Lets Trot Show - EP36 Lets Trot with Beau Ryan

Intro you haven't seen talls no never are you [ __ ] serious is that is that is that bad T an NOS what is that are you serious can you help me out of here I was so addicted to the feeling of rugby league it was like they they give you this drug you know you have it every day for 10 years and then they they sto making it how did you really come to accept that decision to retire it felt like someone was pouring like boiling hot water down my shoulder and my wife's like if you um if you don't get the surgery I'm not going to watch you ever again cuz when we used to play yes they used to shout horrific stuff at us you know when you're playing the drag and all the Leos and Greeks are getting into you and calling you everything under the Sun but it stayed at the field you didn't have to die twice why do you think the show kind of ran to its end Thursday rugby league changed everything don't don't yep there we go so hot bro now I got hiccups I told you I get hi I can't shake him for like a week hey everyone welcome back to another episode of let's try episode 36 and I've guarantee you all this will be plenty of laughs my guest today Bo Ryan how are you brother hey man how are you let's drop that's true brother how you been what's been happening been good man I've been um excited to do this hey you've been quite busy been busy but I've been back now for a few weeks um yeah about two and a half weeks I got got back um from being I've basically been away the whole year and where have you been yeah um let's get into that we I filmed um Top Gear we started in November and we we did Australia we basically went around Australia and then we went to Europe at the start of the year and then America and South America Y and then I come back saw you at the launch which was good awesome out at um eastn Creek and then I went and filmed the Amazing Race in May and June I can't really say where we went there but that comes out soon I can't wait for it have you always been a revhead though um I've appreciated cars I've appreciated cars um I like driving I like driving and when we did when we did all the testing for Top Gear I didn't realize how much I really did like it really until we got out on the track um and they showed us all the training and how to drive properly and drift and all that and I know it was like footy it was like learning things at footy and just um picking up on it and going home and doing homework and I really liked it and I was the only BL that didn't crash in the show what really so that legit full yeah one of the BLS rote off of Maserati which was pretty funny not funny but it was pretty funny is it's great content I hope he's all right hopefully everyone was okay he was going a bit of shock and traa but it was good that would be too uh what was your uh favorite moment in the show cuz there would have been plenty yeah when I mean when we when I when I watch it on TV when it comes out and I sit there with the family I mean what am I saying my family don't watch it but my wife and will jump in and watch some with me um there's moments where she you know you're like holy [ __ ] how good does that look yeah and there was a moment in when we're in Texas uh we went to the speedway you know where they did um where Ricky Bobby on Talladega kns I'm Filming Top Gear Australia going to say yes but I got no idea what you're talking about you haven't seen tallad kns no never are you [ __ ] serious is that is that is that bad is that kns what is that are you serious can you help me out of here what is that can you explain that to me you Haven seen T I'm I'm sure I'm not the only one that run a poll 95% of the people that listen to this have seen Tad NS say does sound like it was speak English will frell no no idea John Cy I can I say I want to throw I want to throw something very controversial out there okay I've never watched their brothers oh so you haven't seen Step Brothers I've never watched Step Brothers is that is that insane I'm going I'm going well I've got two movies I can put on my list now okay hang on what do you watch what have you been watching I'm I don't know I don't really watch TV I don't know yeah but it's movies what are you talking about it's not TV yeah yeah I get what you're saying but I've never been a comedy kind of guy even though I'm hilarious you are funny I am pretty funny but I've just I don't know I've never got into comedy is that weird I don't I don't think I like dumb funny yeah I get what you're saying but like Step Brothers is like it's iconic I know iconic I know I know but hang on how can you judge it how can you say you don't you haven't even given it a chance it's a very good point I'm very harsh so what movies do you like I love action I love uh I love Thriller I love I'm really I'm really into those uh investigating you know uh mystery give me an example oh uh I love interstella I love um Inception I love Shutter Island well you love all the yeah had a traumatic childood I I love sh I appreciate that you know there's so many way and perspectives you can have about especially the ending right um so yeah like I really love movies that make you really think you know yeah I'm the opposite I like stuff it makes sense but it makes sense you want to watch a movie kind of switch off I switch off I want to stop thinking about like back to your story in Texas at the point how my life got to this point you know like how the [ __ ] I ended up here um now we're in Texas so tader kns one of the alltime great movies all right I stand by that yes he's a he's a NASCAR driver in it he's a a race car driver um Will Farrell there's a moment where they race around the tracks and we had electr uh EVS we had I had electric Hummer we had the new Ford um and we had the rivan and I had the Hummer obviously was the biggest and loudest and we come out it was like the Coliseum man we come down this long tunnel yeah and then you come out onto the track and you're sort of all fan up next to each other and like hundreds of thousands of people can be can fit in the stadium and I knew it was going to be big but they just rolled on it I didn't realize how big I didn't realize the enormity until you know you get out there yeah of course and I was feeling mad when I was coming to it was like a game like I was coming out on the field and we'll talk yeah we're on the two ways we're like hey Ricky Barber shake and B we were all excited and then we all come out and I went out into the middle and then one of the boys come up next to me and I was just like holy [ __ ] like how how did I get to this point like in Texas there was like 20 cameramen here we had people in the crowd we had a drone it's like a movie set right and then we come out and we raced um around the Texas Speedway and I just remember saying to the boys this is like this is one of their moments and I've been trying to get in the moment a lot more especially on The Amazing Race when we were in the pit stops like in different countries on the pyramids or uh in the outback or Africa I try and sit in the moment yeah and I think the last 12 months I was doing that and uh usually every show there's probably one moment where I'm like wow this is I'm so lucky to be here in Top Gear there was about half a dozen wow about half a dozen moments where I was like man I'm so I'm so blessed to be in this moment you hear it a lot in the you know rugby league careers you know stay in the present moment but it's very hard to because you're always thinking about the next game next game next game next training session yeah and uh I actually struggled with that like this you know I've got a I'm very thankful to have a great career and but looking back you don't really get to reflect until everything's all over you know what I mean you're like wow what like what like you said what a moment that was what a moment that was but actually living it and being in that present moment and really being grateful and thankful to have lived that in that particular time very hard it's it's hard The boys reflect on their NRL careers I mean that's a good point I mean I my career finished early with injury um which was frustrating um because mentally I was feeling all right I mean it was I was stressed every week because I was on a physio table and yeah in the doctor and getting injections to play and that was stressful so it was a bit of a relief when I when I did retire because didn't have to do all that but um it was still hard he I really struggled with it because when you retire especially from the NRL there's no weof period no right so you've been doing this thing for in my case it was 10 years there was a goal I set um and yes I had a good opportunities in TV and my career sort of went up and up after that um but I really struggled with it e i um it was like I try and tell someone it was like they they give you this drug and then you know you have it every day for 10 years and then they they stop making it yeah you can't get it anymore yeah I was so addicted to the feeling of rugby league not only you know running out and playing in front of the fans and winning games but it's the moment in the sheds that you miss the most e comaraderie and I retired at the Sharks and I used to go down I was still employed by the club to be around the boys before games but looking back that made it harder E I sort of wish I didn't do that um I mean hindsight's it's EAS it's easy to sit here and say I wish I didn't do that but being around the boys and then doing the video with them and helping out at training and then they sort of run out and it's just it sort of made it worse for me hey I really struggled with it but um I sort of I found it hard to go to games after that especially for that first eight and months um cuz I sort of knew I could still play it was just the injury like mentally I still wanted to play it was just the injury that was holding me back um but yeah I see I see guys now that retire and struggle and I get it I get it I get it man and I get it and it's it's um you think you're ready for it you you know when you make the decision to retire I'm sure you were the same it's like strugg it it was closure though and it was yeah it was it was like I got that closure but at the same time like it was something that I know I was giving up like that I really enjoyed and loved it was my passion like how do you say to someone like you got to give up your passion now yeah like it's it's not easy yeah you lose your identity essentially you did you do and that was I think the thing with my transition which made it probably a little bit easier um I I worked before I played footy um I played Juniors at dragons and then was in the you know Jersey flag teams and that and then didn't get picked into the full-time Squad didn't you n so I worked and we had a good team in the 20s and we won the comp in um 2005 and I thought we'd go into I thought I'd go into fulltime Squad after that but we had dragons right had the dragons but we had a gun teaming we had The Morris Brothers G and there was a lot of guys in front of me and there was a 12-month period where they said um yeah we just don't think you're going to make it um we're not going to take you into the top 30 and I knew how how how much harder it would be if I wasn't in the top 30 to make it then yeah so working full time I sort of appreciated how hard it was to earn money and how hard reality was that sounds very similar to me like I was you know played in pretty good on 201 for South Sydney we went to the ground final just lost against the Warriors um Junior kangaroos team of the year but I wasn't really rewarded with that for a top 30 spot in uh first grade I got like a summer contract done a preseason there um there were times where I was asking langy the coach to know come in on my days off and you know not making any money just going training with the boys just adding being an extra number just kind of getting as much experience as possible and um I love souths you know I'm fiercely loyal I wanted to kind of play my whole career at South obviously didn't work out and uh Panthers came in and gave me an opportunity which you know I took with open arms but I remember as well when I was at 21y old kid like I felt like almost like an imposter like I it's funny because I always believed as to be an N player but once I was actually in the mix with those guys like gring L John suts and I actually didn't believe I was I deserved to be there yeah um and it was it was weird it was a bit of a kick in the guts but once I left pen was it was the perfect scenario for me because I was almost essentially rebuilding myself and I looked at penri and they were rebuilding as a club so it was a kind of harmonious transaction and end up working out which I'm very grateful but I wanted to before we go on I wanted to talk to you about injury because I think it's really important like how did you really come to accept that decision to retire like that's not Beau opens up about his career ending injury easy yeah I I had Sur out of your control right yeah I mean I I was pretty lucky with with um injuries when I played um I mean I broke my arm when I was younger and had a couple of little niggles but when I started in 2006 at the Tigers played 2007 I didn't really have any any long-term injuries I had some groin problems and yeah but no surgery and and when I went to the sharks at the end of 2011 20 sorry 2012 I um I did a medical and I felt you know felt felt awesome after playing you know so many years in the NL I felt I felt like I was my body was probably my probably the key for me um how durable I was and then I got a little niggle in the preseason where my KN needed surgery so I played the season but I I was it was H it was like I was hampered by it and I got um just a scope in the middle of the year hadc just had a scope and didn't miss any footy but just had it in the by weekend and from then I still I feel like my body started you know I felt I felt my hammy was getting tight I felt I felt like my body was adjusting to it um but I still felt I felt strong I felt fit and then in the last game of the year we're playing Manley in uh the semis to get into the game before the Grand Final and I went to tackle George defur on the line and he bumped me and he ended up scoring it was [ __ ] try should have been that try um but he bumped me and I I thought I got it like a little bit concussed I went low on him and I felt I felt a bit of a stunner and then I felt my I felt like a burner I used to get a lot of burners played the game and then we finished the game we lost so we had like Mad Monday and that and um we had like a season review and you know we went out and carried on and then then we had the season review and then we had like eight weeks off or whatever or seven weeks off I remember I went to Barley and my my shoulder was just aching like it was the worst pain it was just like at night it was just aching so when I got back from barley I um had a scan on my shoulder they said no your shoulder's fine anyway it's about two weeks too before we started training um for preseason so I was doing my own training it was just weak man I could barely lift my arm it was just killing me killing me come back to training they scanned it again I did a medical they said no you got a shoulder problem scan it again nothing wrong with it started preseason training and I couldn't I could barely leave weights with my right arm yep did about two weeks of the preseason and um it just kept flaring up and then they sent me to go see a specialist and I had a pinch nerve in my in my neck so then I got it shaved um and that was a long recovery I had the surgery oh um just before Christmas actually because I delayed it so long that I missed the whole start of the Year actually the first game I come back was against you at Shark Park in 201 um 14 14 that was my first that was like middle of the year I scor a double that game yeah but we won okay and I had mad surgery just before it do you know what I mean I just I just come out of Hospital joke you were playing for Australia I'm a joke J you did score a double you came up to me after that game you shook my head we played well and um yeah appreci it was great times man but I um I played that game and it fled up again man like that was a we that was 2014 and we had a lot of problems with the sharks you know people get getting suspended we had all the s stuff going on L so they R they they I basically got rushed back to play it was me and Michael Gordon we we were both not okay that we played and um played another game the next week against par and my shoulder was gone like same thing man it was just the nerve pain I can't explain it I can't explain just a dead arm is that how you can when from contact it's like a burner but then at night in that it felt like someone I used to have to sleep like that cuz it must have been whatever the nerve was getting pinched in my neck um it felt like someone was pouring like boiling hot water down my shoulder but it would go away it was only depending on what position you're in um and I played another game and then it was like the third game I was back we played tigers at Shark Park and I was feeling all right and then I had a carry in the middle of the game and I got jammed and same thing it fled up again and I remember playing the game and come off the field and the doctor's like you got to go see the surgeon again this is we can't keep needling it like I've been needling it for the last month it's just like there was like it was like around 16 177 there was still 10 games to go um so I went and saw the surgeon and he's like yeah we're going to have to operate again and I'm like man it was like a six-month recovery um by the time I got back to the playing on the field so I was going to miss the whole preseason again and um my TV stuff was really starting to take off and it was it was I was filming from one day a week to two days a week it was actually nearly as much as I was training plus I was doing the live Footy Show um so with my manager and uh my wife we sat down we said what are we going to do we looked at I still had two years to go at the Sharks and my wife's like if you um if you don't get the surgery I'm not going to watch you ever again cuz she's like I can't keep watching you like this it's not good yeah um and I remember I did like a captain's Run for the next game and I got back from Captain's run I went to pick up my daughter she was only young and I could barely lift her yeah and um I pulled out of that next game and then retired the next week oh wow yeah so I didn't get the surgery um CU I didn't need it for you know not doing contact I'm not wrestling anyone I'm not trying to tackle Islanders like ever again you know what I mean so that one tackle that one moment is pretty much what ruled you out yeah I I had um I had problems with my neck like prior to that with just some burners but it was never it was always just a nerve getting hit and that's why I say you know when you see halfbacks pass the ball and get hit in the back that is like the worst thing you can do at a play cuz you're so um relaxed you're so relaxed and you're blindsided right like you can't see what's coming at you yeah and a couple of times happened to me early in my career when you you know you chasing a kick or whatever and you got hit in the back that was that's what flared mine up really the so the equivalent of that is being hit by a car yeah don't know about the speed but yeah the Collision of a footy game is like a small car crash every time and V hits harder than a car i' rather a car than I saw a game like YouTube going at it there was one time there was a pushing Shar and turned around and he's like so relax yeah I sort of I got real cuz back then you could punch yeah it wasn't like you could just push push you you could hit King at someone and it' still be play on I would always wait for three or four to get between us and then I would get real chy at him you say a lot of personal [ __ ] to him um but it was good it was good we I had I had good battles back then I had a couple good ones with you it was good you made it personal yeah you have to BU you made it personal man when you take that field and you're playing the guy against J you just really made it personal man I agree I got to ask you miss it and uh I think you could probably relate like cuz I was so busy outside of footy it's kind of me you know occupied and um I think the when I watched game one state of origin when I was there that's when I started getting the bug and I started getting that urge and it's a feeling you can't explain right like I just my chest started like kind of beating like my heart was beating heavier and yeah I'm like I'm thinking about it now just yeah that's probably when I started want to wanted to be out there a bit more and started missing it and you miss you me you miss you miss miss Bo this it's under that's underrated like people won't w unless you're really in it and man it's just uh it was crazy man when we were filming Top Gear to bring it back to what what I've been through recently we filmed all the live studio stuff at uh cocko Island so we had like hundreds of people in the studio sort of shot us live and I remember I was out the back and we were sitting there and going through scripts like this and the three of us and you know hair and makeup's coming in and they going through a rehearsal and that and bro I was just pacing around like I was pacing the pacing the room like it was a change room and then we walked out and we had like 5 minutes together before we went out and you know everyone has their little responsibility everyone's got their piece of camera they got to do and I just had this moment where I was like this is what I've missed this this moment and I've always put myself under pressure and tests and tried new things and I remember I called the guys in and I was like man the last 10 years since I retired I've been searching for This Moment Like This where we're all about to go out um and achieve a goal together we've all got a responsibility yeah it's not footy yeah you're not running out in front of hundreds of thousands of people at home watching and you know big live stadiums yeah it's not that but it's still it's still pressur in the moment that we're all um achieving something as a team and a common goal and we need each other like I need him to finish that before I start in front of a live studio and I said this is what I've searched for like this feeling this feeling is what I've searched for and nothing is you know you try different things when you're retire and you go a little bit off the rails or you go up and down with your emotions and everyone's got their own little journey but I've I've searched to always pressure myself and put myself in positions where I feel really uncomfortable cuz that's how I grow uh do you reckon you got ADHD what do you mean do you reckon like you got some I ADHD about you what do you I don't know I'm not diagnosed don't know either I'm not diagnosed but I reckon I do have it 100% I reckon a lot of athletes have it don't admit it I think it's probably I what makes us successful right because we're so um determined and maybe off our head a bit you know what I mean but why what what's what's what's that got to do no because I um you're always high in energy you know what I mean and like there's a lot of players that really Relish in preparation and stuff like that and like I feel like you would have like i' I've done it before like I've ratted a lot of a lot of those blogs that like around with me but on top of my head I don't know why just it was just impulsive that question ask I've been asked that a couple times actually like I mean preparation was always big for me in footy I was as much as I you know joked around and that I did prepare well and trained really hard um and Living with Robbie Farah that's why I loved it at the Tigers Tim Sheen's the coach was really big on Preparation you know diet hydration sleep and all that but um it was funny because as well as I did prepare um I was telling you earlier off camera when I used to live with Robbie Farah he was good too he was really well prepared we're both very professional but he's super intense chase you too he's too intense man you know what I mean he just need to relax bro you reckon he's not relaxed I reckon he he finds relaxation in his preparation yeah uh no no I don't agree with that he doesn't find relaxation in that he finds relaxation in like I remember we used to live with him he used to get home and put his bag down and then can walk straight over to his computer and get on his computer and start going through like forums and [ __ ] like West do forums and they were like Farah [ __ ] can't tackle and he's just like [ __ ] and he just go go through everything and and then he'd finally get in a good mood and I'd be like man you're going all right you're being you know you you're playing for AUST stray you know you're actually your life's like my and goal you know what I mean you're on 10 times the amount of money of me but you just cheer up a little bit and try and get in the moment I remember one day I was talking to him and he was on his computer and he was going through his footage and that and I was yelling out to him like what are we going to do for dinner or whatever and he didn't get back to me and I was like man you got to listen he wasn't listening so on the table his M had made up like all this mad Leo food and there was this lemon so I grabbed some and there was like a mandarin next to it so I grabbed it and then I come around the side of him and just Juiced his eyes no you yeah cuz he was on the computer I go all you do all you do is you're on the computer the whole time so I grabbed all this like pretty anything Citrus on the table anything that would sting and I just saw it come up behind him and just went bang and just just just rinsed his eyes with it and he got up and it turned obviously into an altercation but or I remember he was coming at me and he was like swinging punches cuz he's strong far strong man people don't realize he's he's strong and he's throwing punches but I just remember his eyes were just pissing out with water and just like all foamed up and he sort of clip me I was ducking and he clipp me and then I sort of tackled him and it turned into a wrestle bro we wrestled we lived underneath his mom and dad his mom and dad lived upstairs and then me and Farah lived downstairs with his brother Eddie we wrestled for about an hour you know those ones where no one was given up so like I sort of got to the side of him and was holding his leg and behind him but I knew if I was if I'd let him go oh he was like so I knew I couldn't let he's like let me go let me go I'm like no I'm let you go you got to promise you're not going to attack me he goes [ __ ] promise and I'm like now you're swearing now you're angry relax now apologize and bro soon as I Let Go him he got on top of me he was on top of me for like an hour the only I reckon I'd still be there the only Soul only the only reason I got out is there was like a knock on the door and I was like hey guys you home it was btio no he's like hey guys you know he's like um hey guys is anyone there and I'm like too and then he come in and um got on top of far and saved me then that they turned into a full-on wrestle and I was like commentating like and I was like don't let him do that to you Farah then that turned into like an hour wrestle but um no we had some mad times man we had some mad times but we were we were different but we're both we both prepared well as much as I joked around we both prepared well to the for the game and for training every day well I'm sure you got so many stories about Farah and your feuds there which um I got a bit of a segment I want to get get into you got segments yeah I have to be hey be prepared have you got be prepared you got can is this speaking Yeah well SEGMENT: ShoeGrab & Lets Trot Gifting you yeah you cut me off that's okay no you go no there you go no okay I was actually going to say a proud partner shoe grab and obviously let's trod have I gifted you some Apparel in sneakers brother we're going to do the sneakers now it's all now okay what about put the L let's put that on first let's go brother let's TR where's um where's that o car oh he's training training whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you looking s man I told you when you ran yesterday I've been training heaps and that it's just I don't know man I'm not it's just everything's harder in now way I know everything's heavier and then you're at the gym and people are trying to lift more than you and then your ego kicks in and next thing your low back goes and it's just it's just the whole big thing it's a situation bro how's it feel brother oh look at that look at that how's it look cracker it's Tru brother it's Tru TR now bring that mic closer cuz I don't think anyone can hear with that oh that know what I'm saying let's try let's try how come you got the hoodie and I got the well different oh you like this you rather this I don't mind this actually yeah well that's all right this is are we going to do this yes we are well I know you're very picky when it comes to shoes yeah why you say that well you you're texting me like I'm not going to wear anything else in this it's this no you were like hey bro can you um with the podcast we do this little thing for shoe grab and I was like yeah cool man can it be adad shoes and you're like oh okay so do you only do Adidas I'm like yeah I do why do I sound like that text your next message is like hey yeah bro what about if it's not Adidas I go I just text you it's got to be Adas and you're like [ __ ] all right and then you don't reply and I'm like I'm like who we doing you think you're the only one to request Yeezys the PO BL have to be Yeezys are they Yeezys oh I blew it anyway you blew the I'm sorry I'm sorry I like the boys your shoe grab I always look after all of them everyone else good brother he he's hard to get at the moment man yeah I actually don't know what color so that's a surprise so do I do now R do yeah we're doing it Mar's killing me just it keep sliding in man oh mad oh how good congrats sh grab shout out M sh grab oh I'm actually I'm actually I'm actually uh I need a new pair oh 11 man is that you yeah it's me I guessed did you no I didn't you told me but uh let's uh let's see what you got oh yeah these are hectic these are he you have Heap oh I got a few yeah but these are hectic do you got those ones you do you do I don't brother I don't I swear to God I don't oh perfect they're my favorite but you know they they're hard to get man hard to get you want try you played five years obviously at the tigers um but in between that you Juggling media and NRL careers were kind of juggling media as well and you're kind of one of the first players to actually put yourself out there uh how was that adjustment and also when did uh you know media coming as a passion for you yeah um I guess I'll take it back to how it started um in 200 I think it was nine yeah when Matty Johns went through some stuff off the field um there was a gap in the show where they needed to someone to come in and you know provide some comedy relief and I got a call from the EP of the show Gary Burns at the time or my manager did saying I want to meet Bo I heard you know you can tell the story or whatever so I went in and met him um at Willoughby there you know the old Footy Show Studios met him there and he said I heard you um heard you funny on that and I was like no I I don't know about that and he go say something funny and I remember Hano was with me because Hano used to come everywhere with me and I said oh hano's a um a piece of [ __ ] he's like okay you're going to have to be better than that um you start tomorrow and I'm like okay do yeah doing what what do I do tomorrow and he said well where you where are you training tomorrow and I said I'm training at um lockart we're at lockart oval and he said just do a street talk around there and I remember the first piece the camera I did there there was a little bit of like an intro written yeah and I just went home and memorized on that and it was just some something simple like you know today we're going to go out to lart and see what the fans feel about the game or something like that and I remember I was mad nervous and I remember the light come on and I did it and I it felt like I felt a buzz I haven't felt I never felt before like I was buzzing wow and I thought it was mad like looking back it was awful like it was terrible but at the moment yeah I was like that felt I want more of that feeling interesting and it was just sort of Vox pops and street talk so there was there was a there was not much structure to it so it was pretty pretty cruisy and pretty easy um and they put it on the show and people liked it um there's a market for it and so I started doing it and I was doing it once every probably 3 weeks and then it sort of evolved to once every two weeks and then we started the Bono segment yep and then I was doing the live show and it sort of went from it was good like we had a during the season not a lot of people know you do get a little bit of time off so in the preseason you don't get much time off yes but during season depending on when you play there's a lot of recovery a lot of half days yes whenever I finished training I'd ring the producer from 9 and we'd go on film whether it was a street talk or a skit like I was just doing as much as I could instead of playing golf you were doing that instead of playing golf I wasn't probably like you me I got no patience for golf M or surfing or I don't got the swing for it either you know what I mean yeah and you got to you got to be super patient to play those Sports um I'm impatient or as you're as you think got ADHD so I went and put it to use and was doing that and then live show on Thursday I'd go in I'd go in earlier and watch them edit the Bono stuff and learn how they piece together a skit or a package and it got to a point where I was even sitting in watching Peter over and read the news so he does the news live at 6 o00 and his last day of the week was Thursday he does Sunday to Thursday and I always wait for him when he finishes and I was just watching him talk and his intonation and then when I do a piece of camera for the Footy Show give me tips the next week and it was just I don't know little things that I'd I'd pick up along the way because I wanted to be better at it it's like I think being a rugby league player and being successful in sport you sort of want to be good at everything you do right it's something that's built in us and I wanted to be good at it and like I said earlier looking back it was awful but it was still I was passionate about yeah I was passionate about it to the point where when I did retire I was doing one minimum one two two days a week filming plus the live show so it was nearly a full-time job um so the transition was easy into work that way because then I just picked up more work and um it sort of evolved over the years for me talking to camera and learning you know know learning how to interview and learning interview techniques and timing and doing some radio and I just picked up skills everywhere along the way and I feel like all the stuff that I've learned probably since 2010 has pointed me in the position now to be able to host big franchise shows that's amazing because I I remember having this conversation with uh with Jay with Sho grab and um you know he believed in me to kind of you know Host this show and you know I really didn't fully believe in myself to do this show at the time like but then I go like [ __ ] let's do it like what have we got to lose you know what I mean and like I'm the type of person if someone Believes In Me I want to repay that tenfold 100% uh I remember like we're kind of talking and meeting and like you know trying to Envision what we wanted to try and create and then out of nowhere like okay we'll filming in two weeks I was like two weeks like we [ __ ] haven't practiced on anything we haven't done anything we didn't even know what I don't even know what to had a script and then we just th we just th throw myself in the deep end then it's [ __ ] just paid off like yeah it's great man it's the only way you'll improve in especially in TV or or you know whether you're doing a podcast or anything in the entertainment industry is putting yourself in those positions like I said you one of the first to really put yourself out there and it's it's amazing how you know we can play in a stadium with you know filled with thousands of fans right and be confident in ourselves to do do our job but then you put us in front of a camera for an interview or a skit and we all we just all go into a shell but why not you um I think it comes back to I was the first day when I did a the camera at liart that day man I I was addicted to it it come on and I I told you when I spoke to you the other week I'm passionate about it I loved it I love the nerves I've searched for those nerves your teammates didn't look at you differently they did um they did and I think it' be much harder to do now because of social media and um I think the media in general want to um there's so many people looking for Content whether it's on you know the Daily Telegraph or radio or print media um looking to bring players down at you know as any excuse why they played poorly yeah I think it's much harder now because when we used to play yes they used to shout horrific stuff at us you know when you're playing the dragons and all the lebos and Greeks are getting into you and calling you everything under the sun all the doggies fans all the souths fans yes they used to yell at out but it stayed at the field yeah exactly you didn't have to die twice you didn't come home and read it again every now and then someone would you know get under your Bonnet and just really rip you out a game on the hill or really just you know drill you about anything but you never have to read it you never have to go through that on social media or open a message and see it which carries so much more weight I agree and that's what the players are got to go through now um also the fear of failure I think because rugby league players are so so professional and proud they don't want to fail you got to fail man you got to be able to fail you got to be prepared to fail I agree with that as well because like I don't know you probably relate in your career you only want to do uh vision and footage when you're playing good and you're winning but you never have the courage to actually watch the video when you're not doing something good that's right and I think that's where the learning experience is the the opportunity to make yourself vulnerable to hold yourself accountable yourself not having your teammates to do it for you or your or your coach in the video sessions right it's actually watching yourself playing listen I [ __ ] played [ __ ] but why did I play [ __ ] yeah was my prep oh look I did my my tackle wasn't good I I wasn't effective there my run was piss week like it's all different learning experiences 100% a lot of it comes back to prep man yeah I agree especially even with TV like if you if I stumbled on the line or I might have said something wrong or did something incorrectly in a piece the camera or a car or whatever it all comes back to prep because we do rehearsals we do big pieces to camera we do the study and if I haven't done it then it's on me and you touched on it before as well right so you're juggling footy and you're juggling media and you're putting yourself out there even more and you're obviously bringing more attention to yourself and to your team and uh if you have a bad game yeah yeah oh he's doing too much man he's doing too much he's not preparing well he's you know he's a comedian like he's he's really focusing on his teammates like did you get that from your coaching staff did you get that from the media no I got it from the media yeah I got it from metor all the time um but when I did the first Footy Show thing I didn't actually ask the team the coach Sheen's or anyone from the Tigers I just did it and then I did it again so you can say it didn't affect your pration well didn't affect your performances I was thinking about my performance when I did the first couple I remember I was lunch and we're training at Concord and Shany come up and he says to me hey I saw you on the Footy Show last week I was like yeah yeah he goes what are you doing I said no I'm just doing a little bit of Footy Show you know is that is that sweet yeah and he's like yeah just don't play [ __ ] and I'm like don't play [ __ ] and I remember we playing The Roosters that game and he goes because if you um let it affect your football you won't be doing it again and all I remember is playing that roosters game going don't play [ __ ] don't play [ __ ] oh my God running out of um alian gone don't play [ __ ] and I think if I would have played [ __ ] that game that would have been the end of the career which I prepar again I put so much pressure on myself man I put so much pressure on myself but I loved it yeah I really loved it and like watching these days who has like impressed you the most like particularly like with footy in any teams in rugby league in footy yeah I love watching um I mean everything Melbourne have done man because they lose so many players every year and penr and they're still up there um but I love watching the Broncos play the way they play yeah man those kids that don't care penth are awesome to watch make the Tigers man I I enjoy watching the Tigers play the good thing about the comp now is anyone can beat anyone yeah I mean the origin period's hard because it skins the teams but um you really got to turn up every game um there is I mean the roosters penth storm I mean the sharks hit Miss but there's those four teams that will be there come end of the year it's a funny season isn't it this year it like last year it was just two teams Broncos penr yeah and then it was a massive gap between first and second now you know you got roosters you've got coming last pah's dead last bro perah I know look at their team I know they got a crazy team souths their team like yeah it's just so yeah it's the inconsistency there which I don't know if that comes back to prep or what if players believe in what they read but it's yeah times are different now mate well I was going to ask like you you said like you've got the roster right and people want to ask why aren't you putting the performances in and obviously there's a lot of factors right perfect example you went to the Sharks yeah 2012 was your first year there yeah and they were investigated for assada right you had a pretty good roster like pretty you had a decent roster but you Sharks ASADA Scandal couldn't put in the performances because you had so much outside noise and it's it makes sense like it was a pretty big investigation like which is going to have a lot of players like looking over their shoulder and thinking to themselves [ __ ] am I have I [ __ ] up here yeah 20 was that like what was that like well yeah I went there at the end of 2012 which was the pre this 2013 season so it happened literally I I think it was like a month before the season started so we had a really good preseason um we had like heaps of new recruits um and we had good trial for we looking good and then that just was like a bomb a bomb went off um so we lost the coach and some of the assistants before game one wow our first round one and then we lost yeah pretty much half the staff and players weren't sure if they were going to get suspended or not that was the hardest thing what did it all come down to how did ass Shine the spotlight on the sharks like what evidence did they have I don't know if I don't know if it was the endon club or as first but it was like the yeah it was called The Darkest Day in in sport and Steven dens come out and I don't know if it was someone's testimony or something but they'd seen where he' worked and he' worked at the Sharks and he' worked at uh endon football club and I'm not sure exactly how the Sharks got mentioned but they said yes he was employed there and he was using these methods of training and do you remember what the methods were were there like blood injections or something that I think that was what was happening at essenton okay um I think with at the Sharks it was just with the peptoid creams and stuff like that of course y but they didn't actually have any positive tests so they were going on everyone's testimonies but it was a draw drawn out process M it ended up coming to a head for the following year I think you can just put on a brave face as much as you can whilst you're go through it and get through on adrenaline and your preparation but that stuff's going to take its toll we were young men we weren't prepared um on how to deal with that we didn't know how to deal with that and that was back before there was sports psychology and that we were all doing our best to try and mask how we felt and then get to training and put on a brave face but that really was hard man cuz like you might not have been implicated but it's still still part of the team yeah you're still part of the team and you play for the konal sharks at that time you were known to be cheats yeah and that was obviously a reflection to you now yeah yeah yeah it was full on it was um I remember play people used to yell out stuff in the street and that if we're on game day playing in Brisbane or whatever people you still yell out and I don't know I think maybe because I didn't let it affect me maybe because I just thought it was all [ __ ] or I wasn't there when it happened but I think back to the guys that were going through it and going through having their names being named in the media and um you know having a sort of tral by media really because there was no people used to get we used to get to training man and a s would turn up and then they'd say all right Bon and Josh maner they just take you out for an investigation so he'd be in there for like six hours the players then they'd come back into training then they'd pull someone randomly out and they were just Gathering all this information and no one really knew what was going to happen what was going to be the outcome if there was going to be fines if people were going to get suspended if people were going to get sacked we didn't know so they were literally getting pulled out of the captain's run put back in we'd play a game then they'd get pulled out again because they were trying to assemble their case and looking back mate it was hectic do you remember the first day it got dropped on you boys yeah remember um Irvine who was the CEO at the time called us all into like the video room and said hey guys we we've been approached by um a s or a waterer at the time the one of the one of the the government yeah the government organizations and they've got some information on the team but if we come forward and put our hands up and admit guilt then they'll be lenient that's exactly what he said and everyone's like so all the younger guys were a bit rattled um and then I remember Luke Lewis was like well hang on what do you mean charge with what and they go well assar have got all the information and they know what's happening and if we come forward and admit guilt then they'll be more lenient it's very vague yeah and I remember going to Todd Cary and that going what is he what is he talking about I don't think he knows I don't think aada have actually clearly said who's involved or they've got any positive tests like I think they're trying to smoke them out yeah so I called their Bluff I said well what about if they just say nothing because you won't know any I said who's actually involved here and they said well assada knows and all the people sitting in this room know who's involved so come forward and I'm like well hang on hang on where's the Smoking Gun like who who we actually talking about here and I think at that moment assada didn't have any players they just knew Steven Dan was employed and they wanted people and they had no positive test they had no positive test so they wanted people to report other players and training methods and snitch and that's how it started [ __ ] and that's how it started but did you just me as a playing group and discuss what you going to do it was like it was on in the new it happened in the news at like 3:00 in the AO and then we got called into video that's how quickly it happened there was no heads up about it um and literally the coach got stood down fler got stood down a lot of the trainers got stood down and we played for I think we played for about a month with no coach which we were going good because we're on adrenaline and we're winning a lot of games and then they sort of come back in but there was always that cloud hanging over of players getting suspended or sacked which eventually ended up taking a ple I think at the end of the year I'm not too sure cuz that was weird right I don't really know how that worked out yeah that end of that year so they um employed um employed players to come forward and admit guilt and if they did it'll be a six Monon suspension which they could serve in the preseason correct and offseason as well um but this is where I kind of go go at that kind of claim is that sandor ear did the exact same thing but he end up coping a foure band yeah it was crazy man and sand was on the that gladiator show you hosted as well it was czy I saw absolutely folding 106 kilos he's a big boy like just I remember some guy stepped him one night and I was like bro this guy's making a personal life he's out there with his little crop top and his little Speedos on looking just so big and aggressive and then I remember this guy P he was like an like an ex Army vet so like a standup kind of guy like a legit Soldier and I remember he put footwork on sandor and then they would go for round two and he got a hold of him man and like head slammed him bro I thought he was dead he like he was got on top of him got real close and then head slammed him and come over the top of him with the body and I'm like this plug's dead it's a kid Sean I'm pretty sure some just killed someone he just like made it so personal let's talk about your to of the footage show so many great memories thought we have been well I want to talk about even more but even more in terms of like The Footy Show you're involved with the show like you had bon no player probes Sile oh yeah B TV but I swear there's more what was your favorite impersonation impersonation um Benji yeah Benji SK Benji was F Benji was fun Benji was always fun cu the guys they always it started when the first one ever was when Benji we did we did a live show at um I think it was 7:30 the first few years I started I would just sit in the crowd and just Heckle him um as just like a random person in the crowd and then once I did it as a kiwi and then I just sort of I just sort of morphed into Benji Marshall like I just was him in the crowd heckling him which doesn't make sense talk like him well like anyway can you V Marshall oh yeah um just played a game on the weekend um then I went to Fiji and um we'll be all right once we just get our few wins back to back that's how he sounds bro stay flat [ __ ] how many times have I got to tell you to stay flat bro and then you're flat and the coach is like there's an overlap and I'm in front of the ball it doesn't make sense no and they're like you're in front of the ball and I'm like looking at Benji in the video bro and he's like what what about please do boy water for n no no but you know what the Buress brothers were good that was hilarious they were good were wasar like you the big body with the the small head no they were they were good sports bro the burus boys um they they were good but again I'd have to play them and it's just like they're so big mate oh they're bad it's not fair man it's it's so bad I remember George's first day I was I rocked up to training was in the gym was shired off glistening sweat look like a massive polar bear and he's just doing arm curls with 30 kilos like they were 10 kilos bro I was just looking at him like who is this those twins man unbelievable like Burgess was big too mate and it's super aggressive even Luke they're big yeah and I remember used say they used to just come in the Footy Show that we'd have fun and I just couldn't stop looking at him you know he's sitting out the back like you're about to play I mean obviously we didn't have that many big big guys in our team Fida was big but we didn't have any like those Burg just twins are giants like George bur just in like 2013 2014 like honestly scary honestly that try scored in the Grand Final bro let's put some respect on that like he ran through like us playing under 10 he ran he was a for but ran like a back but like who's getting in front of that you know when they wind up oh Sam Sam Burg just was good he was physical he always used to just dishing on the field he was super aggressive he was Ang such a good player Sunny B was the same man Sunny bill was sunny bill was good man he was super aggressive and back then you could hit in the head yeah so like whenever I played you know the Wingers we'd run like carry two so they' kick off yeah they kick off and then you'd go in for a run you know you're getting hit in the head like you know especially when you start your career um and I started in 2007 and I remember we were playing in Cambra and I was playing wing and I trained in the preseason on the wing i' played mostly Center fullback growing up but they put me on the wing and I remember we're playing a game literally the game started been gone for like two minutes and then Scott Logan who was playing for camra come out of the line and hit Galloway high and they just started punching on and Ohara was in there and it was it was like a kid like it was like being a kid watching your dad fight someone I was on the field going like holy [ __ ] it was my first game and back then they could just punch on someone might get 10 but that was it but then that fight would go on the entire game so the next run you know you're getting jammed and that's just what it was you just knew when you were young playing first grade you're getting hit in the head but you had to get up you had to get up so you never had like any bad reactions from like impersonating players like no one really got offended by it yeah Jamie s did at the time which I sort of regret to be honest with you okay I feel bad because I think I hid behind the fact that I was doing all the play like I was doing Sunny Bill Benji um all the Burgess family G like literally any high-profile player I just would just roast him and it was sort of I looked at it that it was fair game but he it was quite personal at one point wasn't it yeah and I think the fact that he didn't like it I probably should have eased up then looking back did you fade off it you reck yeah because I would just whoever would like Sunny bill as well reacted to it I would just take it to the next level and I think because the people I don't know fans liked it I just I fell into that and I hid behind that looking back I wish I didn't because if it obviously was affecting him which you're looking back now it's easy to see now I'm much older um yeah I do regret that man I wish um I didn't cause want to cause any drama B I just wanted to try and entertain people but the other side of that um if it made him feel uncomfortable I do regret it I respect that man I remember like watching the footage show as a kid like every Thursday night man it was like relig in my household like it was with my family friends just congregating just watching that show and um obviously when fatty got ax show went off for one more season I think fed got a in 2017 20 yeah the start of yeah end of 2017 it all changed so 2018 was our first year without him well why do you think the show kind of ran to its end what was the reasons for it you reckon uh a few a few things I think firstly the main the main reason that people don't really acknowledge is Thursday rugby league changed everything so we the Thursday night games meant the Footy Show had to start at 10:00 oh yes which was a 950 start Y and I remember I was told at a young age I grew up watching the Footy Show loved it m i loved it it was like like you said religion um half of our audience so it was over 50% of the audience when they did the numbers in the metrics were kids and women you can't have a show on at 9:50 p.m. for kids and women to school hours and I was yeah when I started it was 7:30 then it went to 8:30 a lot of my segments were earlier because they were they were cated to for kids and women and and light entertainment and I think the key of the show footy was just a vehicle right it was an entertainment show we talk a little bit of footy at the end and people wanted to see segments where it was players feeling uncomfortable or live interviews or with their Partners or Bonos or the small talk it was all stuff around rugby league was nothing actually to do with the games um and then when we went to 2018 we had the Thursday night live game the first couple of segments were I think a live interview from the game where players get interviewed by the people on the panel and then the majority of the show the first 45 minutes or hour of the show was footy talk people didn't want that they should have changed the name because it's not the Footy Show people people associate the Footy Show with light entertainment um people taking the Pierce and having fun with each other and being jovial where somewhere they could escape the week and just watch it and have fun yeah as much as it you know it is about rugby league there was very little rugby league chat until later in the show when I started got too serious and it was put the other way around so the show then focused on talking about rugby league going through the rosters the teams the matchups and the people were watching it and the fans were like this isn't the Footy Show they should have changed the name mate identity like you said it yourself right like you're you're been someone that you're not yeah yeah they should have changed I remember when they said it to me the guys at nine said yep we're going to do this this this and this and I sort of tried to get out then I had a I think I had two years left at Channel 9 at that time and I was like this isn't going to work he with with with speaking just about footy yeah there's a market for it but not on Thursday night they they changed a lot of the hosts as well they got I think the big man left and had Ryan girdler who was doing a good job but Andrew John's also come on fulltime who didn't want to be there was because he just sitting literally this is his body language and I'm like bro can you please cheer up a b and he's like like he's on the live show like this they're on a panel he's like I'm like mate he goes I don't want to be here and I'm like I I couldn't see why they forced him to do it yeah he wanted to call the games live but they wanted to have the n and The credibility of Andre John I get it the greatest player ever on the show but he didn't want to be there yeah he didn't want to be a part of that um so I feel like it was it was probably hard for Aaron because I think she was she was given a hospital pass mate because should never have called it the Footy Show big time um because people watched it and they expected to see fatty the big man myself taking the Pierce and having light lighthearted fun straight into rugby league saturation and the fans don't like that mate they're super loyal men we'd have people lining up on Thursday nights mate that from when the new started at 6 there'd be 300 people lining up we'd have 3 or 400 in a live audience every night that's crazy couldn't couldn't couldn't buy tickets even the Footy Show Grand Final show remember that there was 8,000 people crazy 8,000 people I performed in 2012 how crazy is it B it was I couldn't believe it I was like did we did about five outside broadcasts they call them a year so we did Newcastle 8,000 people wooling gong 8,000 people 10,000 people in Gold Coast or in um Brisbane sorry like sold out every time I remember once we did a tour I think it was 20 I don't know it might have been 13 or 14 the show was white hot white hot we're in Mai and there was same thing 5 10,000 people there and I remember getting there talking to the lady and when we turned up there was a lot of rock stars they were like going nuts for the big man and like ma hadn't been exposed to a lot of um rugby league prior of that and I remember talking to a lady and I said oh this is crazy and she said we've had two big things recently and one was Elton John and they said the footy sold tickets quicker than Elton John tickets and I was like serious they go we sold out quicker than Elton John that's a moment it was crazy it was crazy so the people knew what they want we G we'd give them what they want and then in 2018 when they changed it it was yeah like I said I was trying to get out before that because I knew which way it was going to go I didn't want to go and talk footy I wanted to work in entertainment I wanted to talk pieces of the camera I wanted to learn and um sad I just I just didn't want to be a part of it I knew I knew it wasn't gonna work in that time slot yes there was a market on a Sunday for a Sunday Footy Show or even a Monday night but not on Thursday night mate because I know what the people want I'm out there with them doing the talks I know exactly what they want and they don't want they don't want to see you sitting talking about Rugby League games they want to they want to feel relief they want to feel um chill and watch the show unfold without having to think about any drama they're going through in their life and they just want to people take the pie out of each other exactly next segment is what's in the SEGMENT: “What’s in the Sauce?” (Spicy Edition) oh God hang on so what happened to Source nose oh we're not going to go through that what's in the sauce what's in the source you like that R to it yeah okay so couple multiple question uh multiple choice questions and uh in front of you you got a nice bowl of chips how do you do a spicy food by by the way not good but yeah but anyway we've got um I get mad at hiccups and that and I can't shake them for lot days but that's right that's awesome if you want to have a look at that that's my little sauce bottle there so I can't see that my eyes are bad is this this Jos is molten man is that your actual M man Source yeah or it's kind of um it's a concoction so God knows what's in it I don't even know what's in it are you selling that uh no not that specific bottle but I have been asked to kind of come up with my own sour sline but that's a story for another day um today's about you um if you get a question wrong you have to have a chip drizzled in uh in hot sauce and you can't show a face or anything like that you got to it oh it's not that bad it's not that bad looks everyone's got a different to me it's not that bad but everyone's got different tolerance right yeah but you're Asian you can you can you said this the other day I am not Asian I thought you're Asian how I'm Portuguese Lebanese Oh I thought you were um Vietnamese Le yeah okay that's you pulled my leg so you're Asian no I always thought you were Asian the whole time are you Jo are you me you're Asian Lebanese I'm not going to buy I'm not going to buy I'm not going to buy okay it's all of you are I was just saying I thought you were uh yeah nothing wrong with that but that's why you can take the heat you know what I mean the Asians yeah they do like spicy food they love spicy food Portuguese spicy food right like but are you Portuguese or you just say m my mom's Portuguese I feel like you're just saying that I'll show you my birth certificate okay who is the eldest out of you Benji Marshall or Robbie Farah Robbie Farah far out how did you know that I lived with him for years I told you this yeah but how did you know oh anyway I was like good correct Robie far is 40 years old you and Benji are 39 and only a few months apart you're actually the youngest out of the three okay what since you're top GE expert and a revhead now here we go what is the name of the new Bugatti a zadan b Turon hang on if you can't say it how am I supposed to get it you can't even say it properly Turon I said it okay but what was the first one zadan like what like zadan like zadan zadan like the French Captain the I didn't think he knew to much about man I love so okay or PL hang on there's four yeah what was the third one ton okay hang on slow it down because you didn't say that one you said toon or something you've said three different ones now A zidan B toon c tulon d platini how do you spell platin uh p l a t i n i Bugatti something give us the give us the second one again zidan a no it's not Z Turon yeah tur spell that for me t o u r b i l i o n say it again but to me without like without turbion I'm say that right you're not saying that right what was the last one I'm French plani uh plony plony or platan what is it platin batti platin buatti tulon it's not tulon it's Bugatti Z in the south of France it's not zinan zadan who was the captain of France not his name but anyway isn't it zadan zadan zinan zadan yeah but that's zenine zenan yeah okay so what what is the answer we're too long here I'll go Turon it's not tur that's it's actually that's wrong it's actually Turon you said Turon so what is it I'll give you benefit of the doubt it is Turon said toon yeah but it's you got to roll the E all right all right you won that all right number three well hang on do you have to eat one of you lose or no no no that's not how the rules work mate uh the top gee host for series one were Clarkson hammed and who may sorry Clarkson hammed and may bum BM is incorrect oh the first one who was before that Jason door you didn't even let me he you didn't even let me like tell you the answers okay well unfortunately for you Bo I jumped the gun there didn't I you did you did and now you're going to have to have let me let me help you there so what's with the Tom burges written on the table oh we'll get to that a bit later how how long does this go for you want to go out how much are you putting on that's a bit much sorry about that bro hold on like will this will this [ __ ] me up for he won't [ __ ] you up you can't shov a face okay you got to put a straight Brave face on cuz you're getting interrogated now oh wow just quickly go down the hatchet don't don't don't yep there we go where M [ __ ] all right uh question four you've played 104 games for the West Tigers between 2007 and 2012 how many so hot bro now I got hiccups I told you I get H I can't shake him for like a week There's milky oh bro there's milky FR you oh mate milk milk milk milk so hot bro I don't realize you that Sensi is that really that hot I told you I put a lot I took a lot took I took it all off question four how do you find the chili sauce okay um next question and last question hopefully you get it right for your sake you've played 104 games for the West Tigers between 07 and2 how many tries 2012 [ __ ] hell 07 and2 do I have the chili sauce how many tries has Bo Ryan scored for the West Tigers a 44 B B 45 c46 or 47 you should know this yeah how this is easy though 44 45 46 46 or 47 what's what's what's coming at you 45 sticking out at me he okay I'll go 45 no is that wrong that's wrong why can't I go another so it's 46 is it 46 you should have known that come on anyway you have to do another one just one more can you just do it for me like you're the host I can't I'm sorry I can't it's so [ __ ] hot just last one F I'm burning up you got a milk bottle I haven't eaten for like 4 hours and then my body's just putting the hottest chilly [ __ ] in the world going again like my mouth he's burning like bro you starve me do this I gave you pastries in the back I didn't that's why that I'm prepping you mate I was get mad H so h the M please all righty yeah what do you have for lunch I had um n two chili chips in a about two lers of milk all right this is your last one um this is no right or wrong answer right this is no right or wrong answer the wrong answer if you had to choose a full Kore in footy or a Korean media which one would you be you're a bit R from that Source aren't you so hot has everyone ever has everyone done this well foxy chicken [ __ ] um he didn't um so no one's done it no no they have they have J James grave went bright red [ __ ] he's not that tan as it is so you can imagine what he looked like M burning up next question is um uh I missed you question from our previous guest which was Tom burges and uh he's tailored a question just for you me do I read it SEGMENT: Mystery Question from Tom Burgess you read it right now and answer it thanks Tommy Satan is Satan is biggest biggest person in the world how would he say it how would he say how Tommy say this question yeah oh if you could have a beer with anyone in the world de or a laugh who would it be is that how he talks that's exactly how he talks sorry brother things right me and then he signed it like I'm going to keep it no it's for us so you're going to have to do the same thing so F could have it be with anyone in the world dead orow you don't drink anymore just put that drink FES bro I would have a a beer with um doesn't have to necessarily be then let's just change it like a dinner oh it doesn't matter bro it's the same thing H know it is anyone in the [Music] world I like Dave shell okay why I think he's a genius I've seen him perform a few times live um yeah maybe dead dead or alive yeah Michael Jackson would be funny what why are you laughing well no I don't know why I laugh then I don't know why I laugh I just thought of something else but anyway that's fine oh I'm not going to hang out with like st's house in that yeah yeah to Neverland I'm just going to have a beer with him yeah he's not the type of person to have a beer but I but that's what I mean he might have a beer and lose his [ __ ] be funny yeah that would be funny yeah okay they're pretty they're two pretty good on dead or alive I'm rattled from this he day um I would go [ __ ] in here am I threaten you I have to answer this you just answered it though you said I'll go um Dave Chappelle yeah I'll go Dave Chappelle bro I love Dave Chappelle the best comedians in the world funny I'd like Dave sh I'd like to sit down and have a good moment with him yeah I love that I love that well now you got the opportunity to write a question for our next What’s next for Beau? guest [ __ ] it's hot bro so fair to say it's pretty hot you don't deal with spicy food really well I don't like I don't have a like I I I respect it a little bit Yeah but like I don't need that [ __ ] yeah you know what I mean I don't want to I don't want to test myself like when I'm eating hey but see we spoke about being uncomfortable and putting yourself in uncomfortable yeah get better like to improve did you just increase your tolerance to spicy food just put it that way like appreci I just um did you sign the um card as well y thank you so I just rattled myself no you did really well so what's next for you manate you obviously finished up with the Top Gear Amazing Race when amazing when coming um it's good I think I got another week of press for Top Gear so all the episodes will be out at as of I don't know when this is going to be be on there but from July you'll be able to see all the apps on Paramount plus perfect um I just filmed another scas of The Amazing Race May and June well start of May and June I think that'll come out probably September and then hopefully get straight back into another top game man yeah so what's next like what can you force the post production for Amazing Race like we were away for about five weeks how long will that keep you busy full though post production is about 2 or 3 days a week for about two months okay or two days a week for about 2 months so it's pretty pretty full on um but because I've been away since pretty much November um the first 5 months of this year I've been away spend time with so yeah I'm just trying to enjoy some time at home before it all kicks off again I'm rattled from this chip a well you know what um I really appreciate you coming today I really appreciate that beautiful source and um brother you uh yeah you're inspiration to a lot of people you might not think it but um you've done really well for yourself so thanks so much for your time brother thanks keep doing your thing you know I love you brother love you cuz

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