My Crawfish Étouffée (Paul Prudhomme Approved) | Chef Jean-Pierre

well hello dear friends I got something really special for you today we're gonna make a crawfish etouffee creole style that means oh you're gonna love it we're gonna start with the Beautiful Brown Roux and we're gonna put the trinity in there the celery and the the peppers and the onion and we're gonna put all that in the beautiful stock and we're gonna cook the Crawfish in there yeah I think you're gonna love it friends I know you're gonna love it let me have a thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're making it right now for you oh [Applause] okay friends let's get ready so you know I I call it a Crayola etouffee and not a Cajun native because we're gonna put tomatoes and and the occasion is you don't put Tomatoes just a little bit of tomatoes just you know because I love a tomato you know it must be the Italian part in meat and so you got to put Tomatoes but uh you know what let me talk later let me start cooking friends I got a uh a healthy cup of uh of clarified butter you can use oil if you want but you know I like butter so clarified butter is cool because it's got a really high smoke point and uh we're gonna be perfectly fine with that and we're going to make a roux and we're gonna put uh um a three-quarter cup of flour three quarter cup of flour for a half a cup of uh of oil if you want if I butter the meat that's better than oil and the reason why we use graphite about our friends is because the clarified butter um uh as the milk protein removed which means it's not going to burn now we gotta pay attention friends when we make a roux because um it's very easy very quick to burn the the flower what happened is the the flour I'm using a whiskey make sure it's really good or broken up so there's no lump in there the flower will set in the bottom of the pot and easily easily burned friends so we're going to create a uh this is a blonde Roux at this point we're going to create what we call a a brown room not a dark brown rule kind of a light brown rule I think for seafood it's more delicate and uh so to go back to the occasion versus the Creole you know my good friend that may rest in peace Paul podom would always tell me he said you know what the Creole is the city people the Cajun is a country people and uh we don't put tomatoes in there but he said I love it with tomatoes too so we're gonna make it with a little Tomatoes okay the difference between the spices between Creole seasoning versus Cajun seasoning the Creole seasoning is uh as more of the herbs in a lot more oregano and uh and and the thyme a lot more than the Cajun Cajun is mostly peppery peppery and white pepper and all nothing wrong with it but it's a lot more peppery so now then my um my flour is as you can see very well um distributes is there is no more lump right there we're gonna keep mixing this friends we're gonna keep mixing this until it becomes uh light brown and then dark brown not too dark brown we're going to continue doing it and then what we will do is um uh we are going to put some onion I got this is one onion can you believe that look look at this look at this look at this when I say one onion or that's a one onion and people said oh those are a GMO or whatever they call no they're not it's an organic farm locally right here and grows this look at this beautiful onion friends this is like a three pound oil it'd be great to do an onion video I already did that so I gotta cut it on you but this is perfect does it so um we're gonna put the onion in there and then we're gonna put the Trinity the Trinity is the onion the celery and uh and uh and and the bell peppers and um we're gonna put all this in there together but first we're gonna put the onion and I'm gonna put the other one they're not gonna have much time to caramelize ones okay so we're going to continue doing it and then we're gonna use a crawfish crawfish tails and and uh you can see them right here fresh a crawfish there um now in Fort Lauderdale sorry to tell you first but we're gonna find no fresh crawfish we there's some companies that shipping airmail a federal express air and you can get them from New Orleans there's a few companies and do it but when you get them you got them you gotta clean them you gotta put them in water get rid of all the Sands and all that and you got to boil them so it's a process there's nothing wrong with it but it's a process versus buying them already Frozen friends and uh and they're nice I mean I went to three grocery store four Nursery store Two Fish mongers just to see if I can find some fresh crawfish nobody's got them no not here in Fort low there I know if you go to New Orleans you're going to find plenty of it out there right so we're going to continue cooking this you see it's not already changing color that much yet but you got to keep mixing for instance it's not something you can just put it on and go do something now you come back oh even big doo doo because the flower will have fallen on the bottom and it burns so I got one big onion in here and I got about not that I'm measuring friends I would say a cup and a half two cups of two cups of celery cut small bell pepper green peppers you know if I was not following a traditional career recipe I would put red bell pepper we need some red in here that's what I'm putting that to me that's why I'm putting the tomatoes and then we got scallions and uh another ingredient then could be controversy to some people is garlic didn't put any garlic in this in his and uh I liked it but I told them I said I'm gonna put Garlic in mine he said you do that and he tests and he goes well that's pretty good we'll make occasion out of you someday anyway friends be careful you see what's happening you see right there I want to show you miss it too late I I correct it right away but I'm telling you first if you don't mix every soften just stick your whisk and don't be afraid to do this okay the part I'm using is cast iron but it's an enamel cast iron and a more an enemo cast iron after you use it a lot they're not non-stick surface but after you use it it becomes a non-stick surface this part right there friends I have it's got to be 35 40 years old it's got to be gotta be because I've been using it for I love it so you you see you keep mixing it keep mixing it because it's gonna see by the way from when I started you probably seen that the color has changed right friends so I told you about all the ingredients now what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue cooking it and I'll come back look see look look what happens if I want you to see you see see the way that boom boom all of a sudden you see look you can see right the flower is attaching in the bottom so don't let it happen friends and every so often that you whisk so you can do this in a cast iron or you can do it in a pot then you can use uh uh I mean you can't use it in a non-stick pot here for instance you'll be destroying it you know which brings me back to sometime you know I use some of my custom my non-stick white pen every zero using melon my fry pan are diamond coated and they're perfectly happy if I use the Romero as long as I'm not abusing I'm not in there cutting it you know all right friends we're going to continue cooking they say look it's doing good they say it's starting to get browned uh it's time to get brown it's time to smell a little nutty a little nuttier it fits perfectly well in here a little nutty well nutty around here so it feels good so look see you see it standing Brown friends all right we're gonna cook a little bit more let it get a little brown or more Brown and I want like I said I don't want to get it too Brown now if I'm making a a gumbo then I like it to be darker than that it's almost like chocolate brown but I'm when I'm doing a crawfish etouffee what is the word etouffee in French French in French etouffee means smarter smothered like you you're smothering somebody and uh and oh Mommy you're talking I see it I got to be careful um that's what etouffee means it means you're smothering somebody and you're smothering the uh the shrimp or you can make it with chicken also it'll be fantastic there you go my friends look we're looking good you know I thought I was gonna break and and having to come back but you know what it's doing good it's almost the color I wanna some of you are going to say oh it's not dark enough you know it's your head to Faith friends you make it however makes you happy I'm I'm pretty happy with having a light brown so before we had a brown rule then we went to a light brown room and we're never really gonna get to a dark brown movie because like I said I like enough too brown but I'll tell you what I'll come back in a minute give me another minute or two friends and uh and then we'll go all right I'll be back in a minute all right friends you see I got a little doctor like I said you want to make a doctor you make a doctor just keep going darker you make it stronger but remember darker you make it also stronger you make it and less it's gonna have the ability to thicken because it loses so many thick anything so we're gonna put a big onion on here first right that's an onion in it oh and we're gonna cut that onion right there we're gonna cut that onion right there that reminds me of Justin Wilson what a nice man he was remember with the suspender I guaranteed ammonium or delicious it was really good for Sylvia remember some of you probably too young to remember but it was an amazing Cajun chef I really enjoyed him nice man I got antique and ammonium are delicious and he will tell you stories all the time we tell you jokes he was really I loved watching him so look we're going to come out here on your little bit friends we can't really caramelize them so much because we got this flower that is ready to burn on us that we have to be very careful you see the way I'm using that wooden spoon and and scraping the bottom of my pot if you could be here right now friends you would love it smells delicious I am going to put uh some of my Clio seasoning and I'm going to use about two spoons for now to a teaspoon that's a creole seasoning that I make but use whatever Creole seasoning you want we make it we love it and it's very Herby it's got a lot of uh fresh herbs I mean fresh herbs in there and uh a little Cayenne in it so but it's not too spicy it's really really really good garlic onion of course all that all right friends we are now going to put oh the cement is starting to be fantastic friends we're now going to put our celery and our peppers and now we got a whole Trinity in there and we're going to coat those guys and then we're going to put our stock stuck oh I don't think I told you anything about my stock I'm using a shrimp stock because I got a shrimp stock okay but you may not have a shrimp stock my friends and if you don't what do you do don't worry just use a chicken stock friends it'll be perfectly fine you know unless you can find a nice Seafood stock somewhere I am using a um a shrimp stock but use put a little bit more of the of the spice for now I got a scallion I gotta cut the White and the and the green part of it here the white takes longer to cook so we're putting it now the green we put it all the end all right we're starting we're starting to look good my friends all right oh we gotta cut all those vegetables and then we're gonna put a little bit of tomato like I said remember you want to make it occasion you don't want to make it the Creole then don't put the tomatoes in there okay and uh and just a couple spoon of tomatoes okay that's what it is here you go two and a half don't measure it this cooking friends we're not sending a man on the moon I keep saying that a little bit of garlic again that's some Chef don't like to put it in I like to put it in so I'm gonna put it in a little so I don't offend too many people uh we're gonna put some Worcestershire sauce and this you got to measure carefully friends all right a little bit of Worcestershire sauce I am using a Louisiana hot sauce I love it I just think it's a delicious sauce Louisiana hot sauce use whatever sauce you want you certainly don't have to even put any hot sauce if you don't want it on there my friends and now we're going to put the stock see it's very simple dish to make very simple dish to make friends all right we're going to put the stock right on there a chicken stock will do just fine so we're gonna put one two three and this is for the good measure three because it was not full completely so I will write down exactly friends the uh the measurement that I use in this recipe I will write it down exactly for you okay and then we're going to put just a little bit more like a lot more actually we're going to let all this cook Theresa we're going to go for four all right and we're gonna go for for there you go four that's four four nice full one so about 24 ounces of stock but like I said I will write the recipe correctly friends so you can have it we're gonna let this cook nice and soft okay we're gonna let that cook for about 45 minutes until the vegetables are nice now the Crawfish like I said those are already cooked friends so uh we don't need to cook it so we can put them at the end we don't want to cook them right now but if you get them fresh and you you have to cook them first and so you can you can actually saute them with the Creole seasoning on the side and add them to it but you got to put them earlier if you need to cook them those are cooked so I'll put them till the end just a few minutes before the end it'll be perfectly fine all right friends we're going to continue cooking this and um and we'll adjust seasoning in a minute I can put some salt right now let's just do that and then we'll adjust this the uh the spice later on now in my stock friends I have no salt in my stock because it's homemade but if you're using a store but be careful because there's a lot of sodium in there so let it cook for a while let all the the flavors marry together and Depends the seasoning you're using is probably some salt already in there too so be careful with the salt you'll test it and you'll adjust the toward the end there's nothing wrong with that all right we're going to let this cook for a little while and I'll come back and we'll finish it together okay friends be back in a minute okay friends well you know you based it on how long you want or or how crunchy you want the vegetable to be I don't like them to be here it's a local Narita mushy vegetables bite to it so it's up to you how much you want it the thickness I'm very happy with it um again that's that's something then is uh it's up to you friends I have a whole pound of uh of those crawfish in there it's going to be probably a Overkill over the Crawfish but uh you know a rather have more than not enough so we're going to put them in there friends and then we're going to put the uh the scallion the green part of the scallion then doesn't really need to get cooked that much just to get it warmed up a little bit so friends we're going to let this cook for about a minute a minute and a half and then we're going to Plate it and then we're gonna eat it so uh taking this up to you friends if it's too liquid you can add a little bit of cook Roux if you have cooked Roux if you have a little bit of cornstarch diluted in diluted right or cornstarch and um and if it's too thick for you then you can put a little more stock I always have a pot of stock going just in case you know just in case we need but it looks good to me right now all right friends so we'll come back in a minute and we played it and we eat it okay friends server with rice that's where you're gonna do a nice rice so I did a recipe online and you know what I like to do friends I take the rice like some kind of a souffle cup right and I put it pack it in pack it in there because if you don't pack it in you're gonna have a tough time uh taking it out and make it look halfway decent I put the cup first friends because what I like to do and remember if you're reading this you've got to check it shake it check it meaning um uh let me get the plate a little closer here so what we do we put some all the way around our plate right server however you want friends I just think it's a cool way to do it but I'm sure everybody's gonna have their way of doing it this is like a big uh soup plate kind of a kind of a thing kind of a thing it's a big serving let me tell you friends this is like uh it's going to be a very big serving but nobody's complaining not me anyway and and we have it right there clean it up make a look halfway this end right and then we're going to take the cup then as the rice in it right let's make sure this is clean right and then we take the cup and we take it right out of there and see otherwise now all of a sudden we look cleaner right so it doesn't look so sloppy because you know this is not like a fancy looking dish it's just what it is and then you know what I like to do I like to decorate it with the green of the scallion a little bit actually I like to do it better than what I'm doing right now but but you get an idea put a couple of them on top and voila my friends this is right there my Creole this is right there my Creole etouffee friends and uh so you you just break a little bit of the rice in there and you just you gotta eat it with it friends you gotta eat it you gotta eat it with it and the rice is very important why why friends just you know you're eating a little bit um the Creole seasoning is so important in there um the Crawfish are fabulous you're off crawfish not easy to get do shrimps friends same principle very delicious with twins mushrooms just as well stock you know I have a swing stock it's a chicken stock there's always another way around her I hope you enjoyed it remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell friends thanks for watching we'll see you soon foreign [Music] oh yeah that's perfect I love it all right

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