Category: Gaming
[música] [música] take always give needful take gr is no friend of me it's not working out maybe it's the chemistry it's time to break up so i can make a better me better believe in your mind it's everything you can mold shap find almost anything all it takes is some time and some clarity to find your... Read more
Category: Gaming
Il real madrid e il barcellona fosse ununica squadra che cosa potrebbe mai succedere proviamo a scoprirlo insieme su fc24 a questo punto ragazzi questa sarebbe il real madrid e barcellona uniti in un'unica sola squadra a questo punto guardate solamente l'attacco abbiamo mbappé venic junior e la mam... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro millions of viewers from around the world are tuning in for the biggest final in club football the champions league final a warm welcome from me derek ray joined here on the commentary new licensed stadiums box as always by the former arsenal and west ham player stuart robson it is manchester... Read more
Category: Gaming
There's the whistle we off both teams look great on paper let's see how they match up on the pitch the right midfielder receives the ball players calling for it got options tricky for the defenders here they can't risk flying in and fouling someone and su fti right side of the pitch and finds the winger... Read more
Category: Gaming
Привет друзья ставьте лайки подписывайтесь пожалуйста поддерживайте у нас продолжается карьера за ре мы в чемпионшипе в прошлом ролике была первое поражение от норвича и у нас игра сегодня с им ещё будет игра дома против бас мы на третьем месте получается я давайте один матч пусть и играет с нами без... Read more
Category: Gaming
That special and unbeatable feeling of match day is in the air and the knowledge that this has all the makings of a vibrant and compelling encounter anticipation levels are sky high and every expectation that this game will live up to its considerable billing it's crystal palace they face manchester... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello and welcome to the red bull arena leig in the beautiful state of saxony eastern germany i'm guy m joined for commentary by sue smith and hopefully we've got some goals and drama on the way it's germany and they face the netherlands yeah cheers guy well it's so loud in here isn't it the fans are... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] when your heart is broken you simply cannot trust what your mind is telling you [music] [music] [music] a [music] [music] [music] [music] this is what makes heartbreak so difficult to heal addicts know they're addicted they know when they're shooting up but heartbroken people do not... Read more
Category: Gaming
Salut à tous on est à londres quartier de chelsea et sous nos yeux stamf bridge dans la cabine de commentateur pour vous faire vivre ce match peut-être que vous nous avez reconnu c'est omar et benji on retrouve tout de suite le anglais et la première ligue chelsea face à crryistal palace quelques minutes... Read more
Category: Gaming
So r9 yesterday today it is time for mr rude hullet five star five star great to the game has himself an icon sbc and i kid you not it's seven squads to complete for cheap and fast fc24 ultimate team coins head over to mmo link down below and make sure to use my morate checkout to get yourself... Read more
Category: Gaming
Il y a de la tenstion il y a cette adrénaline qui transporte qui pousse à faire au mieux c'est une énergie qui vous gagne tout le corps et qui vous fait penser que tout est possible oui c'est un moment unique c'est un moment incroyable et il faut évidemment en profiter et surtout surtout réussir à sortir... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Heute werde ich die champions league simulieren aber in jeder gruppe spielen nur vereine aus dem gleichen land die gruppen a bis e werden dabei von den top fünf liegen aus england spanien italien deutschland und frankreich repräsentiert die restlichen drei gruppen von den niederlanden portugal und der... Read more