Category: People & Blogs
Herr wir danken dir heute an diesem wunderbaren morgen herr den du so wunderbar gemacht hast für alles was du schon gesprochen hast dein wort ist kraft dein wort ist leben und genau das wollen wir einfach aufnehmen herr dass es frucht bringt und wir sagen wir sind bereit zu hören von dir dass dein wort... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Heute gibt's mal keinen faktencheck weil ich zwei anliegen habe das erste ist teil das einsatzwagen video weil wir gerade für einen neuen einsatzwagen sammeln sonst können wir dort wirklich in absehbarer zeit die arbeit nicht fortführen und das andere ist mittwoch gibt's bei uns einen firmenlauf komischerweise... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Cast out demons in a practical way i want to give you some steps the first step you got to realize is that you everybody can cast out demons it's no longer for the priest just for the priest it's no longer for just the super anointed person it's for the everyday believer jesus anointed everybody to... Read more
Category: Education
You are religious in some way yeah absolutely and i want to bring this up in this day and age when people go no i'm not religious i'm only spiritual you know what the latin root of religion is re legare and legare means to bind together re means again well in a world that's saying i'm only spiritual... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Heavenly father we come before you as wildfires ravage the land including the beautiful tahoe region lord we ask for your protection over all who are affected families forced to flee firefighters battling the flames and the countless animals displaced in this time of crisis we seek your guidance to... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Choose fellowship with god daily try to learn what pleases the lord and have nothing to do with the things done in darkness walk with him walk with him for life Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome to wake up with god we live stream daily mass today we attend the holy mass on tuesday 13th august 2024 tuesday of week 19 in ordinary time blessed are you father lord of heaven and earth for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children please keep quiet and concentrate on attending... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The shroud of turin is one of the most studied and controversial artifacts in history it is also one of the most important in the catholic church the linen cloth that is said to be the burial garment of jesus has been revered by many popes especially in modern times in 2010 pope benedict v 16th spent... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Du andreas jetzt habe ich gerade gesehen 1 august 2024 feiern wir einen geburtstag ja natürlich das der nationalfeiertag der schweiz nein ja natürlich aber das meine ich doch nicht wunder heute tv wird 20 jahre alt stimmt jetzt wo du sagst oh wir freuen uns da essen wir ein kuchen zusammen mindestens... Read more
Category: Education
Intro are there any places in all of the holy land that i can take you to and look you right in the eye and say with 99% certainty jesus of nazareth god in the flesh wasn't just in the area but actually placed his foot on this exact stone well i'm here to tell you but validating archaeological discoveries... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Sem derramamento de sangue não há perdão se cristo não tivesse derramado o seu sangue na cruz não haveria perdão de nossos pecados morreríamos e iríamos pro julgamento no inferno mas porque ele morreu deus pode nos perdoar porque ele derramou seu sangue deus pode dizer esta noite eu te perdoo e te justifico... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
E [aplausos] [música] ah ah [música] sí [música] [música] y [música] [música] [música] [aplausos] [música] a ah ah [música] sí [música] [aplausos] [música] ah ah ah [música] sí [música] [música] [música] [música] [música] buenos días iglesias como están sean bienvenidos yo quiero invitar a que se ponga... Read more