💖💖Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 1 - 3 FULL Breakdown & Sauron Explained

[Music] welcome back everyone it's Charlie this will be my full Lord of the Rings rings of power season 2 episode 1 episode 2 an episode 3 video they released the first three episodes in one go so I'll just do one big video for all of them there's so much to talk about so if you're brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes careful for spoilers for the first three episodes if you have not seen them yet starting at the beginning of episode 1 it was titled Elven Kings under the sky which is a reference to the black speech Sauron inscribed on the ring of power the poem three rings for the Elven Kings under the sky seven for the dwarf Lords in their Halls of stone nine for Mortal men doomed to die one for the dark lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness finding them in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie it's meant to sit off season 2 because it's all about Sauron actually creating the one ring of power and forging the other lesser rings of power putting a whole lot of rings on a whole lot of fingers this season the actual opening scene of the Season basically tells all of sauron's backstory starting at the end of the first age in the beginning of the second age like what happened to him before he became how brand we get a much longer version of the flashback that we got at the beginning of season 1 episode 1 to explain what happened to Sauron before the events of the series pick up the Orcs bring his crown out as he's trying to tell them about his plan to conquer Middle Earth now that he has become the new dark lord after morgoth Was Defeated and probably one of the biggest reveals here is what Sauron looked like before he was killed for the first time or before body was destroyed for the first time this actor is Jack Loden Charlie Vickers plays sauron's other forms later during the second age after Adar killed him and he has to reform his body again and if you haven't seen it there was a deleted scene from The Return of the King that shows Sauron in his original Angelic Valor Form This is actually what he looks like in his true original form anytime The Valor descend to the World they have to take a physical form like this like gandal for instance takes a physical form so he has a different natural form that he existed in when he was in the Timeless halls but this is essentially meant to be Sauron when he's still at 100% full power multiple times in the last time during the Return of the King he was left in such a weaken state that he didn't even have enough power to reform his body so essentially he's just floating around as part particles around the universe to the end of days it's a good reminder and he mentions this to a couple different people in the episodes that he cannot be killed like you cannot kill an immortal being you can only trap them and destroy their body it's the same thing that happened to morgoth after he was defeated by the other Valor like his Essence is sitting Beyond the Door of night in the realm that they all came from before aru the god in The Lord of the Rings universe created the universe itself it's sort of like the black nothingness of chaos like he's just stewing out there but there is a prophecy called the dagor dagra that says someday he'll find a way to return to the universe and there'll be a final battle in an end of days kind of situation notice the robes that he's wearing when he's giving them his big pitch speech here about how they're going to take over the rest of the world it has this ring likee inscription in Black speech around it sort of foreshadowing for the one ring of power both a reference to morgoth melor his master and to Sauron himself because throughout the Lord of the Rings history Sauron is defeated multiple times and each time he takes another form and has to regrow his power one of his special abilities that he used all the time during the first age the second age was to actually change his form like a shape shifter but because of the way his power Works he can appear to people in the form that they find most pleasing which we see him do later when he's trying to trick Kell bmore into forging the rest of the Rings of power they confirm the tower that we saw at the beginning of season 1 episode 1 where saon rallied moro's remaining forces is foro DW in the far north it says the dawn of the second age because they demarcate the passing of the first age to the second age with morgoth's actual defeat like it became the second age the minute he was defeated just like the third age begins during his speech he quotes the line power not of the flesh but over flesh which he's repeated multiple times other characters too during season 1 and during season 2 and you notice that Adar has been recast season 1 it was Joseph Molly who most people remember from Game of Thrones as is bench and Stark I'm not sure why he left the show maybe is scheduling conflict we'll see how this actor does but notice how Adar is not happy about sauron's plan to use the power of the Unseen World to enslave the regular world because it also means enslaving all of his orc Brethren and children essentially also does not help that Sauron tells them that he's going to kill most of them most of the Orcs here that are standing here in his experiments like we will conquer the world we will make it better for Our Kind oh and also by the way most of you are going to die this is all about his plan to tap into the power of the Unseen World but he hasn't come up with his idea to create the rings of power yet that doesn't come till much later for now this is sort of like his plan phase one phase 2 phase three phase 4 like that gets into the actual forging the rings of power The Valor and some of the more powerful lesser beings exist in both the scene and Unseen World they have forms in both worlds in the Unseen World Sauron the other Valor for example appear in their full original Angelic form talks about getting visions of the Unseen World seeing things from the future when she's wearing her ring of power it's basically like a realm of pure power which is why sain is trying to tap into it and use it to conquer he then kills his first attemped assassin notice how bored he looks while stabbing him repeatedly like he could not care less about any of these Orcs you start to notice too as it gets matter and matter his face starts to change form just a little bit like you see his power basically changing his form then his Adar recites his o to Shon in the black speech naming him the new dark lord after morgoth who was the first dark lord kills him with his crown rip Sauron for the first time even though technically he didn't die so we shouldn't say Rip but notice a couple details when they're actually laying into him like notice how many Orcs it takes to slow him down like they stab him a whole bunch of time notice the camera Zooms in on his face you can hear him whispering in incant ation in the black speech probably sensing that his body is about to be destroyed like his life force is Flowing out so he's probably performing some kind of magic that will help him return in another form this might just be part of what he does each time this happens in the future I am not fluent in Black speech the subtitles also didn't translate what he was actually Whispering there so if you do speak it and you can translate let me know what he actually said in the comments comments below then we see his body detonate in this explosion of his power like this is how powerful he is it essentially just wastes all the area surrounding in this mountain range here site there is no body like they just find his clothes because his Essence dispersed also turned in to the black goo that we see later then they name Adar their new orc Lord like their father Lord because technically he is by biologically related to all these different Orcs here we'll get into that too I talked about that during season 1 he gets into his back story later in the episodes when he starts talking about what morgoth did blessing him quote unquote changing the elves into Orcs that he came from but notice he picks up sauron's Crown that'll become important later because we see Sauron fighting gadriel using his crown so at some point he will get his crown back then we see a much longer Montage to explain what happened to saurin exactly step for step after this and how he took his how brand form and if it wasn't clear they're condensing the timeline a lot like it took a long a long time for his body to transform into different forms so like he was sitting there in a pool of Goo form for a very long time before that giant creature came along he consumed it and then grew a little bit larger gained more power and was able to crawl out of the caves we finally see him crawl into the path of a random cart until he's able to consume this woman RP to her and take his how brand form then it seems like based on the way they explain this his next plan is to just go find Adar and revenge kill him until he winds up running in to that person who served the former Kings of the Southlands what he says the first ones to die were probably the fortunate ones it's because of his master plan to rule everyone enslave everyone so anyone that survives would suffer a far worse fith then he spots that Mark of the former line of kings in the Southlands the crest that he uses later to trick gadriel into thinking that he's the Lost King of the Southlands the king of men is basically that person that he said that he killed taking it he also reveals that he is not the last in the line of the Kings of Men He was just the serent of those kings meaning that the true king might be out there somewhere there were a lot of theories during season 1 that Theo might secretly be like the last in that line of Kings we'll see about that it just feels like they have big plans for Theo some big reveal in a future season it it's basically this man's speech that gives saon the pep talk that that he needs to double down on his plan to conquer the world and find quote unquote a better way this seems like it's the beginnings of his ideas to create the rings of power when he mentions some place across the sea a man can escape himself he's also probably referring to valanor the undying lands there are a lot of references to valanor during the episodes then we basically find out how he wound up on that life rack when he met gadriel for the first time it wasn't totally clear if he caused the sea creature to attack the ship and destroy it or if the sea creature was already doing that but he winds up ripping the king's sigil off the dying man and notice it seems like he's communicating with the sea creature underwater here like the creature is afraid of him because it senses his power then we see the rest of the events of season 1 when gadriel washes up to got wrapped now he didn't know that she was coming this is just meant to be a coincidence that he sees then as an opportunity that he can take advantage of in a big part of his pitch to gadriel during season one I don't know if he's still on this it seems like he's slowly backing off this and now he's more about world domination but during season 1 it was the whole idea that he was trying to save the world from morgoth who he thought was going to do far worse things to the world it's sort of that villain Trope where the villain is trying to save things but ultimately winds up crushing everyone in trying to save them they're actually kind of taking Robert Danny Jr's Dr Doom character in that direction when he comes back during Avengers 5 basically the same idea I'm going to make everything better by crushing everyone with my idea of freedom then we jump back to present day with gadriel chasing elron trying to snatch the bag of the three Elven rings of power from him because elron is worried about the big reveal after finding out about Sauron I think the way they're explaining here is that this is happening like right after the events of season 1 so she hasn't had time to tell everybody about Sauron yet but they do kind of mention that during the episode like why didn't you tell us sooner that Sauron was amongst us this whole time would have been very useful information thus begins the big disagreement that everybody has about what they should do with the actual rings of power like should we destroy them should we wear them should we use them there's a bit of a funny moment here too because Gil galled kind of drops the Elven language version of an F bomb I didn't know the elves had their own version of an F bomb when she says that Sauron never touched the three Elven Rings that's actually accurate to the books lore the other rings of power he did have a hand in making which we actually see during episode 3 like he actually touches and puts some of his power into the making of those Rings that's so that when he wore the One Ring of Power he could control anyone else that was wearing the Rings themselves they've already shown that he has this low-level ability to worm his way into people's minds and control what they're thinking what they're saying what they're believing but with the One Ring of Power he can actually do that in a much much bigger way there are a couple big book changes that they made through the way the actual Elven Rings were created so in the books originally the Elven Rings were the last ones that Kell bmore created and he created those separately without Sauron knowing about them so that he couldn't lay his influence his magic on them and in the books the elves were too afraid to actually use the Rings because they felt like they would fall under sauron's sway if they put them on so it was a very very long time before any of the elves actually used any of their rings of power on the show they started out with them creating the Elven rings and then started create the other rings for the other races then Aon jumps over the falls to avoid having to turn the Rings over to Gil galled who wants to use them to basically heal the blight on their like this black blight that's on the tree and throughout the rest of their lands and basically stop the fading of elves life forces what's happening to all the elves in Middle Earth is that essentially like the light of valanor like the light of the Valor is fading in them their life force is fading so they have to go back to valanor in the undying lands the rings of power can basically stop that from happening then we see how saon makes it back in front of Adar he lets himself be captured and this is all part of his master plan to get everybody else to do his dirty work for him basically get the Orcs to attack the elves in hope that they destroy each other and he can just walk in and claim the rings of power for himself that's one of sauron's big tricks that he uses across all the different ages that he's around during the lore is basically getting other people to do his dirty work for him notice we see wreg from season 1 he's gotten a big promotion serving his Adar under boss working all the slaves notice that Adar has sauron's sword that he forged it has his own special powers that we saw during season 1 when it tastes blood but also it was created to be a key activating the dam that would cause Mount Doom to transform the Southlands into Mordor and you notice that walg calls the Orcs the uruks that was their original name of the Orcs when morgoth first transformed the Avari elves that he captured the 13 that were chosen that Adar says that he was part of this was a big event early in the Lord of the Rings history where morgoth basically found a group of elves before the rest of the Valor found them he performed crazy experiments on them turning them into what became the Orcs so the idea is that all the Orcs that you see here are descended from those original 13 which Adar was one of so all these Orcs are literally biologically related to Adar just very distantly that's why they all Call Him Father then we learn more about sauron's short-term plan to get the Orcs to attack the elves he makes them think that Galadriel has allied with Sauron who has returned remember that Adar cannot detect that Hal brand is s like he can't sense his power basically telling him that the weapon that saon was originally trying to create when Adar killed him is now being created by the elves so that's where all the big battle scenes come from that we saw in the earlier trailers then we see the stranger traveling to Rune with Nori so big deal like big place in the lore that we didn't really spend that much time in during the original movies there a lot of Rish soldiers like we saw a lot of the elephants but that's about it like we saw them in sauron's Army inside the rest of Middle Earth we didn't didn't actually travel to the east there are a lot of theories that he's going to wind up being one of the blue Wizards because later in Bas on the rights that I think that the rings of power people at Amazon have access to I think that they can't do Gandalf so I think the blue wizard is probably the best guess after that then he sees a whole bunch of visions and hears some voices it sounds like he hear someone speaking Elvish or the black speech like some sort of incantation he sees the molon lava of Mount Doom what eventually kind of looks like the eye of sa like it forms in the lava here this is him casting that wind magic that we see in later episodes like the big tornado that he makes and this person is the dark wizard played by Karen Hines who is also on Game of Thrones like there's a lot of Game of Thrones actors that are showing up on rings of power it seems like he's ruling in the East and he refers to himself like he's also an immortal being so he might be one of the arari as well too he could be one of the other blue Wizards then he sees a bunch of the female acolytes which he face during season 1 we find out are also Servants of the dark wizard character Nori says he's been having these Visions for a while now every night so it just seems like he's slowly remembering who he is where he came from and why he is on Middle Earth like what his purpose is this person watching them from from afar with the spy glass is a Rish soldier that we learn a little bit more about later episodes generally they're all meant to be serpents of the dark wizard there are couple moments in this episode and then in later episodes where they tease the idea that he hasn't fully learned to control his power yet this is part of the idea like Gandalf for instance sarmon the other Wizards are all very very powerful he refers to himself as a wizard and a lot of what he says to Nori here like the playful attitude that he takes with her sounds a lot like Gandalf's attitude when he's talking to Frodo joking about being a wizard he talks about missing his home but not remembering where he came from he's probably talking about the Timeless Halls where aru their God creator lives in the other Valor who chose not to descend to the world then back in Mordor noticed the Beast starts to sense sauron's power and begins to submit to him he sort of turns it to his will eventually which they reference in a bunch of other scenes with different characters too the idea that Sauron worms his way into your mind and learns to control you there a couple funny foreshadowing moments with walg here like he just goes all Ham on Sauron like remember during season 1 he kept referring to the dark lord returning like he worships Sauron as his dark lord and here here he is and he spends all day beating him so bad call on walr for insulting the person that he's been worshipping all this time who also then tells him that the minute he gets out of here he's going to kill him which he then pay off the joke later in the episodes then we go to the great Havens and we meet Kieran the ship for the first time on the show who's a really really big character from the books he's meant to be the oldest elf living in Middle Earth one of the wisest and most noble ones all the way from the first age to like he's a very big figure in elant history he's basically the one who takes everyone to valanor that is allowed to go because remember there's the band The Valor so like at the end of Return of the King he's the one who captained the ship that took gandal Frodo Bilbo gadriel everyone to valanor and for most of the timeline of the books after he comes to Middle Earth he's the ruler of this gray Havens area when he says Perfection exists only in balinor that's probably because the immortal elves have perfected their craft over a millennia is also probably a reference to feanor the greatest Craftsman in the history of the world basically he's the one that created the saril the paler seing Stones both which get referenced many times during the show Kell bmore for example is his grandson which is one of one of the reasons why he's so obsessed with creating something as great as feor created he also has feanor's Hammer which he's been using to craft the rings of power when he looks across the sea at the sunset he's basically looking to valanor when Gil gallad chides gadriel saying that he wants to cast her to the etm mores that's an area north of rivendel that became infested with trolls and all manner of bad creatures like it's a really terrible place when she says she vows to put things right and not stop until saon is defeated we know that's going to take thousands of years because she doesn't leave Middle Earth and go back to valanor till after Return of the King that's why she goes back to valanor because her quote unquote job is done like Sauron has been defeated Kyan then makes a whole bunch of references back to the One Ring of Power which sa will eventually create when he says they have so much power they can change the heart of any who beheld them the joke is the rings of power cause people to fear those who wear them so they change their hearts but for worse like in a bad way when he says Kell bmore succeeded in turning elf against elf that's also him referencing fanor in the SARS the oath of fanor the first kins slang which is exactly what it sounds like the oath of feor caused the sons ofor or to kill a ton of Their Own Kind it was a really really big deal in the history of the elves there was like a brief flashback scene at the beginning of season 1 episode 1 where we actually saw the oath of feanor going down then Elon sort of wises up and starts to suspect sauron's larger plan to use the Rings to enslave everyone Kyan then mentions elon's father a arandel whose statue is in the bay at new or we saw throughout season 1 he is the one who convinced The Valor to join the war against morgoth during the war of Wrath in the first age instead of dying like a normal human being his fate was to eternally Traverse the great ocean with the saril that Baron and luthian had arrested from morgoth and guard the sun and the moon so over all these thousands of years while Elon is running around trying to save the world from Sauron his father is essentially just riding across the sky Kyan then starts talking about one of the major battles from the war of Wrath against morgoth and he describes the sinking of the continent ban when he starts talking about an idea for how to get rid of the elf and rings of power there was a brief flashback to the sinking of bararan during season 1 like when we basically saw the first age big battles he mentions manway the greatest of the valley Valar after morgoth remember manwe not the most powerful Valor that was actually morgoth and the funny thing is that any time that gadriel talks about her friendship with elron you have to remember that gadriel is basically elon's mother-in-law if he hasn't done it already elron will eventually marry galadriel's daughter when elron questions whether or not gadriel is still under sauron's influence he's not totally wrong part of the idea is that once he worms his way into your mind he is there forever you kind of see that in a bigger way with Kell bmore story where like Sauron definitely has him on his hook then we see Kieran about to cast the Rings to the ruins of ban in this deep Chasm but there's this weird attack on his sh like this big splash like a creature attacks his ship causing him to look at the Rings and take them out follow in under their sway part of the problem with the scene like this is that you know that he wasn't going to throw those rings away because we know they're wearing the Rings during the events of the movies much later in the timeline back in the East The Stranger in Nori find out his poppy from season 1 has been the one that's been tailing him this whole time but she's brought a map of the area with her that helps them escape the area where they basically been trapped running in circles there's another cool trans I using the map love the way they use these transitions confirming that they are in Rune in back in Mordor Adar basically dumps his entire backstory on Sauron not knowing that it's actually Sauron because sauron's a big part of his backstory explaining how morgoth chose 13 of his elves to transform them and give them great power but ultimately led to nothing like led to the ruin of them he said as he was Chained and left on the top of a mountain Forever Until Sauron shows up in his original Elvish form that we saw at the beginning of the episode gave him wine which he took and makes it sound like that was Sauron bending him to his will just like we saw him do giving the meat to the Beast a little while ago and the way he's doing the same thing with the elves the races of Middle Earth with the rings of power coming as the bear of gifts but the price is basically their enslavement like they're basically signing over their lives to Sauron so Adar is basically telling the story of how he came to be sauron's slave for a time until he tried to kill him you can also see the way that sauron's face changes while he's telling the story because he was there like he lived it too he was the other part of that story like yeah I remember visiting you on that mountain top and giving you that wine in basically winds up tricking Adar into releasing him so that he can enact the next phase of his plan and make it to Kell bribor to forge the rest of the Rings of power but notice how pissed off he is to have to kneel and swear fty to Adar but he does try to twist it in his weight like he says he's going to swear filty to the lord of the area but that's basically him like he is the dark lord so basically saon is swearing filty to himself and they pay off his threat to Wal drg to kill him having the Beast that he freed rip him to shreds rip to wreg you died how you live like a total crap bag Gil gallad sings a song about the fading of the elves until Kyan returns with the rings of power notice he's wearing his Ring narya The Ring of Fire the blue ring Falls at gil gall's feet which is the ring he eventually wears Vila the blue ring of air in N the White Ring of water falls for gadriel which she winds up wearing notice when they put all the rings on and start to use them it actually heals the blight in the area like it burns it out of the tree but while this is happening they start playing that song where the Shadows lie again as a reminder that sauron's plan is still causing all this to happen like it's all part of his master plan just as is Sauron returns to Kell bribor in Hal brand form and starts to enact his plan but because of the end of season 1 he has to wait at the gate until Kell bmore invites him in another cool transition to the map in Mordor with the fires of Mount Doom confirming that that is what the stranger saw the Blackness spreading through the rest of Middle Earth and up to kazad Doom is basically just the influence of sor on in the spreading of the power through the rings of power part of it was the eruption of Mount Doom but also I think it has something to do with what they were doing with the bow roog waking up we get a brand new intro scene is meant to show the forging of all the new rings of power like that's what these are the red mixing in is probably a referen to sauron's Essence that he bakes into the Rings themselves like sauron's influence over the Rings in the story this season back in Lindon gadriel has a vision while she's planting flowers near her brother's Monument this is all part of her visions of the Unseen World and her seeing bits of the future because she's been wearing her ring of power she sees Kell bmore being killed by Sauron who also quotes the inscription on the One Ring of Power the black speech the elves start to battle plan against the Orcs And Adar all also thinking that sain is going to do the obvious thing and just try and take over their army and then attack them generally do not seem like they have any idea what sauron's real plan is trying to worm his way in like secretly backdoor getting Kell brimo to create the rest of the Rings of power when gadriel talks about getting visions of the future that's actually something that happens throughout her family line like it's not just her and it wasn't necessarily tied to her wearing her ring of power but generally wearing the rings of power even the Lesser Rings pulls people into or causes them to see visions of the Unseen World Gil gala's warning here about Sauron being able to twist reality for people's minds that he's wormed his way into is meant to be foreshadowing for Kell bmore storyline crafting the rest of those Rings Knight them against him in what will eventually become the war of the last life like I said that's probably going to be how they end the series with the war at the last Alliance we find out the Messengers The Gil gallad sent informing him of sauron's true intentions and his disguise wound up being killed before they could arrive and you have Sauron trying to twist Kell bmore against Gil galled making him think that he's fallen out of favor with Gil galled or he's being taken advantage of by Gil gallad then we get a real deep dive on Karen hein's new dark wizard character now they haven't fully revealed who he's meant to be he might be one of the other isari based on the way he talks about himself it looks like he uses his magic here to return the acolyte that the stranger had killed during season 1 who informs him about what saurin is doing right now he mentions the istar specifically he's talking about the stranger like this is them confirming that the stranger is is one of the Wizards the Atari are the group of angels that Gandalf and the other Wizards come from they're like their own little subgroup of angels Mill that he mentions are the elephant riders that we saw the Rish soldiers using during the movies it's not really clear what his intentions are for the stranger he just says they need to find him before he realizes his full power like before he remembers everything there's also this subplot with the Rish soldiers where they have some sort of curse that they describe or some sort of disease that's eating their flesh that might be one of the ways the dark wizard is keeping control over them there a couple funny moments with poppy and Nori trying to come up with names for the stranger if he is one of the blue Wizards I don't think that tolken never revealed their actual names in the lore they just reference as the blue Wizards back at Kaza Doom daa and her friends use the Sonic ability to locate the path of the light through the mountain again but failed to find it to get like basically bring it back the way they wanted to causing another collapse cutting it off again the hand of Darkness closing around kazad Doom that Duran speaks of is probably both Sauron and the Dwarven rings of power but also probably the bow Rog waking there's a lot of bad things happening in Kaza Doom right now gadriel goes to see Elon to try and get his help again and he basically calls her out for being played by a fiddle like saon who is now playing all the elves like fiddle he's not wrong he's got Kell bmore eating out of his hand like he'll do anything that Sauron tells him to do and a lot of what the elves are doing now with their rings of Power are basically what saon wants them to do like this is all part of his master plan Kieran tells a couple jokes about some really notable elves from the history of tolk's lore rumil was an elf who eventually lived in lauran where gadriel rules during the third age Darren was the Lore Master in a musician working for thingle and is basically one of the greatest musicians of all the elves basically of all history he's a big part of Baron and luthian story to who Kiran jokes was insufferable in a drunk but was an amazing musician like he was terrible but he could play great music we see him playing around with naria the ring of fire showing its effect on the the Rish soldiers from taking them but also winds up leading to Nori and Poppy getting carried off in the tornado not totally clear what's going on here like obviously they're not going to kill him off this way so either this has something to do with with the dark Wiz is doing or this is some hallucination that the stranger is having but you can let me know in the comments how do poppy and Nori survived this they've gotone full Wizard of Oz like where's that tornado going to dump them back at Aon Kell bmore makes athin from the last bits of mythal this is the actual writing that eventually goes around the doors to cause a the doors of Duran that eventually he helps create then just like Gil gallad and El were both saying earlier about how Sauron influences people like once he works his way into your mind he stays there forever Kell bmore can't stop thinking about how brand like he keeps going back to him and eventually shows up and invites him in notice how he perks up when he mentions the rings of power like he wants to find out what happened with the rings did they work Sauron basically playing Kell brimo like a fiddle like like he's playing everyone else there's a couple funny ironic things that he says to when Kell bmore says you have no idea what it feels like to create something so important after so many centuries of trying basically this whole Endeavor like everything that's happening now is all part of sauron's long-term plan many many many thousands of years like tens of thousands of years also love the funny moment where he says he going to open a bottle of wine from back in the first age meaning that would be thousands of years old like this is a Priceless bottle of wine also reference back to the wine that Adar was given by Sauron which is how he basically pulled him into his thrw so at this point Kell bmore will basically do anything that Sauron tells him to do thinking that he's doing the will of aru there a couple very meable moments here too he calls cmore the Lord of the Rings he said the name of the thing and the thing but the idea here is that Sauron is meant to be the actual Lord of the Rings when he says his name is anatar Lord of gifts the name anatar is based on the Elvish words for Lord of gifts then they end the episode with the idea that Duran I fourth gets an invitation from Kell bmore and he's going to create the dwarfen rings of power episode 3 was titled the eagle in the scepter which is a reference to everything that's happening on newor the eagle is a reference to one of the Giant Eagles showing up on numor during the episode The Eagles were actually living on numor for a long time but after fizone came to power and fell under sauron's influence and they decided to try and invade the undying lands all the eagles basically took off like we're out of here dude so by the time the downfall of newor happened all the Eagles have been long gone the scepter is the actual physical symbol of num manorian power that's handed down from king or to Queen whoever becomes the next leader we actually see Muriel about to take that at the end of the episode then a big part of the opening scene of the episodes are showing what happened to Ailor his horse refuses to leave because he senses that Ailor is still alive very smart horse that kicks the crap out of a bunch of Orcs all by itself then tracking down a sealer in a spider's Lair now it's not clear if this is shell ob's Lair because we're in Mordor here and shell ob's Lair is in the edges of Mordor so this is like the right place but the spider just didn't seem quite big enough to actually be shelob then on numor there's this whole long running plot with fizone basically slowly trying to usurp power from Muriel and what's going on with all the other characters around them while that's happening they start to lay this whole subplot with elendil's daughter hating miriel because she blames her for her brother's death a Seer even though we know that he's still alive basically using the Palante here to turn public opinion against Muriel part of the idea is they want to show how fair Zone came to power and how new manorian culture split with the King's Men the people that were loyal to fizone and the people that hated the elves The Valor then the faithful the other people like elendel Muriel who were still faithful to The Valor to the elves most that goes down by the end of this episode but obviously a lot of stuff has to happen before the actual downfall of numor then we eventually find that elendil's daughter stole the paler and is going to try and use it later at the court ation then we go back to Mordor to meet damrod the hill troll who's supposed to be really powerful like he's feasted on dragons which basically means that he's killed a lot of dragons then there's a bit of a funny detail in the background too notice there's an orc baby with an orc female they don't really get into this too much during the movies but Peter Jackson talked about this a little bit the idea is that Orcs procreate all the time like orc females are kept constantly pregnant which explains why there are always so many Orcs that show up so fast all the time basically they're dedicated to having as many babies as possible then we go back to Keller bmore who's talking to Duran ivth about the Dwarven rings of power and he says the name of the show inside the show saying that they will be rings of power he said the name the thing inside the thing and just to show you how much Sauron has Twisted Kell bmore to his will Kell bmore is lying to Gil galled to give him more time to finish the rest of the Rings of power back in the Southlands they start another subplot with the sealer running into another southlander named estrid who stabs him they traveled to poar the early numenorian settlement from the second age but she winds up being one of adar's people with his brand on her back so it's not totally clear what she's doing here or what her business with a seal door is or if she's trying to infiltrate what's happening here they wind up getting Sav from a bunch of other brigin by a ReRe who then Burns Bron win's body with Theo's help rip when he tells a seal door that numor will eventually return to Middle Earth that is correct because it's like a really big part of the lore is that they create their own kingdom in Middle earth eventually it becomes Gondor and a bunch of other big places then he tells Theo about his origin story growing up in Bolan more references to Bolan he was born there during the first age when he says it lies under the wave that's the war of Wrath causing it to sink there have been many references to that like we saw the flashbacks during season 1 as well and all these references back to ban might just be them foreshadowing the downfall of numor because something similar winds up happening to numor but just for different reasons like it sinks for different reasons Theo also references his mystery father again there are a lot of theories about who this would wind up being during season 1 we'll see if they eventually reveal this at some point like I said there's always the chance that Theo comes from that line of kings of the Southlands like he is one of the kings of men is seeler then explains numor architect T to Theo explaining Aqueduct like all the great things that they created back on numor part of the idea in The Lord of the Rings history is that most of the big structures you see later in the timeline during the third age in the movies in Middle Earth were built by the numenorians particularly the group of numenorians that came from aelder and his father alil they go to rescue his horse from the other brigin that follow Adar and it turns into a much larger battle and it seems like damrod the hill troll is the one that grabs Theo then we get Muriel's coronation which goes south pretty fast notice that she and elendel are both wearing white in feriz zone is wearing the red that he said was his favorite representing the new direction that he wanted to take things like make num Manor great again Ariel walks in revealing the Palante teer which fizone then takes adant Vantage of trying to twist the noes against her and the rest of the way against the elves in the balar notice that lendel also gets a real big magical shock when he touches it too not really clear why that happened or if he saw something when he touched the paler as things deteriorate chaos erupts one of the great Eagles shows up to bless Muriel but phone's supporters basically Twisted to make it seem like the eagle is there for him instead the look on his face as he sees the eagle is a little bit like the end of The Boys season 3 with homelander not really understanding what's going on but then suddenly things turning in his favor and I'm being all surprised so basically this has been the story of how he comes to power in newor really bad things on the horizon for numor so if you value your life you will get get back to Middle Earth as quickly as possible and they basically end the episode with the creation of the Dwarven rings of power during the fourth convinces his father to bring more mithil and sign a bargain with Kell bmore to supply all the mythal they need to make the rest of the Rings of power and a couple really important things that are happening in this moment here like yes they're creating that's a really cool thing but notice that saon grabs the myth roll before they add it and looks like he imbus it with some of his own power like he cast some magic on it like they really pause on this Frame here too so like he really puts himself into this material as he's creating the Rings as the metals mix together and spin around forming the eye which looks just like the eye of Sauron it also did that during season 1 too so the idea is that after this they'll create the rings for men they want things to move the rest of the episodes but a big part of the idea is that they create all these different rings of power and then Sauron tries to claim them all back from Kell bmore there was a bunch of stuff happened like each of the episodes was over an hour long just write them Below in the comments it'll be one episode per week after this for the rest of the season though there's a bunch of really big stuff coming up so there's probably going to be a couple big trailers in the next couple weeks too so make sure you enable alerts for my channel so you don't miss any of that stuff I just did a big trailer video for the new Game of Thrones series night of the Seven Kingdoms click here for that and click here for my brand new house the Dragon season 3 video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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