'Second Gentleman' Doug Emhoff pays Tucson a visit, talks abortion rights, access

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:27:44 Category: News & Politics

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[Applause] and I are honored to welcome our second gentleman Doug mhof to Tucson and we can't wait to call you the first dude of the United States of America in November are we [Music] ready the second gentleman of the United States of America Doug [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] mhof how's it [Applause] going I got to hear my theme music wow I I feel like I'm back at the convention thank you for that mayor and first dude thank you for that warm welcome uh to be back in Tucson to be back in Arizona uh Josh where are you Josh um thank you so much for telling your story um people need to hear it um people a lot of people have heard Amanda's story but a lot of people have not heard Josh's story and that's why we know this is not just an issue for women this is an issue for all of us and I had the honor of doing an event with Josh and La a couple of months ago with 40 men just talking about these issues it got really deep and emotional and Josh so wherever you are it's dark in here thank you so much thanks and all the other speakers Orin uh many you guys we've done events together all over the country and we're going to keep doing them because this issue is so important and we are going to continue to fight for all of us this is an issue for families not just women um we are actually we have a reproductive Freedom bus tour on the Harris walls campaign it started in Donald Trump's backyard in Florida it's been going all over the country I was just with the future second lady of the United States Gwen walls in R North Carolina I time I don't know I'm losing sense of time but it was in the past I think it was pre- debate but we had such an amazing uh event there so much energy in that room there just like there is right here in new side so how about that debate um yeah that was that was awesome I I just take you back a a couple of days uh before the debate um you might have seen on on the Sunday um we had a very nice romantic walk on a uh tarmac because that's that's what our lives are like right now just stealing some romantic time on a military base um but as we were walking by you know there's a bunch of press there even though we were trying to have this private moment and they were yelling questions and they said are you ready and she just looked at them with that look I'm ready I whoa um and she was she took that stage with strength and Cal confidence and she walked right over to that dude right at his Podium he couldn't even didn't even he couldn't even summon the strength to walk towards her he just stood there literally didn't know what to do oh my god a woman is trying to shake my hand oh my goodness what do I do um it's so funny remember at one of the early rallies when kamla said you know my wife the vice president soon to be president I still love say that uh you know remember she said you got something to say say it to my face well Donald Trump had his chance to say to her face he could not even look at her one time didn't have the courage to look at her one time but she looked at him right in the eyes repeatedly looked him right in the eyes pointed at him and called him what he is a [Music] disgrace told him the fact that world leaders who he thinks love him are laughing at him she revealed Trump for the fraud that he is he's a fraud on everything you heard him on Reproductive Rights which we'll talk about to the economy and commis showed the world that she is ready on day one to be Commander inch Chief and the the contrast I mean you you could literally see the split screen I mean it was a literal contrast that could not be more clear KL Harris has the character and expertise that we need in a president that we deserve in a president president and Trump is weak unhinged and unfit for any job let alone president of the United States now apparently I just missed him by a couple hours right here in Tucson but but here he was just an even worse version of what he was the night before at the debate spewing conspiracy theories and grievances and you know why because he got his ass kicked in the debate he he got his ass kicked so bad he thought he was in [Applause] Pennsylvania a man thank you I love you too I can't see you but I love you um combo said on that stage she's the only one who took on transnational gangs and has a comprehensive solution to deal with the Border he's got nothing he tried to kill that plan Trump called up Republicans and told them to vote against it because it would help him politically as KLA said Trump would rather run scared from a problem then solve it that's who he is and you know he's scared uh now because she said let's debate again let's let's do it I'll I'll keep do this and he said uh he will not debate her again cuz he's too afraid but she's going to keep bringing the fight right to him right to his face and every single time when we needed a leader and we needed somebody to step up and not only meet the moment but exceed the moment there she was July 2th first when President Biden decided not to continue the race she stepped into the breach she stepped into the breach and and put herself out there and then at the convention on I know this date because it happened to have been our 10th wedding anniversary um August 22nd she got up there and gave one of the greatest convention speeches of all time and that to well you know that was just unbelievable um KLA Harris I I've seen it I always knew she was incredible but now she is the most badass version of herself and she's going to continue to be badass right from to right through election day and then when she's our president so she has stepped up at each and every moment when it's been required now we got to step up for her she stepped up for us now we got to step up for her especially right here in Tucson the blue wall we can win this entire election if we win right [Applause] here so if you do all the work right here you can make her president so let's get that done but we we we are talking uh about reproductive Freedom we're talking about rights and let me bring you back about two and a half years to June 24th 2022 uh right I heard some groans because you know what what date that was my phone rang and uh it's the vice president my wife in case you forgot she was on Air Force 2 because she's the vice president it's kind of a flex you know I know it's a flex it's a flex I'll stop I'll stop um don't stop but on that particular day I've literally never heard her more upset and she said douge because she can call me douge uh douge they actually did it they actually did it and I could hear the rage and anger in her voice because it was that day and that moment that I found out that the Supreme Court had overturned roie Wade and she as you know turned her rage and anger into action and you saw that on that debate stage last night but for me that literally seconds after that I got that phone call I got a text from Ella who was 23 at the time our daughter and you know she's got her busy life she's not texting dear old dad all the time but on this particular day she did and she was also Furious she said horrible horrible horrible day time to to fight I'm angry and I don't want to stand by silently you need to do something about this we need to do something about this that was Ella right after KLA called and right after that my 83 year old then 883 year old mother or 81 83 now she called and she was one of these women in the 60s and 70s who were was out there Marching for the rights that we thought would never go away equal rights reproductive freedom and so for a woman of my mother's age to have fought so hard with so many other women and men to then see that just ripped away from Ella and all the other women out there and Amanda and all the stories that we've heard it was just appalling to her and she said get out there and do something about it and so I have been out there for the past two and a half years um working with men for Choice doing events with people like Josh and talking about what's really at stake and what's at stake you've heard a lot about it from the other speakers but let me reiterate it so comma has said that this election is not only the most important election of our personal lifetimes this is the most important election of our nation's Lifetime and one of the reasons why is this issue of reproductive freedom and that Donald Trump and his little sidekick JD Vance what an extremist wants to continue this extremist Crusade that none of us want there's such a small percentage of extremists that actually want this the vast majority of Americans do not uh to dismantle women's Reproductive Rights and make women somehow less than less than citizens and it's just not fair and it cannot stand and it will not stand so it's never been more important if you care about freedom and you care about this issue and so many others that we got to get out and vote we can vote our way out of this we can vote our way out of this and it's not just electing comma and Tim it's it's electing Ruben gyo it's electing it's electing electing everyone down ballot because you see what what happens in these states um and it just appalls me that Supreme Court decision you know I was a lawyer for 30 years I teach at Georgetown law school so I kind of know what I'm talking about here um the decision was so appalling and for justice Alo to basically say women are not without recourse they can just go to the states right and look what's happened in state after State including right here in Arizona and throughout the country uh after roell um some of the most egregious immoral barbaric laws have come on the books that punish literally are are there to punish not only women and families but doctors as well and the vice president said it I think in the debate I've heard her say this um imagine you're in a state with no exceptions the JD Vance model of abort no abortion no exceptions and you you you're a victim of rape or incest which is a crime a violent crime on your body and what if you're a a a young girl that this happens to and you have no agency of what happens to your body next after being being victimized and brutalized it's IMO it's barbaric it's wrong and everyone's got to stand up and fight against it and vote and vote let's [Applause] vote and this is the majority opinion we've seen ever since dos every time this issue has come on the ballot in in red States blue States it doesn't matter the people speak the majority 60 70 80% vote for freedom because we all don't want this we do not want this extremism no matter where you live and right here I'm looking at a Fox News poll a Fox News poll that says 73% here in Arizona support a state constitution amendment to protect the B so if you're pissed off listening to me vote for pop 139 and I I get so fired up on this stuff I was a an athlete I was a hardcore lawyer and one of my Motts was to stay mad and channel that anger into positive energy and positive action so I know I'm going to stay mad until 115 November 5th I might get a little Happy on the sixth after the election but I'm going we should be mad we should be mad at what they're doing to us stay mad and vote stay mad and vote and and you I mean watching Donald Trump try to squirm during the debate on this issue was just just outrageous the the lying and the gaslighting on this issue here are the facts when he ran in in the first time in 2016 it on video he said women should be punished when they get an abortion he said it to Chris Matthews just look it up he said it can't get away from it it's real he ran on a platform of overturning roie Wade he had a list of extreme jurists that he would nominate to the Supreme Court this is a fact go look it up everyone he said it I want these justices and I want juses who want to overturn roie Wade and what really is outrageous I remember when combo was a Senator and she was on the Senate Judiciary Committee so two of the three extremists that he was able to get on the Supreme Court got before the Senate Judiciary Committee and they said oh we're going to uphold President we believe in president and stere decises oh how did that go how did that go and then Trump has the nerve in the debate to say everyone Republicans and Democrats wanted roie way to get overturned that's just outrageous it's lies it's gaslighting it's the D being overturned in dobs I've called it a hellscape we are living in this dosan hellscape for the past two and a half years caused by Donald Trump it's a trump abortion ban full stop look at Joshua's wife you heard the story about Amanda almost dying from sepsis because of what is going on around the country so as Comm keeps saying we're not going back we can't go back he set us back over 50 years for all the things my mom and her generation fought for and now Ella and her Generation all of us have to fight for it to bring it back and the first step is electing commo Harris Tim walls keep the Senate take the house win all these ballot initiatives take back these state legislators for freedom for [Applause] Freedom now I I I've said this many many times I said at the beginning I talk about this issue not it not because it's a woman's issue I talk about this because it's an issue for all of us I talk to Ella about this our daughter but I also talk to Cole about this who is our son Cole just got married a little less than a year ago his wife Greenley is from Texas now they they were thinking it some point it might be nice at some point maybe to move um but looking at that outrageous literally a full ban there's no way they want to start a family how can you start a family under conditions like that just ask Josh and Amanda so we you know it's impacting decisions it's impacting the medical profession I know there was a doctor who spoke here I have met with doctors and talked to them all over the country doctors are leaving states where they cannot fully practice medicine and when you have doctors leaving States it's not just about abortions it's about like pap smears and basic health care so you're going to see other problems arise uh because doctors are leaving and people are going to get sick and not be treated doctors are not going to have the basic skills because they're not going to teach these things in medical school anymore they're not going to get the Practical experience so there's so many horrific um elements to this that we all need to uh deal with so men men for Choice thank you I've worked with them throughout this whole process and um or I'm going to continue to work with you whether I'm second gentleman first gentleman or just good old Doug because it's just it's that important it's that important and as combo says we need to be a nation that trusts women trust them to make decisions not the government Donald Trump doesn't know how to deal with a powerful woman on the debate stage so too bad man get used to it um and I guess he found out today not to mess with Linda ronad I was checking that out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what was that song you're no good you're no good and you know Trump trump dodged the question I heard the other speech seers talk about it you know he threw good old sidekick JD under the bus on this one JD Vance I don't even know that guy wait what what's he talking about yeah he he could he dodged the question on whether he would veto National Abortion ban you you know he wants one that's what he ran on it's right there in Project 2025 whether through legislation or the com stack act that that's their game that's their game and when they and when he says things like bacon Hannibal lecor windmills uh they're eating the pets um that's all just crazy that pet thing is fully racist by the way and outrageous but they want to distract us let's be honest because if we are focusing on on that nonsense the real game is Project 2025 and abortion bans and book bans and making it impossible to vote and controlling everything that's what their game is and that's why we can't get distracted and I know I won't and I certainly know combo won't because like literally from personal experience over these last six or seven eight weeks whatever ever it's been every single time I'll say oh look there you are on TV or look at how much money we're raising or look at how how we've opened up the map she just like takes my head puts it down and says get back on the road we haven't won anything yet so she is not distracted she is not distracted and the two words she says me all the time are focus and discipline focus and displ and that's what she's doing and that's what I'm doing and that's what I need you to do for these next 50 some odd days so we can get him [Applause] there so she said it literally we get off or she got off the debate stage and the first thing she said how'd I do like what you killed it um we went to this big rally right after and she she's like we didn't want anything like like stop cheering go out go out and get to work so that's how she is doing her part and we are building like the biggest possible tent Under the Sun that has room for you know AOC and Bernie and Dick Cheney so that's how big our tent is and now we have Taylor Swift so we got a big tent and so what do we what do we do with it like I said the map is wide open we we I'm actually going to Florida tomorrow so we're we're she's in North Carolina today I've been in I was in Nevada earlier I'm here in Arizona I mean earlier meaning earlier like two hours ago earlier Arizona I'm heading to Florida she was in North Carolina so we are we're traveling everywhere these seven or eight states the map is wide open but you're welcome but we got to do the blocking and T we got to do the basics and what's the first step that's what Taylor Swift put in her her letter you got to register to vote so go to all the websites uh let me get this right so vote.com I will vote.com vote.org there's all kinds of websites out there make sure you go online figure out your strategy for registering get that done right get everyone else registered and you can um vote early here beginning October 9th so if you get registered by October 7th you can vote by October 9th so just get it done early and so you can get out there um knocking on doors going to the campaign offices calling your friends and neighbors uh doing all the the the thing and it's fun I've been to offices all over the country there's so much energy there's young people old people and everyone in between uh I'm in the old category too so making fun of myself and it's great and and it's what better way to to show your love of country and your patriotism and your sense of of just doing the right thing and moving us forward and not having to be stuck with this guy we can't like she says we're not going back but think about it we can't look at that split screen like I said we cannot have that guy and his little sidekick coming in it'll fundamentally like ruin our way of life we know none of us want to live in a world like that so let's be like her let's be joyful Warriors I get to have the joyful part most of the time at home Donald Trump saw the Warrior part and he doesn't want any more to do with that that's why he doesn't want a debat her again we're going to work hard we're going to be aggressive we're going to be tough we're going to bring it because this matters this really matters and um I'm the temp this is the one thing Tim ws and I disagree on um he's a great guy by the way um he said he's going to sleep when he's dead that's ex that's a lot I'm going to sleep on November 6 so I can enjoy the fruits of our labor to see my wife P has as the next president of these United States [Applause] 2

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