was on paternity now now I mean it's a real deal he's got some pop he can play all over the place he's kind of a perfect bench piece so you know Cody Clemens is going to be on this roster I think uh permanently at some point this season after the all after the trade yeah well let's talk about what people are saying in the chat because want to give you guys some love especially Ray who was first today did beat out slim to be first in the chat talking about how uh I know Ray and Chris are both mentioning Cody's the man and yes he absolutely has uh earned a permanent spot I know also Mickey you've got uh Mickey's here Matt Decker John lemmerman as well talking about the Braves John lemman I love it bringing in uh the talking about the Braves and they're you know continuing to it's it's laugh at times right now what was that five game lead you said you said it was a five game lead on May 20th uh K red of course as always loves to show case uh and give his thoughts on the fashion of the fits he's saying that he likes the fit today your shirt is not very camera friendly um with the stripes but is does like the fits for us and thank you this is this is actually a short sleeve sweater that I'm rocking there you go kro um but yes I know Dave P's claiming he identified Cody first um John's still talking about the Braves let us know what you guys would do uh John John's also mentioning DFA and Pache as you talked about that has been something that's been brought up I think he's got a little value that they're not going to do that like you're not going to get a lot for Christian Pache I'm not sitting here like oh you got to milk it and get it no you're just why lose the kid when you could potentially get something and they might Target like some kid that throws 100 miles an hour and can't throw strikes like George clawen and hope to develop him and get him in the system so they're not going to give away Pache I just find that exactly he will he will get grabbed and snagged fast and definitely needing a lefty bat does unfortunately uh make this situation even more difficult but when you look at um John has a good point and I actually I actually had this written down in my notes after this weekend of like is Cody Clemens showing up the way that we thought wh marfield would he's younger he's he's so it's he's in a whole different spot in his career in general but he is showing to be that Ultra utility piece that the Phillies were looking for in Whit marfield and John's mentioning in the chat I wish they had a time machine to not do the wit signing um but that's that's how it goes sometimes like you had this plan and I still think wit will work out in time I hope um I'm a little nervous but I do feel like Cody has been that utility piece that the Phillies need and now the question becomes what is his role and something that I was reading this weekend that was brought up is the fact that Cody Clemens of course has that versatility not only can he play in the infield which is unfortunate because the Phillies infield is locked there's there not stepped up too correct but also uh Cody Clemens has played we saw this spring in spring training he played eight innings in left field and we've also of course seen him in right field for the Phillies he played eight innings in right field for the Phillies last season um but the majority of his time with the Phillies has been at first base so I love the fact that he can be that infield backup but I know it was mentioned and even brought up to Rob Thompson about considering using him in a corner Outfield spot and Rob mentioned possibly yeah anything's possible Cody mentioned he's always ready he's got his he's got all his different gloves you know whatever is needed he's got a bunch of gloves in his locker so whatever position they need him he'll be ready and maybe this is a chance you send him when you do send him back shouldn't be any time too soon because you don't have to rush try Turner back get him some reps maybe at Outfield and see you know what's possible for the future for Cody if he can be someone that can help as an outfielder in a corner spot maybe right field as a backup mayos is the only guy in Major League Baseball that gets to dictate how many games he plays I'm not trying but like it's just you don't have anybody in right field because you play casos every game and which look durability and um you know being able to play every game is is an asset for sure and Nick looks like he's he's better yeah we saw he jumped on the first pitch yesterday yeah kind of kept the rally going uh he's looking a little more aggressive uh hopefully just shut that brain off and and go back to like what got you here type of thing um but yeah they don't really have a ton of people to play right field so yeah if you are going to send him down maybe throw him out uh in the Outfield a little bit more uh completely agree with that uh get him some reps because I do think he's going to be here you know obviously even beyond the extended roster come September uh I think he's going to be here after after the trade deadline and All-Star break fulltime the kids earned it so Roger kudos to your son he has taken an opportunity and ran with it they needed a left-handed bat and uh you know he stepped up yeah and I love the fact that he even stepped up yesterday we saw uh gets the call he was 0 for two against left-handed pitchers gets the call on the game um games all tied up Rob had confidence in him he said he had the choice of you know possibly going to Sosa but instead went to Cody there and Cody did deliver and started what ended up being a really major change for the Phillies in that game that you look in the fifth and sixth inning they score six of their runs in that two-inning stretch and Cody was a big part of that uh delivered again uh Rob said he trusted him because he had the hot hand the hot bat at the moment and it was great to see even in that moment to get a a hit against you know a left-handed pitcher that the Nationals brought out whose name I I'm forgetting as right now but doesn't matter IR relevant um and that Cody was able to even show there that he can he can get a hit against a left-handed pitcher so I just feel like he has a lot of that the mentality and this is part of being the son of the rocket Barnes that came in yeah I think that's what it was to be the that wasn't all backfire there Dave Martinez to be the son of of Roger you know anybody that's the child of a big name Superstar athlete sometimes they don't handle that pressure well and you can see where Cody has taken it on his shoulders of like whatever is necessary however I can help the team whatever I can do to help and in that moment it was uh actually Robert Garcia it was Garcia that the that the Nationals brought out of the bullpen and Cody delivered instead of having to go to Soso what yet again Rob made a decision a tough decision and it paid off so great to see Cody continuing to to step up in in moments yeah and speaking of Rob uh I saw this I believe it was Luke arini on Twitter had it um you know and there's another stat we'll get to appraising Rob for his allowance of or the handling of the starting rotation and in terms of like how many innings they're going and all that but since taking over the job the Phillies including the postseason under Rob Thompson are 21 and 140 uh he took over on June 3rd 2022 21 and 140 that is really really impressive I know at times we'll you know pick a bullpen over management or under management or whatever and [ __ ] and moan and and the old Earl Weaver saying is you know a manager can win you or lose you seven to nine games a year well there's times um that we'll do that but the Baseline is Rob Thompson's really good for this team uh if you want to call him a good manager I think that's more than fair but this team responds to him he he knows what buttons to push and I mean the proof is in the pudding 21 and 140 is really freaking good and I know he has a I know he has a tough or a good roster but guess what every good manager in baseball typically has a good you know it's it's rare that guys go down to Florida and overachieve or go down to Tampa and overachieve uh with some of these rosters but like you know Dave Roberts in La guess what he's got a really good roster Brian Snicker in Atlanta has a really good roster so you can't you can't use it Rob's Rob's really good he's really really good I mean as you mentioned uh you love the proof is in the pudding you love that um proof is in the pudding I don't even know what the hell that means I don't know why that's a saying um but I guess in the let's get to the bottom of I get it like who came up with the proof I always wonder who comes up with these but it's a really great point you bring up because we do take for granted some of the success that's happening right in our own backyard oh you actually found that fast well just the dictionary snippet the proof is in the pudding is an expression that means the value quality or truth of something must be judged based on Direct experience with it or on its results so I guess it's just means like you can't pass a bad pudding like you're going to taste the pudding and go oh this is [ __ ] or this is good okay you know what I mean but I don't know who chose yeah like why not Jello are you a pudding person I love pudding I skes me oh my gosh I love pudding I love all the puddings yogurt the vanilla pudding the chocolate pudding the chocolate vanilla there's like a a Milky oh Tyler there like a milk chocolate ping are you love every pudding it's fine I mean I I don't hate it nor love it it's fine oh I actually buy pudding you never seen me eat pudding here there there's better options than I think there was a teacher I had in like fifth grade and I was like it was like math and she was mean and she would always just like slurp pudding e and it I think it just turned me off for life but like cottage cheese yogurt pudding like that kind of I I don't know is it the texture I think it's the texture yeah see I don't obviously I don't like cottage cheese but I love my girls love Jello Jell-O I like pares like anything like that like I love those par look like they'd be awesome but I can't the smell of yogurt I'm just maybe you should make your own you don't like any yogurts no and pudding and yogurt are like cousins M I mean not in like substance just in like texture and like okay texture is the same for sure that's interesting yeah I am oh I'm officially a weirdo what what is up with pudding I can't believe you guys have never seen me eat pudding I literally I pack my lunch for work because I you know why not my parents are proud I thought I was your snackpack and I uh okay I heard it you did good you did uh that was can shave my arm that's the grossest thing I've ever heard everybody on the bus oh Dave your brother would have gotten that one I thought I was your snack there you go I know because lowkey like you guys are probably would be best friends with my brother and dad and closer with them than me me Tyler and your dad I spent literally eight Innings of the Phillies game just talking to your dad the entire time and I enjoyed every second of Frank toally totally fine just take take my family um Dave is saying how he eats sour cream with a spoon oh oh sour cream's another one I'm out on oh same type of thing I don't know why they ruined so many things with sour cream on top tacos and all like leave it we don't need it but you know what you do 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along with us must be 21 or older please gamble responsibly if you or someone you know has a gambling problem in once help call 1800 Gambler yeah Mickey s he lost a lot of money a buttload this weekend uh sorry to hear that Mickey so you know what I'm also not sorry about though uh I'm sorry about you Mickey and I'm not sorry about the Aging of the Tweet if we remember way way back in 2020 remember those days guys Co the pandemic when we were sitting around inside and wondering if it was the end of the world well during that time we saw the Nationals uh in August August 25th to be exact 2020 when they tweeted out beating Philadelphia isn't as hard as philadelphians say it is and since then that has aged terribly for the Nationals and we love to see it the Phillies have actually since the beginning of the 2021 season have a 41 and 16 record against the Nationals um of course with even yesterday's game to get the sweep as mentioned that's now 14 consecutive Series this season that the Phillies have gone without losing of course they've split some series coward series as Jamie you always say um but just great to see another time where the game was close it opened up Final Four Innings the Phillies scored nine of their runs in the final four Innings and really opened the game up and at that point pedal to the medal never felt like it was over and a big part of that was was yet again the Phillies pitching wasn't a great day for arinola at times but Sunday actually did Mark the third straight day and the 16th time this season that the Phillies have had a starter throw seven or more Innings Aaron Nola um we saw Christopher Sanchez do it on Saturday have been doing a good job because the Phillies had to get a little bit more taxed against the Mets where they pulled they had six different relievers that they um called out of the bullpen now to have Aaron Nola be able to to go into this game he did unfortunately um give up two homers in the first five innings as we know but did a steady job of keeping the Phillies in it I think that's the biggest thing we didn't have a big drop we didn't have a big dip and now with that Nola's ra on the season a 305 ra with a 6-2 record he's got a 393 FIP Tyler loves this stat a one war and he's pitched 65 Innings oh you want to talk War Ty War you want to talk war is out forever we never mentioning more on the show again Zack Wheeler also has a great ra as we know with a 252 ra a 275 FIP a 1.8 war and has pitched 60 and 2/3 Innings and Rangers Suarez a 137 ra a 272 FIP a 1.8 war with his 59 Innings pitched the numbers that these the top three The Big Three the juggernauts have shown have been remarkable and as Nola said it's crucial for the for them to have starting pitchers that can go deep into games that's the biggest thing that they want their guys want to be able to do that and they're not only going deep into games but their numbers are backing it up as well um to have had such a tremendous start to the season it's been fun to watch and even when you have what we consider a drop off game which to be a drop off game where you give up uh two home runs walk third baseman Nick senzel three times that was annoying actually um but just El limited them to two hits and three runs over seven Innings that's that's a drop off that's that's a game where you're kind of like ah Aaron but that's still a fantastic game I mean the problems that we have today are so much different than the problems that we've had in the past with the Phillies yeah Aaron I was just looking it up as you were talking about it Aaron NL is now 29th in Major League Baseball in terms of VRA and he was the guy that was struggling in the beginning Christopher Sanchez is now below him with a 33 oh man if that's our worst guy I mean I know Taiwan technically is but you know of the guys that were there in the beginning Spencer turble and then you just look I'm on the ER leader page Zack Wheeler 16th Ranger Suarez is second it's um it's really fun to go out there you know we talked about it last week how tomorrow is going to be Ranger night and you're so excited for Ranger on the level of being like a one2 around baseball that you forget all of a sudden it's four and Christopher Sanchez or Taiwan however the ord's going now um you just go wow we're back at Zack Wheeler before we know it so when you stack series upon series upon series uh you know the offense has been great they're leading Major League Baseball and runs scored which seems wild uh after the first like two or three weeks of the Season uh but like you're going to win most series with how well this starting rotation is going because there's no breaks in it if your one break is Taiwan Walker Every fifth day then okay you know like and even he's got a probably you know 40 to 50% chance of of having the Phillies in a position to win the game so it's just like when you say 14 Series in a row it jumps off the page at you and you go well you know bottom line is there's really not any breaks in this starting rotation mhm and that's exactly it I mean this the difference this year is there is never a time you're going into like I don't even feel like I have to look at who's starting first of all I know for the most part who's starting because there were you know rotation pretty set every once a while it gets tweaked but you don't even have to look because you don't have to worry it used to be like a hold your breath moan like oh my gosh who's who's next whose day is it and then as you talk about by the time you get back to Zack Wheeler you're like okay let's keep it going and it's been so phenomenal to see how well they've been pitching and that's been what started this group off because the irony as you mentioned the Phillies leading the league in run scored when there was a time the Phillies were and I remember us sitting right in this studio and they were the bottom of the league in almost every offensive category including runs scored in the opening parts of the season because they as we were talking about the bats hadn't warmed up they weren't scoring it was a lot of one two three Innings they were struggling to even get over five runs scored in the first I think it was like 16 games of the Season where the only game that we saw over five was the game that Bryce Harper had three home runs now you oh how dare you be second the Dodgers have a plus 85 Phillies have a plus 80 the New York Yankees have a plus 79 so you know not even first I mean get it together you scrubs but it is um you know a complete change that now we're looking at this group it was the starting pitching that got the got things rolling for them we knew the bats would would heat up at some point they're starting to do that we're seeing the progression and this past weekend Aeron Nola showed exactly as you mentioned if he's the third best currently right now quote unquote um I say that with sarcasm you know that's that's a really good problem that uh he's having a third best starting pitching season with a 305 uh e erra phenomenal phenomenal stuff yeah and just looking at the standings and the Run differential and all that uh best home record in baseball it appears um one of the better Road records obviously uh 8-2 in their last 10 I think that's the best in baseball Yankees also 8 and2 like everything you look at it's just fun to pull up the standings or stats leaders or whatever it is right now with the Phillies because uh you know it's it's just really really freaking fun and you know we were there Saturday night Renee and like I kind of got the feeling and oh little uh little plugin for the uh the golf scramble coming up I love that if you're a golfer please check out that link but like being at that game on Saturday you just kind of got the feeling like yeah they're going to they're going to do this and the Nats are a good young kind of pesky team this wasn't I know the schedule talk and all that but like the Nats battle and they just went in there and and just took it from them and it's a it's a really fun time to be a Phillies fan right now we're very fortunate it's almost like 2012 to 2020 didn't happen I know I know black those eight years out finally hypothetical man's mentioning Aaron has thrown the most Innings of season and currently he has um with that 65 and then also I know it was mentioned in the chat uh there's a lot going on in the chat but the one that I wanted to hit on oh for the ghost was saying three guys on Pace to throw 215 Innings which is wild uh Aaron Nola was even talking about you know this group and how exciting it is and how awesome it is that they've got what he feels like is the best rotation he's been a part of you know and he said it's not just because of you know how guys are able to go out there and and compete but also the pitchability of every single guy and that's something I know we talked about it with Ranger but we're seeing that with each of them where it's unpredictable you don't know for for hitters they don't know batters have no idea what's being thrown their way literally and you know that's what's making it more consistent that the Phillies are able to go deep into games and be a team that has 17 plus games I mean excuse me 16 games 16 plus games of seven Innings or more wild is insane and I know you had found the stats that uh baseball Paul tweeted out 16 starts of seven plus Innings by the Philly starters which is one more than the rest of the NL East combined you know and I know you for anybody that wants to discredit what the Phillies are doing right now keep keep going we don't even care at this point well I think Arona was a little off on that saying it's the best rotation he's ever pitched with um might I remind you of the 2017 Phillies rotation of Aaron Nola Nick pavetta Jared iof Jeremy helixon Ben Lively and Vince Velasquez oh we can get weirder if you want to get weird we can get weirder how about 2015 or 2016 when uh you got starts from uh Jerome Williams junkard who is it the um fosto Carmona but but he was Roberto Hernandez by then I think so I think Aaron's a little off there okay buddy the best he's ever been a part of so I think we talked about this the other day I got to try to get you those guys where are you Oz we'll be here some I was waiting I was I don't know what I was waiting for first about this the other day uh 6 they were 63 and 99 That season in his pop so in the middle they got starts from Jerome Williams Aaron herang Adam Morgan oh David Buchan Adam Morgan just sent chills down my back Shaun O Sullivan Jared eof Chad Billingsley srino Gonzalez Chad Billingsley I forgot Al Asher Kevin kareah Dustin McGaw oh my God and one start from Philipe Almont the all monster wow and 20 starts from Cole Hamil by the way so you had that before they moved him so you know Aron NOA relax with best rotation I've been a part of you've been a part of some beastly rotations great but I know Tyler you've got some numbers on Nola why don't you uh share share with the good people you guys were talking about Innings pitched and obviously it's a pretty common stat at this point that Aaron Nola since 2020 has thrown the most Innings well they talked about it a bunch during the contract process Ian how important that was he is now at 715 and 2/3 Innings pitched since the start of the 2020 season you guys want to take a guess at who's number two oh wow um I can see it on the screen oh number two overall the whole point yeah the whole point was to play along gar Cole no um he's sixth he's sixth uh actually I'm sorry he's seventh the whole point Renee was to play along with the game they're not supposed to know at home that you can see the stat oh I didn't actually see it but that's what makes it better because I oh my goodness you we get paid for this yeah we're professionals I just saw it now that you've taken the conversation better because I was like I could literally see on the screen and was like uh like thinking it's Zack Wheeler at 690 Innings pitch yeah [Music] 690 Taiwan Walker by the way is in the top 25 is he really 564 yep I didn't know that one but it makes sense though they talked about it a ton when they signed Aaron NOA and you know the durability aspect of him as a guy that can age well because he doesn't rely on overpowering stuff um you know and I I forget which story I was reading either the athletic or NBC Sports Philly so excuse me but his last start his is when he oh it was the complete game shut out so as the ninth inning he threw a pitch that was 98.5 or 98.7 in the ninth inning which would have been the hardest thrown ball he had the entire year previously and he did that in the ninth inning so like this is a guy and and they obviously paid for it and accounted for it that they believe is going to age really well nothing about his game's really going to change and the fact that he can throw his hardest pitch of a whole year in the ninth inning shows you this dude's you know a Workhorse oh without a doubt I mean that's what is phenomenal like he just he's very steady he's great with game management him and Zach especially do a really good job of not getting too like too high or too low and just staying very consistent and to have those numbers that Tyler as you were just sharing the amount of innings pitched that is also a huge positive because how many times we watch games and opponents have to pull their starting pitcher four or five innings in three innings in oh yeah you was pitching well on Saturday and Dav Martinez P him in was that the like what did he go four and a third or four and two whatever it was but then all of a sudden you you have to get six Bullpen guys exact uh to all not screw you and that's a hard thing to do that is that is so right now to see this uh you know this Core Group be what happened uh nothing nothing at all is in the chat no it's something I just said I just I kind of I think I'm numb to you what' you say it wasn't even meant to be you but Tyler gave me the look of really I said when you're trying not to have all six Bullpen guys screw you oh so Tyler gave me the look of like don't do that probably could have chose better words yeah and you know if you're ever out there looking to choose better words maybe a nice cold Miller Light is there for you when you need it I spent a majority of my weekend uh drinking some Miller lights and I had a DD so that was lovely uh down at the Phillies game which was awesome and then I was staining and sanding the deck all weekend and you know it was H it's hard labor and I just went oh man I am thirsty go to the fridge get a nice cold Miller Light and it tastes exactly like a beer should taste it's the original light beer since 1975 whether you're at the ball game doing H work around the house with friends and family whatever it may be Miller Light is there for you and my favorite part is it's less filling it you know you're not going to get all bloated in that 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in the past and when I showed up I was fumbling I was I happened to be there with my family I won't tell you what game it was but I was fumbling looking for my tickets and I had to step to the side so I could find my tickets and it was embarrassing because I wasn't ready at you know the gates to be able to swipe and quickly get in and with the game time app I would have had no problems I would had my Wi-Fi was wasn't working my internet wasn't I mean my login wasn't working but with the game time app you don't have those problems because they have the ability for you when you download the app to have your tickets right there on your phone quickly click quickly get inside so you can go enjoy the game yes quick Taps and you can also browse with the game time app to find some really great prices they've got lowest price guaranteed they also have some great protection for you for your tickets if for any reason maybe you can't go and then of course you get a chance to see the views from your seats at the venue for that game concert comedy show whatever it is you're looking to buy tickets for with the game time app so as we are preparing to continue to cheer on the Phillies and person and watch games take the guesswork out of buying tickets to go to Citizens Bank Park with game time you can download the Gametime app create that account use code phly to get $20 off your first purchase terms to apply again that is pH when you create an account that you use that code pH get you $20 off download theame Time app today last minute deals lowest price guaranteed all right I know in the chats you guys have finally caught on to Jam's raunchiness that was an unintentional one sometimes Tyler catches me know Frank Barber mentioned you know there was a time you to pay for serus XM just to get a show this Rony Jamie's doing a good job of keeping the uh perverted comments going um but yes as Bullpen guys screwing you as cash no you okay you said it again cash for okay and we're getting worse as cash for the ghost mentioned um as we know pitching wise Taiwan one of his strengths is someone that can you know pitch deep into the game with 172 and two3 innings a year ago you've got Spencer Turnbull who we've seen now in the bullpen that as we know as a starter had a 167 ra across 32 in the third Innings we talked about the success of the big three and then even Christopher Sanchez as you mentioned with that 331 erra has um been a solid pitcher as well so great PRS on the pitching side and the bats have heated up guys we've been waiting well not as much recently um because it's been now the expectation but we've been always waiting to see kind of who's going to be next to break out and this past weekend it was Cody Clemens that had big plays but another a few other guys we got to hit on you talked about Nick casianos Sunday finally did get to see him break through that Nick casianos was able to deliver it's been a slump for Nick we've obviously talked about the fact he is the right fielder the everyday right fielder there's really no other option there and for him too we saw get he's been hit by a pitch in Pre in recent games twice actually then this past weekend did help get the um get the Phillies on the scoreboard by driving in it was Cody Clemens actually that scored off of his hit so good to see him get an RBI good to see Nick casianos have a moment to help contribute offensively to the squad this weekend and uh he's been one that's that's working through it he's yeah I mean look the reality of the situation is he's not going anywhere nope uh you know I I know PE somebody in our Discord channel was like well just DFA casianos and I was like come on that's not happening you're not going to trade him uh most likely because it's not an easy trade to pull off you'd have to eat a lot of money give up some prospects maybe even on top so he's here so the best case for all Phillies fans is he gets through it to the other side and becomes blastos again at least for a short period of time he is what he is if he's your seven hole hitter when you have a full full healthy Phillies lineup that means you have a really good lineup um I understand you know I've seen the Tobias Harris Nick castiano comparison that he's the Phillies uh Tobias Harris I don't think it's quite that bad uh because Tobias fell off a cliff I don't think this is the cliff falling off for casos I hope not um you know it is what it is I think he's going to be better the thing with him is you just hope he's hot in the playoffs but even then like we saw in the Atlanta series he was in Fuego and then the Diamondback series not so you have to live and die buy it with him and that's that's what it is yeah well he looks good I was going to saying after three straight games without a hit he did get three hits so he made up for it I guess mathematically um he did get three hits in his four at bats yesterday he does still have on the season four home runs 19 RBI and a 207 average with a 576 Ops 207 um so Nick casianos has been one of the slumping areas for the team but when you look at how well throughout they've been playing consistently it's been great to see there are some numbers I have for you on Bryce and Kyle but first um Alec bone we saw with five RBI on two sack flies and a three-run homer Alec bone continues to lead the league in RB's 42 42 RBIs for for Alec bow hitting a 330 for the entire season uh Alec B's been fantastic and it's now become the expectation for Alec boom that you think okay when he's up to bat something's good is GNA happen especially with Runners and scoring position he's actually thrived with Runners and scoring position um Bryson st's been another one extended his on base streak to a career high 18 games he's back baby he's back and yet again guys I do have to say uh Tyler pointed this out and may or may not have caught this Bryson Stott uh was up to bat and I made the mistake of uh deciding at that time to to go to the bathroom again on Saturday so to to go back to the the playoff game the the game against the Marlin where's that voice coming from Renee was right here Rene was out of her seat for the Bryson stock Grand Slam and then on Saturday yeah I did she ready to to be out of her seat again and Bryson St hit the Home Run and I said listen Rene if you're or maybe she should continue this if you're at if you're at the Ballpark when you know Bryson St at like turn of the half inning when you know Bryson stt's coming to the plate you're going to have to vacate your seat so you guys saw my bathroom strategy at Citizens Bank Park in action did you see well I I watched you sprint like a madman at the end of the game so well that and and thank God I did your wife was so worried she's like where did Jamie and she just took off after you well cuz I figured you guys were going to be celebrating I gave my high fives and sprinted down got my my choice Jamie running away from us Tyler no I got my choice of urinals and then by by the time I left the line was already out past the beer line so like you have to be strategical and I always like the yeah I I always like the uh the aisle seat and as soon as the third out happens I'm gone and usually I get right in and by the time I leave there's a huge line so you can't wait in the lines you have to be strategic and you were but it came it cost you I don't like lines so I definitely try to time it I hate lines I I'm very imp had some line issues and then also I was not on the aisle because I got put on the inside so I also had to choose like do I go to the right or the left like I was kind of climbing up and down the chairs and so it made I couldn't run as fast as you I had to climb and run you know but I I'm selfless what I say every time I go that was a Rowdy section people were in like the person in front of us there was one person people were getting into it there was one person in particular in front of Renee and I who was um yelling really shouting obscenities um the were think she had any understanding of who she was shouting at I think she was just shouting because Brandon Marsh was up on the the Jumbotron and she's flipping him the bird and me and Renee are like what what is happening maybe she's got some history with Bren Marsh outside of baseball we don't know about was she a Phillies fan she was wearing Philly stuff but I'm thinking maybe maybe she bumped into Brandon Marsh at Xfinity one night and isn't happy I don't know cuz it was giving like bitter like the and at that point in the game I think it was Brandon Marsh well like I said depending on where you know yeah I don't know I don't think it was a Brandon Marsh thing specifically I just think she was so drunk she thought it was a national she was just mad at the world she was she was literally just flipping off everybody so I won't say and Addy even said it to me when we get home cuz when we usually go it's typically Sunday Day games for the girls schedule we try to do as many Day games as possible because kids are annoying um we don't really go to Saturday night games ever it was rough people were crunked up in that Stadium on Saturday it was uh it was quite a scene up there in the 400 saw I saw a lot of things a lot of things um in the bathroom there was a lot going on we were effectively in the in the equivalent to the 700 level oh yeah I mean but people were partying and they were and it was a younger partying not a 700 level bare chested old men showed up to our seats and had to like vacate an entire group because I guess they just either didn't have seats one recognized me and started talking he's like it it was pretty fun we like hey you're in our entire row please move it was a good time thanks to ollipop again for making that happen with cat catering on Saturday we had a blast all right well are you ready for some numbers I like numbers hit me so all time against the Nationals we'll start with uh Bryce Harper since n uh 2019 when joining the Phillies of course Bryce Harper is hitting a 309 with 20 doubles 17 home runs and a 984 Ops in 75 games against the Nationals according to baseball reference um his career Ops is a 911 so he's uh does a pretty good job 911 not for me pretty good J okay you that's that was a meme joke Renee no you don't know that Meme that's a shame The Old Man and he's like call 911 and then he pulls a gun on the guy and he's like but not for me oh no that was all wow my bra I guess not as cool as you are J and then since 2022 when Kyle joined the Phillies he's hitting a 289 with 17 home runs in 37 games against the Nationals that's an average of0 46 home runs per game against the Nationals the highest average of home runs per game ever is a tie between Mark Maguire and Aaron judge at 31 with a minimum of 500 games play was according to stat Muse so schwarber um stat Muse is pretty good against the Nationals as well as as Harper just getting home runs when you think about the Nationals and like you know the Phillies are 48 and 19 since that tweet and by the way I tweeted them annually to remind I mean I did too yeah yeah it's just like hey did you guys remember this make sure you go yeah remind the Nationals think that the Nationals core was once Kyle schwarber Trey Turner Juan SoDo Bryce Harper uh I mean Anthony randone was good there uh before he became California randone like to think that that was their core that team that won the World Series that year they have one player left well one position player left from that group and it might be the worst player of them of the entire nine Victor Ro is the only player left from that group and he hit n he's a good defensive center fielder don't get me wrong but he hit ninth on that team he's not a very productive hitter and you know obviously Zimmerman retires Harper moves on randone moves on there was you know factors that caused the the the kind of crumbling of the foundation but that he's the only one left from the starting unbelievable thank you Nationals that group man I you just look back and you shake your head I know certain teams it kind of sucks for Bryce day won right after he left because he's so good I feel for him yeah it kind of does suck like if you're do literally leave and they win like that that hurts that hurts a little bit but it is um you know their loss and our our gain by the way about Bryce I wrote this down on the sheet because I saw it yesterday when they flashed it now we've seen Bryce Harper be hot for short periods of time like he had the one game with three home runs he had another grand slam like he's given you short burst but it hasn't been like a sustained greatness yet somebody flashed it yesterday on Twitter and I I don't I forget who but it was the top 10 uh RBI leaders around baseball and and they put it out because Alec bow is now first in baseball with 42 which is unbelievable I think he's hitting like 331 all that but eighth is Bryce Harper and like it doesn't even feel like we've gotten the extended greatness from him yet and he's still top 10 in baseball it's really it's unbelievable it really is I mean for him to at this Mark of the season have 10 home runs um his his numbers he's got a 273 average and an 890 Ops and as you mentioned 35 RBI with t which is tied for eth he's quietly right there it's like he's pacing himself you know and I'm saying pacing in the sense of like a track me like you pace yourself behind the front and you see it in racing too car racing too you're pacing yourself behind the the Le Car you're waiting yes I feel like Bryce Harper right now is almost like I don't think he's intentionally doing this but it feels like everybody else is shining and Bry is just lurking along continuing to get RBI rice and schorer just like playing such a long season and you're going to need yeah you're going to need guys that are stepping up at the right times and I think Bryce right now like I think he's one that also just thrives more when needed sure you know and right now he's not you know he's he's getting you good hits here and there see he was eighth and I was just like wow like it's a quiet eighth in baseball you know what I mean it's been like a couple great games uh and then I feel like he's been atypical Bryce for like a majority so when him and schwarber because schwarber dipped after his hot start you know in June schwarber is going to become the Hulk again and if Bryce adds to that then it allows Trey and Sosa and the guys that have stepped up in this absence to kind of you know have some pressure off of them and maybe bom hits his cold streak this team seems to be swapping hot and cold streaks what's 35 times two Jamie that's math 70 last season Bryce had 72 RBI he's already around the halfway point of his rbi's last season and it's miday well yeah the he missed well yes correct correct okay obviously but he's on a pace5 he's on a pace to be over 100 RBI that's the most RBI he's had one of the most RBI he's had in the last like four seasons yeah so even with the injury last year yes what yes Bryce had 72 I'm looking at it don't believe me he had 72 RBI last season he had 65 in 2022 he had 84 in 2021 of course 2020 was covid so he had 33 then and uh that still that 72 is around kind of his average he's 80 to 90 you know RBI guy he had the 114 his first year here which was the career high um and like 2018 2019 you got a total of 214 RB from Bryce in those two seasons but his numbers hover around 85 to 95 and last year even with the injury he had 72 RBI so when you look at the last two seasons and he he didn't even have a full year last year and how he's starting off this year he had 546 plate appearances which is actually more than I would have guessed for last year because remember he came back so freakishly early so it's even more at bats right but you're right like he's he's probably going to have his if nothing happens here you know he's going to have a shot at a career high in rbi's yeah and most likely finish second in his career uh for rbi's the 114 is first year here and the year before he left DC he had 100 other than that there's a 99 and 86 and 87 were Nationals numbers and 84 here so yeah he's on Pace to go over 100 and uh hell yeah right I mean even that's the thing when you look at last year without having a full season coming back from injury and how we start off this season it absolutely feels like he is just and it's it's become the norm that you don't even look at it as like oh Bryce is is hot right now he's rolling no he's not he's actually just coasting along but his numbers are still really good in that 35 RBI 10 Home Run start to the season he's had um so great to see Bryce Harper just con quietly consistently doing his thing and uh hopefully as as you mentioned I think June July we're going to get him really and then schwarber too like just go look at Kyle schwarber's splits by month it's unbelievable and he's been really good this year you know like him not being in the field I think is is showing benefits uh on his knees he's quicker his bat speed you talked about last week he's the best in baseball um and come June whatever the hell it is with Kyle schwarber and he can't explain it he goes on a tear and he usually is up there leading Major League Baseball in home runs for a month uh and and I feel like Bryce is going to have that sustained run and if his you know not sustained uh is eighth in baseball and RB you know you could be looking at a top five RBI producer this year uh in in Bryce potentially yeah I know in the YouTube chat right now we've got uh Frank Barbara was saying the same thing we still haven't even gotten to see June schwarber yet that is the exciting thing about this you know for everybody that's tuned in right now on YouTube on Twitter of course make sure you're hitting that subscribe button that and give us a thumbs up on YouTube while you're tuned in we love you because it's been so great every day when we're on the show you know uh live at 11:00 a.m. or postgame shows whatever it is that we're doing that we're saying the same things it's like we're constantly tooting the Horn of the Phillies because the numbers the records the things they're achieving in the start of the season is is incredible again 14 consecutive series that the Phillies have now gone without losing 20 games over that's I hate to even say this because you have you've got the Rangers coming up who actually have dropped I think it was like seven of their last 10 games by the Rockies yes they they they just lost a series to the Rockies I'm I'm actually looking at the schedule like how long can this streak go on well the question and baseball is Major League Baseball bad or are the Phillies great I think it's a combination of the two correct that's a good question though but like you know I think generally you know the AL is better than the ANL this year in terms of like record and teams above 500 and all that but generally the the national league is um me I mean you have the if you remove the Dodgers the Braves and the Phillies from it you're looking at you know some some me baseball but sign of a good team they're beating up the myth team the one thing you guys brought up with the the Rangers we do have to keep in mind I you know not it's like the end all be all cuz you got to play with what you've got but the the Rangers are are kind of horribly injured right now I know I mean between Josh Young being on the the I Wyatt Langford being on the uh deg Grom and Sherer obviously have not come back yet Cody Bradford started the season re have assignments either of them uh I believe that I think I read Rec I believe that sherzer is okay um yes I believe you're right but I I don't think either of them are are close I I think sherzer was in talks of maybe like a late June okay early July appearance uh so Jacob deg gram is throwing from 90 ft oh he is throwing now yeah from his uh throwing from 90 F feet y so what about sherzer maybe I had them flipped no I believe I believe you're right on sherzer but either way so you know they're not at full strength Bradford started the year really strong he's on the I they've naav Aldi just went on the a couple days ago Dane Dunning went on the is a couple days ago like you know you got to play with what you've got but like there is some Merit to saying okay the the Rangers are kind of banged up right now you know there I don't expect them to be a hovering 500 team for the entirety of the Season especially once they get healthy uh still no clear timeline on sherzer he is playing catch so not in rehabs yet so neither in rehabs uh but yes it it'll be good to have you know a solid team coming in and and look the Nationals are solid and uh the Braves went out on Sunday Night Baseball and got embarrassed by a sub 500 team where's the discourse on that you know uh well the the discourse is what it should be it's one game Philly sent them under 500 pow well here's my my uh usual update on the 500 over 500 teams because as we're talking about it the Phillies do have what some may say the one of the easier schedules to start but they actually have one of the 13th easiest schedules to finish as well like it doesn't get much harder for the Phillies um of course there is a stretch where they do have a number of West Coast series but there are five teams over 500 in the NL currently I don't include the 500 Mark cuz you're not over 500 you're at 500 so there are five teams over 500 in the NL of course the Phillies are one of them currently with that beautiful that beautiful uh 708 winning percentage but yes the Braves are out of 619 the Brewers at a 587 the Hoskins effect at a 542 oh boy the Cubs are good and the Dodgers of course at a 653 but then in the AL there are seven teams over 500 currently the Damn Yankees in my missing the Playoffs is not looking so hot huh not should I old take expose myself on that one it's a long season but I don't think that they're going to miss the playoffs they're sitting at 33 15 they're they're actually one of the few teams that have over 30 wins coming into today because only soon who would have predicted this part though with the Phillies at 34 wins they're the only uh only one of two teams of course in the NL that's over 30 wins the Dodgers being the other one with 32 there are also two teams in the AL with over 30 wins guess those teams wait you two teams in the there so there's two teams in the NL and two teams in the AL with over 30 wins on the season coming into today on Monday Yankees and Baltimore yeah Baltimore It's Not Baltimore Royals It's Not Baltimore they have exactly 30 wins they're 30 and 17 they've won six of their last 10 the Guardians have 30 wins on the season so far um well I guess my Yankees cold take uh survives because of my Guardians fir CL take Fair I'll give you that I balanced out there I'll give you that and uh Emanuel class is not going to be on the trading block this year huh no no so as we are wrapping up it when you look ahead for the Phillies with 34 wins on the season they of course play the Rangers this week at home they play the Rockies again for a weekend series then the Giants again coming up you know the Phillies this series could you know unbeaten streak should and could very well continue uh the Brewers that Brewer series might might be the most challenging series they've got coming up that's the first week of June so as you mentioned is it that the Phillies are this good or is that baseball has maybe a separation combination of the top teams of Dodgers Phillies Braves Yankees orales Guardians Brewers and then maybe there's a gap is what it's feeling like to me yeah the Rangers will probably be there at the end of the year I would imagine once they get healthy and a couple others but yeah there's some others that are in that like middle spot that should and here's the beauty potentially in a 15th series on the 14 games or series streak Ranger Suarez starts game one so like if they have a chance to win game one which they've done at a phenomenal clip this year like you're you're probably looking at 15 Series in a row and I fully expect that cute adorable man to go out there and get you game one so uh I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night yeah I I think it might be uh 15 16 17 18 in a row before they fully uh might have that before I get a little nervous against the Brewers cuz it's Rangers Rockies Giants the Brewers is here right in Philly the brew that is here there's home record in baseball folks so going into L the London series the Phillies could uh it could get even better from here so we'll we'll see we will see it's exciting times and that Series right there is the one where I will agree with Jamie that one doesn't count that might as well be an exhibition series The London Series yeah yeah it doesn't matter yeah it's a two game it's not like the Mets are going to beat the Philly it's one home game one road game it's a weird d you kind of already won those series I yeah I mean so you you went you went three and one yeah in the won one of the home and home now you just have to win the Mets home game and you took both series I mean I think you're you're you're kind of convoluted playing that you know what's convoluted going to London for baseball games all right Fair all right well with the day off today of course tomorrow we'll be back live 11:00 a.m. talking about the Phillies previewing the first game of the r series we know Ranger Suarez we'll get start get should I get a ranger like Zoro mask for Ranger day and I'll just and I'll just do the show like fully lean in yeah it's a ranger day yeah I mean you love Ranger maybe I'll get a z maybe I'll get a Zoro Mas um it's currently looking like it's going to be well it is Ranger Suarez and John Gray will most likely get the start for the Rangers tomorrow and so it only goes up from here exciting times for everybody that's tuned in again our usuals as well as our new followers uh new viewers happy to have you here on ph philes podcast this week we have obviously it's we were live at 11: today live at 11: tomorrow Wednesday we will be uh live at 11: as well and then Thursday is a watch along where you guys get a chance to watch the Phillies game with us that'll be a uh final game for the Rangers series that will be live with you guys right here on YouTube or Twitter where you guys can watch and then we also have a post game show on Friday as well so watch along Thursday postgame Thursday post game Friday and it should be more Victory shows for yeah John fo's going to be here in studio with us tomorrow looking forward to that I think we'll talk to Jim Salsbury on Wednesday this week uh so good time it's just fun to be a Phillies fan right now you know like it's just great it really is so enjoy this ride it's now somehow already Memorial Day Renee so the Summer's about to begin and we have a lot of good baseball ahead it's pretty damn coolo um Frank didn't mention about you guys fantasy teams oh I put up a a monster number this weekend What's that name back toback losses how's two losses in a row how's it feel my team stinks but I get to do this because I got Paul now how's it feel went out and peacock for the last by the way Paul SK kid's great oh my gosh wow is really good okay my team had since Frank asked Frank Barber did ask I have to give the people what they want I can't ignore your question even as we are but it's not my fault it's not me it's it's not me it's it's you yeah I did lose back toback weeks so being the true tough hard ass GM that I am I had to make some Cuts oh yeah Jesse Winger's one of them sorry you're out of here um I got rid of some guys also maybe that could help you I did get that home run in but I still lost but I feel like ronal Blanco's suspension was you know when your team's winning they're going to check your guys a little bit closer we've been winning so much in fantasy that apparently they had to check one of my pctures he did have some sticky Stu he is suped so ever since then my team's taken a dip um but I made some cuts out there is really concerned guys fantasy baseball team mine's we're still my team is still third in the league by the way despite that so that's how great we are we back to back who is did he did he win this week I assume not um we are the Phillies my team is the Phillies of our FAS I think in the other league I don't think he's won a game yeah that's a tough but Zack Ban's doing really well uh by the way we're all huge Padres fans tonight good pitching with the Braves Ronaldo Lopez and his 134 ra versus Dylan CE and his45 ra so let's go Padres let's get a six game lead in the division well five and a half no cuz the Phillies have more games played so uh yeah sure I think they have like three or four more games played than the Braves yeah it's a five it's a five game lead and the Phillies do have yeah they've played 48 because of the stupid London Series right right either way keep losing bra I've always believed in you all right well thank you all so much for tuning in on Twitter and YouTube we appreciate you guys as always make sure you're subscribe to our show on YouTube and following us on Twitter to keep up with all that we are dropping sharing the new episodes the live shows that are coming your way every day as well as checking out John Foley and Jim salsbury's writing covering the Phillies on allphi.com as always we appreciate you send some positive vibes my way cuz Tyler and Jam's fantasy teams won and mine did not and I need all the support and condolences and encouragement weekend and have a great rest of your Monday we'll be back live 11:00 a.m. to preview Ranger Suarez and the Phillies preparing to take on the Rangers and extend their consecutive unbeaten series streak see you guys next time we all like the mayor

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Category: Sports

[music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] n welcome into the phly phillies podcast where we're not the eagles and we can finally kind of be uh put out of our misery with that football team after last night's performance we're not here to talk about them but renee that was absolutely embarrassing... Read more

EMERGENCY POD: Phillies acquire Carlos Estévez from Angels for Sam Aldegheri and George Klassen thumbnail
EMERGENCY POD: Phillies acquire Carlos Estévez from Angels for Sam Aldegheri and George Klassen

Category: Sports

[music] hello hello everyone welcome into a phl for lack of a better term emergency podcast brought to you by indeed this emergency podcast is brought to you by indeed listeners of this show can get a $75 sponsored job credit to get the jobs you need more visibility and indeed.com allity that's indeed.com... Read more

Anthony breaksdown Ranger Suarez midseason slump thumbnail
Anthony breaksdown Ranger Suarez midseason slump

Category: Sports

Um here's the deal ranger last five starts not good all right 37 hits 22 runs allowed 20 of them earned over just 27 innings he's lost five of six overall and uh he like last night he wasn't horrible the problem's really been that second and third time through the order where he starts to get up trouble... Read more

Phillies J.T Realmuto Exits Game With Neck Injury Vs Cardinals - Hit By Zack Wheeler Wild Pitch thumbnail
Phillies J.T Realmuto Exits Game With Neck Injury Vs Cardinals - Hit By Zack Wheeler Wild Pitch

Category: Sports

Intro hello baseball lowers welcome to my channel bukari mid on news the philadelphia fils played out the rest of tuesday's game against the st louis cardinals without catcher jt real moto due to an injury suffer during the game in the seventh innings real moto was hit in the throat on a wild pitch... Read more

Zack Wheeler & Phillies Beat Out The Rays | Nick Castellanos Go Deep | Meat Locker With Baldy thumbnail
Zack Wheeler & Phillies Beat Out The Rays | Nick Castellanos Go Deep | Meat Locker With Baldy

Category: Sports

[music] hello philadelphia i'm bruce buffer it's time for the anthony gorgan good morning good good morning everybody happy happy happy happy thursday september 12th to all across the delaware valley this is the anthony gargano show we're presented by r a your neighborhood pharmacy visit your local... Read more

Rhys Hoskins standing ovation as Phillies win and an ode to College Football thumbnail
Rhys Hoskins standing ovation as Phillies win and an ode to College Football

Category: Sports

[music] hello philadelphia i'm bruce buffer time for the anthony gorgan good morning everybody well a happy happy happy happy tuesday to all across the delaware valley what in night last night and it was simply citizens bank park as the phillies welcome in the brewers right good team so for all those... Read more

Aaron Nola & Mookie Betts React to Simone Biles, Paul Skenes, Talk 'Van Life' | On Base, Ep. 24 thumbnail
Aaron Nola & Mookie Betts React to Simone Biles, Paul Skenes, Talk 'Van Life' | On Base, Ep. 24

Category: Sports

Welcome back to on base live in your bleach report app i am your host mookie betts and today we have my boy aaron nola aaron thanks for coming on the show today brother thank you mie i appreciate you having me on uh before we get to know you uh i do think there was a a really cool thing done yesterday... Read more

Phillies on TOP in MLB Standings! thumbnail
Phillies on TOP in MLB Standings!

Category: Sports

Hey baseball fans have you been keeping an eye on the philadelphia phillies they're making waves this season and just clinched the top spot in the mlb standings what's behind their incredible performance let's dive in so who are the philadelphia phillies well they're one of the oldest teams in major... Read more

Ranger Suarez Dominates. J.T. Realmuto Crushes. The Phillies Are Back! | Anthony Gargano Show thumbnail
Ranger Suarez Dominates. J.T. Realmuto Crushes. The Phillies Are Back! | Anthony Gargano Show

Category: Sports

[music] [music] hello philadelphia i'm bruce buffer it's time for the anthony gorano show good morning morning good morning everybody well a happy monday to all across the delaware valley this is it man the uh last monday of august as we get ready for a labor day weekend and oh they're back yes before... Read more