DD Show Gaming Ep 1 | Minecraft | Lake Elsinore Storm Logo

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:15:47 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: lake elsinore
hello Gamers this is the new YouTube channel DD show gaming today we're making a storms baseball in Minecraft as you can see we're coming in loading Minecraft it says loading let's play Let's Make A New World yes so we're going to name it DD show gaming because that's our YouTube channel name DD show gameing ging in is at it's not in it's I was trying to see if I can make my own world seed so you guys can join well you can actually freeze and join that world seed if you want to see it but please don't mess up my baseball if you go into this world say frogs eat small and blocky mobs did you know that the original name of Minecraft was going to be block game create time ooh there's my arm let's go what should we use as our base for it let's see what our options are let's do this um let's do dark oak planks yes this looks so good and I love how it turned out I need to press that a X why won't I why would we let's press it again I pressed it again we need to do that X the X X all I need to press is that x x x all I need to press is that X that was cool it ended when I said X what's go so let's get this shape going let destroy dance St that I actually thought it was going to be silent do I have to place that there there we go here is we're going to start the circle I'm just saying if you already saw what the front of the screen looks like you might know what the front looks like at the end mhm I am making a ball straight straight for a sec because I actually thought I was making a hamburger for a second I put red and I was thinking it was going to be because of the bun but then I'll tell and but then I just made it into my baseball snack there's the shape I think it's a bun let's start lifting this up get out of here grab the chicken grab the chicken grab the chicken I should have got that slime slime be dead woo woo woo if you want to support this channel do this V gaming do it with me D Bond let's get the bread bread bread bread bread Ed bread it's the baseball snack I get so much bread which is going in the chest get out of here Slim my Do's voice goes H and I'm not going to do my highest voice because it I think it can almost break glass and actually we're going to make videos of Roblox more m craft we're also going to make stuff like mying monsters mying monsters down a fire and if we can even fanade M any monster games we're just going to do all gaming dad can you say hi if you seen the DD show you might know him hey guys how's it going well I have the chest full but I actually break it towards the end don't spoil it I'm just saying I'm I'm not going to say why because you'll find out near the end you want to hear my favorite monsters well my favorite monster and my sing Monster is y strich y you're and then my favorite Dawn of Fire one probably is the um the cooster that one with like six heads some thing strange about the coaster why is it only five elements wait why is it it actually has five heads but why is it four why does it have four elements but five heads I actually know behind the scenes they like make this guy in a costume and and then like he just like does the animations well let's go to the Future we're at the future and look at this baby if you can see very well you could see a spider on the top and I picked obsidian red concrete and prismarine boxs and the inside is white because I think the inside of a baseball is white I actually broke the chest off camera and you want know what I did I just placed ender chests because if you place something in an Ender Chest all the other ender chests in the world have it and did you see that button well did you know there's one on the other side that's where I put my bed because this took several nights I can see that you spider I wish I could kill you yay yay yay yeah I just like kind tried to break my neck in Minecraft next we're going to put the storm logo and then after we're going to make the um if you notice storms uh they have like this little eyeball like angry face and did you know that the um uh storms is the version is like just like a tiny like a different team that is like Florida Padres minor league it's the the storms are the minor is the minor league of the Padres and actually I was there on the 31st their last game of the season and they had fireworks on the 31st and the 30th why is there three and there's no two I'm joking let's get those dark planks just in case we make a mistake like that did you see that epic y strt it was on the screen next there's going to be an epic J with is O logo I just made an S and another s and combined them it doesn't look like a mess I just copied the same exact F in creative mode you can go like be something like like six or seven bucks away does that look like a US kind of right now it just looks like the I think it looks like Moon I just put STS which stands for storm if you saw like the like what the front of the video is because I couldn't F all of them I just put t and do you know that we actually are recording this in the exact same room as our first seep episode in the DV show that's crazy we actually do the editing in this in the room of our first episode because this is where dad put his um computer you can call it a computer a Chromebook a laptop there's many names but I I just say he calls a computer well it's not a Chromebook so it's I have a Chromebook yeah mine's yeah you like my team team TI 10 let's go guys look now does that look like a tee a birdie for sure it's pretty te let's go a little bit of work but not too far off do you know that in the history of my dad she he has four YouTube channels and I have three because my dad has the DC show with his friend KY the D show with me the super the adventures which is still both of us and this YouTube channel which is still both of us this is more you I'm just going to help us edit yeah to do like the editing and everything by yourself you have to be 14 or older and plus he does like the logos and stuff and I like in the D show he makes like the logos he gets the pictures he like sets everything up and my job is to like make the ideas and help him edit because I like see stuff like like it was if you saw the episode 19 of the D show um like when you want to know why I put nope because I'm saying Thomas I started the video do you want to be in it and then like doesn't answer me Thomas do you want to be there nope promise I got the video started well it's time to go to sleep oh my gosh I'm awaken only like 3 seconds yeah obsidian can never be exploded by TNT yeah it's time for a angry face angry face angry angry angry face angry face are you excited for the angry face sure well I just know that it's going to be so cool see that's funny and if I just made a two lines above there would be guess what there would be there would be a smiley face and there's one on the screen and this is what the um actual angry face looks like boom in your face why do I think it why why that does that look does that look like the um eyeballs tell me um like just like tell it to the TV because we don't have comment section yet because to get to the comment section they have like to have like around 10,000 subscribers or like 100,000 somewhere around that does that look like this Bo I'll see you guys later goodbye Gamers bye

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